[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Fwd: TRAYVON MARTIN background check

2013-08-28 Thread salyavin808

Are you serious? This guy is a fucking maniac. It is not OK to
go around shooting people because they *might* have had a bad
background. He might just as easily have had a proper family
background that's acceptable to you.

You can't really justify shooting someone after the fact once you
find out they aren't as perfect as you. Justice can't work like
that. Someone would have shot him sooner or later sure.. but that
doesn't make it OK.

[FairfieldLife] shemot ha-elohim

2013-08-28 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] RE: shemot ha-elohim

2013-08-28 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread iranitea

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away
 It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates.  
 43 Purusha that passed away
 1.Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning at the 
 age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946). 
Knew him
 2.Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of stomach  
Knew him
 3.Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010  
 4.Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at age 59 
 in Fairfield, Iowa.  
 5.Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he walked 
 alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog was with 
 him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by wild animals.  
 6.Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early  September 2009 in Germany 
 (prostate cancer).  
 7.Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day  9 Febr 2009 around 7 
 p.m. in Spain.  
 8.Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009  
 9.Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 2008 at 
 his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the Purusha cow herd. 
  Heart failure. 
 10.   Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the  beginning of March 2008.  
 11.   Al Klapper (USA, in coma  after returning from India with a lung 
 infection) died around 10. March 2008.  
 12.   Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30  at Lothar Pirc’s 
 MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few  months.  
Saw him short before he died.
 13.   Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at  noon 12:47 in Vlodrop 
 in his room in space box 22 (lung  cancer).  
Knew him
 14.   Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg. 
Knew him
  15.  Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau  2006.  
 16.   Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his motorcycle 
 after several months in coma, 2006.  
 17.   Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver cancer at 
 his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years.  
 18.   Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005  (rabies).  
Knew him
 19.   Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood poisoning 
 after he had injured his colon with a self-administered  basti.  
 20.   Hanspeter  Ritterstaedt  (Germany) died  ~1998.  
Was very old, ex-German national leader, I got the flying sutra by him
 21.   Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998.

Great Artist, left Purusha in 1988.
 22.   Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who  was in Wavre 1996, 
 performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together  with Jean-Paul 
 Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast enlightenment).  

Know Jean-Paul

 23.   Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to wash his 
 face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all the time. He 
 was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he committed suicide 
 at home in Martinique.  
 24.   Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the  beginning of 1993.  

Quite old probably.
 25.   Jos Verstege, a  Dutch Purusha of the Vedic Atom who died after he went 
 home, maybe  1990.  
 26.   Roberto Frangerini (Italy) had a fatal traffic accident on the way to 
 his mine in Brasil ~1990  

Really nice guy, had heard about it.

 27.   Dr. Eberhard Arnold, Purusha doctor, died  maybe 1988.  

Knew him well, and met him at least in 1990, after he was thrown out of TM 
because of his association with SSRS. He must have lived quite a time longer, 
he may even still be alive -sure he is dead? Anyway 1988 is when he left the 

 28.   Sten Sjoested aus Schweden burned himself in the basement in Vlodrop 

Was there when it happened. Very sad story. Nice guy actually, I worked with 
him, but very quite, I had no idea what was going on.

 29.   Dr. José Maria Coderch, a medical doctor and Spanish Purusha, who died 
 in Brazil in a car accident in 1987.  
 30.   Adrian Hug died maybe 1985 at home in Switzerland (cancer).  
 31.   Frank Papentin died maybe 1983 of a brain  tumor.  
 32.   Ceri Brooks (from Wales, Great  Britain) †Mike Toomey said 2007 in 
 Oebisfelde that Ceri died “a long time ago. 
 33.   Andreas Moritz, German, died in U.S. Oct. 19, 1012.  Artist and author 
 of 15 books on health. 

Was my TTC III teacher. Still had contact with him 2 years back. 2012 (not 1012 

 34.   Pierre Baierle (Switzerland), died Sep. 9, 2012 at age 58 in 
 Uttarakhand, India, walking home after spending day with Rob Cox. 

Was very active on Facebook making tours in India and supporting Anamaya Ashram 

 35.   David Earl (US), died age 58 on Dec. 9, 2011 during sleep at 
 Brahmasthan, while assisting with International 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Buck

Yup, the ad hominem is right up the with pornography on Yahoo groups.  Yahoo is 
being ahead of the curve on this on the internet.  Yahoo really is being quite 
good and spiritual with its new guidelines for groups.  FFL should come into 

 Friends, But the larger problem we have now is with the new Yahoo guidelines 
 and our under-moderated ad hominem homid members threatening the life=blood 
 of the whole group.
  People obviously have way too many posts to fire and burn here.
   Recent case in point, quote:  I thought it was mean spirited, actually. 
   Same old invectives hurled at someone:
Are you dumb, or dull, or nuts? 
 Yahoo! Groups give Yahoo! users a place to meet, interact, and share 
 ideas with each other. .. Yahoo! sets out the terms and conditions of 
 your use ..  some of the key things to remember are:
 1. You may not harass, abuse, threaten, or advocate violence 

Yep, personal by its nature the use the ad hominem is abuse on all 
these levels. 
  But we got a larger problem in want of a better decorum for FFL:  
  Yes, by the virtue of the new Yahoo-groups guidelines being placed 
  over us we should directly outlaw the ad hominem and name-calling 
  forms of argument as lower than the lowest and directly banish 
  those who use them here as the fundamental and great threat to our 
  whole way of life here on a Yahoo-group that they are. 
Yep these people have taken toll the life spark of FairfieldLife 
   here on Yahoo-groups with the Ad hominems.   Time comes now to do 
   with serious moderation or surely let the list die entirely.  
   Seems a time has come for action one way or the other.  Radical 
   action.  Resuscitation or it dies.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wleed3 WLeed3@ wrote:

 I am leaving if the postings are not reduced much is vitriol 

Yep, the name-calling and the ad hominem certainly are the low 
forms of argument here and should certainly be outlawed in 
civil society and on all Yahoo groups as reprehensible abuse.  
Yes, by stark contrast certainly the best writing and exchange 
on FFL was in a time when the post count was limited to 35 per 
week.  This list cries out for a limit to abuse and a strong 
hand of moderation.  A strict speed limit of 35 posts per week.
 In a message dated 08/23/13 16:55:50 Eastern Daylight Time, 
 dhamiltony2k5@ writes:
 Dear Rick, the post-count experiment as a noble hope is 
 clearly failing.  The lowest form of writing and argument 
 evidently dominates FFL with their diluting flood of the 
 post-count of FFL.  As an elder of the FFL community here I 
 implore you Rick, please save our FFL from the lowest form of 
 argument on FFL, the Ad hominem .  These people's abuse of 
 the list and community here with the Ad hominem is too much.  
 Something radical, something different needs to be done to 
 save FFL as a spiritual and free place. 
 To subscribe, send a message to: 
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's yer feel-good good-morning post

2013-08-28 Thread Buck
Yeah that kind of thing happens all the time in singing in Fairfield.  It's 
quite a cultivated community of talented folks.  People show up for fun and wow 
the harmony.  frequently meet for lunch at Revelations to harmony sing.  
Recently a visiting opera singer joined in.  It was amazing grace to hear the 
text of the songs pop out with this guy by nature of his singing.  It was 
incredibly spiritual.  That is Fairfield.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Thanks Turqb, that clip is real nice.
   That kind of thing happens all the time in Fairfield, Iowa.  It is amazing 
 in this little town the communal talent that there is here and comes through. 
   And the cultivated audience too that shares in it and supports it with 
 appreciation.  Those of us who live in Fairfield pick-up the Fairfield Weekly 
 Reader religiously on Thursdays to map out who is doing what for theatrical 
 or music performance or art openings and such going on most every day or eve 
 of a week in Fairfield from fine to folk art.
 The Fairfield Meditating Community
 Based on balancing labor and leisure to meditate while working together for 
 the benefit of the community.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Sorry to interrupt all the backslapping and You're even meaner than
  I am and Boy, you sure 'got' ___ this time for another subject, but
  even I enjoyed this instance of randomicity, so I'm passing it along:
  I'm not normally a fan of musical theater, but I like Kristin Chenoweth
  because she was just so cute in the short-lived Pushing Daisies, which
  was edited by one of our at-the-time FFL members.

[FairfieldLife] The long Dharma of Equal Rights

2013-08-28 Thread Buck

Nice montage commemoration of the Martin Luther King I have a dream


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
Although they are depicted in cartoons a lot, I actually saw a guy in Los 
Angeles, once, wearing a sandwich board, that read, Repent! The end is near!. 
I remember looking at his expression, and thinking how unflustered he looked.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Yup, the ad hominem is right up the with pornography on Yahoo groups.  Yahoo 
 is being ahead of the curve on this on the internet.  Yahoo really is being 
 quite good and spiritual with its new guidelines for groups.  FFL should come 
 into alignment. 
  Friends, But the larger problem we have now is with the new Yahoo 
  guidelines and our under-moderated ad hominem homid members threatening the 
  life=blood of the whole group.
   People obviously have way too many posts to fire and burn here.

Recent case in point, quote:  I thought it was mean spirited, 
actually. Same old invectives hurled at someone:
 Are you dumb, or dull, or nuts? 

  Yahoo! Groups give Yahoo! users a place to meet, interact, and 
  share ideas with each other. .. Yahoo! sets out the terms and 
  conditions of your use ..  some of the key things to remember are:
  1. You may not harass, abuse, threaten, or advocate violence 
 Yep, personal by its nature the use the ad hominem is abuse on all 
 these levels. 
   But we got a larger problem in want of a better decorum for FFL:  
   Yes, by the virtue of the new Yahoo-groups guidelines being 
   placed over us we should directly outlaw the ad hominem and 
   name-calling forms of argument as lower than the lowest and 
   directly banish those who use them here as the fundamental and 
   great threat to our whole way of life here on a Yahoo-group that 
   they are. 

 Yep these people have taken toll the life spark of 
FairfieldLife here on Yahoo-groups with the Ad hominems.   Time 
comes now to do with serious moderation or surely let the list 
die entirely.  Seems a time has come for action one way or the 
other.  Radical action.  Resuscitation or it dies.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wleed3 WLeed3@ wrote:
  I am leaving if the postings are not reduced much is 
 Yep, the name-calling and the ad hominem certainly are the 
 low forms of argument here and should certainly be outlawed 
 in civil society and on all Yahoo groups as reprehensible 
 abuse.  Yes, by stark contrast certainly the best writing and 
 exchange on FFL was in a time when the post count was limited 
 to 35 per week.  This list cries out for a limit to abuse and 
 a strong hand of moderation.  A strict speed limit of 35 
 posts per week.
  In a message dated 08/23/13 16:55:50 Eastern Daylight Time, 
  dhamiltony2k5@ writes:
  Dear Rick, the post-count experiment as a noble hope is 
  clearly failing.  The lowest form of writing and argument 
  evidently dominates FFL with their diluting flood of the 
  post-count of FFL.  As an elder of the FFL community here I 
  implore you Rick, please save our FFL from the lowest form 
  of argument on FFL, the Ad hominem .  These people's abuse 
  of the list and community here with the Ad hominem is too 
  much.  Something radical, something different needs to be 
  done to save FFL as a spiritual and free place. 
  To subscribe, send a message to: 
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links 



Re: [FairfieldLife] The long Dharma of Equal Rights

2013-08-28 Thread Share Long
Thanks for posting, Buck, shows the power of the right words at exactly the 
right time...

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The long Dharma of Equal Rights

Nice montage commemoration of the
Martin Luther King I have a dream speech. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Yes, the Flower of a generation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology to POTUS
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to remember?

   It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates.  


   43 Purusha that passed away

   1.Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning 
   at the age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946).  
   2.Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of 
   stomach  cancer.  
   3.Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010  
   4.Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at 
   age 59 in Fairfield, Iowa.  
   5.Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he 
   walked alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog 
   was with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by 
   wild animals.  
   6.Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early  September 2009 in 
   Germany (prostate cancer).  
   7.Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day  9 Febr 2009 
   around 7 p.m. in Spain.  
   8.Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009  
   9.Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 
   2008 at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the 
   Purusha cow herd.  Heart failure. 
   10.   Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the  beginning of March 
   11.   Al Klapper (USA, in coma  after returning from India with a 
   lung infection) died around 10. March 2008.  
   12.   Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30  at Lothar 
   Pirc’s MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few  months. 

   13.   Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at  noon 12:47 in 
   Vlodrop in his room in space box 22 (lung  cancer).  
   14.   Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg.  
   15.   Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau  2006.  
   16.   Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his 
   motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006.  
   17.   Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver 
   cancer at his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years.  
   18.   Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005  (rabies).  
   19.   Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood 
   poisoning after he had injured his colon with a self-administered  basti. 

   20.   Hanspeter  Ritterstaedt  (Germany) died  ~1998.  
   21.   Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998.  
   22.   Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who  was in 
   Wavre 1996, performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together  
   with Jean-Paul Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast 
   23.   Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to wash 
   his face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all the 
   time. He was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he 
   committed suicide at home in Martinique.  
   24.   Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the  beginning of 
   25.   Jos Verstege, a  Dutch Purusha of the Vedic Atom who died after 
   he went home, maybe  1990.  
   26.   Roberto Frangerini (Italy) had a fatal traffic accident on the 
   way to his mine in Brasil ~1990  
   27.   Dr. Eberhard Arnold, Purusha doctor, died  maybe 1988.  
   28.   Sten Sjoested aus Schweden burned himself in the basement in 
   Vlodrop 1987.  
   29.   Dr. José Maria Coderch, a medical doctor and Spanish Purusha, 
   who died in Brazil in a car accident in 1987.  
   30.   Adrian Hug died maybe 1985 at home in Switzerland (cancer).  
   31.   Frank Papentin died maybe 1983 of a brain  tumor.  
   32.   Ceri Brooks (from Wales, Great  Britain) †Mike Toomey said 
   2007 in Oebisfelde that Ceri died “a long time ago. 
   33.   Andreas Moritz, German, died in U.S. Oct. 19, 1012.  Artist and 
   author of 15 books on health. 
   34.   Pierre Baierle (Switzerland), died Sep. 9, 2012 at age 58 in 
   Uttarakhand, India, walking home after spending day with Rob Cox. 
   35.   David Earl (US), died age 58 on Dec. 9, 2011 during sleep at 
   Brahmasthan, while assisting with International courses. 
   36.   Johannes Seefluth (Germany), died Oct. 2, 2011 at age 79 of old 
   age , Oebisfelde. 
   37.   John Smilek (US), died July 2011 of liver cancer, age 61, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread emptybill
Funny reply.

A 'smerican hugh?

Pro'ly you didn't want to live in the land of the Once Free.
However, I think chanuckistan's political system is
even more f'd up than here - although we're fast turning
into a crime ridden, illegal overwhelmed, drug house of

If I didn't have two daughters needing me, I'd be better off
down under.

Damn gotta go to work.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill  wrote:
  You got yer psycho-RN training from the World Teacher,
  so I know you already know how those demons subvert the
  innocents from using their free-will power-to-choose. Heh, Heh.
 I like that image of psycho-RN training from the World Teacher. It
 such a cool ring to it. Am I really that formidable? A Nurse Ratched?
 OK, I'm game if you are. Now turn around, bend over and down with
 well we could play nurse all day but I better answer the rest of your
  FYI - A chamber has to be empty to receive the trust of the
  fitted bullet - but the heat only erupts as the round explodes.
 Yea, yea, of course it's empty, you just fired all the bullets and now
 it is hot, very  hot. I'm not sure you hit anything but it made a big
  Also FYI - My mom was a jumper. My parents bred
  quarter-horse and appaloosa. One of the apps was a
  cutting horse and a joy to ride. But that was never my
  main interest.
 Whoa cowboy. Quarter horses are not known for their jumping prowess
 they can cut alright. You need to have some pretty good stickem to
 on those babies. They turn and stop and wheel like nobody's business.
 couldn't stay on one of those even. You wouldn't have a chance. Appys
 can be pretty to look at but they're also stubborn as mules for some
 reason. They never have decent tails either, no hair.
  BTW - Enjoy your North American domicile while you can - after
  all the 'smericans you chanuckistani's hate are the sole
  protectors of your sweet hyperborean paradise.
 Whoa again sweet cheeks. I'm American.
  Just remember that death is stalking us all, even when we're
  acting like it isn't so.
 Well, being the Woody Allenish hypochondriac that I am I am infinitely
 aware of death and disease every waking moment. I live death baby,
 believe me.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
Annie Gottagun
   Oh empty chamber, all those bullets you keep expelling and now
  smoking hot.
Thanks for finally clarifying it all.
So glad you finally showed what you really
learned in secret from the World Teacher.
   in secret?
You too are now a discerner of intent and
the disguised motivations of the demons.
   Are you a demon?! Yoiks and all this time I mistook you for this
  bitter guy without the sweetness but a man nevertheless.
Gotta a circle of disciples yet?
   Well, not a circle exactly, more like a trapezoidal figure. I'm
  sure they're disciples exactly, they come and ride with me sometimes
  help me pick apples in the orchard. Do you ever pick apples empty
  chamber/smoking gun? We have a rather large, abandoned orchard with
  pears and figs and plums (both golden and purple) blackberries,
  peaches, cherries and the deer and rats and birds love to eat there.
  This is where I and my would-be disciples sometimes pick apples for
  horses which we gather in wheelbarrows; there are just so many
  and these are many types of heritage apples grafted onto other
  trees by the previous property owner. Oh, and we have one horse
  in that orchard. An old jumper who deserved to be placed in the
  underneath the fruit trees so that he didn't have to be carted off
  thrown into a pit at the local dump. He wasn't my horse but he
  the privilege to come and find a quiet resting spot after a life of
  racing for 8 years and jumping for another 12. My old mare of 29
  will be buried in that orchard next to him. Her name is Annapurna.
  might like her; she is wise and gentle and beautiful.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
  Yer like a teenage boy high on meth.
  Stop sounding like a fool ... fool.

 EB, you are always scolding someone. Now you're sounding like
  Buck, at
least in your intention to silence.

[FairfieldLife] Alien spaceport? - Siduri in the Epic of Gilgamesh

2013-08-28 Thread Jason

 ---  , Emily Reyn  wrote:
  Dear Bob, given what Siduri says, I would suggest that you get the
 pedicure. Â Mean girl love, Emily
 Dear Emily,
  Siduri is a character in the Epic of Gilgamesh. She is an
 alewife, a wise female divinity associated with fermentation.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***Fermentation, with the correct formula of herbs and oils, is one of the 
 secrets of longevity.
 In the Old Babylonian version of the Epic, she attempts to dissuadeÂ
 Gilgamesh in his quest forimmortality,
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***The secrets of immortality include: create something, and don't die.
 urging him to be content with the simple pleasures of life

---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***The simple pleasure of enjoying the total internal reflection of a
 diamond depends on the
 complex process creating the proportions of a brilliant cut.

Which I suppose requires skill?

BTW, Did this Gilgamesh of ancient Sumerian texts speak of 
alien spacecrafts, land and take-off at a site in Baalbek in 

Maybe this is more likely to be in Bhairitu's alley or maybe 
Nabby's alley.

 (Gilgamesh, whither are you wandering?
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***Its my experience that self invention is addictive (you could also check 
 with Voldemort).
 Life, which you look for, you will never find.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***I'm not sure we put away childish things although I'm convinced
 Love suffers long and is kind...
 For when the gods created man, they let death be his share, and life
 withheld in their own hands.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***One of a number of reasons I'm disappointed that Robin no longer
 graces this forum is that
 he was one of the few I found here that understands a life well lived
 requires death to be examined;
 I was also curious to hear his thoughts on money, could they be related?
 Gilgamesh, fill your belly. Day and night make merry. Let days be full
 of joy, dance and make music day and night. And wear fresh clothes. And
 wash your head and bathe.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***I'm working to rectify my truncated childhood.
 Look at the child that is holding your hand, and let your wife delight
 in your embrace. These things alone are the concern of men.)[1]Siduri's
 advice was recorded in the Old Babylonian version of Tablet X referred
 to as the Meissner fragment.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 ***If men could follow these suggestions perhaps the relative barbarity
 of gassing and shelling would no longer
 be so much of concern of a for us.
---  bobpriced bobpriced@... wrote:

 I'll be visiting the SPA today.
   From: bobpriced bobpriced@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 2:15 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Real Fairfield Life Post
   ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
As I'm sure he knows, I'm a huge fan of Turq's posts; so I'm
if anyone
would be kind enough to translate this one for me, particularly
 the last
   ---  Jason  wrote:
   Hey Bob, it's so nice to have you here.  You add color and
   an extra dimension to this group.
   I think you scared Barry which is why he doesn't reply to
   We are geneticaly hardwired to see symmetrical faces and
   clear skin as attractive.  It indicates the genetic health
   of the individual, resistance to infections etc.  Perhaps it
   does irk him a bit when a woman gets attrracted to a baldy
   like MMY.
   There are 6 categories of immune systems in humans and it's
   reflected in facial features and smell.  You are attracted
   to someone with a complementary immune system.  You are not
   attracted to someone with a similar immune system.
   It's a mechanism by nature to prevent in-breeding. It also
   ensures that the ofspring are healthy and have better immune
  Thanks Jason, I plan to read more about this; it could explain why
 all the wives are brunettes and I'm blond and our children are all
 Eurasian, and why
  mosquitoes within 100 miles want to make a meal out of me and never
 lay a glove on them. I'm thinking it may also explain why I'm attracted
 to multilingual  women who speak English as a second or third
 language; unlike that ungrateful sod Murdoch (remember she almost took a
 pie in the face for him)---who, just after filing for divorce, was
 overheard telling a friend that after 15 years of marriage he realized
 had never understood what Wendi was saying---I happen to believe that
 not speaking the same first language as your spouse has some real
 advantages. I mean, just this morning, the wife asked me if I would
 consider getting a 

[FairfieldLife] Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
From Grounding 
the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an informal 
anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit counseling to 
those who want out of the movement.
One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real estate 
broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion that 
is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became head 
TM's Washington Center.
TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in TM, 
they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a simple, 
effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu believer, 
said Kelley.
Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered a 
sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd tell 
me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was a 
person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually quit 
meditating, and left the movement.
Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this group 
and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was only 
special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed the 
adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Peace Palaces

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
If you lived here, you'd be om now
Omaha World-Herald
Paul Hammel
April 27, 2009
PLEASANT DALE, Neb. - Even peace and enlightenment are taking
a beating in today's economy.
Followers of the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have recently
abandoned plans to build a $3 million Peace Palace at an Interstate 80
interchange just west of Lincoln.

The 27-acre plot is now being offered for sale for $180,000.

Proceeds would be used for other Peace Palaces and other projects, including a
recent push to use Transcendental Meditation in troubled public schools to
improve academic performance.

Everything that you've been reading about the economy affects us as
well, said Kent Boyum, director of government relations for the Global
Country of World Peace, an affiliate organization that owns the Seward County

Several other properties owned by Maharishi-affiliated groups are being sold
off as the organization reassesses its priorities in the troubled economy and
in the wake of the death of the Maharishi last February, Boyum said.

The downturn has even affected fees charged for an introductory course in
Transcendental Meditation, which were recently reduced from $2,500 to $1,500.
People with financial hardships can sign up for as little as $750, according to
Wally DeVasier, who directs three Peace Palaces in the Fairfield, Iowa, area.

Everyone's been hit by this, DeVasier said.
The sale marks a new chapter for a piece of property with a
colorful past.
The plot, in the northeast quadrant of the Pleasant Dale exit
of I-80, used to be the site of a small truck stop. In 1994 it became the
Prairie Peace Park.

Actor and peace activist Ed Asner attended the dedication of the park, which
sought to promote world peace and justice through a series of murals and

About 1,500 people, including U.S. Sen. Jim Exon and Nebraska first lady Diane
Nelson, attended the grand opening of what was billed as the world's
first peace park. Former Gov. Frank Morrison was among those on the
park's board of directors.

But grand plans for the park never took off. Attendance waned, as did volunteer
help and donations to keep up the property.

In 2005, the park's co-founder and director, Don Tilley of Lincoln, announced
the sale of the property to the Global Country of World Peace, a group
associated with the Maharishi, who is perhaps best known for mentoring the

The Seward County Peace Palace and another palace envisioned for Omaha were
among 3,000 that were planned across the country. They would have been places
where advanced and beginning Transcendental Meditation classes would be taught.

Plans for the Omaha palace were scrapped when suitable and affordable land
could not be found, according to Eric Michener, who was involved in developing
the Nebraska palaces.

The goal of 3,000 palaces was probably too ambitious, Michener said.

We don't have the funding for anywhere near that number, he said.

Tilley said he was disappointed to hear that the Peace Palace plan had been

It would have worked out beautifully, he said.

Not all the planned Peace Palaces were abandoned, and the Transcendental
Meditation movement got a big publicity boost recently when former Beatles Paul
McCartney and Ringo Starr performed at a fund-raiser.

A new Peace Palace will open soon in St. Paul, Minn. Two were built in
Fairfield, Iowa, a town of 15,000, and another in nearby Maharishi Vedic City.
That town of 222, incorporated in 2001, is dedicated to the Maharishi and
incorporates his views on architecture.

Nearly a dozen Peace Palaces were begun near Smith Center, Kan., just south of
the Nebraska border. Smith Center was envisioned as a World Peace Capital for
the TM organizations.

The economy has slowed construction there, Boyum said. One palace is nearly
finished, however, and a second is not far behind.

The Peace Palaces near Fairfield, in southeast Iowa, make more sense, DeVasier
said, because Maharishi University of Management is there, and many people come
to Iowa to learn advanced TM methods that address high blood pressure.

DeVasier said palaces planned in less populated areas, such as the one near
Lincoln, are among those being put off.

Whoever buys the Peace Palace site will get some memorabilia with it: Two
exhibits from the Prairie Peace Park days - including a globe-shaped
Dance of the Children sculpture - are included in the purchase.

[FairfieldLife] Sal do you know Hesta?

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
A call for an 
official enquiry into the aims and methods of the Transcendental Meditation 
movements was 
made at a public meeting in Wealdstone in May.  

Former TM teacher, Hesta Fischberg said Britain was 
the only country in which the movement was not the subject of government 

has always been proud of her heritage of freedom and justice,” she told the 
meeting, “the last thing we should allow on our soil is this horrible 
falsehood.  It is about time someone 
started to do something.  The 
Maharishi has got10,000of our people under 
his control and God knows where they are going to end up.”  

The meeting was organized to warn the 
public of the “cancer” of TM.  Miss 
Fishberg said, “Some people do feel relaxed when they begin to meditate, but as 
they become more and more drawn in to the movement they become so ‘relaxed’ 
they can be totally dominated¼.  They say they have achieved peace, but 
whose world are they living in where there is peace?”  

“What is happening to those people is 
quite horrifying,” continued Miss Fischberg, “They deteriorate to a state 
in which they can no longer resist.”  In the meantime, MentmoreTowers is open 
to the public, its 
walls hung with silk and velvet, its grounds about to be built over to provide 
more accommodation.  They now sell 
silk dresses (made by meditating Chinese in Hong Kong) 
through the trade for between £230 and 

[FairfieldLife] Zambia

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
Funny how you never read such things in the Global Country Good News

TM Scheme Chased from Zambia.  
    ATranscendental Meditation (TM) scheme to turn Zambia into heaven on 
earth appears to have collapsed 
in the wake of the electoral defeat late last year of the scheme's chief 
patron, long-time Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda.
    The devoutly 
Christian president's interest in mystical matters - he already had an 
Indian spiritualist as an advisor - was well known when TM 
representatives sold him on a plan to take over one quarter of the 
country on which to develop ideal communities by sowing unused land and 
creating new villages while teaching Zambians TM techniques. This in a 
once prosperous country with its economy now in tatters, food and 
medicine in short supply, and a decaying infrastructure.
    The Maharishi 
Heaven on Earth Project - crazy, isn't it, said opposition politician 
Derrick Chitala - had managed to establish a training center where 
hundreds of Zambians studied meditation via videotape, farming, solar 
energy, holistic medicine, conversion of gasoline engine cars to 
pollution-free electric technology, and other skills needed for the new world. 
The school was run and promoted by Humphrey Mumba, a 34-year-old devotee who 
says TM cured his asthma. He sees TM as a scientifically 
proved life-improvement technique used successfully around the world.
    President Kaunda, 
who denied any personal involvement in TM - That is not in my line - 
said the project was merely an experiment, an attempt to try something 
radical and new to solve Zambia's endemic problems. He said it was a 
development scheme, not a religious one, and that no one would be forced to 
join a cult or meditate.
    A local newspaper 
editor explained: The gurus came to him with this idea to put up this 
funny project of theirs and found the president very receptive to the 
idea. They are very clever. They see the psychology of the man and they 
exploit it.
    During the run up 
to the election, an opposition spokes-man told a rally, They are going 
to give our land to the gurus of India! We say, when we are elected, we 
will send them home! (From Heaven's strange bedfellows, by Rick 
Lyman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/16/91, 1A, 14A; Kaunda Swept From 
Office in Lopsided Zambian Vote, by Karl Maier, Washington Post, 
11/2/91, A1, A19)
    The night before 
the election, TM had a half-hour TV ad about how the TM scheme would 
make Zambia invincible among its neighbors and a world leader. The day 
after the election, which saw Kaunda get only 20% of the vote, TM 
officials reportedly fled the country. (Cult Observer Report)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
From 23 years ago.  Wow.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
 From Grounding 
 the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
 More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
 Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
 Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an 
 anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit counseling 
 those who want out of the movement.
 One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real estate 
 broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion 
 is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
 Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became head 
 TM's Washington Center.
 TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
 they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in TM, 
 they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
 TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a simple, 
 effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
 Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
 courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu believer, 
 said Kelley.
 Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
 extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered a 
 sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
 intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd 
 me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
 devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was a 
 person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually 
 meditating, and left the movement.
 Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
 Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this 
 and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was only 
 special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
 Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
 celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed 
 adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
 ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
 he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
 to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Spices

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson

[FairfieldLife] Re: Peace Palaces

2013-08-28 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 The plot, in the northeast quadrant of the Pleasant Dale exit
 of I-80, used to be the site of a small truck stop. In 1994 it became
 Prairie Peace Park.

Gotta love Google Maps Street View...

http://tinyurl.com/nlxnmvg http://tinyurl.com/nlxnmvg

[FairfieldLife] Happy Krishna Janmashtami

2013-08-28 Thread obbajeeba

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Funny reply.
 A 'smerican hugh?
 Pro'ly you didn't want to live in the land of the Once Free.

Being head nurse of the psycho  WT ER up here and having vowed to overlook the 
land of the World Teacher for eternity I am bound to stay in this sacred place 
called Victoria. I take my position and status seriously so I am bound to the 
land up here. You never know, one day the WT himself might return to claim his 
rightful status once again and for that we can all rejoice. Only this time you 
better be boned up on your first person ontology and forget the demon thing - 
so passe.

 However, I think chanuckistan's political system is
 even more f'd up than here - although we're fast turning
 into a crime ridden, illegal overwhelmed, drug house of

From afar what I see is a country riddled with the wrong kind of patriotism 
based on erroneous reasoning and reaction. While the US has a lot going for it 
I can't handle all that Star Spangled Banner and in my 57 years on this planet 
I have only spent about 20 years of that on your side of the border. 

And as far as politics goes, government is doomed to be run by humans therefore 
what do you expect? If you go Down Under you will have to listen to that 
accent though and that is almost worse than knowing you live in a country where 
Duck Dynasty was conceived of and broadcast. Lawd, help us.
 If I didn't have two daughters needing me, I'd be better off
 down under.
 Damn gotta go to work.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill  wrote:
   You got yer psycho-RN training from the World Teacher,
   so I know you already know how those demons subvert the
   innocents from using their free-will power-to-choose. Heh, Heh.
  I like that image of psycho-RN training from the World Teacher. It
  such a cool ring to it. Am I really that formidable? A Nurse Ratched?
  OK, I'm game if you are. Now turn around, bend over and down with
  well we could play nurse all day but I better answer the rest of your
   FYI - A chamber has to be empty to receive the trust of the
   fitted bullet - but the heat only erupts as the round explodes.
  Yea, yea, of course it's empty, you just fired all the bullets and now
  it is hot, very  hot. I'm not sure you hit anything but it made a big
   Also FYI - My mom was a jumper. My parents bred
   quarter-horse and appaloosa. One of the apps was a
   cutting horse and a joy to ride. But that was never my
   main interest.
  Whoa cowboy. Quarter horses are not known for their jumping prowess
  they can cut alright. You need to have some pretty good stickem to
  on those babies. They turn and stop and wheel like nobody's business.
  couldn't stay on one of those even. You wouldn't have a chance. Appys
  can be pretty to look at but they're also stubborn as mules for some
  reason. They never have decent tails either, no hair.
   BTW - Enjoy your North American domicile while you can - after
   all the 'smericans you chanuckistani's hate are the sole
   protectors of your sweet hyperborean paradise.
  Whoa again sweet cheeks. I'm American.
   Just remember that death is stalking us all, even when we're
   acting like it isn't so.
  Well, being the Woody Allenish hypochondriac that I am I am infinitely
  aware of death and disease every waking moment. I live death baby,
  believe me.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@

 Annie Gottagun
Oh empty chamber, all those bullets you keep expelling and now
   smoking hot.

 Thanks for finally clarifying it all.
 So glad you finally showed what you really
 learned in secret from the World Teacher.
in secret?
 You too are now a discerner of intent and
 the disguised motivations of the demons.
Are you a demon?! Yoiks and all this time I mistook you for this
   bitter guy without the sweetness but a man nevertheless.
 Gotta a circle of disciples yet?
Well, not a circle exactly, more like a trapezoidal figure. I'm
   sure they're disciples exactly, they come and ride with me sometimes
   help me pick apples in the orchard. Do you ever pick apples empty
   chamber/smoking gun? We have a rather large, abandoned orchard with
   pears and figs and plums (both golden and purple) blackberries,
   peaches, cherries and the deer and rats and birds love to eat there.
   This is where I and my would-be disciples sometimes pick apples for
   horses which we gather in wheelbarrows; there are just so many
   and these are many types of heritage apples grafted onto other
   trees by the previous property owner. Oh, and we have one horse
   in that orchard. An 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Jason

  ---  Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ wrote:
   I experimented and researched. But eventually it was kind
   of full circle, I ended up reading about things that
   initially propelled me on the journey, and found answers
   to questions I could not find easily within the TM org
   and TM teachers.
   What propelled the restoration of interest in all this was
   a sudden unexpected shift in experience. Everything I had
   thought had failed, proved in retrospect to have been
   useful, but to have had more specific information at
   specific times in my life would possibly have made the
   process more efficient.
 ---  turquoiseb  wrote:
  I'm not convinced that would be true. Information that
  told you what an experience meant would have been just
  one more bit of misinformation, after all. The experience
  was what it was -- nothing more, and nothing less.
---  Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... wrote:

 I was thinking along the lines of not what a description of an
 experience means but how a description helps one navigate an experience.
 Obviously, if I have the thought that things might have been 'better' if
 I had had more useful information at the time, this thought is not going
 to apply to me now, but it might be useful to someone else later on, so
 they do not get quite so stuck. Not so much what this means, but what do
 I do, if anything, when such and such happens, and I do not understand
 what is happening? Certain traditional hand-me-downs do become useful,
 such as what a screw is, and what a screwdriver is, and how to use them
 in what circumstance, and how these items relate to sticking things

 After what I would call a very clear but subdued awakening experience
 some years ago, things were pretty nice for several years. There was
 something about this particular experience, unlike others I had had long
 ago, that I could not grasp in any way. Even the attempt to talk about
 it stymied me. Then all hell broke loose. A vast amount of repressed
 material rose up and flowed out of me. A total surprise. So clearly the
 awakening was not a clean slate. It was ultra intense, say twenty times
 more intense than anything I had experienced up to then. And the
 experience was truly unusual because while my regular life flowed along,
 there was this other stuff that I knew was not real, but it felt so real
 it was impossible to not act on it. It was like my mind was split in two
 with two parallel lives running simultaneously, one the present and the
 other thoughts, feelings, behaviours from long ago. I had no clue what
 was happening.

 If I had asked a TM teacher what was happening they probably would have
 said I was 'just unstressing, that I should take it easy and maybe get
 my meditation checked or something'. No really useful information or
 guidelines that apply directly. Extreme experiences like this seem to be
 swept under the rug by TM teachers, anything not in the template. I
 suspect they do not really have any training to handle them. I found a
 solution in what I was reading. It seems that after a clear awakening,
 one's ability to keep repressed material repressed simply falls apart.
 The can of worms is open, and if something triggers the experience, you
 cannot close it, and the experience really does seem like you are coming
 apart at the seams. All you can do is endure it. Nothing helps. It is as
 if finally there is enough room in your world to experience this. The
 intellectual knowledge that this is common, that others experienced it,
 and that it is super intense, and that you have to go through it because
 there is no way to back out, is really useful. Kind of like the
 emotional equivalent of childbirth as far as pain. That information,
 along with the stability conferred by awakening allowed me to get
 through it, just barely. Without that information I would have been a
 lot more confused, and perhaps would have done things even more stupid
 than had occurred to me to attempt at the time. Half of my time during
 this was acting on a mental delusion caused by the release. Finally it
 subsided after a few years. It was a strangely miserable/wonderful
 several years. After that my sense of stability was much, much greater,
 and the character of the experience that I had had before this happened
 was much clearer. Maybe it will happen again. I simply do not know.

 The result now I would not call bliss, but a sense of profound evenness
 that has been stable for some time. I have no illusions that this
 evenness will never be disrupted again. But it has been pretty nice.

 An example of evenness occurred a couple of days ago. I was preparing
 breakfast. I had put a small amount of oil in a frying pan. Then while
 it heated up, I sat down at the table and started to read the following
 comic (courtesy of Randall Monroe at xkcd.com):

 [xkcd comic: Questions]

 I found this comic hilarious, but because it was so dense, I just kept

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Buck, just a thought: Why don't you climb down off your
 way-too-high horse and join in some of the conversations
 here? Like, you know, an actual human being?

Here's an idea, Buck: let's ignore all the minions, Pips 
and MGs and their Judy-Barry-Robin banter.

Then, the simple folk like Buck who have not read Nagel 
can talk about practical things, like duck hunting or the 
lambing or how to get to the dome on time for doing 

It's mostly just small talk of a personal nature anyway,
name-calling and such. Everyone knows that almost all the 
main informants on FFL are big city slicker types who 
like to spout off a lot - probably they are pros in the 
media trade or work as computer geeks.
 Show us how it's done, buddy. Stop talking *at* us 
 and talk *with* us.
Yeah, just because you're probably the only guy on
this list that lives in Fairfield, Iowa, that still
practices TM meditation, that goes to the dome every 
day - why would the minions, the Pips, or the MGs 
want to *talk* to you? You dumb fuck Buck. LoL! 

  Friends, But the larger problem we have now is with 
  the new Yahoo guidelines and our under-moderated ad 
  hominem homid members threatening the life=blood of 
  the whole group.
   People obviously have way too many posts to fire 
   and burn here.

Recent case in point, quote:  I thought it was 
mean spirited, actually. Same old invectives 
hurled at someone:  Are you dumb, or dull, or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.

Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?

It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader
of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns
out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD?

We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that
John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before.

If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would
probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.

The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in
Syria? No.

So, is Russia irrelevant?

If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two
numbers: 8,500 and 1.

'The Guns of August'
http://tinyurl.com/ndaqpgn http://tinyurl.com/ndaqpgn

'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'
http://tinyurl.com/ocs72fg http://tinyurl.com/ocs72fg

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
  This isn't a confession, Share. There's no need to
  exalt yourself here.
   all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
   various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
   I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
  The word is discreet, not discrete.
   poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
  You still don't understand what was wrong with your
  hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
  from the fact that the administration would be highly
  unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
  the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
  be a confession.
   I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
   first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
  He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
  than information oriented. It made the point that there
  *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
  of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was
  in no way a response to that point.
   I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
   linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
  Intuitive sounds better than sloppy. You just make any
  old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
  something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
  through, so your connections rarely add value.
   Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Emily Reyn
Bob, you leave me without words - a good thing. :) And, thank you for the 
documentary and musical links of last Thurs. Here's a picture from the WA coast 
last week.  Love, Emily


 From: bobpriced bobpri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn  wrote:

 Hi Xeno, thanks for sharingRe: thisThen all hell broke loose. A vast 
 amount of repressed material rose up and flowed out of me. A total surprise. 
 So clearly the awakening was not a clean slate. It was ultra intense, say 
 twenty times more intense than anything I had experienced up to then. And the 
 experience was truly unusual because while my regular life flowed along, 
 there was this other stuff that I knew was not real, but it felt so real it 
 was impossible to not act on it.

 Something akin to this happened to me once.except that I thought it was 
real.  Smile.  Keep 'em coming Xeno.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
  anartaxius@ wrote:
I experimented and researched. But eventually it was kind
of full circle, I ended up reading about things that
initially propelled me on the journey, and found answers
to questions I could not find easily within the TM org
and TM teachers.
What propelled the restoration of interest in all this was
a sudden unexpected shift in experience. Everything I had
thought had failed, proved in retrospect to have been
useful, but to have had more specific information at
specific times in my life would possibly have made the
process more
   I'm not convinced that would be true. Information that
   told you what an experience meant would have been just
   one more bit of misinformation, after all. The experience
   was what it was -- nothing more, and nothing less.
  I was thinking along the lines of not what a description of an
  experience means but how a description helps one navigate an experience.
  Obviously, if I have the thought that things might have been 'better' if
  I had had more useful information at the time, this thought is not going
  to apply to me now, but it might be useful to someone else later on, so
  they do not get quite so stuck. Not so much what this means, but what do
  I do, if anything, when such and such happens, and I do not understand
  what is
 happening? Certain traditional hand-me-downs do become useful,
  such as what a screw is, and what a screwdriver is, and how to use them
  in what circumstance, and how these items relate to sticking things
  After what I would call a very clear but subdued awakening experience
  some years ago, things were pretty nice for several years. There was
  something about this particular experience, unlike others I had had long
  ago, that I could not grasp in any way. Even the attempt to talk about
  it stymied me. Then all hell broke loose. A vast amount of repressed
  material rose up and flowed out of me. A total surprise. So clearly the
  awakening was not a clean slate. It was ultra intense, say twenty times
  more intense than anything I had experienced up to then. And the
  experience was truly
 unusual because while my regular life flowed along,
  there was this other stuff that I knew was not real, but it felt so real
  it was impossible to not act on it. It was like my mind was split in two
  with two parallel lives running simultaneously, one the present and the
  other thoughts, feelings, behaviours from long ago. I had no clue what
  was happening.
  If I had asked a TM teacher what was happening they probably would have
  said I was 'just unstressing, that I should take it easy and maybe get
  my meditation checked or something'. No really useful information or
  guidelines that apply directly. Extreme experiences like this seem to be
  swept under the rug by TM teachers, anything not in the template. I
  suspect they do not really have any training to handle them. I found a
  solution in what
 I was reading. It seems that after a clear awakening,
  one's ability to keep repressed material repressed simply falls apart.
  The can of worms is open, and if something triggers the experience, you
  cannot close it, and the experience really does seem like you are coming
  apart at the seams. All you can do is endure it. Nothing helps. It is as
  if finally there is enough room in your world to experience this. The
  intellectual knowledge that this is common, that others experienced it,
  and that it is super intense, and that you have to go through it because

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 I'm still waiting for the Lesbo Love Scene.

I'm still waiting for the gay and lesbian neo-nazi 
skinhead love scene. And, waiting for you to learn 
how to snip posts. At least you're top posting the 
one-liners now. LoL!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   Well dear Ann - the thing to remember is Obba is basically a crazy woman.


[FairfieldLife] Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread turquoiseb
Here's the 'teaser' video. Attend to gain your own 'deeper'

http://tinyurl.com/q4jdkou http://tinyurl.com/q4jdkou


[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Pro'ly you didn't want to live in the land of the Once Free.
 However, I think chanuckistan's political system is
 even more f'd up than here - although we're fast turning
 into a crime ridden, illegal overwhelmed, drug house of

Have you been watching cable TV lately? Breaking Bad or

 If I didn't have two daughters needing me,

You've got two daughters - I've got grand kids to take care of.
One is graduating from Beauty College - we're going to start a
wig business down in San Diego.

 I'd be better off down under.

Maybe - Rita went there several years ago to visit a friend,
down under in Australia, to Adelaide, which is down under
down under. We may be visiting there on our trip next year.

But, did you mean down under, under the ground? I know
things are bad out there. Go figure.

 Damn gotta go to work.

Now that's better!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill  wrote:
   You got yer psycho-RN training from the World Teacher,
   so I know you already know how those demons subvert the
   innocents from using their free-will power-to-choose.

[FairfieldLife] Old, But TM Positive

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
Forget F-16s, Israel needs 
Yogic Flyers to beat Hizbullah
Jerusalem Post, 
July 23, 2006
By Amir 
 There are 
Katyusha rockets falling in villages and towns all around them, but for the 
squadron of 30 Israeli Yogic Flyers assembled at a hotel on Lake Kinneret all 
is quiet. That's because they have managed to create a shield of invincibility 
around their gathering place. Now they are calling for another 235 Flyers to 
come and join them to create a shield that would, they say, cover all of 

In an interview from the Nof Ginnosar Hotel near Tiberias on 
Saturday, the Prime Minister of the Peace Government of Israel and Yogic Flyer 
Alex Kutai called on the elected Israeli government to recruit a group of 265 
Yogic Flyers who, through an advanced technique of Transcendental 
Meditation (TM), he asserted, would create a shield of invincibility 
around Israel and bring about an immediate cessation of violence with the 

Prime Minister Kutai, who is also the Chairman of the 
International Transcendental Meditation Society in Israel, said his elected 
counterpart Ehud Olmert had to urgently find a group of 265 people trained in 
the TM technique and maintain them in one location where they can generate an 
invincibility shield around Israel against all forms of war and violence, 
including road accidents, and keep the shield up permanently.

Ten days 
before this latest round of violence broke out between Israel and the 
we received an urgent message from the headquarters of the Global Government of 
World Peace that there was an immediate danger of violence in the region, and 
that each country had to mobilize its Yogic Flyers - those who practice the TM 
technique - to ward off the danger, Kutai said earnestly.

According to 
Kutai, the Yogic Flyer practices an advanced meditation technique in which his 
or her consciousness is brought to a level where thinking is without content, 
where the Flyer connects with the source of all energy and intelligence - 
beyond any thought and at the same time the source of all thought. Kutai said 
this state is what physicists call the United Field of the Laws of 

The number 265 should be sufficient, Kutai said, as it conforms 
exactly to the formula discovered by the overall leader of the Global 
of World Peace, Raja (King) Tony Nader. The formula postulates that the square 
root of one percent of a country's population is the right number of people 
needed to tap into a Collective Consciousness strong enough to create a shield 
of invincibility. Since Israel has an estimated 7 million inhabitants, one per 
cent is 70,000 and the square root of 70,000 is 264.575.

Kutai said that 
according to his calculations, 500 Yoga Flyers would be needed to bring peace 
the Middle East, but that the Flyers would have to be spread throughout the 
region. Kutai said he is aware of a similar group of TM practitioners in 
Lebanon, but that he is not currently in contact with them.

According to 
King Nader's Web site, he is now the First Sovereign Ruler of the Global 
Country of World Peace. His official title is His Majesty Raja Nader Raam, and 
his association's physical address is listed as Maharishi Health Education 
Center P.O. Box 116-5350 Beirut - Lebanon.

The Global Country of 
World Peace is a country without borders inhabited by citizens who love 
peace, Kutai said.

According to his Web site, Professor Tony Nader M.D., 
Ph.D. obtained his MD degree from the American University of Beirut, where he 
also studied internal medicine and psychiatry. His Ph.D. was in brain and 
Cognitive Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he 
also a visiting physician at the Clinical Research Center. He did his 
post-doctoral work as a Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurology at the 
Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard Medical School.

conducted various research projects on neurochemistry and neuroendocrinology. 
According to his Web site, he has demonstrated scientifically that human 
physiology is made up of the 40 aspects of Veda and Vedic Literature, and that 
all the infinite organizing powers of all kinds and the whole cosmos are seated 
in the physiology of every human being.

Therefore every individual - 
whether Christian or Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist, Sikh or Jain or Parsee - has 
been scientifically proven to be cosmic, and to have unlimited cosmic 
potentiality. Higher Intelligence is located in the very physiological 
of every man, woman and child in the nation, and only needs to be awakened for 
everyone to enjoy the support of Higher Intelligence, the Web site 

Nader could not be reached for comment, but Kutai said that the 
king, who is of Christian Lebanese origin, has gathered a group of 400 
European Yogic Flyers to his current headquarters in Holland to keep Europe 

Last week, the Israeli branch of the Transcendental Meditation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

  Buck, just a thought: Why don't you climb down off your
  way-too-high horse and join in some of the conversations
  here? Like, you know, an actual human being?
 Here's an idea, Buck: let's ignore all the minions, Pips
 and MGs and their Judy-Barry-Robin banter.

 Then, the simple folk like Buck who have not read Nagel
 can talk about practical things, like duck hunting or the
 lambing or how to get to the dome on time for doing

 It's mostly just small talk of a personal nature anyway,
 name-calling and such. Everyone knows that almost all the
 main informants on FFL are big city slicker types who
 like to spout off a lot - probably they are pros in the
 media trade or work as computer geeks.

  Show us how it's done, buddy. Stop talking *at* us
  and talk *with* us.
 Yeah, just because you're probably the only guy on
 this list that lives in Fairfield, Iowa, that still
 practices TM meditation, that goes to the dome every
 day - why would the minions, the Pips, or the MGs
 want to *talk* to you? You dumb fuck Buck. LoL!

   Friends, But the larger problem we have now is with
   the new Yahoo guidelines and our under-moderated ad
   hominem homid members threatening the life=blood of
   the whole group.
People obviously have way too many posts to fire
and burn here.

 Recent case in point, quote:  I thought it was
 mean spirited, actually. Same old invectives
 hurled at someone:  Are you dumb, or dull, or

[FairfieldLife] Re: Peace Palaces

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
  The plot, in the northeast quadrant of the Pleasant
  Dale exit of I-80, used to be the site of a small
  truck stop. In 1994 it became the Prairie Peace Park.
Alex Stanley:
 Gotta love Google Maps Street View...

Nice place, and only about 12 miles from Lincoln, Nebraska!


  http://tinyurl.com/nlxnmvg http://tinyurl.com/nlxnmvg

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread turquoiseb
 Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.

Whatever for?

If the function of Internet discussion groups 
is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has 
become McDonalds.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread bobpriced
I'd say you have the makings of a pretty good picture maker.

What John Ford said to Spielberg:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Emily Reyn  wrote:

 Bob, you leave me without words - a good thing. :) And, thank you for
the documentary and musical links of last Thurs. Here's a picture from
the WA coast last week. Â Love, Emily


  From: bobpriced bobpriced@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world



 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , emilymae.reyn  wrote:
  Hi Xeno, thanks for sharingRe: thisThen all hell broke
loose. A vast amount of repressed material rose up and flowed out of me.
A total surprise. So clearly the awakening was not a clean slate. It was
ultra intense, say twenty times more intense than anything I had
experienced up to then. And the experience was truly unusual because
while my regular life flowed along, there was this other stuff that I
knew was not real, but it felt so real it was impossible to not act on
  Something akin to this happened to me once.except that I thought
it was real.  Smile.  Keep 'em coming Xeno.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Xenophaneros Anartaxius
anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , turquoiseb  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Xenophaneros Anartaxius
   anartaxius@ wrote:
 I experimented and researched. But eventually it was kind
 of full circle, I ended up reading about things that
 initially propelled me on the journey, and found answers
 to questions I could not find easily within the TM org
 and TM teachers.

 What propelled the restoration of interest in all this was
 a sudden unexpected shift in experience. Everything I had
 thought had failed, proved in retrospect to have been
 useful, but to have had more specific information at
 specific times in my life would possibly have made the
 process more
I'm not convinced that would be true. Information that
told you what an experience meant would have been just
one more bit of misinformation, after all. The experience
was what it was -- nothing more, and nothing less.
   I was thinking along the lines of not what a description of an
   experience means but how a description helps one navigate an
   Obviously, if I have the thought that things might have been
'better' if
   I had had more useful information at the time, this thought is not
   to apply to me now, but it might be useful to someone else later
on, so
   they do not get quite so stuck. Not so much what this means, but
what do
   I do, if anything, when such and such happens, and I do not
   what is
  happening? Certain traditional hand-me-downs do become useful,
   such as what a screw is, and what a screwdriver is, and how to use
   in what circumstance, and how these items relate to sticking
   After what I would call a very clear but subdued awakening
   some years ago, things were pretty nice for several years. There
   something about this particular experience, unlike others I had
had long
   ago, that I could not grasp in any way. Even the attempt to talk
   it stymied me. Then all hell broke loose. A vast amount of
   material rose up and flowed out of me. A total surprise. So
clearly the
   awakening was not a clean slate. It was ultra intense, say twenty
   more intense than anything I had experienced up to then. And the
   experience was truly
  unusual because while my regular life flowed along,
   there was this other stuff that I knew was not real, but it felt
so real
   it was impossible to not act on it. It was like my mind was split
in two
   with two parallel lives running simultaneously, one the present
and the
   other thoughts, feelings, behaviours from long ago. I had no clue
   was happening.
   If I had asked a TM teacher what was happening they probably would
   said I was 'just unstressing, that I should take it easy and maybe
   my meditation checked or something'. No really useful information
   guidelines that apply directly. Extreme experiences like this seem
to be
   swept under the rug by TM teachers, anything not in the template.
   suspect they 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.
 Whatever for?

There it is stated in two words followed by a question mark. I get it now. And 
thank you.
 If the function of Internet discussion groups 
 is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has 
 become McDonalds.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Share Long
turqish delight, why so uptight?
trees have a blight? world has a plight?
Delay of a flight and no yummies to bite?
No sleep in the night, dream fall from a height?
Hair such a sight, bed head quite?!

No buddies to fight or even feel fright,
No posts to write with pinchy of spite?
Left too unright, sunny too bright?
Blood cells too white, boobies too slight?
Pen without might, saber no light?

Too much Coke, not enough Sprite?
If words too trite and rhyming too shiteOne could go and yes, fly a kite!

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:04 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets 
return to but35 posts per week

 Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.

Whatever for?

If the function of Internet discussion groups 
is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has 
become McDonalds.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Bhairitu
Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of the 
flattest videos and movies?   If they only had talent they would 
recognize the errors of their way. :-D

On 08/28/2013 08:31 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

*Here's the 'teaser' video. Attend to gain your own 'deeper' 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 turqish delight, why so uptight?
 trees have a blight? world has a plight?
 Delay of a flight and no yummies to bite?
 No sleep in the night, dream fall from a height?
 Hair such a sight, bed head quite?!

 No buddies to fight or even feel fright,
 No posts to write with pinchy of spite?
 Left too unright, sunny too bright?
 Blood cells too white, boobies too slight?
 Pen without might, saber no light?

 Too much Coke, not enough Sprite?
 If words too trite and rhyming too shiteOne could go and yes, fly a

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:04 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on
FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

  Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.

 Whatever for?

 If the function of Internet discussion groups
 is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has
 become McDonalds.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
 From 23 years ago.  Wow.

It takes the newbies a while to catch up on the news.

Why doesn't he just go over to see Curtis, it's not
that far away. They could talk about the old days.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against
  From Grounding  the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper
 (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 14,16.
  More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental
  Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's
  Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX,
an informal
  anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit
counseling to
  those who want out of the movement.
  One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old
real estate
  broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist
religion that
  is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979
graduate of
  Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985
became head of
  TM's Washington Center.
  TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation
technique, though
  they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The
danger in TM,
  they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators'
  TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a
  effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious
  Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced
  courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu
  said Kelley.
  Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for
fraud and
  extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were
considered a
  sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings
  intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets.
They'd tell
  me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties
  devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell
who was a
  person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling,
eventually quit
  meditating, and left the movement.
  Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of
  Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave
this group
  and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I
was only
  special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as
  Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a
group of
  celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he
enjoyed the
  adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness
-- a common
  ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low
  he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked
for donations
  to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
I was there, briefly. The last big course I attended. The administration and 
assignment of rooms for participants was unprofessional, inefficient, and 
highly political - like some third world backwater. 

After waiting five hours (5:30 PM to 10:30 PM) at the hotel, for my reserved 
and paid for, single room, I was finally given a dorm room on the other side of 
town, shared with some guy with a skin infection, who woke me up at 1 AM, to 
move in. I left the course the next day. 

As for the demonstrators mentioned in this article, they must have phoned it 
in, because nobody, including me, saw any of them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
 From Grounding 
 the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
 More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
 Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
 Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an 
 anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit counseling 
 those who want out of the movement.
 One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real estate 
 broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion 
 is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
 Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became head 
 TM's Washington Center.
 TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
 they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in TM, 
 they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
 TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a simple, 
 effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
 Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
 courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu believer, 
 said Kelley.
 Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
 extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered a 
 sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
 intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd 
 me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
 devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was a 
 person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually 
 meditating, and left the movement.
 Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
 Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this 
 and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was only 
 special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
 Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
 celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed 
 adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
 ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
 he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
 to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the 
 dangers of porn

So, now it's all about Buck.

 Here's the 'teaser' video. Attend to gain your own 'deeper'
 http://tinyurl.com/q4jdkou http://tinyurl.com/q4jdkou

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread obbajeeba
Ah look! Perfect Kite by Ann!

Share has grown some balls and is getting bolder, standing up to the beast-hole 
turd ! LOL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  turqish delight, why so uptight?
  trees have a blight? world has a plight?
  Delay of a flight and no yummies to bite?
  No sleep in the night, dream fall from a height?
  Hair such a sight, bed head quite?!
  No buddies to fight or even feel fright,
  No posts to write with pinchy of spite?
  Left too unright, sunny too bright?
  Blood cells too white, boobies too slight?
  Pen without might, saber no light?
  Too much Coke, not enough Sprite?
  If words too trite and rhyming too shiteOne could go and yes, fly a
   From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:04 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on
 FFL lets return to but35 posts per week
   Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.
  Whatever for?
  If the function of Internet discussion groups
  is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has
  become McDonalds.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread martyboi
Young horny boy practicing abstinence visits helpful older minister...I don't 
think the movie will end well.

RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:08 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List



 What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that contains 
people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that were never 
on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only known to Rick 
Archer himself and his croonies ?

I didn’t make the list. Someone who used to be on Purusha sent it around. I 
glanced at it and posted it here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

Now this is funny - a guy posts a call for 
no porn on the bulletin board, and then a
guy (?) posts a porn message on the bulletin 
board. You can't make this stuff up!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, martyboi martyboi@... wrote:

 Young horny boy practicing abstinence visits helpful 
 older minister...I don't think the movie will end well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien spaceport? - Siduri in the Epic of Gilgamesh

2013-08-28 Thread bobpriced
I've become part of the vast yahoo *snide and sly conspiracy, so I may
to a little slow on the uptake till yahoo is finished with me.

More below.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Jason  wrote:

  ---  , Emily Reyn  wrote:
   Dear Bob, given what Siduri says, I would suggest that you get the
  pedicure. Â Mean girl love, Emily
  Dear Emily,
   Siduri is a character in the Epic of Gilgamesh. She is an
  alewife, a wise female divinity associated with fermentation.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***Fermentation, with the correct formula of herbs and oils, is one
of the secrets of longevity.
  In the Old Babylonian version of the Epic, she attempts to
  Gilgamesh in his quest forimmortality,
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***The secrets of immortality include: create something, and don't
  urging him to be content with the simple pleasures of life

 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***The simple pleasure of enjoying the total internal reflection of
  diamond depends on the
  complex process creating the proportions of a brilliant cut.

 Which I suppose requires skill?

***My cutting partners in Antwerp certainly had skill, although
I'm not sure that was the point I was making:


 BTW, Did this Gilgamesh of ancient Sumerian texts speak of
 alien spacecrafts, land and take-off at a site in Baalbek in

 Maybe this is more likely to be in Bhairitu's alley or maybe
 Nabby's alley.

***Gilgamesh was hunting monsters not spaceships, although Jung might
say its the same thing;
as Ravi continues to patiently explain to the boneheads, aspirants must
*overcome the monster*
before proceeding; TB is a good example of someone stuck at the mouth of

When I touched the Stone of the Pregnant Woman in Baalbek there was no
of extraterrestrials, although plenty of Nero's hubris; I keep a photo
of her on my
office desk to remind me how tragedy makes its beginning.


  (Gilgamesh, whither are you wandering?
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***Its my experience that self invention is addictive (you could
also check with Voldemort).
  Life, which you look for, you will never find.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***I'm not sure we put away childish things although I'm convinced
  Love suffers long and is kind...
  For when the gods created man, they let death be his share, and
  withheld in their own hands.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***One of a number of reasons I'm disappointed that Robin no longer
  graces this forum is that
  he was one of the few I found here that understands a life well
  requires death to be examined;
  I was also curious to hear his thoughts on money, could they be
  Gilgamesh, fill your belly. Day and night make merry. Let days be
  of joy, dance and make music day and night. And wear fresh clothes.
  wash your head and bathe.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***I'm working to rectify my truncated childhood.
  Look at the child that is holding your hand, and let your wife
  in your embrace. These things alone are the concern of
  advice was recorded in the Old Babylonian version of Tablet X
  to as the Meissner fragment.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  ***If men could follow these suggestions perhaps the relative
  of gassing and shelling would no longer
  be so much of concern of a for us.
 ---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:
  I'll be visiting the SPA today.
From: bobpriced bobpriced@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 2:15 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Real Fairfield Life Post
---  bobpriced bobpriced@ wrote:

 As I'm sure he knows, I'm a huge fan of Turq's posts; so I'm
 if anyone
 would be kind enough to translate this one for me,
  the last


---  Jason  wrote:
Hey Bob, it's so nice to have you here.  You add color and
an extra dimension to this group.
I think you scared Barry which is why he doesn't reply to
We are geneticaly hardwired to see symmetrical faces and
clear skin as attractive.  It indicates the genetic health
of the individual, resistance to infections etc.  Perhaps it
does irk him a bit when a woman gets attrracted to a baldy
like MMY.
There are 6 categories of immune 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  Buck, just a thought: Why don't you climb down off your
  way-too-high horse and join in some of the conversations
  here? Like, you know, an actual human being?
  Show us how it's done, buddy. Stop talking *at* us and talk
  *with* us.
 Whatever for?
 If the function of Internet discussion groups 
 is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has 
 become McDonalds.

You are more than welcome to go find a different
Internet discussion group to feed your thoughts
if FFL isn't nutritious enough for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, martyboi martyboi@... wrote:

 Young horny boy practicing abstinence visits helpful older 
 minister...I don't think the movie will end well.

LOL. Just what I was thinking.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of the
 flattest videos and movies?

Addressing the important issues!

No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.

Go figure.


Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the foot-stamping
look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.

'Miley, Go Back to School'
Time Magazine:
http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc

[FairfieldLife] TM in Russian!

2013-08-28 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread bobpriced

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Richard J. Williams  wrote:

  Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of
  flattest videos and movies?
 Addressing the important issues!

 No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
 how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
 have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.

***Actually it was the move from mono to stereo that did it, and anyone
who can
get my Jack Russell to mimic her tongue moves has my respect.


 Go figure.


 Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
 stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the foot-stamping
 look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
 performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
 cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.

 'Miley, Go Back to School'
 Time Magazine:
 http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count on FFL lets return to but35 posts per week

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

Walk a mile in these boots!

Big boots at North Star Mall in San Antonio.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Ann awoelflebater@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Share Long  wrote:
  turqish delight, why so uptight?
  trees have a blight? world has a plight?
  Delay of a flight and no yummies to bite?
  No sleep in the night, dream fall from a height?
  Hair such a sight, bed head quite?!
  No buddies to fight or even feel fright,
  No posts to write with pinchy of spite?
  Left too unright, sunny too bright?
  Blood cells too white, boobies too slight?
  Pen without might, saber no light?
  Too much Coke, not enough Sprite?
  If words too trite and rhyming too shiteOne could go and yes, fly a

   From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:04 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eliminating the Ad hominem Post-count
 FFL lets return to but35 posts per week
   Stop talking *at* us and talk *with* us.
  Whatever for?
  If the function of Internet discussion groups
  is to provide 'food for thought,' then FFL has
  become McDonalds.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
But you were only there for a day! I posted it cause I am a history buff. 

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

I was there, briefly. The last big course I attended. The administration and 
assignment of rooms for participants was unprofessional, inefficient, and 
highly political - like some third world backwater. 

After waiting five hours (5:30 PM to 10:30 PM) at the hotel, for my reserved 
and paid for, single room, I was finally given a dorm room on the other side of 
town, shared with some guy with a skin infection, who woke me up at 1 AM, to 
move in. I left the course the next day. 

As for the demonstrators mentioned in this article, they must have phoned it 
in, because nobody, including me, saw any of them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
 From Grounding 
 the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
 More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
 Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
 Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an 
 anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit counseling 
 those who want out of the movement.
 One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real estate 
 broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion 
 is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
 Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became head 
 TM's Washington Center.
 TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
 they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in TM, 
 they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
 TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a simple, 
 effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
 Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
 courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu believer, 
 said Kelley.
 Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
 extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered a 
 sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
 intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd 
 me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
 devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was a 
 person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually 
 meditating, and left the movement.
 Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
 Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this 
 and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was only 
 special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
 Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
 celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed 
 adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
 ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
 he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
 to support them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Bhairitu

On 08/28/2013 11:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of the
 flattest videos and movies?

Addressing the important issues!

No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have noticed
how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.

Must be those NeoCons who run the music industry. :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against TM
 From Grounding the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper
 (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 14,16.
 TM-EX member Joe Kelley said:

This was probably Joe Kellett, not Kelley. He used to post
here, back in 2003.

 Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization
 for fraud and extortion, said the many bizarre mental
 experiences she had were considered a sign of spiritual
 superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
 intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my
 pets. They'd tell me things. She was encouraged to believe
 that these winged beasties were devas -- Hindu spirits of
 nature. I began not to be able to tell who was a person and
 who was a deva, she said.

Interesting. Seems like it wasn't just Robin and Mark
Landau who saw such beings.

Oh, and Dr. Peter Sutphen, now a practicing psychotherapist,
who used to be a regular here (and made a brief appearance
recently). I can't now recall whether it was in an FFL post
or on TM-Free, but he said that as he was writing it one of
the creatures scampered across his desk, so he was
apparently still able to see them. Didn't seem to bother him

 Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison
 of specialness.

Mmm, that's a familiar phrase, isn't it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with the 
connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his cronies.

Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have a bunch of 
people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it isn't the saccharine 
songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick likes that kind-a music and 

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

 What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that contains 
people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that were never 
on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only known to Rick 
Archer himself and his croonies ?

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Yes, the Flower of a generation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology to POTUS
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to remember?

   It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates. 
   43 Purusha that passed away
   1.Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning 
   at the age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946). 
   2.Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of 
   stomach  cancer. 
   3.Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010 
   4.Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at 
   age 59 in Fairfield, Iowa. 
   5.Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he 
   walked alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog 
   was with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by 
   wild animals. 
   6.Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early  September 2009 in 
   Germany (prostate cancer). 
   7.Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day  9 Febr 2009 
   around 7 p.m. in Spain. 
   8.Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009 
   9.Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 
   2008 at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the 
   Purusha cow herd.  Heart failure. 
   10.   Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the  beginning of March 
   11.   Al Klapper (USA, in coma  after returning from India with a 
   lung infection) died around 10. March 2008. 
   12.   Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30  at Lothar 
   Pircâs MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few  months. 
   13.   Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at  noon 12:47 in 
   Vlodrop in his room in space box 22 (lung  cancer). 
   14.   Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg. 
   15.   Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau  2006. 
   16.   Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his 
   motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006. 
   17.   Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver 
   cancer at his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years. 
   18.   Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005  (rabies). 
   19.   Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood 
   poisoning after he had injured his colon with a self-administered  basti. 
   20.   Hanspeter  Ritterstaedt  (Germany) died  ~1998. 
   21.   Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998. 
   22.   Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who  was in 
   Wavre 1996, performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together  
   with Jean-Paul Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast 
   23.   Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to wash 
   his face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all the 
   time. He was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he 
   committed suicide at home in Martinique. 
   24.   Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the  beginning of 
   25.   Jos Verstege, a  Dutch Purusha of the Vedic Atom who died after 
   he went home, maybe  1990. 
   26.   Roberto Frangerini (Italy) had a fatal traffic accident on the 
   way to his mine in Brasil ~1990 
   27.   Dr. Eberhard Arnold, Purusha doctor, died  maybe 1988. 
   28.   Sten Sjoested aus Schweden burned himself in the basement in 
   Vlodrop 1987. 
   29.   Dr. José Maria Coderch, a medical doctor and Spanish Purusha, 
   who died in 

[FairfieldLife] Obama and al-Qaeda

2013-08-28 Thread Bhairitu
If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – 
for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on 
the same side as al-Qa’ida.


Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to fight 
against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud 

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RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Michael Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List



Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with the 
connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his cronies.

Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have a bunch of 
people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it isn't the saccharine 
songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick likes that kind-a music and 


Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like knocking on the 
door, wanting to show me their stuff.




From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List



 What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that contains 
people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that were never 
on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only known to Rick 
Archer himself and his croonies ?

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com , 
dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
Buck wrote:

 Yes, the Flower of a generation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
 srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology to POTUS
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to remember?

   It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates. 
   43 Purusha that passed away
   1. Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning at the 
   age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946). 
   2. Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of stomach 
   3. Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010 
   4. Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at age 59 
   in Fairfield, Iowa. 
   5. Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he walked 
   alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog was 
   with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by wild 
   6. Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early September 2009 in Germany 
   (prostate cancer). 
   7. Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day 9 Febr 2009 around 7 
   p.m. in Spain. 
   8. Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009 
   9. Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 2008 
   at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the Purusha 
   cow herd. Heart failure. 
   10. Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the beginning of March 2008. 
   11. Al Klapper (USA, in coma after returning from India with a lung 
   infection) died around 10. March 2008. 
   12. Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30 at Lothar Pircâs 
   MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few months. 
   13. Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at noon 12:47 in Vlodrop 
   in his room in space box 22 (lung cancer). 
   14. Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg. 
   15. Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau 2006. 
   16. Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his 
   motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006. 
   17. Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver cancer at 
   his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years. 
   18. Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005 (rabies). 
   19. Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood poisoning 
   after he had injured his colon with a self-administered basti. 
   20. Hanspeter Ritterstaedt (Germany) died ~1998. 
   21. Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998. 
   22. Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who was in Wavre 1996, 
   performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together with Jean-Paul 
   Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast enlightenment). 
   23. Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to wash his 
   face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all the time. 
   He was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he committed 
   suicide at home in Martinique. 
   24. Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the beginning of 1993. 
   25. Jos Verstege, a Dutch Purusha of the Vedic Atom who 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama and al-Qaeda

2013-08-28 Thread Mike Dixon
Ahem, the CIA backed a confederation of Mujaheddin to fight the Soviet Union in 
Afghanistan. Osama Ben Laden organized and started Al Qaeda after the Soviets 
were driven out. The Taliban were one group of Mujaheddin that eventually took 
control of the Afghan government from all the rest and then sponsored Al Qaeda.


 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama and al-Qaeda

If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – 
for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on 
the same side as al-Qa’ida.


Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to fight 
against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud 

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Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Mike Dixon
I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that Iraq had 
WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George Tenet, head of the CIA 
and appointed to that position by  William Jefferson Clinton. If you say 
something that is not true, it's not a lie if you believed it was true. You 
were just wrong. Lying is intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about 
every intelligence agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was 
moving them around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had them 
because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the Iranians 
and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.


 From: Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
 Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.

Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?

It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader 
of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns 
out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD? 

We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that 
John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before. 

If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would 
probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.

The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in 
Syria? No. 

So, is Russia irrelevant?

If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two 
numbers: 8,500 and 1.

'The Guns of August'

'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
  This isn't a confession, Share. There's no need to
  exalt yourself here.
   all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
   various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
   I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
  The word is discreet, not discrete.
   poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
  You still don't understand what was wrong with your
  hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
  from the fact that the administration would be highly
  unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
  the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
  be a confession.
   I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
   first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
  He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
  than information oriented. It made the point that there
  *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
  of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
  in no way a response to that point.
   I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
   linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
  Intuitive sounds better than sloppy. You just make any
  old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
  something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
  through, so your connections rarely add value.
   Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.


[FairfieldLife] Nidal Hasan gets 72 virgins

2013-08-28 Thread Mike Dixon
 Be careful what you wish for Nidal, they could have been nuns.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, but I was there a day longer than you were.:-) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 But you were only there for a day! I posted it cause I am a history buff. 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party
 I was there, briefly. The last big course I attended. The administration and 
 assignment of rooms for participants was unprofessional, inefficient, and 
 highly political - like some third world backwater. 
 After waiting five hours (5:30 PM to 10:30 PM) at the hotel, for my reserved 
 and paid for, single room, I was finally given a dorm room on the other side 
 of town, shared with some guy with a skin infection, who woke me up at 1 AM, 
 to move in. I left the course the next day. 
 As for the demonstrators mentioned in this article, they must have phoned it 
 in, because nobody, including me, saw any of them.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
  From Grounding 
  the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
  More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
  Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
  Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an 
  anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit 
  counseling to 
  those who want out of the movement.
  One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real 
  broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion 
  is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
  Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became 
  head of 
  TM's Washington Center.
  TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
  they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in 
  they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
  TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a 
  effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
  Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
  courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu 
  said Kelley.
  Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
  extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered 
  sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
  intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd 
  me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
  devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was 
  person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually 
  meditating, and left the movement.
  Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
  Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this 
  and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was 
  special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
  Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
  celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed 
  adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
  ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
  he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
  to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nidal Hasan gets 72 virgins

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... wrote:

  Be careful what you wish for Nidal, they could have been nuns.

or even flying nuns!


[FairfieldLife] The fakest...

2013-08-28 Thread cardemaister

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
ha ha ha! That's true!

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

Yeah, but I was there a day longer than you were.:-) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 But you were only there for a day! I posted it cause I am a history buff. 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party
 I was there, briefly. The last big course I attended. The administration and 
 assignment of rooms for participants was unprofessional, inefficient, and 
 highly political - like some third world backwater. 
 After waiting five hours (5:30 PM to 10:30 PM) at the hotel, for my reserved 
 and paid for, single room, I was finally given a dorm room on the other side 
 of town, shared with some guy with a skin infection, who woke me up at 1 AM, 
 to move in. I left the course the next day. 
 As for the demonstrators mentioned in this article, they must have phoned it 
 in, because nobody, including me, saw any of them.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against 
  From Grounding 
  the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90; 
  More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental 
  Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's 
  Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX, an 
  anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit 
  counseling to 
  those who want out of the movement.
  One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old real 
  broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist religion 
  is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979 graduate of 
  Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985 became 
  head of 
  TM's Washington Center.
  TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation technique, 
  they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The danger in 
  they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators' 
  TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a 
  effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious implications. 
  Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced residence 
  courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu 
  said Kelley.
  Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for fraud and 
  extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were considered 
  sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings during 
  intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets. They'd 
  me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties were 
  devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell who was 
  person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling, eventually 
  meditating, and left the movement.
  Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of specialness. 
  Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave this 
  and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I was 
  special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as an 
  Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a group of 
  celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he enjoyed 
  adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness -- a 
  ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low 
  he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked for 
  to support them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Michael Jackson
I am still stuck in the past with Jethro Tull, although I am partial to Jessie 
J as well. 

 From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Michael Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with the 
connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his cronies.

Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have a bunch of 
people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it isn't the saccharine 
songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick likes that kind-a music and 
Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like knocking on the 
door, wanting to show me their stuff.

From:nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
 What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that contains 
people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that were never 
on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only known to Rick 
Archer himself and his croonies ?

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Yes, the Flower of a generation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology to POTUS
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to remember?

   It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates. 
   43 Purusha that passed away
   1. Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning at the 
   age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946). 
   2. Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of stomach 
   3. Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010 
   4. Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at age 59 
   in Fairfield, Iowa. 
   5. Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he walked 
   alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog was 
   with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by wild 
   6. Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early September 2009 in Germany 
   (prostate cancer). 
   7. Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day 9 Febr 2009 around 7 
   p.m. in Spain. 
   8. Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009 
   9. Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 2008 
   at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the Purusha 
   cow herd. Heart failure. 
   10. Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the beginning of March 2008. 
   11. Al Klapper (USA, in coma after returning from India with a lung 
   infection) died around 10. March 2008. 
   12. Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30 at Lothar Pircâs 
   MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few months. 
   13. Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at noon 12:47 in Vlodrop 
   in his room in space box 22 (lung cancer). 
   14. Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg. 
   15. Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau 2006. 
   16. Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his 
   motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006. 
   17. Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver cancer at 
   his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years. 
   18. Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005 (rabies). 
   19. Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood poisoning 
   after he had injured his colon with a self-administered basti. 
   20. Hanspeter Ritterstaedt (Germany) died ~1998. 
   21. Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998. 
   22. Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who was in Wavre 1996, 
   performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together with Jean-Paul 
   Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast enlightenment). 
   23. Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to wash his 
   face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all the time. 
   He was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he committed 
   suicide at home in Martinique. 
   24. Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the beginning of 1993. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
I was a big Jethro Tull fan back in the late 70's and early 80's. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am still stuck in the past with Jethro Tull, although I am partial to 
 Jessie J as well. 
  From: Rick Archer rick@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:47 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
 From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Michael Jackson
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
 Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with the 
 connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his cronies.
 Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have a bunch 
 of people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it isn't the 
 saccharine songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick likes that 
 kind-a music and singing. 
 Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like knocking on 
 the door, wanting to show me their stuff.
 From:nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
  What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that 
 contains people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that 
 were never on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only 
 known to Rick Archer himself and his croonies ?
 --- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Yes, the Flower of a generation.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
   The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology to POTUS
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away
 Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to remember?

It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates. 


43 Purusha that passed away

1. Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning at the 
age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946). 
2. Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of stomach 
3. Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010 
4. Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure at age 
59 in Fairfield, Iowa. 
5. Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he walked 
alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good dog was 
with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten by 
wild animals. 
6. Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early September 2009 in Germany 
(prostate cancer). 
7. Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day 9 Febr 2009 around 
7 p.m. in Spain. 
8. Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009 
9. Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in September 2008 
at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care of the Purusha 
cow herd. Heart failure. 
10. Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the beginning of March 2008. 
11. Al Klapper (USA, in coma after returning from India with a lung 
infection) died around 10. March 2008. 
12. Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30 at Lothar 
Pircâs MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last few months. 
13. Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at noon 12:47 in 
Vlodrop in his room in space box 22 (lung cancer). 
14. Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg. 
15. Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau 2006. 
16. Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his 
motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006. 
17. Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver cancer 
at his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years. 
18. Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005 (rabies). 
19. Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood 
poisoning after he had injured his colon with a self-administered 
20. Hanspeter Ritterstaedt (Germany) died ~1998. 
21. Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998. 
22. Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who was in Wavre 
1996, performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together with 
Jean-Paul Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast 
23. Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at about
a minute in.  Ha.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

  Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of
  flattest videos and movies?
 Addressing the important issues!

 No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
 how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
 have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.

 Go figure.


 Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
 stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the foot-stamping
 look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
 performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
 cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.

 'Miley, Go Back to School'
 Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am sorta curious 
if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a gap between 
*his* two front teeth?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
 Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at about
 a minute in.  Ha.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
   Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of
   flattest videos and movies?
  Addressing the important issues!
  No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
  how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
  have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.
  Go figure.
  Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
  stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the foot-stamping
  look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
  performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
  cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
  'Miley, Go Back to School'
  Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 29-Aug-13 00:15:04 UTC

2013-08-28 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/24/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 08/31/13 00:00:00
680 messages as of (UTC) 08/28/13 23:51:16

 66 authfriend 
 61 Share Long 
 61 Richard J. Williams 
 56 Ann 
 50 doctordumbass
 47 obbajeeba 
 33 Bhairitu 
 31 bobpriced 
 27 Ravi Chivukula 
 24 Seraphita 
 21 Michael Jackson 
 21 Buck 
 18 emilymae.reyn 
 16 turquoiseb 
 14 Jason 
 13 Alex Stanley 
 12 Mike Dixon 
 11 sharelong60 
 11 emptybill 
  9 cardemaister
  9 RoryGoff 
  8 iranitea 
  7 Susan 
  7 Rick Archer 
  7 John 
  6 nablusoss1008 
  6 Duveyoung 
  4 merudanda 
  3 salyavin808 
  3 raunchydog 
  3 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  2 sparaig 
  2 seventhray27 
  2 martin.quickman 
  2 Emily Reyn 
  1 wleed3 
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 srijau
  1 richardatrwilliamsdotus 
  1 martyboi 
  1 WLeed3
  1 Richard 
Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread merudanda
Do you know was Jethro Tull  a big MMY fan!?
1967   On one side was an original instrumental by Dale Burt that Lee
titled  Maharishi. (A different version appears on the album titled
Change.)The flip side Sunshine Superman  a instrumental arrangement of
Donovan's Sunshine Superman.
The Aggregation 'Maharishi' LHI 45



Happy and I'm smiling,
Walk a mile to drink your water.
While others shout of war's disaster.
Oh, we won't give in,
Let's go living in the past.
Let us close out eyes;
Outside their lives go on much faster.
Oh, we won't give in,
We'll keep living in the past.
Jethro Tull - Living In The Past 1969

Remembering  the past seems to be completely natural. Our memories of
people, places  and experiences can be precious and worth dwelling on
from time to  time.

Setting Time Aright  :An international and inter-disciplinary meeting
investigating the Nature of Time
http://fqxi.org/conference/2011 http://fqxi.org/conference/2011

Wonderful  article about the great 80 millisecond reality blank( time to
transfer  information from sensory system to the brain and to process it
within  the brain before we become conscious of it.)Might be very
interesting to  conduct the same researches not on casual students, but
on  practitioners of different spiritual practices, like meditators,
shamans  etc who might show a slightly different perception of time:
Time on the Brain: How You Are Always Living In the Past, and Other
Quirks of Perception

  When  we retrieve a memory, we also rewrite it, so that the time next
we go  to remember it, we don't retrieve the original memory but the
last one  we recollected. So, each time we tell a story, we embellish
it, while  remaining genuinely convinced of the veracity of our
The  bottom line is that memory is essential to constructing scenarios
for  ourselves in the future. Anecdotal evidence backs this up. Our
ability  to project forward and to recollect the past both develop
around age 5,  and people who are good at remembering also report having
vivid thoughts  about the future.
  Huw Price's Time's Arrow and Archimedes'  Point, argues
that concepts of cause and effect derive from our  experience as agents
in the world and may not be a fundamental feature  of reality.
40th Anniversary Tribute to Jethro Tull
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn  wrote:

 I was a big Jethro Tull fan back in the late 70's and early 80's.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  I am still stuck in the past with Jethro Tull, although I am partial
to Jessie J as well.
   From: Rick Archer rick@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:47 PM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
[mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Jackson
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
  Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with
the connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his
  Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have
a bunch of people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it
isn't the saccharine songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick
likes that kind-a music and singing.
  Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like
knocking on the door, wanting to show me their stuff.
  From:nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
   What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick
Archer that contains people that were, like the so-called Purusha
list, of ladies that were never on the MD-Programme ? A similar list
designed for reasons only known to Rick Archer himself and his croonies
  --- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
  --- In 

[FairfieldLife] thank you Raja Louis!

2013-08-28 Thread srijau
Bogota, Colombia, improving the most: by 7.9 per cent since 2008, because of 
an end to violence

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread merudanda
..in search of an Archimedean view from nowhen
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn  wrote:

 I was a big Jethro Tull fan back in the late 70's and early 80's.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  I am still stuck in the past with Jethro Tull, although I am partial
to Jessie J as well.
   From: Rick Archer rick@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:47 PM
  Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
[mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Jackson
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
  Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with
the connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his
  Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have
a bunch of people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it
isn't the saccharine songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick
likes that kind-a music and singing.
  Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like
knocking on the door, wanting to show me their stuff.
  From:nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
   What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick
Archer that contains people that were, like the so-called Purusha
list, of ladies that were never on the MD-Programme ? A similar list
designed for reasons only known to Rick Archer himself and his croonies
  --- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Yes, the Flower of a generation.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy
apology to POTUS
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:

 List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

  Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to

 It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates.


 43 Purusha that passed away

 1. Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the
morning at the age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946).
 2. Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of
stomach cancer.
 3. Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010
 4. Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure
at age 59 in Fairfield, Iowa.
 5. Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when
he walked alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good
dog was with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten
by wild animals.
 6. Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early September 2009
in Germany (prostate cancer).
 7. Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day 9 Febr
2009 around 7 p.m. in Spain.
 8. Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009
 9. Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in
September 2008 at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care
of the Purusha cow herd. Heart failure.
 10. Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the beginning of March
 11. Al Klapper (USA, in coma after returning from India with a
lung infection) died around 10. March 2008.
 12. Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30 at
Lothar Pircâs MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last
few months.
 13. Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at noon 12:47
in Vlodrop in his room in space box 22 (lung cancer).
 14. Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in
 15. Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau 2006.
 16. Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with
his motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006.
 17. Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver
cancer at his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years.
 18. Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005 (rabies).
 19. Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood
poisoning after he had injured his colon with a self-administered basti.
 20. Hanspeter Ritterstaedt (Germany) died ~1998.
 21. Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998.
 22. Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who was in
Wavre 1996, performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together

[FairfieldLife] Re: Zambia

2013-08-28 Thread srijau
It HAS been mentioned recently on Global family chat as Kenneth Kuanda was 
lamenting that he was not quicker and more decisive in implementing Maharishi's 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Funny how you never read such things in the Global Country Good News
 TM Scheme Chased from Zambia.  
     ATranscendental Meditation (TM) scheme to turn Zambia into heaven on 
 earth appears to have collapsed 
 in the wake of the electoral defeat late last year of the scheme's chief 
 patron, long-time Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda.
     The devoutly 
 Christian president's interest in mystical matters - he already had an 
 Indian spiritualist as an advisor - was well known when TM 
 representatives sold him on a plan to take over one quarter of the 
 country on which to develop ideal communities by sowing unused land and 
 creating new villages while teaching Zambians TM techniques. This in a 
 once prosperous country with its economy now in tatters, food and 
 medicine in short supply, and a decaying infrastructure.
     The Maharishi 
 Heaven on Earth Project - crazy, isn't it, said opposition politician 
 Derrick Chitala - had managed to establish a training center where 
 hundreds of Zambians studied meditation via videotape, farming, solar 
 energy, holistic medicine, conversion of gasoline engine cars to 
 pollution-free electric technology, and other skills needed for the new 
 world. The school was run and promoted by Humphrey Mumba, a 34-year-old 
 devotee who says TM cured his asthma. He sees TM as a scientifically 
 proved life-improvement technique used successfully around the world.
     President Kaunda, 
 who denied any personal involvement in TM - That is not in my line - 
 said the project was merely an experiment, an attempt to try something 
 radical and new to solve Zambia's endemic problems. He said it was a 
 development scheme, not a religious one, and that no one would be forced to 
 join a cult or meditate.
     A local newspaper 
 editor explained: The gurus came to him with this idea to put up this 
 funny project of theirs and found the president very receptive to the 
 idea. They are very clever. They see the psychology of the man and they 
 exploit it.
     During the run up 
 to the election, an opposition spokes-man told a rally, They are going 
 to give our land to the gurus of India! We say, when we are elected, we 
 will send them home! (From Heaven's strange bedfellows, by Rick 
 Lyman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/16/91, 1A, 14A; Kaunda Swept From 
 Office in Lopsided Zambian Vote, by Karl Maier, Washington Post, 
 11/2/91, A1, A19)
     The night before 
 the election, TM had a half-hour TV ad about how the TM scheme would 
 make Zambia invincible among its neighbors and a world leader. The day 
 after the election, which saw Kaunda get only 20% of the vote, TM 
 officials reportedly fled the country. (Cult Observer Report)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread merudanda
Quite a lot of German on this list
  20. Hanspeter  Ritterstaedt  (Germany) died  ~1998.
 Was very old, ex-German national leader, I got the flying sutra by him
Do you remember him singing in Koessen, Tyrol,Austria  a adapted version
to the tune (Silesian folk songs with melodies)of Die Gedanken sind
freiincluding some free (also adapted)rhymes? [;)] Everybody was
laughging but he did not mind.Lovely gentleman of old German  tradition
and ancient school-- with his wig.

Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten,
Sie fliegen vorbei wie nächtliche Schatten.
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Jäger erschießen
Mit Pulver und Blei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them,
With powder and lead: Thoughts are free!

  In the 12th century Austrian minnesinger Walther von der Vogelweide
(c.1170-1230) wrote: joch sint iedoch gedanke frî (yet still
thoughts are free), and Dietmar von Aist (presumably) had composed the
song Gedanke die sint ledic vrî (only thoughts are free).

Drum will ich auf immer den Sorgen absagen
Und will mich auch nimmer mit Grillen mehr plagen.
Man kann ja im Herzen stets lachen und scherzen
Und denken dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
So I will renounce my sorrows forever,
And never again torture myself with some fancy ideas.
In one's heart, one can always laugh and joke
And think at the same time: Thoughts are free!

[FairfieldLife] Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says

2013-08-28 Thread srijau
According to the current defence minister, Tobias Dai, the effect was 
overwhelming. Crime levels dropped; a drought was averted and economic growth, 
predicted at 6%, soared to 19%.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread obbajeeba

I am more concerned with this back and forth changing Yahoo board. Scared the 
crap out of me, then it went back to the original format next time I signed in. 
 No wonder how come Share is running around with a forked tongue.

Buck, how about them Bucks and the Redskins yuyh?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am sorta 
 curious if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a gap 
 between *his* two front teeth?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
  Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at about
  a minute in.  Ha.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of
flattest videos and movies?
   Addressing the important issues!
   No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
   how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music performers
   have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these days.
   Go figure.
   Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
   stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the foot-stamping
   look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
   performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
   cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
   'Miley, Go Back to School'
   Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bet it was a nice party

2013-08-28 Thread Seraphita
When you said, I was there, briefly, at first I thought you were
referring to the Florida celibate TM men enjoying the adulation of
female movement groupies drawn to the hard-to-getness. I was going to
ask you if you got lucky.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 I was there, briefly. The last big course I attended. The
administration and assignment of rooms for participants was
unprofessional, inefficient, and highly political - like some third
world backwater.

 After waiting five hours (5:30 PM to 10:30 PM) at the hotel, for my
reserved and paid for, single room, I was finally given a dorm room on
the other side of town, shared with some guy with a skin infection, who
woke me up at 1 AM, to move in. I left the course the next day.

 As for the demonstrators mentioned in this article, they must have
phoned it in, because nobody, including me, saw any of them.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  Ex-Followers Demonstrate Against
  From Grounding
  the Guru, by Susan Gervasi, City Paper (Washington, DC), 7/13/90;
  More than 800 members of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental
  Meditation, attending a week-long convention at Washington, DC's
  Omni-Shoreham Hotel in June, faced the protest of members of TM-EX,
an informal
  anti-TM group that educates the public about TM and offers exit
counseling to
  those who want out of the movement.
  One TM-EX, former 15-year follower Curtis Mailloux, a 33-year-old
real estate
  broker from Fairfax, VA, denounced the organization as a cultist
religion that
  is exploitative, deceptive, and damaging. Mailloux is a 1979
graduate of
  Maharishi International University, in Fairfield, IA, who in 1985
became head of
  TM's Washington Center.
  TM-EXers do not dispute that TM can be an effective relaxation
technique, though
  they say it is no better than similar relaxation regimens. The
danger in TM,
  they say, comes when the discipline takes over the meditators'
  TM-EX member Joe Kelley said: When we started we were told it was a
  effortless technique for releasing stress with no religious
  Initially, it was a 20 minute technique. But by taking advanced
  courses and other activities, I was effectively made into a Hindu
  said Kelley.
  Former TM teacher Diane Hendel, who has sued the organization for
fraud and
  extortion, said the many bizarre mental experiences she had were
considered a
  sign of spiritual superiority. I saw little creatures with wings
  intensive meditation periods, she related. They were like my pets.
They'd tell
  me things. She was encouraged to believe that these winged beasties
  devas -- Hindu spirits of nature. I began not to be able to tell
who was a
  person and who was a deva, she said. Hendel sought counseling,
eventually quit
  meditating, and left the movement.
  Mailloux said involvement in the movement becomes a prison of
  Especially as a leader in the movement, there's no way you can leave
this group
  and be [regarded by other devotees as] OK or leave with dignity... I
was only
  special as a nervous system which is a 'generator of purity,' not as
  Mailloux's specialnessearned him three years in Florida with a
group of
  celibate TM men, living monastically within the movement, where he
enjoyed the
  adulation of female movement groupies drawn to his hard-to-getness
-- a common
  ego-trip among the celibates, he said. Some movement women with low
  he added, tend to get fixated on these celibate men and get milked
for donations
  to support them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread srijau
It will be good for anyone reading this group to keep this in mind that the 
moderator will post things after a cursory glance with no attention paid to the 
accuracy of what he posts in his name.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:08 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
  What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer that contains 
 people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of ladies that were 
 never on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for reasons only known to 
 Rick Archer himself and his croonies ?
 I didn’t make the list. Someone who used to be on Purusha sent it around. I 
 glanced at it and posted it here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says

2013-08-28 Thread John

This is a good article.  The countries around Mozambique need peace and 
prosperity that they have never known.  In particular, Mozambique should teach 
the leaders of Somalia to follow their path to success in governance.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@... no_reply@... wrote:

 According to the current defence minister, Tobias Dai, the effect was 
 overwhelming. Crime levels dropped; a drought was averted and economic 
 growth, predicted at 6%, soared to 19%.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , emilymae.reyn  wrote:

 I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
 Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
 a minute in.  Ha.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Richard J. Williams  wrote:

The tube-lipped nectar bat has the longest tongue of any animal
proportional to its body size. It's tongue is 3.3 inches long, 1.5 times
longer than its entire body. http://i.imgur.com/32iLT.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/32iLT.jpgMiley Cyrus' licker can probably
touch her nose. No big deal. She needs to go for the Gene Simmons look. 
http://youtu.be/pYEV-PA16xM http://youtu.be/pYEV-PA16xM



   Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some of
   flattest videos and movies?
  Addressing the important issues!
  No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
  how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
  have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
  Go figure.
  Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
  stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
  look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious Cyrus'
  performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
  cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
  'Miley, Go Back to School'
  Time Magazine:
  http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc http://tinyurl.com/o3f9pgc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda

2013-08-28 Thread John

One of Obama's options is to NOT attack directly but to supply the rebels with 
the needed weapons and ammunitions they need to fight Assad.  He might also 
choose a no fly zone against Assad's airforce.  That means, the US Air Force 
will be involved in enforcing this policy.

This could possibly tip the progress of the war towards the rebel.  At the same 
time, the rebel leadership should be able to setup a new government for the 
benefit of the Syrian people.

At this time, Obama is still weighing his options and we should find out very 
soon what that option will be.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – 
 for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on 
 the same side as al-Qa'ida.
 Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to fight 
 against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with
the connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his

 Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have a
bunch of people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it isn't
the saccharine songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick likes
that kind-a music and singing.

  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

  What do you mean similar list  ? A list made by Rick Archer
that contains people that were, like the so-called Purusha list, of
ladies that were never on the MD-Programme ? A similar list designed for
reasons only known to Rick Archer himself and his croonies ?

 --- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Yes, the Flower of a generation.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
   The Moses Generation, gratitude to them. (with phraselogy apology
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:
List of Purusha Men That Have Passed Away

 Anybody got a similar list for women of the Mother Divine program to

It's actually four lists, and there are some duplicates.
43 Purusha that passed away
1. Gunter Wiesenarter (Germany) died 13 July 2010 in the morning
at the age of 64 in Dalheim, Germany (born 13.03.1946).
2. Heinrich Schock (Germany) died 14 January 2010 at home of
stomach  cancer.
3. Ralph Ward - Lymphoma (USA) died in July 2010
4. Chris Todd, USA, died end of December 2009 on heart failure
at age 59 in Fairfield, Iowa.
5. Jim Keersemaker (USA) died 21 October 2009 at age 62, when he
walked alone in Gajoli without a buddy and fell into a ravine. A good
dog was with him, who protected his dead body all night from being eaten
by wild animals.
6. Pranab Sarma (Germany / Bengal) died early  September 2009 in
Germany (prostate cancer).
7. Eduardo Lozano (Spain) died on the full moon day  9 Febr 2009
around 7 p.m. in Spain.
8. Scott Girard (USA) Iowa, died in 2009
9. Billy Goodbar (USA) was found dead in his bathroom in
September 2008 at his farm in North Carolina, where he was taking care
of the Purusha cow herd.  Heart failure.
10. Sam Jarvis (USA) died of old age in the  beginning of March
11. Al Klapper (USA, in coma  after returning from India with a
lung infection) died around 10. March 2008.
12. Reinhard Borowitz (Germany) died 16 Oct 2007, 19:30  at
Lothar Pircâs MAV clinic in Germany, where he stayed for his last
few  months.
13. Bernt Metzner (Germany) died on 28 July 2007 at  noon 12:47
in Vlodrop in his room in space box 22 (lung  cancer).
14. Hans Hinrichsen (Germany) died on 21 Sept. 2006 in Hamburg.
15. Rudolf Knerer (Germany) died at home in Passau  2006.
16. Heinz Wittke (Germany) died in India after a crash with his
motorcycle after several months in coma, 2006.
17. Bob Liatunick (USA) died 2006 of a heart failure and liver
cancer at his home in USA after being in Uttarkashi for 6 years.
18. Bernhard Wenzl (Germany) died in Bavaria 2005  (rabies).
19. Garrison (Gary) Frantz died 2002 or 2003 in India of blood
poisoning after he had injured his colon with a self-administered 
20. Hanspeter  Ritterstaedt  (Germany) died  ~1998.
21. Bodo Bartusch, a German Purusha, who died maybe 1998.
22. Vincent Eliaume, France, a white young Purusha who  was in
Wavre 1996, performed suicide in 1998 (after he left Purusha together 
with Jean-Paul Dufaure, who advocated Yoga Vasishtha for fast
23. Bobby Warron, a black Purusha from Martinique was known to
wash his face with water in the Vlodrop in-house swimming pool area all
the time. He was sent home after he had all his teeth drawn out, and he
committed suicide at home in Martinique.
24. Dr. George Jansen (Holland) died maybe in the  beginning of
25. Jos Verstege, a  Dutch Purusha of the Vedic Atom who died
after he went home, maybe  1990.
26. Roberto Frangerini (Italy) had a fatal traffic accident on
the way to his mine in Brasil ~1990
27. Dr. Eberhard Arnold, Purusha doctor, died  maybe 1988.
28. Sten Sjoested aus Schweden burned himself in the basement in
Vlodrop 1987.
29. Dr. José Maria Coderch, a medical doctor and Spanish
Purusha, who died in Brazil in a car accident in 1987.
30. Adrian Hug died maybe 1985 at home in Switzerland (cancer).
31. Frank Papentin died maybe 1983 of a brain  tumor.
32. Ceri Brooks (from 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am sorta
curious if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a
gap between *his* two front teeth?
And don't forget one of the most unforgettable teeth gapers Lauren

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
  I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
  Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
  a minute in.  Ha.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
flattest videos and movies?
   Addressing the important issues!
   No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
   how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
   have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
   Go figure.
   Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
   stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
   look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
   performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
   cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
   'Miley, Go Back to School'
   Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

 I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told...

That's what I'm sayin'!

That the Saddham regime had WMD and that's why we had
to invade Iraq. At least 95% of our congress believed 
Saddham had WMD - including Clinton, Kerry, Tenet and 

It was probably the liberal Bill Moyers who first 
claimed Bush lied about the WMD. 

There probably were WMD in Iraq but they got shipped 
off to Syria! 

You know there's a liberal in the White House when the 
New York Times has a headline like this:

'Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal'
New York Times:

Mike Dixon:
 I'm still waiting to hear the *big lie* Bush told. If it was that Iraq had 
 WMD's, that is what he was told and assured of by George Tenet, head of the 
 CIA and appointed to that position by  William Jefferson Clinton. If you say 
 something that is not true, it's not a lie if you believed it was true. You 
 were just wrong. Lying is intended deception. Saddam Hussein gave just about 
 every intelligence agency in the world the belief that he had WMD's, and was 
 moving them around and hiding them. Saddam wanted people to believe he had 
 them because he used them against his own people, the Kurds and against the 
 Iranians and he kept Shiites under control with that lie.
  From: Richard J. Williams punditster@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obombie wants his war
  Authfriend, your beautiful mind is wasted on her.
 Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
 It won't be long now and we'll know who is the real leader 
 of the free world. What if Obama is wrong, and it turns 
 out that Assad didn't use WMD, or that he has no WMD? 
 We already know that George W. Bush was a liar, and that 
 John Kerry is too, so we've been down this road before. 
 If it took us 10 years to get out of Afghanistan, it would 
 probably take 20 to get out of Syria, if ever. Go figure.
 The question is, will punishing Assad end the civil war in 
 Syria? No. 
 So, is Russia irrelevant?
 If there's any doubt about the answer, consider two 
 numbers: 8,500 and 1.
 'The Guns of August'
 'Why It's a Mistake to Ignore Russia'
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
dear Bhairitu, here's my confession:
   This isn't a confession, Share. There's no need to
   exalt yourself here.
all this recent talk about West Wing had me remembering
various bits of various episodes. When I read Doc's comments,
I remembered an episode when the president's people took a
   The word is discreet, not discrete.
poll to find out how the nation would feel about a certain
   You still don't understand what was wrong with your
   hypothetical poll on Syria, do you? (I mean, aside
   from the fact that the administration would be highly
   unlikely to bomb Syria in this present situation on
   the basis of the results of a poll.) Now, *that* would
   be a confession.
I thought Doc asked some good questions and that was the
first response that came to my mind, that they took a poll.
   He did ask a good question, but it was more rhetorical
   than information oriented. It made the point that there
   *should* have been outrage months ago about the shelling
   of apartment buildings. And your hypothetical poll was 
   in no way a response to that point.
I think Xeno is right, I do tend to be more intuitive than
linear in my thinking. But mainly I tend to make connections.
   Intuitive sounds better than sloppy. You just make any
   old connection that crosses your mind in order to have
   something to say, Share. You don't bother to think things
   through, so your connections rarely add value.
Anyway, thanks for your intelligent comments and article.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
  Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
  a minute in.  Ha.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

 The tube-lipped nectar bat has the longest tongue of any animal
 proportional to its body size. It's tongue is 3.3 inches long, 1.5
 longer than its entire body. http://i.imgur.com/32iLT.jpg
 Miley Cyrus' licker can probably
 touch her nose. No big deal. She needs to go for the Gene Simmons

Not so long but pretty sweet.

Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
flattest videos and movies?
   Addressing the important issues!
   No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
   how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
   have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
   Go figure.
   Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
   stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
   look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
   performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
   cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
   'Miley, Go Back to School'
   Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

John jr_esq:
 One of Obama's options is to NOT attack directly but
 to supply the rebels with the needed weapons and
 ammunitions they need to fight Assad.

Probably the worst case scenario would be if Russia
comes to the defense of Assad and cuts or hikes oil
prices to Western Europe. If that happens, the Europeans
are screwed - it's going to be a cold winter in Denmark,
France, and Holland. Russia is the largest supplier of
oil, coal and natural gas to Europe.

The best case scenario would be for the U.S. to lob a few
missiles at Syrian military targets to make a point and
Assad then agrees to a new government under pressure
from Iran.

Read more:

'Syria conflict and the oil market: Worst and best scenarios'
http://www.cnbc.com/id/100994327 http://www.cnbc.com/id/100994327

 He might also choose a no fly zone against Assad's airforce.  That
means, the US Air Force will be involved in enforcing this policy.

 This could possibly tip the progress of the war towards the rebel.  At
the same time, the rebel leadership should be able to setup a new
government for the benefit of the Syrian people.

 At this time, Obama is still weighing his options and we should find
out very soon what that option will be.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Bhairitu wrote:
  If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured
  for the very first time in history – that the United States will
be on
  the same side as al-Qa'ida.
  Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to
  against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
All these random connections.   Beautiful photo of Lauren.  Dr. D, I
think based on these shots of celebrity teeth that Madonna has had some
work done.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am
 curious if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a
 gap between *his* two front teeth?
 And don't forget one of the most unforgettable teeth gapers Lauren

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
   I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think?
   Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
   a minute in.  Ha.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
 Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
 flattest videos and movies?

Addressing the important issues!
No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I
how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
Go figure.
Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed
cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
'Miley, Go Back to School'
Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
Yes! I always though she was beautiful.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am sorta
 curious if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a
 gap between *his* two front teeth?
 And don't forget one of the most unforgettable teeth gapers Lauren
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
   I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
   Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
   a minute in.  Ha.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
 Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
 flattest videos and movies?

Addressing the important issues!
No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
Go figure.
Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
'Miley, Go Back to School'
Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] Re: How the deluded see the world....

2013-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Diamonds and rust.

Emmylou Harris, Joan Baez and Jackson Browne - July 27, 2013
http://youtu.be/giY3W6fxK_c http://youtu.be/giY3W6fxK_c


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, definitely closed that gap - and losing that 'do didn't hurt a bit - looks 
like she could've hidden a small pistol, or maybe even a chihuahua up there.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 All these random connections.   Beautiful photo of Lauren.  Dr. D, I
 think based on these shots of celebrity teeth that Madonna has had some
 work done.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
   Even though she hides it behind the microphone pretty well, I am
  curious if she is distantly related to David Letterman, who also has a
  gap between *his* two front teeth?
  And don't forget one of the most unforgettable teeth gapers Lauren
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think?
Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
a minute in.  Ha.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

  Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
  flattest videos and movies?
 Addressing the important issues!

 No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I
 how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
 have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these

 Go figure.


 Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
 stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
 look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
 performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed
 cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.

 'Miley, Go Back to School'
 Time Magazine:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and al-Qaeda

2013-08-28 Thread John

Russia is looking out for itself.  They would rather make money form Europe as 
usual rather than be side-tracked with the Syrian conflict.

The other option would be to rely on the United Nations to determine what is 
the appropriate action against Syria.  IMO, most countries in the world don't 
want another war or get involved in Syria's civil war.  The UN option would 
probable the most innocuous of all and most cost effective for everyone.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams punditster@... 

 John jr_esq:
  One of Obama's options is to NOT attack directly but
  to supply the rebels with the needed weapons and
  ammunitions they need to fight Assad.
 Probably the worst case scenario would be if Russia
 comes to the defense of Assad and cuts or hikes oil
 prices to Western Europe. If that happens, the Europeans
 are screwed - it's going to be a cold winter in Denmark,
 France, and Holland. Russia is the largest supplier of
 oil, coal and natural gas to Europe.
 The best case scenario would be for the U.S. to lob a few
 missiles at Syrian military targets to make a point and
 Assad then agrees to a new government under pressure
 from Iran.
 Read more:
 'Syria conflict and the oil market: Worst and best scenarios'
 http://www.cnbc.com/id/100994327 http://www.cnbc.com/id/100994327
  He might also choose a no fly zone against Assad's airforce.  That
 means, the US Air Force will be involved in enforcing this policy.
  This could possibly tip the progress of the war towards the rebel.  At
 the same time, the rebel leadership should be able to setup a new
 government for the benefit of the Syrian people.
  At this time, Obama is still weighing his options and we should find
 out very soon what that option will be.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Bhairitu wrote:
   If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured
   for the very first time in history – that the United States will
 be on
   the same side as al-Qa'ida.
   Of course al-CIAda as some of us call it was started by the CIA to
   against the Russians in Afghanistan. Your tax dollars at work proud

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck now offers free seminars in Fairfield on the dangers of porn

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
They are aging nicely, don't you think? Link is Gene and Paul talking
about their album Monster.  Gene says I is the most powerful word in
the English language.  Ha - I find that quite funny, but I'll keep it to
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  I'll bet she can touch her tongue to her nose, whaddya think? Here's
  Madonna from 1984 - everybody clapped - she takes off her veil at
  a minute in.  Ha.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

 The tube-lipped nectar bat has the longest tongue of any animal
 proportional to its body size. It's tongue is 3.3 inches long, 1.5
 longer than its entire body. http://i.imgur.com/32iLT.jpg
 Miley Cyrus' licker can probably
 touch her nose. No big deal. She needs to go for the Gene Simmons


Ever notice how fundamentalists and conservatives produce some
flattest videos and movies?
   Addressing the important issues!
   No, I haven't noticed that about conservative movies - but I have
   how lurid and crass some of the liberal Hollywood TV music
   have become, which has led to a general musical bankruptcy these
   Go figure.
   Most of the media backlash focused on Cyrus' crass opportunism,
   stole the show from Lady Gaga, normally no slouch in the
   look-at-me department. But the real scandal was how atrocious
   performance was in artistic terms. She was clumsy, flat-footed and
   cringingly unsexy, an effect heightened by her manic grin.
   'Miley, Go Back to School'
   Time Magazine:

[FairfieldLife] For Emily - and Bob Ann

2013-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
22 Signs Your Dog's An Introvert


[FairfieldLife] For Barry - Uncle Tantrum Narcissus

2013-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
23 signs you're a secret narcissist - yes you are Barry, STOP LYING !!!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha Passing List

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
Merudanda, I didn't know that!   I like flute music.  Perhaps my appreciation 
for the song Living in the Past will qualify me to be a member here?  Smile.  

Yes, interesting article.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 Do you know was Jethro Tull  a big MMY fan!?
 1967   On one side was an original instrumental by Dale Burt that Lee
 titled  Maharishi. (A different version appears on the album titled
 Change.)The flip side Sunshine Superman  a instrumental arrangement of
 Donovan's Sunshine Superman.
 The Aggregation 'Maharishi' LHI 45
 Happy and I'm smiling,
 Walk a mile to drink your water.
 While others shout of war's disaster.
 Oh, we won't give in,
 Let's go living in the past.
 Let us close out eyes;
 Outside their lives go on much faster.
 Oh, we won't give in,
 We'll keep living in the past.
 Jethro Tull - Living In The Past 1969
 Remembering  the past seems to be completely natural. Our memories of
 people, places  and experiences can be precious and worth dwelling on
 from time to  time.
 Setting Time Aright  :An international and inter-disciplinary meeting
 investigating the Nature of Time
 http://fqxi.org/conference/2011 http://fqxi.org/conference/2011
 Wonderful  article about the great 80 millisecond reality blank( time to
 transfer  information from sensory system to the brain and to process it
 within  the brain before we become conscious of it.)Might be very
 interesting to  conduct the same researches not on casual students, but
 on  practitioners of different spiritual practices, like meditators,
 shamans  etc who might show a slightly different perception of time:
 Time on the Brain: How You Are Always Living In the Past, and Other
 Quirks of Perception
   When  we retrieve a memory, we also rewrite it, so that the time next
 we go  to remember it, we don't retrieve the original memory but the
 last one  we recollected. So, each time we tell a story, we embellish
 it, while  remaining genuinely convinced of the veracity of our
 The  bottom line is that memory is essential to constructing scenarios
 for  ourselves in the future. Anecdotal evidence backs this up. Our
 ability  to project forward and to recollect the past both develop
 around age 5,  and people who are good at remembering also report having
 vivid thoughts  about the future.
   Huw Price's Time's Arrow and Archimedes'  Point, argues
 that concepts of cause and effect derive from our  experience as agents
 in the world and may not be a fundamental feature  of reality.
 40th Anniversary Tribute to Jethro Tull
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emilymae.reyn  wrote:
  I was a big Jethro Tull fan back in the late 70's and early 80's.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   I am still stuck in the past with Jethro Tull, although I am partial
 to Jessie J as well.
From: Rick Archer rick@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:47 PM
   Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
 [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Jackson
   Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:30 PM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List
   Its cronies, meaning a friend or close associate generally used with
 the connotation of an unsavory nature, like a mafia boss and his
   Croonies I would assume would be those who croon, so Rick must have
 a bunch of people who sing to him every day. I hope for his sake it
 isn't the saccharine songs of the Mother Divine ladies, but maybe Rick
 likes that kind-a music and singing.
   Naw, I’ve always got Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and the like
 knocking on the door, wanting to show me their stuff.
   From:nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:07 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily - and Bob Ann

2013-08-28 Thread emilymae.reyn
Excellent Ravi.

No. 23.  She goes to bed before her owner does
No. 24.  She maintains an existentially ferocious exterior to protect her inner 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 

 22 Signs Your Dog's An Introvert

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Emily - and Bob Ann

2013-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
LOL - love #23  #24

I guess I love cats more than dogs (does that make me an introvert? :-)),
so I absolutely loved #7, that cute, little cat jumping all over that
introverted dog :-)

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:54 PM, emilymae.reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Excellent Ravi.

 No. 23.  She goes to bed before her owner does
 No. 24.  She maintains an existentially ferocious exterior to protect her
 inner introvert

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  22 Signs Your Dog's An Introvert


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