RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 Yes, old bones, that is a communal rub that really hurts some morale 
(feelings) of some old dedicated meditators that had come here to be in a big 
group meditation. That before were people having number one great experiences 
who were being subsidized to be in the Domes with the original Settle grant 
program are dropped from the grant program for other people who can perform 
'hopping' and keep that performance up. The Settle granting as it is now is not 
necessarily all good in effect on the Dome numbers. From interviewing folks 
around it could be argued that paying for 'hopping' is actually 
counter-productive to the overall numbers. Could proly be better to just skip 
the grant program and go back to having people meditating the program out 
according to their experience. -Buck 

---In,  wrote:

 I'm too old to bounce very high and if after program James Beddinger or some 
other jack ass gave me some crap about my hopping I would go to jail for 
kicking his ass.
 > wrote:

  I look forward to the group meditating.
 It's a fabulous place
 to meditate for the field effect that is there. You should
 come back
 some time and within join the group meditating.

 It doesn't
 bother you that people are being taken to task for not
 hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program
 was SUPPOSED to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What
 happened to that? If indeed this is taking place inside and
 out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental
 basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes,
 and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
 doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
 people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
 then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
 fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past
 statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
 continually being re-buried by practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13, 

 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect.
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 
 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 MJ writes:
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the

 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome? 

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread j_alexander_stanley
Rick and I have absolutely nothing to do with any communications that happen 
outside FFL. Hell, we barely have anything to do with the communications that 
do happen on FFL.

---In,  wrote:

 You have nothing to do with this conflict between me and this other party. You 
are just looking for something salacious to gossip about. 


 If Rick or Alex want more info, I will give them time/place/platform/contents 
when these interactions occurred. 

BTW, I can be called any name whatsoever and simply not care because the 
insulter has no status for me. However, when my family is attacked, as they 
were, I shall not tolerate it. I deny the validity of sippenhaft and shall 
eliminate the problem by any legal means.  
 Mr. Bill - let me know if you want to play this game, I have your full 
name,email, wife's name, when you married, where you live, your FB profile all 


From my viewpoint, such a threat against my family is a declaration of  
unremitting and merciless warfare ... total war.

So it goes


 As long as you're changing the subject, why not just tell us why you claimed 
Ravi was stalking your wife? Up until you made that claim, I thought you were 
pretty rational too, if not a little eccentric. Now, I don't know what to think 
you're up to. It's a pretty serious charge - stalking your family on Facebook. 
Go figure.


RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread doctordumbass
Even if it had passed, it would have just made the lawyers rich, justifying 
other ways for the CEO to be paid - It reminds me of the time Steve Jobs took a 
one dollar annual salary, from Apple, and the board, that year,  coincidentally 
gave him a $50 million jet. 


---In,  wrote:

 More raping and pillaging of the world by the "privileged" aided and abetted 
by Swiss stupid who must all believe they're going to be "given" a job someday 
that more than 200 times what they were getting sweeping floors.
 On 11/24/2013 08:34 AM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
   From Telegraph:
 Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a proposal to bring in a 
law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of the lowest paid. There 
are many more votes still to count, but it is clear the initiative cannot pass 
now. The new rules would have given Switzerland the world's toughest pay rules 
and some of the lowest executive salaries - which business leaders said would 
limit foreign investment.
 It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted on the 
issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and golden handshakes. 
 There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what their 
employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that these high 
levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms have been cutting jobs. 
 Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high salaries and 
a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, Switzerland will hold 
another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.  

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
Let's remember that Ravi denies the charges:

 This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.

 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed me last year and we have 
had private conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all cordial 
and I even wished him luck after he talked about his marriage after a 10 year 
live-in relationship. I'm really shocked at emptybill's dishonesty and I have 
warned him and the moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.



---In,  wrote:

 Maybe calling the police might be a better solution. Not sure if Rick or Alex 
would be much help, since they're both in Iowa. Anyway, thanks for the heads up 
- I'll tell Rita to be on the watch for any strange behavior on Facebook.The 
best solution for situations like this is to just go off the grid grid 
entirely.The internet is is not for anyone who wants privacy. I should have 
done this years ago - the guy that tried to out me by posting my real name on 
Usenet is still a subscriber on this list.There's no telling what he's up to 
now. Go figure.

 On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 4:57 PM, mailto:emptybill@...> wrote:
   You have nothing to do with this conflict between me and this other party. 
You are just looking for something salacious to gossip about. 


 If Rick or Alex want more info, I will give them time/place/platform/contents 
when these interactions occurred. 

BTW, I can be called any name whatsoever and simply not care because the 
insulter has no status for me. However, when my family is attacked, as they 
were, I shall not tolerate it. I deny the validity of sippenhaft and shall 
eliminate the problem by any legal means.  

 Mr. Bill - let me know if you want to play this game, I have your full 
name,email, wife's name, when you married, where you live, your FB profile all 

From my viewpoint, such a threat against my family is a declaration of  
unremitting and merciless warfare ... total war.

So it goes 

 As long as you're changing the subject, why not just tell us why you claimed 
Ravi was stalking your wife? Up until you made that claim, I thought you were 
pretty rational too, if not a little eccentric. Now, I don't know what to think 
you're up to. It's a pretty serious charge - stalking your family on Facebook. 
Go figure.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu

Why are we not surprised the Prof Troll buys the Warren Report kool-aid.

On 11/24/2013 02:44 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

There is no doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippet - 
hardly anyone supports the theory that Oswald was innocent of the 
killings. He was caught red-handed (no pun intended). Oswald didn't 
need any co-conspirators in order to pull the trigger three times on 
Kennedy and four times on Tippet, Oswald being a patsy or not.

Oswald was a crack shot and he used his own weapons that he bought via 
mail order. The only serious question is, was there a fourth shot 
fired from the the direction of the grassy knoll? If so, that might 
indicate a conspiracy, but even if it was proved that a fourth shot 
was fired, that would not necessarily prove a conspiracy - two people 
acting alone could have done the killing of Kennedy, if they were both 
accurate shooters. But, there has never been any doubt that Oswald 
killed Tippet, according to eyewitnesses.

I've read four books on the assassination and none of the authors 
could or would name a co-conspirator, although there are many 
questions left unanswered about the investigation. You might as well 
claim that the Dallas Cowboys conspired to kill Kennedy, which would 
be impossible, since they were all at football practice that day, 
including Don Meridith.

On 11/24/2013 4:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

A co-conspirator can't be named because Oswald appears to have been 
patsy so it wasn't a conspirator.  He even said so himself.  Why else 
would have Jack Ruby shot him other than to keep him quiet otherwise 
a trial might have shown he indeed was innocent?

The spent shells might not have been the result of Oswald firing that 
junk rifle that had magical properties.  Workers at the book 
depository said he was in the lunch room before and 75 seconds after 
the assassination.

There was a lot at stake and money to be made with a war in Vietnam 
that Kennedy wanted to end.  We had criminal minds running big 
business then and we have them now.  Wake up or I've got another 
bridge to sell you that you can live under.

On 11/24/2013 01:46 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Can you name a single co-conspirator? Lee Harvey Oswald left his 
rifle inside the building where the shots were fired with three  
spent shells on the floor. Oswald was arrested inside the the 
theater holding the pistol he used to shoot Tippet. What other proof 
do you need that Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippet?

On 11/24/2013 2:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Reminds me of the folks I listened to on the radio this last week 
explaining why people won't believe the lone gunman theory.  They 
have all these sewed up psychological theories about how the mind 
develops conspiracy theories.  I find the lone gunman theory as 
preposterous a the idea Martians assassinated JFK.

On 11/24/2013 11:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
I think the 'tude is "I'm going to get mine while I can and screw the 
rest of you!"

On 11/24/2013 04:53 PM, wgm4u wrote:

It does seem greedy to me!

---In,  wrote:

You wonder what the board of directors are doing approving such pay?  
They certainly don't have the stockholders in mind.

On 11/24/2013 04:20 PM, wgm4u wrote:

That's a very interesting development, it brings in to question the 
whole free market system and whether or not pay restrictions have any 
effect at all on productivity. If so, then they're shooting 
themselves in the foot...kind of like, OBAMACARE! ;-)


From Telegraph:
Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a proposal to 
bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of the 
lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is 
clear the initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given 
Switzerland the world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest 
executive salaries - which business leaders said would limit foreign 

It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted 
on the issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and 
golden handshakes.

There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what 
their employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated 
that these high levels of pay are being given to executives whose 
firms have been cutting jobs.

Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high 
salaries and a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, 
Switzerland will hold another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Michael Jackson
I'm too old to bounce very high and if after program James Beddinger or some 
other jack ass gave me some crap about my hopping I would go to jail for 
kicking his ass.

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

 Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 9:33 PM
    I look forward to the group meditating.
  It's a fabulous place
 to meditate for the field effect that is there.  You should
 come back
 some time and within join the group meditating.
 It doesn't
 bother you that people are being taken to task for not
 hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program
 was SUPPOSED to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What
 happened to that? If indeed this is taking place inside and
 out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental
 basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes,
 and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
 doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
 people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
 then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
 fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past
 statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
 continually being re-buried by practices like this.
  On Sun, 11/24/13, 
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
  Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
  problem(?).  It's about
  pay for performance.   If you are being paid to meditate
  then all the more certainly your employers should get some
  disciplined work (meditation) from you.  It is called
  contract.  This criteria calls for overseers for
  is for the few
  folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
  meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
  prescribed for
  on the Howard Settle grant program.  Of the total number
  people in
  the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
  money grant.
   They got standards to keep up if they are getting money
  Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
  when it
  collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
  others are
  selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for
  Other people who before
  were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
  Domes may see
  it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance
  money, as another corruption of money.  People see it
  I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
  little more
  disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
  technique and adding to the group meditation field effect.
  It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
  when people would generally come in just laying down to
  sleep and
  miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
  meditate in
  the Domes.  The lack of discipline was profound in those
  days.  What a drag that was.  It is
  a lot better now. 
  I received some
  communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
  this person told me some interesting things that I had not
  heard before.
  I have changed some of the wording to keep this
  identity confidential, but in essence she said that the
  or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
  paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
  Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
  people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
  folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
  any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
  to task for "not getting high enough off the
  Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
  Men's Dome? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
From what I can tell, Buck is the only regular here, other than Share, 
who meditates in the dome on a regular basis. Were you thinking this was 
a forum for TMers? Go figure.

On 11/24/2013 8:09 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

that's why I was asking if it was true and if any of the regulars here 
on FFL who are also in the Dome could confirm or deny - thus far Buck 
is the only one who says one way or the other and he confirms and condones

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:44 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Michael Jackson
that is hilarious

On Sun, 11/24/13, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:53 PM
 --- In,  wrote:
 > > (snip)
 >  > Ann wrote:
 >  > It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes
 and all of the activities on campus as some unknown,
 undercover participant for about 6 months attending all the
 meetings, the news releases, everything to see what is
 actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't
 have the ability, mentally, to do this as my boredom and
 tolerance quotient is not great but only then could you get
 a fair reading on what is going on in FF, the TM FF, at
 least. Until then, unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay.
 >  Well, exactly. It's interesting--not surprising,
 though, I guess--that every scrap of negative rumor is taken
 by some here to be the gospel truth, while anything positive
 is ignored or dumped on.
 Have you ever noticed how similar TM cultists sound to One
 Direction cultists? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Well, I thought I was being restrained compared to what Judy said to 
Share. I don't think Judy is a crappy human being, I just thinks she 
SUCKS. Go figure

"You really just have to be amazed at her brazenness. No conscience. 
Yes, Quare, when you were new, before it was clear what a crappy human 
being you were, I did do you that favor. Complete non sequitur in this 
context, as you know."

On 11/23/2013 10:15 PM, wrote:

Would someone, anyone, please help me understand this kind of behavior?

Maybe you could explain all of it Dickwad. Here is an example of your 
posting style made to Judy today. Now tell me who is full of hate, 
Dick. Richard the Benevolent spews across the page:

It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when 
other people post to your buddies.

And, I can't think of any other reason for you to try and be a 
communicator here - how long has it been since you posted anything 
interesting to read? Your attitude these days is hateful and pathetic 
and I'm not the only one to notice it. You've got almost zero support 
here anymore - maybe it's time for you to go back to Usenet where you 
came from. I can't think of anything else you could say that would 
make any of us want to be your friend on Facebook, that's fer sure! 
I'd sure not want to meet up with you at a yoga camp!

Of all the informants I've read in the past ten years on the internet, 
I can say without the least hesitation, YOU SUCK the most!

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Michael Jackson
that's why I was asking if it was true and if any of the regulars here on FFL 
who are also in the Dome could confirm or deny - thus far Buck is the only one 
who says one way or the other and he confirms and condones

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

 Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:44 PM
 It doesn't
 bother you that people are being taken to task for not
 hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program
 was SUPPOSED to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What
 happened to that? If indeed this is taking place inside and
 out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental
 basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes,
 and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
 doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
 people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
 then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
 fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past
 statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
 continually being re-buried by practices like
 It would be interesting to
 infiltrate the Domes and all of the activities on campus as
 some unknown, undercover participant for about 6 months
 attending all the meetings, the news releases, everything to
 see what is actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I
 wouldn't have the ability, mentally, to do this as my
 boredom and tolerance quotient is not great but only then
 could you get a fair reading on what is going on in FF, the
 TM FF, at least. Until then, unfortunately, it is all sort
 of hearsay.
  On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
  Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM



Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
  problem(?).  It's about
  pay for performance.   If you are being paid to meditate
  then all the more certainly your employers should get some
  disciplined work (meditation) from you.  It is called
  contract.  This criteria calls for overseers for
  is for the few
  folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
  meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
  prescribed for
  on the Howard Settle grant program.  Of the total number
  people in
  the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
  money grant.
   They got standards to keep up if they are getting money
  Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
  when it
  collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
  others are
  selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for
  Other people who before
  were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
  Domes may see
  it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance
  money, as another corruption of money.  People see it
  I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
  little more
  disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
  technique and adding to the group meditation field effect.
  It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
  when people would generally come in just laying down to
  sleep and
  miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
  meditate in
  the Domes.  The lack of discipline was profound in those
  days.  What a drag that was.  It is
  a lot better now. 
  I received some
  communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
  this person told me some interesting things that I had not
  heard before.
  I have changed some of the wording to keep this
  identity confidential, but in essence she said that the
  or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
  paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
  Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
  people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
  folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
  any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
  to task for "not getting high enough off the
  Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
  Men's Dome? 

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Richard Williams
Maybe calling the police might be a better solution. Not sure if Rick or
Alex would be much help, since they're both in Iowa. Anyway, thanks for the
heads up - I'll tell Rita to be on the watch for any strange behavior on
Facebook.The best solution for situations like this is to just go off the
grid grid entirely.The internet is is not for anyone who wants privacy. I
should have done this years ago - the guy that tried to out me by posting
my real name on Usenet is still a subscriber on this list.There's no
telling what he's up to now. Go figure.

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 4:57 PM,  wrote:

> You have nothing to do with this conflict between me and this other party.
> You are just looking for something salacious to gossip about.
> If Rick or Alex want more info, I will give them
> time/place/platform/contents when these interactions occurred.
> BTW, I can be called any name whatsoever and simply not care because the
> insulter has no status for me. However, when my family is attacked, as they
> were, I shall not tolerate it. I deny the validity of sippenhaft and shall
> eliminate the problem by any legal means.
> Mr. Bill - let me know if you want to play this game, I have your full
> name,email, wife's name, when you married, where you live, your FB
> profile all ready.
> From my viewpoint, such a threat against my family is a declaration of
> unremitting and merciless warfare ... total war.
> So it goes
> ---In,  wrote:
> As long as you're changing the subject, why not just tell us why you
> claimed Ravi was stalking your wife? Up until you made that claim, I
> thought you were pretty rational too, if not a little eccentric. Now, I
> don't know what to think you're up to. It's a pretty serious charge -
> stalking your family on Facebook. Go figure.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill
You have nothing to do with this conflict between me and this other party. You 
are just looking for something salacious to gossip about. 


 If Rick or Alex want more info, I will give them time/place/platform/contents 
when these interactions occurred. 

BTW, I can be called any name whatsoever and simply not care because the 
insulter has no status for me. However, when my family is attacked, as they 
were, I shall not tolerate it. I deny the validity of sippenhaft and shall 
eliminate the problem by any legal means.  
 Mr. Bill - let me know if you want to play this game, I have your full 
name,email, wife's name, when you married, where you live, your FB profile all 


From my viewpoint, such a threat against my family is a declaration of  
unremitting and merciless warfare ... total war.

So it goes

 ---In,  wrote:

 As long as you're changing the subject, why not just tell us why you claimed 
Ravi was stalking your wife? Up until you made that claim, I thought you were 
pretty rational too, if not a little eccentric. Now, I don't know what to think 
you're up to. It's a pretty serious charge - stalking your family on Facebook. 
Go figure.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread wgm4u
It does seem greedy to me! 

---In,  wrote:

 You wonder what the board of directors are doing approving such pay?  They 
certainly don't have the stockholders in mind.
 On 11/24/2013 04:20 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   That's a very interesting development, it brings in to question the whole 
free market system and whether or not pay restrictions have any effect at all 
on productivity. If so, then they're shooting themselves in the foot...kind of 
like, OBAMACARE! ;-) 
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 From Telegraph: Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a 
proposal to bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of 
the lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is clear the 
initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given Switzerland the 
world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest executive salaries - which 
business leaders said would limit foreign investment.
 It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted on the 
issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and golden handshakes. 
 There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what their 
employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that these high 
levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms have been cutting jobs. 
 Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high salaries and 
a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, Switzerland will hold 
another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
You wonder what the board of directors are doing approving such pay?  
They certainly don't have the stockholders in mind.

On 11/24/2013 04:20 PM, wgm4u wrote:

That's a very interesting development, it brings in to question the 
whole free market system and whether or not pay restrictions have any 
effect at all on productivity. If so, then they're shooting themselves 
in the foot...kind of like, OBAMACARE! ;-)

---In,  wrote:

From Telegraph:
Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a proposal to 
bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of the 
lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is clear 
the initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given 
Switzerland the world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest 
executive salaries - which business leaders said would limit foreign 

It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted 
on the issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and 
golden handshakes.

There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what 
their employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that 
these high levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms 
have been cutting jobs.

Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high 
salaries and a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, 
Switzerland will hold another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.

[FairfieldLife] Mick Jagger Will be a Great-Grandfather?

2013-11-24 Thread jr_esq
It appears that he's got a good jyotish chart for children.

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 Really the Dome is run pretty good and you don't have to have much to do with 
the real tru- believers if you don't want to. However, I like them.  A lot of 
people come and go according to their lives here.   There really are not that 
many people on the Howard Settle grant being paid to be in the Domes to 'hop' 
anymore doing the long rounds. They are part of what makes Fairfield so special 
and they do give us all so much to talk and think about.  

 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a little more disciplined 
sitting up in meditation now and attending to the technique and adding to the 
group meditation field effect. It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some 
times ago when people would generally come in just laying down to sleep and 
miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to meditate in the Domes. 
The lack of discipline was profound in those days.  What a drag that was.  It 
is a lot better now.

---In,  wrote:

  I look forward to the group meditating. It's a fabulous place to meditate for 
the field effect that is there. You should come back some time and within join 
the group meditating. -Buck
 ---In,  wrote:

 It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking place 
inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental basics of 
proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old 
Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness between 
programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you 
are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past statements 
made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is continually being re-buried by 
practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM

 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect. 
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 

 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome? 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread wgm4u
That's a very interesting development, it brings in to question the whole free 
market system and whether or not pay restrictions have any effect at all on 
productivity. If so, then they're shooting themselves in the foot...kind of 
like, OBAMACARE! ;-) 

---In,  wrote:

 From Telegraph: Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a 
proposal to bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of 
the lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is clear the 
initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given Switzerland the 
world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest executive salaries - which 
business leaders said would limit foreign investment.
 It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted on the 
issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and golden handshakes. 

 There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what their 
employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that these high 
levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms have been cutting jobs. 

 Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high salaries and 
a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, Switzerland will hold 
another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.  

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 25-Nov-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-11-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/23/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/30/13 00:00:00
156 messages as of (UTC) 11/24/13 23:38:01

 35 Richard J. Williams 
 17 authfriend
 15 Share Long 
 14 emilymaenot
 11 awoelflebater
  9 TurquoiseB 
  8 dhamiltony2k5
  7 Bhairitu 
  6 Michael Jackson 
  5 emptybill
  4 s3raphita
  4 jr_esq
  3 sharelong60
  3 j_alexander_stanley
  3 doctordumbass
  3 cardemaister
  3 Richard Williams 
  2 wgm4u 
  2 salyavin808 
  1 William Leed 
  1 Rick Archer 
Posters: 21
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Free energy???

2013-11-24 Thread cardemaister

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
As long as you're changing the subject, why not just tell us why you 
claimed Ravi was stalking your wife? Up until you made that claim, I 
thought you were pretty rational too, if not a little eccentric. Now, I 
don't know what to think you're up to. It's a pretty serious charge - 
stalking your family on Facebook. Go figure.

On 11/24/2013 3:48 PM, wrote:

At one time, I used to give supplies to a psychiatric unit. Sometimes 
it was
pretty weird yet some of the denizens seems unusually rational. 
Usually they were "in unit" because they had indulged in a rampage at 
some point and destroyed a few things.

Actually that might be a reaction that mimics certain FFL members who 
recently departed.

---In,  wrote:

I'm guessing you don't know who Nurse Ratched is. ;-)

On 11/24/2013 10:10 AM, emptybill@...  wrote:

Nah ... it's nurse Hatchet who is handing out pre-fab dentures for 
the old

folks here who have nothing more to do but sputter and fume.


You're forgetting this places is also known as the Funny Farm Lounge. 
Nurse Ratched will be along with meds in a minute.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
There is no doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippet - 
hardly anyone supports the theory that Oswald was innocent of the 
killings. He was caught red-handed (no pun intended). Oswald didn't need 
any co-conspirators in order to pull the trigger three times on Kennedy 
and four times on Tippet, Oswald being a patsy or not.

Oswald was a crack shot and he used his own weapons that he bought via 
mail order. The only serious question is, was there a fourth shot fired 
from the the direction of the grassy knoll? If so, that might indicate a 
conspiracy, but even if it was proved that a fourth shot was fired, that 
would not necessarily prove a conspiracy - two people acting alone could 
have done the killing of Kennedy, if they were both accurate shooters. 
But, there has never been any doubt that Oswald killed Tippet, according 
to eyewitnesses.

I've read four books on the assassination and none of the authors could 
or would name a co-conspirator, although there are many questions left 
unanswered about the investigation. You might as well claim that the 
Dallas Cowboys conspired to kill Kennedy, which would be impossible, 
since they were all at football practice that day, including Don Meridith.

On 11/24/2013 4:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

A co-conspirator can't be named because Oswald appears to have been 
patsy so it wasn't a conspirator.  He even said so himself.  Why else 
would have Jack Ruby shot him other than to keep him quiet otherwise a 
trial might have shown he indeed was innocent?

The spent shells might not have been the result of Oswald firing that 
junk rifle that had magical properties. Workers at the book depository 
said he was in the lunch room before and 75 seconds after the 

There was a lot at stake and money to be made with a war in Vietnam 
that Kennedy wanted to end.  We had criminal minds running big 
business then and we have them now. Wake up or I've got another bridge 
to sell you that you can live under.

On 11/24/2013 01:46 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Can you name a single co-conspirator? Lee Harvey Oswald left his 
rifle inside the building where the shots were fired with three  
spent shells on the floor. Oswald was arrested inside the the theater 
holding the pistol he used to shoot Tippet. What other proof do you 
need that Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippet?

On 11/24/2013 2:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Reminds me of the folks I listened to on the radio this last week 
explaining why people won't believe the lone gunman theory.  They 
have all these sewed up psychological theories about how the mind 
develops conspiracy theories.  I find the lone gunman theory as 
preposterous a the idea Martians assassinated JFK.

On 11/24/2013 11:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
A co-conspirator can't be named because Oswald appears to have been 
patsy so it wasn't a conspirator.  He even said so himself.  Why else 
would have Jack Ruby shot him other than to keep him quiet otherwise a 
trial might have shown he indeed was innocent?

The spent shells might not have been the result of Oswald firing that 
junk rifle that had magical properties.  Workers at the book depository 
said he was in the lunch room before and 75 seconds after the assassination.

There was a lot at stake and money to be made with a war in Vietnam that 
Kennedy wanted to end.  We had criminal minds running big business then 
and we have them now.  Wake up or I've got another bridge to sell you 
that you can live under.

On 11/24/2013 01:46 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Can you name a single co-conspirator? Lee Harvey Oswald left his rifle 
inside the building where the shots were fired with three  spent 
shells on the floor. Oswald was arrested inside the the theater 
holding the pistol he used to shoot Tippet. What other proof do you 
need that Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippet?

On 11/24/2013 2:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Reminds me of the folks I listened to on the radio this last week 
explaining why people won't believe the lone gunman theory.  They 
have all these sewed up psychological theories about how the mind 
develops conspiracy theories.  I find the lone gunman theory as 
preposterous a the idea Martians assassinated JFK.

On 11/24/2013 11:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread Share Long
Richard, I think if positive, or even not so positive, thinking comes from a 
more surface level of the mind, then the thoughts will not have much power. 
Only thoughts that come from the quieter levels of mind have power to heal, 
manifest, etc.

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 11:09 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Anyone can create physical change by hopping - there will be sound waves and a 
gravitational effect that can be felt and seen by anyone.

If you throw a pebble into a pond of water the effect will be
  ripples radiating out in waves to the edge of the pond. This
  analogy corresponds to the theory of cause and effect - causality.
  For everything that happens there is a cause and a corresponding
  effect - there is a relation between cause and effect. 

The question is, can a thought influence nature or our
  surroundings? Buddhist certainly think so, because one of the
  cardinal beliefs of Buddhism is to project good thoughts along
  with acts that do no harm to a living thing. 

So, if thought is energy it would have an effect on something, if
  nothing more than an effect on the mind itself. Some people think
  there is a relation between thoughts and the ability to cause
  physical change. It may be possible that positive thinking can
  influence the ability of the body to heal itself in a sick person.

On 11/24/2013 5:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

>I think it's about time that the TMO remembered that hopping is just the first 
>stage of flying. People should be fined for not hovering in mid-air. That'd 
>sort them out. I mean, if you are going to alter the laws of physics and 
>create action at a distance by hopping up and down, why not go the whole hog 
>and levitate. 
>Remember the lecture? Gravity is merely a statistical probability and at the 
>level of the unified field we can achieve anything. Put yer money where yer 
>mouth is...
>"It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping 
>high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
>naturally with NO STRAIN?"
>---In,  wrote:
>It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
>enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
>naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking 
>place inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental 
>basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase 
>the Old Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't 
>doing TM.
>If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with
past statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and
it is continually being re-buried by practices like
>On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@...  wrote:
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
>>Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
>>Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
>>problem(?). It's about
>>pay for performance. If you are being paid to
meditate and
>>then all the more certainly your employers should
get some
>>disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
>>contract. This criteria calls for overseers for
>>is for the few
>>folks who are still funded to be regularly attending
>>meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
>>prescribed for
>>on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total
number of
>>people in
>>the larger group meditation only a few remain now on
>>money grant.
>>They got standards to keep up if they are getting
money for
>>Other meditators who were dropped from the grant
>>when it
>>collapsed before for lack of money may well think
>>others are
>>selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
>>Other people who before
>>were there for having great and powerful meditation
in the
>>Domes may see
>>it has become otherwise for some, a form of
performance art
>>money, as another corruption of money. People see it
>>I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
>>little more
>>disciplined sitting up in meditation now and
attending to
>>technique and adding to the group meditation field

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill
At one time, I used to give supplies to a psychiatric unit. Sometimes it was
pretty weird yet some of the denizens seems unusually rational. Usually they 
were "in unit" because they had indulged in a rampage at some point and 
destroyed a few things. 
 Actually that might be a reaction that mimics certain FFL members who recently 



---In,  wrote:

 I'm guessing you don't know who Nurse Ratched is. ;-) 
 On 11/24/2013 10:10 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Nah ... it's nurse Hatchet who is handing out pre-fab dentures for the old 
 folks here who have nothing more to do but sputter and fume.  
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 You're forgetting this places is also known as the Funny Farm Lounge. Nurse 
Ratched will be along with meds in a minute. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Can you name a single co-conspirator? Lee Harvey Oswald left his rifle 
inside the building where the shots were fired with three  spent shells 
on the floor. Oswald was arrested inside the the theater holding the 
pistol he used to shoot Tippet. What other proof do you need that Oswald 
killed Kennedy and Tippet?

On 11/24/2013 2:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Reminds me of the folks I listened to on the radio this last week 
explaining why people won't believe the lone gunman theory.  They have 
all these sewed up psychological theories about how the mind develops 
conspiracy theories.  I find the lone gunman theory as preposterous a 
the idea Martians assassinated JFK.

On 11/24/2013 11:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 I look forward to the group meditating. It's a fabulous place to meditate for 
the field effect that is there. You should come back some time and within join 
the group meditating. -Buck
---In,  wrote:

 It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking place 
inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental basics of 
proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old 
Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness between 
programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you 
are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past statements 
made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is continually being re-buried by 
practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM

 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect. 
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 

 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu

I'm guessing you don't know who Nurse Ratched is. ;-)

On 11/24/2013 10:10 AM, wrote:

Nah ... it's nurse Hatchet who is handing out pre-fab dentures for the 

folks here who have nothing more to do but sputter and fume.

---In,  wrote:

You're forgetting this places is also known as the Funny Farm Lounge. 
Nurse Ratched will be along with meds in a minute.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
Reminds me of the folks I listened to on the radio this last week 
explaining why people won't believe the lone gunman theory.  They have 
all these sewed up psychological theories about how the mind develops 
conspiracy theories.  I find the lone gunman theory as preposterous a 
the idea Martians assassinated JFK.

On 11/24/2013 11:15 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
Is that so?


 Barry, don't try to figure out what I'm "trying to say," OK? You aren't smart 

 And remember your principled objection to the term "cultist" from awhile back 

 "The word 'cult,' when used by *anyone*, is a thought-stopper. I'm fairly 
sensitive to it because I've had to fight such epithets, and
more concrete issues such as blacklisting, on the front lines.

"It's sorta like calling any American who was against the rush to war
after 9/11 a 'traitor.' The intent of hurling the epithet is to demean
the person being called the name, to encourage other people in the
audience to brand the person with that label, and thus to undercut
anything that the targeted victim says by calling his or her credibility into 

"You wouldn't like it much if the epithet 'cultist' was applied to you,
right? If that's so, you might think about not trying to brand others
with it. Just my opinion..."

---In,  wrote:

 I think what she's trying to say is that the scientists left out The Woo
 Factor. Cultists always need The Woo Factor.
 --- In, 
 > This seems like it may explain
 out-of-my-body-into-somebody-else's-body experiences, but not just plain
 old out-of-body experiences.
 > ---In, 
 > wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread TurquoiseB
I think what she's trying to say is that the scientists left out The Woo
Factor. Cultists always need The Woo Factor.

--- In,  wrote:
> This seems like it may explain
out-of-my-body-into-somebody-else's-body experiences, but not just plain
old out-of-body experiences.
> ---In, wrote:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
This seems like it may explain out-of-my-body-into-somebody-else's-body 
experiences, but not just plain old out-of-body experiences. 

---In,  wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Going out of my mind?

2013-11-24 Thread salyavin808

[FairfieldLife] RE: An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill
Nah ... it's nurse Hatchet who is handing out pre-fab dentures for the old 
 folks here who have nothing more to do but sputter and fume.  


---In,  wrote:

 You're forgetting this places is also known as the Funny Farm Lounge. Nurse 
Ratched will be along with meds in a minute. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Autisim + TM = game-changer for the TM organization AND for people with autism?

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
The party's over, most of the guests have gone home but a few drunken 
revelers are trying to keep it alive at 4 AM. :-D

On 11/21/2013 09:46 PM, wrote:

I watched that autism "webinar" that was put on by the David Lynch and 
Joey Lowenstein foundations, and it was nice, but I 
heard a lot of people claiming, as usual, that TM was no different 
than any other form of meditation, was too expensive, and that the 
webinar was merely an infomertial, etc.

So, I did a search, and came across a new research 
review on the EEG of autism.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, after checking further, 
on just about every measure I could find, TM's effects on normal 
people reverses what you find in an autistic person --brainwave power, 
brain activity, brain connections-- they all appear to be /exactly the 
opposite/ from what is typical for an autistic person.

Also, /mindfulness/ and /concentration/ meditation techniques show 
measures that are similar to what autistic people already show, which 
implies they are NOT good for autistic people to practice.

If research on autistic people doing TM shows the same kinds of 
changes that normal people show when they do TM, this implies that TM 
is a direct treatment for autism, not just an anti-stress technique 
that might be good for autistic people to practice.

Here's my original message I put up, which includes the 
links to the various studies that I use to justify what I say above:

A recent review of all studies on EEG and autism showed that the main 
pattern of EEG found in people with ASD actually resembles the changes 
that take place DURING mindfulness and concentration practices. This 
suggests that such practices are completely inappropriate for 
individuals with autism.

[Resting state EEG abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders (full 
text, pdf 

Mindfulness and concentration-based meditation practices tend to show 
higher levels of Gamma EEG or higher levels of theta EEG while showing 
lower levels of Alpha EEG

[Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: 
Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese 
traditions -Table 1 (full text, pdf 

 while Transcendental Meditation tends to show higher levels of Alpha 
EEG power and lower power levels in other EEG frequency bands.

[A self-referential default brain state: patterns of coherence, power, 
and eLORETA sources during eyes-closed rest and Transcendental 

The first study above also mentions that people with Autism Spectrum 
Disorder show a markedly reduced level of long-distance connectivity 
in the brain. Recently published research on many forms of meditation 
_other than_ TM also found that most forms of meditation reduce the 
level of long-distance connectivity in the brain, making their effect 
similar to that which is considered abnormal when found in patients 
with ASD:

[Reduced functional connectivity between cortical sources in five 
meditation traditions detected with lagged coherence using EEG 
tomography (full text, pdf 

The above researchers were recently given a live demo of how fast and 
how effectively TM establishes long-distance connectivity in the 
brain, and are conducting their study again, this time using TM 
practitioners, so that they can compare the results. Based on 
published research on EEG, researchers on TM expect that this new 
study will show that TM has exactly the opposite effect from other 
forms of meditation with respect to long-distance connectivity.

Research on ASD and the resting network of the brain –the so-called 
“default mode network”– has found that there is a marked abnormality 
in how the DMN functions in patients with ASD, especially the 
connectivity to and activity of, the medial Prefrontal Cortex:

[Abnormal functional connectivity of default mode sub-networks in 
autism spectrum disorder patients (full text, pdf 

This turns out to be exactly the same area mostly like to show reduced 
activity and connectivity due to the practice of mindfulness and 
concentrative practices:

[Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct 
neural modes of 

[Impact of meditation training on the default mode network during a 
restful state (full text, pdf 

[Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode 
network activity and connectivity (full text, p


2013-11-24 Thread emilymaenot
What you've said here has nothing to do with what Seraphita was saying, just so 
you know.   

---In,  wrote:

 When I go to the gym for my exercise program I always start out slow, doing 
some stretching exercises to warm up. I've noticed several others doing the 
same thing before a long run in the park. Then comes the heavy lifting like 
curls, or running on the treadmill or on the elliptic. I've also got a habit of 
stretching in bed when I wake up before I get up and start walking around the 
 When taking an exam in school, experts say to read all the questions before 
you start, then work the easy problems first, and save the more difficult ones 
for last. In one one class I took, Business Math, when the final exam came, I 
already knew what my average was in the course and how many points I needed to 
make on the final in order to pass with a 'C'. 
 So, in just a few minutes I completed all the easy questions and I had over 
two hours to complete the difficult ones. Sure, I made an 'A' in the course by 
completing all the questions, but I could have left the room in about ten 
minutes knowing I had already passed the course with a 'B'. If I had attempted 
the hard questions first, I might have run out of time and really screwed up. 
Go figure.
 On 11/24/2013 7:41 AM, William Leed wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Jackson  mailto:mjackson74@...
 To: FairfieldLife
 Sent: Sun, Nov 24, 2013 5:15 am
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time
 That's my way too, the other way, Marshy's way you keep the spectre of the 
unpleasant task looming in your awareness while you do the easy stuff - creates 
stress and screws up the enjoyment of the stuff one loves to do. Amazing that 
"enlightened" feller got it wrong.

On Sun, 11/24/13, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:40 AM
   Re "I also thought it
 interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a bunch
 of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum.
 Then do the difficult ones.":
 The exact opposite
 of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out the
 way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that
 I'm always advancing towards the tasks I find easiest -
 even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - at
 least it suits my temperament.  
 John, I also thought it interesting
 that Maharishi said that when you're taking a test or
 have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build
 up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.
  On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29
 PM, "jr_esq@..." mailto:jr_esq@...  mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
 stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is
 the more likely the correct alternative.  Jyotish can
 help in that regard.
 some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up
 fighting for a lost cause.  FWIW. 
 got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at
 the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the
 right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the
 choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force
 involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had
 much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival.
 Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but
 mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we
 go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real
 closely, you 
 may find that  things and events happen for a reason,
 sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is
 connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not
 much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize
 that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all
 we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the
 future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter
 of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emilymaenot
Yes Ann and Judy, I agree with all of this. Share's "scary plane rides" post 
was the one that almost did me in.  It will never stop.  I believe her brain is 
wired this way and there is nothing she is doing to increase awareness of her 
self and her condition, nothing at least that has had any effect on her 
behavior since she joined.  As I've said, I learn in reverse so in some 
perverted sense, she's taught me a lesson or two. 

---In,  wrote:


 Ann wrote:

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 I've finally figured out what Share's cuter-than-cute posts have been 
reminding me of:



 Remember these? This one's called "Waiting for Grandma."


 And these:



 Black velvet painting, "Jesus and Elvis."


 Oh, the inanity...

 A relentlessly steady diet of the kind of verbal kitsch Share churns out is 
deadening and depressing and even, as you say, nauseating. Devoid of any 
self-discipline, any self-critical evaluation, any subtlety: whatever the 
thought is, just spew it out as fast as possible, with no reservation, no 
filtering, no dignity. See, everybody, I had a thought, and here it is! No 
reflection, no selection, platitudes delivered as if they were profound 


RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Where People Live

2013-11-24 Thread emilymaenot
Go to it.  This is your one life, as far as I'm concerned.   

---In,  wrote:

 Thanks, your opinion means a lot to me. Apparently you've done some traveling 
yourself. My daughter lives in Santa Rosa in Sonoma. She wants us to move out 
there. I asked her why she picked one of the most expensive places to live on 
the planet and she said it was just karma. It's not often that we get to start 
with a blank slate, in this case, a blank map. I had to work until I was 65 
years old to do be able to do want I really want to do!
 On 11/24/2013 12:17 AM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Richard, I like this particular post of yours rolling out your thought 
process.  I've been developing my criteria for moving as well, in the next 5 
years or so.   
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up what's left 
to move to a place that's right for us. There are good reasons to move and good 
reason to stay where we are. Each area has its pros and cons. Every place you 
live is a compromise and there is no perfect place 
 For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach, 
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank, Montana. 
For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal. 
 Most people like what they already know and the older people get the more they 
have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, since I spent 
eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. states, England and 
 After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and south, 
and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita and I visited 
her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few weeks. 
 And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I love 
northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - lots of business 
opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the many reasons people like 
to live near the ocean or the mountains. 
 But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state is 
struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The bureaucracy is 
increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of dealing high property 
taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% - and sales taxes are going up 
all the time. If you buy a $1M home you'll pay $10,000 just in taxes to live in 
San Diego County!
 Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?
 If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several locations. 
The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are very expensive, like 
Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California or Portland, Oregon. We want 
someplace that is cheap where you can park a lot of cars and play loud music. 
 So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet - bad 
weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, 
blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle of the country, 
California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and most of the Gulf of 
Mexico states, and the far north both east and west.
 Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains with trees 
and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and less traffic. So, 
after ruling out those places (there are still some rural places in California, 
Oregon, and Washington, but they're not ideal for one reason or another).
 Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San Francisco to 
Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider places like Nashville 
and Memphis where Rita could still continue playing in her band and I could 
park my cars and work out of my home office on the internet. 
 In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the top of the 
list. Go figure.
 I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence of 
vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good management by 
the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network connections too. You can 
buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 or rent a house for around $1000 a 
month; car registration is $28; $2 a year to register your boat; you can 
establish a corporation for $150. So, living costs would be a lot cheaper in 
Chattanooga than some other places.  
 What is there to do there? 
 We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or entertainment. We 
want to live near a town or city where there are lakes and river for rafting 
and caves to explore, and trails for mountain biking. And, there are historical 
sites too; Washington D.C. is just a days drive away. 
 So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Chattanooga: there is 
cheap housing; ch

Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
You're forgetting this places is also known as the Funny Farm Lounge. 
Nurse Ratched will be along with meds in a minute.

On 11/24/2013 06:36 AM, wrote:

---In,  wrote:

Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality 
rewrite, the defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would 
call for honesty or question the attacker or the subsequent reality 
rewrite, then the victim shows up, and now the innocence gamewhat 
a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, so wholesome, so flirty in a 
childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all this and is under 
the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under it as 
well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her. 
 The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, 
I get to be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go 
after someone, I want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You 
may, I won't.  That's my promise to you.

Dear Emily,
As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having 
a glass of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the 
computer for a final "sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, 
FFL I came to a firm conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had 
sunk as far as it could, we had reached the dregs. It just wasn't 
something I could stomach anymore. I knew I was finished here when I 
realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any post, from 
(wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one 
more disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. 
It isn't her meanness that was getting to me it was her utter 
irrelevance and superficiality that finally was eroding any ability to 
endure it here. And as for Richard, who wants to stay in a room with 
the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone all the while with 
his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, nah, nah."? 
Nope, I don't. I was done.

Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take 
a look and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - 
maybe a new thread on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - 
anything. And there was a new topic and there was Salyavin and there 
was hope. I just had to get that off my chest, it was a close one!

---In,  wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread Bhairitu
More raping and pillaging of the world by the "privileged" aided and 
abetted by Swiss stupid who must all believe they're going to be "given" 
a job someday that more than 200 times what they were getting sweeping 

On 11/24/2013 08:34 AM, wrote:

From Telegraph:

Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a proposal to 
bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of the 
lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is clear 
the initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given 
Switzerland the world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest 
executive salaries - which business leaders said would limit foreign 

It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted 
on the issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and 
golden handshakes.

There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what 
their employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that 
these high levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms 
have been cutting jobs.

Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high 
salaries and a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, 
Switzerland will hold another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.

Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Who says we don't already do that? But if we did, what would you have to 
read here? So, I welcome your feed-back, even tho sometimes it's a 
little rough, but I can take it - I'm pretty thick-skinned, having 
tolerated years of abusive dialog on Usenet. LoL!

What we need here is more posting, not less. It's difficult to carry on 
a conversation in just 50 posts a week! There are over 1000 people 
subscribed to this list, but only about a dozen are participating these 
days. I first came here to get information and to maybe contact some old 
TMer friends. We all know what the two Barry's and Judy are doing - they 
seem to have a way with words. But, I wonder what Rick Stanley and Ned 
Wynn are doing these days? Apparently John Manning is still harassing 
that Mormon discussion group. Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 10:19 PM, wrote:

---In,  wrote:

Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts 
this evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, 
including Whole Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also 
watching a TV show about a cute litter of puppies called Too Cute. 
Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the 
Computer Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago 
that was!

Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where 
the two of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save 
the bandwidth, or whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams 
So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday 
night, these students still need help posting their essays to the 
class and taking their online exams - and the emails just keep on 
coming and the phone is ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm 
working from home now and not in that tall building on campus anymore.

Inline image 1

One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him 
that if he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when 
the students need the most help doing their homework! So, I got the 
job. Go figure.

My Mission Statement:

We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of 
system processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive 
psychology in the design and structure of online teaching to enhance 
the goal at hand: faster, easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge.

In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your 
audience will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge.

The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course 
tools with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The 
incorporation of multimedia and the internet in computer based 
training and distance learning has made the dream of teachers, 
trainers, and/or learners come true.

Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1

'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
New York Times:

[FairfieldLife] Stewart Cubley: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 11/23/2013

2013-11-24 Thread Rick Archer

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published 11/23/2013

206. Stewart Cubley 


Nov 22, 2013 07:11 am | Rick

Stewart Cubley is founder of The Institute for Art & Living, dba The Painting 
Experience. His work has carried him throughout the world to work with groups 
in a process of inner exploration using the tool of expressive painting to … 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Where People Live

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Thanks, your opinion means a lot to me. Apparently you've done some 
traveling yourself. My daughter lives in Santa Rosa in Sonoma. She wants 
us to move out there. I asked her why she picked one of the most 
expensive places to live on the planet and she said it was just karma. 
It's not often that we get to start with a blank slate, in this case, a 
blank map. I had to work until I was 65 years old to do be able to do 
want I really want to do!

On 11/24/2013 12:17 AM, wrote:

Richard, I like this particular post of yours rolling out your thought 
process.  I've been developing my criteria for moving as well, in the 
next 5 years or so.

---In,  wrote:

Inline image 1

Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up 
what's left to move to a place that's right for us. There are good 
reasons to move and good reason to stay where we are. Each area has 
its pros and cons. Every place you live is a compromise and there is 
no perfect place

For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach, 
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank, 
Montana. For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal.

Most people like what they already know and the older people get the 
more they have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, 
since I spent eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. 
states, England and Japan.

After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and 
south, and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita 
and I visited her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few 

And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I 
love northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - 
lots of business opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the 
many reasons people like to live near the ocean or the mountains.

But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state 
is struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The 
bureaucracy is increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of 
dealing high property taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% 
- and sales taxes are going up all the time. If you buy a $1M home 
you'll pay $10,000 just in taxes to live in San Diego County!

Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?

If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several 
locations. The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are 
very expensive, like Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California 
or Portland, Oregon. We want someplace that is cheap where you can 
park a lot of cars and play loud music.

So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet 
- bad weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, 
earthquakes, blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle 
of the country, California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana 
and most of the Gulf of Mexico states, and the far north both east and 

Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains 
with trees and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and 
less traffic. So, after ruling out those places (there are still some 
rural places in California, Oregon, and Washington, but they're not 
ideal for one reason or another).

Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San 
Francisco to Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider 
places like Nashville and Memphis where Rita could still continue 
playing in her band and I could park my cars and work out of my home 
office on the internet.

In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the 
top of the list. Go figure.

I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence 
of vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good 
management by the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network 
connections too. You can buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 
or rent a house for around $1000 a month; car registration is $28; $2 
a year to register your boat; you can establish a corporation for 
$150. So, living costs would be a lot cheaper in Chattanooga than some 
other places.

What is there to do there?

We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or 
entertainment. We want to live near a town or city where there are 
lakes and river for rafting and caves to explore, and trails for 
mountain biking. And, there are historical sites too; Washington D.C. 
is just a days drive away.

So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Chattanooga: there 
is cheap housing; cheap energy; cheap water; cheap land; low taxes; 
and low bureaucracy. There are green lands, mountains, rivers and 
lakes and fire flies out in nature. And industry - Amazon is out there 
and Ikea, Home Depot, and a Whole Foods Market in to

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Anyone can create physical change by hopping - there will be sound waves 
and a gravitational effect that can be felt and seen by anyone.

If you throw a pebble into a pond of water the effect will be ripples 
radiating out in waves to the edge of the pond. This analogy corresponds 
to the theory of cause and effect - causality. For everything that 
happens there is a cause and a corresponding effect - there is a 
relation between cause and effect.

The question is, can a thought influence nature or our surroundings? 
Buddhist certainly think so, because one of the cardinal beliefs of 
Buddhism is to project good thoughts along with acts that do no harm to 
a living thing.

So, if thought is energy it would have an effect on something, if 
nothing more than an effect on the mind itself. Some people think there 
is a relation between thoughts and the ability to cause physical change. 
It may be possible that positive thinking can influence the ability of 
the body to heal itself in a sick person.

On 11/24/2013 5:43 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I think it's about time that the TMO remembered that hopping is just 
the first stage of flying. People should be fined for not hovering in 
mid-air. That'd sort them out. I mean, if you are going to alter the 
laws of physics and create action at a distance by hopping up and 
down, why not go the whole hog and levitate.

Remember the lecture? Gravity is merely a statistical probability and 
at the level of the unified field we can achieve anything. Put yer 
money where yer mouth is...

"It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not 
hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED 
to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN?"

---In,  wrote:

It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not 
hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED 
to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If 
indeed this is taking place inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is 
going against the fundamental basics of proper practice of the TM and 
TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you 
aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.

If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness 
between programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very 
Marsy Effect you are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to 
agree with past statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it 
is continually being re-buried by practices like this.

On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM

Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
problem(?). It's about
pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
then all the more certainly your employers should get some
disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
is for the few
folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
prescribed for
on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
people in
the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
money grant.
They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
when it
collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
others are
selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
Other people who before
were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
Domes may see
it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
money, as another corruption of money. People see it

I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
little more
disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
technique and adding to the group meditation field effect.
It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
when people would generally come in just laying down to
sleep and
miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
meditate in
the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
days.  What a drag that was.  It is
a lot better now.



I received some
communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
this person told me some interesting things that I had not
heard before.

I have changed some of the wording t

RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill
So many posts -  so much prattle.


 FFL would be better served by returning to a posting limit. Perhaps even 
lowering it to 30-40 posts per week. People would once again start to count the 
cost of cheap babbling. 


---In,  wrote:

  Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Well, you could start out by explaining the Rama levitation event. There 
must have been a lot of drama in the lecture hall when even the guards 
saw the golden light around Rama's head as he bobbed and hovered! The 
question is, why couldn't Rama float and walk on water instead of 
drowning his self in a lake? I guess that's what he wanted to do, drown, 
but I wonder why he didn't just shoot out into space to make a real 
impression. Go figure.

But, if we have free will, anyone should be able to defy gravity any 
time they want to. Go figure.

On 11/24/2013 6:51 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, salyavin808 wrote:
> I think it's about time that the TMO remembered that hopping is just
the first stage of flying. People should be fined for not hovering in
mid-air. That'd sort them out. I mean, if you are going to alter the
laws of physics and create action at a distance by hopping up and down,
why not go the whole hog and levitate.
> Remember the lecture? Gravity is merely a statistical probability and
at the level of the unified field we can achieve anything. Put yer money
where yer mouth is...

And not just WITHIN the TM organization -- put yer money where yer mouth
is *publicly*. Arrange a "Superpower-Off" TV special, in which TMers who
have mastered the Sidhis face off against Scientologists who have
mastered their "super powers" program.

Think of the drama. Teams of cultists who believe that they can fly face
off against challenging teams of cultists who believe that they can
revive the dead. The teams glare intently at each other, invoke their
respective delusions, and nothing happens. Nothing happens for the
entire length of the special. At the end of the contest, both teams
declare victory.


2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
When I go to the gym for my exercise program I always start out slow, 
doing some stretching exercises to warm up. I've noticed several others 
doing the same thing before a long run in the park. Then comes the heavy 
lifting like curls, or running on the treadmill or on the elliptic. I've 
also got a habit of stretching in bed when I wake up before I get up and 
start walking around the house.

When taking an exam in school, experts say to read all the questions 
before you start, then work the easy problems first, and save the more 
difficult ones for last. In one one class I took, Business Math, when 
the final exam came, I already knew what my average was in the course 
and how many points I needed to make on the final in order to pass with 
a 'C'.

So, in just a few minutes I completed all the easy questions and I had 
over two hours to complete the difficult ones. Sure, I made an 'A' in 
the course by completing all the questions, but I could have left the 
room in about ten minutes knowing I had already passed the course with a 
'B'. If I had attempted the hard questions first, I might have run out 
of time and really screwed up. Go figure.

On 11/24/2013 7:41 AM, William Leed wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Michael Jackson 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Sun, Nov 24, 2013 5:15 am
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

That's my way too, the other way, Marshy's way you keep the spectre of the
unpleasant task looming in your awareness while you do the easy stuff - creates
stress and screws up the enjoyment of the stuff one loves to do. Amazing that an
"enlightened" feller got it wrong.

On Sun, 11/24/13,>> wrote:

  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time  
  Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:40 AM


Re "I also thought it

  interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a bunch
  of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum.
  Then do the difficult ones.":
  The exact opposite
  of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out the
  way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that
  I'm always advancing towards the tasks I find easiest -
  even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - at
  least it suits my temperament.  , 

  John, I also thought it interesting

  that Maharishi said that when you're taking a test or
  have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build
  up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.
   On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29

  PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:



  stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is
  the more likely the correct alternative.  Jyotish can
  help in that regard.
  some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up
  fighting for a lost cause.  FWIW.
  ---In  , 


  got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at
  the right
  time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the

  right time is a
  matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
  As I get older I've begun to think back about the

  choices I made in the
  past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I

  actually deciding what to do - there's always some force

  involved that
  is often unseen or accounted for.
  Most of the time being where I was was not something I had

  much control
  over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival.

  Most of us
  don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but

  mainly we make
  choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we

  go, how we
  live, and what we do.
  But, if you look back and examine things and events real

  closely, you
  may find that  things and events happen for a reason,

  sometimes for
  reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is

  connected and
  every action we take comes from a cause - there's not

  much free will
  when you really think about it.
  If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize

  that there's
  nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all

  we can do
  now is try to make things better for ourselves in the

  future. For some,
  being in the right place at the right times is just a matter

  of fate,
  but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what

  we did in
  the past, which we often don't even understand. If we

  could go back and

[FairfieldLife] The gnomes of Zurich are getting richer

2013-11-24 Thread s3raphita
From Telegraph: Early results suggest Swiss voters are saying "no" to a 
proposal to bring in a law that would limit executive pay to 12 times that of 
the lowest paid. There are many more votes still to count, but it is clear the 
initiative cannot pass now. The new rules would have given Switzerland the 
world's toughest pay rules and some of the lowest executive salaries - which 
business leaders said would limit foreign investment.
 It is the second time this year that Swiss voters have been balloted on the 
issue. In March they did back strict limits on bonuses and golden handshakes. 

 There has been widespread public anger at revelations that some of 
Switzerland's chief executives are earning more than 200 times what their 
employees take home. Some Swiss have been further irritated that these high 
levels of pay are being given to executives whose firms have been cutting jobs. 

 Although this proposal may have been defeated, the issue of high salaries and 
a widening wage gap has not gone away. Early next year, Switzerland will hold 
another referendum on a guaranteed minimum wage.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread s3raphita
Re Richard's "It would be interesting to speculate just how much Leibnitz . . . 
 knew about the pessimistic philosophies of ancient India":  
 Very interesting indeed. Leibniz (died 1716) was one of the most switched-on 
and turned-on of philosophers. He was the first westerner to investigate the 
Chinese book of change(s), the I Ching, with its yin/yang lines, trigrams and 
hexagrams - a major influence on his promoting a binary arithmetic and his 
championing of early calculating devices and prophesying the advent of the 
 What's more, his novel idea that each of us is a monad reflecting whatever 
occurs elsewhere in the universe owes a great deal to the Hindu myth of the 
"Net of Indra" later adopted by Hua-yen Buddhism.:  The most important 
philosophical contributions of the Hua-yen school were in the area of its 
metaphysics. It taught the doctrine of the mutual containment and 
interpenetration of all phenomena, as expressed in Indra's Net. One thing 
contains all other existing things, and all existing things contain that one 
 (A forerunner of the holographic interpretation of modern physics.)


 Voltaire was pretty shallow compared to Leibniz - but a first-rate journalist 
and champion of freedom.  

---In,  wrote:

 Did you have a comment to make, Barry? 

 ---In,  wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> > (snip) 
> > Ann wrote: 
> > 
> > It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the activities 
> > on campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 6 months 
> > attending all the meetings, the news releases, everything to see what is 
> > actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't have the ability, 
> > mentally, to do this as my boredom and tolerance quotient is not great but 
> > only then could you get a fair reading on what is going on in FF, the TM 
> > FF, at least. Until then, unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay. 
> Well, exactly. It's interesting--not surprising, though, I guess--that every 
> scrap of negative rumor is taken by some here to be the gospel truth, while 
> anything positive is ignored or dumped on.

 Have you ever noticed how similar TM cultists sound to One Direction cultists? 



Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
You're sounding a little JELLOS too, but thanks for confirming your bias 
based on my birth circumstances. Your comments are appreciated anyway, 
but sometimes you seem to be two people in one - one is thoughtful and 
informative and the other really hates people from Texas and is really 
mean. Go figure.

On 11/24/2013 8:36 AM, wrote:

---In,  wrote:

Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality 
rewrite, the defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would 
call for honesty or question the attacker or the subsequent reality 
rewrite, then the victim shows up, and now the innocence gamewhat 
a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, so wholesome, so flirty in a 
childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all this and is under 
the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under it as 
well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her. 
 The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, 
I get to be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go 
after someone, I want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You 
may, I won't.  That's my promise to you.

Dear Emily,
As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having 
a glass of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the 
computer for a final "sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, 
FFL I came to a firm conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had 
sunk as far as it could, we had reached the dregs. It just wasn't 
something I could stomach anymore. I knew I was finished here when I 
realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any post, from 
(wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one 
more disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. 
It isn't her meanness that was getting to me it was her utter 
irrelevance and superficiality that finally was eroding any ability to 
endure it here. And as for Richard, who wants to stay in a room with 
the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone all the while with 
his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, nah, nah."? 
Nope, I don't. I was done.

Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take 
a look and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - 
maybe a new thread on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - 
anything. And there was a new topic and there was Salyavin and there 
was hope. I just had to get that off my chest, it was a close one!

---In,  wrote:

---In,  wrote:

Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great
posts this evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out
shopping today, including Whole Foods! I'm pretty zonked right
now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute litter of
puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot
to be desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator
for the Computer Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's
how long ago that was!

Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other
offline where the two of you can marvel at how inane they all
are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or whatever it is Ricky
continually goes on about.

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams
So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's
Saturday night, these students still need help posting their
essays to the class and taking their online exams - and the
emails just keep on coming and the phone is ringing off the
hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that
tall building on campus anymore.

Inline image 1

One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I
told him that if he wanted to teach an online course, it's the
weekends when the students need the most help doing their
homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

My Mission Statement:

We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series
of system processes. Instruction requires the employment of
cognitive psychology in the design and structure of online
teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, easier, and to
retain and assimilate knowledge.

In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your
course or presentation is made interesting and interactive
with multimedia, your audience will stay longer, return more
often, and retain more knowledge.

The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet
media course tools with technical support in a

[FairfieldLife] Meet the FBI Spies Doing the NSA's Dirty Work

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill

 This obscure FBI unit does the domestic surveillance that no other 
intelligence agency can touch. This is how the NSA gets around the ban against 
domestic surveillance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
You sound a little JELLOS. But have you taken any online courses or 
enrolled at MUM? Not sure what this has to do with an effective online 
pedagogy - it's not something to fight over I hope. Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 11:59 PM, wrote:

Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality 
rewrite, the defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would 
call for honesty or question the attacker or the subsequent reality 
rewrite, then the victim shows up, and now the innocence gamewhat 
a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, so wholesome, so flirty in a 
childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all this and is under 
the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under it as 
well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her. 
 The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, 
I get to be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go 
after someone, I want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You 
may, I won't.  That's my promise to you.

---In,  wrote:

---In,  wrote:

Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great
posts this evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping
today, including Whole Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're
also watching a TV show about a cute litter of puppies called Too
Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for
the Computer Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long
ago that was!

Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline
where the two of you can marvel at how inane they all are.
Remember, save the bandwidth, or whatever it is Ricky continually
goes on about.

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams
So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's
Saturday night, these students still need help posting their
essays to the class and taking their online exams - and the emails
just keep on coming and the phone is ringing off the hook. But, at
least I'm working from home now and not in that tall building on
campus anymore.

Inline image 1

One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told
him that if he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends
when the students need the most help doing their homework! So, I
got the job. Go figure.

My Mission Statement:

We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of
system processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive
psychology in the design and structure of online teaching to
enhance the goal at hand: faster, easier, and to retain and
assimilate knowledge.

In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your
course or presentation is made interesting and interactive with
multimedia, your audience will stay longer, return more often, and
retain more knowledge.

The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media
course tools with technical support in an on-line or off-line
setting. The incorporation of multimedia and the internet in
computer based training and distance learning has made the dream
of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.

Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1

'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
New York Times:

RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend

 Ann wrote:

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 I've finally figured out what Share's cuter-than-cute posts have been 
reminding me of:



 Remember these? This one's called "Waiting for Grandma."


 And these:



 Black velvet painting, "Jesus and Elvis."


 Oh, the inanity...

 A relentlessly steady diet of the kind of verbal kitsch Share churns out is 
deadening and depressing and even, as you say, nauseating. Devoid of any 
self-discipline, any self-critical evaluation, any subtlety: whatever the 
thought is, just spew it out as fast as possible, with no reservation, no 
filtering, no dignity. See, everybody, I had a thought, and here it is! No 
reflection, no selection, platitudes delivered as if they were profound 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
Did you have a comment to make, Barry? 

---In,  wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> > (snip) 
> > Ann wrote: 
> > 
> > It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the activities 
> > on campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 6 months 
> > attending all the meetings, the news releases, everything to see what is 
> > actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't have the ability, 
> > mentally, to do this as my boredom and tolerance quotient is not great but 
> > only then could you get a fair reading on what is going on in FF, the TM 
> > FF, at least. Until then, unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay. 
> Well, exactly. It's interesting--not surprising, though, I guess--that every 
> scrap of negative rumor is taken by some here to be the gospel truth, while 
> anything positive is ignored or dumped on.

 Have you ever noticed how similar TM cultists sound to One Direction cultists? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's been my experience that most TMers don't know much of anything 
about what is going on inside the TMO, even folks who live in Fairfield 
and practice regularly in the domes. That's supposed to be what this 
forum is all about - Fairfield Life - but anyone who reads here can tell 
you that even insiders like Alex, whose brother is a Raja - or even Rick 
or Buck seem to not know what's really going on.

Real and accurate TMO insider information is very rare these days - we 
heard from one Raja on this forum a few times, but apparently most of 
the MUM faculty and the current students avoid this place like the 
plague! They could be lurking here - I don't know.

This leads me to the conclusion that there is no 'TMO' - it's a fiction 
invented by outsiders. If there were a TMO there would be a lot more and 
better management. There is a MUM administration for sure, but that's 
local - who knows what is going on in India or in other countries. 
Apparently there are numerous TMOs, and none of them seem to be talking 
to each other. There is apparently still an SRM. Go figure.

At one time I read here that MUM sends money to India, to MMYs uncle and 
his section, and/or to MMYs relatives, but this has not been conformed 
by any authoritative sources, as far as I know. It may be that the 
so-called TMO has no money at all to be doling out anyway. Which is not 
to say there aren't any wealthy donors out there.

But, according to the Kaplan brothers most of the money donated was 
dispersed into failed projects. My guess is that MUM is operating on a 
shoestring budget and relying on student loans to pay all the bills, 
just like many other universities and colleges these days. But, I am 
really impressed that MUM has been sustained since 1972!

'The Maharishi Effect: A Personal Journey Through the Movement That 
Transformed American Spirituality'

by Geoff Gilpin
Tarcher/Penguin, 2006

'David Lynch and Transcendental Meditation: David Wants to Fly'

"The film is too cynically lightweight about the benefits of meditation, 
as well as about the integrity of Lynch's vision. Any reader of Lynch's 
published musing on creativity and meditation -- Catching the Big Fish 
-- will note that Lynch is no fanatic, but simply (and intelligently) 
proposes a helpful connection between meditating 20 minutes a day and 
opening channels of creativity." - Amazon review

On 11/24/2013 8:44 AM, wrote:

---In,  wrote:

It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not 
hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED 
to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If 
indeed this is taking place inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is 
going against the fundamental basics of proper practice of the TM and 
TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you 
aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.

If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness 
between programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very 
Marsy Effect you are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to 
agree with past statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it 
is continually being re-buried by practices like this.

It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the 
activities on campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 
6 months attending all the meetings, the news releases, everything to 
see what is actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't 
have the ability, mentally, to do this as my boredom and tolerance 
quotient is not great but only then could you get a fair reading on 
what is going on in FF, the TM FF, at least. Until then, 
unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay.

On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...>> wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM

Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
problem(?). It's about
pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
then all the more certainly your employers should get some
disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
is for the few
folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
prescribed for
on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
people in
the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
money grant.
They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
Other meditators who were dropp

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> > (snip)
>  > Ann wrote:
>  >
>  > It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the
activities on campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 6
months attending all the meetings, the news releases, everything to see
what is actually the reality of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't have
the ability, mentally, to do this as my boredom and tolerance quotient
is not great but only then could you get a fair reading on what is going
on in FF, the TM FF, at least. Until then, unfortunately, it is all sort
of hearsay.
>  Well, exactly. It's interesting--not surprising, though, I
guess--that every scrap of negative rumor is taken by some here to be
the gospel truth, while anything positive is ignored or dumped on.

Have you ever noticed how similar TM cultists sound to One Direction


RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Church of England Paves Way for Women Bishops in 2014

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
Oh, surely not! Do you really think so? The Church, anti-woman and anti-body 
and anti-sexuality? Really?
Share babbled:

 > OTOH, I do think that after St. Paul the Church became very anti body and 
 > anti woman and anti sexuality. 



RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend
 Ann wrote:

 It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the activities on 
campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 6 months attending all 
the meetings, the news releases, everything to see what is actually the reality 
of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't have the ability, mentally, to do this as 
my boredom and tolerance quotient is not great but only then could you get a 
fair reading on what is going on in FF, the TM FF, at least. Until then, 
unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay.


 Well, exactly. It's interesting--not surprising, though, I guess--that every 
scrap of negative rumor is taken by some here to be the gospel truth, while 
anything positive is ignored or dumped on.

Re: [FairfieldLife] OMG: madhusuudana's definition of dhaaraNaa??

2013-11-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's a reference to the 'Night Technique', once taught by MMY, otherwise 
known as 'Laya Yoga' or 'Kundalini Yoga' which is a synthesis of Hatha 
Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Raja Yoga, first mentioned apparently by Swami 
Sivananda Saraswati back in 1935 in his book 'Kundalini Yoga'.

Swami Sivananda Radha wrote that Kundalini yoga is the yoga of 
awareness, "it aims "to cultivate the creative spiritual potential of a 
human to uphold values, speak truth, and focus on the compassion and 
consciousness needed to serve and heal others."

So, Laya Yoga is similar to MMYs Night Technique, apparently no longer 
taught, but which was one of the main components of MMYs series of 
'advanced techniques'. Dream yoga is very popular in Tibetan Buddhism 
(see my recent post to this forum concerning lucid dreaming).

The purport of the passage is:

By resting your bija at the navel chakra or at the heart chakra, the 
subtle currents from your istadevata will permeate your entire being. 
For example, my istadevata is Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning. So, by 
resting the bija portion of her name, that is, 'sring', at the navel 
chakra, my intelligence will grow by leaps and bounds, right while I'm 
sleeping. Then, when I awake in the morning I will feel refreshed and 
full of knowledge. It's that simple!

Most TMers only repeat the bija portion of their mantra when they are 
meditating. However, according to Swami Sivananda Radha, a bija mantra 
may be repeated during the first portions of sleep. For example, when I 
practice MMYs secret Night Technique I often fall asleep with the bija 
portion of my mantra in mind as I fall into asleep. When practicing the 
Night Technique Satyanand advised me to be aware of the area just above 
my abdomen, (heart chakra) and to put your attention there and let it rest.

My take on this technique is to be aware of my bija mantra at the heart 
chakra while in a sitting position and to gently fall into sleep as I 
assume the corpse pose at the end of the day. So, all you have to do is 
be aware of the chakra of the heart, start the bija just like any other 
thought, then just babysit your bija for a few minutes, right on at your 
heart area. You just set it, and then forget it. This technique was 
confirmed to me by Vaj in a posting to FFL in 2005. It sure beats 
counting sheep in order to fall asleep!


Yogi Bhajan says that "Kundalini energy is technically explained as 
being sparked during yogic breathing when prana and apana blends at the 
3rd chakra (naval center) at which point it initially drops down to the 
1st and 2nd chakras before traveling up to the spine to the higher 
centers of the brain to activate the golden cord - the connection 
between the pituitary and pineal glands - and penetrate the 7 chakras." 
However, this technique was denigrated by Judy in a somewhat inane post 
denying that MMY bijas were the nicknames of the Istadevatas. Go figure.

Works cited:

'Kundalini Yoga for the West'
by Swami Sivananda Radha
(1979; 2nd ed. 1996)
pp. 13, 15

'Kundalini Yoga'
by Swami Sivananda
Divine Life Society, 1935
page 32

Kundalini Yoga:


'Realities of the Dreaming Mind: The Practice of Dream Yoga'
by Swami Sivananda Radha
Timeless Books, 2004

'The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga'
by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon)
Dover, 1974

Read more:

"Note to newbies: Willytex, aka pundit, punditster, punditmoderator, 
etc., spouts a great deal of absolute nonsense.  Nothing he says about 
TM (or about much of anything else, but *especially* TM) is to be taken 
seriously. Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the 
Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm

"In 30 years, I've never heard a TMer say anything about repeating the 
mantra when they are asleep, nor have I ever heard a TM teacher mention it."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 9:56 am 

"I actually got two night techniques, one at Estes Park as my 2nd 
technique, one on my 6-month course. Neither of them was what you 
described, but one of them could have been a simple version of it."

Subject: Re: The new night technique?
Author: Rick Archer
Newsgroup: Yahoo! FairfieldLife
Date: Thu Dec 29, 2005  10:52 am

"Yes. That's why I suspect they may be teaching it. If you want to 
witness deep sleep, rest your awareness in your heart center or feel 
your mantra there gently and go to sleep."

Subject: Re: The new night technique?
Author: Vaj
Newsgroup: Yahoo! Fairfi

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Artists often dig deep for material, and it threatens the idea of what art 
should be, for many observers. A good friend of mine is a lifetime artist - She 
has educated me on the subject matter that is considered acceptable in the art 
world, particularly with how women are portrayed. Lynch's stuff is off-kilter, 
and a little goes a long way,  for me, but I appreciate his courage to display 
these things. The most challenging thing I find about creating art is the 
emotional questions it brings up, as it is being created. Good for him. 

 Certainly art does not have to be beautiful nor does it have to be liked to be 
great. It does have to, in my opinion, open up something new for the viewer, 
the perceiver. Art, for me, is best when it resonates or reveals. Surprises are 
good too. Also when art can leave you astounded or moved that is also welcome. 

 ---In,  wrote:


 WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.

From the article:
 How do you mean spiritual?
 David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a spiritual belief 
that when the gods name things they come into existence. To me, that felt like 
how David described his own process of naming. He always has to give something 
a name to make it into some kind of object. For example in one piece, "The 
Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing, he drew a bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave 
them proper names like Steve or John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the 
flies they took on personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them. 
See? If someone else gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think he was 
a nut case. But when Lynch does it, it's spiritual. 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking place 
inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental basics of 
proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old 
Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness between 
programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you 
are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past statements 
made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is continually being re-buried by 
practices like this.

 It would be interesting to infiltrate the Domes and all of the activities on 
campus as some unknown, undercover participant for about 6 months attending all 
the meetings, the news releases, everything to see what is actually the reality 
of the thing. Of course, I wouldn't have the ability, mentally, to do this as 
my boredom and tolerance quotient is not great but only then could you get a 
fair reading on what is going on in FF, the TM FF, at least. Until then, 
unfortunately, it is all sort of hearsay.
 On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect. 
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 

 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread Share Long
Doc, the first piece about dead animals reminds me of a scene from Lynch's film 
The Straight Story. (spoiler) A young woman drives into and kills a deer, 
becomes hysterical about it and then drives off. The hero of the movie, an 
older man riding a lawn mower across country to visit his estranged brother, 
takes the carcass and fixes himself dinner!

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 8:24 AM, "" 
Artists often dig deep for material, and it threatens the idea of what art 
should be, for many observers. A good friend of mine is a lifetime artist - She 
has educated me on the subject matter that is considered acceptable in the art 
world, particularly with how women are portrayed. Lynch's stuff is off-kilter, 
and a little goes a long way,  for me, but I appreciate his courage to display 
these things. The most challenging thing I find about creating art is the 
emotional questions it brings up, as it is being created. Good for him. 


---In,  wrote:

WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.

>From the article:

How do you mean spiritual?
David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a 
spiritual belief that when the gods name things they come into 
existence. To me, that felt like how David described his own process of 
naming. He always has to give something a name to make it into some kind of 
object. For example in one piece, "The Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing, he drew a 
bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave them proper names like 
Steve or John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the flies they took 
on personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them. See? If someone else 
gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think he was a nut case. But when 
Lynch does it, it's spiritual. 

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-24 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 I am s hungry for jello.  It's the only thing that comes to mind, every 
time I see the word JELLOS.  I'm going to surrender to the urge to make 
something deliciously jello.   

 ---In,  wrote:


 ---In,  wrote:

 You sound really JELLOS, Richard.


RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality rewrite, the 
defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would call for honesty or 
question the attacker or the subsequent reality rewrite, then the victim shows 
up, and now the innocence gamewhat a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, 
so wholesome, so flirty in a childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all 
this and is under the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under 
it as well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her.  
The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, I get to 
be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go after someone, I 
want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You may, I won't.  That's my 
promise to you. 

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 ---In,  wrote:


 ---In,  wrote:

 Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

 Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where the two 
of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or 
whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.


 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
   So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday night, 
these students still need help posting their essays to the class and taking 
their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the phone is 
ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that 
tall building on campus anymore.  


 One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that if 
he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students need 
the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

 My Mission Statement: 
 We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in the 
design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, 
easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 
 In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your audience 
will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 
 The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course tools 
with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The incorporation of 
multimedia and the internet in computer based training and distance learning 
has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.
Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
 Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 


 'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
 New York Times:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread doctordumbass
Artists often dig deep for material, and it threatens the idea of what art 
should be, for many observers. A good friend of mine is a lifetime artist - She 
has educated me on the subject matter that is considered acceptable in the art 
world, particularly with how women are portrayed. Lynch's stuff is off-kilter, 
and a little goes a long way,  for me, but I appreciate his courage to display 
these things. The most challenging thing I find about creating art is the 
emotional questions it brings up, as it is being created. Good for him. 

---In,  wrote:


 WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.

From the article:
 How do you mean spiritual?
 David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a spiritual belief 
that when the gods name things they come into existence. To me, that felt like 
how David described his own process of naming. He always has to give something 
a name to make it into some kind of object. For example in one piece, "The 
Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing, he drew a bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave 
them proper names like Steve or John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the 
flies they took on personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them. 
See? If someone else gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think he was 
a nut case. But when Lynch does it, it's spiritual. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread Share Long
Practical and kind advice, Buck. Could even be applied to FFL (-:

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 7:05 AM, "" 
 You ask and assert, WHY
is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.
Spiritual Buck's Practical Discernment and Discipline
Harmonize Dissonance and Practical life skill: while on the
spiritual path, and even avert the eyes and go around as needed along
the way.  Seek the company of saints, wise people and mahatmas as
company along the way and choose your battles.  It's called
discernment, and discipline.  
If walking along and you see a diamond in a pile of manure,
pick the diamond out, clean it, walk on and take it with you.  Take
the good and wash off the bad.  
I don't have time for David Lynch and don't worry about it.
-Buck in the Dome  

---In,  wrote:

WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.

>From the article:

How do you mean spiritual?
David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a 
spiritual belief that when the gods name things they come into 
existence. To me, that felt like how David described his own process of 
naming. He always has to give something a name to make it into some kind of 
object. For example in one piece, "The Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing, he drew a 
bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave them proper names like 
Steve or John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the flies they took 
on personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them. See? If someone else 
gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think he was a nut case. But when 
Lynch does it, it's spiritual. 


2013-11-24 Thread William Leed

-Original Message-
From: Michael Jackson 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Sun, Nov 24, 2013 5:15 am
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

That's my way too, the other way, Marshy's way you keep the spectre of the 
unpleasant task looming in your awareness while you do the easy stuff - creates 
stress and screws up the enjoyment of the stuff one loves to do. Amazing that 
"enlightened" feller got it wrong.

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:40 AM
   Re "I also thought it
 interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a bunch
 of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum.
 Then do the difficult ones.":
 The exact opposite
 of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out the
 way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that
 I'm always advancing towards the tasks I find easiest -
 even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - at
 least it suits my temperament.  
 John, I also thought it interesting
 that Maharishi said that when you're taking a test or
 have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build
 up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.
  On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29
 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
 stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is
 the more likely the correct alternative.  Jyotish can
 help in that regard.
 some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up
 fighting for a lost cause.  FWIW. 
 got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at
 the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the
 right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the
 choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force
 involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had
 much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival.
 Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but
 mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we
 go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real
 closely, you 
 may find that  things and events happen for a reason,
 sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is
 connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not
 much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize
 that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all
 we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the
 future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter
 of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what
 we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we
 could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time...

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[FairfieldLife] RE: Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 You ask and assert, WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of 
 Spiritual Buck's Practical Discernment and Discipline says:
Harmonize Dissonance and Practical life skill: while on the spiritual path, and 
even avert the eyes and go around as needed along the way. Seek the company of 
saints, wise people and mahatmas as company along the way and choose your 
battles. It's called discernment, and discipline. 
 If walking along and you see a diamond in a pile of manure, pick the diamond 
out, clean it, walk on and take it with you. Take the good and wash off the 
 I don't have time for David Lynch and don't worry about it.
 -Buck in the Dome 


---In,  wrote:


 WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.

From the article:
 How do you mean spiritual?
 David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a spiritual belief 
that when the gods name things they come into existence. To me, that felt like 
how David described his own process of naming. He always has to give something 
a name to make it into some kind of object. For example in one piece, "The 
Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing, he drew a bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave 
them proper names like Steve or John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the 
flies they took on personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them. 
See? If someone else gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think he was 
a nut case. But when Lynch does it, it's spiritual. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, salyavin808  wrote:
> I think it's about time that the TMO remembered that hopping is just
the first stage of flying. People should be fined for not hovering in
mid-air. That'd sort them out. I mean, if you are going to alter the
laws of physics and create action at a distance by hopping up and down,
why not go the whole hog and levitate.
>  Remember the lecture? Gravity is merely a statistical probability and
at the level of the unified field we can achieve anything. Put yer money
where yer mouth is...

And not just WITHIN the TM organization -- put yer money where yer mouth
is *publicly*. Arrange a "Superpower-Off" TV special, in which TMers who
have mastered the Sidhis face off against Scientologists who have
mastered their "super powers" program.

Think of the drama. Teams of cultists who believe that they can fly face
off against challenging teams of cultists who believe that they can
revive the dead. The teams glare intently at each other, invoke their
respective delusions, and nothing happens. Nothing happens for the
entire length of the special. At the end of the contest, both teams
declare victory.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread salyavin808
I think it's about time that the TMO remembered that hopping is just the first 
stage of flying. People should be fined for not hovering in mid-air. That'd 
sort them out. I mean, if you are going to alter the laws of physics and create 
action at a distance by hopping up and down, why not go the whole hog and 

 Remember the lecture? Gravity is merely a statistical probability and at the 
level of the unified field we can achieve anything. Put yer money where yer 
mouth is...

 "It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping 
high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN?"

---In,  wrote:

 It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking place 
inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental basics of 
proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old 
Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness between 
programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you 
are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past statements 
made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is continually being re-buried by 
practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate and
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect. 
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes. The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 

 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome? 

[FairfieldLife] Buck asks for more spiritual stuff, so here's some Spiritual Art

2013-11-24 Thread TurquoiseB



WHY is it spiritual? Because it's by David Lynch, of course.\

>From the article:

How do you mean spiritual?

David is very into transcendental meditation, and there is a  spiritual
belief that when the gods name things they come into  existence. To me,
that felt like how David described his own process of  naming. He always
has to give something a name to make it into some kind  of object. For
example in one piece, "The Ricky Board," a 1987 drawing,  he drew a
bunch of rickies, or flies, and gave them proper names like  Steve or
John or Bucky. He said as he named each of the flies they took  on
personalities and had a kind of uniqueness to them.
See? If someone else gave names to a bunch of flies, people would think
he was a nut case. But when Lynch does it, it's spiritual.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not
hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED
to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If
indeed this is taking place inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is
going against the fundamental basics of proper practice of the TM and TM
Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
> If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness
between programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very
Marsy Effect you are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree
with past statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
continually being re-buried by practices like this.

I don't know about 'dead', but this certainly sounds like 'in its death
throes' to me. This whole scene sounds to me like a bunch of Blissnazis
trying to *scapegoat* some among their number to create a plausible
excuse in their minds for why all the butt-bouncing doesn't seem to be
doing anything whatsoever to help -- or even affect -- the world.
Because they cannot admit even as a possibility that the whole *program*
does nothing, and was a con from Day One, they have to find someone to
blame its obvious failure on. Fall asleep, and you're "It," and they can
attack you. Don't bounce high enough, and you're "It."

Pretty soon they'll move farting to the list of indicators that someone
is Off The Program, and *everyone* will be in deep shit.  :-)

> On Sun, 11/24/13, dhamiltony2k5@... dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
>  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
>  To:
>  Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
>Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
>  problem(?).  It's about
>  pay for performance.   If you are being paid to meditate and
>  'hop'
>  then all the more certainly your employers should get some
>  disciplined work (meditation) from you.  It is called
>  performance
>  contract.  This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
>  is for the few
>  folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
>  dome
>  meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
>  prescribed for
>  on the Howard Settle grant program.  Of the total number of
>  people in
>  the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
>  money grant.
>   They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
>  it.
>  Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
>  when it
>  collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
>  others are
>  selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
>  Other people who before
>  were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
>  Domes may see
>  it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
>  for
>  money, as another corruption of money.  People see it
>  differently.
>  I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
>  little more
>  disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
>  the
>  technique and adding to the group meditation field effect.
>  It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
>  when people would generally come in just laying down to
>  sleep and
>  miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
>  meditate in
>  the Domes.  The lack of discipline was profound in those
>  days. Â What a drag that was. Â It is
>  a lot better now.
>  -BuckÂ
>  ---In, mjackson74@
>  wrote:
>  I received some
>  communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
>  this person told me some interesting things that I had not
>  heard before.
>  I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
>  identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
>  or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
>  paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
>  Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
>  people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
>  folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
>  any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
>  to task for "not getting high enough off the
>  foam."
>  Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
>  Men's Dome?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread Michael Jackson
That's my way too, the other way, Marshy's way you keep the spectre of the 
unpleasant task looming in your awareness while you do the easy stuff - creates 
stress and screws up the enjoyment of the stuff one loves to do. Amazing that 
an "enlightened" feller got it wrong.

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2:40 AM
   Re "I also thought it
 interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a bunch
 of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum.
 Then do the difficult ones.":
 The exact opposite
 of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out the
 way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that
 I'm always advancing towards the tasks I find easiest -
 even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - at
 least it suits my temperament.  
 John, I also thought it interesting
 that Maharishi said that when you're taking a test or
 have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build
 up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.
  On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29
 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
 stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is
 the more likely the correct alternative.  Jyotish can
 help in that regard.
 some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up
 fighting for a lost cause.  FWIW. 
 got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at
 the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the
 right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the
 choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force
 involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had
 much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival.
 Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but
 mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we
 go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real
 closely, you 
 may find that  things and events happen for a reason,
 sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is
 connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not
 much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize
 that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all
 we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the
 future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter
 of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what
 we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we
 could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time...

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-24 Thread Michael Jackson
It doesn't bother you that people are being taken to task for not hopping high 
enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program was SUPPOSED to be practiced 
naturally with NO STRAIN? What happened to that? If indeed this is taking place 
inside and out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental basics of 
proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes, and to paraphrase the Old 
Goat himself, if you aren't doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.

If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into people's awareness between 
programs ABOUT program itself then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you 
are so fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past statements 
made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is continually being re-buried by 
practices like this.

On Sun, 11/24/13,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??
 Date: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 3:38 AM
   Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?).  It's about
 pay for performance.   If you are being paid to meditate and
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you.  It is called
 contract.  This criteria calls for overseers for meditating
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program.  Of the total number of
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
  They got standards to keep up if they are getting money for
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money.
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art
 money, as another corruption of money.  People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the group meditation field effect. 
 It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some times ago
 when people would generally come in just laying down to
 sleep and
 miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to
 meditate in
 the Domes.  The lack of discipline was profound in those
 days.  What a drag that was.  It is
 a lot better now. 
 I received some
 communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and
 this person told me some interesting things that I had not
 heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's
 identity confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO
 or I guess more accurately the powers that be at MUM, are
 paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the
 Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of
 people who are sleeping during program. Subsequently these
 folks are called in for a talking to for lying down during
 any part of program except rest AND people are being taken
 to task for "not getting high enough off the
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the
 Men's Dome?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-24 Thread cardemaister
Barry, I bet you have lots of Sagittarius (at least) in your Western Tropical 
Birth Chart...


---In,  wrote:

 A friend on another forum, which centers on time we spent together in (gasp) 
high school, posted a couple of songs recently from his post-Morocco days in 
New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana. That got me to thinkin' about my 
favorite Louisiana musicians, and what I came up with as a "reply song" on the 
thread was Mac Rebennack's classic: 

 And *that* got me thinkin' about the contrary, "Bein' in the right place at 
the right time." That's more fun, so because I'm in one of my favorite Right 
Places (Bad Habits, in Leiden) again, and because it seems like the Right Time, 
I'll rap about it a little. 

There are some on this forum -- some still doing TM, some not -- who got on the 
TM bus back during the "Beatles wave." That was the Right Place, and the Right 
Time. For a number of years, for those of us who were tired of the drugs and 
kinda burned out on all the easy sex and guiltlessness :-) climbing onto the TM 
bus was the right thing to do. And it gave us quite a ride. Many parts of the 
ride were fun, and gave us glimpses of what we were really riding *towards*. 
When the guilt crept back in and the ride became not quite as fun, some of us 
pushed the buzzer and got off the bus. But that doesn't mean that the whole TM 
thang was either the Wrong Place, or the Wrong Time. It was what it was, and I 
for one don't regret a minute of it. 

Since then, for me, there have been other Right Place, Right Time experiences. 
Climbing on the Rama bus. Climbing off again, when it was the Right Time to do 
so. I have no regrets about those places and times, either. Next came a period 
of living in Back Bay, Boston, and while that was fun, something in me could 
tell that it was neither the Right Place, nor the Right Time. So I took a long 
Road Trip, with no fixed direction in mind, just to search for the Next Right 
Place in which to have further adventures. I settled on Santa Fe, New Mexico, 
and that turned into six of the most Right Place, Right Time years of my life. 
No regrets. 

Then came Paris. And then came Sauve, in the south of France. Then came Sitges, 
Spain. Not a *one* of them less than the Right Place, at the Right Time. I 
would be a *fool* to regret any of the time I spent in those places. 

Then came the Netherlands, and although the first town I lived in might not 
have been the Right Place (it was boring with a capital "Blech!"), it was the 
Right Time, and gave me a chance to settle in to the weird Dutch way of life. 
It was also the springboard for moving to Leiden, and that has turned into one 
of the best Right Place, Right Time moves of my life. 

Then Paris reared its head, and I went for it, and that was pretty Right Place, 
Right Time, too. Until it wasn't any more. So I'm happy that I'm going to be 
spending more time here in Leiden, because -- right now, for me -- this is the 
Right Place. And I hope, when I return full-time in three weeks, to have a 
Right Fun Time here again.