[FairfieldLife] A true American hero

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No, not Edward Snowdon, although he is one...his lawyer. This image decorates 
her office:

Edward Snowden's lawyer will keep your secrets

   Edward Snowden's lawyer will keep your secrets
In a Jesuit church hall at Georgetown University in April, a crowd gathers to 
listen to enemies of the state. The law school has invited half a dozen 
View on www.theverge.com Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Find Aliens in Exoplanets

2014-06-24 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 The assumption should be 100 billion.  Thus, one percent of this amount is one 
billion. :)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Based on our present technology, humans cannot possibly visit the nearest star 
to the Sun, and as such, nor can they visit all of the other stars in the Milky 
Way galaxy.  But our consciousness will let us roughly scan the galaxy by using 
the power of probabilities.  For example, assuming that there are 10 billion 
planets in the galaxy that are habitable and one percent of these have alien 
humanoids, then there will be one billion exoplanets that have humanoids in 

 Similarly, if you take one billionth of the one billion, then there will be at 
least one exoplanet with alien humanoids in it.  So, the chances are good that 
the true answer lies in between one and a billion.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ectoplasmic phenomena

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It's probably only the souls who are close to being awakened who are impressed 
with this stuff. :-)

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ectoplasmic phenomena

Ectoplasm - supposed manifestations from the spirit world via sensitive persons 
- has been known to be a hoax for nearly a hundred years. Mostly it's muslin 
cloth secreted about the person and pulled out in the dark. Quite obvious to us 
now and it's fraudulent nature is why mediums haven't bothered with it since 
the days of the sweetly gullible Conan Doyle. I'd did get them going in the 
Victorian era though.

Ectoplasm in action, scary huh?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

What is the prevailing opinion of researchers in Fairfield for this kind of 
phenomena? Are they considered kind of sidhis, pathological, or what? Arthur 
Conan Doyle wrote the book in 1919. -Eustace


Nothing could be imagined more fantastic and grotesque than the results of
the recent experiments of Professor Geley, in France. Before such results the
brain, even of the trained psychical student, is dazed, while that of the
orthodox man of science, who has given no heed to these developments, is
absolutely helpless. In the account of the proceedings which he read lately
before the Institut General Psychologique in Paris, on January of last year,
Dr. Geley says: "I do not merely say that there has been no fraud; I say,
`there has been no possibility of fraud.' In nearly every case the
materialisations were done under my, eyes, and I have observed their whole
genesis and development." He adds that, in the course of the experiments,
more than a hundred experts, mostly doctors, checked the results.

These results may be briefly stated thus. A peculiar whitish matter exuded
from the subject, a girl named Eva, coming partly through her skin, partly
from her hands, partly from the orifices of her face, especially her mouth.
This was photographed repeatedly at every stage of its production, these
photographs being appended to the printed treatise. This stuff, solid enough
to enable one to touch and to photograph, has been called the ectoplasm. It
is a new order of matter, and it is clearly derived from the subject herself,
absorbing into her system once more at the end of the experiment. It exudes
in such quantities as to entirely, cover her sometimes as with an apron. It
is soft and glutinous to the touch, but varies in form and even in colour.
Its production causes pain and groans from the subject, and any violence
towards it would appear also to affect her. A sudden flash of light, as in a
flash-photograph, may or may not cause a retraction of the ectoplasm, but
always causes a spasm of the subject. When re-absorbed, it leaves no trace
upon the garments through which it has passed.

This is wonderful enough, but far more fantastic is what has still to be
told. The most marked property of this ectoplasm, very fully illustrated in
the photographs, is that it sets or curdles into the shapes of human members
—of fingers, of hands, of faces, which are at first quite sketchy and
rudimentary, but rapidly coalesce and develop until they are
undistinguishable from those of living beings. Is not this the very strangest
and most inexplicable thing that has ever yet been observed by human eyes?
These faces or limbs are usually the size of life, but they frequently are
quite miniatures. Occasionally they begin by being miniatures, and grow into
full size. On their first appearance in the ectoplasm the limb is only on one
plane of matter, a mere flat appearance, which rapidly rounds itself off,
until it has assumed all three planes and is complete. It may be a mere
simulacrum, like a wax hand, or it may be endowed with full power of grasping
another hand, with every articulation in perfect working order.

The faces which are produced in this amazing way are worthy of study. They
do not appear to have represented anyone who has ever been known in life by
Doctor Geley.[8] My impression after examining them is that they are much
more likely to be within the knowledge of the subject, being girls of the
French lower middle class type, such as Eva was, I should imagine, in the
habit of meeting. It should be added that Eva herself appears in the
photograph as well as the simulacra of humanity. The faces are, on the whole,
both pretty and piquant, though of a rather worldly and unrefined type. The
latter adjective would not apply to the larger and most elaborate photograph,
which represents a very beautiful young woman of a truly spiritual cast of
face. Some of the faces are but partially formed, which gives them a
grotesque or repellant appearance

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ectoplasmic phenomena

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808
Ectoplasm - supposed manifestations from the spirit world via sensitive persons 
- has been known to be a hoax for nearly a hundred years. Mostly it's muslin 
cloth secreted about the person and pulled out in the dark. Quite obvious to us 
now and it's fraudulent nature is why mediums haven't bothered with it since 
the days of the sweetly gullible Conan Doyle. I'd did get them going in the 
Victorian era though. 

 Ectoplasm in action, scary huh?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What is the prevailing opinion of researchers in Fairfield for this kind of 
phenomena? Are they considered kind of sidhis, pathological, or what? Arthur 
Conan Doyle wrote the book in 1919. -Eustace


Nothing could be imagined more fantastic and grotesque than the results of the 
recent experiments of Professor Geley, in France. Before such results the 
brain, even of the trained psychical student, is dazed, while that of the 
orthodox man of science, who has given no heed to these developments, is 
absolutely helpless. In the account of the proceedings which he read lately 
before the Institut General Psychologique in Paris, on January of last year, 
Dr. Geley says: "I do not merely say that there has been no fraud; I say, 
`there has been no possibility of fraud.' In nearly every case the 
materialisations were done under my, eyes, and I have observed their whole 
genesis and development." He adds that, in the course of the experiments, more 
than a hundred experts, mostly doctors, checked the results.

 These results may be briefly stated thus. A peculiar whitish matter exuded 
from the subject, a girl named Eva, coming partly through her skin, partly from 
her hands, partly from the orifices of her face, especially her mouth. This was 
photographed repeatedly at every stage of its production, these photographs 
being appended to the printed treatise. This stuff, solid enough to enable one 
to touch and to photograph, has been called the ectoplasm. It is a new order of 
matter, and it is clearly derived from the subject herself, absorbing into her 
system once more at the end of the experiment. It exudes in such quantities as 
to entirely, cover her sometimes as with an apron. It is soft and glutinous to 
the touch, but varies in form and even in colour. Its production causes pain 
and groans from the subject, and any violence towards it would appear also to 
affect her. A sudden flash of light, as in a flash-photograph, may or may not 
cause a retraction of the ectoplasm, but always causes a spasm of the subject. 
When re-absorbed, it leaves no trace upon the garments through which it has 

 This is wonderful enough, but far more fantastic is what has still to be told. 
The most marked property of this ectoplasm, very fully illustrated in the 
photographs, is that it sets or curdles into the shapes of human members —of 
fingers, of hands, of faces, which are at first quite sketchy and rudimentary, 
but rapidly coalesce and develop until they are undistinguishable from those of 
living beings. Is not this the very strangest and most inexplicable thing that 
has ever yet been observed by human eyes? These faces or limbs are usually the 
size of life, but they frequently are quite miniatures. Occasionally they begin 
by being miniatures, and grow into full size. On their first appearance in the 
ectoplasm the limb is only on one plane of matter, a mere flat appearance, 
which rapidly rounds itself off, until it has assumed all three planes and is 
complete. It may be a mere simulacrum, like a wax hand, or it may be endowed 
with full power of grasping another hand, with every articulation in perfect 
working order.

 The faces which are produced in this amazing way are worthy of study. They do 
not appear to have represented anyone who has ever been known in life by Doctor 
Geley.[8] My impression after examining them is that they are much more likely 
to be within the knowledge of the subject, being girls of the French lower 
middle class type, such as Eva was, I should imagine, in the habit of meeting. 
It should be added that Eva herself appears in the photograph as well as the 
simulacra of humanity. The faces are, on the whole, both pretty and piquant, 
though of a rather worldly and unrefined type. The latter adjective would not 
apply to the larger and most elaborate photograph, which represents a very 
beautiful young woman of a truly spiritual cast of face. Some of the faces are 
but partially formed, which gives them a grotesque or repellant appearance. 
What are we to make of such phenomena? There is no use deluding ourselves by 
the idea that there may be some mistake or some deceptio

[FairfieldLife] Women Listening To Men In Western Art History

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Women Listening To Men In Art History

   Women Listening To Men In Art History
Art history: hundreds of years of women listening to men in paintings.  
View on the-toast.net Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] How to Find Aliens in Exoplanets

2014-06-24 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Based on our present technology, humans cannot possibly visit the nearest star 
to the Sun, and as such, nor can they visit all of the other stars in the Milky 
Way galaxy.  But our consciousness will let us roughly scan the galaxy by using 
the power of probabilities.  For example, assuming that there are 10 billion 
planets in the galaxy that are habitable and one percent of these have alien 
humanoids, then there will be one billion exoplanets that have humanoids in 

 Similarly, if you take one billionth of the one billion, then there will be at 
least one exoplanet with alien humanoids in it.  So, the chances are good that 
the true answer lies in between one and a billion.




[FairfieldLife] Ectoplasmic phenomena

2014-06-24 Thread eustace10679
What is the prevailing opinion of researchers in Fairfield for this kind of 
phenomena? Are they considered kind of sidhis, pathological, or what? Arthur 
Conan Doyle wrote the book in 1919. -Eustace


Nothing could be imagined more fantastic and grotesque than the results of the 
recent experiments of Professor Geley, in France. Before such results the 
brain, even of the trained psychical student, is dazed, while that of the 
orthodox man of science, who has given no heed to these developments, is 
absolutely helpless. In the account of the proceedings which he read lately 
before the Institut General Psychologique in Paris, on January of last year, 
Dr. Geley says: "I do not merely say that there has been no fraud; I say, 
`there has been no possibility of fraud.' In nearly every case the 
materialisations were done under my, eyes, and I have observed their whole 
genesis and development." He adds that, in the course of the experiments, more 
than a hundred experts, mostly doctors, checked the results.

 These results may be briefly stated thus. A peculiar whitish matter exuded 
from the subject, a girl named Eva, coming partly through her skin, partly from 
her hands, partly from the orifices of her face, especially her mouth. This was 
photographed repeatedly at every stage of its production, these photographs 
being appended to the printed treatise. This stuff, solid enough to enable one 
to touch and to photograph, has been called the ectoplasm. It is a new order of 
matter, and it is clearly derived from the subject herself, absorbing into her 
system once more at the end of the experiment. It exudes in such quantities as 
to entirely, cover her sometimes as with an apron. It is soft and glutinous to 
the touch, but varies in form and even in colour. Its production causes pain 
and groans from the subject, and any violence towards it would appear also to 
affect her. A sudden flash of light, as in a flash-photograph, may or may not 
cause a retraction of the ectoplasm, but always causes a spasm of the subject. 
When re-absorbed, it leaves no trace upon the garments through which it has 

 This is wonderful enough, but far more fantastic is what has still to be told. 
The most marked property of this ectoplasm, very fully illustrated in the 
photographs, is that it sets or curdles into the shapes of human members —of 
fingers, of hands, of faces, which are at first quite sketchy and rudimentary, 
but rapidly coalesce and develop until they are undistinguishable from those of 
living beings. Is not this the very strangest and most inexplicable thing that 
has ever yet been observed by human eyes? These faces or limbs are usually the 
size of life, but they frequently are quite miniatures. Occasionally they begin 
by being miniatures, and grow into full size. On their first appearance in the 
ectoplasm the limb is only on one plane of matter, a mere flat appearance, 
which rapidly rounds itself off, until it has assumed all three planes and is 
complete. It may be a mere simulacrum, like a wax hand, or it may be endowed 
with full power of grasping another hand, with every articulation in perfect 
working order.

 The faces which are produced in this amazing way are worthy of study. They do 
not appear to have represented anyone who has ever been known in life by Doctor 
Geley.[8] My impression after examining them is that they are much more likely 
to be within the knowledge of the subject, being girls of the French lower 
middle class type, such as Eva was, I should imagine, in the habit of meeting. 
It should be added that Eva herself appears in the photograph as well as the 
simulacra of humanity. The faces are, on the whole, both pretty and piquant, 
though of a rather worldly and unrefined type. The latter adjective would not 
apply to the larger and most elaborate photograph, which represents a very 
beautiful young woman of a truly spiritual cast of face. Some of the faces are 
but partially formed, which gives them a grotesque or repellant appearance. 
What are we to make of such phenomena? There is no use deluding ourselves by 
the idea that there may be some mistake or some deception. There is neither one 
nor the other. Apart from the elaborate checks upon these particular results, 
they correspond closely with those got by Lombroso in Italy, by Schrenk-Notzing 
in Germany, and by other careful observers. One thing we must bear in mind 
constantly in considering them, and that is their abnormality. At a liberal 
estimate, it is not one person in a million who possesses such powers—if a 
thing which is outside our volition can be described as a power. It is the 
mechanism of the m

[FairfieldLife] Cold Dead Hand by Jim Carey and the Eels

2014-06-24 Thread srijau


 my apologies if you have seen it already


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 6/24/2014 8:34 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 
 Silly bawee, what about if you realized Salyavin was posting this in jest and 
you open it up just to see what it is all about, get to point #2 and close it 
up again because it is so humorous and pat and simplistic. What does that mean 
about the reader?

 It means that Barry read the whole thing and related to it, so he copied the 
page and is still reading and replying to it?
 And, furthermore, he concluded that this was a verrryyy dangerous article. I'm 
still trying to suss that one out. Maybe his employers the lurking reporters 
told him to say that.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 25-Jun-14 00:15:02 UTC

2014-06-24 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/21/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 06/28/14 00:00:00
251 messages as of (UTC) 06/24/14 22:34:33

 68 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 28 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 19 awoelflebater
 15 jr_esq
 15 Bhairitu noozguru
 14 salyavin808 
 14 Share Long sharelong60
 13 dhamiltony2k5
 13 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 12 emptybill
  6 nablusoss1008 
  5 fleetwood_macncheese
  4 anartaxius
  4 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  4 LEnglish5
  3 jimonthemove48
  2 noozguru
  2 cardemaister
  1 uns_tressor
  1 soundofstillness
  1 raunchydog
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 authfriend
  1 WLeed3
  1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
  1 James Matthews jimonthemove
  1 Duveyoung 
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 28
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Dig out those eye patches!

2014-06-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Season two of "Utopia" begins this July in the UK.  Bet the HBO 
gestapo will be on the lookout because they've bought the US rights. 
for a remake. :-(


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Actually "Mulholland Dr." was supposed to be a TV series for ABC. The 
racier scenes were probably added a year later when the French company 
Studio Canal financed it's finish as a movie.  The movie has even played 
on Ion TV here in the states which is a second tier broadcast network 
back around 2005 or so along side "Christian" TV shows.  I found that 
amusing having seen the movie in a theater but the Ion version was tamed 
down a bit, quite a bit.

On 06/24/2014 08:04 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Well why didn't you satisfy everyone by watching David Lynch stuff? I 
mean he is not only a True Blue TM'er, he been and done had that real 
fine million dollar training where he got to see and get secret 
knowledge from Marshy on video. I mean, who could object to such fine 
TM created masterpieces such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and the his 
crowning achievement Twin Peaks?

I'm not sure if we ever got round to discussing Lynch, and my choice 
of movie was always overruled after the Pulp Fiction disaster anyway!

I did suggest that the Marshy channel show a season of his movies 
after DL came out of the closet. Being culturally clueless, they 
thought it was a great idea!

*From:* salyavin808 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:40 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such 
a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the 
academy I probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing 
any sort of non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple 
who were running things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew 
that not everyone is suited to a life of devotion and studying the 
vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were 
outraged that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" 
tapes was being used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they 
gave money to live the spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by 
them to be purusha when we weren't anything of the sort.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread nablusoss1008
Or "already psychotic", much the same as his religion has convinced him he is 
"already enlightened" :-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Funny indeed and yet another example of how the Turq contradict himself. 
According to himself he is on the verge of a psychotic breakdown :-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 6/24/2014 2:38 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on 
the brink of a psychotic break, >
 Now this is really funny - the guy that posts about negative energy vampires 
thinks it is an indication that a person is on the bring of a psychotic break. 
 7.  If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily 
from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like 
flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread nablusoss1008

 Funny indeed and yet another example of how the Turq contradict himself. 
According to himself he is on the verge of a psychotic breakdown :-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 6/24/2014 2:38 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on 
the brink of a psychotic break, >
 Now this is really funny - the guy that posts about negative energy vampires 
thinks it is an indication that a person is on the bring of a psychotic break. 
 7.  If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily 
from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like 
flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

Or how about you're awakened when you don't care about such articles. :-D

On 06/24/2014 12:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 12:41 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
salyavin, I've not seen Pulp Fiction except for little bits and 
pieces. I'd say that in these very violent movies, the morality tale 
message can get lost pretty easily. Then the meta message takes over. 
Which can be quite different from the morality tale message!

Some sociologists think that playing violent video games and watching 
violent movies on TV and in theaters leads to incidents of violence by 
troubled individuals. What is so weird about this is the cognitive 
dissonance displayed by Barry and Sal - they don't even see the 
connections, or want to admit them. This came up before in our 
conversation about individuals who own guns. It may be that people who 
enjoy violent movies are somewhat stunted, mentally, and still living in 
a fantasy of their childhood. Go figure.


On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:12 PM, salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 6/24/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the
movie that saved cinema.

One of my favorite places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam
is the front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin Tarantino
sat and wrote most of "Pulp Fiction." None of his success has
rubbed off on me, but I think some of his sense of humor has.

OMG! I hope neither of you two guys is thinking about going postal on 
us. I wonder how much of Tarantino's gun-nut humor has rubbed off on 
you two? You guys must be two of the most fucked up in the mind 
characters I've ever met on the internet!

/Two pacifists that love Tarantino./ Talk about your cognitive 
dissonance! Go figure.

I wonder if you've ever actually understood/anything/ Willy?

Pulp Fiction is a morality tale. Two hitmen have a very near death 
experience at the hands of another gunman, one decides that being 
spared is a sign from god and vows to go straight, the other thinks 
that's a load of hogwash and gets killed the next day.

Try paying attention next time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
On 06/24/2014 12:14 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:* salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

**Kill Bill was amazingly artistic and had a really good ending that I 
wouldn't have thought of in a million years. ...

/And from a spiritual perspective, what's not to like about casting 
the daughter of one of the foremost Buddhist scholars in the world, 
named after a goddess?  :-)/

That I didn't know!

The whole idea of "Kill Bill" was thought up during the filming of 
"Pulp Fiction" by Uma Thurman.

Not to mention that Robert Thurman traveled to Asia in search of a 
master and yet wound learning from one in his own area of the US.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Let's see if I can embed the image.  The prior message was done using Chrome 
which I recall doesn't like you to embed images (stupid handholding).

But dropped right in with Firefox BUT FFL or Yahoo Groups period won't load on 
Windows with Firefox just Chrome.  This is from Firefox on Ubuntu Studio Linux.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Kill Bill was amazingly artistic and had a really good ending that I wouldn't 
have thought of in a million years. ...
 And from a spiritual perspective, what's not to like about casting the 
daughter of one of the foremost Buddhist scholars in the world, named after a 
goddess?  :-)

That I didn't know!

The whole idea of "Kill Bill" was thought up during the filming of "Pulp 
Fiction" by Uma Thurman. 

That's what I like about this place, you can learn interesting stuff!

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Kill Bill was amazingly artistic and had a really good ending that I wouldn't 
have thought of in a million years. ...

And from a spiritual perspective, what's not to like about casting the daughter 
of one of the foremost Buddhist scholars in the world, named after a goddess?  

That I didn't know!

The whole idea of "Kill Bill" was thought up during the filming of "Pulp 
Fiction" by Uma Thurman. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I've not seen Pulp Fiction except for little bits and pieces. I'd 
say that in these very violent movies, the morality tale message can get lost 
pretty easily. Then the meta message takes over. Which can be quite different 
from the morality tale message!


 I didn't think Pulp Fiction was particularly violent actually, not by 
comparison to others, even then. What was shocking to a lot of people was the 
apparently a-moral nature of the characters with their casual drug use etc. 
That's just life really, it would have been a sorry tale of LA lowlifes if no 
one said MoFo even once!

 It isn't like it goes for gritty realism, it's rather cartoonish like the 
comics it's based on. The script is wonderful but people complained about that 
saying it was all just a bunch of blokes talking about cheeseburgers.

 Some people just can't appreciate art, PF is uncomfortable at times but the 
way instant Karma is dealt out to all concerned ought to have seen it hailed as 
some sort of spiritual revival! But no, all the usual professionally offended 
types decided it was championing gun crime. 

 But if you can't get past the drugs, guns and swearing then I guess it just 
isn't for you!

I always loved Tarantino's story of the real-life source of some of the 
dialogue. He got busted one night for some sort of public intoxication, and had 
to spend the night in the drunk tank of a jail with a bunch of primarily black 
guys. And he was so fascinated by how they talked that he started writing it 
all down. All he had on him was one letter-sized envelope and a tiny stub of a 
pencil, and he described writing the things he was hearing down on it in the 
tiniest letters possible, to try to fit as much of it as possible into his 
"writer's notes." 

I wouldn't go so far as to class it as one of the best movies ever, but it 
*was* extremely clever, and ground-breaking in many ways, not least of which 
was the non-linear narrative. 

 This gets overdone so much nowadays and often for no reason. In PF it cleverly 
gives the two gangsters the appearance of a happy ending which was clever, my 
Mum hated it because she didn't know that some things had happened before 

 It seems a bit dated  now but I still love it.

 Riding on the relative success of the previous (and more violent) "Reservoir 
Dogs," he managed to fight the studio heads and insist on casting John 
Travolta, who they thought were washed up, but who he thought was perfect for 
the part. Jump-started his whole career again. 

 And Bruce Willis too!

 I didn't like Reservoir Dogs at all though, apart from Mr Pink getting away 
with the loot, it was all a bit grim and humourless.

 Jackie Brown might be my favourite of his, I do like a nice love story!

 Kill Bill was amazingly artistic and had a really good ending that I wouldn't 
have thought of in a million years.

 Inglorious Basterds was half-good. Nail bitingly tense and then Brad Pitt and 
his gang would appear and ruin everything.

 Django Unchained? Hmmm, not sure about that one

And from a spiritual perspective, what's not to like about casting the daughter 
of one of the foremost Buddhist scholars in the world, named after a goddess?  

That I didn't know!

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Salyavin, I've not seen Pulp Fiction except for little bits and pieces. I'd say 
that in these very violent movies, the morality tale message can get lost 
pretty easily. Then the meta message takes over. Which can be quite different 
from the morality tale message!

I didn't think Pulp Fiction was particularly violent actually, not by 
comparison to others, even then. What was shocking to a lot of people was the 
apparently a-moral nature of the characters with their casual drug use etc. 
That's just life really, it would have been a sorry tale of LA lowlifes if no 
one said MoFo even once!

It isn't like it goes for gritty realism, it's rather cartoonish like the 
comics it's based on. The script is wonderful but people complained about that 
saying it was all just a bunch of blokes talking about cheeseburgers.

Some people just can't appreciate art, PF is uncomfortable at times but the way 
instant Karma is dealt out to all concerned ought to have seen it hailed as 
some sort of spiritual revival! But no, all the usual professionally offended 
types decided it was championing gun crime. 

But if you can't get past the drugs, guns and swearing then I guess it just 
isn't for you!

I always loved Tarantino's story of the real-life source of some of the 
dialogue. He got busted one night for some sort of public intoxication, and had 
to spend the night in the drunk tank of a jail with a bunch of primarily black 
guys. And he was so fascinated by how they talked that he started writing it 
all down. All he had on him was one letter-sized envelope and a tiny stub of a 
pencil, and he described writing the things he was hearing down on it in the 
tiniest letters possible, to try to fit as much of it as possible into his 
"writer's notes." 

I wouldn't go so far as to class it as one of the best movies ever, but it 
*was* extremely clever, and ground-breaking in many ways, not least of which 
was the non-linear narrative. Riding on the relative success of the previous 
(and more violent) "Reservoir Dogs," he managed to fight the studio heads and 
insist on casting John Travolta, who they thought were washed up, but who he 
thought was perfect for the part. Jump-started his whole career again. 

And from a spiritual perspective, what's not to like about casting the daughter 
of one of the foremost Buddhist scholars in the world, named after a goddess?  

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Salyavin, I've not seen Pulp Fiction except for little bits and pieces. I'd 
say that in these very violent movies, the morality tale message can get lost 
pretty easily. Then the meta message takes over. Which can be quite different 
from the morality tale message!


 I didn't think Pulp Fiction was particularly violent actually, not by 
comparison to others, even then. What was shocking to a lot of people was the 
apparently a-moral nature of the characters with their casual drug use etc. 
That's just life really, it would have been a sorry tale of LA lowlifes if no 
one said MoFo even once!

 It isn't like it goes for gritty realism, it's rather cartoonish like the 
comics it's based on. The script is wonderful but people complained about that 
saying it was all just a bunch of blokes talking about cheeseburgers.

 Some people just can't appreciate art, PF is uncomfortable at times but the 
way instant Karma is dealt out to all concerned ought to have seen it hailed as 
some sort of spiritual revival! But no, all the usual professionally offended 
types decided it was championing gun crime. 

 But if you can't get past the drugs, guns and swearing then I guess it just 
isn't for you!

 On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:12 PM, salyavin808  



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 6/24/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that 
saved cinema.

 One of my favorite places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam is the 
front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin Tarantino sat and wrote most 
of "Pulp Fiction." None of his success has rubbed off on me, but I think some 
of his sense of humor has. 
 OMG! I hope neither of you two guys is thinking about going postal on us. I 
wonder how much of Tarantino's gun-nut humor has rubbed off on you two? You 
guys must be two of the most fucked up in the mind characters I've ever met on 
the internet! 
 Two pacifists that love Tarantino. Talk about your cognitive dissonance! Go 

 I wonder if you've ever actually understood anything Willy?

 Pulp Fiction is a morality tale. Two hitmen have a very near death experience 
at the hands of another gunman, one decides that being spared is a sign from 
god and vows to go straight, the other thinks that's a load of hogwash and gets 
killed the next day.

 Try paying attention next time.



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, I've not seen Pulp Fiction except for little bits and pieces. I'd say 
that in these very violent movies, the morality tale message can get lost 
pretty easily. Then the meta message takes over. Which can be quite different 
from the morality tale message!

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:12 PM, salyavin808  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 6/24/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>I consider Pulp
Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that saved
>One of my favorite
places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam is the
front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin
Tarantino sat and wrote most of "Pulp Fiction." None
of his success has rubbed off on me, but I think some
of his sense of humor has. 
OMG! I hope neither of you two guys is thinking about going postal
on us. I wonder how much of Tarantino's gun-nut humor has rubbed off
on you two? You guys must be two of the most fucked up in the mind
characters I've ever met on the internet! 

Two pacifists that love Tarantino. Talk about your cognitive
dissonance! Go figure.

I wonder if you've ever actually understoodanything Willy?

Pulp Fiction is a morality tale. Two hitmen have a very near death experience 
at the hands of another gunman, one decides that being spared is a sign from 
god and vows to go straight, the other thinks that's a load of hogwash and gets 
killed the next day.

Try paying attention next time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 6/24/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that 
saved cinema.

 One of my favorite places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam is the 
front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin Tarantino sat and wrote most 
of "Pulp Fiction." None of his success has rubbed off on me, but I think some 
of his sense of humor has. 
 OMG! I hope neither of you two guys is thinking about going postal on us. I 
wonder how much of Tarantino's gun-nut humor has rubbed off on you two? You 
guys must be two of the most fucked up in the mind characters I've ever met on 
the internet! 
 Two pacifists that love Tarantino. Talk about your cognitive dissonance! Go 

 I wonder if you've ever actually understood anything Willy?

 Pulp Fiction is a morality tale. Two hitmen have a very near death experience 
at the hands of another gunman, one decides that being spared is a sign from 
god and vows to go straight, the other thinks that's a load of hogwash and gets 
killed the next day.

 Try paying attention next time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 2:38 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a 
person on the brink of a psychotic break,

/Now this is really funny/ - the guy that posts about /negative energy 
vampires/ thinks it is an indication that a person is on the bring of a 
psychotic break. LoL!

/7.  If we don't learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired 
easily from taking on other people's emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn 
to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting 
ourselves at times./

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 10:01 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I prefer Watchmen

Are you sure you don't mean /Weathermen/? A fantasy of operating with 
guns outside the law. You're what, 35 years old now going on 10?

/20.  We may be vegan or vegetarian because we can sense a certain 
energy of the food we eat, like if an animal was slaughtered inhumanely. 
We don’t want to consume negative energy./


*From:* salyavin808 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such 
a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the 
academy I probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing 
any sort of non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple 
who were running things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew 
that not everyone is suited to a life of devotion and studying the 
vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were 
outraged that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" 
tapes was being used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they 
gave money to live the spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by 
them to be purusha when we weren't anything of the sort.

You should have explained that you *were* using the TV to watch 
"knowledge tapes," and then played them the following segment:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities 
of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the 
name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley 
of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder 
of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great 
vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My 
brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon 

It may not be from the Gita, but it *is* from the Bible. Ezekiel 
25:17, to be exact.

Ah, what a classic, they don't write 'em like that any more.

I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the 
movie that saved cinema.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the 
movie that saved cinema.

One of my favorite places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam is 
the front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin Tarantino sat and 
wrote most of "Pulp Fiction." None of his success has rubbed off on 
me, but I think some of his sense of humor has.

OMG! I hope neither of you two guys is thinking about going postal on 
us. I wonder how much of Tarantino's gun-nut humor has rubbed off on you 
two? You guys must be two of the most fucked up in the mind characters 
I've ever met on the internet!

/Two pacifists that love Tarantino./ Talk about your cognitive 
dissonance! Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 11:05 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, in that case I'd feel huge compassion for the people who have 
to wade through all that data!

It's all done with software searching for key words such as /pirate /and 
quoted /Bible verses/.


On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:59 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key 
stroke you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 9:51 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Well why didn't you satisfy everyone by watching David Lynch stuff? I 
mean he is not only a True Blue TM'er, he been and done had that real 
fine million dollar training where he got to see and get secret 
knowledge from Marshy on video. I mean, who could object to such fine 
TM created masterpieces such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and the his 
crowning achievement Twin Peaks?

You guys really like to have it both ways! Raving about gun-nuts in 
/Pulp Fiction/ but dissing and Twin Peaks and Laura Palmer. So, I guess 
we can conclude from this that:

1. If it's TM or Lynch, it's bad.
2. If it's gun-nuts and Tarantino, it's good.

Thanks for the unbiased movie reviews!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists [1 Attachment]

2014-06-24 Thread noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Time saving keyboard for anti-conspiracy theorists. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 6/24/2014 8:34 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to 
think, "Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer 
to "awakening" into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought.

Silly bawee, what about if you realized Salyavin was posting this in 
jest and you open it up just to see what it is all about, get to point 
#2 and close it up again because it is so humorous and pat and 
simplistic. What does that mean about the reader?

It means that Barry read the whole thing and related to it, so he copied 
the page and is still reading and replying to it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 8:01 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such 
a film.

You never know what these /gun-nut film-lovers/ will do next. If he 
tried that today, he would probably be banned. Nobody wants a gun 
promoter to show gun propaganda in schools. Go figure.

11. /We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have 
amazing imaginations./


*From:* salyavin808 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:25 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening 
soul" can be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing 
to me that the idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll 
read it -- can't see that.

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a 
person on the brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday 
events and attempting to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in 
the TMO with all those fragile types in the academies.

I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern 
movies by renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never 
seen a room clear so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 
19, 20, and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known 
as runaway ego or out-of-control self-importance.

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to 
think, "Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer 
to "awakening" into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought.

I liked this bit:

"We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, 
Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwivery"

I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative 
therapy, seems like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway...

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 4:47 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
In other words, that many losers have been at least partially 
convinced by this pandering ego-trash that they're well on the way to 
becoming "awakened." Lawson's comment was not only shorter than mine, 
it nailed the issue more precisely. Whoever wrote this is certifiable, 
and looking for company in the looney bin.

21.  We wear our own emotions on our sleeves and have a hard time 
‘pretending’ to be happy if we aren’t.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 6/24/2014 4:25 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening 
soul" can be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing 
to me that the idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll 
read it -- can't see that.

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a 
person on the brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday 
events and attempting to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in 
the TMO with all those fragile types in the academies.

I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern 
movies by renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never 
seen a room clear so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

The movie /Pulp Fiction/ sucks, not just for TMO staff.

18.  We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons).

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 
19, 20, and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known 
as runaway ego or out-of-control self-importance.

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to 
think, "Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer 
to "awakening" into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought.

I liked this bit:

"We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, 
Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwivery"

I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative 
therapy, seems like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway...

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 2:38 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

*From:* salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening 
soul" can be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing 
to me that the idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll 
read it -- can't see that.

This sounds just like the words of an awakened soul. LoL!

10.  We see the possibilities before others do.

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a 
person on the brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday 
events and attempting to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 
19, 20, and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known 
as runaway ego or out-of-control self-importance.

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to 
think, "Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer 
to "awakening" into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, in that case I'd feel huge compassion for the people who have to wade 
through all that data! 

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:59 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key stroke 
you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center somewhere?

On 6/24/2014 10:08 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key 
stroke you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center 


On 6/24/2014 10:08 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 


[FairfieldLife] Re: What If?

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
What if you woke up in the morning and found out that the IRS was 

'However, Rep. Scott Desjarlais, R-Tenn. pointed out that $10-to-30 
million was not much compared to the $89 million the IRS paid in bonuses 
last year, including $1 million to employees who actually owed back taxes.'


On 6/20/2014 1:28 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that the FBI was 
going to subpoena all your Google searches on your home computer and 
mobile devices looking for searches about /how to destroy your hard 


On 6/20/2014 12:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
/What if/ you woke up one morning and found out you were being 
audited by the IRS and that two years of your emails to the agency, 
which might prove your case, were found to be missing because of a 
computer hard drive crash; and what if seven other agency hard drives 
had crashed at the same time; and what if the email back-server for 
the agency had failed at the same time; and what if the magnetic tape 
backup of the backup had also failed?

/And, what if/ you woke up the next morning and the agency told you 
that your failed hard drive had been thrown in the trash?

"There were audible gasps in the room today when IRS Commissioner 
John Koskinen told Congress that Lerner's hard drive was tossed out. 
Koskinen testified before the House Ways and Means Committee today on 
the IRS conservative targeting scandal."

/'Audience GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard 
Drive Was Trashed'/

Gateway Pundit:


On 6/19/2014 9:00 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning and the price for a gallon of 
gasoline at the pump was at $10.00? What if you woke up in the 
morning and you found out that Canada had almost completed a 
pipeline to deliver oil to Asia instead of to Canada and the U.S.? 
What if you woke up in the morning and your power had been cut off?

What if you woke up in the morning and you realized that everything 
was much worse than you thought? How much worse? Ten times worse. Go 

'Iraq: Why It's Worse Than You Think'
On 6/18/2014 9:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the IRS had lost all your 
records and all your emails for the last two years? What if six IRS 
hard drives had crashed and all the records were just gone, 
disappeared? I wonder what would happen to the IT guy in charge of 
the servers at the IRS data center? What if the IRS Commissioner 
was called in before the U.S. Congress to testify under oath about 
the mysterious data loss?

What if you were audited by the IRS and your records were given to 
the FBI? Go figure.

'Missing E-Mail Is the Least of the IRS's Problems'

On 6/12/2014 9:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you opened your local newspaper and read that the recent 
surge of unauthorized immigrants from Central America was caused 
by the U.S. President and his administration failing to enforce 
immigration laws?

And, that by releasing thousands of parents with children, you 
were going to have to pay billions of dollars in taxes for the 
housing and medical care of thousands of parents and their 
children. And, that the crises had left most of the U.S. - Mexican 
border in control of the Mexican drug cartels? And, that because 
of this political trick, your political party was going to lose a 
majority in the U.S. Senate.

What if?

HOUSTON, Texas--The massive influx of adults and minors crossing 
into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador 
has brought the Customs and Border Protection agency past its 
capacity to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according 
to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)...

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'in 


Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson faced tough questions from 
Congress on Wednesday about a recent surge in illegal immigration, 
and agreed with lawmakers that a wave of unaccompanied children 
crossing illegally into the U.S. constitutes a "humanitarian 

'Homeland Security chief in hot seat over surge in illegal 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting a Uber Lyft in a Sidecar

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
'San Francisco Clamps Down On Monkey Parking App That Allows Drivers To 
Auction Public Parking Spots'



On 6/13/2014 6:11 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
There's Uber and there is Lyft and in some large cities, Sidecar - I 
call it Uber-Lyft. It's a new technology, not a taxi service. You put 
an app on your mobile phone and get a ride from an privately owned 
vehicle; it's a new way to get a ride without waiting for a cab. The 
vehicles are the personal cars owned by the drivers. You pay a little 
more but you get a ride faster.

The driver uses their GPS to get you to your destination and you pay 
with a credit card online. The cars are usually a lot nicer vehicles 
too. In a taxi often you have to wait, sometimes a long time, and the 
cars are most of the time - dumpy - it's like riding in a cage with 
tacky advertisements stuck all over inside. And, sometimes you have to 
wait over an to get a cab at a busy airport at certain times of the day.

Once, I drove a cab for awhile to make some extra cash, so I know a 
little bit about it. Some contract drivers have to pay $75 a day to 
the company and you have to drive for twelve hour shifts. You have to 
pay for your own gasoline and pay the fee, even if you don't make a 
profit - it works out to be less than minimum wage sometimes. Yes, I 
drove a cab for a guy named Lloyd who owned over 100 Yellow Cabs in 
Austin. One day when I returned the car for the next driver Lloyd was 
sitting at his desk collecting cash and he quipped: "Money talks, 
bullshit walks." Classic.

In some places, like L.A., S.F. and New York City, there is a lot of 
blow-back with some cars getting impounded and drivers being issued 
tickets. Cab drivers are mad as hell about this. The problem with the 
new technology is that I guess it doesn't allow enough room for graft 
to city officials. Go figure.

"Driver assaults and incomplete insurance may not be car service apps’ 
biggest regulatory hurdles — it may be airports."

'California Threatens To Shut Down Uber, Lyft, Sidecar Over Airport 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

Because you can't sleep any longer? :-D

On 06/24/2014 12:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 

You should have explained that you *were* using the TV to watch
"knowledge tapes," and then played them the following segment:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities
of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of
the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of
lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and
furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And
you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

It may not be from the Gita, but it *is* from the Bible. Ezekiel 25:17, to be 

Ah, what a classic, they don't write 'em like that any more. 

I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that 
saved cinema.

One of my favorite places to sit and write when I'm in Amsterdam is the 
front-window table of a coffeeshop where Quentin Tarantino sat and wrote most 
of "Pulp Fiction." None of his success has rubbed off on me, but I think some 
of his sense of humor has. 

[FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I prefer Watchmen

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 

You should have explained that you *were* using the TV to watch
"knowledge tapes," and then played them the following segment:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities
of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of
the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of
lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and
furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And
you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

It may not be from the Gita, but it *is* from the Bible. Ezekiel 25:17, to be 

Ah, what a classic, they don't write 'em like that any more. 

I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that 
saved cinema.

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Well why didn't you satisfy everyone by watching David Lynch stuff? I mean he 
is not only a True Blue TM'er, he been and done had that real fine million 
dollar training where he got to see and get secret knowledge from Marshy on 
video. I mean, who could object to such fine TM created masterpieces such as 
Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and the his crowning achievement Twin Peaks?


 I'm not sure if we ever got round to discussing Lynch, and my choice of movie 
was always overruled after the Pulp Fiction disaster anyway! 

 I did suggest that the Marshy channel show a season of his movies after DL 
came out of the closet. Being culturally clueless, they thought it was a great 



 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.


 I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

 Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.


 I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

 Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 

 You should have explained that you *were* using the TV to watch "knowledge 
tapes," and then played them the following segment:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the 
selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity 
and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is 
truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike 
down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to 
poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My 
vengeance upon you."

It may not be from the Gita, but it *is* from the Bible. Ezekiel 25:17, to be 


Ah, what a classic, they don't write 'em like that any more. 

 I consider Pulp Fiction to be the Casablanca of our age, it's the movie that 
saved cinema.




Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well why didn't you satisfy everyone by watching David Lynch stuff? I mean he 
is not only a True Blue TM'er, he been and done had that real fine million 
dollar training where he got to see and get secret knowledge from Marshy on 
video. I mean, who could object to such fine TM created masterpieces such as 
Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and the his crowning achievement Twin Peaks?

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in the TMO 
with all those fragile types in the academies. 

I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern movies by 
renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never seen a room clear 
so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

I liked this bit:

"We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, 
yoga, massage, midwivery"

I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative therapy, seems 
like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway... 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.

I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 

You should have explained that you *were* using the TV to watch "knowledge 
tapes," and then played them the following segment:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities 
of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the 
name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of 
the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of 
lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and
 furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And 
you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

It may not be from the Gita, but it *is* from the Bible. Ezekiel 25:17, to be 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are

  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in the TMO 
with all those fragile types in the academies. 

I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern movies by 
renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never seen a room clear 
so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

I liked this bit:

"We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, 
yoga, massage, midwivery"

I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative therapy, seems 
like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.


 I guess it depends who's running the show. In the old days of the academy I 
probably would have been burned at the stake for bringing any sort of 
non-Marshy movie into the sacred grounds. But the couple who were running 
things when I was there were pretty cool, they knew that not everyone is suited 
to a life of devotion and studying the vedas, so they let us be ourselves.

 Not that some other visitors didn't object, some of the sponsors were outraged 
that money they had donated for a TV for watching "knowledge" tapes was being 
used for entertainment, the horror. It's like they gave money to live the 
spiritual life by proxy, we were intended by them to be purusha when we weren't 
anything of the sort. 


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in the TMO 
with all those fragile types in the academies. 

 I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern movies by 
renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never seen a room clear 
so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

I liked this bit:

 "We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, 
yoga, massage, midwivery"

 I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative therapy, seems 
like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway... 





Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What's horrific about this piece of narcissistic trash is that searching for 
the title on Google produces over 35,000 hits. It's been "Liked" on Facebook by 
over 10,000 of them. 


 In other words, that many losers have been at least partially convinced by 
this pandering ego-trash that they're well on the way to becoming "awakened." 
Lawson's comment was not only shorter than mine, it nailed the issue more 
precisely. Whoever wrote this is certifiable, and looking for company in the 
looney bin.

 Some Internet memes are more dangerous than others. This is one of them.


 This is not "dangerous", this is funny. Really, you think we are all in danger 
from people liking this little puff piece? C'mon, it's no more threatening or 
indicative of social disease than those who read the daily horoscopes.




Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

Silly bawee, what about if you realized Salyavin was posting this in jest and 
you open it up just to see what it is all about, get to point #2 and close it 
up again because it is so humorous and pat and simplistic. What does that mean 
about the reader?



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 6/24/2014 2:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


So, I wonder how many "awakened" souls there are? If everyone has an 
individual soul, there must be millions of them out there. I wonder 
where the dead souls all go? There must be billions of them too. Maybe 
the souls of the dead gather together. Go figure.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Biden the Seer?

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 6/21/2014 7:38 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

He proposed in 2008 that Iraq should be divided along ethnic lines. 
 Now it's coming true.  This idea should resonate well with the 
American public.  He may have strengthened his position as the next 
president of the USA.

Biden on Iraq: "...could be one of the greatest achievements of this 
administration." - Joe Biden, Larry King Live, 2010



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I'm surprised they didn't kick you out of the academy for playing such a film.

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in the TMO 
with all those fragile types in the academies. 

I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern movies by 
renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never seen a room clear 
so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

I liked this bit:

"We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, 
yoga, massage, midwivery"

I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative therapy, seems 
like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway... 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
What's horrific about this piece of narcissistic trash is that searching for 
the title on Google produces over 35,000 hits. It's been "Liked" on Facebook by 
over 10,000 of them. 

In other words, that many losers have been at least partially convinced by this 
pandering ego-trash that they're well on the way to becoming "awakened." 
Lawson's comment was not only shorter than mine, it nailed the issue more 
precisely. Whoever wrote this is certifiable, and looking for company in the 
looney bin.

Some Internet memes are more dangerous than others. This is one of them.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Yes, not very invincible is it? It does kind of remind me of being in the TMO 
with all those fragile types in the academies. 

 I remember the night I thought I'd educate everyone into cool modern movies by 
renting Pulp Fiction for the staff movie night. You've never seen a room clear 
so fast! No awakening for me obviously...

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

I liked this bit:

 "We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, 
yoga, massage, midwivery"

 I'm fairly sure that midwivery doesn't count as an alternative therapy, seems 
like it's a bit more useful Reiki anyway... 



Re: [FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 



It's amazing to me how many of these supposed "traits of an awakening soul" can 
be seen as traits of something else. It's even more amazing to me that the 
idiot who wrote this -- and many of the people who'll read it -- can't see 

Psychiatrists would see numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 as indicators of a person on the 
brink of a psychotic break, unable to cope with everyday events and attempting 
to turn that into a supposedly positive thing.

Similarly, numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
and 21 are all signs of delusional narcissism, otherwise known as runaway ego 
or out-of-control self-importance. 

In other words, if your first reaction to reading through this was to think, 
"Wow! I'm really close to being awakened," you're much closer to "awakening" 
into a full-blown personality disorder than you thought. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
21 ways to tell if you're special: 

 1) you're like me.

 2) you're like me.

 3) you're like me.

 4) you're like me.


 21) you're like me.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :





[FairfieldLife] How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread salyavin808

