Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

[FairfieldLife] Yoga!

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife] 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

See page 12, especially the interesting conclusion!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks, but look over 
there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how horrible, how 
beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same shit, different 
day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed out, Barry and 
Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A must for anyone who ever did TM

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In this day and age, people are not that naive. Perhaps you and a few others 
got sucked in, thinking the TMO was the greatest paradise, ever. But the 
overwhelming majority of us saw Maharishi's organization for what it was, made 
up of well intentioned, inexperienced, unenlightened human beings. Apparently, 
from the way she talks about it, Gina's days in the TM Movement, were the most 
fascinating, and interesting, in her life, as she has made a shadow career out 
of telling, and retelling, these few stories of hers. I hope the ten or so 
people who showed up, enjoyed it. Not at all revelatory, and really, pretty 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Gina Catena gave a talk at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco - excellent, 
excellent talk, even the question and answer part where a couple shills for the 
TM Movement show what asses they are.

 This is audio only
 Cult or Benign Cure-all? Life in Transcendental Meditati...
 Mon, Oct 20 2014 - 5:15pm Gina Catena, MS, CNM, NP; Contributor and Speaker, 
International Cultic Studies Association

 View on www.commonwealthcl...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered to 
believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse that 
(according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful believers? What 
would its primary characteristics be? 

Well, if you believe that True Believers of apocalyptic fantasies *are* 
actually focused on the things they tell people they're focused on, it would be 
about the joys of being saved, and how their unwavering faith saved them, 
while so many others perished. 

But that's not really true. What the fiction designed to appeal to these True 
Believers focuses on are the Terrible Things That Are Going To Happen To The 
Non-Believers™. There will be page after page of terrible things happening to 
people who aren't on the Believer Bus -- bombs going off, planes crashing from 
the skies, terrorism, floods, riots, etc. These NON-God-fearing people will 
disappear, be torn apart, be tortured, be blown up, and more. And this will 
happen over and over and over, so that the True Believers will be presented 
with a morality tale similar to paintings of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch that 
supports their group fantasy of being special, and other people *NOT* being 
special. In fact, these non-believers are SO not special that they're all going 
to die in horrible ways.

Think I'm exaggerating? Well, welcome to the Left Behind series of books. 10 
books, which have now sold over 65 million copies, almost ALL sold to 
evangelical Christians who believe in dispensationalist prophecies, almost ALL 
of them living in America. (The books have not sold well anywhere else on 
earth, which says something about the collective religious insanity that is the 
United States.) Think my title for this post is sensational? The Left Behind 
books are LITERALLY Apocalypse Porn. 

And now there's Left Behind, the movie. It's a remake, actually, preceded by 
a series of earlier low-budget, direct-to-DVD movies starring evangelical 
Christian nut case Kirk Cameron. That movie didn't do very well, so Hollywood 
decided to do what they do best and do a big-budget remake of it, starring 
Nicolas Cage. Anyone who saw the loathsome remake of The Wicker Man starring 
Cage knows that their choice of star is a tipoff as to the quality of the movie 
and what to expect. 

For the first half hour of the movie, it's just tedious, all exposition and 
introducing characters that you *hope* are all going to die so you don't have 
to watch them for a full two hours. Then the Rapture happens, and the immediate 
onscreen action starts switching between a plane in which Nick Cage is the 
pilot and back on earth, where his daughter is wandering around a shopping 
center. Daughter is hugging her younger brother, and suddenly finds herself 
hugging empty clothes. Up in the air, Cage's co-pilot disappears, as do many of 
the passengers. 

Elsewhere, there is the very Apocalypse Porn you would expect, as the TBs are 
whisked off to Heaven in a moment and those considered unworthy of the trip 
just disappear from behind the wheels of the cars they were driving or the 
planes they were flying. For a while it looks like the only ones who are going 
to profit from all of this are vendors of used clothing, because there are 
piles of it everywhere. :-)

Finally people figure out that the Rapture has happened, and that they have 
been (wait for it) L E F T   B E H I N D. No Saint Peter for them. Just life 
back on earth, which will get real gnarly, real fast, as predicted by 
prophecies of the coming seven years of tribulation. even if you don't get to 
see much of it in this first movie in what they obviously hope is a franchise. 


This really IS fiction for elitist True Believers, to not only pat them on the 
back for being TBs, but to give them a fictional glimpse of all the terrible, 
awful things that are going to happen to Non-Believers. It's like an entire 
series of novels written by Jim Flanegin, in which the only two things the 
author is capable of are 1) telling people how incredibly special he is, and 
2) fantasizing about the terrible life that those who are NOT as special as he 
is are going to face. 

We've certainly seen a similar 'tude in the TM movement. Anyone who paid their 
dues and spent time as a TM teacher (meaning NOT Jim Flanegin, Lawson, Judy 
Stein, Richard Williams and those other poseurs) has been exposed to all of the 
carefully-planted memes about the terrible things that will happen to them if 
they ever stopped meditating or (horrors!) fell Off The Program. THAT is 
Apocalypse Porn, too, just on a smaller level. 

Suffice it to say that the rest of the film doth not merit a detailed review. 
It's terrible, and I suspect that even if one were a believer in the coming 
Rapture it would be terrible. 

I'm reviewing it here primarily for those who are interested in the cult 
mindset. If while reading FFL you've ever gotten the feeling that some of the 

[FairfieldLife] A world record, set very quietly

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This guy did it right, and *no capsule*!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Did you know that a lot of TB Christians went to see the Lord of the Rings 
movies? They did so because the battle scenes were supposed to be what it is 
going to be like when Armageddon comes. 

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:04 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Apocalypse Porn

What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered to 
believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse that 
(according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful believers? What 
would its primary characteristics be? 

Well, if you believe that True Believers of apocalyptic fantasies *are* 
actually focused on the things they tell people they're focused on, it would be 
about the joys of being saved, and how their unwavering faith saved them, 
while so many others perished. 

But that's not really true. What the fiction designed to appeal to these True 
Believers focuses on are the Terrible Things That Are Going To Happen To The 
Non-Believers™. There will be page after page of terrible things happening to 
people who aren't on the Believer Bus -- bombs going off, planes crashing from 
the skies, terrorism, floods, riots, etc. These NON-God-fearing people will 
disappear, be torn apart, be tortured, be blown up, and more. And this will 
happen over and over and over, so that the True Believers will be presented 
with a morality tale similar to paintings of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch that 
supports their group fantasy of being special, and other people *NOT* being 
special. In fact, these non-believers are SO not special that they're all going 
to die in horrible ways.

Think I'm exaggerating? Well, welcome to the Left Behind series of books. 10 
books, which have now sold over 65 million copies, almost ALL sold to 
evangelical Christians who believe in dispensationalist prophecies, almost ALL 
of them living in America. (The books have not sold well anywhere else on 
earth, which says something about the collective religious insanity that is the 
United States.) Think my title for this post is sensational? The Left Behind 
books are LITERALLY Apocalypse Porn. 

And now there's Left Behind, the movie. It's a remake, actually, preceded by 
a series of earlier low-budget,
 direct-to-DVD movies starring evangelical Christian nut case Kirk Cameron. 
That movie didn't do very well, so Hollywood decided to do what they do best 
and do a big-budget remake of it, starring Nicolas Cage. Anyone who saw the 
loathsome remake of The Wicker Man starring Cage knows that their choice of 
star is a tipoff as to the quality of the movie and what to expect. 

For the first half hour of the movie, it's just tedious, all exposition and 
introducing characters that you *hope* are all going to die so you don't have 
to watch them for a full two hours. Then the Rapture happens, and the immediate 
onscreen action starts switching between a plane in which Nick Cage is the 
pilot and back on earth, where his daughter is wandering around a shopping 
center. Daughter is hugging her younger brother, and suddenly finds herself 
hugging empty clothes. Up in the air, Cage's co-pilot disappears, as do many of 

Elsewhere, there is the very Apocalypse Porn you would expect, as the TBs are 
whisked off to Heaven in a moment and those considered unworthy of the trip 
just disappear from behind the wheels of the cars they were driving or the 
planes they were flying. For a while it looks like the only ones who are going 
to profit from all of this are vendors of used clothing, because there are 
piles of it everywhere. :-)

Finally people figure out that the Rapture has happened, and that they have 
been (wait for it) L E F T   B E H I N D. No Saint Peter for them. Just life 
back on earth, which will get real gnarly, real fast, as predicted by 
prophecies of the coming seven years of tribulation. even if you don't get to 
see much of it in this first movie in what they obviously hope is a franchise. 


This really IS fiction for elitist True Believers, to not only pat them on the 
back for being TBs, but to give them a fictional glimpse of all the terrible, 
awful things that are going to happen to Non-Believers. It's like an entire 
series of novels written by Jim Flanegin, in which the only two things the 
author is capable of are 1) telling people how incredibly special he is, and 
2) fantasizing about the terrible life that those who are NOT as special as he 
is are going to face. 

We've certainly seen a similar 'tude in the TM movement. Anyone who paid their 
dues and spent time as a TM teacher (meaning NOT Jim Flanegin, Lawson, Judy 
Stein, Richard Williams and those other poseurs) has been exposed to all of the 
carefully-planted memes about the terrible things that will happen to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A must for anyone who ever did TM

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Hardly bland - very telling stuff, shows what a cult TM was even in the early 
days at the top levels. 

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 6:55 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A must for anyone who ever did TM

In this day and age, people are not that naive. Perhaps you and a few others 
got sucked in, thinking the TMO was the greatest paradise, ever. But the 
overwhelming majority of us saw Maharishi's organization for what it was, made 
up of well intentioned, inexperienced, unenlightened human beings. Apparently, 
from the way she talks about it, Gina's days in the TM Movement, were the most 
fascinating, and interesting, in her life, as she has made a shadow career out 
of telling, and retelling, these few stories of hers. I hope the ten or so 
people who showed up, enjoyed it. Not at all revelatory, and really, pretty 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Gina Catena gave a talk at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco - excellent, 
excellent talk, even the question and answer part where a couple shills for the 
TM Movement show what asses they are.

This is audio only
Cult or Benign Cure-all? Life in Transcendental Meditati...
Mon, Oct 20 2014 - 5:15pm Gina Catena, MS, CNM, NP; Contributor and Speaker, 
International Cultic Studies Association  
View on www.commonwealthcl... Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: A world record, set very quietly

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I think it's way cool that he did it in such quiet and minimalist fashion; 
very classy. OTOH, I also very much enjoyed watching Baumgartner's publicity 
stunt webcast as it was happening.

---In, wrote :

 This guy did it right, and *no capsule*!

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes on boards in 
front of the whole group to read. That went around the whole room and 
everything was said without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the 
room to everyone.  These were pertinent action points. 
 In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the 
most important points offered in the meeting. That data then will subsequently 
generate a report with priority for a future meeting about what it might take 
to change the culture of the movement around mental health. It was all very 
open and very well done.  Communal process to continue,,
 # #
 Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time 
for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your mental health and 
go forth and have a better day. 
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome


 ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!” 
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything. 
 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going
to do about it? 

Fairfield, Iowa.  The meeting?  It was one in a continuation of 
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the
working banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance.  These are
working meetings of people who are interested in being activley
involved in helping with communal mental health.  On alternating
Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is
the large group meeting where the committees bring their work.  The
larger meetings are very business like organized by agenda.   A lot has
been done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to
facilitate mental health in to the community. 
The meetings are open
to interested people who would be actively involved.  They are not
gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but working
meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. 
Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous
meeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and
distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.  

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural
things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table.  It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank
in the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of 
students, graduates of the
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and
movement leadership. 
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting
within and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak and
participate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone was
asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questions
in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard and poster
boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through
out the meeting.  
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the
community culture with mental health?  5 or so words.  It went around
the room.  Then once everything was on the boards in front of
everyone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about all
that was said?  It went around the room to everyone including
movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range of
large question of the group was something like,  in five words what
should be done to effect change in the communal culture?  Again time
was taken to go entirely around the room and the answers were
recorded by scribes on boards in front of the whole group to read. 
That went around the whole room and everything was said without comment or 
discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  These were
pertinent action points.  
the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and physically 
vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the
most important points offered in the meeting.  That data then will
subsequently generate a report with priority for a future meeting
about what it might take to change the culture of the movement around
mental health.  It was all very open and very well done.  Communal process to 
# #
Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time for 
effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of  your mental health and go 
forth and have
a better day.  
Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome

“..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the
we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that
make: Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and
tone, to apostasy, thence to active anger and hating.  In reading these posts I
feel Ann through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith 
more in Turq by her better understanding of his 

[FairfieldLife] Collins Complains

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
He should just take the Alfred E. Newman way of What? Me worry?

After all, he is a decades long practitioner of TM and the TM Siddhi Program 
which we all know is 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone! So he has got to 
have a great deal of support of nature going for him. Plus he can always wear 
expensive jyotish gem stones and get yagyas done. 

I wonder if they have a yagya for getting people to not look at you as a 
pedophile anymore?

Heck, he should just get a job with the Movement. We all know how well they 
stick up for people who have done stuff for them in the past.
Stephen Collins' Wife -- He's Unemployable Because He's a Pedophile!
Stephen Collins' estranged wife is indignant he's bellyaching he can't get work 
because of that audiotape in which he '7th Heaven' Dad Stephen Collins - 
Confesses on Tape to Child Molestation ... NYPD Investigating ...Faye Grant 
says the real reason he can't get work is because he's a pedophile.

Collins' lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, filed legal docs saying, Faye's decision 
to parade that recording ... 
has resulted in Stephen having no income other than investment income 
and pension income.

Now Grant's lawyer, legal pitbull Marty Singer, tells TMZ, The tape has 
nothing to do with Mr. Collins' plight.  It is Mr. Collins' horrific conduct 
and actions that have caused him damage.

 calls Collins a pedophile, adding, It is also unfortunate that Mr. 
Kaplan is attempting to justify his client's conduct by diverting blame 
onto third parties.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/24/2014 7:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard, you want something silly?  I give you something silly.

Barry is having a near panic attack, pleading, insisting that someone 
explain to him the importance of the experience of unbounded 
awareness.  I guess he's got a turd he wants to drop on that or something.

But, here. Get this.  Ask Barry to explain, how as a declared atheist, 
he explains karma, and rebirth, (which he is on record of buying 
into), and he mumbles, It's not important.  It doesn't matter. No, 
not important at all

Richard, explain that to me, please,it you can.

Go figure?  No. I haven't figured that out.

/The condition is called cognitive dissonance - that's when a person 
holds two or more conflicting beliefs at the same time. Barry used to be 
a professed Buddhist who believed in karma and a Self or Spirit that 
reincarnates after biological death.

//Logically in order for //metempsychosis to work there must be a 
reincarnating soul-monad - a self that reincarnates - a person that 
reaps the karma of past or present actions. But  the historical Buddha 
denied the existence of the Atman. Go figure.//

//Barry posted this information to alt.religion.gnostic several years 
ago and he also mentioned on FFL his belief in the Tibetan Bardo state. 
Barry apparently studied American Buddhism under the Zen Master Rama and 
converted in 1977.

//This sets up the dissonance conflict because some people get confused 
by not understanding why some people who go around doing good and have 
good intentions, are yet forced to suffer and vice-versa - many times 
people that go around doing bad things, get rewarded. The theory of 
karma or causation is almost inconceivable.

So, w///hat happened to Barry is simple: after living in NE for so many 
years, he obviously has succumbed to peer pressure and has been turned 
into a materialist or a naive realist. ///You can understand how easy it 
is to get mentally brain-washed by reading about young people that go 
radical after watching just a single video. Some people are very 
susceptible to suggestion. Go figure.

/It is sometimes very difficult to stay on a spiritual path when your 
own family and friends don't believe in anything and you feel like a 
stranger in a strange land. Sometimes people tend to conform to the 
level of consciousness that surrounds them and they begin to reflect 
that on social media. It's not complicated..


---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/24/2014 8:44 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

This sounds like a pretzeling moment

/It seems dirt simple to me. We are all bound by karma, which
means actions, past and present. If a person does good deeds, he
or she will be reborn in a better life. ///On the other hand, if a
person does bad things, in the past or present, he or she will get
reborn in hell, or a less than satisfactory situation. /It's
not complicated.//

In some rare cases, if a person follows a spiritual path, does the
work and realizes enlightenment, that person, if he or she has
really good karma, may not have to be reborn again, unless they
choose to do so, to help the rest of the world get free. //But,
you are only going to get as much enlightenment as you are going
to get.//
//So, based on my experience, what I've been told and what I have
figured out - *I believe in Life; what it does to you and what you
do back. */

---In, punditster@...
mailto:punditster@... wrote :

/Xeno didn't even recognize the dissonance in Barry's
preference for Bruce Cockburn songs. Everyone knows Cockburn
is a born-again Christian. What about Barry's claim that a
belief in God is a form of mental illness. /

On 10/24/2014 12:03 AM, blue_bungalow_2@...
mailto:blue_bungalow_2@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the
non-weapon part, of an exclusively weapons project, in which
one of them was denied security clearance.

/This is an example of cognitive dissonance - the mental
stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds
two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the
same time.//
//What I'm trying to do is alert Barry that he is exhibiting
some roughness by posting contradictory messages to the
group. Everyone already knows that Barry believes in Buddhas,
karma, and reincarnation and that he bought and read Sam
Harris' new book. ///Everyone already knows that (except
apparently Xeno).

/The thing that doesn't make any sense is, why Barry didn't

Re: [FairfieldLife] A must for anyone who ever did TM

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/24/2014 10:26 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Gina Catena gave a talk at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco - 
excellent, excellent talk, even the question and answer part where a 
couple shills for the TM Movement show what asses they are.

/So, Gina is your cult exit counselor. If so, she sucks at it. Maybe you 
need to see a real professional and get on some medication before your 
roughness becomes more overt and you just explode with anger and do 
something rash. You are obsessing and really acting strange lately. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/24/2014 7:31 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ouch!  When you encounter it?

/Maybe he lives across the street from a paper mill, which would explain 
his condition of curled up lip. Or, maybe he has a chronic curled up lip 
condition because he is on social media most of the day and night. Go 


Are we speaking about the TMO?

So, I guess you are just surfing the net, and by some weird 
coincidence, you just end up here.


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I don't really hate it - its just that when I encounter it, my nose 
sort of curls up as if I were riding down the road with my car windows 
open and I happen to ride by a pig farm or a paper mill - both are 
quite odoriferous. Nappy will probably have to look that word up - it 
means something that stinks real shore nuff bad.

*From:* curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Friday, October 24, 2014 9:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God 
is a form of mental illness

--In, wrote :

Buck is right. The hate MJ represents is on the same level of 
extremity as any terrorrist. The only difference is he hasn't crossed 
the line into violence, yet.

M: Having some trouble with Mr. Distinctions today are we?

Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is 
absolutely no connection or link between someone expressing their 
opinion here and violence of any kind.

Even when I was a good little Maharishi teacher I would recognize your 
brand of slanderous shoot-the-messenger routine as foul. Both you and 
Buck disgrace your dead teacher's memory by acting like this. You two 
are doing more harm to the movement you claim to love than anything 
Michael has ever written here. He may hate the movement, but your 
extreme idiocy actually harms it.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of 
your extreme hate and behavior to be like Hamas and said I could 
empathize with Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS and that level 
of such threats for instance. I can 'understand' his position. Groups 
certainly have some rights to defend themselves for their life against 
terrorism and attack which may threaten their very existence. You are 
a good example of that attack and terrorism for the TM community. I 
find you terribly interesting in this by example.

Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to 
protect themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group:

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament 
Hill an attack on our values.

Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
redouble anti-terror efforts.
In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our 
efforts... to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats 
and keep Canada safe.**

*Om Canada!*
*-Buck in the Dome*

mjackson74 writes:

This from the guy who said I and people like me should be targeted 
with drone strikes.

? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the 
No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that 
make: Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and 
tone, to apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these 
posts I feel Ann through reading the individual postings here simply 
lost some faith more in Turq by her better understanding of his 
writing and approach here after reading the Lenz book that was posted 
here. It is that simple also.
 I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from 
having 'been there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual 
experience like Fleet's, and now I feel I have an even better 
understanding of him as a critic from this recent Freddy Lenz/Rama 
thread on FFL. Context often is everything.

That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, 
that it often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part 
of that process when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue 
of her mind about things and by life experience as context about 
things here. Some here have been pricks and Ann may be prickly towards 
people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost everyone contributing 
to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for that. Public 
forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny.

There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield 
where everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up 
apparatchiks of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the 
organization being beyond theocratic control, FFL has long 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered to 
believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse that 
(according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful believers? What 
would its primary characteristics be? 

M: I believe it is called the book of Revelations! You nailed why such a 
psychotic rant was included in the books of the Bible. One aspect of heaven 
that was added later was the idea that you not only are in Heaven with God, not 
good enough, you get to see the sinners burn in hell like an eternal Halloween 
scare-a-thon movie week schedule.

I think you have nailed in a different way the core of Jim and Nabbie's 
behavior here toward you and Michael and me. It is pretty ugly. They have 
twisted living well is the best revenge into telling stories about them not 
living well will be our revenge. This is the continuum that leads to the 
inquisition. It is in our human nature deep. The routine they ran on Michael 
was the next step out there IMO, equating him with terrorists. Very ugly stuff.

Well, if you believe that True Believers of apocalyptic fantasies *are* 
actually focused on the things they tell people they're focused on, it would be 
about the joys of being saved, and how their unwavering faith saved them, 
while so many others perished. 


 But that's not really true. What the fiction designed to appeal to these True 
Believers focuses on are the Terrible Things That Are Going To Happen To The 
Non-Believers™. There will be page after page of terrible things happening to 
people who aren't on the Believer Bus -- bombs going off, planes crashing from 
the skies, terrorism, floods, riots, etc. These NON-God-fearing people will 
disappear, be torn apart, be tortured, be blown up, and more. And this will 
happen over and over and over, so that the True Believers will be presented 
with a morality tale similar to paintings of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch that 
supports their group fantasy of being special, and other people *NOT* being 
special. In fact, these non-believers are SO not special that they're all going 
to die in horrible ways.

Think I'm exaggerating? Well, welcome to the Left Behind series of books. 10 
books, which have now sold over 65 million copies, almost ALL sold to 
evangelical Christians who believe in dispensationalist prophecies, almost ALL 
of them living in America. (The books have not sold well anywhere else on 
earth, which says something about the collective religious insanity that is the 
United States.) Think my title for this post is sensational? The Left Behind 
books are LITERALLY Apocalypse Porn. 

And now there's Left Behind, the movie. It's a remake, actually, preceded by 
a series of earlier low-budget, direct-to-DVD movies starring evangelical 
Christian nut case Kirk Cameron. That movie didn't do very well, so Hollywood 
decided to do what they do best and do a big-budget remake of it, starring 
Nicolas Cage. Anyone who saw the loathsome remake of The Wicker Man starring 
Cage knows that their choice of star is a tipoff as to the quality of the movie 
and what to expect. 

For the first half hour of the movie, it's just tedious, all exposition and 
introducing characters that you *hope* are all going to die so you don't have 
to watch them for a full two hours. Then the Rapture happens, and the immediate 
onscreen action starts switching between a plane in which Nick Cage is the 
pilot and back on earth, where his daughter is wandering around a shopping 
center. Daughter is hugging her younger brother, and suddenly finds herself 
hugging empty clothes. Up in the air, Cage's co-pilot disappears, as do many of 
the passengers. 

Elsewhere, there is the very Apocalypse Porn you would expect, as the TBs are 
whisked off to Heaven in a moment and those considered unworthy of the trip 
just disappear from behind the wheels of the cars they were driving or the 
planes they were flying. For a while it looks like the only ones who are going 
to profit from all of this are vendors of used clothing, because there are 
piles of it everywhere. :-)

Finally people figure out that the Rapture has happened, and that they have 
been (wait for it) L E F T   B E H I N D. No Saint Peter for them. Just life 
back on earth, which will get real gnarly, real fast, as predicted by 
prophecies of the coming seven years of tribulation. even if you don't get to 
see much of it in this first movie in what they obviously hope is a franchise. 


This really IS fiction for elitist True Believers, to not only pat them on the 
back for being TBs, but to give them a fictional glimpse of all the terrible, 
awful things that are going to happen to Non-Believers. It's like an entire 
series of novels written by Jim Flanegin, in which the only two things the 
author is capable of are 1) telling people how incredibly special he is, and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
What's amazing is that Curtis, the Turq and MJ doesn't seem to have anything 
better to do. It's as if this beautiful distraction is that little thing that 
gives meaning to otherwise empty lives.

 what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how horrible, how 
beautifully distracting!!.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 -In, wrote :

 What's amazing is that Curtis, the Turq and MJ doesn't seem to have anything 
better to do. It's as if this beautiful distraction is that little thing that 
gives meaning to otherwise empty lives.

 M: Do tell Nabbie. What about my life is empty? I didn't know we were 
 How about this, I'll call bullshit on you till you come up with some facts. 
Fair enough?






 what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how horrible, how 
beautifully distracting!!.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
 Nabbie clings to his fantasy that I am a beggar. 
 I'm happy for you if you no longer have to do the busking on the streets, 
begging for recognition and a few cents, honestly I am. How long have you now 
have a paid job, 6 months ? 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your performance 
which explained my impression. If you do no longer feel they are representative 
that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you wisely delete them ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your performance 
which explains my impression. If you do no longer feel they are representative 
that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you wisely delete them ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

Thank you Curtis, you have just perfectly and eloquently summarized, to a 't', 
exactly how Bawwy operates here at FFL and why I respond to him the way I do. 
It was brilliant.

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apocalypse Porn

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered to 
believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse that 
(according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful believers? What 
would its primary characteristics be? 

M: I believe it is called the book of Revelations! You nailed why such a 
psychotic rant was included in the books of the Bible. One aspect of heaven 
that was added later was the idea that you not only are in Heaven with God, not 
good enough, you get to see the sinners burn in hell like an eternal Halloween 
scare-a-thon movie week schedule.

I think you have nailed in a different way the core of Jim and Nabbie's 
behavior here toward you and Michael and me. It is pretty ugly. They have 
twisted living well is the best revenge into telling stories about them not 
living well will be our revenge. This is the continuum that leads to the 
inquisition. It is in our human nature deep. The routine they ran on Michael 
was the next step out there IMO, equating him with terrorists. Very ugly stuff.

It's a very strange mindset, this Inquisition stuff. Nabby's *always* been like 
this, and I think Jim has picked it up lately since it's become apparent that 
he can't point to a single person on the planet who actually believes his tales 
of being enlightened. Jim's entire life seems to revolve around these 
fantasized stories he tells about himself, so when NO ONE believes them, he 
panics, and feels he has to lash out and tell equally made-up stories about 
other people.  

What is more disturbing is when people like Steve and Buck do exactly the same 
thing. Bottom line, as you address in other threads, is that they've all 
seemingly sunk to the level of Richard Williams, willing to lie and make up 
things to get the people they don't like. Their anger is so great and their 
cognitive dissonance buttons are so pushed that they really *don't see anything 
wrong with this*. They seem to think they're actually somehow defending TM 
and acting as good examples of TMers while lying like this. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Jimmie thinks you are both unsuccessful since you don't do TM or praise TM. 
That seems to be the TM'er signpost of success, see how the Movement uses 
celebrity endorsement to pawn their drivel off on the masses. The implication 
of the endorsement being if you too do TM you can be as successful as Hugh 
Jackman and so on.

If you listened to Gina Catena's talk I posted here last night you have heard 
at the end of the tape a TM shill name of Nat Goldhaber - he spent five minutes 
blabbering about his success and how fine he was.

I reckon they have forgotten how successful Stephen Collins once was, you know, 
before he was outed as a pedophile?

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt.

---In, wrote :

You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
come on, Nablusoss, there's got to be a way to say you strongly disagree with 
someone without getting so nasty and personal! You're way overboard imo.

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:07 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

     For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your 
performance which explains my impression. If you do no longer feel they are 
representative that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you 
wisely delete them ?  #yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277 -- #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
10px;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp #yiv9301113277hd 
0;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp #yiv9301113277ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp .yiv9301113277ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp .yiv9301113277ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-mkp .yiv9301113277ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9301113277ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9301113277 
#yiv9301113277ygrp-sponsor #yiv9301113277ygrp-lc #yiv9301113277hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9301113277ygrp-sponsor #yiv9301113277ygrp-lc .yiv9301113277ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9301113277 
 #yiv9301113277activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv9301113277 
#yiv9301113277activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9301113277 #yiv9301113277activity span a 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, just to say that I think this is an excellent summary of last 
Tuesday's meeting, which was totally rich with feelings and ideas and 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:17 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what 
are they goingto do about it? 
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate. Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of 
thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, 
andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated lastingwithin and 
hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak andparticipate in a series of 
rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by the facilitator who ran the 
meeting to respond to particular questionsin short and those comments were 
captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in front of everyone to be 
kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a question something like, 
in only a few limited words andwithout statement what do you see the problem is 
here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or so words. It went 
aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in front ofeveryone came 
the next question, in a word how do you feel now about allthat was said? It 
went around the room to everyone includingmovement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a 
common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge question of the group was 
something like, in five words whatshould be done to effect change in the 
communal culture? Again timewas taken to go entirely around the room and the 
answers wererecorded by scribes on boards in front of the whole group to read. 
That went around the whole room and everything was said without comment or 
discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  These werepertinent 
action points. Inthe end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward 
and physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were 
themost important points offered in the meeting. That data then 
willsubsequently generate a report with priority for a future meetingabout what 
it might take to change the culture of the movement aroundmental health. It was 
all very open and very well done.  Communal process to continue,,# #Now, as the 
science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time for effective 
transcendent meditation for the welfare of your mental health and go forth and 
havea better day. JaiGuru Dev,-Buck in the Dome

?“..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire thegusto!” No,we 
all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts thatmake: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity andtone, to apostasy, 
thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts Ifeel Ann through 
reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in Turq by her 
better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading theLenz 
book that was posted here. It is that simple also.  I alwaysread the Turq and 
feel he has a valid perspective from having 'beenthere' at a time, by his 
contrast with spiritual experience likeFleet's, and now I feel I have an even 
better understanding of him asa critic from this recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread 
on FFL. Context oftenis 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Good rant. And timely. 

The fascinating thing is that, were she still around, I'd bet that even Judy 
wouldn't stand for this level of lying from Jim and Nabby. She would point out 
that our posts seem to indicate that we're living quite well, thank you, and 
would challenge these idiots to produce even ONE post in which we've said or 
even implied anything like Our lives suck. 

Our lives DON'T suck. They're pretty fulfilling, actually. And they're pretty 
cool *without* us having to believe in all that mumbo-jumbo that TMers feel 
they have to believe in to get any attention from their fellow TMers. THAT is 
what I think pisses Jim and Nabby (and to a lesser extent Steve and Buck) off 
the most -- the obvious fact that we can get people to like us by Just Being 

They can't.  So they project *their* fantasies of what an apostate's life 
must be like onto us, and try to portray us as the losers they'd imagine 
*themselves* being if they no longer had the safety of being in a cult group 
and all of the stories they tell about themselves. Jim knows that without his 
silly claims of being enlightened he's nothing. And IMO he's also beginning to 
realize that absolutely NO ONE actually *believes* his enlightenment stories, 
so that IS what he is -- nothing. So he lashes out and makes up anything he 
thinks will get us. The rest of the Inquisitors do the same thing, for their 
own reasons. 

You knew this was coming the moment you refused to jump on the Get Barry 
bandwagon, right? You knew it was coming the moment you stood up for people's 
rights to express beliefs that run counter to the established TM On The Program 
beliefs. The minute you did that, you became a target again. Nothing really 
ever changes in cult land.  

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt.

---In, wrote :

You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I agree that this was a pretty awful thing that turq said about you. 
The thing is, how can we stop these tsunamis of mean spiritedness? It takes at 
least two opposing people to keep them going. Why not just point out erroneous 
info and or say you disagree strongly with someone? But with no nasty, personal 
comments thrown in. Is that so difficult to do?!


 On Friday, October 24, 2014 11:30 AM, 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

  On 10/24/2014 7:52 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
It's one thing to actually believe the delusional crap he seems to believe 
about Maharishi and the non-existent ME. That's just a senile person  refusing 
to let go of the delusions he glommed onto as a youth. 
 The only reason Richard's percentage of total posts was so low during the 
week ending August 30 is that Dan Friedman tried to emulate Richard's Net 
terrorist approach and made 252 posts of his own, increasing the noise but 
decreasing Richard's noise ratio. - TurquoiseB
Where he crosses the line is in calling you a terrorist. That's a pretty 
dangerous thing to brand someone with in this day and age on an  Internet forum 
on which it can be accessed by any search engine. Rick reacted properly a while 
back when I pointed out to him that Richard was going around calling Michael a 
criminal, implying (falsely) that he was selling drugs, which is a felony in 
 Correction: Richard was complaining because it appeared as if Michael wasn't 
putting *enough* weed in the cookies - not that  Michael was selling drugs on 
the MUM campus. Michaela had already claimed that weed smoking was rampant on 
campus at the time. It was a joke, Barry, but you ran to Rick like a fink. Go 
Rick promised to ban Richard if he did it again. Now Buck is calling people 
terrorists for simply criticizing the cult he belongs to. Yeah, we  all know 
he's senile, but there has to be a limit to what he's allowed to get away with. 
 There is no sanity left there to appeal to in a person who posts this 
compulsively, and this consistently compulsively. Nuke this guy so we can 
forget him entirely, as if he had never existed. - TurquoiseB
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Duveyoung
Men like Curtis modeling for the world -- here and there -- doing such good for 
good's sake alone.  

My. Heart. Leaps.

The guy is gold.


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep. Being the fist in the sock monkey has its downside. lol 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

Thank you Curtis, you have just perfectly and eloquently summarized, to a 't', 
exactly how Bawwy operates here at FFL and why I respond to him the way I do. 
It was brilliant.

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In, wrote :

 For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your 
performance which explains my impression. If you do no longer feel they are 
representative that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you 
wisely delete them ?

M: I believe the video documentary short of my work done by CNN is up, is that 
what you mean?

The point is that you don't know anything about what success I have had in my 
field, you are making up a story about me to suit your agenda. I am not 
objecting to your opinion of my music. That is your business and I appreciate 
your listening to form one. My music needs to satisfy me and the people who pay 
me to play it. I really don't care about anyone who doesn't like it, that is 
none of my business. No artist pleases everyone, that is the nature of the 
business and we are all entitled to our own taste. 

What I object to is your assumptive bullshit about how well I support myself 
with my music. I am in the middle class here probably, just like you are in 
your country. I am very proud that I achieved this for the last 8 years on my 
music and musical education alone without a day job so common for people in 
creative fields.

Your assumptions of what busking is or what buskers earn compared to club gigs 
is based on complete ignorance. It isn't my job to educate you. I actually 
prefer that people believe what you do about it. It keeps amateurs off my spot. 
But after 20 years you might conclude that it is worth my time during tourist 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 

We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

     Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who 
calls himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, 
at least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.  #yiv5921286907 #yiv5921286907 -- #yiv5921286907ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Nabby is full of it - here is a brief video of what some folk think of a guy 
playing music on the street in Germany, Nabby's homeland - Pop Star Stumbles Upon German Street ...
Being a street musician can be a lonely path: maybe you’ll get a stranger or 
two to stop and listen, maybe they’ll toss you a dollar or a stray button. But 
really t...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


--In, wrote :

For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your performance 
which explains my impression. If you do no longer feel they are representative 
that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you wisely delete them ?

M: I believe the video documentary short of my work done by CNN is up, is that 
what you mean?

The point is that you don't know anything about what success I have had in my 
field, you are making up a story about me to suit your agenda. I am not 
objecting to your opinion of my music. That is your business and I appreciate 
your listening to form one. My music needs to satisfy me and the people who pay 
me to play it. I really don't care about anyone who doesn't like it, that is 
none of my business. No artist pleases everyone, that is the nature of the 
business and we are all entitled to our own taste. 

What I object to is your assumptive bullshit about how well I support myself 
with my music. I am in the middle class here probably, just like you are in 
your country. I am very proud that I achieved this for the last 8 years on my 
music and musical education alone without a day job so common for people in 
creative fields.

Your assumptions of what busking is or what buskers earn compared to club gigs 
is based on complete ignorance. It isn't my job to educate you. I actually 
prefer that people believe what you do about it. It keeps amateurs off my spot. 
But after 20 years you might conclude that it is worth my time during tourist 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
Haha, horrible agreed. But divine compared to the stuff Curtis posted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
Our disagreement boils down to the word art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Not that I would have expected it, Barry, but I see NO EVIDENCE of your pretty 
cool life. We all know you drink beer and curse us, alone, from a cafe, and 
live in a rented room. I assert that a white, college educated, upper middle 
class senior citizen should be doing better, a LOT better. Instead you avoid 
your reality, and instead try and take a piss on TM, though it appears that 
your less than impressive pecker, keeps getting caught in the zipper. :-) 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Good rant. And timely. 


 The fascinating thing is that, were she still around, I'd bet that even Judy 
wouldn't stand for this level of lying from Jim and Nabby. She would point out 
that our posts seem to indicate that we're living quite well, thank you, and 
would challenge these idiots to produce even ONE post in which we've said or 
even implied anything like Our lives suck. 


 Our lives DON'T suck. They're pretty fulfilling, actually. And they're pretty 
cool *without* us having to believe in all that mumbo-jumbo that TMers feel 
they have to believe in to get any attention from their fellow TMers. THAT is 
what I think pisses Jim and Nabby (and to a lesser extent Steve and Buck) off 
the most -- the obvious fact that we can get people to like us by Just Being 


 They can't.  So they project *their* fantasies of what an apostate's life 
must be like onto us, and try to portray us as the losers they'd imagine 
*themselves* being if they no longer had the safety of being in a cult group 
and all of the stories they tell about themselves. Jim knows that without his 
silly claims of being enlightened he's nothing. And IMO he's also beginning to 
realize that absolutely NO ONE actually *believes* his enlightenment stories, 
so that IS what he is -- nothing. So he lashes out and makes up anything he 
thinks will get us. The rest of the Inquisitors do the same thing, for their 
own reasons. 


 You knew this was coming the moment you refused to jump on the Get Barry 
bandwagon, right? You knew it was coming the moment you stood up for people's 
rights to express beliefs that run counter to the established TM On The Program 
beliefs. The minute you did that, you became a target again. Nothing really 
ever changes in cult land.  


 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
If you like to, or have to, perform for tourists on street-corners that's fine 
with me. But listening to the videos you posted on youtube I strongly object to 
your using the word art. Call it anything you like but not art.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]

Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

--In, wrote :

For some unknown reason you used to put videos on youtube of your performance 
which explains my impression. If you do no longer feel they are representative 
that's Ok, we all move on. Are they still there or did you wisely delete them ?

M: I believe the video documentary short of my work done by CNN is up, is that 
what you mean?

The point is that you don't know anything about what success I have had inIs 
your business and I appreciate your listening to form one. My music needs to 
satisfy me and the people who pay me to play it. I really don't care about 
anyone who doesn't like it, that is none of my business. No artist pleases 
everyone, that is the nature of the business and we are all entitled to our own 

What I object to is your assumptive bullshit about how well I support myself 
with my music. I am in the middle class here probably, just like you are in 
your country. I am very proud that I achieved this for the last 8 years on my 
music and musical education alone without a day job so common for people in 
creative fields.

Your assumptions of what busking is or what buskers earn compared to club gigs 
is based on complete ignorance. It isn't my job to educate you. I actually 
prefer that people believe what you do about it. It keeps amateurs off my spot. 
But after 20 years you might conclude that it is worth my time during tourist 

Nice reply. BTW, you know my ongoing fascination with my man Bruce Cockburn, 
and may have noticed from posts of mine that he has a memoir coming out called 
Rumours Of Glory. I'm really looking forward to reading it, because Bruce has 
that gift of being able to express himself as well when speaking or writing as 
he does in his songs and his music. 

So do you. I suspect you might like his book, too. Your lines above about 
busking reminded me of one of the sections I'm most looking forward to reading, 
the story of Bruce busking in Paris. He'd been to Berklee School of Music, 
dropped out, and was trying to find his own artistic direction in life. So he 
went to Paris, and played and sang on the streets. I'd say that his days of 
busking worked out for him, just as yours have for you. Here's a song that may 
have had its genesis during that period of sitting on the street corner 
watching the boot heels shine:

Bruce Cockburn - 4 - One Day I Walk - High Winds White Sky (1971)

Bruce Cockburn - 4 - One Day I Walk - High Winds White ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Share I appreciate your being sweet here but honestly I have no problem with 
Nabbie's opinion of my work. I am proud of any video or CD of me no matter how 
long ago it was. I am a life long work in progress with my music like all 
artists. I think it is perfectly valid for Nabbie to form an opinion from any 
performance he has seen or heard of me. If he didn't like me then he probably 
wont like me now.

My complaint was his assumptions about how well I make a living from my art in 
order to denigrate me. Nabbie clutches to his image of street performance not 
knowing where I perform outside on a board walk behind a famous Alexandria art 
center on the Potomac river. My show is a much appreciated institution in my 
area, I am a one man tourist attraction! I am keeping the blues alive for 
people who might never hear real acoustic blues in their lives. I am just as 
proud of that work as any other I do in music.

As a matter of public record I have also performed at D.C.'s National Theater 
and Wolf Trap National Performing Arts Center among other places with more snob 
cache than busking. All gigs are the same for me, I get paid to do what I love. 
Busking is not higher or lower, it is just a piece of my puzzle to make the 
kind of living I want from my art.

But thanks for the kind intentions, I do appreciate your sticking up for me.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 


 We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.


 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You are a coward, Share. Say these same things to the guy who told you to fuck 
off, and I might respect you again. Cheap shot, and misplaced too.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 


 We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.


 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.



[FairfieldLife] Funniest?

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Funniest Person in the World - Finals 
 Funniest Person in the World - Finals Watch 
the upcoming standup comedians in action and decide who stays and who go’s, by 
voting your favorite new standup comedian
 View on www.laug... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In, wrote :
 If you like to, or have to, perform for tourists on street-corners that's fine 
with me. But listening to the videos you posted on youtube I strongly object to 
your using the word art. Call it anything you like but not art.

M: Sorry Nabbie, that ship sailed when I earned the Artist of the Year for the 
DC area from the National Capital blues society. I'm gunna have to go with 
their judgement over yours concerning my art. You may not like what I do, but I 
am a full time artist and you just have to live with that fact.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, wrote :
 Haha, horrible agreed. But divine compared to the stuff Curtis posted.

M:Seeing such a beautiful moment as horrible speaks volumes about your taste 
Nabbie. You should try singing outside at volume for hours, you might 
appreciate this guy a little more. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Fleetwood, I've called turq on stuff recently so I'm good in the self respect 
department. IMO it's possible and healthier to call someone on stuff without 
getting nasty and personal.

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:30 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     You are a coward, Share. Say these same things to the guy who told you to 
fuck off, and I might respect you again. Cheap shot, and misplaced too.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 

We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.

  On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.

  #yiv0671576752 #yiv0671576752 -- #yiv0671576752ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0671576752 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv0671576752 
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#yiv0671576752 div.yiv0671576752photo-title a:active, #yiv0671576752 
div.yiv0671576752photo-title a:hover, #yiv0671576752 
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div#yiv0671576752ygrp-mlmsg #yiv0671576752ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv0671576752green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv0671576752 .yiv0671576752MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv0671576752 o 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Curtis, I just think that FFL would be way more enjoyable if people could 
disagree and or refute each other without getting personal in a nasty way. 
That's all.

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:30 AM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     Share I appreciate your being sweet here but honestly I have no problem 
with Nabbie's opinion of my work. I am proud of any video or CD of me no matter 
how long ago it was. I am a life long work in progress with my music like all 
artists. I think it is perfectly valid for Nabbie to form an opinion from any 
performance he has seen or heard of me. If he didn't like me then he probably 
wont like me now.

My complaint was his assumptions about how well I make a living from my art in 
order to denigrate me. Nabbie clutches to his image of street performance not 
knowing where I perform outside on a board walk behind a famous Alexandria art 
center on the Potomac river. My show is a much appreciated institution in my 
area, I am a one man tourist attraction! I am keeping the blues alive for 
people who might never hear real acoustic blues in their lives. I am just as 
proud of that work as any other I do in music.

As a matter of public record I have also performed at D.C.'s National Theater 
and Wolf Trap National Performing Arts Center among other places with more snob 
cache than busking. All gigs are the same for me, I get paid to do what I love. 
Busking is not higher or lower, it is just a piece of my puzzle to make the 
kind of living I want from my art.

But thanks for the kind intentions, I do appreciate your sticking up for me.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 

We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.

  On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.

  #yiv2522257549 #yiv2522257549 -- #yiv2522257549ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2522257549 
#yiv2522257549ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2522257549 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Curtis, I just think that FFL would be way more enjoyable if people could 
disagree and or refute each other without getting personal in a nasty way. 
That's all.

M: I agree but my bar is lower. I want Jim and Nabbie to stop lying about me 
and how I live to demean me personally instead of dealing with what I say in an 
intellectually honest way. As Louis Armstrong said you blows what you is so I 
am not expecting them to stop their routine.

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:30 AM, curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Share I appreciate your being sweet here but honestly I have no problem with 
Nabbie's opinion of my work. I am proud of any video or CD of me no matter how 
long ago it was. I am a life long work in progress with my music like all 
artists. I think it is perfectly valid for Nabbie to form an opinion from any 
performance he has seen or heard of me. If he didn't like me then he probably 
wont like me now.

My complaint was his assumptions about how well I make a living from my art in 
order to denigrate me. Nabbie clutches to his image of street performance not 
knowing where I perform outside on a board walk behind a famous Alexandria art 
center on the Potomac river. My show is a much appreciated institution in my 
area, I am a one man tourist attraction! I am keeping the blues alive for 
people who might never hear real acoustic blues in their lives. I am just as 
proud of that work as any other I do in music.

As a matter of public record I have also performed at D.C.'s National Theater 
and Wolf Trap National Performing Arts Center among other places with more snob 
cache than busking. All gigs are the same for me, I get paid to do what I love. 
Busking is not higher or lower, it is just a piece of my puzzle to make the 
kind of living I want from my art.

But thanks for the kind intentions, I do appreciate your sticking up for me.


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Really, Nabby?! Your gonna do the pretend thing?! Ok, I'll play along and 
respond as straight forwardly as I can: I don't think it's valid to judge 
someone's artistic gifts by a few youtubes posted some time ago. Nor do I think 
it's ok to express one's criticism of someone's art in such a nasty way as you 
have. Regardless of what that person has said about something you treasure. 


 We honor what we treasure by being and acting like decent human beings. imo. 
And in disagreements, that means we refute what we know to be inaccurate. And 
we say that we strongly disagree when we do. But we don't get nasty and 
personal. Again, just my opinion.


 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:00 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Who said I'm in an argument with Curtis, I'm not. You see, someone who calls 
himself an artist while busking on the streets can't be taken seriously, at 
least not when it's on the level Curtis himself has proven by the videos he 
posted on youtube of himself making terrible noises on streetcorners while 
begging for money.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In, wrote :

 Our disagreement boils down to the word art.

M: We are not disagreeing, you just don't understand what it means. It is a 
field of human activity, it is not a statement of value. I get hired as a 
teaching artist in schools to bring in the art of music. Some others bring in 
dance. If you don't like a dancer has your opinion removed them from the field 
of the humanities and now they are practicing science?
When someone pays me to perform music they are paying me for my art form, 
music. You believe your personal taste is what defines what is and is not art.

You are clueless even for a foreign language speaker.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. But let not me 
be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978) 
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) 
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1 
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv 
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) 
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) 
 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) Music video of Purple Haze by Jimi 
Hendrix (The Jimi Hendrix Experience)
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :

 Our disagreement boils down to the word art.

M: We are not disagreeing, you just don't understand what it means. It is a 
field of human activity, it is not a statement of value. I get hired as a 
teaching artist in schools to bring in the art of music. Some others bring in 
dance. If you don't like a dancer has your opinion removed them from the field 
of the humanities and now they are practicing science?
When someone pays me to perform music they are paying me for my art form, 
music. You believe your personal taste is what defines what is and is not art.

You are clueless even for a foreign language speaker.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 ---In, wrote :

 I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

 M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and 
my paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.



 N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

 M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

 I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.


 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday. 
 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... This is a short film of Curtis 
Blues discussing and performing the Walking Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 
100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video)
 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) Music video of Purple Haze by Jimi 
Hendrix (The Jimi Hendrix Experience)

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :

 Our disagreement boils down to the word art.

M: We are not disagreeing, you just don't understand what it means. It is a 
field of human activity, it is not a statement of value. I get hired as a 
teaching artist in schools to bring in the art 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
 I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these days than the 4 dead guys 
you listed however.

 We know they are dead so that goes without saying. Hopefully you are not so 
out of touch with reality as you come across that you compare yourself in any 
possible way with these musicians.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, wrote :
  I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these days than the 4 dead 
guys you listed however.

 We know they are dead so that goes without saying. Hopefully you are not so 
out of touch with reality as you come across that you compare yourself in any 
possible way with these musicians.

 M: No it is you my humorless friend who is attempting to judge my music 
against some of the most legendary musicians on my genre. I wonder if any of 
your endeavors in life would hold up to that as a standard?


 But to be fair, and I know you are not intending to be...
 My field is as a multi -instrumentalist at the same time. Your comparisons are 
only of the same type of music, not as I perform it. I hold my own with anyone 
who is playing as I do much better.

 Plus you are comparing me busking which means I am keeping the crowd engaged 
the whole time with people playing for an audience or at a recording session. 
Perhaps my CDs on CD baby under my name would be a fairer sound to compare, 
even though I am still performing all the instruments at once. But at least you 
take out the complete distraction of the goals of busking which is non musical 
and not exactly easy to pull off while performing multiple instruments at the 
same time.

 So how about you dig up a one man band performing live who you feel is of a 
much higher musical quality than what you hear on my CD. Then you might be 
approaching a fair comparison.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nabby, this has been a pointless criticism. If you are a critic, you can 
verbally describe the differences between Curtis and other musicians as regards 
style, technique and so forth; if you can't do that, you are not even a critic. 
Artists regard critics the way fire hydrants regard dogs because they tend to 
be destructive rather than constructive. If Curtis were as bad as you say, what 
do you think he should do to improve? 

 What is your real gripe with Curtis?

---In, wrote :

  I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these days than the 4 dead 
guys you listed however.

 We know they are dead so that goes without saying. Hopefully you are not so 
out of touch with reality as you come across that you compare yourself in any 
possible way with these musicians.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/25/2014 6:04 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
We've certainly seen a similar 'tude in the TM movement. Anyone who 
paid their dues and spent time as a TM teacher (meaning NOT Jim 
Flanegin, Lawson, Judy Stein, Richard Williams and those other 
poseurs) has been exposed to all of the carefully-planted memes about 
the terrible things that will happen to them if they ever stopped 
meditating or (horrors!) fell Off The Program. THAT is Apocalypse 
Porn, too, just on a smaller level. 

Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by 
an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or 
values at the same time.

/I am essentially of the buddhist persuasion, and as such believe 
neither in a first creation nor a Creator. /- Uncle Tantra


/'The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation through Hearing in 
the Bardo'/

by Chogyam Trungpa and Francesca Fremantle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/25/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, I agree that this was a pretty awful thing that turq said 
about you. The thing is, how can we stop these tsunamis of mean 
spiritedness? It takes at least two opposing people to keep them 
going. Why not just point out erroneous info and or say you disagree 
strongly with someone? But with no nasty, personal comments thrown in. 
Is that so difficult to do?!

/Good points, Share. Has anyone else noticed an increase in Barry's 
cognitive dissonance? It's almost like he was talking to himself in the 
mirror these days. Go figure./

On 10/24/2014 7:52 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:
It's one thing to actually believe the delusional crap he seems to 
believe about Maharishi and the non-existent ME. That's just a senile 
person refusing to let go of the delusions he glommed onto as a youth.

/The only reason Richard's percentage of total posts was so low 
during the week ending August 30 is that Dan Friedman tried to emulate 
Richard's Net terrorist approach and made 252 posts of his own, 
increasing the noise but decreasing Richard's noise ratio. - /TurquoiseB/


Where he crosses the line is in calling you a terrorist. That's a 
pretty dangerous thing to brand someone with in this day and age on 
an Internet forum on which it can be accessed by any search engine. 
Rick reacted properly a while back when I pointed out to him that 
Richard was going around calling Michael a criminal, implying 
(falsely) that he was selling drugs, which is a felony in Iowa. 

/Correction: Richard was complaining because it appeared as if 
Michael wasn't putting *enough* weed in the cookies - not that  
Michael was selling drugs on the MUM campus. Michaela had already 
claimed that //weed smoking was rampant on campus at the time. It was 
a joke, Barry, but you ran to Rick like a fink. Go figure./

Rick promised to ban Richard if he did it again. Now Buck is 
calling people terrorists for simply criticizing the cult he 
belongs to. Yeah, we all know he's senile, but there has to be a 
limit to what he's allowed to get away with. 

/There is no sanity left there to appeal to in a person who posts 
this compulsively, and this consistently compulsively. Nuke this guy 
so we can forget him entirely, as if he had never existed. - /TurquoiseB/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, anartaxius@... wrote :
 Nabby, this has been a pointless criticism. If you are a critic, you can 
verbally describe the differences between Curtis and other musicians as regards 
style, technique and so forth; if you can't do that, you are not even a critic. 
Artists regard critics the way fire hydrants regard dogs because they tend to 
be destructive rather than constructive. If Curtis were as bad as you say, what 
do you think he should do to improve? 

 What is your real gripe with Curtis?

M: Thanks, that kinda says it all.

---In, wrote :

  I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these days than the 4 dead 
guys you listed however.

 We know they are dead so that goes without saying. Hopefully you are not so 
out of touch with reality as you come across that you compare yourself in any 
possible way with these musicians.

[FairfieldLife] Rise of the Machines

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Elon Musk warns of the dangers of artificial intelligence.  Is he right?;par=yahooamp;doc=102121127#.;par=yahooamp;doc=102121127#.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I watched the trailer for this and put it in my watch when it comes to 
Netflix list which will probably be in a couple months given that the 
Cage's Rage seemed to do that too.   We did discuss the Left Behind 
books here several years ago after I mistakenly rented one of the DVDs.  
Of course HBO did a take on the theme in a different way with The 
Leftovers where only 2% of the population were raptured and they 
couldn't figure out why it took some folks like Gary Busey.  More of an 
emotional exploration of folks left behind.

As for FFL, it is pretty representative of about any other anything 
goes group on the Internet these days.  Badminton has progressed to 
volleyball as teams compete here instead of one on one.  And a lot of 
the topics are very, very boring.  Like Alex I can't figure out why 
people get all wrapped up in these other than they are feeling left 
behind (didn't make it to enlightenment this lifetime).

As for movies.  Folks here with Netflix might like the tantric 
supernatural Mr. Jones.  It's a found footage movie about a couple who 
discovers mystical scarecrow sculptures in the woods and realizes that 
the creator of these famous sculptures lives nearby but has eluded the 
public for years.  It's a weird film but rated only PG-13 so pretty safe 
for this crowd.

But a fabulous movie is Proxy which got high ratings on Netflix and 
deservedly so.  It starts out like a Lifetime movie about a young 
pregnant woman who loses her baby after a violent attack. But at the 30 
minute point things begin going awry.  At times it reminded me of a 
Hitchcock thriller with some Tarantino tossed in.  There are a lot of 
twists to the storyline.  Rated probably not for Buck as it has some 
violent scenes but Fairfielders might feel very at home because it is an 
indie film made in the midwest (Indiana).  The director/co-writer threw 
in some amusing things in it too which I can't discuss as it would be 

On 10/25/2014 04:04 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered 
to believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse 
that (according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful 
believers? What would its primary characteristics be?

Well, if you believe that True Believers of apocalyptic fantasies 
*are* actually focused on the things they tell people they're focused 
on, it would be about the joys of being saved, and how their 
unwavering faith saved them, while so many others perished.

But that's not really true. What the fiction designed to appeal to 
these True Believers focuses on are the Terrible Things That Are Going 
To Happen To The Non-Believers™. There will be page after page of 
terrible things happening to people who aren't on the Believer Bus -- 
bombs going off, planes crashing from the skies, terrorism, floods, 
riots, etc. These NON-God-fearing people will disappear, be torn 
apart, be tortured, be blown up, and more. And this will happen over 
and over and over, so that the True Believers will be presented with a 
morality tale similar to paintings of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch that 
supports their group fantasy of being special, and other people 
*NOT* being special. In fact, these non-believers are SO not special 
that they're all going to die in horrible ways.

Think I'm exaggerating? Well, welcome to the Left Behind series of 
books. 10 books, which have now sold over 65 million copies, almost 
ALL sold to evangelical Christians who believe in dispensationalist 
prophecies, almost ALL of them living in America. (The books have not 
sold well anywhere else on earth, which says something about the 
collective religious insanity that is the United States.) Think my 
title for this post is sensational? The Left Behind books are 
LITERALLY Apocalypse Porn.

And now there's Left Behind, the movie. It's a remake, actually, 
preceded by a series of earlier low-budget, direct-to-DVD movies 
starring evangelical Christian nut case Kirk Cameron. That movie 
didn't do very well, so Hollywood decided to do what they do best and 
do a big-budget remake of it, starring Nicolas Cage. Anyone who saw 
the loathsome remake of The Wicker Man starring Cage knows that 
their choice of star is a tipoff as to the quality of the movie and 
what to expect.

For the first half hour of the movie, it's just tedious, all 
exposition and introducing characters that you *hope* are all going to 
die so you don't have to watch them for a full two hours. Then the 
Rapture happens, and the immediate onscreen action starts switching 
between a plane in which Nick Cage is the pilot and back on earth, 
where his daughter is wandering around a shopping center. Daughter is 
hugging her younger brother, and suddenly finds herself hugging empty 
clothes. Up in the air, Cage's co-pilot disappears, as do many of the 

Elsewhere, there is the very Apocalypse Porn you would 

[FairfieldLife] UFO Caught on Camera

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is the best clip I've seen so far.  What do you think?

 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera 
 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera This is 100% the best UFO + Alien 
sighting ever! See for yourself! Location: Reutlingen Ohmenhausen, 
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Audio Color...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rise of the Machines

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The dangers of human intelligence are known well enough. Maybe we should try 
something different? The problem is we are creating AI, if it mimics us, we can 
expect it to do the things we do. Regardless of whether we regard machines as 
conscious or not (an unanswered philosophical question), machines can be aware 
of their environment in a mechanistic sense (suspiciously like how we are aware 
of our environment). A real AI machine would be a self learner and how 
dangerous such a machine might be would probably be determined how autonomously 
it can function in the world and how complex its neural net is. 

 This has been the fodder of science fiction (Colossus:The Forbin Project; 
2001: A Space Odyssey and the Terminator series of motion pictures) where the 
technology goes awry. On the other hand science fiction has positive examples 
of this (City; The Bicentennial Man; The City and the Stars; and I Robot to 
name a few novels) where artificial intelligence is generally presented as 
beneficial in relation to biological organisms.

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Elon Musk warns of the dangers of artificial intelligence.  Is he right?;par=yahooamp;doc=102121127#.;par=yahooamp;doc=102121127#.

[FairfieldLife] Remember.....

2014-10-25 Thread salyavin808


[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Caught on Camera

2014-10-25 Thread salyavin808

 Are they making a crop circle?

Still, it's nice to get a wave from the Space Brothers, though it seems they 
forgot to operate their mind erase machine...

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 This is the best clip I've seen so far.  What do you think?

 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera
 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera This is 100% the best UFO + Alien 
sighting ever! See for yourself! Location: Reutlingen Ohmenhausen, 
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Audio Color...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if you 
are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on on 
every level of the organization. 

 One burning question though.

 When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

 Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.


 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
   salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes on boards in 
front of the whole group to read. That went around the whole room and 
everything was said without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the 
room to everyone.  These were pertinent action points. 
 In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the 
most important points offered in the meeting. That data then will subsequently 
generate a report with priority for a future meeting about what it might take 
to change the culture of the movement around mental health. It was all very 
open and very well done.  Communal process to continue,,
 # #
 Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time 
for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your mental health and 
go forth and have a better day. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Collins Complains

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
and, when again, did his indecencies occur?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 He should just take the Alfred E. Newman way of What? Me worry?

 After all, he is a decades long practitioner of TM and the TM Siddhi Program 
which we all know is 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone! So he has got to 
have a great deal of support of nature going for him. Plus he can always wear 
expensive jyotish gem stones and get yagyas done. 


 I wonder if they have a yagya for getting people to not look at you as a 
pedophile anymore?

 Heck, he should just get a job with the Movement. We all know how well they 
stick up for people who have done stuff for them in the past.
 Stephen Collins' Wife -- He's Unemployable Because He's a Pedophile!
 Stephen Collins' estranged wife is indignant he's bellyaching he can't get 
work because of that audiotape in which he '7th Heaven' Dad Stephen Collins - 
Confesses on Tape to Child Molestation ... NYPD Investigating
 ... Faye Grant says the real reason he can't get work is because he's a 

Collins' lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, filed legal docs saying, Faye's decision 
to parade that recording ... has resulted in Stephen having no income other 
than investment income and pension income.

Now Grant's lawyer, legal pitbull Marty Singer, tells TMZ, The tape has 
nothing to do with Mr. Collins' plight.  It is Mr. Collins' horrific conduct 
and actions that have caused him damage.

Singer calls Collins a pedophile, adding, It is also unfortunate that Mr. 
Kaplan is attempting to justify his client's conduct by diverting blame onto 
third parties.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
well, it's also as you said previously, Richard, experiencing unbounded 
awareness is pretty much its own verification. 

 I remember, as an aside, someone asking Maharishi, (this was on a tape), why 
is the experience of unbounded awareness blissful.  His response was that, that 
is its nature.  The person kept pressing him, and finally he said, why is 
water wet?, why does fire burn?.  It is its nature.

 Sure, I guess you can unpack the experience of unbounded awareness we can have 
when we meditate, but it appears to me, at least, to be an enjoyable experience 
at the time we experience it, and when that broadened awareness carries over 
into activity, or even sleeping and dreaming as well, although in my case, I 
don't notice it in those other two states as much.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/24/2014 7:40 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Richard, you want something silly?  I give you something silly.
 Barry is having a near panic attack, pleading, insisting that someone explain 
to him the importance of the experience of unbounded awareness.  I guess he's 
got a turd he wants to drop on that or something.
 But, here. Get this.  Ask Barry to explain, how as a declared atheist, he 
explains karma, and rebirth, (which he is on record of buying into), and he 
mumbles, It's not important.  It doesn't matter. No, not important at all
 Richard, explain that to me, please,it you can.
 Go figure?  No. I haven't figured that out.

 The condition is called cognitive dissonance - that's when a person holds two 
or more conflicting beliefs at the same time. Barry used to be a professed 
Buddhist who believed in karma and a Self or Spirit that reincarnates after 
biological death. 
 Logically in order for metempsychosis to work there must be a reincarnating 
soul-monad - a self that reincarnates - a person that reaps the karma of past 
or present actions. But  the historical Buddha denied the existence of the 
Atman. Go figure. 
 Barry posted this information to alt.religion.gnostic several years ago and 
he also mentioned on FFL his belief in the Tibetan Bardo state. Barry 
apparently studied American Buddhism under the Zen Master Rama and converted in 
 This sets up the dissonance conflict because some people get confused by not 
understanding why some people who go around doing good and have good 
intentions, are yet forced to suffer and vice-versa - many times people that go 
around doing bad things, get rewarded. The theory of karma or causation is 
almost inconceivable.
 So, what happened to Barry is simple: after living in NE for so many years, he 
obviously has succumbed to peer pressure and has been turned into a materialist 
or a naive realist. You can understand how easy it is to get mentally 
brain-washed by reading about young people that go radical after watching just 
a single video. Some people are very susceptible to suggestion. Go figure.
 It is sometimes very difficult to stay on a spiritual path when your own 
family and friends don't believe in anything and you feel like a stranger in a 
strange land. Sometimes people tend to conform to the level of consciousness 
that surrounds them and they begin to reflect that on social media. It's not 
punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 10/24/2014 8:44 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 This sounds like a pretzeling moment 

 It seems dirt simple to me. We are all bound by karma, which means actions, 
past and present. If a person does good deeds, he or she will be reborn in a 
better life. On the other hand, if a person does bad things, in the past or 
present, he or she will get reborn in hell, or a less than satisfactory 
situation. It's not complicated. 
 In some rare cases, if a person follows a spiritual path, does the work and 
realizes enlightenment, that person, if he or she has really good karma, may 
not have to be reborn again, unless they choose to do so, to help the rest of 
the world get free. But, you are only going to get as much enlightenment as you 
are going to get.
 So, based on my experience, what I've been told and what I have figured out - 
I believe in Life; what it does to you and what you do back. 
punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote :

 Xeno didn't even recognize the dissonance in Barry's preference for Bruce 
Cockburn songs. Everyone knows Cockburn is a born-again Christian. What about 
Barry's claim that a belief in God is a form of mental illness. 
 On 10/24/2014 12:03 AM, blue_bungalow_2@... mailto:blue_bungalow_2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the 
 non-weapon part, of an exclusively 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, I'm afraid you are deserving of the scorn heaped upon you, short being 
compared with a terrorist. 

 Are you know implying that Nat Goldhaber, (whoever he is) is on the same plane 
as a pedophile?

 Is that the impression you are trying to make?

 Do think that fact that Stephen Collins admitted to these crimes which 
occurred over 20 years ago, might have some bearing on the situation?

 Like I said, Michael, I regard you as pretty pitiful human being, at least in 
this instance, posting the same type crap we sometimes get from Nabbie.


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Jimmie thinks you are both unsuccessful since you don't do TM or praise TM. 
That seems to be the TM'er signpost of success, see how the Movement uses 
celebrity endorsement to pawn their drivel off on the masses. The implication 
of the endorsement being if you too do TM you can be as successful as Hugh 
Jackman and so on.

 If you listened to Gina Catena's talk I posted here last night you have heard 
at the end of the tape a TM shill name of Nat Goldhaber - he spent five minutes 
blabbering about his success and how fine he was.

 I reckon they have forgotten how successful Stephen Collins once was, you 
know, before he was outed as a pedophile?


 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker says, Same 
shit, different day. It is amazing, how, once their motivations are sussed 
out, Barry and Curtis become spectacularly uninteresting, and about as 
provocative as dirt. 
---In, wrote :

 You're right and I have no regrets as I'm fed up with Curtis, the howler from 
the streets, pretending to have something useful to say about the Movement.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Just an ugly comment.

---In, wrote :

 Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous yet when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it art.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apocalypse Porn

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey Barry, let me play the Curtis card. Give me one example of a lie I have 
told in regards to you. 

 I thought so


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apocalypse Porn
   ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
 What if there were a type of fiction that -- intentionally -- catered to 
believers in religious fantasies that predict a coming apocalypse that 
(according to their dogma) will kill all but the most faithful believers? What 
would its primary characteristics be? 

M: I believe it is called the book of Revelations! You nailed why such a 
psychotic rant was included in the books of the Bible. One aspect of heaven 
that was added later was the idea that you not only are in Heaven with God, not 
good enough, you get to see the sinners burn in hell like an eternal Halloween 
scare-a-thon movie week schedule.

I think you have nailed in a different way the core of Jim and Nabbie's 
behavior here toward you and Michael and me. It is pretty ugly. They have 
twisted living well is the best revenge into telling stories about them not 
living well will be our revenge. This is the continuum that leads to the 
inquisition. It is in our human nature deep. The routine they ran on Michael 
was the next step out there IMO, equating him with terrorists. Very ugly stuff.

It's a very strange mindset, this Inquisition stuff. Nabby's *always* been like 
this, and I think Jim has picked it up lately since it's become apparent that 
he can't point to a single person on the planet who actually believes his tales 
of being enlightened. Jim's entire life seems to revolve around these 
fantasized stories he tells about himself, so when NO ONE believes them, he 
panics, and feels he has to lash out and tell equally made-up stories about 
other people.  

What is more disturbing is when people like Steve and Buck do exactly the same 
thing. Bottom line, as you address in other threads, is that they've all 
seemingly sunk to the level of Richard Williams, willing to lie and make up 
things to get the people they don't like. Their anger is so great and their 
cognitive dissonance buttons are so pushed that they really *don't see anything 
wrong with this*. They seem to think they're actually somehow defending TM 
and acting as good examples of TMers while lying like this. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Look Barry, for 20 years you've been complaining about how dull this place is, 
and how you can barely be bothered to participate, in about 35 posts a week. 

 And further, you are on record saying that what you like to do is push 
people's buttons'

 Now, tell me, do you want to include Alex in the list of your detractors, who 
recently commented on the toxicity of your participation here?

 I'll wait.




---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Good rant. And timely. 


 The fascinating thing is that, were she still around, I'd bet that even Judy 
wouldn't stand for this level of lying from Jim and Nabby. She would point out 
that our posts seem to indicate that we're living quite well, thank you, and 
would challenge these idiots to produce even ONE post in which we've said or 
even implied anything like Our lives suck. 


 Our lives DON'T suck. They're pretty fulfilling, actually. And they're pretty 
cool *without* us having to believe in all that mumbo-jumbo that TMers feel 
they have to believe in to get any attention from their fellow TMers. THAT is 
what I think pisses Jim and Nabby (and to a lesser extent Steve and Buck) off 
the most -- the obvious fact that we can get people to like us by Just Being 


 They can't.  So they project *their* fantasies of what an apostate's life 
must be like onto us, and try to portray us as the losers they'd imagine 
*themselves* being if they no longer had the safety of being in a cult group 
and all of the stories they tell about themselves. Jim knows that without his 
silly claims of being enlightened he's nothing. And IMO he's also beginning to 
realize that absolutely NO ONE actually *believes* his enlightenment stories, 
so that IS what he is -- nothing. So he lashes out and makes up anything he 
thinks will get us. The rest of the Inquisitors do the same thing, for their 
own reasons. 


 You knew this was coming the moment you refused to jump on the Get Barry 
bandwagon, right? You knew it was coming the moment you stood up for people's 
rights to express beliefs that run counter to the established TM On The Program 
beliefs. The minute you did that, you became a target again. Nothing really 
ever changes in cult land.  


 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 Curtis and Barry's message is always the same, My life sucks,

M: Lemme just stop you here. This is a boldfaced lie Jim and you know it. Out 
of the thousands of posts from us I challenge you to find ONE that says this. 
Both Barry and I enjoyed our time in TM till we didn't and we are both having a 
grand old time at this stage of our lives. (For me my best decade ever,)

What I find interesting is that both you and Nabbie consistently try to sell 
this idea that our lives are not good today somehow. It is more than just ill 
will wishing, you are making it up and positively asserting it as fact. Both of 
you doing exactly the same thing. You recently went off on a detailed rant on 
your fantasy that Barry and I are unsuccessful. Nabbie clings to his fantasy 
that I am a beggar.

What is most interesting is not that you two are wishing us ill, it is that you 
are comfortable telling lies here because you don't agree with our opinion 
about TM and don't accept your grandiose claims of living in a higher state of 
whatever. You are making up a story about our lives with at best zero evidence 
and at worst counterevidence, and stating it as a fact, again and again. It is 
simply a cowardly, dishonest tactic and I object to it. 

Sam Harris has been dealing with people like you, misquoting him to make him 
look bad, knowing that they have misrepresented what he actually said. I really 
feel for him. His stakes are much higher than two idiots on an obscure forum 
making shit up. But the mechanics are the same. By consistently telling the 
same narrative, re-writing my life story to fit your fantasy, you are 
attempting to win by attrition. 

I have no doubt that if we were all in a higher profile venue where your 
bullshit could actually hurt me, as Sam's critics are putting him in harms way 
with religious extremists, you would both do the same thing to me. You are both 
dishonest, malevolent creatures, knowing that I have little recourse. It 
doesn't matter what I present as counter-evidence to your story you will both 
continue the same thing.

It does explain why you continue to try to pedal your story about yourself as a 
special little guy. Telling stories is all you guys got. And you and I both 
know that don't we?

 but look over there, look what Maharishi did XX years ago! How scandalous, how 
horrible, how beautifully distracting!!. As the bumper sticker 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/25/2014 4:38 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no 
matter if you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to 
know what goes on on every level of the organization.

/Apparently nobody knows what's happening with the movement, least of 
all MJ, 1500 miles and 15 years removed.

We are all outsiders, even if some of us meditate in the dome.

That's because nothing is going on with the movement - if there was 
something going on with the movement, we could all watch it move.

If Rick and Alex don't know what is going on inside the movement, 
probably nobody else does either. Go figure./

One burning question though.

When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you 
do right then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least 
wait until you wake up?

Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE 
the Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the 
university thou they may be involved to some extent (you know 
Beddinger has to be there to take names). The Movement will NEVER 
acknowledge anything this sensible unless they are forced to.

*From:* dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a 
form of mental illness

So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they 
going to do about it?

Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of 
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have 
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the working 
banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance. These are working 
meetings of people who are interested in being activley involved in 
helping with communal mental health. On alternating Tuesdays are 
working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is the large 
group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been 
done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to 
facilitate mental health in to the community.
The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively 
involved. They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but working meetings looking for action steps to work on 
and facilitate. Different aspects have been focused on and worked on 
within the ongoing previous meeting process. Last month before this 
last meeting the other night was the presentation and distribution of 
the campus guideline for psychological health treatment. That was a 
historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting 
down to the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal 
mental health. Everything came on to the table. It was really well 
facilitated.  Evidently it is now time in the process to really 
consider elements of our culture.  There were about 40 people around 
the room of various ages and rank in the community. The meeting had a 
cross-section representation of students, graduates of the whole 
school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership.
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such 
that everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds 
around the room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran 
the meeting to respond to particular questions in short and those 
comments were captured on whiteboard and poster boards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read through out the meeting.
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words 
and without statement what do you see the problem is here in the 
community culture with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around 
the room. Then once everything was on the boards in front of everyone 
came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about all that 
was said? It went around the room to everyone including movement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range of feelings.
Last large question of the group was something like, in five words 
what should be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again 
time was taken to go entirely around the room and the answers were 
recorded by scribes on boards in front of the whole group to read. 
That went around the whole room and everything was said without 
comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone. 
 These were pertinent action points.
In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Really nice Curtis!  I was smiling from start to finish.  And real nice 
interaction with the audience. 

 IMO, I think you artist performance has continued to improve.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In, wrote :

 I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

 M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and 
my paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.



 N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

 M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

 I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.


 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday.
 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... This is a short film of Curtis 
Blues discussing and performing the Walking Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 
100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...

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 Preview by Yahoo 

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video)
 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) Music video of Purple Haze by Jimi 
Hendrix (The Jimi Hendrix Experience)

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In, wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collins Complains

2014-10-25 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/25/2014 4:39 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

and, when again, did his indecencies occur?

Forty years ago? No charges have been filed. Go figure.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

He should just take the Alfred E. Newman way of What? Me worry?

After all, he is a decades long practitioner of TM and the TM Siddhi 
Program which we all know is 10,000 times more powerful than TM alone! 
So he has got to have a great deal of support of nature going for him. 
Plus he can always wear expensive jyotish gem stones and get yagyas done.

I wonder if they have a yagya for getting people to not look at you as 
a pedophile anymore?

Heck, he should just get a job with the Movement. We all know how well 
they stick up for people who have done stuff for them in the past.

  Stephen Collins' Wife -- He's Unemployable Because He's a Pedophile!

*Stephen Collins'* estranged wife is indignant he's bellyaching he 
can't get work because of that audiotape in which he *'7th Heaven' Dad 
Stephen Collins - Confesses on Tape to Child Molestation ... NYPD 
...*Faye Grant* says the real reason he can't get work is because he's 
a pedophile.

Collins' lawyer, *Mark Vincent Kaplan*, filed legal docs saying, 
Faye's decision to parade that recording ... has resulted in Stephen 
having no income other than investment income and pension income.

Now Grant's lawyer, legal pitbull *Marty Singer*, tells TMZ, The tape 
has nothing to do with Mr. Collins' plight.  It is Mr. Collins' 
horrific conduct and actions that have caused him damage.

Singer calls Collins a pedophile, adding, It is also unfortunate that 
Mr. Kaplan is attempting to justify his client's conduct by diverting 
blame onto third parties.

[FairfieldLife] TMing superstars

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
Its not just Presidents of republics  like Dilma Rousseff and Juan Manuel 
Santos but the question about superstars of stage and screen and music is more 
who is not TMing rather than who is!!

 Meditating Stars 
 Meditating Stars 
Experiencing the Transcendental Meditation technique: David Lynch, Clint 
Eastwood, Martin Scorsese, Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Jim Carrey...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collins Complains

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
complete rehabilitation and complete support of nature!

[FairfieldLife] overcoming depression with TM

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
pharmaceuticals did not work but a program that included TM did

 Gayarthri Ramprasad: Exercise, meditation and therapy help hold major 
depression at bay
 Gayarthri Ramprasad: Exercise, meditation and th...
 On Oct. 9 at 7 p.m., Ramprasad will be at St. Paul’s Fitzgerald theater as one 
of the featured guests on “A Celebration of Women in Recovery.”
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 26-Oct-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-10-25 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/25/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/01/14 00:00:00
86 messages as of (UTC) 10/26/14 00:00:34

 16 steve.sundur
 12 curtisdeltablues
 11 nablusoss1008 
  7 fleetwood_macncheese
  7 Michael Jackson mjackson74
  7 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
  6 Share Long sharelong60
  4 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
  3 srijau
  2 salyavin808 
  2 jr_esq
  2 cardemaister
  2 anartaxius
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 dhamiltony2k5
  1 awoelflebater
  1 Duveyoung 
  1 Bhairitu noozguru
Posters: 18
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter 
if you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes 
on on every level of the organization.
One burning question though.
When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 
Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
 salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation ofworking 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 
allthat was said? It went around the room to everyone includingmovement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge 
question of the group was something like, in five words whatshould be done to 
effect change in the communal culture? Again timewas taken to go entirely 
around the room and the answers wererecorded by scribes on boards in front of 
the whole group to read.That went around the whole room and everything was said 
without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  
These werepertinent action points. Inthe end of the meeting then everyone was 
asked to come forward and physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks 
to what they felt were themost important points offered in the meeting. That 
data then willsubsequently 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Remember.....

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Nice reminder, salyavin, thanks. Wonder what he meant by aged... 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:19 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
but they were not organized by MUM and they still resist the whole thing - if 
not they wouldn't be putting forth this bullshit Vedic psychology

 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if you 
are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on on 
every level of the organization.

One burning question though.

When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going
to do about it? 

Fairfield, Iowa.  The meeting?  It was one in a continuation of
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the
working banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance.  These are
working meetings of people who are interested in being activley
involved in helping with communal mental health.  On alternating
Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is
the large group meeting where the committees bring their work.  The
larger meetings are very business like organized by agenda.   A lot has
been done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to
facilitate mental health in to the community. 
The meetings are open
to interested people who would be actively involved.  They are not
gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but working
meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate.
Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous
meeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and
distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.  

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural
things that may underlie meditator communal mental health.
Everything came on to the table.  It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank
in the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of 
students, graduates of the
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and
movement leadership. 
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting
within and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak and
participate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone was
asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questions
in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard and poster
boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through
out the meeting.  
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the
community culture with mental health?  5 or so words.  It went around
the room.  Then once everything was on the boards in front of
everyone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about all
that was said?  It went around the room to everyone including
movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range of
large question of the group was something like,  in five words what
should be done to effect change in the communal 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
First of all I do not regard him as an musician, he's an enthusiast. On that 
 1. He plays technically like an amateur, I've seen 10 year olds play better. 
2. He can't sing and compensate by screaming. 3. He's a copycat without an 
original bone to his playing. 4. There is no feeling in his music which he 
tries to  compensate by loudness, noise and showmanship.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Curtis got a lot of enthusiasm, one must give him credit for that.  Enthusiasm 
is the hallmark of an amateur, restraint that of an artist. 
 By claiming to be an artist he makes a fool of himself, much like the clown on 
the video.
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Really nice Curtis!  I was smiling from start to finish.  And real nice 
interaction with the audience.

 Yes, the 5-year-olds were smiling.

 IMO, I think you artist performance has continued to improve.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In, wrote :

 I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

 M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and 
my paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.



 N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

 M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

 I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.


 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday.
 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... This is a short film of Curtis 
Blues discussing and performing the Walking Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 
100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video)
 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) 


2014-10-25 Thread srijau
She says she gets up at 5:30am so she can do TM and it is worth it!

 Gisele Bündchen: Acordo às 5h30 para meditar
 Gisele Bündchen: Acordo às 5h30 para meditarquo...
 A supermodelo conta como conseguiu disciplina para levantar antes dos dois 
filhos e praticar meditação por 20 minutos. Ela diz que o sacrifício co...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


2014-10-25 Thread Duveyoung
Oh for fuck's sake.  Are you really presenting her testimony as relevant here? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread nablusoss1008
If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional. 
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is 
the showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) 
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
These meetings are held on the MUM campus and are co-chaired by an MUM leader 
and attended by others of the MUM community. Such active support imo does not 
constitute what MJ calls resisting the whole thing. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:58 PM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     but they were not organized by MUM and they still resist the whole thing - 
if not they wouldn't be putting forth this bullshit Vedic psychology

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
    Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter 
if you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes 
on on every level of the organization.
One burning question though.
When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 
Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
 salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation ofworking 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You are full of it Nappy, as you are about most everything

Here is a video of Curtis from7 years ago. He is a damn good blues man - he can 
play guitar and mouth harp at the same time better than you can walk and chew 
gum at the same time. His music and performances do more for the world than 
waiting on some non-existent world teacher to appear in England to save 
Curtis Blues - Walk'n Blues  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

 From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


Curtis got a lot of enthusiasm, one must give him credit for that.  Enthusiasm 
is the hallmark of an amateur, restraint that of an artist. 
By claiming to be an artist he makes a fool of himself, much like the clown on 
the video.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

Really nice Curtis!  I was smiling from start to finish.  And real nice 
interaction with the audience.

Yes, the 5-year-olds were smiling.

IMO, I think you artist performance has continued to improve.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

---In, wrote :

I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and my 
paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.

N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.

Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday.

  Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... 
This is a short film of Curtis Blues discussing and performing the Walking 
Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...  
View on   Preview by Yahoo   

Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
  Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 
View on   Preview by Yahoo   

Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
  R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... 
R.L. Burnside at home in Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth 
Long, and John Bishop in August, 1978. For more information about the 
View on   Preview by Yahoo   
Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
  Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) 
This Song contains the only guitar solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very 
good example for his amazing talent. He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one 
View on   Preview by Yahoo   
Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
  Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... 
Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 
View on   Preview by Yahoo
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv
  Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv 
Mick Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats  
View on   Preview by Yahoo   
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
  Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) 
Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy 
Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...  
View on by Yahoo   
 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video)
  The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) 
Music video of Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix (The Jimi Hendrix Experience)  
View on   Preview by Yahoo   

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

--In, wrote :

Our disagreement boils down to the word art.

M: We are not disagreeing, you just don't understand what it means. It is a 
field of human activity, it is not a statement of value. I get hired as a 
teaching artist in schools to bring in the art of music. Some others bring in 
dance. If you don't like a dancer has your opinion removed them from the field 
of the humanities and now they are 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In, wrote :

 If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is 
the showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] US Having Its Coolest Year On Record

2014-10-25 Thread wgm4u

 Posted on October 25, 2014
 by stevengoddard 
 The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on 
record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM 
CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations 
were over 90 degrees.
 View on stevengoddard.files.w...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Share, what other conclusion is there to draw other than this guy is a total 
idiot.  There was never much interest on his part to try to keep facts 
straight, but this fabricating out of whole cloth is an escalation. 

 His behavior is that of a spurned lover, so it does elicit some measure of 

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if 
you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on 
on every level of the organization.

 One burning question though.

 When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

 Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.


 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
   salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
poor Michael.  trying to salvage some measure of credibility. 

 look Michael, don't even worry about.  expectations of your ability to 
maintain any degree of objectivity, are, well, nil.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 but they were not organized by MUM and they still resist the whole thing - if 
not they wouldn't be putting forth this bullshit Vedic psychology


 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if 
you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on 
on every level of the organization.

 One burning question though.

 When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

 Just curious.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.


 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
   salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think we got it nablus.

---In, wrote :

 First of all I do not regard him as an musician, he's an enthusiast. On that 
 1. He plays technically like an amateur, I've seen 10 year olds play better. 
2. He can't sing and compensate by screaming. 3. He's a copycat without an 
original bone to his playing. 4. There is no feeling in his music which he 
tries to  compensate by loudness, noise and showmanship.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
nablus, you are editing this post implying that I've said things that I 
haven't.  I think you've made clear  your opinion. 


---In, wrote :

 Curtis got a lot of enthusiasm, one must give him credit for that.  Enthusiasm 
is the hallmark of an amateur, restraint that of an artist.
 By claiming to be an artist he makes a fool of himself, much like the clown on 
the video.
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Really nice Curtis!  I was smiling from start to finish.  And real nice 
interaction with the audience.

 Yes, the 5-year-olds were smiling.

 IMO, I think you artist performance has continued to improve.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In, wrote :

 I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

 M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and 
my paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.



 N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

 M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

 I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.


 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday.
 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... This is a short film of Curtis 
Blues discussing and performing the Walking Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 
100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv
 Mick Taylor  Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor  Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
The Messiah Will Come Again (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Caught on Camera

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It looks like the ET is taking a walk on the grass before he takes off to the 

 If this was a fake video, it was well done, particularly the take off and the 
acceleration to light.

---In, wrote :


 Are they making a crop circle?

Still, it's nice to get a wave from the Space Brothers, though it seems they 
forgot to operate their mind erase machine...

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 This is the best clip I've seen so far.  What do you think?

 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera
 Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera This is 100% the best UFO + Alien 
sighting ever! See for yourself! Location: Reutlingen Ohmenhausen, 
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Audio Color...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] TM Scorpion Renegades

2014-10-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Hey Sal, you ever do any rounding in this joint?
Learn Transcendental Meditation on Retreat
Learn Transcendental Meditation on Retreat with the Meditation Trust, 
experienced teachers of meditation, at our tranquil countryside retreat near 
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Giants Win to Even World Series

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
SF wins 11-4 against Kansas City.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Giants Win to Even World Series

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
looked like it would end badly until the 5th inning - go Giants!

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 SF wins 11-4 against Kansas City.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Rise of the Machines

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Elon Musk is a visionary.  So, based on what is going on now, he can foresee 
the problems with AI in the near future from a mechanical point of view.  But I 
still don't see how an AI machine can be self-aware and experience 
transcendental consciousness.  Since these machines do not have human 
components in their physiology, it cannot experience samadhi and obtain the 
support of Nature.