Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 7:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this 
Christmas period
    I merely found an interesting and provocative article, and reposted it in 
case someone had anything intelligent to say about it. Too bad you didn't. 

From the article: Many Christians are surprised when told that nowhere in the 
Bible, either Old Testament or New, does any writer say that a woman’s consent 
is necessary or even desirable before sex.

I'm going to follow up on this, because 1) it's part of a pattern I see on FFL, 
2) it ties in with other posts I've made here, and similar reactions to them, 
and 3) I'm a little surprised that it's actually YOU doing the reacting this 
time, s3raphita. 

I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box ways, ways 
that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and that challenge us to 
step out of the conditioned boxes we've been taught to think within and 
approach these stories from wholly new perspectives. Thus I really *liked* 
Valerie Tarico's article. I think she brought up a valid and interesting point 
about religion, and not just Western or Christian religion -- that women have 
*zero* rights within those religions, at least when it comes to doing what 
they're told to do, by either gods, or people claiming to represent those 
I *like* out of the box stuff like this. In fact, I recently made another 
post in which I touched on a (to me) similar subject: 
  That one got little action in terms of discussion, and for (I suspect) a 
similar reason -- it asked respondents to think outside the box, and approach a 
spiritual book (the Bhagavad-Gita) from a new perspective. My point in my post 
was similar to Valerie's in hers -- no one ever asked Arjuna's *permission* to 
tell him what to do. It was *expected* that because he was being talked to (not 
to mention talked down to) by a god or the representation of one on earth 
(Krishna) that he *HAD* to do what the god told him to do. Arjuna had no 
choice. He was, in fact, told that his discrimination and sense of compassion 
and right and wrong were CRAP, and that he should just dump that wimp thinking 
and go out and kill people, the way Krishna (his better) told him to. 

Now think about Valerie's article and Mary's story. Was she offered a *choice*? 
She was not. She was TOLD what to do by a god. And, like all people (male and 
female) in these scriptural stories, she just *did what she was told to do*. 
As you actually imply in your reply, s3raphita, she should have looked at being 
told she was about to get knocked up by god as a unique, world-historical 

You don't see a little MALE privilege built into this concept? Not to mention 
GOD privilege? Mary wasn't *asked* if she'd like to be a part of this; she 
was TOLD that it was gonna happen. As Valerie points out, she reacted to this 
by invoking the duties of a *slave* -- Behold the bond slave of the Lord; be 
it done to me.  Is this *really* the relationship you feel a human being has 
to god -- slave to master? T'would seem that both Jehovah in his actions 
towards Mary and Krishna in his actions towards Arjuna feel that this is the 
nature of the relationship they have with these humans -- master-slave, with 
both Mary and Arjuna doing what they're told
I'm sorry you thought my post was tacky. I think your reply was somewhat more 
so. Every so often I post a piece of my own writing here or forward someone 
else's that is *supposed* to challenge people's thinking and inspire them to 
discuss the tired old subjects we deal with on this forum in new and 
interesting ways. Some people obviously are more comfortable with the tired old 
ways, and that is their right -- they don't have to either read or reply to my 
out of the box posts. When they do, and by trying to put them down as tacky 
or demonstrating a low level of consciousness I interpret this as people 
trying to assert their supposed supremacy based on staying in the box and 
trying to demonize anyone who strays out of it. In other words, cult thinking.

If anyone has the cojones to discuss out of the box subjects without trying to 
hit me with your box, I'm up for it...

 From: [FairfieldLife]
    Wow! That's tacky. As we're about to celebrate one of the main events in 
the Christian calendar, to link the birth of Christ with rape culture shows a 
low level of consciousness. 
Thinking about it it does occur to me that I could turn your slur against you. 
The whole point of the Nativity narrative in Luke's gospel is to contrast the 
pomp and glory of worldly 

[FairfieldLife] The Atheist Ten Commandments

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Interesting article, one that I'm sure a few people with rather in the box 
ideas about who and what atheists are will skip without even reading, so I'll 
post the winning ten after the link, just for them. :-)
Atheists Rewrite Ten Commandments, MythBusters’ Adam Savage Judged New Commands

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| Atheists Rewrite Ten Commandments, MythBusters’ Ada...Atheists have written 
their own version of the ten commandments. These commandments were chosen from 
submissions to Atheist Mind Humanist Heart’s (AMHH) |
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1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence. 

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you 
wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural 

4. Every person has the right to control over their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful 

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you 
must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect 
them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread aryavazhi
I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box ways, ways 
that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and that challenge us to 
step out of the conditioned boxes we've been taught to think within and 
approach these stories from wholly new perspectives..

I too like 'out-of-the box' thinking. I just recently came across this article 
in a German magazine: Das Buch der Bücher: Zum historischen Kern wurde einfach 
hinzugedichtet - SPIEGEL ONLINE
 Wow - that really did it for me. If you happen to know German, somewhat at 
least, or if you can find a somwhat acceptable online translator - Google 
translate is sometimes okay, just to get an idea - it seems too much to 
translate it now, or even summarize it somewhat.
The article makes a point that the whole collections of books in the bible 
spans a time frame of about 1000 years. The article is an interview with a 
biblical historian, probably a theologian as well, about the emergence of the 
different books, the time frame, and the social and political reasons behind it.
What really struck me, was how recent this all is. 1000 years seem to be a long 
time, but if you look at it a little closer, the older books of the old 
testament, the pentateuch, was only fixed and finalized a few centuries before 
Christ, maybe 6 centuries before. And it was mainly a text of law. If you 
extrapolate this to our time, it's like saying, we have here this very ancient 
book from the 15 century, the book of all beginnings. Come on, how old is that?
Of course antiquity doesn't mean anything really, but that it has some value is 
still lurking in our subconscious somehow. And if you look at his analysis, 
it's all political. He says, that what is called 'Babylonean exile' was just 
concerning a few elite people who were taken there, away from palestine. When 
they were released from the exile, they tried to impose their own religion - 
that is basically, what they had adopted abroad, like monotheism in persia I 
think, so they came back as an elite, and tried to establish themselves by 
publishing some lawbooks - the pentateuch - weaving it in with some other, 
known and older stories, and establish the temple they were building, in 
Jerusalem, as the center of their power.
There was a competing temple elsewhere, and they tried to fight, and I think 
destroyed the other temple. This is portrayed in the bible as the fight with 
other tribes, but it wasn't, it was really their own palestine people they were 
trying to rule, who hadn't followed to the exile. And it seems that Salomon had 
belonged to the other group. Again, the united the two groups of people by 
making Abraham the father of Jacob, but originally there were two tribes, one 
thinking themselves to be in the lineage of Abraham, the other's being the 
lineage of Jacob, but with this trick, they united the people.
Not that I expected that the bible is historically acurate, but it still 
strikes me, how this emergence of it, the way it came to be, actually spans 
just a few centuries - if you think of the real long history of human beings on 
earth - it's just nothing. Of course these men made the rules to dominate their 
people in their time, and it reflects the social status of these people. In my 
opinion, this is all political. 

That is of course not only true for Judaism and Christianity - which was formed 
to be a state-religion by the Romans. But then in Hinduism, which is anyway 
more like a collection of religions, there I recently heard, that there is a 
version, where Ravanna is the good guy, and not Rama, there are temples 
dedicated to Ravanna in Sri Lanka, and according to their story, Ravanna was 
married to Sita, and Rama abducted her. There are even temples of Ravanna on 
mainland India, and he is also regarded as an incarnation of Shiva. And just 
think how Rama abundoned Sita and put her on a fire-test(!). Then, one of the 
most famous Shiva temples is Rameshvara, where Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu, 
worshipped Shiva, just on the way to Lanka. Hello? Looks like a rededication of 
a temple to me, and that didn't happen the first time, it happened many times.

wrt the bible I think the later philosophical and theological interpretations 
are on a much higher level than any of the original books where. The same may 
be true for much of Hinduism.
 Das Buch der Bücher: Zum historischen Kern wurde e...
 Der Bibelwissenschaftler Ernst Axel Knauf über die Entstehung der Bibel, die 
literarische Kunst ihrer Verfasser und das Neue am Neuen Testament.
 View on
 Preview by 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Atheist Ten Commandments

2014-12-22 Thread aryavazhi
I'm not an atheist, but it all sounds good to me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Good response. I have to work today so don't have time to dive into the 
translation of the German article or reply in depth (and may not have anything 
to say when I do have time), but your mention of the political and social 
forces that influenced the different books of the Bible reminded me of -- of 
all things -- this article that I stumbled upon yesterday. 

In it, the author Phil Zuckerman rather eloquently deals with the rise of 
secularism and pooh-poohs the rather egotistic notion from modern atheists 
that THEY are responsible for it. He makes some valid points that reveal the 
political and sociological forces that have been working for many years to move 
people away from belief in religion and towards belief in more humanist 

We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher and the exploding 
new American secularism

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| We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill ...Religious right 
extremism, new atheists  late-night mockery have religion on the run. American 
secularism's rising |
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  From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this 
Christmas period
    I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box ways, 
ways that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and that challenge us 
to step out of the conditioned boxes we've been taught to think within and 
approach these stories from wholly new perspectives..

I too like 'out-of-the box' thinking. I just recently came across this article 
in a German magazine: Das Buch der Bücher: Zum historischen Kern wurde einfach 
hinzugedichtet - SPIEGEL ONLINE Wow - that really did it for me. If you happen 
to know German, somewhat at least, or if you can find a somwhat acceptable 
online translator - Google translate is sometimes okay, just to get an idea - 
it seems too much to translate it now, or even summarize it somewhat.
The article makes a point that the whole collections of books in the bible 
spans a time frame of about 1000 years. The article is an interview with a 
biblical historian, probably a theologian as well, about the emergence of the 
different books, the time frame, and the social and political reasons behind it.
What really struck me, was how recent this all is. 1000 years seem to be a long 
time, but if you look at it a little closer, the older books of the old 
testament, the pentateuch, was only fixed and finalized a few centuries before 
Christ, maybe 6 centuries before. And it was mainly a text of law. If you 
extrapolate this to our time, it's like saying, we have here this very ancient 
book from the 15 century, the book of all beginnings. Come on, how old is that?
Of course antiquity doesn't mean anything really, but that it has some value is 
still lurking in our subconscious somehow. And if you look at his analysis, 
it's all political. He says, that what is called 'Babylonean exile' was just 
concerning a few elite people who were taken there, away from palestine. When 
they were released from the exile, they tried to impose their own religion - 
that is basically, what they had adopted abroad, like monotheism in persia I 
think, so they came back as an elite, and tried to establish themselves by 
publishing some lawbooks - the pentateuch - weaving it in with some other, 
known and older stories, and establish the temple they were building, in 
Jerusalem, as the center of their power.
There was a competing temple elsewhere, and they tried to fight, and I think 
destroyed the other temple. This is portrayed in the bible as the fight with 
other tribes, but it wasn't, it was really their own palestine people they were 
trying to rule, who hadn't followed to the exile. And it seems that Salomon had 
belonged to the other group. Again, the united the two groups of people by 
making Abraham the father of Jacob, but originally there were two tribes, one 
thinking themselves to be in the lineage of Abraham, the other's being the 
lineage of Jacob, but with this trick, they united the people.
Not that I expected that the bible is historically acurate, but it still 
strikes me, how this emergence of it, the way it came to be, actually spans 
just a few centuries - if you think of the real long history of human beings on 
earth - it's just nothing. Of course these men made the rules to dominate their 
people in their time, and it reflects the social status of these people. In my 
opinion, this is all political. 

That is of course not only true for Judaism and Christianity - which was formed 
to be a state-religion by the Romans. But then in Hinduism, which is anyway 
more like a collection of religions, there I recently heard, that there is a 
version, where Ravanna is the good guy, and not Rama, there are temples 

[FairfieldLife] Sump'n Claus

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
A holiday message for those who no longer feel comfortable believing in that 
Santa Claus guy with all his naughty or nice rule-based, dualistic thinking. 
Finally there is a hipper, more humanist guy, the Claus for the rest of us:
Sump'n Claus - Saturday Night Live

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| Sump'n Claus - Saturday Night Live |
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Damn. Bad guys won - Mia Farrow

2014-12-22 Thread salyavin808

Good for him for not giving in, they could always go home and starve to dearth 
in a gulag if they dislike our tradition of mocking our self-important rulers. 

 Mind you, I admit to gritting my teeth at the prospect of another mustn't be 
offensive story and I'm happy it wasn't. If it's any consolation to the N 
Koreans, I'd love to have my hair done like their dear leader but nature has 
organised a somewhat more threadbare canvas for barbers to work with


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 This North Korean lark reminds me that a few months back a barber shop just 
down the road from where I live (Ealing, London) hung a poster in their shop of 
Kim and his signature hairstyle. Bad Hair Day? asked the sign. 15% off all 
gent cuts through the month of April.  

 The day after the sign went up, two men in suits entered the barber shop and 
confronted the manager. They weren't laughing. They told the manager, We are 
North Koreans, and that is our leader on your poster. The two men worked at 
the nearby North Korean Embassy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's first steps on American territory

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

FWIW, Maharshi is closer to the standard Sanskrit spelling than Maharishi.

mahaa + RSi - MaharSi  (vocalic R-sound [ri] changes to consonantal r-sound).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Mata of Lucknow

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Srijau,  Citation?  Did you write this?  You were there? 

 You ought to post this over at  the_peak  where it would be more fully 

 -Buck in Fairfield


 The Peak 
 The Peak The Peak is an 
ongoing conversation about our journey as human beings, upwards towards the 
pinnacle, and fulfillment of our existence; Enlightenm...
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 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, wrote :

 Raj Mata of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 
 In 1976, the Raj Mata of Lucknow, U. P., came to visit Maharishi in 
Switzerland. She had been a great devotee of Guru Dev when he was 
Shankaracharya and Guru Dev used to stay at the Royal Palace whenever he would 
visit Lucknow. Raj Mata told me that she remembers Maharishi when he was a 
brahmachari serving Guru Dev, but she really didn't pay much attention to him 
at the time. However, she was very surprised years later, after Guru Dev had 
left this earth, when people would come to her…people who had known Guru Dev 
and who had recently seen Maharishi. They would tell Raj Mata that Maharishi is 
just like Guru Dev. At first, Raj Mata said she didn't believe this. But 
throughout the sixties and early seventies, people kept telling her that 
Maharishi was just like Guru Dev and that she should go and see him. So, 
finally, she decided that before the end of her life, she had to come and see 
for herself. She stayed with us for about three months. On the day she was 
leaving, I escorted her to Maharishi's meeting room where she was to see him 
for the last time and with my assistance she sat on the floor. I protested that 
Maharishi would not want her to sit on the floor but she said to me in a very 
heartful tone,
 'Oh no, you do not understand. When all those people told me that Maharishi 
was just like Guru Dev, I came to see for myself. But having been with 
Maharishi these past few months, I can see that they were wrong. Maharishi is 
not like Guru Dev, He is Guru Dev. There is no difference between the two. 
Maharishi got completely absorbed in Guru Dev's Being and became That. 
Maharishi is not only the disciple who is just like the Master. He is the 
Master. He is Guru Dev and therefore I have to sit at his feet.' 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
The Swami was obviously drunk or being paid to say that, if indeed he did say 

 Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 10:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years
    Swami Lakshmanju

Swami Lakshmanju (1907–1991) was the last Acharya of the Kashmir Shaiva 
Siddhanta tradition. Written accounts of conversations with Swami Lakshmanju 
include the following comments about Maharishi:

If you ask me, Maharishi's teaching starts where mine ends and it goes from 
there to Infinity. Then he added, Maharishi is the greatest saint to walk the 
Earth in ten thousand years!
  #yiv0919381308 #yiv0919381308 -- #yiv0919381308ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] India Loves a Sham - Part 1

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Look at the end of the article where you will find mention of Vedic math.
Indian village where people speak in Sanskrit
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| Indian village where people speak in SanskritBBC Hindi's Imran Qureshi visits 
a village in Karnataka where most residents speak Sanskrit, at a time when 
India is debating the role the ancient language plays in... |
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[FairfieldLife] India Loves a Sham - Part 2

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Now see this article:
Nothing Vedic in ‘Vedic Maths’
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| Nothing Vedic in ‘Vedic Maths’Advocating ‘Vedic mathematics’ as a replacement 
for traditional Indian arithmetic is hardly an act of nationalism; it only 
shows ignorance of the history of mathema... |
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[FairfieldLife] India Loves a Sham - Part 3

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Crap, I should have looked further! The con artist who claims to have 
discovered Vedic math was apparently a Shankaracharya! Take a look at how he 
discovered what doesn't even exist in the veda - cognition!!! Shades of 
Marshy's fakery.
The Fraud of Vedic Maths
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| The Fraud of Vedic MathsThose who seriously still think ancient India had 
devised a parallel mathematical system need to acquaint themselves with Bharti 
Krishna Tirthaji. |
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| View on www.openthemagazine... | Preview by Yahoo |
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[FairfieldLife] Re: India Loves a Sham - Part 3

2014-12-22 Thread feste37
Michael, I think you would enjoy a novel by an Indian novelist, R. K. Narayan, 
called The Guide. It was published in 1958 and is set in South India. It's 
about a man named Raju who gets mistaken by some gullible villagers as a sadhu, 
or holy man. He learns how to play along with it and acquires many followers. 
Some of it is hilarious, as he talks in meaningless platitudes that the 
villagers take for great wisdom. The funny thing is though, at the end it 
appears that he does actually attain a kind of sainthood.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Crap, I should have looked further! The con artist who claims to have 
discovered Vedic math was apparently a Shankaracharya! Take a look at how he 
discovered what doesn't even exist in the veda - cognition!!! Shades of 
Marshy's fakery.

The Fraud of Vedic Maths
 The Fraud of Vedic Maths 
Those who seriously still think ancient India had devised a parallel 
mathematical system need to acquaint themselves with Bharti Krishna Tirthaji.

 View on www.openthemagazine...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: India Loves a Sham - Part 3

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Sounds like the Mystic Masseur

  From: feste37
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 9:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: India Loves a Sham - Part 3
    Michael, I think youwould enjoy a novel by an Indian novelist, R. K. 
Narayan, called The Guide. Itwas published in 1958 and is set in South India. 
It's about a man named Rajuwho gets mistaken by some gullible villagers as a 
sadhu, or holy man. He learnshow to play along with it and acquires many 
followers. Some of it is hilarious,as he talks in meaningless platitudes that 
the villagers take for great wisdom.The funny thing is though, at the end it 
appears that he does actually attain akind of sainthood. 

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Crap, I should have looked further! The con artist who claims to have 
discovered Vedic math was apparently a Shankaracharya! Take a look at how he 
discovered what doesn't even exist in the veda - cognition!!! Shades of 
Marshy's fakery.
The Fraud of Vedic Maths
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Fraud of Vedic MathsThose who seriously still think ancient India had 
devised a parallel mathematical system need to acquaint themselves with Bharti 
Krishna Tirthaji. |
|  |
| View on www.openthemagazine... | Preview by Yahoo |
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   #yiv4216446555 #yiv4216446555 -- #yiv4216446555ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Just to follow up, I found time to read a Babelfished version of the German 
article, and found it interesting. But not interesting enough to really comment 
on. Thanks, though for your comments, and the invitation to a discussion. 

Trouble is, I am the furthest person you have ever met from a Biblical scholar, 
or even a person with any interest in the Bible. It's not that I haven't read 
it; it's that I have, and don't have the slightest desire to *ever* read it 
again. So although I can see that the changing views over time of these various 
books of the Bible, influenced by the politics and the social forces of various 
eras, would be fascinating to those who know those books, it isn't fascinating 
to me because I don't. 

To clarify about my unwillingness to correct this deficiency and learn more 
about the Bible, it's more a preference issue for me than it is a 
religious/atheist issue. I still read the occasional spiritual work for 
purposes of inspiration. The issue is that I'm just not *inspired* by most of 
the stories in the Bible. They just don't turn me on or resonate with my inner 
being. They often seem simplistic or obvious or distasteful or all of the 
above. If I were looking to read things that are regarded as scriptures and 
actually be *inspired* by them, I'd have to turn to Tibetan works, or Native 
American shaman tales. Or old Celtic or Norse myths. 

I don't know why this is. I just can't get it up for *any* of the three major 
Middle Eastern monotheist religions, or their scriptures. Given how all three 
have turned out over these last 2-3 millennia, I'm not exactly drawn to them as 
a source of wisdom.  :-)

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this 
Christmas period
    Good response. I have to work today so don't have time to dive into the 
translation of the German article or reply in depth (and may not have anything 
to say when I do have time), but your mention of the political and social 
forces that influenced the different books of the Bible reminded me of -- of 
all things -- this article that I stumbled upon yesterday. 

In it, the author Phil Zuckerman rather eloquently deals with the rise of 
secularism and pooh-poohs the rather egotistic notion from modern atheists 
that THEY are responsible for it. He makes some valid points that reveal the 
political and sociological forces that have been working for many years to move 
people away from belief in religion and towards belief in more humanist 

We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher and the exploding 
new American secularism

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill ...Religious right 
extremism, new atheists  late-night mockery have religion on the run. American 
secularism's rising |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


 From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this 
Christmas period
    I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box ways, 
ways that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and that challenge us 
to step out of the conditioned boxes we've been taught to think within and 
approach these stories from wholly new perspectives..

I too like 'out-of-the box' thinking. I just recently came across this article 
in a German magazine: Das Buch der Bücher: Zum historischen Kern wurde einfach 
hinzugedichtet - SPIEGEL ONLINE Wow - that really did it for me. If you happen 
to know German, somewhat at least, or if you can find a somwhat acceptable 
online translator - Google translate is sometimes okay, just to get an idea - 
it seems too much to translate it now, or even summarize it somewhat.
The article makes a point that the whole collections of books in the bible 
spans a time frame of about 1000 years. The article is an interview with a 
biblical historian, probably a theologian as well, about the emergence of the 
different books, the time frame, and the social and political reasons behind it.
What really struck me, was how recent this all is. 1000 years seem to be a long 
time, but if you look at it a little closer, the older books of the old 
testament, the pentateuch, was only fixed and finalized a few centuries before 
Christ, maybe 6 centuries before. And it was mainly a text of law. If you 
extrapolate this to our time, it's like saying, we have here this very ancient 
book from the 15 century, the book of all beginnings. Come on, how old is that?
Of course antiquity doesn't mean anything really, but that it has some value is 
still lurking in our subconscious somehow. And 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I used to be into this kind of thing years ago and lent an ear to many 
theologians who were trying to figure out what this stuff was all really 
about.  This is a pretty good analysis.  There is also the concept that 
that some of the tales in the Bible and well as Hindu texts are tales 
that tradesmen told.  And not only were politics encoded that way but 
also early science.

From music historians we know that the bards were actually singing 
about events in kingdoms they had visited encoded in song so they 
wouldn't get in trouble.  Sorta singing news anchors. ;-)

On 12/22/2014 01:58 AM, aryavazhi wrote:

*/I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box 
ways, ways that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and 
that challenge us to step out of the conditioned boxes we've been 
taught to think within and approach these stories from wholly new 

I too like 'out-of-the box' thinking. I just recently came across this 
article in a German magazine: Das Buch der Bücher: Zum historischen 
Kern wurde einfach hinzugedichtet - SPIEGEL ONLINE 
Wow - that really did it for me. If you happen to know German, 
somewhat at least, or if you can find a somwhat acceptable online 
translator - Google translate is sometimes okay, just to get an idea - 
it seems too much to translate it now, or even summarize it somewhat.
The article makes a point that the whole collections of books in the 
bible spans a time frame of about 1000 years. The article is an 
interview with a biblical historian, probably a theologian as well, 
about the emergence of the different books, the time frame, and the 
social and political reasons behind it.
What really struck me, was how recent this all is. 1000 years seem to 
be a long time, but if you look at it a little closer, the older books 
of the old testament, the pentateuch, was only fixed and finalized a 
few centuries before Christ, maybe 6 centuries before. And it was 
mainly a text of law. If you extrapolate this to our time, it's like 
saying, we have here this very ancient book from the 15 century, the 
book of all beginnings. Come on, how old is that?
Of course antiquity doesn't mean anything really, but that it has some 
value is still lurking in our subconscious somehow. And if you look at 
his analysis, it's all political. He says, that what is called 
'Babylonean exile' was just concerning a few elite people who were 
taken there, away from palestine. When they were released from the 
exile, they tried to impose their own religion - that is basically, 
what they had adopted abroad, like monotheism in persia I think, so 
they came back as an elite, and tried to establish themselves by 
publishing some lawbooks - the pentateuch - weaving it in with some 
other, known and older stories, and establish the temple they were 
building, in Jerusalem, as the center of their power.
There was a competing temple elsewhere, and they tried to fight, and I 
think destroyed the other temple. This is portrayed in the bible as 
the fight with other tribes, but it wasn't, it was really their own 
palestine people they were trying to rule, who hadn't followed to the 
exile. And it seems that Salomon had belonged to the other group. 
Again, the united the two groups of people by making Abraham the 
father of Jacob, but originally there were two tribes, one thinking 
themselves to be in the lineage of Abraham, the other's being the 
lineage of Jacob, but with this trick, they united the people.
Not that I expected that the bible is historically acurate, but it 
still strikes me, how this emergence of it, the way it came to be, 
actually spans just a few centuries - if you think of the real long 
history of human beings on earth - it's just nothing. Of course these 
men made the rules to dominate their people in their time, and it 
reflects the social status of these people. In my opinion, this is all 

That is of course not only true for Judaism and Christianity - which 
was formed to be a state-religion by the Romans. But then in Hinduism, 
which is anyway more like a collection of religions, there I recently 
heard, that there is a version, where Ravanna is the good guy, and not 
Rama, there are temples dedicated to Ravanna in Sri Lanka, and 
according to their story, Ravanna was married to Sita, and Rama 
abducted her. There are even temples of Ravanna on mainland India, and 
he is also regarded as an incarnation of Shiva. And just think how 
Rama abundoned Sita and put her on a fire-test(!). Then, one of the 
most famous Shiva temples is Rameshvara, where Rama, an incarnation of 
Vishnu, worshipped Shiva, just on the way to Lanka. Hello? Looks like 
a rededication of a temple to me, and that didn't happen the first 
time, it happened many times.

wrt the bible I think the later philosophical and theological 
interpretations are on a much 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Atheist Ten Commandments

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Sometimes I see atheism as a phase that people go through rejecting the 
personalized God that was made up to help simple people understand a 
complex principle of what seems to be a glue that holds the universe 
together.  I grew up in a non-religious family but my folks sent me to 
the local Sunday school when I was 4 or 5 years old so I could find out 
for myself what religion was about.  I rejected it and about the same 
time became interested in the articles about Sarte in the weekly 
magazines we'd get.  IOW, I had an early introduction to atheism and 
existentialism. :-D

On 12/22/2014 02:03 AM, aryavazhi wrote:

I'm not an atheist, but it all sounds good to me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Damn. Bad guys won - Mia Farrow

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The NK dear leader was schooled in  Switzerland.  NK isn't a 
communist country but as someone pointed out on the radio er streamer 
the other day a family business.  Same with Cuba.

On 12/22/2014 02:49 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Good for him for not giving in, they could always go home and starve 
to dearth in a gulag if they dislike our tradition of mocking our 
self-important rulers.

Mind you, I admit to gritting my teeth at the prospect of another 
mustn't be offensive story and I'm happy it wasn't. If it's any 
consolation to the N Koreans, I'd love to have my hair done like their 
dear leader but nature has organised a somewhat more threadbare canvas 
for barbers to work with

---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

This North Korean lark reminds me that a few months back a barber shop 
just down the road from where I live (Ealing, London) hung a poster in 
their shop of Kim and his signature hairstyle. Bad Hair Day? asked 
the sign. 15% off all gent cuts through the month of April.

The day after the sign went up, two men in suits entered the barber 
shop and confronted the manager. They weren't laughing. They told the 
manager, We are North Koreans, and that is our leader on your 
poster. The two men worked at the nearby North Korean Embassy.

Barber poster

Re: [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
For the record, I've met a number of Indian mystics who wouldn't share 
the opinion either.  But we do have to keep in mind that Indians tend to 
have a bad habit of hyperbole.

On 12/22/2014 05:11 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
The Swami was obviously drunk or being paid to say that, if indeed he 
did say it.

*Sent:* Sunday, December 21, 2014 10:18 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years

Swami Lakshmanju

Swami Lakshmanju (1907–1991) was the last Acharya of the Kashmir 
Shaiva Siddhanta tradition. Written accounts of conversations with 
Swami Lakshmanju include the following comments about Maharishi:

If you ask me, Maharishi's teaching starts where mine ends and it 
goes from there to Infinity. Then he added, Maharishi is the 
greatest saint to walk the Earth in ten thousand years!

Re: [FairfieldLife] India Loves a Sham - Part 1

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ouch!  I've studied Sanskrit and stopped as it started to get into the 
nine or more tenses it uses.  It is a far more complex and exact 
language that any of our modern languages which appear very simplistic 
in comparison. Hindi is a dumbed down version of Sanskrit.  And then we 
have Pali

On 12/22/2014 05:29 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Look at the end of the article where you will find mention of Vedic 

Indian village where people speak in Sanskrit


Indian village where people speak in Sanskrit
BBC Hindi's Imran Qureshi visits a village in Karnataka where most 
residents speak Sanskrit, at a time when India is debating the role 
the ancient language plays in...

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 For the record, I've met a number of Indian mystics who wouldn't share the 
opinion either.  But we do have to keep in mind that Indians tend to have a bad 
habit of hyperbole.
Tell me about it. If TM TBs only knew that what they know as the Absolute was 
MMY's hyperbolic mistranslation into English of the Sanskrit word for better 
than most stuff.  :-)

  On 12/22/2014 05:11 AM, Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife] 

    The Swami was obviously drunk or being paid to say that, if indeed he did 
say it.
 Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 10:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Greatest saint in ten thousand years
    Swami Lakshmanju
  Swami Lakshmanju (1907–1991) was the last Acharya of the Kashmir Shaiva 
Siddhanta tradition. Written accounts of conversations with Swami Lakshmanju 
include the following  comments about Maharishi:
 If you ask me, Maharishi's teaching starts where mine ends and it goes  from 
there to Infinity. Then he added, Maharishi is the greatest saint to walk the 
Earth in ten  thousand years! 
  #yiv9573985483 #yiv9573985483 -- #yiv9573985483ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9573985483 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO 
have a connection with it. Instead of bitching why don't you share 
what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on 
farming interesting.

On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing 
to do with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped 
the Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of 
negativity and unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It 
is time to separate /Fairfield/ and /Fairfieldlife/ away from that.


-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick,

Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing 
with it. It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of 
how it has gone down on the old list here.

You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, 
then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
I should feel categorically that we should not negotiate with 
terrorists. It's a bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on 
then flank 'em.

-Buck in Fairfield

emptybill writes :

Buck - yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL 
and then re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title 
would better represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of 
mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of 
silence. Let us have no thing here until at the least, 12 January 
2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;

Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title 
FFL on the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite 
transparently and truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck 
in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..

but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, 
rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards 
re-grouping what once we had in more golden times of FFL.

With Fond Regards,

-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

The seasonal long night is upon us now!

Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament 
believers float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big 
Self vedic molecules, I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and 
Sirrom did when they expelled those who worshipped false gods from the 
Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent 
self-referral reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some 
of these people out who have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming 
community forum of FFL.

 It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful 
bearings. Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a 
long quiet time meditation for some while in hibernation. This would 
be a firm step in communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just 
let it be overrun and taken over by the unkindness it has become.

Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield

Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to 
act to realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has 
become entrenched here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of 
moral upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab 
expelled the vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in 
Jerusalem, and led their people from the desert and dry stones of 
blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue skies and glistening waters of 
purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging FFL in a cone of 
silence at least until December 25th.

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
How much do you actually know about ISIS?  Have you noticed that some of 
the video interviews they've done that the ISIS young guys seem to be a 
little too comfortable with western slang?  Does that suggest 
something to you?  It does me.

On 12/21/2014 07:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Being less evolved than humans, these aliens would have essentially 
evil intentions ...

Less evolved? WTF? Is this some primitive darwinism you are using as a 
moral scale?

What can you mean by more evolved humans? You mean like Islamic 
State (ISIS)?

Contrary to you preconceptions, ISIS doesn't make up their doctrines 
or their ideas out of Neo-mumbo like half of the denizens here on FFL. 
They actually follow the dîn/deenof the Prophet and are no less or 
more brutal than he demonstrated by many examples.

The well-known Islamic scholar, Fazlur Rahman Malik, suggested that 
Dīn is best considered as 'The way-to-be-followed'. In this 
interpretation, Dīn is the exact correlate of Shariawhereas Shari'a is 
the ordaining of the Way and its proper subject is God, Dīn is the 
following of that Way, and its subject is man.

Perhaps synthetic aliens have their own prophet just like muslims. Or, 
perhaps they don't need one since they may have self-constructed a 
superior method of interaction - one refined over aeons.

Alien species, whether organic or synthetic, may be so far beyond us 
that we simply don't matter. However, these synthetic but intelligent 
species may have their own experience over hundreds of thousands or 
even millions of years. This may have demonstrated to them that 
other intelligences (even ant-like pests like us) will inevitably 
conflict with them and thus must be totally annihilated to maintain 
the security of their own species-survival.

Read it and weep ... all moral evolution is bullshit.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Love and God by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I am all for exploring outside the box. Though, of course, simple being 
outside the box, by it self,  does not make something useful and valid. Perhaps 
nine of ten, or 99 out of 100 things outside the box are dross and dead-ends. 
But finding that one thing can I would hope, make the effort worthwhile. 


 The demarcations of what is inside the box and outside may vary.  At large 
scale,  Xeno had some wonderful replies to a set of Dev. posts. recently.  One 
theme being the universality of (at least) many religions and paths towards 
unfolding that what is inside the inner box  is the same as that which is 
outside (the inner) box.  On a more focussed scale, some may be living within a 
quite small box and venturing outside is indeed may feel to be an escape from 
Plato's Cave. I realize that like Russian dolls, others may be living inside a 
larger box, already containing my little box and what to me are astonishing 
insights are child's play to them.  And if not abusing the analogy, we may be 
living in different boxes pertaining to different spheres of our lives. For 
example, someone well grounded in physics is living in a far vaster box than me 
in that domain, though (well for the sake of argument) I may be living in a 
larger box in at least a few domains within which their box is comparatively 

 And it appears sometimes, what appears to be a large box is simply filled with 
hot air, smoke and mirrors. That is, a concise simple view may actually be a 
huge box -- having cut through all the jungle clutter. Thus, my suggesting that 
you have viewed the Gita in simple terms is neither a dismissal or compliment 
of your ideas. Each view needs to stand on its own merits.

 Some thoughts:
 1) Per the story, prior to  the battlefield, Krishna was Arjuna's friend. Upon 
being asked, Krishna became Arjuna's servant, his charioteer -- a lowly 
position. Only at Arjuna's request, did Krishna take on a role of guidance and 
counsel. Not until quite late in the Gita did Krisha reveal his universal form 
-- again at Arjuna's request.   That form was so overwhelming, Arjuna begged 
Krishna to return to his form as friend. 

 Arjuna asked many questions. Having gained insight from Krishna's replies, 
Arjuna placed more weight on Krishna's value as an advisor. By the end, Arjuna 
had all his questions answered, felt from his own view, that Krishna was the 
real deal (for him, Arjuna) and had no qualms about taking the totality of 
Krishna's advice .

 2)  From your posts, I know you appreciate the role of metaphors. Many view 
the battlefield in the Gita as metaphor -- which does not validate -- but 
perhaps is worthy of consideration. 
 (a quick cut and past from Wiki)

 Eknath Easwaran writes that the 
Gita '​s subject is the war within, the struggle for self-mastery that every 
human being must wage if he or she is to emerge from life victorious,[53] and that The language 
of battle is often found in the scriptures, for it conveys the strenuous, long, 
drawn-out campaign we must wage to free ourselves from the tyranny of the ego, 
the cause of all our suffering and sorrow.[54]
 Swami Nikhilananda, takes 
Arjuna as an allegory of Ātman, Krishna as an allegory of Brahman, Arjuna's chariot as the body, and 
Dhritarashtra as the ignorance filled mind.[note 7]
 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, in his commentary on 
the Gita,[55] 
interprets the battle as an allegory in which the battlefield is the soul and 
Arjuna, man's higher impulses struggling against evil.[56]
 Swami Vivekananda also 
emphasised that the first discourse in the Gita related to the war could be 
taken allegorically.[57] Vivekananda further 
 This Kurukshetra War is only an allegory. When we sum up its esoteric 
significance, it means the war which is constantly going on within man between 
the tendencies of good and evil.[58]
 In Aurobindo's view, Krishna was a 
historical figure, but his significance in the Gita is as a symbol of the 
divine dealings with humanity,[59] while Arjuna typifies a 
struggling human soul.[60] However, Aurobindo 
rejected the interpretation that the Gita, and the Mahabharata by extension, 

[FairfieldLife] Views on Gita (was Love and God)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Exactly. At its heart, the Gita is the story of Doing What You're Told By Your 
Superiors, no matter what your own sense of discrimination, honor, and right 
and wrong tell you. 


 I'd love to hear those who diss the Koran while praising the Gita explain to 
me how the latter is any less of a call for Jihad (holy war) than the former. 


 In both books you've got the spiritual figure (Muhammed in the former, Krishna 
in the latter) telling the faithful that it's their DUTY to go out and kill 
thousands of people, *just because he says so*. Not only is this the way that 
they achieve dharma (holy action, right action), it's the way that they attain 
liberation in the afterlife. The only real difference I can see is that 
Muhammed promises the dweebs who do what he tells them to do a bunch of virgins 
in the afterlife and Krishna promises them moksha. And historically, followers 
of both books have used them to justify their religious wars.

 My suggestion is that Maharishi (and most commentators on the B-G) have never 
seen this aspect of it because they grew up conditioned to do whatever a 
supposedly religious figure told them to do. Devotion to the spiritual figure 
is seen as a given, something they can't conceive of as being questionable or 
having negative consequences. Having accepted this as not only normal but the 
highest dharma, they can't take that critical step back and see that what the 
religious figure is telling them to do is go out and kill as many of their 
fellow human beings (in the Gita's case, their own relatives) as possible, just 
because he says so.

 In a very real sense, Krishna in the Gita is the counterpart of Buck at FFL. 
We should send drones to kill these people I have designated as heretics. And 
we should do this because I say so. So there. 





 I am all for exploring outside the box. Though, of course, simple being 
outside the box, by it self,  does not make something useful and valid. Perhaps 
nine of ten, or 99 out of 100 things outside the box are dross and dead-ends. 
But finding that one thing can I would hope, make the effort worthwhile. 


 The demarcations of what is inside the box and outside may vary.  At large 
scale,  Xeno had some wonderful replies to a set of Dev. posts. recently.  One 
theme being the universality of (at least) many religions and paths towards 
unfolding that what is inside the inner box  is the same as that which is 
outside (the inner) box.  On a more focussed scale, some may be living within a 
quite small box and venturing outside is indeed may feel to be an escape from 
Plato's Cave. I realize that like Russian dolls, others may be living inside a 
larger box, already containing my little box and what to me are astonishing 
insights are child's play to them.  And if not abusing the analogy, we may be 
living in different boxes pertaining to different spheres of our lives. For 
example, someone well grounded in physics is living in a far vaster box than me 
in that domain, though (well for the sake of argument) I may be living in a 
larger box in at least a few domains within which their box is comparatively 

 And it appears sometimes, what appears to be a large box is simply filled with 
hot air, smoke and mirrors. That is, a concise simple view may actually be a 
huge box -- having cut through all the jungle clutter. Thus, my suggesting that 
you have viewed the Gita in simple terms is neither a dismissal or compliment 
of your ideas. Each view needs to stand on its own merits.

 Some thoughts:
 1) Per the story, prior to  the battlefield, Krishna was Arjuna's friend. Upon 
being asked, Krishna became Arjuna's servant, his charioteer -- a lowly 
position. Only at Arjuna's request, did Krishna take on a role of guidance and 
counsel. Not until quite late in the Gita did Krisha reveal his universal form 
-- again at Arjuna's request.   That form was so overwhelming, Arjuna begged 
Krishna to return to his form as friend. 

 Arjuna asked many questions. Having gained insight from Krishna's replies, 
Arjuna placed more weight on Krishna's value as an advisor. By the end, Arjuna 
had all his questions answered, felt from his own view, that Krishna was the 
real deal (for him, Arjuna) and had no qualms about taking the totality of 
Krishna's advice .

 2)  From your posts, I know you appreciate the role of metaphors. Many view 
the battlefield in the Gita as metaphor -- which does not validate -- but 
perhaps is worthy of consideration. 
 (a quick cut and past from Wiki)

 Eknath Easwaran writes that the 
Gita '​s subject is the war within, the struggle for self-mastery that every 
human being must wage if he or she is to emerge from life victorious,[53] and that The language 
of battle is often found in the scriptures, for it conveys the strenuous, long, 

[FairfieldLife] Book of Symbols

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm thinking of purchasing thisanyone here know of this or have any cogent 

 The Book Of Symbols: Reflections On Archetypal Images (The Archive for 
Research in Archetypal Symbolism) 
 The Book Of Symbols: Reflections On Archetypal... The Book Of Symbols: Reflections On Archetypal Images (The Archive 
for Research in Archetypal Symbolism) (9783836514484): Archive f...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Outside the Box / Gita (Fascinating essay)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 I'm going to follow up on this, because 1) it's part of a pattern I see on 
FFL, 2) it ties in with other posts I've made here, and similar reactions to 
them, and 3) I'm a little surprised that it's actually YOU doing the reacting 
this time, s3raphita. 


 I like thinking about religion and spirituality in out of the box ways, ways 
that approach the old stories from new perspectives, and that challenge us to 
step out of the conditioned boxes we've been taught to think within and 
approach these stories from wholly new perspectives. Thus I really *liked* 
Valerie Tarico's article. I think she brought up a valid and interesting point 
about religion, and not just Western or Christian religion -- that women have 
*zero* rights within those religions, at least when it comes to doing what 
they're told to do, by either gods, or people claiming to represent those 

 I *like* out of the box stuff like this. In fact, I recently made another 
post in which I touched on a (to me) similar subject:


 Exactly. At its heart, the Gita is the story of Doing What You're Told By Your 
Superiors, no matter what your own sense of discrimination, honor, and right 
and wrong tell you. 


 I'd love to hear those who diss the Koran while praising the Gita explain to 
me how the latter is any less of a call for Jihad (holy war) than the former. 


 In both books you've got the spiritual figure (Muhammed in the former, Krishna 
in the latter) telling the faithful that it's their DUTY to go out and kill 
thousands of people, *just because he says so*. Not only is this the way that 
they achieve dharma (holy action, right action), it's the way that they attain 
liberation in the afterlife. The only real difference I can see is that 
Muhammed promises the dweebs who do what he tells them to do a bunch of virgins 
in the afterlife and Krishna promises them moksha. And historically, followers 
of both books have used them to justify their religious wars.

 My suggestion is that Maharishi (and most commentators on the B-G) have never 
seen this aspect of it because they grew up conditioned to do whatever a 
supposedly religious figure told them to do. Devotion to the spiritual figure 
is seen as a given, something they can't conceive of as being questionable or 
having negative consequences. Having accepted this as not only normal but the 
highest dharma, they can't take that critical step back and see that what the 
religious figure is telling them to do is go out and kill as many of their 
fellow human beings (in the Gita's case, their own relatives) as possible, just 
because he says so.

 In a very real sense, Krishna in the Gita is the counterpart of Buck at FFL. 
We should send drones to kill these people I have designated as heretics. And 
we should do this because I say so. So there. 





 I am all for exploring outside the box. Though, of course, simple being 
outside the box, by it self,  does not make something useful and valid. Perhaps 
nine of ten, or 99 out of 100 things outside the box are dross and dead-ends. 
But finding that one thing can I would hope, make the effort worthwhile. 


 The demarcations of what is inside the box and outside may vary.  At large 
scale,  Xeno had some wonderful replies to a set of Dev. posts. recently.  One 
theme being the universality of (at least) many religions and paths towards 
unfolding that what is inside the inner box  is the same as that which is 
outside (the inner) box.  On a more focussed scale, some may be living within a 
quite small box and venturing outside is indeed may feel to be an escape from 
Plato's Cave. I realize that like Russian dolls, others may be living inside a 
larger box, already containing my little box and what to me are astonishing 
insights are child's play to them.  And if not abusing the analogy, we may be 
living in different boxes pertaining to different spheres of our lives. For 
example, someone well grounded in physics is living in a far vaster box than me 
in that domain, though (well for the sake of argument) I may be living in a 
larger box in at least a few domains within which their box is comparatively 

 And it appears sometimes, what appears to be a large box is simply filled with 
hot air, smoke and mirrors. That is, a concise simple view may actually be a 
huge box -- having cut through all the jungle clutter. Thus, my suggesting that 
you have viewed the Gita in simple terms is neither a dismissal or compliment 
of your ideas. Each view needs to stand on its own merits.

 Some thoughts:
 1) Per the story, prior to  the battlefield, Krishna was Arjuna's friend. Upon 
being asked, Krishna became Arjuna's servant, his charioteer -- a lowly 
position. Only at Arjuna's request, did Krishna take on a role of guidance and 
counsel. Not until quite late in the Gita did Krisha reveal his universal form 
-- again at Arjuna's request.   That 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Views on Gita (was Love and God)

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Views on Gita (was Love and God)
Exactly. At its heart, the Gita is the story of Doing What You're Told By Your 
Superiors, no matter what your own sense of discrimination, honor, and right 
and wrong tell you. 

I'd love to hear those who diss the Koran while praising the Gita explain to me 
how the latter is any less of a call for Jihad (holy war) than the former. 

In both books you've got the spiritual figure (Muhammed in the former, Krishna 
in the latter) telling the faithful that it's their DUTY to go out and kill 
thousands of people, *just because he says so*. Not only is this the way that 
they achieve dharma (holy action, right action), it's the way that they attain 
liberation in the afterlife. The only real difference I can see is that 
Muhammed promises the dweebs who do what he tells them to do a bunch of virgins 
in the afterlife and Krishna promises them moksha. And historically, followers 
of both books have used them to justify their religious wars.
My suggestion is that Maharishi (and most commentators on the B-G) have never 
seen this aspect of it because they grew up conditioned to do whatever a 
supposedly religious figure told them to do. Devotion to the spiritual figure 
is seen as a given, something they can't conceive of as being questionable or 
having negative consequences. Having accepted this as not only normal but the 
highest dharma, they can't take that critical step back and see that what the 
religious figure is telling them to do is go out and kill as many of their 
fellow human beings (in the Gita's case, their own relatives) as possible, just 
because he says so.
In a very real sense, Krishna in the Gita is the counterpart of Buck at FFL. 
We should send drones to kill these people I have designated as heretics. And 
we should do this because I say so. So there. 

I am all for exploring outside the box. Though, of course, simple being outside 
the box, by it self,  does not make something useful and valid. Perhaps nine of 
ten, or 99 out of 100 things outside the box are dross and dead-ends. But 
finding that one thing can I would hope, make the effort worthwhile. 
I am sorry that 99% of the out of the box experiences you had on this planet 
appeared to you as dead ends, and thus did not prove worthwhile. My experience 
has been otherwise. 

The demarcations of what is inside the box and outside may vary.  At large 
scale,  Xeno had some wonderful replies to a set of Dev. posts. recently.  One 
theme being the universality of (at least) many religions and paths towards 
unfolding that what is inside the inner box  is the same as that which is 
outside (the inner) box.  On a more focussed scale, some may be living within a 
quite small box and venturing outside is indeed may feel to be an escape from 
Plato's Cave. I realize that like Russian dolls, others may be living inside a 
larger box, already containing my little box and what to me are astonishing 
insights are child's play to them.  And if not abusing the analogy, we may be 
living in different boxes pertaining to different spheres of our lives. For 
example, someone well grounded in physics is living in a far vaster box than me 
in that domain, though (well for the sake of argument) I may be living in a 
larger box in at least a few domains within which their box is comparatively 
And it appears sometimes, what appears to be a large box is simply filled with 
hot air, smoke and mirrors. That is, a concise simple view may actually be a 
huge box -- having cut through all the jungle clutter. Thus, my suggesting that 
you have viewed the Gita in simple terms is neither a dismissal or compliment 
of your ideas. Each view needs to stand on its own merits.
Some thoughts:1) Per the story, prior to  the battlefield, Krishna was Arjuna's 
friend. Upon being asked, Krishna became Arjuna's servant, his charioteer -- a 
lowly position. Only at Arjuna's request, did Krishna take on a role of 
guidance and counsel. Not until quite late in the Gita did Krisha reveal his 
universal form -- again at Arjuna's request.   That form was so overwhelming, 
Arjuna begged Krishna to return to his form as friend. 
Arjuna asked many questions. Having gained insight from Krishna's replies, 
Arjuna placed more weight on Krishna's value as an advisor. By the end, Arjuna 
had all his questions answered, felt from his own view, that Krishna was the 
real deal (for him, Arjuna) and had no qualms about taking the totality of 
Krishna's advice .
So you're saying it's all OK if Arjuna drinks the Kool-Aid?
2)  From your posts, I know you appreciate the role of metaphors. Many view the 
battlefield in the Gita as metaphor -- which does not validate -- but perhaps 
is worthy of consideration.     

It may be. But not my 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being mercilessly 
into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity here on FFl, 
I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on January 11th. I 
further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - from 11:58:13pm 
- 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony that it has 
previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative thoughts 
that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning every 
opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I'm down with this. It's got lots of numbers in it, so it must be true. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 

 On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being 
mercilessly into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity 
here on FFl, I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on 
January 11th. I further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - 
from 11:58:13pm - 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony 
that it has previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative 
thoughts that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning 
every opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to dowith 
Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped theFairfieldlife 
brand with the dross of their own branding ofnegativity and unkindness that 
they bring here dumping in method. Itis time to separate Fairfield and 
Fairfieldlife awayfrom that.Sincerely,-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

Dear Rick, Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence onFFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That newtitle would better represent 
the forum as it has devolved in to thehands of mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. 
Let us start anew in aperiod of silence. Let us have no thing here until at the 
least, 12January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;
Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
thehome page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quitetransparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..but have a different idea: In 
response to the recent exodus fromFFL, rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a longperiod of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden timesof FFL.With Fond Regards,-Buck in Fairfield, 

The seasonal long night is upon us now!  Would be a great time to start a 
renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holidayin a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what wasonce a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.
 It would be a finetime to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFLtake a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet 
timemeditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm stepin 
communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken 
over by the unkindness it has become.    Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

Rick it is not being unreasonableasking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from themalignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL for 
a good while.

Yes, let 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being mercilessly 
into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity here on FFl, 
I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on January 12th. I 
further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - from 11:58:13pm 
- 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony that it has 
previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative thoughts 
that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning every 
opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL 

[FairfieldLife] Joe Cocker Moves On

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The singer-songwriter best known for his cover of The Beatles' With a 
Little Help From My Friends, died after a battle with lung disease, 
reports The Yorkshire Post.

The angels will get a new voice in heaven.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And in addition, Buck, I used to live in Fairfield, IA, at one time, and while 
I live in New York state, I live just 3 miles from Fairfield County, 
Connecticut, which is across the state line, and I shop there frequently. And 
occasionally I drive to the city of Fairfield, Connecticut for business 
purposes. So I have a triple Fairfield whammy here. It is all about the Fair 
Field of Life 

 Note also that the description of Fairfield Life says 'Fairfield Life focuses 
on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth and liberation 
everywhere.' Note the world everywhere [emphasis added].

 I really do not like saying things like this but you seldom bring up topics; 
you rarely converse with anyone here; you spam mindless, repetitive requests; 
you seem unable to comprehend what goes on here. Whether you are or not, you 
act as if you are stupid and impaired to a significant degree, and in relation 
to the principles you pretend to espouse, you appear to be an absolute 
disgrace, embodying none of them, except going to the dome. You lack 
creativity, flexibility, field independence, and understanding of spiritual 
principles; you misunderstand the nature of science. You behave like a 19th 
century religious bigot. 

 Let me know if I am wrong about this, as I am willing to retract this if you 
show some kind of normality. Every once in a while, an infrequent once in a 
while, you show potentials of normality, but it is not very often. What is so 
disturbing about the wide world, with its sublime beauties and inevitable 
darkness that you cannot handle? It is as if you have sunk into some mental 
abyss that you are unable to extract yourself from.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO have a 
connection with it.  Instead of bitching why don't you share what's been going 
on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I live about 15 miles south of Fairfield, California.  It's an urban 
sprawl place probably more like SoCal than NorCal.  Where I live is 
kinda Old Bay Area. It's where many Sicilians settled who came over to 
work in masonry. And I've been to Fairfield, IA once but not on TM business.

On 12/22/2014 11:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And in addition, Buck, I used to live in Fairfield, IA, at one time, 
and while I live in New York state, I live just 3 miles from Fairfield 
County, Connecticut, which is across the state line, and I shop there 
frequently. And occasionally I drive to the city of Fairfield, 
Connecticut for business purposes. So I have a triple Fairfield whammy 
here. It is all about the Fair Field of Life

Note also that the description of Fairfield Life says 'Fairfield Life 
focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth and 
liberation everywhere.' Note the world everywhere [emphasis added].

I really do not like saying things like this but you seldom bring up 
topics; you rarely converse with anyone here; you spam mindless, 
repetitive requests; you seem unable to comprehend what goes on here. 
Whether you are or not, you act as if you are stupid and impaired to a 
significant degree, and in relation to the principles you pretend to 
espouse, you appear to be an absolute disgrace, embodying none of 
them, except going to the dome. You lack creativity, flexibility, 
field independence, and understanding of spiritual principles; you 
misunderstand the nature of science. You behave like a 19th century 
religious bigot.

Let me know if I am wrong about this, as I am willing to retract this 
if you show some kind of normality. Every once in a while, an 
infrequent once in a while, you show potentials of normality, but it 
is not very often. What is so disturbing about the wide world, with 
its sublime beauties and inevitable darkness that you cannot handle? 
It is as if you have sunk into some mental abyss that you are unable 
to extract yourself from.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO 
have a connection with it. Instead of bitching why don't you share 
what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on 
farming interesting.

On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have
nothing to do with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have
effectively usurped the Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of
their own branding of negativity and unkindness that they bring
here dumping in method. It is time to separate /Fairfield/ and
/Fairfieldlife/ away from that.


-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

[FairfieldLife] That's How I Got to Fairfield (Until the Vicious ... Goodbye)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 I thought Fairfield was a stand in for wherever you are, right now. (or is 
that Atman)  Like in the song, That's How I Got to Memphis

 In the series finale of The Newsroom (e3.6):

 Charlie (News Director): “Name that tune.”
 Will (News Anchor):   “Play a little more. …. Tom T. Hall, ‘That’s How I 
Got to Memphis’ “

 Charlie: “You do play a little guitar on the side.”

 Will:  “I do a little news anchoring on the side. Since when 
do you listen to country?”

 Charlie: “My grandson Beau, Katie’s oldest, he has a garage band. 
Ask me what instrument he plays. ”

 Will:  “Guitar.”

 Charlie: “All of them. Seriously. He is a savant. You put an 
instrument in his hands, give him a day and he can play it. So, I was at their 
house last weekend and I wander out to the garage and I see Beau teaching 
‘That’s How I Got to Memphis’ to his friends and I ask him, ‘What’s a kid from 
New Rochelle singing about Memphis?’ He said, ‘Memphis is a stand-in for 
wherever you are right now. That it really means is that’s how I got here.”

 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast 
 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast The song played in memory of 
Charlie Skinner in the last episode of The Newsroom from HBO. I don't own any 
rights about it, but i think it was a really...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Vocals: Tom T. Hall
 Words  Music: Tom T. Hall
 Original Album: Ballad of Forty Dollars (Mercury Records - 1969)
 If you love somebody enough, you'll follow wherever they go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 If you love somebody enough, you'll go where your heart wants to go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I know if you'd seen her, you'd tell me 'cause you are my friend
 I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in
 If you tell me that she's not here, I'll follow the trail of her tears
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 She would get mad and she used to say, that she'd come back to Memphis someday
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I haven't eaten a bite or slept for three days and nights
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I've got to find her and tell her that I love her so
 I'll never rest till I find out why she had to go
 Thank you for your precious time, forgive me if I start to cryin'
 That's how I got to Memphis, That's how I got to Memphis...
 Original and cover versions
 Tom T. Hall Recording
 Tom T. Hall live at the Bluebird Cafe

 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis 
 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis Tom T. 
Hall at the Bluebird Cafe on March 30, 2011 for Tin Pan South with Peter Cooper 
 Eric Brace.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 New Found Road

 Kelly Willis
 Solomone Burke
 Rosanne and Johnny Cash
 Charlie Sizemore Band
 Lizzy Ross


[FairfieldLife] Orangutan Wins Freedom from Zoo

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Does this mean that this animal has become conscious and has become a person?  
A court in Argentina apparently thinks so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: That's How I Got to Fairfield (Until the Vicious ... Goodbye)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I agree. Even the Old Testament has many references to a fair field.
 “For the fruit felleth from the spirit, and the field of blood turneth to a 
fair field, unto this day.” [Obadiah 5:34]
 The OT Prophets
 Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, seerdope@... wrote :

 I thought Fairfield was a stand in for wherever you are, right now. (or is 
that Atman)  Like in the song, That's How I Got to Memphis 

 In the series finale of The Newsroom (e3.6):

 Charlie (News Director): “Name that tune.”
 Will (News Anchor):   “Play a little more. …. Tom T. Hall, ‘That’s How I 
Got to Memphis’ “

 Charlie: “You do play a little guitar on the side.”

 Will:  “I do a little news anchoring on the side. Since when 
do you listen to country?”

 Charlie: “My grandson Beau, Katie’s oldest, he has a garage band. 
Ask me what instrument he plays. ”

 Will:  “Guitar.”

 Charlie: “All of them. Seriously. He is a savant. You put an 
instrument in his hands, give him a day and he can play it. So, I was at their 
house last weekend and I wander out to the garage and I see Beau teaching 
‘That’s How I Got to Memphis’ to his friends and I ask him, ‘What’s a kid from 
New Rochelle singing about Memphis?’ He said, ‘Memphis is a stand-in for 
wherever you are right now. That it really means is that’s how I got here.”

 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast
 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast The song played in memory of 
Charlie Skinner in the last episode of The Newsroom from HBO. I don't own any 
rights about it, but i think it was a really...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Vocals: Tom T. Hall
 Words  Music: Tom T. Hall
 Original Album: Ballad of Forty Dollars (Mercury Records - 1969)
 If you love somebody enough, you'll follow wherever they go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 If you love somebody enough, you'll go where your heart wants to go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I know if you'd seen her, you'd tell me 'cause you are my friend
 I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in
 If you tell me that she's not here, I'll follow the trail of her tears
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 She would get mad and she used to say, that she'd come back to Memphis someday
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I haven't eaten a bite or slept for three days and nights
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I've got to find her and tell her that I love her so
 I'll never rest till I find out why she had to go
 Thank you for your precious time, forgive me if I start to cryin'
 That's how I got to Memphis, That's how I got to Memphis...
 Original and cover versions
 Tom T. Hall Recording
 Tom T. Hall live at the Bluebird Cafe

 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis
 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis Tom T. 
Hall at the Bluebird Cafe on March 30, 2011 for Tin Pan South with Peter Cooper 
 Eric Brace.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 New Found Road

 Kelly Willis
 Solomone Burke
 Rosanne and Johnny Cash
 Charlie Sizemore Band
 Lizzy Ross


[FairfieldLife] Re: That's How I Got to Fairfield (Until the Vicious ... Goodbye)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
We agree. Even the Old Testament has many references to a fair field.
 “For the fruit felleth from the spirit, and the field of blood turneth to a 
fair field, unto this day.” [Obadiah 5:34]
 The OT Prophets
 Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, seerdope@... wrote :

 I thought Fairfield was a stand in for wherever you are, right now. (or is 
that Atman)  Like in the song, That's How I Got to Memphis 

 In the series finale of The Newsroom (e3.6):

 Charlie (News Director): “Name that tune.”
 Will (News Anchor):   “Play a little more. …. Tom T. Hall, ‘That’s How I 
Got to Memphis’ “

 Charlie: “You do play a little guitar on the side.”

 Will:  “I do a little news anchoring on the side. Since when 
do you listen to country?”

 Charlie: “My grandson Beau, Katie’s oldest, he has a garage band. 
Ask me what instrument he plays. ”

 Will:  “Guitar.”

 Charlie: “All of them. Seriously. He is a savant. You put an 
instrument in his hands, give him a day and he can play it. So, I was at their 
house last weekend and I wander out to the garage and I see Beau teaching 
‘That’s How I Got to Memphis’ to his friends and I ask him, ‘What’s a kid from 
New Rochelle singing about Memphis?’ He said, ‘Memphis is a stand-in for 
wherever you are right now. That it really means is that’s how I got here.”

 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast
 That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast The song played in memory of 
Charlie Skinner in the last episode of The Newsroom from HBO. I don't own any 
rights about it, but i think it was a really...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Vocals: Tom T. Hall
 Words  Music: Tom T. Hall
 Original Album: Ballad of Forty Dollars (Mercury Records - 1969)
 If you love somebody enough, you'll follow wherever they go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 If you love somebody enough, you'll go where your heart wants to go
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I know if you'd seen her, you'd tell me 'cause you are my friend
 I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in
 If you tell me that she's not here, I'll follow the trail of her tears
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 She would get mad and she used to say, that she'd come back to Memphis someday
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I haven't eaten a bite or slept for three days and nights
 That's how I got to Memphis, that's how I got to Memphis
 I've got to find her and tell her that I love her so
 I'll never rest till I find out why she had to go
 Thank you for your precious time, forgive me if I start to cryin'
 That's how I got to Memphis, That's how I got to Memphis...
 Original and cover versions
 Tom T. Hall Recording
 Tom T. Hall live at the Bluebird Cafe

 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis
 Tom T. Hall, That's How I Got To Memphis Tom T. 
Hall at the Bluebird Cafe on March 30, 2011 for Tin Pan South with Peter Cooper 
 Eric Brace.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 New Found Road

 Kelly Willis
 Solomone Burke
 Rosanne and Johnny Cash
 Charlie Sizemore Band
 Lizzy Ross


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 23-Dec-14 00:15:04 UTC

2014-12-22 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/20/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/27/14 00:00:00
150 messages as of (UTC) 12/22/14 23:09:52

 23 Bhairitu noozguru
 19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 12 seerdope
 10 s3raphita
 10 dhamiltony2k5
 10 Michael Jackson mjackson74
  7 emptybill
  7 emily.mae50
  7 aryavazhi 
  6 jamesalan735
  6 LEnglish5
  5 feste37 
  4 srijau
  4 j_alexander_stanley
  4 hepa7
  4 anartaxius
  3 salyavin808 
  3 jr_esq
  2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  1 turquoiseb
  1 trunkp
  1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
Posters: 23
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this Christmas period

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I see you're in troll mode today. 

 Re Reposted it in case someone had anything intelligent to say about it. Too 
bad you didn't:

 Define intelligent. I wasn't exactly having a rant!

 Re I'm sorry you thought my post was tacky. I think your reply was somewhat 
more so.:


 You think wrong.

 Re As you actually imply in your reply, s3raphita, she should have looked at 
being told she was about to get knocked up by god as a unique, 
world-historical privilege. You don't see a little MALE privilege built into 
this concept?:


 The idea that if a god makes a move on a human they are *equal* partners is a 
little naive. Gods have privileges denied to lesser mortals.

 Not so sure about the MALE bit either. In the legend of Hippolytus, Aphrodite 
is the cause of his death. He scorned the worship of Aphrodite, preferring 
Artemis. Aphrodite caused his stepmother, Phaedra, to fall in love with him, 
knowing Hippolytus would reject her. This led to Phaedra's suicide, and the 
death of Hippolytus.

 So goddesses can be bitches just as gods can be pigs.




---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Just to follow up, I found time to read a Babelfished version of the German 
article, and found it interesting. But not interesting enough to really comment 
on. Thanks, though for your comments, and the invitation to a discussion. 


 Trouble is, I am the furthest person you have ever met from a Biblical 
scholar, or even a person with any interest in the Bible. It's not that I 
haven't read it; it's that I have, and don't have the slightest desire to 
*ever* read it again. So although I can see that the changing views over time 
of these various books of the Bible, influenced by the politics and the social 
forces of various eras, would be fascinating to those who know those books, it 
isn't fascinating to me because I don't. 


 To clarify about my unwillingness to correct this deficiency and learn more 
about the Bible, it's more a preference issue for me than it is a 
religious/atheist issue. I still read the occasional spiritual work for 
purposes of inspiration. The issue is that I'm just not *inspired* by most of 
the stories in the Bible. They just don't turn me on or resonate with my inner 
being. They often seem simplistic or obvious or distasteful or all of the 
above. If I were looking to read things that are regarded as scriptures and 
actually be *inspired* by them, I'd have to turn to Tibetan works, or Native 
American shaman tales. Or old Celtic or Norse myths. 


 I don't know why this is. I just can't get it up for *any* of the three major 
Middle Eastern monotheist religions, or their scriptures. Given how all three 
have turned out over these last 2-3 millennia, I'm not exactly drawn to them as 
a source of wisdom.  :-)



 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during this 
Christmas period
 Good response. I have to work today so don't have time to dive into the 
translation of the German article or reply in depth (and may not have anything 
to say when I do have time), but your mention of the political and social 
forces that influenced the different books of the Bible reminded me of -- of 
all things -- this article that I stumbled upon yesterday. 


 In it, the author Phil Zuckerman rather eloquently deals with the rise of 
secularism and pooh-poohs the rather egotistic notion from modern atheists 
that THEY are responsible for it. He makes some valid points that reveal the 
political and sociological forces that have been working for many years to move 
people away from belief in religion and towards belief in more humanist 


 We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher and the 
exploding new American secularism
 We’re putting an end to religion: Richard Dawkins, Bill ...
 Religious right extremism, new atheists  late-night mockery have religion on 
the run. American secularism's rising

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 Preview by Yahoo



 From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating essay to read during 

[FairfieldLife] CrankfieldLife

2014-12-22 Thread srijau
Crank (person) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Crank (person) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Crank is a pejorative term 
used for a person who holds an unshakable belief that most of his or her 
contemporaries consider to be false.[1] A crank belief is so wildly at variance 
with those commonly held as to be ludicrous. Cranks characteristically dis...
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[FairfieldLife] stuck the dead past

2014-12-22 Thread srijau
MJ most of all.

[FairfieldLife] The answer lies within

2014-12-22 Thread srijau

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
How much do you actually know about ISIS?  Have you noticed that some of the 
video interviews they've done that the ISIS young guys seem to be a little too 
comfortable with western slang?  Does that suggest something to you? It does 

I've mostly heard the ISIS Brits who seem to be fully functional in the modern 
world. They talk like they have arrived from the streets of a 
British city. They proly have and thus are comfortable speaking whatever they 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

The ones I saw interviewed were probably from Kentucky.

On 12/22/2014 06:36 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

How much do you actually know about ISIS?  Have you noticed that some 
of the video interviews they've done that the ISIS young guys seem to 
be a little too comfortable with western slang?  Does that suggest 
something to you? It does me.

I've mostly heard the ISIS Brits who seem to be fully functional in 
the modern world. They talk like they have arrived from the streets of a
British city. They proly have and thus are comfortable speaking 
whatever they like.

Re: [FairfieldLife] stuck the dead past

2014-12-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
People who believe in the lies and bullshit of Marshy Mahesh the Con Artist are 
the ones who are stuck in the past. The Old Goat is dead and you still swallow 
his nonsense? You ran smack into the tar baby and didn't know it.

 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 9:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] stuck the dead past
    MJ most of all.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: That's How I Got to Fairfield (Until the Vicious ... Goodbye)

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Forgive me if I start to cryin'  By the time Lizzie lays it down...well.I 
guess I'll listen to her again and put up a few more Christmas lights.  

[FairfieldLife] Putler reopens possibility...

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Putin Reopens Possibility for Preemptive Attack on the West, Zhilin Says
 Putin Reopens Possibility for Preemptive Attack on the W...
 Red Square, November 7, 2014. Photo by RIA Novosti Putin Reopens Possibility 
for Preemptive Attack on the West, Zhilin Says Paul Goble Dece...
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Putler reopens possibility...

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

In Putin’s own words, “Russia as always will consistently defend its interests 
and sovereignty and will seek to strengthen international stability and support 
equal security for all states and peoples.” And that means, Zhilin says, that 
“in the case of danger for Russia in financial, technological or raw material 
markets, our response can be military.”