Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Adharma is the Sanskrit antonym of Dharma. It means 'that which is not in 
accord with the Dharma'. Connotations include unnaturalness, wrongness, evil, 
immorality, wickedness, and vice.

---In,  wrote :

 Pleading some scriptural judgment about women fighting in wars and armies is 
like saying we can’t change the Dome guidelines for admitting people to the 
group meditations because Maharishi drew them up, that we are stuck with the 
low numbers the way they are because it was said thus by Maharishi that... 
dharma of another etc.. 

---In,  wrote :

 That keeping women out of armies and war is cultural,  
 the use of scriptural argument to accomplish that is just patrician hocus.  
 The keeping of women human beings out of war is mostly about protecting
 property.  There would be fewer wars if everyone should be drafted in to them.
 Let our standing armies be demographically balanced.


---In,  wrote :

 Breaking clean with the norm,

 " escape what she later described as the “sphere prescribed by nature and 
custom to the female sex,”

 “I could not understand why I had not thought of my plan for nearly two years. 
My grief-stricken mother now described woman's lot in even more horrific colors.
 Martial ardor flared in my soul with incredible force; my mind swarmed with 
dreams, and I began searching actively for means to realize my previous 
intentions: to become a warrior and and a son to my father and to part company 
forever from the sex whose sad lot and eternal dependence had begun to terrify 
 I became absorbed in my own thoughts: and so I am at liberty. Free! 
Independent! I have taken the freedom that is rightfully mine – that is a 
precious gift from heaven, the inalienable prerogative of every human being! I 
have found a way to take it and guard it from all future claims against it; 
from now until my grave it will be my portion and my reward!”
 Jai! Jai!
 -Nadezhda Durova

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Women should never be in combat for the very reasons you mention.What I find 
confounding though is why would women, who advocate pacifism, nonviolence, anti 
war etc. even propose that women should be drafted? It seems that *anything you 
can do, I can do better* over rides reason.


 For me, I certainly wouldn't want to go fight in any war or be subjected to 
life-threatening aggression from a host of others who want to kill me via 
bullet, bomb or land mine but to imply that women should be spared this due to 
some reason having to do with their gentler natures and their need to raise the 
kiddies at home is just plain silly. Personally, I believe men to be a tad more 
war-mongering and aggressive, in general, than women but their ability and 
courage in combat is not superior to a woman's. Women are bloody brutal when 
they have a mind to be and are certainly as courageous and determined as any 
man given a reason to be. But, if you guys want to start and fight the wars, be 
my guest - although it seems a pity so much time and life is wasted on such 
 The 'Right' to Have Babies - Monty Python's 'The Life of...

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 Of course they have.
 You ask what kind of person, would go off and do that?
 Even dress the part to get to go along to war?
 Someone yearning of adventure, an itching to get to see.

 On similar impulse and calculation, I know someone, a young girl who dressed 
the part
 of a young boy to be able to join in re-enacting war
 where women were not allowed in battle re-enacting units (..because it was 
assumed and normative rules said that women of course were not fighting in the 
wars and therefore should not be out on the 're-enactment' battle fields..).

 This young girl figured out how to stand like a young guy, dropped her voice, 
flatten her features, had a uniform like everyone else, shared the privations 
like everyone else, could do the manual of arms as good as or better than 
everyone else. Looked quite authentic to the role to the point of being invited 
in with really crack infantry units going in to battle.

 She did it for some years in infantry units without it being known to any 
along in her
 mess. Shared all the exertion of it. Was really good at and loved the craft 
itself of soldiering
 and being part of something with others and having that special comradeship 
that can come from it.

 War is also social and is a young person's game.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

2016-02-07 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Steve, I'm not sure which news you've been watching but there have been 
numerous attacks on the homeland since Obama has been elected. Not 9/11 caliber 
but several smaller, lone wolf attacks. Fort Hood, two or three army recruiting 
centers, Boston marathon, the recent one in California, the one in Dallas a few 
months ago, cops shot in their patrol cars by jihadis, not to mention the 
attack on American diplomatic missions in Libya. The FBI claims there have been 
numerous plots busted up.Of course the very largest terrorist attacks have been 
foreign, mainly in Iraq by the JV team, ISIS. ISIS was the natural outcome of 
leaving Iraq too soon and losing the good will of Iraqi Sunnis to work with the 
Iraqi Shia and the rest is history.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2016 1:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?
    I mean, just to follow up a bit.  I remember when Obama was elected and 
Dick Cheney was predicting all sorts of terrorist events occurring in the US.  
It didn't happen, but he was, as if, wishing for it.

---In,  wrote :

Mike, thanks for your reply.  Really, it's hard to disagree with many of your 
Let me throw this out.  Reagan, for example, was extremely duplicitous with the 
Iran Contra scandal. He survived, we survived.  No real damage to our national 
security, aside from some embarrassment. It seems there is some level of 
scandal associated with every administration.
So, yes, she is being duplicitous with this e-mail deal.  But do ya think there 
is an attempt to make it into a bigger deal than it deserves?  Do ya think?  
Was our national security actually compromised? The Benghazi deal.  Is there 
not some lapse in judgement from every politician we have ever had?  Of course 
there has been, and will be.  
It weakens the democracy to exploit these events beyond the attention they 
deserve.  Of course there will always be disagreement as to what that right 
degree of attention is.  I get that, and anticipate your response in this 
For me, the bottom line is to find the best candidate from the lot.  I am 
disturbed by the harsh rhetoric coming from the Republican side.  Perhaps the 
appeal will broaden beyond the base, once the selection emerges.  I think 
that's how it works.

---In,  wrote :

Steve, career  politicians are the reason the country is in a mess right now. 
They right the tax codes and all of the laws. They put in all the loop holes 
and know where they are and how to take advantage of them. They tell their 
constituents one thing and their donors  another. There is a public persona and 
then the wheeler dealer persona.  But then I'm sure you already know this.
With Hillary, there is always no there there. *It's all a conspiracy against 
me*, with she and Bill being the most conspired against couple in history. 
Watch what happens with the FBI investigation. She keeps saying that nothing 
she did was illegal and stuff was reclassified *after* she got it.  Yet  she 
informed people to cut and paste stuff so that it could be sent to her 
server.The FBI agents can't even read some of the stuff on her server, it's so 
sensitive. The evidence can't even be made public , it' so secret. The Pentagon 
gets hacked hundreds of thousand times a day. You don't think she, as Secretary 
of State, wouldn't be targeted?
She is a liar, out to feather her own nest and as the *champion* of the people 
while being paid off by her donors.
  From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 7:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?
 I haven't been following the Dems campaign too closely, the other one being so 
entertaining, but I like what I see in Hillary.  When Anderson Cooper pressed 
her on the $675,000 the other night, I thought she handled it pretty well, 
essentially saying, "hey, that's what they were willing to pay me, so I 
accepted it"
Yes, it may give the appearance of greed, but her out is, "it will not 
influence my actions, or how I will legislate".
You can accept that, or not, but that is her "out".
I see no other candidate who has any sort of nuanced approach to the issues, 
and she comes across as a dynamic speaker in the venues where I listened to her 
speak.  Not to mention she seems to have a decent sense of humor.  Perhaps a 
most important quality, in my book.
On the other hand, I haven't been following BS too much.  I do not agree with 
many of his positions.

---In,  wrote :

By accepting $675,000 for two speeches?  What do you think?
Hillary Clinton, blind to her own greed, makes another blunder
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time for Group Meditation in Burns, Oregon

2016-02-07 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
EXACTLY like them, eh? If they are the American equivalent to  ISIS, we have 
much worse things to worry about, such as the wussification of American men. 
ISIS blows things up. like historical and cultural sites, murders people by the 
tens of thousands, sends captured women into sexual slavery, beheads people 
that refuse to convert to their brand of Islam, crucify Christian men, women 
and children, fights, yes actually fights, the Russian, Syrian, Jordanian, 
Iraqi, Iranian and Kurdish armies.
The American militia dudes hold up signs, post stuff on the internet, and camp 
out at a widlife refuge they took over as squatters. Holy shit! What is this 
country coming to?

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2016 7:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time for Group Meditation in Burns, Oregon

These western armed militants are like our versionof ISIS.

Militants May 'Indict' Non-Believers.

"These new recruits are joining a culture increasingly hostile to people who 
disagree with their beliefs. And now, they want to try and convict those people.
It’s called a Citizens’ Grand Jury..

they get together and start deliberations. And Geoff, these proceedings are 
based on the Bible, English common law, and in the case of the Malheur National 
Wildlife Refuge, the Book of Mormon. 

Because it’s not legally binding, Geoff, these juries, often men, act in 
extralegal means. They’ll harass those who have been indicted, they’ll stalk 
them, they’ll kidnap them in some cases. I heard of one brutal instance in 
California where a county clerk was beat at the hands of someone who didn’t 
like her and got his friends to say she was indicted. From the FBI to the Daryl 
Johnson to the Anti-Defamation League, they all say, wherever these juries 
form, intimidation follows. "
 The Old Tactics That May Be Militants' New Strategy 
||||   The Old Tactics That May Be Militants' New Strategy  
New recruits are arriving at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and some want 
to try and convict people who disagree with their beliefs. It’s called a 
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

TheConstitution’s Article 4, Section 3 for a more complete image:“Congressshall 
have the power to dispose of and make all needful rules andregulations 
respecting the territory or property belonging to theUnited States.” 
Period… and that’s what’s held up in court over the years.
Littlev. United States in 1911, the Sage Brush Rebellion of the 1970s, andother 
mid-1990s land disputes as evidence of a consistent publicdisagreement with 
federal ownership.Althoughthese situations have repeatedly popped up throughout 
U.S. history,they have led to the same judicial decision. The Supreme Court 
hascontinuously upheld the constitutional right of the federalgovernment to own 
land — so why continue to fight this decision?  We should all meditate on this 
and allow everyone involved to have victory in peace before war.History Of Land 
Disputes Shows The Malheur Occupation Is No New Phenomenon
|  |
|  | |  | History Of Land Disputes Shows The Malheur Occup... If 
history tells us anything about the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife 
Refuge, it's that land management disputes like this one are nothing new. |  |
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---In,  wrote :

We should be facilitating and let themhave a meditation, count to ten and a 
quiet time and naturally avertthe danger posed by this fundamentally ignorant 
and incoherentmilitant armed blight in our society.  
Butlocal residents formed a counter protest to say the outsiders don’tspeak for 
them. They gathered to demand that the outsiders go homeand to show support for 
local officials and law enforcement.
---In,  wrote :

 ..should mobilize a group meditation there right now.Bring a little calmness 
to the armed wingnuts inciting insurrection there.
 Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns
|  |
|  | |  | Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns Between 400-500 people 
from across rural Oregon and Idaho converged for a protest in front of the 
courthouse in Burns Monday. |  |
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---In,  wrote :

Several of the folks have been arrested; however, some are still at the refuge.
Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among holdouts

|   |
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| Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among...The capture of its 
top leaders dealt the Ammon Bundy-led occupation of a federal wildlife refuge 
in rural Oregon 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Pleading some scriptural judgment about women fighting in wars and armies is 
like saying we can’t change the Dome guidelines for admitting people to the 
group meditations because Maharishi drew them up, that we are stuck with the 
low numbers the way they are because it was said thus by Maharishi that... 

---In,  wrote :

 That keeping women out of armies and war is cultural,  
 the use of scriptural argument to accomplish that is just patrician hocus.  
 The keeping of women human beings out of war is mostly about protecting
 property.  There would be fewer wars if everyone should be drafted in to them.
 Let our standing armies be demographically balanced.


---In,  wrote :

 Breaking clean with the norm,

 " escape what she later described as the “sphere prescribed by nature and 
custom to the female sex,”

 “I could not understand why I had not thought of my plan for nearly two years. 
My grief-stricken mother now described woman's lot in even more horrific colors.
 Martial ardor flared in my soul with incredible force; my mind swarmed with 
dreams, and I began searching actively for means to realize my previous 
intentions: to become a warrior and and a son to my father and to part company 
forever from the sex whose sad lot and eternal dependence had begun to terrify 
 I became absorbed in my own thoughts: and so I am at liberty. Free! 
Independent! I have taken the freedom that is rightfully mine – that is a 
precious gift from heaven, the inalienable prerogative of every human being! I 
have found a way to take it and guard it from all future claims against it; 
from now until my grave it will be my portion and my reward!”
 Jai! Jai!
 -Nadezhda Durova

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Women should never be in combat for the very reasons you mention.What I find 
confounding though is why would women, who advocate pacifism, nonviolence, anti 
war etc. even propose that women should be drafted? It seems that *anything you 
can do, I can do better* over rides reason.


 For me, I certainly wouldn't want to go fight in any war or be subjected to 
life-threatening aggression from a host of others who want to kill me via 
bullet, bomb or land mine but to imply that women should be spared this due to 
some reason having to do with their gentler natures and their need to raise the 
kiddies at home is just plain silly. Personally, I believe men to be a tad more 
war-mongering and aggressive, in general, than women but their ability and 
courage in combat is not superior to a woman's. Women are bloody brutal when 
they have a mind to be and are certainly as courageous and determined as any 
man given a reason to be. But, if you guys want to start and fight the wars, be 
my guest - although it seems a pity so much time and life is wasted on such 
 The 'Right' to Have Babies - Monty Python's 'The Life of...

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 Of course they have.
 You ask what kind of person, would go off and do that?
 Even dress the part to get to go along to war?
 Someone yearning of adventure, an itching to get to see.

 On similar impulse and calculation, I know someone, a young girl who dressed 
the part
 of a young boy to be able to join in re-enacting war
 where women were not allowed in battle re-enacting units (..because it was 
assumed and normative rules said that women of course were not fighting in the 
wars and therefore should not be out on the 're-enactment' battle fields..).

 This young girl figured out how to stand like a young guy, dropped her voice, 
flatten her features, had a uniform like everyone else, shared the privations 
like everyone else, could do the manual of arms as good as or better than 
everyone else. Looked quite authentic to the role to the point of being invited 
in with really crack infantry units going in to battle.

 She did it for some years in infantry units without it being known to any 
along in her
 mess. Shared all the exertion of it. Was really good at and loved the craft 
itself of soldiering
 and being part of something with others and having that special comradeship 
that can come from it.

 War is also social and is a young person's game.
 Some just wonder about it and go to see. Some have initiative while others 
just stay home.

 Of course women have been in combat. There is a famous scene of an American 
woman taking on the raking firing of a cannon as the gun crew had been shot 
down in our American Revolutionary War 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military

2016-02-07 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well, if everyone played by the rules. Serious people intent on having their 
way when it comes to war say *screw* the rules, I'm gonna win! I'm sending 100% 
of my best men against their mixed, politically correct, defenses.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military
    That keeping women out of armies and war is cultural,  the use of 
scriptural argument to accomplish that is just patrician hocus.  The keeping of 
women human beings out of war is mostly about protectingproperty.  There would 
be fewer wars if everyone should be drafted in to them.Let our standing armies 
be demographically balanced.

---In,  wrote :

Breaking clean with the norm,
" escape what she later described as the “sphere prescribed by nature and 
custom to the female sex,”

“I could not understand why I had notthought of my plan for nearly two years. 
My grief-stricken mothernow described woman's lot in even more horrific colors.
Martial ardor flared in my soul withincredible force; my mind swarmed with 
dreams, and I began searchingactively for means to realize my previous 
intentions: to become awarrior and and a son to my father and to part company 
forever fromthe sex whose sad lot and eternal dependence had begun to terrify 
I became absorbed in my own thoughts:and so I am at liberty. Free! Independent! 
I have taken the freedomthat is rightfully mine – that is a precious gift from 
heaven,the inalienable prerogative of every human being! I have found away to 
take it and guard it from all future claims against it; fromnow until my grave 
it will be my portion and my reward!”
Jai! Jai!-Nadezhda Durova

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Women should never be in combat for the very reasons you mention.What I find 
confounding though is why would women, who advocate pacifism, nonviolence, anti 
war etc. even propose that women should be drafted? It seems that *anything you 
can do, I can do better* over rides reason.

For me, I certainly wouldn't want to go fight in any war or be subjected to 
life-threatening aggression from a host of others who want to kill me via 
bullet, bomb or land mine but to imply that women should be spared this due to 
some reason having to do with their gentler natures and their need to raise the 
kiddies at home is just plain silly. Personally, I believe men to be a tad more 
war-mongering and aggressive, in general, than women but their ability and 
courage in combat is not superior to a woman's. Women are bloody brutal when 
they have a mind to be and are certainly as courageous and determined as any 
man given a reason to be. But, if you guys want to start and fight the wars, be 
my guest - although it seems a pity so much time and life is wasted on such 
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| The 'Right' to Have Babies - Monty Python's 'The Life of... |
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Of course they have.You ask what kind of person, would go off and do that?Even 
dress the part to get to go along to war?Someone yearning of adventure, an 
itching to get to see.
On similar impulse and calculation, I know someone, a young girl who dressed 
the partof a young boy to be able to join in re-enacting warwhere women were 
not allowed in battle re-enacting units (..because it was assumed and normative 
rules said that women of course were not fighting in the wars and therefore 
should not be out on the 're-enactment' battle fields..).
This young girl figured out how to stand like a young guy, dropped her voice, 
flatten her features, had a uniform like everyone else, shared the privations 
like everyone else, could do the manual of arms as good as or better than 
everyone else. Looked quite authentic to the role to the point of being invited 
in with really crack infantry units going in to battle.
She did it for some years in infantry units without it being known to any along 
in hermess. Shared all the exertion of it. Was really good at and loved the 
craft itself of soldieringand being part of something with others and having 
that special comradeship that can come from it.
War is also social and is a young person's game.Some just wonder about it and 
go to see. Some have initiative while others just stay home.
Of course women have been in combat. There is a famous scene of an American 
woman taking on the raking firing of a cannon as the gun crew had been shot 
down in our American Revolutionary War against the tyranny of those English. 
More than just 'going along', scholarship now on the American War of the 
Rebellion is finding a number of women 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Women Should be Drafted into the Military

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That keeping women out of armies and war is cultural,  
 the use of scriptural argument to accomplish that is just patrician hocus.  
 The keeping of women human beings out of war is mostly about protecting
 property.  There would be fewer wars if everyone should be drafted in to them.
 Let our standing armies be demographically balanced.


---In,  wrote :

 Breaking clean with the norm,

 " escape what she later described as the “sphere prescribed by nature and 
custom to the female sex,”

 “I could not understand why I had not thought of my plan for nearly two years. 
My grief-stricken mother now described woman's lot in even more horrific colors.
 Martial ardor flared in my soul with incredible force; my mind swarmed with 
dreams, and I began searching actively for means to realize my previous 
intentions: to become a warrior and and a son to my father and to part company 
forever from the sex whose sad lot and eternal dependence had begun to terrify 
 I became absorbed in my own thoughts: and so I am at liberty. Free! 
Independent! I have taken the freedom that is rightfully mine – that is a 
precious gift from heaven, the inalienable prerogative of every human being! I 
have found a way to take it and guard it from all future claims against it; 
from now until my grave it will be my portion and my reward!”
 Jai! Jai!
 -Nadezhda Durova

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Women should never be in combat for the very reasons you mention.What I find 
confounding though is why would women, who advocate pacifism, nonviolence, anti 
war etc. even propose that women should be drafted? It seems that *anything you 
can do, I can do better* over rides reason.


 For me, I certainly wouldn't want to go fight in any war or be subjected to 
life-threatening aggression from a host of others who want to kill me via 
bullet, bomb or land mine but to imply that women should be spared this due to 
some reason having to do with their gentler natures and their need to raise the 
kiddies at home is just plain silly. Personally, I believe men to be a tad more 
war-mongering and aggressive, in general, than women but their ability and 
courage in combat is not superior to a woman's. Women are bloody brutal when 
they have a mind to be and are certainly as courageous and determined as any 
man given a reason to be. But, if you guys want to start and fight the wars, be 
my guest - although it seems a pity so much time and life is wasted on such 
 The 'Right' to Have Babies - Monty Python's 'The Life of...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


 Of course they have.
 You ask what kind of person, would go off and do that?
 Even dress the part to get to go along to war?
 Someone yearning of adventure, an itching to get to see.

 On similar impulse and calculation, I know someone, a young girl who dressed 
the part
 of a young boy to be able to join in re-enacting war
 where women were not allowed in battle re-enacting units (..because it was 
assumed and normative rules said that women of course were not fighting in the 
wars and therefore should not be out on the 're-enactment' battle fields..).

 This young girl figured out how to stand like a young guy, dropped her voice, 
flatten her features, had a uniform like everyone else, shared the privations 
like everyone else, could do the manual of arms as good as or better than 
everyone else. Looked quite authentic to the role to the point of being invited 
in with really crack infantry units going in to battle.

 She did it for some years in infantry units without it being known to any 
along in her
 mess. Shared all the exertion of it. Was really good at and loved the craft 
itself of soldiering
 and being part of something with others and having that special comradeship 
that can come from it.

 War is also social and is a young person's game.
 Some just wonder about it and go to see. Some have initiative while others 
just stay home.

 Of course women have been in combat. There is a famous scene of an American 
woman taking on the raking firing of a cannon as the gun crew had been shot 
down in our American Revolutionary War against the tyranny of those English. 

 More than just 'going along', scholarship now on the American War of the 
Rebellion is finding a number of women in the armies then soldiering along.

 Is there a women wearing a Raja crown and robe sitting on the stage that we 
don't know about?


---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

2016-02-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Those post 9/11 attacks were by lone wolves not by groups.  Those can 
and will happen all the time. When the news broke about San Bernardino I 
saw a Twitter feed of a video a woman who was at that place took.  In 
the video she's talking about the drill taking place that morning and 
got a video of three big guys with flak jackets and machine guns going 
coming from van in the parking lot going into the building.  In the 
video she's exclaiming something like, "wow, they're really doing this 
drill up big time."  So the alleged terrorists may have well be patsies 
and their attorney maintains they were found handcuffed (oops).

Of course I maintain that 9/11 was a false flag because defense budgets 
had been slashed and also that tearing down the Twin Towers was going to 
cost more than they were worth (they were overdue for demolition).  
That's why I maintain that position. Look at all the defense spending 
and trillions made following.

On 02/07/2016 07:19 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Steve, I'm not sure which news you've been watching but there have 
been numerous attacks on the homeland since Obama has been elected. 
Not 9/11 caliber but several smaller, lone wolf attacks. Fort Hood, 
two or three army recruiting centers, Boston marathon, the recent one 
in California, the one in Dallas a few months ago, cops shot in their 
patrol cars by jihadis, not to mention the attack on American 
diplomatic missions in Libya. The FBI claims there have been numerous 
plots busted up.
Of course the very largest terrorist attacks have been foreign, mainly 
in Iraq by the JV team, ISIS. ISIS was the natural outcome of leaving 
Iraq too soon and losing the good will of Iraqi Sunnis to work with 
the Iraqi Shia and the rest is history.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, February 6, 2016 1:25 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a 
Strategic Mistake?

I mean, just to follow up a bit.  I remember when Obama was elected 
and Dick Cheney was predicting all sorts of terrorist events occurring 
in the US.  It didn't happen, but he was, as if, wishing for it.

---In,  wrote :

Mike, thanks for your reply.  Really, it's hard to disagree with many 
of your points.

Let me throw this out.  Reagan, for example, was extremely duplicitous 
with the Iran Contra scandal. He survived, we survived.  No real 
damage to our national security, aside from some embarrassment. It 
seems there is some level of scandal associated with every administration.

So, yes, she is being duplicitous with this e-mail deal.  But do ya 
think there is an attempt to make it into a bigger deal than it 
deserves?  Do ya think? Was our national security actually 
compromised? The Benghazi deal.  Is there not some lapse in judgement 
from every poli! tician we have ever had?  Of course there has been, 
and will be.

It weakens the democracy to exploit these events beyond the attention 
they deserve.  Of course there will always be disagreement as to what 
that right degree of attention is.  I get that, and anticipate your 
response in this regard.

For me, the bottom line is to find the best candidate from the lot.  I 
am disturbed by the harsh rhetoric coming from the Republican side. 
 Perhaps the appeal will broaden beyond the base, once the selection 
emerges.  I think that's how it works.

---In,  wrote :

Steve, career  politicians are the reason the country is in a mess 
right now. They right the tax codes and all of the laws. They put in 
all the loop holes and know where they are and how to take advantage 
of them. They tell their constituents one thing and their donors  
another. There is a public persona and then the wheeler dealer 
persona.  But then I'm sure you already know this.
With Hillary, there is always no there there. *It's all a conspiracy 
against me*, with she and Bill being the most conspired against couple 
in history. Watch what happens with the FBI investigation. She keeps 
saying that nothing she did was illegal and stuff was reclassified 
*after* she got it. Yet  she informed people to cut and paste stuff so 
that it could be sent to her server.The FBI agents can't even read 
some of the stuff on her server, it's so sensitive. The evidence can't 
even be made public , it' so secret. The Pentagon gets hacked hundreds 
of thousand times a day. You don't think she, as Secretary of State, 
wouldn't be targeted?
She is a liar, out to feather her own nest and as the *champion* of 
the people while being paid off by her donors.

*From:* "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants guarding the streets from "immorality"

2016-02-07 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
But... but.. but, don't they know that they aren't supposed to do that?  Maybe 
if we got them to just sit down and sing a few rounds of Kumbaya.Aw hell, let 
those rag heads come here and mess with our tinker bells and we'll show'm how 
to play Jews and Arabs.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2016 12:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Migrants guarding the streets from "immorality"

VIDEO=> Migrants Are Hunting Homosexuals in Berlin - The Gateway Pundit
||||   VIDEO=> Migrants Are Hunting Homosexuals in Be...  A 
shocking video was released this week showing Arabic-speaking migrants hunting 
and attacking gay men in Berlin. In the video ...||
| View on www.thegatewaypun...|Preview by Yahoo|

  #yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627 -- #yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp #yiv0988553627hd 
0;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp #yiv0988553627ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp .yiv0988553627ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp .yiv0988553627ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-mkp .yiv0988553627ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-sponsor #yiv0988553627ygrp-lc #yiv0988553627hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-sponsor #yiv0988553627ygrp-lc .yiv0988553627ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0988553627 
 #yiv0988553627activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627activity span 
.yiv0988553627underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0988553627 
0;width:400px;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627bold 
.yiv0988553627bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 dd.yiv0988553627last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv0988553627 dd.yiv0988553627last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv0988553627 
dd.yiv0988553627last p span.yiv0988553627yshortcuts 
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div.yiv0988553627file-title a:active, #yiv0988553627 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 div.yiv0988553627photo-title a, 
#yiv0988553627 div.yiv0988553627photo-title a:active, #yiv0988553627 
div.yiv0988553627photo-title a:hover, #yiv0988553627 
div.yiv0988553627photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0988553627 
div#yiv0988553627ygrp-mlmsg #yiv0988553627ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv0988553627green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv0988553627 .yiv0988553627MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv0988553627 o {font-size:0;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv0988553627photos div label 
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{margin:4px;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-actbar div a:first-child 
{margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv0988553627 #yiv0988553627ygrp-mlmsg 
{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#yiv0988553627 
#yiv0988553627ygrp-mlmsg table 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking Maharishi Tapes

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I had heard a while ago that someone was working on Jerry's archive to 
digitalize it outside of the movement. Evidently this is separate from that. 



---In,  wrote :

 Thank you very much for the replies.

 I can make whatever arrangements are necessary for transfer of the tapes, 
private server, etc. whatever is required - they are precious.

 Can you tell me more about this project, who is Jerry Jarvis and how can I 
make contact with Jerry?


 Jai Guru Dev


 On Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:56 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 


   That's the project of Jerry Jarvis.  He's collecting all of the tapes.  
Maybe he'll make them available before he gets too old (he's 84, birthday on 
May 31, 2016).



Re: [FairfieldLife] Gotta Love Them Socialists

2016-02-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Calm down, Pants.  No Bernie supporters are talking about food lines.  
But your "sink or swim" fascists will create them if elected.

On 02/07/2016 12:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


*Idiot Bernie Sanders Supporters Hope for Venezuela Style Food Lines 
in US*

Socialism in Venezuela has led to massive shortages of food, toilet 
paper, diapers and medicine

*Socialism:*Like a skyscraper crane about to topple in high winds, 
Venezuela is teetering on the brink of a horrific economic collapse. 
It was brought on by one thing: socialism, taken to the hilt. Yet 
incredibly, neither Bernie Sanders nor his voters make this 
connection. It's worrisome that so many Americans see socialism in a 
favorable light these days. A May 2015 YouGov poll showed that 
socialism was viewed favored favorably by 43% of Democrats, while a 
June 2015 Gallup poll showed that 47% of Americans would vote for a 

It points to a collective loss of memory. After all, it's been decades 
since the fact that the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet empire 
collapsed. As chess champion Garry Kasparov has noted in "Winter Is 
Coming," there have been no truth commissions or victory parades to 
institutionalize the monstrous idea's discreditation and demise. In 
fact, the idea seems to be resurging in the U.S. Democratic Party, 
even with examples of its failures continuing, the latest example 
being Venezuela. That reality of socialism and its horrific results is 
mocked by Sanders himself, who denies it has anything to do with his 
own ideas. "I myself don’t use the word socialism,” he told a 
University of Vermont student publication in 1976 “because people have 
been brainwashed into thinking socialism automatically means 
slave-labor camps, dictatorship and lack of freedom of speech.”

Brainwashed? The very word comes from socialist indoctrination 
practices. Sanders' flip dismissal of those realities reminds us of a 
quote from Nobel Prize winner and author of "The Gulag Archipelago" 
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn: "Or do they refuse to see?"

Yes, Sanders and his followers refuse. Even the absence of slave-labor 
camps, in say, socialist Venezuela, doesn't get Sanders off the hook. 
Right now Venezuelans are at the logical conclusion of 18 years of 
democratic socialism, the kind Sanders has praised in the past, and 
even benefited from, as he accepted Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez's 
oil largesse -- stolen from Venezuela's people -- for Vermont. Today 
Venezuela, with the world's largest oil reserves is, believe it or 
not,/importing/ oil. It's a perfect illustration of Nobel-winning 
economist Milton Friedman's well known saying that if the Sahara took 
up socialism, there would soon be a shortage of sand.

Socialism has also led to massive shortages of food, toilet paper, 
diapers and medicine, among many other things, all the result of state 
planning and currency controls and rampant inflation. After 18 years 
of socialist spending, inflation has hit 720%, the IMF says. And don't 
forget that Venezuela also has the world's highest crime rate, with 
Caracas rated the world's most dangerous city by the Citizens' Council 
for Public Security and Criminal Justice 

Socialist Venezuela is on the verge of a massive Argentina-sized 
sovereign debt default, with $10 billion in debt payments due this 
year, and only $8 billion left to buy imports such as food, according 
to an appalling analysis in the Financial Times by Ricardo Hausmann.

Meanwhile, Venezuela ranks No. 1 in the world on economist Steve 
Hanke's Cato Institute "Misery Index" which is his measure of each 
nations' combined inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Friday, 
Reuters reported that Venezuela was were desperately trying to swap 
out their gold reserves with German banks to survive a little longer.

No surprise, investment banks say they're looking at an 80% chance of 
a default. Blogger Miguel Octavio of The Devil's Excrement reported 
this week that the Caracas airport was full of weeping families 
sending their young people into exile abroad.

That's the part of socialism Bernie Sanders doesn't want to talk 
about. It's the same wherever it's tried. Voters fall for it over and 
over, and all it brings is failure. Sanders is only continuing the 
con. When is he going to be called on it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My take from Cheney was that they would be larger scale events.  At any rate, 
at least a couple of the incidents you cite below were from US citizens, 
sympathetic to the ISIS cause.  I'm not sure that really counts, and that 
certainly wasn't the type of event to which he was referring. 

 I am sure you are right that when the US withdrew troops, the country became 
unstable.  What was the alternative?  Probably keeping troops stationed there 
for decades with continuing casualties, and trillions of dollars.

 But yes, we probably could have kept the peace there under those circumstances.

 And again, as I've mentioned before, it was George Bush I, and Norman 
Schwarzkopf who would not enter and occupy Baghdad because they knew it would 
cause chaos beyond anyones control, which is exactly what happened when George 
Bush II with the prodding of Dick Cheney decided to take that same ill advised 

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, I'm not sure which news you've been watching but there have been 
numerous attacks on the homeland since Obama has been elected. Not 9/11 caliber 
but several smaller, lone wolf attacks. Fort Hood, two or three army recruiting 
centers, Boston marathon, the recent one in California, the one in Dallas a few 
months ago, cops shot in their patrol cars by jihadis, not to mention the 
attack on American diplomatic missions in Libya. The FBI claims there have been 
numerous plots busted up.
 Of course the very largest terrorist attacks have been foreign, mainly in Iraq 
by the JV team, ISIS. ISIS was the natural outcome of leaving Iraq too soon and 
losing the good will of Iraqi Sunnis to work with the Iraqi Shia and the rest 
is history.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2016 1:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?
   I mean, just to follow up a bit.  I remember when Obama was elected and Dick 
Cheney was predicting all sorts of terrorist events occurring in the US.  It 
didn't happen, but he was, as if, wishing for it.

---In,  wrote :

 Mike, thanks for your reply.  Really, it's hard to disagree with many of your 

 Let me throw this out.  Reagan, for example, was extremely duplicitous with 
the Iran Contra scandal. He survived, we survived.  No real damage to our 
national security, aside from some embarrassment. It seems there is some level 
of scandal associated with every administration.

 So, yes, she is being duplicitous with this e-mail deal.  But do ya think 
there is an attempt to make it into a bigger deal than it deserves?  Do ya 
think?  Was our national security actually compromised? The Benghazi deal.  Is 
there not some lapse in judgement from every politician we have ever had?  Of 
course there has been, and will be.  

 It weakens the democracy to exploit these events beyond the attention they 
deserve.  Of course there will always be disagreement as to what that right 
degree of attention is.  I get that, and anticipate your response in this 

 For me, the bottom line is to find the best candidate from the lot.  I am 
disturbed by the harsh rhetoric coming from the Republican side.  Perhaps the 
appeal will broaden beyond the base, once the selection emerges.  I think 
that's how it works.
---In,  wrote :

 Steve, career  politicians are the reason the country is in a mess right now. 
They right the tax codes and all of the laws. They put in all the loop holes 
and know where they are and how to take advantage of them. They tell their 
constituents one thing and their donors  another. There is a public persona and 
then the wheeler dealer persona.  But then I'm sure you already know this.
 With Hillary, there is always no there there. *It's all a conspiracy against 
me*, with she and Bill being the most conspired against couple in history. 
Watch what happens with the FBI investigation. She keeps saying that nothing 
she did was illegal and stuff was reclassified *after* she got it.  Yet  she 
informed people to cut and paste stuff so that it could be sent to her 
server.The FBI agents can't even read some of the stuff on her server, it's so 
sensitive. The evidence can't even be made public , it' so secret. The Pentagon 
gets hacked hundreds of thousand times a day. You don't think she, as Secretary 
of State, wouldn't be targeted?

 She is a liar, out to feather her own nest and as the *champion* of the people 
while being paid off by her donors.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 7:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

   I haven't been following the Dems campaign too closely, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Gotta Love Them Socialists

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What a stoopid reply. 

Why would Bernie's supports sully the bright future of Socialism with the ugly 
legacy of facts.

[FairfieldLife] Gotta Love Them Socialists

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Idiot Bernie Sanders Supporters Hope for Venezuela Style Food Lines in US

 Socialism in Venezuela has led to massive shortages of food, toilet paper, 
diapers and medicine

Socialism: Like a skyscraper crane about to topple in high winds, Venezuela is 
teetering on the brink of a horrific economic collapse. It was brought on by 
one thing: socialism, taken to the hilt. Yet incredibly, neither Bernie Sanders 
nor his voters make this connection. It's worrisome that so many Americans see 
socialism in a favorable light these days. A May 2015 YouGov poll showed that 
socialism was viewed favored favorably by 43% of Democrats, while a June 2015 
Gallup poll showed that 47% of Americans would vote for a socialist.  
 It points to a collective loss of memory. After all, it's been decades since 
the fact that the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet empire collapsed. As chess 
champion Garry Kasparov has noted in "Winter Is Coming," there have been no 
truth commissions or victory parades to institutionalize the monstrous idea's 
discreditation and demise. In fact, the idea seems to be resurging in the U.S. 
Democratic Party, even with examples of its failures continuing, the latest 
example being Venezuela. That reality of socialism and its horrific results is 
mocked by Sanders himself, who denies it has anything to do with his own ideas. 
"I myself don’t use the word socialism,” he told a University of Vermont 
student publication in 1976 “because people have been brainwashed into thinking 
socialism automatically means slave-labor camps, dictatorship and lack of 
freedom of speech.” 
 Brainwashed? The very word comes from socialist indoctrination practices. 
Sanders' flip dismissal of those realities reminds us of a quote from Nobel 
Prize winner and author of "The Gulag Archipelago" Aleksander Solzhenitsyn: "Or 
do they refuse to see?"  
 Yes, Sanders and his followers refuse. Even the absence of slave-labor camps, 
in say, socialist Venezuela, doesn't get Sanders off the hook. Right now 
Venezuelans are at the logical conclusion of 18 years of democratic socialism, 
the kind Sanders has praised in the past, and even benefited from, as he 
accepted Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez's oil largesse -- stolen from 
Venezuela's people -- for Vermont. Today Venezuela, with the world's largest 
oil reserves is, believe it or not, importing oil. It's a perfect illustration 
of Nobel-winning economist Milton Friedman's well known saying that if the 
Sahara took up socialism, there would soon be a shortage of sand. 
 Socialism has also led to massive shortages of food, toilet paper, diapers and 
medicine, among many other things, all the result of state planning and 
currency controls and rampant inflation. After 18 years of socialist spending, 
inflation has hit 720%, the IMF says. And don't forget that Venezuela also has 
the world's highest crime rate, with Caracas rated the world's most dangerous 
city by the Citizens' Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice
 Socialist Venezuela is on the verge of a massive Argentina-sized sovereign 
debt default, with $10 billion in debt payments due this year, and only $8 
billion left to buy imports such as food, according to an appalling analysis in 
the Financial Times by Ricardo Hausmann. 
 Meanwhile, Venezuela ranks No. 1 in the world on economist Steve Hanke's Cato 
Institute "Misery Index" which is his measure of each nations' combined 
inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Friday, Reuters reported that 
Venezuela was were desperately trying to swap out their gold reserves with 
German banks to survive a little longer. 
 No surprise, investment banks say they're looking at an 80% chance of a 
default. Blogger Miguel Octavio of The Devil's Excrement reported this week 
that the Caracas airport was full of weeping families sending their young 
people into exile abroad. 
 That's the part of socialism Bernie Sanders doesn't want to talk about. It's 
the same wherever it's tried. Voters fall for it over and over, and all it 
brings is failure. Sanders is only continuing the con. When is he going to be 
called on it?   


Re: [FairfieldLife] Migrants guarding the streets from "immorality"

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Aw hell, let those rag heads come here and mess with our tinker bells and we'll 
show'm how to play Jews and Arabs. 

Better yet, let them institute sharia in some major American cities. We'll then 
be blessed by the religion of peace and finally the men can hum Kumbaya 
together ... no women allowed though. No Jews either. 

[FairfieldLife] Bushies Eminent Domain

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
OPS!… Bush Family Used Eminent Domain to Build Texas Baseball Park Jim Hoft
 The establishment media cheered Jeb Bush’s performance last night at the ABC 
GOP debate. The media was particularly pleased with how Jeb went after Donald 
Trump on eminent domain.
 Jeb slammed Trump for using eminent domain in his building projects.

 But Jeb forgot to mention his family used eminent domain too – to build a 
baseball park.

 The Hill
 Following attacks from primary rival Jeb Bush about his past use of eminent 
domain, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Sunday accused the Bush 
family of using the practice to build a baseball stadium in Texas.

 “Eminent domain is a very important thing,” Trump said on ABC’s “This Week.” 
“Jeb Bush doesn’t understand what it means, and if you look into the Bush 
family – I found this five minutes ago – they used eminent domain for the 
stadium in Texas, where they own, I guess, a piece of the Texas Rangers.”

 When host George Stephanopoulos said that was Jeb’s brother, former President 
George W. Bush, Trump said his point still stands.

 “That doesn’t matter,” he said. “It was the Bush family. They used private 
eminent domain. He didn’t tell anybody this. So, I mean, he should have told 


[FairfieldLife] Migrants guarding the streets from "immorality"

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 VIDEO=> Migrants Are Hunting Homosexuals in Berlin - The Gateway Pundit
 VIDEO=> Migrants Are Hunting Homosexuals in Be...
 A shocking video was released this week showing Arabic-speaking migrants 
hunting and attacking gay men in Berlin. In the video ...
 View on www.thegatewaypun...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking Maharishi Tapes

2016-02-07 Thread X Y [FairfieldLife]
Thank you very much for the replies.
I can make whatever arrangements are necessary for transfer of the tapes, 
private server, etc. whatever is required - they are precious.
Can you tell me more about this project, who is Jerry Jarvis and how can I make 
contact with Jerry?
Jai Guru Dev

On Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:56 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

     That's the project of Jerry Jarvis.  He's collecting all of the tapes.  
Maybe he'll make them available before he gets too old (he's 84, birthday on 
May 31, 2016).  #yiv6711974134 #yiv6711974134 -- #yiv6711974134ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
10px;}#yiv6711974134 #yiv6711974134ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv6711974134 #yiv6711974134ygrp-mkp #yiv6711974134hd 
0;}#yiv6711974134 #yiv6711974134ygrp-mkp #yiv6711974134ads 
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[FairfieldLife] Oh Canada ... No wonder you are so second rate.

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The Airbrush is Mightier Than the Sword 
 As Kate McMillan says, the Canadian Press is in "particularly fine form; this Charlie 
Hebdo morn. Your uneducated, uncredentialed amateur would probably write 
something like:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two Muslim brothers killed 11 writers and artists at Charlie 
Hebdo for publishing cartoons they didn't like, as well as a policeman outside. 
Over the next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then 
stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four Jews.
 But if you're a highly trained J-school graduate you know that the trick with 
journalism is to identify the who-what-where-why - and then remove it all. Thus:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two Muslim brothers...
 Whoa, wait a minute. Weren't these guys born in France? Why, then, the salient 
fact about their identity is that they're citoyens, Frenchmen, as French as 
Edith Piaf with frogs' legs hanging out of each nostril:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born accordion-playing Gauloise-smoking Maurice 
Chevalier fans...
 Hold up there! Not all the facts are in yet. We don't want to get ahead of 
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 writers and artists at 
Charlie Hebdo for publishing cartoons they didn't like...
 Wait a minute, that makes no sense. Why would French-born people kill 
cartoonists over some cartoons? French-born people love cartoons. It's the land 
of les bandes dessinées, Asterix, Lucky Luke... Just because the victims of 
these French-born people happen to be in a building that includes a magazine 
that publishes cartoons is no reason to go leaping to conclusions. How about..?
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a policeman outside...
 What's that? You're wondering whether it's misleading not to mention the 
Muslim angle to the story? You're right. Gimme a minute. Lemme see here. Hmm...
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a Muslim policeman outside...
 See how easy it is when you're a professional? That's the Muslim angle neatly 
wrapped up. So we've got French perps, Muslim victims, miscellaneous building 
occupants caught in the gunfire... What else? Oh, yes:
 Over the next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then 
stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four Jews.
 How do we know they were Jews? As President Obama and his spokespersons said, 
they were just a "random" "bunch of folks" They could have been imams 
stopping in for some bagels after Friday prayers: Are we working that angle 
yet? They could be neo-Nazis picking up some gefilte fish for the weekend 
skinhead convention. It's hard to tell with names like "Cohen". So let's be 
responsible here, and say:
 ...killing four hostages.
 And so we arrive at today's Canadian Press report
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a Muslim policeman outside. Over the 
next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then stormed a 
kosher supermarket, killing four hostages.
 Beautiful. I'd nominate it for a Canadian Newspaper Award, but unfortunately, 
due to an editing oversight, someone left the word "kosher" in.
 As Kate McMillan notes, on this anniversary, the dangerous violent French-born 
movement is again on the rampage
 Meanwhile, something happened in some town in Germany around New Year. But you 
don't need to know about that

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 08-Feb-16 00:15:04 UTC

2016-02-07 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/06/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/13/16 00:00:00
62 messages as of (UTC) 02/07/16 23:40:19

 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  9 steve.sundur
  9 emptybill
  9 dhamiltony2k5
  8 awoelflebater
  4 Bhairitu noozguru
  3 jr_esq
  3 emily.mae50
  1 yifuxero
  1 srijau
  1 s3raphita
  1 raunchydog
  1 medinijyotishaccess
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 X Y medinijyotishaccess
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Oh Canada ... No wonder you are so second rate.

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Steyn on form with this piece. 

 The Canadian Press report he deconstructs is positively Orwellian. Maybe I 
should give a little credit to the writer as it isn't factually incorrect; just 
a doomed attempt to avoid mentioning the elephant in the room.



---In,  wrote :


 The Airbrush is Mightier Than the Sword 
 As Kate McMillan says, the Canadian Press is in "particularly fine form; this Charlie 
Hebdo morn. Your uneducated, uncredentialed amateur would probably write 
something like:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two Muslim brothers killed 11 writers and artists at Charlie 
Hebdo for publishing cartoons they didn't like, as well as a policeman outside. 
Over the next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then 
stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four Jews.
 But if you're a highly trained J-school graduate you know that the trick with 
journalism is to identify the who-what-where-why - and then remove it all. Thus:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two Muslim brothers...
 Whoa, wait a minute. Weren't these guys born in France? Why, then, the salient 
fact about their identity is that they're citoyens, Frenchmen, as French as 
Edith Piaf with frogs' legs hanging out of each nostril:
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born accordion-playing Gauloise-smoking Maurice 
Chevalier fans...
 Hold up there! Not all the facts are in yet. We don't want to get ahead of 
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 writers and artists at 
Charlie Hebdo for publishing cartoons they didn't like...
 Wait a minute, that makes no sense. Why would French-born people kill 
cartoonists over some cartoons? French-born people love cartoons. It's the land 
of les bandes dessinées, Asterix, Lucky Luke... Just because the victims of 
these French-born people happen to be in a building that includes a magazine 
that publishes cartoons is no reason to go leaping to conclusions. How about..?
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a policeman outside...
 What's that? You're wondering whether it's misleading not to mention the 
Muslim angle to the story? You're right. Gimme a minute. Lemme see here. Hmm...
 On Jan. 7 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a Muslim policeman outside...
 See how easy it is when you're a professional? That's the Muslim angle neatly 
wrapped up. So we've got French perps, Muslim victims, miscellaneous building 
occupants caught in the gunfire... What else? Oh, yes:
 Over the next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then 
stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four Jews.
 How do we know they were Jews? As President Obama and his spokespersons said, 
they were just a "random" "bunch of folks" They could have been imams 
stopping in for some bagels after Friday prayers: Are we working that angle 
yet? They could be neo-Nazis picking up some gefilte fish for the weekend 
skinhead convention. It's hard to tell with names like "Cohen". So let's be 
responsible here, and say:
 ...killing four hostages.
 And so we arrive at today's Canadian Press report
 On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people inside the building 
where Charlie Hebdo operated, as well as a Muslim policeman outside. Over the 
next two days, an accomplice shot a policewoman to death and then stormed a 
kosher supermarket, killing four hostages.
 Beautiful. I'd nominate it for a Canadian Newspaper Award, but unfortunately, 
due to an editing oversight, someone left the word "kosher" in.
 As Kate McMillan notes, on this anniversary, the dangerous violent French-born 
movement is again on the rampage
 Meanwhile, something happened in some town in Germany around New Year. But you 
don't need to know about that


[FairfieldLife] Outstanding!

2016-02-07 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Lady Gagag knocked the ball out of the park with her Star Spangled Banner

Good game so far.Even better commercials.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Outstanding!

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Good game?  Good commercials?  I'm with you on Lady Gaga, though.

---In,  wrote :

 Lady Gagag knocked the ball out of the park with her Star Spangled Banner


 Good game so far.
 Even better commercials.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Outstanding!

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, the meditating Fairfield folkart community gathered enjoying its annual 
marathon viewing of the Arts 1995 Pride and Prejudice as contrast to the 
professional football stupid bowl of damaged brains. 

 Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p) 
 Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p) Description
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Good game?  Good commercials?  I'm with you on Lady Gaga, though.

---In,  wrote :

 Lady Gagag knocked the ball out of the park with her Star Spangled Banner


 Good game so far.
 Even better commercials.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Seeking Maharishi Tapes

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I have some cassette tapes that were made off reel-to-reel tapes from the India 
TM teacher training courses with Maharishi.  In a shoebox now in storage 

 These were lectures to the courses held in Rishikesh, some held outside under 
the trees with the sounds of crows and the forrest outdoors in the background. 

 I recall one lecture where Maharishi was methodically going through the 
instructions to meditate and clarifying that TM does actually require some 
concentration to do, to do the practice as effortless meditation that it is. 
 The concentration would also be like in mindfulness as where mindfulness 
people find they are ‘off’ on thoughts otherwise too that it takes a moment of 
concentration or intent to come back to the process. That TM does require some 
‘concentration’ at that moment of monitoring.  That TM is not just 'spacing 
out' or completely “take it as it comes”.  Yes, he was pretty clear that TM 
includes a concentration to do at deepest levels too. 

---In,  wrote :

 I had heard a while ago that someone was working on Jerry's archive to 
digitalize it outside of the movement. Evidently this is separate from that. 



---In,  wrote :

 Thank you very much for the replies.

 I can make whatever arrangements are necessary for transfer of the tapes, 
private server, etc. whatever is required - they are precious.

 Can you tell me more about this project, who is Jerry Jarvis and how can I 
make contact with Jerry?


 Jai Guru Dev


 On Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:56 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 


   That's the project of Jerry Jarvis.  He's collecting all of the tapes.  
Maybe he'll make them available before he gets too old (he's 84, birthday on 
May 31, 2016).



[FairfieldLife] Re: Outstanding!

2016-02-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It was the 50th professional football stupid bowl, will it last another decade 
in its present form? Apparently enrollment in junior and high school football 
programs is way off. Will it have sufficient recruits to draft out of college 
programs in four years? 
  Football asks way more from the human body than it can give. It becomes 
simply immoral to support it any longer given what we know about its injuries. 
How many more hits can they sustain before they simply must change to become 
the Professional League of Touch Football? ! ..The Super Bowl of Touch 
Football.. !   

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, the meditating Fairfield folkart community gathered enjoying its annual 
marathon viewing of the Arts 1995 Pride and Prejudice as contrast to the 
professional football stupid bowl of damaged brains. 

 Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p)
 Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p) Description

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 Good game?  Good commercials?  I'm with you on Lady Gaga, though.

---In,  wrote :

 Lady Gagag knocked the ball out of the park with her Star Spangled Banner


 Good game so far.
 Even better commercials.