[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Name Hussein= Beautiful or Handsome'

2008-02-24 Thread Roberto
 And Nader means Hussein doesn't have a chance against McCrazy after 
 I siphon off some lefty votes...
 I'll bet Nader will get fewer votes than Hagelin did. His candidacy 
is just
 an attempt to get a soapbox. 

What could be motivating old Ralph, to run again, I am wondering?
Last time around, I hear he got about .3 percent of the vote.
I think Barack's momentum is unstoppable.
People can see John McReagan is another Bush term.
Much ado 'bout nothin', I'd say...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Steve Martin of Wilmington

2008-02-24 Thread Roberto
 One of the traditional benefits of witnessing during deep sleep--
 one of it's hallmarks in my own experience (and what differentiates 
 from dissociative or imagined states)--is the extreme rest one 
 After all, it's through witnessing during sleep that yogis are able 
 sleep only a couple of hours. For me it's completely rejuvenating, 
 awake feeling incredibly rested and clear.
 Yogis claim it's the only style of sleep that actually allows the  
 subconscious to rest. If so, what an incredible benefit!

Yes, this is good...
The thing is, for me, it's becomes more and more, of the ability to 
exprience, what I would call, soul force, or soul energy...
At first, witnessing is a bit uncomfortable, because experience this 
soul energy, becoming self-aware, of itself- the physiology will need 
to step-up to this higher energy, or become accustomed to the higher 
vibration of the soul.
As more and more people, begin to experience something, the easier it 
is for the whole human race to experience.
For me, one of the examples of this accellerated group consciousness, 
is the candidacy of Barack Obama, and evangelistic message of 
evolution, much like the message of Socrates, or the inclusive 
politics of Unity Consciousness...

[FairfieldLife] Re: This is why, ultimately, Obama will NEVER be president

2008-02-21 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shanti18411 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 -- Re: the importance ofexperience for being president,
who would u vote for, a one term comgressman or a sitting
 vice-president,who has previously served as sec of defense,
 served in congress and was once chief of staff for the White House?
 just wondering :) Kevin

Experience doesn't matter anymore-
Don't you get it...
Cheney has plenty of experience.
It's more about enlightenment.
It's more about the new technology.
We can't go back to the 80's or the 50's...
McCain isn't Reagan and he isn't Ike.
Plus he's so nationalistic;
And would do anything for his country-
Sounds like psuedo fascism to me

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama's Got the Heavenly Touch!'

2008-02-21 Thread Roberto
 If 'Hussein' was his Christian name, would he have
 any chance to beat Hillary?  :D

If he was Mexican, and his name was Jesus(Pronouned Hey-Zuess)...
Same question?
Isn't the real question: Can I imagine a black guy as President of the 
United States of America?

Do we always need a white waspy kind of cracker in the WH.
Hasn't Bushie proved that a white guy can be an idiot?
Obama is the anti-bush.

[FairfieldLife] Obama + we can...(was- Obama we can't)

2008-02-21 Thread Roberto

 Now we're determining whether Bush 43 is 
 the last president in the Reagan era, or 
 whether it may continue. If McCain is 
 elected, it almost surely means the 
 Reagan era is continuing, and if that's 
 the case, we can bet that it will continue 
 its downward slide. And if you accept all 
 that, you have to think that McCain could 
 preside over more failures than even George 
 W. Bush.
 Ergo, I disagree with Peter below. From 
 the worldview I've tried to outline above, 
 a McCain presidency would promise even 
 worse times than what President W has 

So, you we haven't hit rock-bottom, yet, huh?
Don't think so, huh?
Oh well, guess we have to sink a little more then.
But, no we really don't have to.
Just imagine Obama as a white guy, if you have trouble with him.
If he was a white guy, and his name was something like Joe Smith, 
well maybe then we could see him as the Messiah he is...
Who do you remember in your lifetime who could inspire people, in the 
political realm, like Barack Obama?
This is certainly the end of the Reagan ghost.
Reagan began the total sell out of America to Corporate interests.
The people now are following a leader of character, courage, clarity, 
and a sense of righteousness, mentioned in the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'...
The +Dead Sea Scrolls+ mention a time, when the 'Righteous One' 
comes, to lead the people in truth. 
I have to do more research on this area, because I just heard about 
it, recently.
But there is clear evidence, in the +Dead Sea Scrolls+ 
That predict the phenomenon we are experiencing with the unique 
response to Barack Obama...
And it is interesting to note, that the whole tidal sea change 
happened, between the time of 'Super Tuesday', the day Maharishi went 
into Mahasamadhi...
And accelerated, on the day of February 11, 2008-

[FairfieldLife] Re: Description of mantra??

2008-02-21 Thread Roberto
  The truth might be that if and when a so-called Messiah 
 shows up that the way he teaches Jewish law might not sound like 
 anything that has been familiar to 2000 years of Rabbinic thinking. 
 In my view of things (all guesses) if the M will usher in a new 
 then he will have to help destroy all the crusty old ways of 
 that have accumulated over the years since prophets died out.  If, 
 like MMY, he was to usher in a spiritual regeneration he might 
 appear to be almost heretical to mainstream ultra orthodox Jews.  
 would not surprise me at all.  What type of thinking he will 
 introduce is beyond my imagination.  

The Dead Sea Scrolls talk about this issue.
They speak of the rules of the Jews of the time-
To be open to interpretation, as has been offered earlier.
The people in power of all the religious organizations, always set up 
rules to keep themselves in power.
Maharishi was a world teacher who sought to give people back the 
This was the attitude of the Dead Sea Scrolls, when it speaks 
of 'Living the Knowledge', like Maharishi speaks of Guru Dev.
The knowledge in the Book, stays in the book, until it is revived and 
lived in the state of consciousness, Brahman Consciousness, Unity.

The Dead Sea Scrolls also speak of the 'Righteous One' who will 
return, in this time, now.
It speaks of an evil leader who will lead the people astray, who 
precedes the 'Righteous One'.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, speak of Jesus in mystical terms,  
The were hidden in the caves in the desert, and survived all those 
centuries, so they would be found for this time, in order to expose 
the Truth...
After centuries of misinterpretation and orthadoxy, fundementalism.

The Dead Sea Scrolls speak of the distinction between spirituality 
and materialism.

They come from a time, which had a very materialistic view of the 
The Roman Empire prevailed at the time, and force was a means to an 
end. Violence was used as entertainment.
Jesus was not a man of the status quo, but represented the shattering 
of the status quo.
Same as Socrates in his time, and why he was procecuted- he went 
against the status quo.
He wanted to live the knowledge, like Maharishi taught.

The one called Jesus, never claimed to be God, but a representative 
of God.

He was not able to overcome the political forces at the time, and was 
crucified by the status quo, Romans and their puppets, especially 
King Herod.
Now, in this time, we can see, that on the day Maharishi left.
Achieved Mahasamadhi, 
Around that time, in this sychonicity-
Barack Obama started to rise to the occasion of securing the 
political leader of the United States of American-
Speaking the same words that Christ spoke, in his time.
This is a breakthrough of magnificent proportions.
I believe Barack Obama is the fulfillment of the prophesies of the 
Dead Sea Scrolls;
And that is the return of the 'Righteous One' to lead the nations of 
the world in Peace.
And take the power back to the people.
And help organize the people to create `Heaven on Earth'
As Maharishi worked day and night to help to achieve.
It is the 'need of the time' that creates this possibility.
Like Echert Tolle and others have said, we have to turn this thing 
around, in time
The Urgency of Now, as is many times quotedby Sen. Obama

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'After- death thoughts?

2008-02-14 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Holy Death in Threes and What To Do With These  February 15, 2008 
by cadeveo 
   I remember it said, by various people, of no more authority 
or wisdom than I, that people die in threes. Usually, I've heard that 
sort of thing out of the mouth of someone I worked with round about 
the end of the year after the death of a celebrity of some stripe. 
And usually, or so it appears, the person's magical summation 
regarding the triple-bucket-kick phenomenon has been borne out, at 
least to the best of hir satisfaction. A bit of confirmation bias, 
perhaps? That ol' What you look for is just what you'll fine? as 
true when looking for the bull and finding the horns as when 
looking for three consecutively croaking famous people.
   Just a thought, though:
   Has anyone yet been firing up their confirmation-biased radar for 
the third holy man to join this party?
   Mormon President/Prophet, Gordon Hinckley, Jr.-Died January 27, 
   The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of Transcendental Meditation-
Died Feb. 5, 2007.
  Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) a hero's farewell yesterday, lauding 
him, in the words of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, as a 
champion of our common humanity. 

Lantos Praised as 'Champion of Our Common Humanity'
Memorial Service for Rep. Tom Lantos
The Hungarian-born Lantos, who died of cancer Monday at age 80, was 
the only Holocaust survivor ever to serve in Congress. His youth as a 
resistance fighter in Nazi-occupied Budapest, where he lost most of 
his family, lent authority to his pursuit of humanitarian causes and 
his support for U.S. military intervention in the name of democracy. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A short list of my grievances with the movement

2008-02-12 Thread Roberto
  I can speak only from my own experience, but shortly
  after I learned TM, I experimented using Jesus as
  my mantra, with disappointing results.
 I wonder about this too.  It seems that pretty sounds are used.  My
 mother had a very lovely unusual name with lots of long vowels.  I can
 meditate using her name to the same effect as my mantra. 

The thing is: The process of Transcendental Meditation is a process of 
transcending thought...
There are all kinds of ways to transcend thought: excersize, music, 
whatever you 'lose' yourself in...
Specifically the mantras which Maharishi has given out, have specific 
and life-supporting effects.

{I am sure you have listened to some sounds or some music, which you 
must have experienced as jarring, or upsetting, confusing or even 
Some vibrations are lower vibrations of the lower world:
They have there own lower feelings, bad smells, darkness, seperation 
and confusion}

And then there are the higher vibrations- 
Sound is vibration.
Silence is the absence of vibration.
The mantra given in TM is used as a vehicle to transcend thought.
To bring the mind to stillness, to silence.
The whole process is to begin to experience the backround on which 
thoughts are formed: consciousness. itself. the witness of the self, 
beyond ego.
After one has learned to transcend thought, and can maintain some sense 
of silence,
Then one can begin to witness, and introduce a sutra or vibration of 
the intention.
Then one could think 'Indra' and could feel the essence of a storm.
One could think 'Shivayai' and begin to feel the vibration of the 
aspect of God called Shiva.
So one begins to feel the world as energy, vibration.
And eventually one can stand apart from the spin of the whole thing...
Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, the three gunas...
 From my experience, it is necessary first, to still the mind;
To silence the mind and then introduce the vibration you wish to 
In other words, about your Mom...
 Stilling yourself, think her name, and you would begin to have the 
sense of her, being with you.
In the same way, we can vibrate the vibration of compassion, for 
example, which is more abstract;
Or, in the example that was used for using Jesus as a mantra-
From my experience it would be better to use the name that is closest 
to the actual name of Jesus.
The intention to attune yourself to him, and the closest name/form:
In silence you 'call' to you, whatever you vibrate..
Gods and Goddesses, Avatars and Saviors...
The Jews use  - Adonoi, Elocheem...
Some say the name of God, can't be spoken.
 The transcendent cannot be spoken, very true.
Buddha said: it's not this, and it's not that...same idea.

The silence, which is your own silence, becomes the backround-
It's just a matter of clearing the noise from the system, really.
Clearing the noise.

You intend to 'vibrate' the vibration of that which you seek.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snow Storm is symbolic? I think so.

2008-02-06 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Really fascinating, nice one.  It has interesting implications for

Songs are nice...

What song do you hear?  

Does your mind feel clearer, does your nose smell purer air.

A kind of Unity Consciousness, sometimes occurs...

And the Outside becomes a reflection of the Inside.

There's snow in Iowa, it's quiet, and songs will still be written.
But right now, it's just quiet and serene, and a bit sad.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Clinton/Bush Years= Moral Decay of USA'

2008-02-04 Thread Roberto
  Unlike the USA, Switzerland has tended to stay the hell out of other
  countries politically and militarily.
   That is a good point and, America would do well to see the 
However, I doubt that was the deciding factor in  Hitler's plan to
 take over everything.

Perhaps Adolf's desire to 'take over everything'-
Had more to do with meglomania fueled by Pervitin, a methamphetamine 
drug newly developed by the Berlin-based Temmler...
And, an abusive childhood, and all kinds of mental issues.
Also, much of the German population ended up addicted to these drugs.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Clinton/Bush Years= Moral Decay of USA'

2008-02-03 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 2/3/08 3:00:24 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
 All the divisiveness needs to end, soon.
 If not, and we get another Republican President-
 Well, that, my friends, could be the end of this Democracy...
 Apathy, lies, division, war-mongering;
 Quite simply, we don't need any-more-of- the-  same
 And you think the Republicans are going to lay down and let the 
 just do as they please if Obama is elected? The socialist agenda of 
higher taxes 
  and redistribution of wealth, with higher energy costs, along with 
 erosion of  the Bill of Rights will be resisted strongly by 
Obama's  opposition.
Do I think the status quo will change easily, no.
There will be all kinds of resistance to change.
But, as we know, in a quatum mechanical world-
It's all a matter of vibration of the field.
Barack Obama is inspiring a higher vibration of the field.
If enough people can raise their vibration the field will allow for 
more evolutionary change.
You will see, that Hillary or McCain will win where people are rigid 
and afraid of any real change.
Many Independents and Republicans are going with Obama.
The whole political field is changing.
The status quo will do everything it can to remain the same.
It's like the ego will find every-way it can to hold onto to it's 
illusion of power, and in the same way, as the vibration increases, 
as the tables are turned over in the Temple, the status quo hits back 
in every-way it can.
It's a battle of staying in the hut, or moving to higher ground.
If anyone thinks that Hillary Clinton or John McCain can lead us to 
higher ground, well, we get the government we deserve...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The thing about the sex thing, Clinton obviously had a sex-
  addiction problem, if you read his biography and the history
  of his addiction as governor and through the years.
 Which biography was this, Robert? And who wrote it?
 Bill and Hillary: The Marriage By Christopher P. Andersen
This is quite a story as reviewed below:
By any definition they are one of history most remarkable couples; he 
the irresponsible country boy populist oczing ambition and Southern 
charm, she the brilliant, tough-as-nails Midwesterner with a head for 
strategy, a taste for power, and in the end, an unshakable allegiance 
to the man in her life. Together. William Jefferson Clinton and his 
wife; Billiary Rodham, scaled the heights of power and prestige only 
to have his wantonly reckless behavior bring them to the brink of 
personal and political ruin.With never-before revealed informat on 
and behind-the-scenes access that only Christopher Anderson can 
accomplish, Bill and Hillary is certain to make international 
headlines Author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Day Diana 
Died (0-688-16082-4) and two bestselling book about another President 
and First Lady, Jack and Jackie (0-688-15312-7) and Jackie after Jack 
(0-688-14760-7), Anderson takes readers on a facinating journey 
inside the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton.The entity known as 
Bill and Hillary is greater than the sum of its parts The Clintons 
are youthful, brilliant, attractive, complicated sometimes arrogant, 
often mystifying, always controvercial -- but never dull, Sex, money, 
power, lies, and scandal. Each played a role in the making and 
unmaking of the Clinton legacy. Yet whatever the judgment of history, 
the continuing saga of Bill and Hillary is -- above all else -- a 
curious, compelling, and uniquely American love story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
   Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when 
did Bubba
  ever blame Bush?

I don't think one ever blamed the other...

What I was commenting on was the inflamed response last week when 
someone suggested while Bill Clinton was speaking, that the 9/11 
thing was a conspiracy...

His strong reaction to the question, made me feel that  perhaps he 
had failed in that arena.

I've also heard Bill Clinton expressed regret for his personal 
failure to prevent the 1994 slaughter of 800,000 people, in the 
Rwandan genocide.

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a brilliant and charismatic 
If he ends up back in the White House, he could possibly be there 
longer than any other president= 16 years...think about it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
   Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when 
did Bubba
  ever blame Bush?

I don't think one ever blamed the other...

What I was commenting on was the inflamed response last week when 
someone suggested while Bill Clinton was speaking, that the 9/11 
thing was a conspiracy...

His strong reaction to the question, made me feel that  perhaps he 
had failed in that arena.

I've also heard Bill Clinton expressed regret for his personal 
failure to prevent the 1994 slaughter of 800,000 people, in the 
Rwandan genocide.

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a brilliant and charismatic 
If he ends up back in the White House, he could possibly be there 
longer than any other president= 16 years...think about it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
 He (Clinton) was distracted by  the impeachment and so on.
 A, there you go! Back to true form. It was the Republicans fault 
 didn't wack Bin Laden. He had several opportunities that were  missed.

I'm not blaming anyone...

I was just pointing out that there were many missed opportunities 
during the Clinton administration as there have been during the past 
years with Bush.
The blame is more with the whole thing that's being strummed up in the 
election, of Washington being broken: too much noise in the system...
Too much divisiveness. Bush and the Clintons seem to invite 
That's the whole theme of the Obama campaign, to amend these tendencies.
Time will tell, whether that is even possible, or whether we will just 
hold on to what is familiar in a time of change.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-01 Thread Roberto
 Oh please Robert. A good liberal and Democrat never misses an 
opportunity  to 
 blame anything on Bush or the nasty Republicans and never places any 
fault on 
  one of their own.

The thing is, it just seems to me that Bush and Clinton,
Are two sides of the same coin.
They are both manipulative, seductive, and secretive.
The both pit one group against the other.
I think they both have a similar M.O.

The thing about the sex thing, Clinton obviously had a sex-addiction 
problem, if you read his biography and the history of his addiction as 
governor and through the years.
I think the sex-addiction thing, helped the Republicans get elected in 
And I think he got so angry about the conspiracy 9/11 talk the other 
Because he had a real chance to wack bin Laden many times during his 
If he had more insight and sense of the urgency of the time.
He was distracted by the impeachment and so on.
He left a vacumn that dubya came in to fill.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'What Kind of People are the Clintons?'

2008-01-29 Thread Roberto
 You're a terrible mind-reader. No, that wasn't
 innocent. On the other hand, Obama's no
 innocent either. The notion that he's not running
 as an African American, and that therefore any
 acknowledgment of his race is playing the race
 card, is ludicrous. He wants to have it both ways.
Hillary had most of the Black vote, only a few months ago...
This whole thing happened recently.
Actually I believe it started when Barack spoke at the Des Moines 
event, back in December...
For me, that's when I felt the electricity that he seemed to tap into.
Since that time, this has only increased.
He clearly has the ability to inspire, and to bring people together.
Hillary and Bill have been polarizing figures, now and in the past.
I don't see why they would deserve another stint in the WH.
Why not give a new generation a chance to experience an inspirational 
leader who very much reminds people of the idealism and the inspiration 
political/spiritual leaders of the sixties.
The Clintons, like the Bush's are political leaders.
Obama, like the Kennedy's transcend politics somewhat and become 
spiritual inspirational leaders- which are certainly more rare.
It's a tough world for sure, and a cynical world at that.
So, it's hard to except that things could really change.
The choice isn't between black or white or man or woman.
It's deeper than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'What Kind of People are the Clintons?'

2008-01-28 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not to worry! The Kennedy's have endorsed Barack Hussein Obama, or is 
that  a 
 kiss of *death*, politically speaking?
Well, I'm not sure...
Barack's middle name could be a problem for some people, although it's 
really not his fault, right?
But some people will use this to push people's buttons- quite common in 
some decietful political circles.
Could be Kennedy's endorsement will be the 'kiss of death' for the 
Clinton campaign, which had been begging for his endorsement;
All I know is: the Clintons have definitely been knocked down a few 
pegs, and some light has been shed on the way they operate, pitting one 
against the other.