[FairfieldLife] Re: The History of Om/How about how to chant it?

2010-04-01 Thread netineti3
Lot's of _discussion_ on the history of OMKARA.

Here is a video of Ganapathy Saccidananda Swamiji who instructs about how to 
chant it the three different ways it has been chanted for the past 6-7 thousand 
years. From ancient Rishis to Egyptians.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > In any event, look at the first four sound-units and you'll see the  
> > actual point, and the original pronunciation of "OM".

> You mean the first suutra of akSara-samaamnaaya ("Shiva-suutraaNi"):
> a i u N ?

[FairfieldLife] Immortal the movie-Vaj

2008-08-07 Thread netineti3

The day you suggested this movie I put it into my netflix cue and had
it the next day.
Watched it and enjoyed. Gave it about a 7 out of 10.
INteresting animation and concept.


[FairfieldLife] Re: YouTube - Guru Dev

2008-08-07 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 5, 2008, at 6:45 PM, netineti3 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxh2Txy9_C4
> >>>
> >>> Here's the well-known Guru Dev film footage [on YouTube], but with
> >> an added
> >>> 'wire-recording' of Guru Dev speaking (not corresponding to the
> >> footage).
> >>> The sound quality is surprisingly good, and you can hear the  
> >>> audience
> >>> laughing several times; Starting around 2:20 you will see a few
> >> seconds of
> >>> Maharishi talking animatedly when he was Guru Dev's disciple.
> >>
> >> Nice video, do you know what form of mediation the Guru Dev practiced
> >> to reach his Sahaja-Samadhi?
> >>
> >
> > Do you really think only meditation is the path?
> > Sahaja samadhi is what?
> Samaya Sri Vidya from Hindu Anuttara-tantra.


Are you saying this is what he practised?


[FairfieldLife] Re: YouTube - Guru Dev

2008-08-05 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxh2Txy9_C4 
> > 
> > Here's the well-known Guru Dev film footage [on YouTube], but with
> an added
> > 'wire-recording' of Guru Dev speaking (not corresponding to the
> footage).
> > The sound quality is surprisingly good, and you can hear the audience
> > laughing several times; Starting around 2:20 you will see a few
> seconds of
> > Maharishi talking animatedly when he was Guru Dev's disciple.
> Nice video, do you know what form of mediation the Guru Dev practiced
> to reach his Sahaja-Samadhi?

Do you really think only meditation is the path?
Sahaja samadhi is what?

[FairfieldLife] Re: ? for all

2008-07-24 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone heard of Chandla Ma?

The fact that none of her "master teachers" come from India, and
virtually all who come to her are white and ignorant should be a red flag.

One of her previous assistants left due to contradictory behavior.

Having a few siddhis doesn't make one qualified.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An answer to the question. matrixmonitor

2008-03-27 Thread netineti3

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor"
> ---Sure. Ramana was devoted to the Arunachala Hill, a murti of the 
> static form of Shiva . (p.2 Bhagavan Sri Ramana, A Pictorial Biography, 
> published by Sri V.S. Ramanan, President, Sri Ramanasramam).
> Bhagavan spoke these words: 
> (p.1): "Siva, the Lord Supreme whom all adore, Us'd once His trident in 
> a mighty act of Grace;
> That trident He made in times of yore,
> Proclaims for e'er Tiruchili a sacred place.
> In "Necklet of Nine Gems", Bhagavan is quoted as saying:
>  "To rescue me--born of virtuous Sundara and Sunari in the holy town of 
> Tiruchili, seat of Bhuminatheswara--from this barren worldly life, He 
> raised me to His state that His Heart might so rejoice, the immanence 
> of Siva so shine forth, and the Self flourish. Such is Arunachala, 
> famous throughout the universe!'. (page 1).
> In "Marital Garland of Letters", his transcribed words are: "From my 
> home Thou didst entice me, then stealing into my heart didst draw me 
> gently into Thine, such is Thy Grace, O Arunachala". (p. 17).
> Bhagavan saw the Arunachala Hill for the first time in 1896, and then 
> later said "From here Jnana Sambadha beheld the peak of Arunagiri and 
> sang verses out of excess joy and installed an image of Arunacheleswara 
> in the same spot." (p. 21). 
>  Then, Bhagavan wrote out (in his own handwriting) a quote of Saint 
> Sambandha: "On the hill Arunachala, little animals like deer, bears, 
> and pigs along with big ones like elephants roam about fearlessly. Here 
> Lord Arunachala abides as Supreme Knowledge, santified with the Holy 
> name Annamalai, and blesses His devotes with his characteriscally 
> unfailing grace by removing their shortcomings".
>  Then, at the last stage of journey to Arunachala, Bhagavan (then 
> Venkataraman), entered the Arunacheleswara Temple and beheld the 
> Arunacheleswara Lingam".  The editor (p 24) states, 
> "As though the Father was thus preparing to welcome his 'beloved son
> ', Venkataraman walked straight into the inmost shrine and addressed 
> Arunachaleswara thus: "I have come to Thee at Thy behst.  Thy will be 
> done".
>  The foregoing thus provides a brief set of statements in Bhagavan's 
> words attesting to the fact that one can be devoted to "a God - a 
> Deity, even after realizing the Self. Such devotion by no means implies 
> a state of dualistic ignorance. 
>  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --External Gods may still be worshipped after Brahman Realization 
> > > > ("external" as Brahman, nondifferent); since Ramakrishna was 
> devoted 
> > > > to Kali before and after Realization, and Ramana Maharshi was 
> > > devoted 
> > > > to Arunachala Shiva.
> > 
> > Can you please tell where it says Ramana Maharishi was devoted to
> > Arunachala Shiva? I am curious why you say this.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: NO Adverts PLEASE

2008-03-27 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> No advert on Ff life we endure enough with over posters insulting
one another who should do so on the side not 4 us all to whitnes there
dirty laundry &Â Tawdry remarks meant for each other & us all to see
before we can delete them
So you are saying if something good comes around the bend, we
shouldn't hear about it, but listen to the spew and vitriol towards
our brothers and sisters?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kangen water

2008-03-27 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> Sorry for (once again) attributing a message to the
> wrong messenger.  Since I am not a distributer of
> Kangen water, was it OK to post my experience or would
> Fairfield Fads be the appropriate venue for that as
> well?  
Experiences with about every other thing in the universe isn't off
limits here, why should your with this water?

[FairfieldLife] Re: An answer to the question.

2008-03-25 Thread netineti3

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --External Gods may still be worshipped after Brahman Realization 
> > ("external" as Brahman, nondifferent); since Ramakrishna was devoted 
> > to Kali before and after Realization, and Ramana Maharshi was 
> devoted 
> > to Arunachala Shiva.

Can you please tell where it says Ramana Maharishi was devoted to
Arunachala Shiva? I am curious why you say this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Celibacy required for Attaining Higher Levels of Consciousness?

2008-03-21 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mr. Ed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't found g guru I'd trust with my mind/money/life. 
> Maharishi's "Wisdom" seemed to me circuitous and self serving. What 
> he did was take a lot of money and tell a lot of lies. Whatever good 
> there is or has come from the TM movement (hasn't really been a 
> movement for a while now) they TMers would do well to say goodbye to 
> the guru and acknowledge his imperfections. 
> I have often wished there wasn't such insistance on MMY's divinity. I 
> like meditation, spiritual developement and fellowship but I can't 
> cope with the idea of being associated with so much intentional 
> dishonesty. And yet some of my favorite people anywhere are in the 
> domes everyday. I'm rather divided.

Every time you use the word "maharishi" to describe this man you _are_
innocently contributing to that Divination.

He told us he was not a personal guru.

Kali yuga is wrought with these lies.

All the best to you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I have no idea still what to believe

2008-02-29 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me the vote is out. I have tried to practice and to study a few
> systems but they do not cement in my mind. I know no more today then
when I 
> was a child. I remember being so sure of my beliefs a few times but
> they faded. I am tending towards pretty much total disbelief.  In
> I meditate. I do mantras. I experience bliss. I experience lots of
things. I 
> even think I see some things too. But I am not sure what any of it
> I do know I couldn't recommend TM to anyone at this late date. I
would not 
> treat my enemies to the Movement. If TM was taught outside of the
> then maybe.  Maybe not. Just depends on whether the sappy SCI went
with it. 
> The Movement is not expressive of Maharishi's bullshit line about 200 
> percent of life. I mean take a fucking look around.
> But then I can't recommend Buddhism either. Too many shitty
teachers. Too 
> much focus on reclusion. Too much disdain for other paths. Too
little too 
> late.
> I remember hanging out at a bar with this lama and I told him how I
> have gone to Naropa Institute if I hadn't gone to MIU and he told me
that I 
> had been really stupid because I would have then been already
> instead of whatever it seems I am. And then he threw up in my car as
I drove 
> him home.
> That doesn't mean he wasn't enlightened. But at least I had
ibuprofen for my 
> hangover.
> Seems that most gurus teach accepting your money before your
> I admit last year I went through two miscarriages, was still irking
> Katrina, still hadn't had a decent job that respected me, and I
spent all my 
> money on yajnas for mostly other people. In short, I had a nervous
> of sorts and I was quite insane for a few months, and really angry.
I really 
> wasn't able to function. The yajnas didn't help as the focus of
energy on me 
> made me unable to sleep for months and months.  During that time I
would nap 
> at times and have such esoteric dreams that I really thought I saw and 
> understood the entire future of the world. I understood everything.
I was 
> truely crazy.
> Now, I look back and have decided that I was nuts. I see this
craziness as 
> the starting point of most every religion. Institutionalized
craziness. Has 
> nothing to do with a God or not. It's all human based. Bullshit. All
that we 
> believe is based in bullshit. It's the lack of beliefs that is
closest to 
> truth.
> When the mind is stopped and just where you are then that's what is.
All the 
> rest is fucking bullshit.
> I am sad to say that includes Dzogchen, TM, Christism, Jues, Jains,
and all 
> the rest. It's all bullshit. Totally, irrevocably, and finally.
There is no 
> truth. But the lack thereof.
I'm sorry man. 
I can't imagine what it must be like.
I wish you strength and courage.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Without God

2008-02-29 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cause and effect certainly applies to adharmic behavior and dharmic
> behavior. The results of adharmic behavior is suffering. The result of
> dharmic behavior is happiness. It seems quite obvious to me.
This notion is greatly supported throughout the Ancient Texts.
This adharmic thinking is really a sign of Kali Yuga.
No one is to blame.
Vishnu's maya.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Without God

2008-02-29 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  It never ceases to amaze me how some people so easily dismiss
> > Paramatma [God] - as if somehow they think they are superior and can
> > ignore and bypass that central Divinity and those dharmic values in
> > their own lives with impunity.
> -It never ceases to amaze me how some people are not touched by the 
> constant tragedy of all those around them, and they merely shrug it
off like 
> it's "God's will."  What then isn't?  And if God's will includes
such horror 
> then God be damned. God has little value. You can't even cook an egg
> it. Worshipping God is like worshipping President Bush. For all the
value in 
> ones life. Or like a flea worshipping a dog.  Pointless. In fact the
> which makes the most noise gets the paw.

You complain about your life being in the shitter.
By the attitude you present here, is it any wonder?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fuck God

2008-02-21 Thread netineti3

The scriptures I read talk of a forgiving all compassionate God.
Humans create their own karma. Where does it say otherwise.
Where does it say Almighty God has a preference one way or another?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> Yes, but you said it.
> Everytime we open our mouth isn't the karmic wheel further engaged?
> Munis understand this and don't speak unless spoken to, if at all.
> Yeah cuz as we know from the world's scriptures, the creator is kind
> of a vindictive prick and doesn't even show the compassion and
> understanding of the guy I sit next to on the bus.  Remember he/she is
> the one who created animals to eat each other alive.  He/she PREFERRED
> it that way.
> Om Shanti
> Is that Kung Fu for "I'm afraid of imaginary things?"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
> > >
> > > I didn't really mean it. But what I did mean was that that's how we
> > all act across most of the whole world. We need to take the
> > commandments and make them work such as love thy neighbor. If you
> > can't even love your neighbor, maybe saying fuck them all the time,
> > then one cannot love Gkod personally. But I do mean this to include
> > the whole planet and those who profess to lead. You act like you hate
> > the Creation, thus you must hate the Creatrix. Poluting, never
> > allowing new and better, just new and 'improved.' So anyway I just
> > wanted to clarify. I mean why cannot the three richest people just
> > start opening hospitals across the entire globe, for free. We need to
> > reverse engineer polution. What does that mean, trees?  More parks.
> > One can't swindle others and say they have care for a Creator. So in
> > that way I said what I said. Fact is that if there's a Creator she
> > sees everything.  I doubt all these people who say they believe in God
> > mean it much if at all.
> > >
> > 
> > Yes, but you said it.
> > 
> > Everytime we open our mouth isn't the karmic wheel further engaged?
> > Munis understand this and don't speak unless spoken to, if at all.
> > 
> > Om Shanti
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: God

2008-02-21 Thread netineti3
Thank you for your, if not truly enlightening, but totally revealing
discourse of who you and what you are.
I'm really happy to know that someone knows how these things work.

Funny how Asuras think like this as well.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, in responding you have yet turned the wheel again.
> Your God is merely in your mind.
> For we are the Upaguru and none shall overtake us.
> I have seen Gods my whole life and I appreciate them probably more
than most 
> people.
> A bit too much. So I say, Fuck em, it's refreshing to think about
> else.
> I almost am certain they find the human delimma more interesting
than their 
> own worship.
> I seriously doubt they love kiss asses and suck ups.
> That's so religious.
> As Upa Guru your first rule is to Know Thyself.
> Not fear for hollow words.
> Not to worship, and waste needlessly.
> If you still like worshipping then fine.
> But not when others are starving.
> So not as first rule.
> Whatever that means.
> It just felt right to say.
> Fix the messes and leave the gods out of them.
> Then supplicate the Gods as Lovers.
> Or better yet, see everything as their reflection.
> And make nekkid love with them watching through you.
> I ask them if they are harmed by my words and they tell me no.
> So I don't have to argue with you.
> The few times I have said fuck em are
> more than made up for in countless japas.
> You can't see the full potential because due to Uncertainty when you
> any perpendicular measurement the uncollapsed wavefront is measured
but not 
> still giving the whole picture. Best not to ever jump to conclusions. 
> Because then you collapse them, and if you're not careful you will
> vritti and new samsara. Based in mistaken intellect. Even in this.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "netineti3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:15 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fuck God
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
> >>
> >> I didn't really mean it. But what I did mean was that that's how we
> > all act across most of the whole world. We need to take the
> > commandments and make them work such as love thy neighbor. If you
> > can't even love your neighbor, maybe saying fuck them all the time,
> > then one cannot love Gkod personally. But I do mean this to include
> > the whole planet and those who profess to lead. You act like you hate
> > the Creation, thus you must hate the Creatrix. Poluting, never
> > allowing new and better, just new and 'improved.' So anyway I just
> > wanted to clarify. I mean why cannot the three richest people just
> > start opening hospitals across the entire globe, for free. We need to
> > reverse engineer polution. What does that mean, trees?  More parks.
> > One can't swindle others and say they have care for a Creator. So in
> > that way I said what I said. Fact is that if there's a Creator she
> > sees everything.  I doubt all these people who say they believe in God
> > mean it much if at all.
> >>
> >
> > Yes, but you said it.
> >
> > Everytime we open our mouth isn't the karmic wheel further engaged?
> > Munis understand this and don't speak unless spoken to, if at all.
> >
> > Om Shanti
> >
> >
> >
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> >
> > Or go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!'
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fuck God

2008-02-21 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't really mean it. But what I did mean was that that's how we
all act across most of the whole world. We need to take the
commandments and make them work such as love thy neighbor. If you
can't even love your neighbor, maybe saying fuck them all the time,
then one cannot love Gkod personally. But I do mean this to include
the whole planet and those who profess to lead. You act like you hate
the Creation, thus you must hate the Creatrix. Poluting, never
allowing new and better, just new and 'improved.' So anyway I just
wanted to clarify. I mean why cannot the three richest people just
start opening hospitals across the entire globe, for free. We need to
reverse engineer polution. What does that mean, trees?  More parks.
One can't swindle others and say they have care for a Creator. So in
that way I said what I said. Fact is that if there's a Creator she
sees everything.  I doubt all these people who say they believe in God
mean it much if at all.

Yes, but you said it.

Everytime we open our mouth isn't the karmic wheel further engaged?
Munis understand this and don't speak unless spoken to, if at all.

Om Shanti

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-21 Thread netineti3

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wvosteen"  
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > On Feb 19, 2008, at 2:12 PM, netineti3 wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > We were told that TM was the fastest way to liberation.
> > > > > > > Where did this declaration come from?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The TM PR machine.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Maharishi said this himself which I saw on some video during 
> > > > phase ! 
> > > > > of TTC. If I remember correctly he said TM was a jet plane 
> to 
> > > > > enlightenment. This was a response to someone referring to 
> Kriya 
> > > > yoga 
> > > > > as the airplane to enlightenment.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Please correct me if I don't have this quite right, its been 
> over 
> > > > 30 
> > > > > years.
> > > > >
> > > > kriya yoga = propeller plane, TM = jet plane, TM-Siddhis = 
> rocket 
> > > > ship.
> > > 
> > > :-)
> > >
> > That man who said "Give me a Million and you'll get enlightenment."
> > That man who contradicted Patanjali's own text.
> > Siddhis don't bring enlightenment. 
> > Believing it doesn't make it right.
> >

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> believing it doesn't make it shit. experience is the only proof, 
> ever.

How valid is experience, really?
Isn't it tainted with all vasanas and samskaras.
Experience could be the shite
in the end.

Who knows?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-21 Thread netineti3

> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sticheau"  wrote:
> > 

> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Dude, you need an Advanced Technique ($3,000)!
> > >
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3  wrote:

> > I had a few of them, the last one was $300 and I thought that was
> > outrageous.
> > 
> > A real Guru would not ask a penny for such knowledge.
> > > > Harih Om Tat Sat

> >
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) MMY never claimed to be a guru in that sense.
> 2) leaving aside allegations of corruption (is any large
organization immune to that?), the 
> money goes to pay for programs of development, not personal gain. Of
course, you might 
> think that MMY was al about the ego, and that is your right, but it
seems a superficial 
> evaluation of him, to me.
> Lawson

Where did I ever suggest anything about ego?
Other than the evidence lies in the fact that basically all the
various branches of Veda were renamed and trademarked with the name
My evaluations are based on what scripture says about selling Veda.

I was overjoyed for years.

Nobody here can know the extent of karmic results from all this.

I only pray to be forgiven for any mistakes I made, to see the path
clearly and that Mother Goddess as Guru light the way.

Jai Sri Mata

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-20 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wvosteen"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > On Feb 19, 2008, at 2:12 PM, netineti3 wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > We were told that TM was the fastest way to liberation.
> > > > > Where did this declaration come from?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The TM PR machine.
> > > 
> > > Maharishi said this himself which I saw on some video during 
> > phase ! 
> > > of TTC. If I remember correctly he said TM was a jet plane to 
> > > enlightenment. This was a response to someone referring to Kriya 
> > yoga 
> > > as the airplane to enlightenment.
> > > 
> > > Please correct me if I don't have this quite right, its been over 
> > 30 
> > > years.
> > >
> > kriya yoga = propeller plane, TM = jet plane, TM-Siddhis = rocket 
> > ship.
> :-)
That man who said "Give me a Million and you'll get enlightenment."
That man who contradicted Patanjali's own text.
Siddhis don't bring enlightenment. 
Believing it doesn't make it right.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "When people call themselves brahman . . ."

2008-02-20 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some people say, "Fuck you Kirk," I say, "Fuck you God."  Thus two
> merge to grow stronger. Instead of fighting. This is tantra. Not for
> mentally weak. Goddess can take it.

This notion of cursing God...
Where do you find any scriptural support for your statement?
Or is this just your feeling?
Where in Sri Vidya would it reveal that this attitude gets you
anywhere but thrown into Hell?
Dark Tantra maybe but not one that Mother Goddess will show Her light.

Dangerous territory you walk. IMO

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yet in Sri Vidya the sidhis are but the outer courtyard. 
>   - Original Message - 

Trilokya Mohana Chakram, Yes..it attracts everyone in the universe.
But we must pass through it and the others, each increasingly more
beautiful in order to achieve Mother's Grace.

Jai Sri Mata!

>   From: Vaj 
>   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:38 PM
>   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Mostly lurking with a question
>   On Feb 19, 2008, at 2:12 PM, netineti3 wrote:
> From my view, nothing we were told has any basis of scriptural
> foundation. Little is mentioned in this forum of those shastras.
> Most of the opinions given are just musings of the egoistic mind and
> have no basis in what is Truth.
> Do people seek siddhis for power? 
> If so, this is a quality of Asuras, demons.
> They don't bring enlightenment according to Patanjali.
>   Exactly--and this is also an almost unanimous declaration from
yogic texts. In fact, the primary text on Enlightenment up to this
very day in the Shank. tradition says this as well--which it also adds
that one will never attain even CC if one uses the samyama siddhi
formulae, esp. yogic flying! So clearly this has no basis in the
tradition of enlightenment coming from Shankara.
>   "Knowledge of Cosmic Consciousness" (jiivanmuktiviveka)
>   5. "The Renunciation of the Knower"
>   5.1 The Path of the Paramahamsa Yogins
>   5.1.4. The two terms ("paramahamsa" and "yogin") are used together
in order to exclude someone who is only a yogin and someone who is a
paramahamsa. Someone who is only a yogin is a person who, because of
his lack of the knowledge of truth, is attached to amazing feats of
yogic power, such as knowing the past, present, and future, yogic
flying, etc., and has made efforts toward this or that (siddhi) with
the various samyama formulae.  Consequently he becomes separated from
the highest aim of human existence, Cosmic Consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3


> >
> > 
> > On Feb 19, 2008, at 2:12 PM, netineti3 wrote:
> > 
> > > From my view, nothing we were told has any basis of scriptural
> > > foundation. Little is mentioned in this forum of those shastras.
> > > Most of the opinions given are just musings of the egoistic mind 
> and
> > > have no basis in what is Truth.
> > >
> > > Do people seek siddhis for power?
> > > If so, this is a quality of Asuras, demons.
> > > They don't bring enlightenment according to Patanjali.
> > 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> > Exactly--and this is also an almost unanimous declaration from 
> yogic  
> > texts. In fact, the primary text on Enlightenment up to this very 
> day  
> > in the Shank. tradition says this as well--which it also adds that 
> one  
> > will never attain even CC if one uses the samyama siddhi 
> formulae,  
> > esp. yogic flying! So clearly this has no basis in the tradition 
> of  
> > enlightenment coming from Shankara.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's really weird, *if* Vyaasa, the famous commentator
> of Yoga-suutras is Krishna Dvaipaayana aka Baadaraayana,
> the "writer" of vedaanta-suutras (aka brahma-suutras, shaariiraka-
> suutras.)

As well as the Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam,18 puranas, and more..

IF I'm not mistaken, chiranjivi Vyasa as Vishnu has taken about 27
incarnations in the various kalpas. Each with a different name
depending on the time. I can't remember which text I recently read
that He said this was His 27th Vyasa.

[FairfieldLife] Siddhis, sanyama, dharana, dhyana...From a post years ago.

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3
I knew there had been something posted in this group years ago about
Patanjali and Siddhis, so I did a search and found this #6457 posted
by in 2003.

It is long, but rich. It looks as though some symbols didn't translate
well in formatting.

Vibhuti Yoga
By Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

The world exists, doesn't it? To be more precise, it appears as though
it exists. What is this world? It is the existence or appearance of
existence of objects with form and without form. Among these objects,
some appear very predominant and special. These are Vibhutis.
"Visheshena bhavati Vibhuti."

But to whom do these special objects appear? To answer this question,
another question needs to be answered. Does this world appear similar
to everyone? A fruit that is very tasty to someone may be absolutely
unpalatable to another. A child who appears very beautiful to the
mother may look ugly to others. Can we say then that this world
appears similar to two persons? No. We cannot say
that. Therefore, those objects that appear very special are also
innumerable. They themselves are different ?Vibhutis? (specialties).
If a person has the knowledge of time?past, present and future?it may
appear very great to him. To him it is ?Vibhuti.? But how to achieve
this knowledge? If he is able to know how and why that knowledge is
special to him, then he will come to understand
the means to achieve it.

?If any object becomes dear to a person, then he will fall into the
vicious wheel of sanga-kama-krodha-sammoha-smriti-bhramsha-buddhi
nasha and vinasha,? declares Gitacharya. Among these, sanga is
important. Sanga is a mental activity, not physical. Sanga is fickle
nature. It flies from one object to another.

Due to the intensity of moha, sometimes the vagaries of mind reduce on
their own concentration. A child crying for its mother will become
quiet as soon as it sees her. But after a while, it starts looking in
all directions. On the other hand, it is also possible to control the
vagaries of mind with the help of the discriminative mind. Dharana and
dhyana are the names given to different levels of controlling the mind.

Let it be so. What is your name? Same it is Ramayya. You are an
officer. It is your nature to be strict. You are a very tall person.
Your characteristics can be explained in various similar ways. But in
reality ?you? are different from all the above-mentioned traits. This
fact applies to all objects in the world. Being able to concentrate on
this inner phenomena (and not on the external appearance) is called
samadhi. This is the clue to vibhuti sadhana.

It is now clear that dharana and dhyana depend on the external
characteristics of an object, while samadhi is concerned with the
?internal? principle of the object. Therefore, it seems that these
three aspects?dharana, dhyana and samadhi?cannot coexist. But by the
power of sadhana these three can be achieved at the same time. This is
called ?samyama.?

Love or hatred for objects is on account of their external appearance
and the fruits they give. But once samyama sets in, objects hitherto
appearing in different forms start appearing in their tattvic form
(innate principle). Then the oneness that is common to all the objects
is experienced. As dharana and dhyana also coexist, the diversity of
the objects is also experienced. To put it in a nutshell, unity amidst
diversity will come to be experienced. This state is called ?prajna.?
Prajna means ?prahasta jnana? (knowledge of the superior order). After
achieving prajna, when one looks at the objects (through the eye of
prajna), every object in this creation starts exhibiting an existence
of a higher order. This specialty is not on account of the desire for
the object. Instead, it is due to the experience of its innate
principle. Hence this is the real specialty. This alone is the
?Vibhuti? explained in Yoga Shastra.

If samyama is achieved on any specific object (with form or without
form), a specific vibhuti sets in. Patanjali has listed some of them
in his yoga sutras.
If one achieves samyama on the sun, knowledge of the 14 worlds will be
By concentrating on the ?nabhi? (navel), the secret of the body
structure will be known. There are more examples of samyama on objects
with form in Patanjali?s yoga sutras.

An object has different names in different languages. That means
different sounds indicate the same object to different persons. The
same object is distinguished as different sounds to different people.
It is because of symbolizing an object with a sound and vice versa
that language came into existence. Due to the diversity of samskaras
of speakers, different languages take birth. On account of this,
confusion is created in the relation between the sound and the object.
If one achieves samyama on this, one will be able to understand the
speech of all the beings. This shows how difficult and complicated it
is to achieve samyama on objects without form.

In the Puranas we come across stories about

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev "...they have no concern for what is wicked and what is sacred"

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The way of the group of those who believe in nirguNa [without
> qualities alone] spread more wickedness because these people do not
> accept the manifest form of Bhagavan [God] and suppose that the
> niraakaara [formless] cannot see or hear. 
> So they do their mind's desires; they have no concern for what is
> wicked and what is sacred.
> =
> 'For the welfare of saadhu and for the destruction of the wicked I am
> manifest and for the estsablishment of dharma I am manifest.'
> ~Bhagavad Gita 4:8
> By the word "saadhu" don't understand it to be the ones who have
> red-brown tilaka marking or maalaa of beads around the neck. The
> meaning of the word "saadhu" is 'good', the person who has a good
> disposition that man exists as a saadhu, that man accepts the code of
> conduct of the Veda shaastra, whose faith is in tending his own
> religion. Really for the welfare of them Bhagavan becomes the avataara
> (incarnation).
> ~~  Swami Brahmananda Saraswati - Guru Dev
> [Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 88 of 108]
> http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/UA_Hindi.htm#kaNa_88

All this is so Beautiful.

" So they do their mind's desires; they have no concern for what is
wicked and what is sacred."

This is typical of Asura's tendencies.
I have known it well.

The Asura, Prahlada was a great devotee of Vishnu.
It was for him that Nrsimha Avatara manifested.

Harih Om Tat Sat

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anyone here actually think that any of the Indian clan even do TM?

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > If you were a member of the Shrivastava or Varma family and living in 
> > India and were raking in all that dough over the past 30 years, you 
> > would, of course, view the Westerners in the TMO as the biggest 
> > suckers aournd.
> > 
> > Fools.  Rubes.  Easy touches.
> > 
> > Touched in the head.
> > 
> > Therefore, would you yourself actually meditate?  I mean, wouldn't 
> > you just natually associate doing TM with having a weak mind?
> > 
> > In all likelihood, you would run from TM like the plague...and if you 
> > were a parent, you would probably take your children aside at around 
> > age 8 or 9 and explain to them that it's all right for the outside 
> > world and especially any wide-eyed white people you may come into 
> > contact with to think you meditate, but you really shouldn't actually 
> > do it.  Pretend to do it but it's not really for us.
> > 
> > I mean, what other course of action could members of Maharishi's 
> > family actually come to if they had any common sense?
> >
> The whole relationship between MMY's family and the TMOs is a big
> mystery as far as I can tell.  
> You have stories like Rick's pundit story.  Stories about suitcases of
> cash.  The basic mystery of how much money there is and where is it.  
> I want to read MMY's will. 
> I want to know how much the king and the rajas know about the family.
> I want the TMO to be up front about finances even if it is
> inconsistent with TMO culture and king culture and obviously, MMY
> family culture.
> I want to know where the money went.
> I want to know who pays the family members and how much.
> I want to know if the family meditates.   
> I want to know if the family manipulated MMY and in what ways.
> I want to know if the rajas, ministers and king Tony meditate and what
> is their program.
> I want to know if any woman ever wanted to take the raja course.  Damn
> I wish I could have applied without jeopardizing my career. (I
> wouldn't have actually spent the money, but I would have liked to see
> how far I could have taken it.)
> I want to know how many pundits there are and what it costs to
> maintain the "pundit force." 
> I want a list of every TMO, whether it is a profit or non-profit,
> whether it is a US or foreign entity, who are the owners, who are in
> control, and who gets paid and how much. I want a copy of their
> balance sheet and want to know every asset they own or ever owned. 
> I want an audit.
What about gaining the Grace of the Almighty?
That may be easier to achieve.
Why not ask for it?

[FairfieldLife] Mostly lurking with a question

2008-02-19 Thread netineti3

I have been lurking since the passing, from time to time as such allows. 

I used to live in FF for many years and involved with the TMO since
1971. I had a great intitation experience and became a
teacher/governor 1974-1976. Sidhi course. (no siddhis)
Travelled in various capacities..World peace project, Phillipines,
Rhode Island, Wash. D.C.. I know of some posting here.

I mentioned before that I have become a NTB.

We were told that TM was the fastest way to liberation.
Where did this declaration come from?

Who believes that the man who started this movement was actually a
What did he do that would make him such?

Much is written here that really amazes me and truly indicates the
effects of the TM movement which we were told is from the Sankara
Where did Sankara suggest anything that we were told by this
apparently realized being? Not a satguru. 
He himself said I am not a personal guru. 
How could he be a satguru then? Guru Tattva is not this model.

>From my view, nothing we were told has any basis of scriptural
foundation. Little is mentioned in this forum of those shastras.
Most of the opinions given are just musings of the egoistic mind and
have no basis in what is Truth.

Do people seek siddhis for power? 
If so, this is a quality of Asuras, demons.
They don't bring enlightenment according to Patanjali.

Ravana was well versed and in total command of Veda. He was a great
devotee of Shiva and gained boons from Him.
Yet Ravana was a demon. Wanting only more and more. Especially of what
he could not have. It was his downfall.

Maharishi Kapila who was Vishnu incarnate, and the one who gave us
Sankhya Knowledge, when asked by His mother Devahuti about gaining
liberation from this samsara, said:
"No other way by which yogis may attain the Brahma is more easy and
auspicious that the way of devotion to the Exalted Lord, the Soul in
all that is."
"Only by that steadfastness of mind which is gained by concentrating
it on Me through intense and sustained dvotion can men in this world
achieve Moksha."Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 25.

In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says the same thing...Only through devotion
can one gain liberation.

Adi Sankara, whose name is invoked as the TMO tradition of Holy
Masters, says "Bhaja Govindam" Singing the names of the Lord
(namasankirtana) is the fastest way and the easiest road. Devotion to
Lord as Guru in "Guru Ashtakam" Many other works of His indicate devotion.

In verse 12 of "Sri Guru Gita", Lord Shiva continues to tell Parvati
Devi about false gurus...
"If one doesn't know the qualilty of Guru, all the ritualistic
practices, prayers, penances are useless"
 In the absence of knowledge of the quaility of Guru all other
knowledges lead but to ignorance, so they are called the agents of
illusion. Shiva says that those who are fond of them are petty minded.

When was any of this taught in the TMO?

Kali yuga isn't the best climate for gaining liberation through
meditation. Too much noise.

Krita yuga...Meditation
Treta yuga...Yagnas
Dvapara yuga..Bhakti
Kali yuga...Namsankirtana

In the little I have read in this group, little is spoken of prayer.
Little is heard of praising the Lord..Whatever name you wish to give.
Much is said about what all of this is.
Isn't most knowledge posted here referencing what was learned through TMO?

The effects of TMO manifest as much confusion, little Truth.

One thing those who spew the negative towards other can count on...
Your Karmic debt is one of bad tastes.

Moving to Fairfield was the best of my life to that time.
Leaving Fairfield was so freeing of the illusions we had been fed.
I am Grateful to have cleared the bowels of that waste.

I pray that those sincere seekers find their way.
There is a Light.

Harih Om Tat Sat


[FairfieldLife] Ravi Shankar NGO? Scam?

2008-02-13 Thread netineti3
Bait and Switch?

Seems he had a good teacher.


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art Of Living kicked off Sangam 2008 yesterday, a 
three-day All-India 
Summit for Environment. Using the "triple bottomline approach" (ecology, 
economy and 
technology), the confluence sought to bring together "multi-sectoral 
organisations (NGOs) on one common platform to develop practical solutions for 
most pressing environmental concerns."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who will be there to welcome him into heaven? Yama

2008-02-06 Thread netineti3

> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of netineti3
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 3:40 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who will be there to welcome him into heaven?

> First..
> Everyone must meet Yama the Lord of Death and his record keeper, Chitragupta
> before the 
> next destination is determined.
> It is this moment when accounts are tallied.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to Hindu legend. No one really knows.

Well how can we disbelieve what the Great Sage in the Holy Tradition, Veda 
Vyasa, Krishna 
Dvaipayana wrote in the Mahabharata when Dharmaraja incarnate, King Yudhisthira 
crossed over?

Who was there?


What greater definitive legend has been written, perhaps other than the 

Hari Krishna
Hari Ram

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who will be there to welcome him into heaven?

2008-02-06 Thread netineti3
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I imagine Charlie Lutes, with a scotch in his hand, and Doug Henning, 
> with a rabbit in his hat, standing at the pearly gates welcoming 
> Maharishi into heaven.

Everyone must meet Yama the Lord of Death and his record keeper, Chitragupta 
before the 
next destination is determined.
It is this moment when accounts are tallied.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi >>> invitation to india

2008-02-06 Thread netineti3

> Jai Guru Dev
> Benjamin Feldman
> Kubera
> Maharishi University of Management
> Station 24
> 6063NP
> The Netherlands


[FairfieldLife] Re: implode?

2008-02-06 Thread netineti3

Would anyone profer a guess on how long it will take?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netineti3  wrote:
> >
> > I can relate to your feelings royboy.
> > 
> > Why this organization will implode...
> Of course it will implode, it's like a stack of cards whose foundation
> has been compromised by pseudo science and pseudo Religion; it will be
> constantly torn between the two until it breaks  
> > The people who have been left to run it, don't have anyone to tell
> them what they should 
> > do. NOBODY did anything on their own accord. This mode of operation
> trickled down to 
> > the lowest on the totem pole. Anybody who had any sort of decision
> making power, such 
> > as those who approved dome badges, used this mercilessly.
> > 
> > THe moneyWho has the money?
> > Do you think Mahesh's family members really care about perpetuating
> this?
> > 
> > 
> > Even the greatest aren't immune.
> snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: tony nader and bevan are stupid, maharishi is not in heaven

2008-02-06 Thread netineti3
I can relate to your feelings royboy.

Why this organization will implode...

The people who have been left to run it, don't have anyone to tell them what 
they should 
do. NOBODY did anything on their own accord. This mode of operation trickled 
down to 
the lowest on the totem pole. Anybody who had any sort of decision making 
power, such 
as those who approved dome badges, used this mercilessly.

THe moneyWho has the money?
Do you think Mahesh's family members really care about perpetuating this?


Even the greatest aren't immune.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nadarrombus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i agree, in fact i have watched maharishi lie many times to promote
> his own agenda. now he has trained a group of liars in a sense. the
> tmo will never achieve until it purges the low ego sense of i lie to
> you for your own good just as i lie to myself. my real fulfillment
> came when i got honest about what an asshole liar i had become in the
> movement the purity of the teaching is a twisted concept to say
> the least...
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nadarrombus" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > maharishi is not in heaven, any sane person who has studied his
> > > knowledge knows that one of the goals of yoga is to stay away from
> > > heaven. you have to come back to earth after you burn your good karma
> > > in heaven. maharishi wrote about this in his translation of the gita.
> > > why does tony treat the situation as if he is talking to young
> > > children. it is as if the catholic church is burying a pope. maharishi
> > > had his limits in what he could achieve and the most obvious to me is
> > > the poor intelligence of the leaders he left behind. fortunately
> > > humanity is   surely going to have to evolve beyond the illusion of
> > > leadership. not only do we not need these strange ego personalities
> > > and their delusions but they hold back real peace and fulfillment.
> > > individual independence of conscious awareness has always been
> > > manipulated in this way. treat others as ignorant children for their
> > > own good. it is obvious that the leaders of the tmo fall flat of their
> > > stupid faces when they perform and that is just a shame. i love you
> > > maharishi but you sure did attract some creepy garbage. not that your
> > > listening to me from heaven. by the way the vedic descriptions of
> > > heaven are of a seemingly endless music and sex orgy party. so tony
> > > thanks for that fantasy, maharishi in your mind is getting his groove
> > > on with the celestial nymphs!!???
> > 
> > You can only blame MMY for their stupidity! They're Yoga dummies! MMY
> > couldn't afford to teach real Yoga, he would have had to compromise
> > his "Thru the window of *science* we see the dawn of the Age of
> > Enlightenment" dream! 
> > 
> > Science can only teach true Religion (Sanatana Dharma) so far and then
> > you fall head long into Religion...the real home of Yoga, from which
> > it is best taught and understood!  So be it, many benefited none the
> less!
> >


2008-02-06 Thread netineti3
 "is welcomed with open arms into Heaven"

This is the greatest bunch of shite!

To think anyone here knows what has happened to Mahesh Yogi!
To ignore the tenets of the Veda which he used to perpetuate a huge marketing 
To believe that enlightenment comes from achieving siddhis is truly a lie that 
only the 
ignorant would jump at.
Patanjali himself said that once one had the siddhis available to him, if he 
sought to 
utilize them, he would fall from Yoga.


I thought to include this:

The Vedas prohibit the sale of God in any form. It says: O mighty Lord of 
wealth, I will not sell thee for any price (RV 8.01.05). The role of a guru is 
that of a guide 
and a giver, and not of a taker. Before accepting a human guru, one must first 
have — or 
develop — full faith in the guru, and leave the human frailties of the guru out 
consideration; take the pearls of wisdom and throw away the oyster shells. If 
this is not 
possible, it should be remembered that the word guru also means the light of 
knowledge that dispels ignorance and delusion; and the light comes — 
automatically — 
from the Supreme Being, the internal guru, when one's mind is purified by 
service, spiritual practice, and surrender. 
There are four categories of gurus: A false guru, guru, realized guru, and the 
divine guru. 
In this age too many false gurus are coming to teach, or just give a mantra, 
for a price. 
These false gurus are the merchants of mantra. They take money from disciples 
to fulfill 
their personal material needs without giving the true knowledge of the Supreme 
Jesus also said: Watch out for false prophets; they come to you looking like 
sheep on the 
outside, but they are really like wild wolves on the inside (Matthew 7.15). 
Saint Tulasidasa 
said that a guru, who takes money from the disciples and does not remove their 
ignorance, goes to hell (TR 7.98.04). A guru is the one who imparts true 
knowledge and 
complete understanding of the Absolute and temporal. A realized guru is a 
master mentioned in this verse here. A realized guru helps the devotee maintain 
consciousness all the time by his or her own vested spiritual power.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For Immediate Release 
> February 6, 2008  Contact: Robert Roth
> +1-641-470-1344
> With his life's work complete,
> His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> "is welcomed with open arms into Heaven" 


[FairfieldLife] The passing of Mahesh Yogi

2008-02-05 Thread netineti3
Having just heard of this...I find myself in somewhat of a daze about what has 
happened these past 37 years.

The western culture really embraced the message of this man in almost messianic 
proportions; me being one of them, until some years back. Since delving into 
Puranas and 
other shastric materials, I have become a TNB in the TMO.

Yes Mahesh Yogi was my first teacher and opened the field of the Absolute to me.
I am grateful I had the opportunity to become a teacher and travel the world 
and the U.S.
I met many compatriots in the cause and forged many bonds.
I bought into the whole shebang of what was being taught as the HIghest 
available, only to come to this point where it doesn't fit the ancients' 
How can we truly know what sort of ride that we have been taken?
Because we believe in it doesn't make it Truth.

The message was simple, and seemingly effective in practice.
Yet once the Merv Griffin wave in the created huge sums of $$, then paranoia 
set in and 
then the siddhis. Then trademarking so called Vedic businesses, charging huge 
sums of 
cash to learn Meditation. Aren't the scriptures clear on this? Greed gets the 
best of them.
Yet so many have chosen to ignore historical markers.

Our ignorance proved to be a great opportunity for a man of questionable caste 
taking the 
persona of a Maharishi.

Deluded so deeply in what we had been told of a Holy Tradition, yet choosing to 
to refer to one as a Maharishi who couldn't chant Veda. Isn't a Rishi one who 
spontaneously chant Veda? Then What about a Maha Rishi?
Very few have been given this name throughout history.
The Holy Tradition as it exists holds to the shastras.
Sri Brahmananda Saraswati would have had nothing to do with this sort of 
Yet it has all been in his name. This seems disgraceful, yet I don't know.
ultimately we are just puppets in the Divine Play.
I heard that in Kali Yuga Untruth is preached as Truth and Truth as Untruth.
If this is true, wouldn't this TMO play be pivotal in that?

Ram Raj? What a joke.
How long before this house of cards, with its cartoon characters falls?

The wise grieve neither for the living nor the dead.

What has passed? Someday maybe it will become clear just who this man was
who said "Give me a Million bucks and you will get enlightened."
Then wouldn't let me in the same room with him.
That is how much he cared.

The good thing for Mahesh Yogi is that he merged after Makara Sankranti when 
he sun moves from Dakshanayanam to Uttaryanam.
He too was just a pawn in Krishna's play.

Am I lying?

I'm truly not wishing to be disrespectful, nor do I have ill will.

I took the steps. Each one. Learning along the way.

Jaya Guru Deva

May He show everyone that shining light.