Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-30 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
He’s been doing that a lot lately.  "Observers would not that we “  "It mostly 
all just joshing” 
And the other day, “the Sanders,” probably my personal fave so far.

Clearly, the election is getting to Bhairitu in ways he’s probably not even 
aware of.


On Oct 30, 2016, at 4:01 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

"Whhat we haave here..."

---In , 
 wrote :

Observers would not that we have a group here who can dish it out but can't 
seem to take the "back at ya's".  It mostly all just joshing anyway.

On 10/30/2016 05:54 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
> It would seem that some people are more susceptible to running with baited 
> hooks than others.  Certainly that is why Yahoo-groups does have some 
> guidelines for civil discourse in its groups.   
> I felt there was some fair advice offered by one of our authors here in one 
> of these recent mundane political threads which then even its author proved 
> unable to follow descending beyond the simple spiritual consideration of 
> content into the belittling name-calling of others on the forum.  
> out of control again. It's happened before. If the moderator won't stop 
> him, the rest of us should maybe just quit posting for awhile and leave him 
> here alone until he calms down, or (hopefully) goes somewhere else. He has 
> some kind of compulsion to ruin the forum when he's in a manic phase, and he 
> will if we let him.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> ---In , 
> ! t;olliesedwuz@...> wrote :
> as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
> care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
> Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
> saint. 
> True enough. This is all part and parcel of the same old, same old. The 
> timing sucks but it will all amount to a hill of beans. Drumpf was having an 
> orgasm (hideous image) while gloating all over the non-fact that Hillary is 
> crooked and his demented crowd were in a lather yelling "Lock her up" in a 
> kind of rabid frenzy. But I think this is, as they say, a nothing burger. 
> We'll all see. The FBI are just covering their asses so they are not accused 
> of non-transparency in case there is actually something implicating Hillary 
> in Small Weiner's emails.
> ---In , 
>   wrote :
> Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
> October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-30 Thread anon_alias
Maybe he got confused, but at any rate you should not be attempting to limit 
the scope of the discussions on FFL and belittling and name calling - trying to 
get the other informants shun me because you don't agree with what I posted. 

And, for some weird reason, you seem to be afraid to use my name. Go figure.
---In,  wrote :

 No, he was referring to my post (in blue) about anon_alias/ yogi_dude. For 
some very weird reason, Doug is afraid to use my name or my handle. 

 And I have no idea why he included quotes from you, Ollie, and Mike from an 
entirely different, and much more recent, thread.

 ---In,  wrote :

 If you are referring to my post in purple below you will notice not a single 
mention was made of anyone on this forum - unless, of course, Anthony Weiner is 
a member or, God forbid, Donald small hands Drumpf.
---In,  wrote :

 It would seem that some people are more susceptible to running with baited 
hooks than others. Certainly that is why Yahoo-groups does have some guidelines 
for civil discourse in its groups.I felt there was some fair advice offered 
by one of our authors here in one of these recent mundane political threads 
which then even its author proved unable to follow descending beyond the simple 
spiritual consideration of content into the belittling name-calling of others 
on the forum. out of control again. It's happened before. If the moderator won't stop 
him, the rest of us should maybe just quit posting for awhile and leave him 
here alone until he calms down, or (hopefully) goes somewhere else. He has some 
kind of compulsion to ruin the forum when he's in a manic phase, and he will if 
we let him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It would seem that some people are more susceptible to running with baited 
hooks than others. Certainly that is why Yahoo-groups does have some guidelines 
for civil discourse in its groups.   
 I felt there was some fair advice offered by one of our authors here in one of 
these recent mundane political threads which then even its author proved unable 
to follow descending beyond the simple spiritual consideration of content into 
the belittling name-calling of others on the forum. 

 If you are referring to my post in purple below you will notice not a single 
mention was made of anyone on this forum - unless, of course, Anthony Weiner is 
a member or, God forbid, Donald small hands Drumpf. out of control again. It's happened before. If the moderator won't stop 
him, the rest of us should maybe just quit posting for awhile and leave him 
here alone until he calms down, or (hopefully) goes somewhere else. He has some 
kind of compulsion to ruin the forum when he's in a manic phase, and he will if 
we let him.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 

 True enough. This is all part and parcel of the same old, same old. The timing 
sucks but it will all amount to a hill of beans. Drumpf was having an orgasm 
(hideous image) while gloating all over the non-fact that Hillary is crooked 
and his demented crowd were in a lather yelling "Lock her up" in a kind of 
rabid frenzy. But I think this is, as they say, a nothing burger. We'll all 
see. The FBI are just covering their asses so they are not accused of 
non-transparency in case there is actually something implicating Hillary in 
Small Weiner's emails.
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, that's what Bhairitu and I were discussing. My point was that the 
new-emails story was not your traditional news dump, for several reasons that I 
explained to Bhairitu at some length. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Releasing a political story on a Friday is known as a news dump.

Sorking wrote an episode of the West Wing about how this was a strategy to hide 
big stories by releasing them at a time when folks are concerned with movies 
and ball games or that it gets buried in a deluge of many stories.

Take Out the Trash Day
 Take Out the Trash Day 
"Previously on the West Wing" spoken by Sam "Take out the Trash Day" is the 
thirteenth episode of the first season of the West Wing.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread ultrarishi
Releasing a political story on a Friday is known as a news dump.

Sorking wrote an episode of the West Wing about how this was a strategy to hide 
big stories by releasing them at a time when folks are concerned with movies 
and ball games or that it gets buried in a deluge of many stories.

Take Out the Trash Day 
 Take Out the Trash Day 
"Previously on the West Wing" spoken by Sam "Take out the Trash Day" is the 
thirteenth episode of the first season of the West Wing.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread anon_alias
It's a Potemkin Village all the way down!
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/29/2016 01:02 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You ain't no competition, sweetie, believe me.

(Unbelievable. He's still holding on to his "alt right" mistake. And 
pretending he hasn't been pushing the notion that Trump will win the 

And yes, I've listened to/watched/read quite a bit of alternative 
media--more than enough to know most of it is crackpot.

What an intelligent analysis and in-depth analysis by our resident 
political expert.  What is "quite a bit" and what is "crackpot", anyone 
who doesn't agree with you?

---In,  wrote :

Remember, folks, Judy is the knowledgeable, objective political expert 
who wants you to look to her as your expert expert in political 
affairs.  She doesn't like any competition here.

On 10/29/2016 10:47 AM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective
political expert who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard,
unimpeachable evidence to the contrary--that Clinton invented the
term "alt right" and that it refers to "alternative media" rather
than a fringe political movement.

*Wow! What a trivial thing to bring up.  I would even suppose that
if you dig around enough someone maybe in the 19th century might
have used the term "alt right".  The "alternative media" is the
term used by the non-mainsteam media. Alt-Right sounds like a
keyboard command.

I bet you have not listened to one minute of the alternative
media.  You are probably afraid they will turn you into a turnip.


Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the
election with the utmost seriousness.

My opinion was stated the other day in a post:
"we will know on November 9th".  Please try to keep up.

 wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people
out there who think trump is going to win. Astonishing.
Pissing into the wind.

 wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the
emails. They have to get a court order before they can read
them. It's entirely possible that some or all of the emails
are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession from
other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and
Republicans like Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have
found sensational emails proving Clinton's guilt or they
wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the
election, they are not telling the truth.

 wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the
open. Why should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or
suggest grabbing someone's genitals. Compared to that orange
sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a saint.

 wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You ain't no competition, sweetie, believe me. 

 (Unbelievable. He's still holding on to his "alt right" mistake. And 
pretending he hasn't been pushing the notion that Trump will win the election.)

 And yes, I've listened to/watched/read quite a bit of alternative media--more 
than enough to know most of it is crackpot.


 ---In,  wrote :

 Remember, folks, Judy is the knowledgeable, objective political expert who 
wants you to look to her as your expert expert in political affairs.  She 
doesn't like any competition here.
 On 10/29/2016 10:47 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political expert 
who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable evidence to the 
contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" and that it refers to 
"alternative media" rather than a fringe political movement.

 Wow! What a trivial thing to bring up.  I would even suppose that if you dig 
around enough someone maybe in the 19th century might have used the term "alt 
right".  The "alternative media" is the term used by the non-mainsteam media. 
Alt-Right sounds like a keyboard command.
 I bet you have not listened to one minute of the alternative media.  You are 
probably afraid they will turn you into a turnip.
 Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election with the 
utmost seriousness.

 My opinion was stated the other day in a post: 
 "we will know on November 9th".  Please try to keep up.
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D
 Not that I'm any Trump fan.
 On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife] 

   It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there who 
think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.

 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have to 
get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that some 
or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession 
from other sources. 
 When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
they are not telling the truth.
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Remember, folks, Judy is the knowledgeable, objective political expert 
who wants you to look to her as your expert expert in political 
affairs.  She doesn't like any competition here.

On 10/29/2016 10:47 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political 
expert who insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable 
evidence to the contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" 
and that it refers to "alternative media" rather than a fringe 
political movement.

*Wow! What a trivial thing to bring up.  I would even suppose that if 
you dig around enough someone maybe in the 19th century might have used 
the term "alt right".  The "alternative media" is the term used by the 
non-mainsteam media. Alt-Right sounds like a keyboard command.

I bet you have not listened to one minute of the alternative media.  You 
are probably afraid they will turn you into a turnip.


Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election 
with the utmost seriousness.

My opinion was stated the other day in a post:
"we will know on November 9th".  Please try to keep up.

---In,  wrote :

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out
there who think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into
the wind.

 wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails.
They have to get a court order before they can read them. It's
entirely possible that some or all of the emails are duplicates
of those already in the FBI's possession from other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans
like Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational
emails proving Clinton's guilt or they wouldn't have made this
announcement so close to the election, they are not telling the

 wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why
should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing
someone's genitals. Compared to that orange sex offender and tax
cheat, she comes across like a saint.

 wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Remember, folks, Bhairitu is the knowledgeable, objective political expert who 
insists *to this day*--in the face of hard, unimpeachable evidence to the 
contrary--that Clinton invented the term "alt right" and that it refers to 
"alternative media" rather than a fringe political movement. 

 Clearly, we should take his opinion about who will win the election with the 
utmost seriousness.



 ---In,  wrote :

 The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D
 Not that I'm any Trump fan.
 On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife] 

   It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there who 
think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.

 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have to 
get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that some 
or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession 
from other sources. 
 When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
they are not telling the truth.
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, at the same time HRC is elected to her first term. This back and forth 
speculation on the election outcome is absurd, only generating more frustration 
and empty hopes for the trump supporters. 

Even those hoping for an antisocial and ego-trippy 'reset', as you are, will be 
sorely disappointed. This country is moving forward according to law, and 
emerging culture. The decaying world of the old white guys, the failed racists 
and sexists, is kaput. 

But please feel free to continue ranting and raving for your fantasy, until 
November 9th. After that, you will just sound like yesterday's news.
---In,  wrote :

 The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D
 Not that I'm any Trump fan.
 On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife] 

   It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there who 
think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.

 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have to 
get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that some 
or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession 
from other sources. 
 When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
they are not telling the truth.
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

The stuff you're smoking will soon become legal in California. :-D

Not that I'm any Trump fan.
On 10/29/2016 07:17 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there 
who think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.

---In,  wrote :

Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They 
have to get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely 
possible that some or all of the emails are duplicates of those 
already in the FBI's possession from other sources.

When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like 
Ryan and Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails 
proving Clinton's guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement 
so close to the election, they are not telling the truth.

---In,  wrote :

as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why 
should she care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing 
someone's genitals. Compared to that orange sex offender and tax 
cheat, she comes across like a saint.

---In,  wrote :

Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
October surprise

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread feste37
Unfortunately, even a nothingburger tastes good to those who only like to chew. 

---In,  wrote :

 The Trump faction and all the Hillary-haters sure will try to make it sound 
like that. But it's almost certainly yet another nothingburger. 

 A few facts not available on Drudge:

 --The FBI hasn't read the emails yet. They have to get a court order first. So 
they have no idea what's in them.

 --The investigation that was completed in July has not been "reopened."

 --The emails have nothing to do with Wikileaks or the Russian hackers.

 --According to a senior law enforcement official, there are no indications 
that these emails were withheld by Clinton, her campaign, or the State 

 --There are apparently no emails *from* Clinton; they're from Huma Abedin *to* 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is genuinely hard for me to believe that there are people out there who 
think trump is going to win. Astonishing. Pissing into the wind.
---In,  wrote :

 Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have to 
get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that some 
or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession 
from other sources. 

 When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
they are not telling the truth.



 ---In,  wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FWIW, a correction to my last point below: According to a detailed story in 
Newsweek, an official has said the emails aren't *either* from *or* to Clinton. 

 The Newsweek story is worth reading:

 The real reason the FBI is reviewing more of Hillary Clinton's Emails






 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The Trump faction and all the Hillary-haters sure will try to make it sound 
like that. But it's almost certainly yet another nothingburger. 

 A few facts not available on Drudge:

 --The FBI hasn't read the emails yet. They have to get a court order first. So 
they have no idea what's in them.

 --The investigation that was completed in July has not been "reopened."

 --The emails have nothing to do with Wikileaks or the Russian hackers.

 --According to a senior law enforcement official, there are no indications 
that these emails were withheld by Clinton, her campaign, or the State 

 --There are apparently no emails *from* Clinton; they're from Huma Abedin *to* 

 Thanks for clarifying what people like Mike are too lazy and knee-jerk in 
their jumping to wild conclusions to take the time to understand. He's like a 
typical Trump-like supporter (even thought he says he's not) who hear something 
and it becomes a steady chant in their heads "lock her up, lock her up" and 
their glassy eyes stare unseeing into the distance.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 The Trump faction and all the Hillary-haters sure will try to make it sound 
like that. But it's almost certainly yet another nothingburger. 

 A few facts not available on Drudge:

 --The FBI hasn't read the emails yet. They have to get a court order first. So 
they have no idea what's in them.

 --The investigation that was completed in July has not been "reopened."

 --The emails have nothing to do with Wikileaks or the Russian hackers.

 --According to a senior law enforcement official, there are no indications 
that these emails were withheld by Clinton, her campaign, or the State 

 --There are apparently no emails *from* Clinton; they're from Huma Abedin *to* 

 Thanks for clarifying what people like Mike are too lazy and knee-jerk in 
their jumping to wild conclusions to take the time to understand. He's like a 
typical Trump-like supporter (even thought he says he's not) who hear something 
and it becomes a steady chant in their heads "lock her up, lock her up" and 
their glassy eyes stare unseeing into the distance.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Just to reiterate: The FBI doesn't yet know what's in the emails. They have to 
get a court order before they can read them. It's entirely possible that some 
or all of the emails are duplicates of those already in the FBI's possession 
from other sources. 

 When the Clinton haters--Trump and his minions and Republicans like Ryan and 
Chaffetz--claim the FBI must have found sensational emails proving Clinton's 
guilt or they wouldn't have made this announcement so close to the election, 
they are not telling the truth.



 ---In,  wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Trump faction and all the Hillary-haters sure will try to make it sound 
like that. But it's almost certainly yet another nothingburger. 

 A few facts not available on Drudge:

 --The FBI hasn't read the emails yet. They have to get a court order first. So 
they have no idea what's in them.

 --The investigation that was completed in July has not been "reopened."

 --The emails have nothing to do with Wikileaks or the Russian hackers.

 --According to a senior law enforcement official, there are no indications 
that these emails were withheld by Clinton, her campaign, or the State 

 --There are apparently no emails *from* Clinton; they're from Huma Abedin *to* 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 

 True enough. This is all part and parcel of the same old, same old. The timing 
sucks but it will all amount to a hill of beans. Drumpf was having an orgasm 
(hideous image) while gloating all over the non-fact that Hillary is crooked 
and his demented crowd were in a lather yelling "Lock her up" in a kind of 
rabid frenzy. But I think this is, as they say, a nothing burger. We'll all 
see. The FBI are just covering their asses so they are not accused of 
non-transparency in case there is actually something implicating Hillary in 
Small Weiner's emails.
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Check-out Drudge Report now.

2016-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
as usual, it is a yawn - HRC says get it all out in the open. Why should she 
care? She doesn't hide her taxes, or suggest grabbing someone's genitals. 
Compared to that orange sex offender and tax cheat, she comes across like a 
---In,  wrote :

 Looks like the fit is hitting the shan!
 October surprise