[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-21 Thread TurquoiseB
I just *know* I'm gonna get flack for this,
but I just can't resist. It's like giving a
lifelong vaudeville comedian a straight line
and expecting him not to respond with a joke.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> Subject: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the 
> Global Country or World Peace

Why is it that this announcement feels so 
appropriate coming right on the heels of 
"women are only good for tempting men to
leave the spiritual path" JohnR talking 
about beauty contests?  :-)

> Following consultation with the ladies of Maharishi's 
> Mother Divine Program and the 21 Rajinis of Maharishi's 
> worldwide movement, His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja 
> Raam has announced the creation of two new groups of 
> ideal ladies to create enlightenment for all the world.

First wonderful buzzphrase -- "ideal ladies."

Call me sick, but I'm picturing a Barbie 
with no genitals dressed in a sari, walking
several paces behind a Ken doll dressed in
a white robe and wearing a crown.

> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration 
> of Vaisakhi Purnima of the Vedic Calendar...

This celebration will hopefully provide a
bit of a break for the hard-working Rajas
and Rajinis and Mothers Divine (more on this
buzzphrase later), in between telling heads
of school systems that TM is not a religion.

> ...His Majesty has proclaimed Vaisakhi Purnima as the 
> auspicious day of inauguration of Mother Divine Emerita 
> (MDE) and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> Peace (DD-GCWP).

Why do I suddenly have a vision of Sister
Aloysious from "Doubt?" And why does the
phrase "Old Nun's Club" suddenly spring to

> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid 
> cheers, applause, and the sounds of conches and ringing 
> bells...

The mind boggles at the things that Old Nuns
consider a "celebration."

> ...His Majesty announced: "It is a great joy to invite 
> current ladies of Mother Divine to join Mother Divine 
> Emerita and continue to sanctify the world with their 
> blessing. This invitation will be of particular interest 
> to our dear Mothers Divine...

"Mothers Divine?" Well, I guess it's better
than "Mother Divines." Can't be implying that
there could be more than one "Divine," can we?  :-)

> ...who have blessed the world for at least 15 years or 
> who are 35 years of age or older."

It IS an Old Nun's Club. 

I'm surprised there is not a "dryness test" 
as well as a "length of time test" as a 
criterion for membership.

> His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's 
> wish that the ladies of Maharishi's Mother Divine would 
> be granted the title of "Mother Divine Emerita"... 

Hold on here just a moment. "Granted?"

Doesn't that sorta imply that these "ladies"
are second-class citizens who can only be
"granted" things by their betters, the men?

And isn't "granting" these "ladies" a more
lofty title while keeping them far, far away
from the real reins of power in the TMO a lot
like "granting" your secretary the title of
"administrative assistant" while keeping her
a secretary, and at the same salary?  

> ...as a celebration of gratitude to their continuous 
> blessings on our worldwide movement and creating 
> Heaven on Earth. 

I'm curious as to how these "blessings" occur.
Is it the mechanism of not having sex that confers
the blessings, or some other mechanism? Curious
minds want to know.

> More details of this beautiful program will be announced 
> shortly. 

As soon as the men think them up and impose
them on the "ladies."

> In the meantime, all of our dear Mother Divine ladies 
> interested should please contact the Mother Divine 
> Emerita office at ap...@...

And we'll send you a printed-in-gold certificate
that you can hang in your cube saying that you
are now an administrative assistant, no longer
a secretary. Get me another coffee, will you 

> His Majesty also announced the creation of a beautiful 
> new program, Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> Peace, created especially for ladies everywhere who are 
> seeking true enlightenment – but who also wish to join 
> His Majesty and Their Excellencies, The 40 Rajas of our 
> Worldwide Movement, in perpetuating the administration 
> of Maharishi's Worldwide Movement and creating the 
> enlightened leaders of tomorrow for our beloved 
> Maharishi's Worldwide Movement. 

H. This sounds like a recruitment speech 
in high schools for "Virgins For Jesus" to me.

> According to His Majesty...

And you should believe him because he has a title,
just like you'll have if you join our new Virgins
For Vishnu Club...

> ...the goal of Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> Peace is to create a Royal Family of the Global Country 
> of World Peace to ensure enlightenment administration of 
> the world for all mankind for all generations. 

And to avoid becoming actual mothers by avoiding 
having sex.

> More details of this beautiful program will be announced 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-21 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> >
> > Subject: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the 
> > Global Country or World Peace
> > His Majesty also announced the creation of a beautiful 
> > new program, Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> > Peace, created especially for ladies everywhere who are 
> > seeking true enlightenment – 

> >but who also wish to join 
> > His Majesty and Their Excellencies, The 40 Rajas of our 
> > Worldwide Movement, in perpetuating the administration 
> > of Maharishi's Worldwide Movement and creating the 
> > enlightened leaders of tomorrow for our beloved 
> > Maharishi's Worldwide Movement. 

Think Queens. (No, not the rajas in full regalia!). Fresh young meat for the 
rajas to create and perpetuate the royal lineages.  Don't want any dried out 35 
year olds for that. And certainly not someone who has been on the MD program 
for 15 + years -- the rajas know they are Wacko. No, fresh young innocent 
things who will hang on every profound word uttered by the rajas in the 
magnificent Court of King Tony. Young, fresh vibrant -- with the abilities to 
enable the aging rajas rise to the occasion and usher in the experience of real 
Heaven on Earth -- in the act of perpetuating the divine and royal lines.  
There will be two groups -- the Queens and the Consorts -- the latter basically 
a scholarship program. The work your way into Heaven program for less 
fortunate, but highly endowed and greatly talented young ladies. And one of the 
greatest barriers to Heaven on Earth will soon be melting -- the prohibitions 
against multiple wives! Soon each raj may have Queens and Consorts up the wazzo 
--  (well unfortunate image there.) Be all that you can be for your King. The 
Court of King Tony just wants a few Good Ladies. Auditions starting at 8pm.

> H. This sounds like a recruitment speech 
> in high schools for "Virgins For Jesus" to me.
> > According to His Majesty...
> And you should believe him because he has a title,
> just like you'll have if you join our new Virgins
> For Vishnu Club...
> > ...the goal of Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> > Peace is to create a Royal Family of the Global Country 
> > of World Peace to ensure enlightenment administration of 
> > the world for all mankind for all generations. 
> And to avoid becoming actual mothers by avoiding 
> having sex.
> > More details of this beautiful program will be announced 
> > shortly. Please distribute this Royal Proclamation to 
> > all ladies. Given the nature of this program, this program 
> > is limited to ladies between 18 and 22 years of age.
> Ladies between 18 and 22 whose aspiration
> in life is to someday be "granted" member-
> ship in the Old Nun's Club by men.
> > In special cases, ladies as young as 15 years of age will 
> > be considered depending on their country of residence at 
> > the time of application.  
> Hell, Virgins For Vishnu will take you if
> you're 12 as long as you swear off sex and
> promise to walk at least three paces behind
> the Rajas at all times.
> > All interested ladies should know that their local Rajas 
> > are very, very excited about this program...
> Excited in a Good Way, that is...not that
> Bad Way that we're trying to save you from.
> > ...and are immediately available to personally answer 
> > all questions related to this beautiful program. 
> Possibly after hours, somewhere the Rajinis
> can't interrupt us. We promise not to ask you
> any embarrassing questions about gay marriage. :-)
> > If it is not immediately possible to speak with their 
> > local Raja, ladies are requested to contact the Divine 
> > Devi of the Global Country of World Peace office by 
> > email at urgent@ 
> In other words, if they can't find a MAN to
> talk to them about becoming a member of the
> Virgins For Vishnu Club, they can settle for
> the next best thing, talking to a member of
> the Old Nun's Club. 
> All I can say is, if this is the future that
> the men of the TM movement envision for women
> when "Heaven On Earth" dawns, I sure pity the
> women. Ooops. Ladies.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-21 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> > >
> > > His Majesty also announced the creation of a beautiful 
> > > new program, Divine Devi of the Global Country of World 
> > > Peace, created especially for ladies everywhere who are 
> > > seeking true enlightenment – but who also wish to join 
> > > His Majesty and Their Excellencies, The 40 Rajas of our 
> > > Worldwide Movement, in perpetuating the administration 
> > > of Maharishi's Worldwide Movement and creating the 
> > > enlightened leaders of tomorrow for our beloved 
> > > Maharishi's Worldwide Movement. 
> Think Queens. (No, not the rajas in full regalia!). Fresh 
> young meat for the rajas to create and perpetuate the royal 
> lineages.  

I have to admit, the wording here DID cause a
similar thought in me. Perhaps it was the "the
Rajas are all very excited about this program"
thang.  :-)

> Don't want any dried out 35 year olds for that. And certainly 
> not someone who has been on the MD program for 15 + years -- 
> the rajas know they are Wacko. No, fresh young innocent things 
> who will hang on every profound word uttered by the rajas in 
> the magnificent Court of King Tony. Young, fresh vibrant -- 
> with the abilities to enable the aging rajas rise to the 
> occasion and usher in the experience of real Heaven on Earth -- 
> in the act of perpetuating the divine and royal lines.  

There IS that. 

I posed the question of "succession" once before
on this forum, and no one addressed it. 

As far as I know, there is no plan in place for
who takes over when King Tony croaks...uh, I mean
passes over into the Divine Splendor of Brahma-
loka, where He will sit at the right hand of
Maharishi and look down on all the gods and

> There will be two groups -- the Queens and the Consorts -- the 
> latter basically a scholarship program. The work your way into 
> Heaven program for less fortunate, but highly endowed and 
> greatly talented young ladies. And one of the greatest barriers 
> to Heaven on Earth will soon be melting -- the prohibitions 
> against multiple wives! Soon each raj may have Queens and 
> Consorts up the wazzo --  (well unfortunate image there.) 

It would certainly make things more interesting. :-)

> Be all that you can be for your King. The Court of King Tony 
> just wants a few Good Ladies. Auditions starting at 8pm.

Having become a complete addict of the "Kings"
series on American TV, I can definitely see this

And I could see people here who have railed against
extramarital sex (or sex, period) for years switching
over and supporting it wholeheartedly, without missing
a beat.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-21 Thread grate . swan
OK, now that I read the actual proclamation, I see it is a spoof. Hard to out 
spoof a spoof. (unfortunate choice of words there.)

"this program is limited to ladies between 18 and 22 years of age.  In special 
cases, ladies as young as 15 years of age will be considered depending on their 
country of residence at the time of application." Uh, why would country of 
residence be important there? Hmmm.

> All interested ladies should know that their local Rajas are very, very 
> excited about this program 

They can barely hold it. 

> and are immediately available to personally answer all questions related to 
> this beautiful program. 

> If it is not immediately possible to speak with their local Raja, ladies are 
> requested to contact the Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace 
> office by email at urg...@... 

The CraigsList Casual Encounters equivalent for the Rajas)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> Sender: gcwpnews@
> Date: Mon, 21 April 2009 12:10:09 -0500
> X-Google-Sender-Auth: c7c7e9987d0dd46d
> Subject: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country or World 
> Peace
> Following consultation with the ladies of Maharishi's Mother Divine Program 
> and the 21 Rajinis of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His Majesty Maharaja 
> Adhi Raj Raja Raam has announced the creation of two new groups of ideal 
> ladies to create enlightenment for all the world.
> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Purnima of 
> the Vedic Calendar, His Majesty has proclaimed Vaisakhi Purnima as the 
> auspicious day of inauguration of Mother Divine Emerita (MDE) and Divine Devi 
> of the Global Country of World Peace (DD-GCWP).
> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
> the sounds of conches and ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a 
> great joy to invite current ladies of Mother Divine to join Mother Divine 
> Emerita and continue to sanctify the world with their blessing.  This 
> invitation will be of particular interest to our dear Mothers Divine who have 
> blessed the world for at least 15 years or who are 35 years of age or older."
> His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the ladies of 
> Maharishi's Mother Divine would be granted the title of "Mother Divine 
> Emerita" as a celebration of gratitude to their continuous blessings on our 
> worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth. 
> More details of this beautiful program will be announced shortly. In the 
> meantime, all of our dear Mother Divine ladies interested should please 
> contact the Mother Divine Emerita office at ap...@...
> His Majesty also announced the creation of a beautiful new program, Divine 
> Devi of the Global Country of World Peace, created especially for ladies 
> everywhere who are seeking true enlightenment – but who also wish to join His 
> Majesty and Their Excellencies, The 40 Rajas of our Worldwide Movement, in 
> perpetuating the administration of Maharishi's Worldwide Movement and 
> creating the enlightened leaders of tomorrow for our beloved Maharishi's 
> Worldwide Movement. 
> According to His Majesty, the goal of Divine Devi of the Global Country of 
> World Peace is to create a Royal Family of the Global Country of World Peace 
> to ensure enlightenment administration of the world for all mankind for all 
> generations. 
> More details of this beautiful program will be announced shortly. Please 
> distribute this Royal Proclamation to all ladies.  Given the nature of this 
> program, this program is limited to ladies between 18 and 22 years of age.  
> In special cases, ladies as young as 15 years of age will be considered 
> depending on their country of residence at the time of application.  
> All interested ladies should know that their local Rajas are very, very 
> excited about this program and are immediately available to personally answer 
> all questions related to this beautiful program. If it is not immediately 
> possible to speak with their local Raja, ladies are requested to contact the 
> Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace office by email at 
> urg...@... 
> By the Royal Order 
> of 
> His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
> First Ruler of Vishwa Shanti Rashtra, The Global Country of World Peace
> In Preparation for the Auspicious Celebration of Vaisakhi Purnima
> Of the Year 2066 of the Vedic Calendar

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-22 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance  wrote:
> Sender: gcwpnews@
> Date: Mon, 21 April 2009 12:10:09 -0500
> X-Google-Sender-Auth: c7c7e9987d0dd46d
> Subject: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country or World 
> Peace
> Following consultation with the ladies of Maharishi's Mother Divine Program 
> and the 21 Rajinis of Maharishi's worldwide movement, His Majesty Maharaja 
> Adhi Raj Raja Raam has announced the creation of two new groups of ideal 
> ladies to create enlightenment for all the world.
> In a Royal Proclamation to prepare for the celebration of Vaisakhi Purnima of 
> the Vedic Calendar, His Majesty has proclaimed Vaisakhi Purnima as the 
> auspicious day of inauguration of Mother Divine Emerita (MDE) and Divine Devi 
> of the Global Country of World Peace (DD-GCWP).
> In a worldwide satellite conference celebration, amid cheers, applause, and 
> the sounds of conches and ringing bells, His Majesty announced: "It is a 
> great joy to invite current ladies of Mother Divine to join Mother Divine 
> Emerita and continue to sanctify the world with their blessing.  This 
> invitation will be of particular interest to our dear Mothers Divine who have 
> blessed the world for at least 15 years or who are 35 years of age or older."
> His Majesty explained that it was always Maharishi's wish that the ladies of 
> Maharishi's Mother Divine would be granted the title of "Mother Divine 
> Emerita" as a celebration of gratitude to their continuous blessings on our 
> worldwide movement and creating Heaven on Earth. 
> More details of this beautiful program will be announced shortly. In the 
> meantime, all of our dear Mother Divine ladies interested should please 
> contact the Mother Divine Emerita office at ap...@...
> His Majesty also announced the creation of a beautiful new program, Divine 
> Devi of the Global Country of World Peace, created especially for ladies 
> everywhere who are seeking true enlightenment – but who also wish to join His 
> Majesty and Their Excellencies, The 40 Rajas of our Worldwide Movement, in 
> perpetuating the administration of Maharishi's Worldwide Movement and 
> creating the enlightened leaders of tomorrow for our beloved Maharishi's 
> Worldwide Movement. 
> According to His Majesty, the goal of Divine Devi of the Global Country of 
> World Peace is to create a Royal Family of the Global Country of World Peace 
> to ensure enlightenment administration of the world for all mankind for all 
> generations. 
> More details of this beautiful program will be announced shortly. Please 
> distribute this Royal Proclamation to all ladies.  Given the nature of this 
> program, this program is limited to ladies between 18 and 22 years of age.  
> In special cases, ladies as young as 15 years of age will be considered 
> depending on their country of residence at the time of application.  
> All interested ladies should know that their local Rajas are very, very 
> excited about this program and are immediately available to personally answer 
> all questions related to this beautiful program. If it is not immediately 
> possible to speak with their local Raja, ladies are requested to contact the 
> Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace office by email at 
> urg...@... 
> By the Royal Order 
> of 
> His Majesty Maharaja Adhi Raj Raja Raam,
> First Ruler of Vishwa Shanti Rashtra, The Global Country of World Peace
> In Preparation for the Auspicious Celebration of Vaisakhi Purnima
> Of the Year 2066 of the Vedic Calendar

1st thought: What the gibbering fuck is this insane 

2nd thought: It's got to be a send up. But it's a good
one. I'm so used to madness like this I really can't tell
for sure.

I had to search the net for a bit and the sender ID is from
one David Shapiro which implies either authenticity or spoofing
above the high standard we usually get. But the e-mail links
just go to the FFL post topic page.

The only other place any of the keywords in the title come up
is on TM-Free so it looks like they've been had too. If indeed
we have been, I'm going to keep my options open but I always 
get suckered by these things but I've seen it all so often I 
can't tell the difference anymore!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-23 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Apr 22, 2009, at 3:47 AM, Hugo wrote:
> > I had to search the net for a bit and the sender ID is from
> > one David Shapiro which implies either authenticity or spoofing
> > above the high standard we usually get. But the e-mail links
> > just go to the FFL post topic page.
> David Shapiro is a high-octane TB who left med school
> to become a TM teacher (if I remember correctly) and
> almost surely would not send a spoof.

I imagine Science of Abundance copied it from a recent letter
that got posted here. Very clever I thought. Had me going for
a while. 

> > The only other place any of the keywords in the title come up
> > is on TM-Free so it looks like they've been had too. If indeed
> > we have been, I'm going to keep my options open but I always
> > get suckered by these things but I've seen it all so often I
> > can't tell the difference anymore!
> Sal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Mother Divine Emerita and Divine Devi of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-04-23 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 22, 2009, at 3:47 AM, Hugo wrote:

I had to search the net for a bit and the sender ID is from
one David Shapiro which implies either authenticity or spoofing
above the high standard we usually get. But the e-mail links
just go to the FFL post topic page.

David Shapiro is a high-octane TB who left med school
to become a TM teacher (if I remember correctly) and
almost surely would not send a spoof.

The only other place any of the keywords in the title come up
is on TM-Free so it looks like they've been had too. If indeed
we have been, I'm going to keep my options open but I always
get suckered by these things but I've seen it all so often I
can't tell the difference anymore!
