[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Seelisberg

2009-07-27 Thread ve-da

Please sign up here  -  as a supporter in spirit!

Jai Guru Dev


Datum: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 21:11:51 +0200
Von: ve...@gmx.de
An: ve...@gmx.de
Betreff: Save Maharishi\'s Seelisberg !

Jai Guru Dev

Invest and help to SAVE the Capital in Seelisber! 
(You might have heard, International wants to sell it.) Read this letter of a 
friend of mine. 
Ank keep the following in mind:

Lately in the last years when Maharishi was asked, how it was for him to not be 
any more in Seelisberg, he answered:

I never left Seelisberg!
-  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

This we have to have in mind, when we read the following.

Jai Guru Dev


Success for Maharishi's Seelisberg

1000 signatures until  Aug. 1. 2009


Please join the comitee 1000 to reach the following goals:

§ Preserve the Maharishi-hotels Sonnenberg and Kulm in Seelisberg

§ Restore and extend the properties: add parking, east-entrance to
Kulm, ect.

§ commercial use of the hotels and grounds
 - with a Vedic Senior Residence
 - with extention of services of the MAV-clinic
 - with professional  MERU-activities: articles in science media,
 - with ayurvedic top-restauration; bus groupes, weddings etc.
 - with sub leasing, co-operations (with health insurance?)

§ profit shares to support Brahmastan, India and similar

§ generate funds to realise these realistic goals

I know that we can effect the decisions!   Yes we can!   Do you think the same?
Please copy/send this mail to many like minded friends, today  (avoid 

And sign the list at:  


cordial greetings from Switzerland
Kurt Matti

Jai Guru Dev

Kurt Matti
Kapuzinerweg 9
6006 Luzern, Switzerland
tel: +41 41 420 67 01
fx:  +41 41 420 67 30


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Seelisberg

2009-07-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 The mid 70's when all the weirdness was beginning to flower. 

Wouldn't it be fascinating if the locals always
believed that these hotels were haunted, and that
anyone who stayed in them would become possessed?  

Basis for a good movie, that. Entire spiritual
movement becomes possessed and obsessed with money
as a result of staying in the wrong hotels.  :-)

Which reminds me...Shemp, when we were on our Sidhis
course, did you ever meet the guy who came around
taking photos of the place? He was a location scout
for Stanley Kubrick, looking for a hotel in which to
film the then-in-development The Shining. They fin-
ally settled on the hotel in Colorado, of course, but
wouldn't it have been appropriate if they'd picked
our hotel in St. Moritz?  :-)

 --- On Thu, 7/23/09, michael vedamer...@... wrote:
 From: michael vedamer...@...
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Seelisberg [4 Attachments]
 Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 7:07 PM
 [Attachment(s) from michael included below]
 Scroll down for English version!
 Hallo liebe Leute!
 Anbei sende ich Euch eine Initiative von Kurt Matti, einem befreundeten 
 TM-Lehrer. Er bittet darum, dass ein jeder von Euch, der diesen Aufruf 
 erhält, diesen bitte an so viele interessierte Menschen weiterleiten möge wie 
 möglich. Es geht um das Maharishi-Capital in Seelisberg, wo MMY 12 Jahre lang 
 gelebt hat. (Wie Ihr wisst, ist geplant, Seelisberg zu veräussern.)
 Zu seinem Text möchte ich folgendes ergänzen:
 In den letzten Jahren (ich weiss nicht mehr, ob es anlässlich einer 
 Mittwochs-Pressekonferenz war), wurde Maharishi mal gefragt, wie das für ihn 
 gewesen sei, dass er Seelisberg verlassen hätte. Wie genau die Frage 
 formuliert wurde, weiss ich nicht mehr, aber an die prägnante Antwort 
 erinnere ich mich sehr genau; er
 I never left Seelisberg! =
 Ich habe Seelisberg nie verlassen!
 -  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Daran müssen wir uns erinnern, wenn wir diesen Aufruf hier lesen.
 Jai Guru Dev
 Kurt Matti schreibt:
 Erfolg für Maharishis Seelisberg
 1000 Unterschriften bis 1.Aug.09
 Bitte treten Sie dem 1000-er Komitee bei, das folgende Ziele verfolgt:
 § Erhaltung der Seelisberger Maharishi-Hotels Sonnenberg und Kulm
 § Renovation und Ausbau der Anlagen: Parking, Kulm-Osteingang etc
 § Kaufmännische Nutzung der Hotels und Anlagen
     - zB durch eine Vedische Alters Residenz
     - zB Ausbau des Angebots der MAV Klinik
     - zB durch
  professionelle MERU-Aktivitäten: Artikel in Fachpresse,
     - zB durch ayurvedische Top-Restauration:  Busreisen, Hochzeiten,
     - zB Untervermietungen, Co-operationen (mit
 § Gewinnanteile für Brahmastan Indien, und dergleichen
 § Beschaffung von Kapital zur Verwirklichung dieser realistischen Ziele
 Ich weiss, dass wir etwas bewirken können!  Denken Sie das auch?
 Bitte kopieren/senden Sie dieses mail an Gleichgesinnte Ihrer
 (Bandwurm-mails vermeiden! ) und benützen Sie diese Umfrage:
 Herzliche Grüsse aus Luzern
 Kurt Matti
 Jai Guru Dev
 In English:
 Success for Maharishi's
 1000 signatures until  Aug. 1. 2009
 Please join the comitee 1000 to reach the following goals:
 § Preserve the Maharishi-hotels Sonnenberg and Kulm in Seelisberg
 § Restore and extend the properties: add parking, east-entrance to
 Kulm, ect.
 § commercial use of the hotels and grounds
     - with a Vedic Senior Residence
     - with extention of services of the MAV-clinic
     - with professional  MERU-activities: articles in science media,
     - with ayurvedic top-restauration; bus groupes, weddings etc.
     - with sub leasing, co-operations (with health insurance?)
 § profit shares to support Brahmastan, India and similar
 § generate funds to realise these realistic goals
 I know that we can effect the decisions!  Yes we can!  Do you
 the same?
 Please copy/send this mail to many like minded friends, today  (avoid
 And sign the list at:  http://www.doodle.com/h463cbd86fizebfv
 cordial greetings from Switzerland
 Kurt Matti
 Jai Guru Dev
 Kurt Matti
 Kapuzinerweg 9
 6006 Luzern, Switzerland
 tel: +41 41 420 67 01
 fx:  +41 41 420 67 30