[FairfieldLife] The Heartbreak Of TM's biggest failure

2015-07-15 Thread Duveyoung
The one thing TM has just never been able to help:  FAT ASSES

As much as you'd think the TM leaders would be all about right-living and 
healthy disciplines, we see that the higher ups are as fat as Baron Harkonnen.  
Perhaps they're all puffed up with that extra bliss.

Truth:  TMers have the same life-problems as any other group -- TMers have the 
same percentages as non-TMers for how many die young, divorce, get sick, 
unemployed and on and on.  

One has to ask:  if TM means that much to the leaders, why wouldn't they at 
least lose weight by some other method and pretend it was TM that did it?  

In case you didn't hear: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- the TM Godlike Guru -- is 
dead.  And no one with a direct  connection to the Absolute has taken his place.

This means fat asses will be with us until the end of days.


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Heartbreak Of TM's biggest failure

2015-07-15 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
No meditation will remove all of your samskaras so they still play out.  
And then there is the theory that we're all just living out a script and 
everything is predestined.  What can happen with meditation is you 
witness your life more and more as if it's played out on a movie screen 
you're now aware of though you weren't before.

Of course your mileage may vary.

On 07/15/2015 10:27 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

The one thing TM has just never been able to help:  FAT ASSES

As much as you'd think the TM leaders would be all about right-living 
and healthy disciplines, we see that the higher ups are as fat as 
Baron Harkonnen.  Perhaps they're all puffed up with that extra bliss.

Truth:  TMers have the same life-problems as any other group -- TMers 
have the same percentages as non-TMers for how many die young, 
divorce, get sick, unemployed and on and on.

One has to ask:  if TM means that much to the leaders, why wouldn't 
they at least lose weight by some other method and pretend it was TM 
that did it?

In case you didn't hear: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- the TM Godlike Guru 
-- is dead.  And no one with a direct  connection to the Absolute has 
taken his place.

This means fat asses will be with us until the end of days.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Heartbreak Of TM's biggest failure

2015-07-15 Thread Sal Sunshine salsunshineini...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On Jul 15, 2015, at 12:27 PM, Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Truth:  TMers have the same life-problems as any other group -- TMers have the 
same percentages as non-TMers for how many die young, divorce, get sick, 
unemployed and on and on.  

S: I think more actually, probably because so many refuse to use common-sense 
measures like check-ups and seeing a doctor (a real dr, not the fake ones over 
at MUM) when they get sick.

This is typical:  right now there’s a gofundme campaign for a guy diagnosed 
with testicular cancer in March who only now is beginning to seek treatment, 
apparently.  Unsurprisinly, the cancer has spread big-time to his stomach, 
lungs and lymph system and it sounds like he’s at around Stage 3.  Why did he 
let so much time elapse?  Let me guess…he was hoping his diet or magic pills 
would cure him.  From what I understand…and I’m hardly an expert…testicular 
cancer  if caught early is one of the most treatable.   And it sounds like he 
DID catch it early, but then did nothing. 

And to add to that, he has no insurance either, which I thought was now 
Put all this together and you have the recipe for some serious and predictable 
health disasters, at least some of which would undoubtedly be avoidable if 
people would just act like rational human beings, and when you get a poor 
diagnosis, don’t wait.  I have no idea at what level this guy is on the TM food 
chain, but the behavior is all too familiar.

Anyway, here’s the link to the  campaign started for him:  