RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
ommunity before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined?
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group.
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:
 ---In,> wrote :
 banned from the Domes..

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-09-20 Thread srijau
Thank you  for you continuing commitment to a better world through uplifting 
group consciousness and more fair and accountable organizational structures.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-09-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Looking through the whole Batgap list now I can see some lot of interviewees 
whose spiritual pollination or incubation included ™ in their biography though 
they may not be affiliated directly with ™now. This is a longer list in itself. 
™ like reading Yogananda’s book was an aspect that was pervasive in 
counter-culture to the orthodox at a time in a demographic shift of the 
‘spiritual but not religious’ transformation that has taken place in the last 
50 years. Batgap coming as it has as a phenomena in the information age seems 
emblematic of a (progressive) transformation that is going on. 

---In,  wrote :

 Batgap guests with a TM background:
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 6:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent 
well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome 
experience to be more inclusive

 Good question, ArchOn. There is a composite of things here.
 Reading your observation out to meditators in Ff, with easy regaling people do 
readily recall how nice the inner experiences were meditating in the group 
whence the aggregate numbers meditating together before were high.
 Comments Also,
 “Those who want to be and can be there doing program in the Domes are there 
 “The place is still incredibly activated as a place to meditate.”
 “For too long, since the 1980’s, the cumulative communications of exclusion 
were such that it became known that the group was not necessarily welcoming.”
 “There is an assumption on both the admin and meditating community sides that 
people are not even listening and that it is way or likely past a recovery 
 “This is sad really.”
 “Knowing a moral character involved and the hostage taking of the creed of 
their religious belief, “That if Maharishi said something, it can’t be 
changed”, it will take massive administrative leadership magnanimity to move 
this forward towards thriving again, let alone just surviving.” 
 generosity, charitableness, charity, benevolence, beneficence, 
open-handedness, big-heartedness, great-heartedness, liberality, humanity, 
nobility, chivalry, kindness, munificence, bountifulness, bounty, largesse, 
altruism, philanthropy; 
 unselfishness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, self-denial; 
 clemency, mercy, leniency, forgiveness, indulgence
 There is an enduring cultural fear and anxiety about spiritual teachers as a 
stance that remains in the ownership that is held within the written membership 
guidelines for the group meditations. Fearing of people who would be spiritual 
teachers, fearing of those with their persistence for visiting spiritual 
people, and a fear of people, old meditators, who may work for other spiritual 
teachers.  By one or another count these have been held against people of the 
TM meditating community for decades here. 
 Our demographic pool to draw on has gotten very small. 
 In practicality those who have wanted to be in the Domes meditating with the 
large group often have worked around the guidelines i e., staying low as 
frightened flyers or as the process taught towards being yogic liars, while 
others simply have withdrawn from the movement community. 
 May the providential support of Nature grace a survival of the Fairfield Dome 
meditations through these currents of adverse times. Jai Guru Dev.  
 A remarkable thing now is to recognize how many people with their resources 
have sold homes and moved away now by what seems became a lack in communal 
cohesion driven to a detachment of peoples meditating in the Dome group by a 
remoteness from an insular group inside TM.   
 This while a number of folks of the old TM meditating community have become 
relevant spiritual commentators in larger culture as spiritual teachers where 
each can represent communal nodes of  old TM meditators who associate. The 
narrow membership guidelines to the group Dome meditation practice with the 
large group in the past were adversarial to and would have excluded most all of 
them. Scroll down Rick Archer’s Buddha at the Gas Pump and see how many of 
those interviewees are TM meditator alumni with TM in their pedigree and also 
have alignment followings that include TM meditators. Evidently these are a 
fruit of TM going mainstream. Should Batgappers with a following be able to 
simply meditate with the large group as TM meditators? 
 Figure there were about 6000 TM teachers in the mid-1970’s in the United 
States and only about 560 active TM teachers now and 300 or 400 people 
meditating in the Domes now. Driven on for decades these membership guidelines 
for participation in the large group have not been sympathetic towards 
gathering what is a gone 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-09-13 Thread Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
Batgap guests with a TM background:

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent 
well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome 
experience to be more inclusive

Good question, ArchOn. There is a composite of things here.

Reading your observation out to meditators in Ff, with easy regaling people do 
readily recall how nice the inner experiences were meditating in the group 
whence the aggregate numbers meditating together before were high.

Comments Also,

“Those who want to be and can be there doing program in the Domes are there 

“The place is still incredibly activated as a place to meditate.”

“For too long, since the 1980’s, the cumulative communications of exclusion 
were such that it became known that the group was not necessarily welcoming.”

“There is an assumption on both the admin and meditating community sides that 
people are not even listening and that it is way or likely past a recovery 

“This is sad really.”

“Knowing a moral character involved and the hostage taking of the creed of 
their religious belief, “That if Maharishi said something, it can’t be 
changed”, it will take massive administrative leadership magnanimity to move 
this forward towards thriving again, let alone just surviving.”


generosity, charitableness, charity, benevolence, beneficence, open-handedness, 
big-heartedness, great-heartedness, liberality, humanity, nobility, chivalry, 
kindness, munificence, bountifulness, bounty, largesse, altruism, philanthropy;

unselfishness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, self-denial;

clemency, mercy, leniency, forgiveness, indulgence

There is an enduring cultural fear and anxiety about spiritual teachers as a 
stance that remains in the ownership that is held within the written membership 
guidelines for the group meditations. Fearing of people who would be spiritual 
teachers, fearing of those with their persistence for visiting spiritual 
people, and a fear of people, old meditators, who may work for other spiritual 
teachers.  By one or another count these have been held against people of the 
TM meditating community for decades here.

Our demographic pool to draw on has gotten very small.

In practicality those who have wanted to be in the Domes meditating with the 
large group often have worked around the guidelines i e., staying low as 
frightened flyers or as the process taught towards being yogic liars, while 
others simply have withdrawn from the movement community.

May the providential support of Nature grace a survival of the Fairfield Dome 
meditations through these currents of adverse times. Jai Guru Dev.

A remarkable thing now is to recognize how many people with their resources 
have sold homes and moved away now by what seems became a lack in communal 
cohesion driven to a detachment of peoples meditating in the Dome group by a 
remoteness from an insular group inside TM.

This while a number of folks of the old TM meditating community have become 
relevant spiritual commentators in larger culture as spiritual teachers where 
each can represent communal nodes of  old TM meditators who associate. The 
narrow membership guidelines to the group Dome meditation practice with the 
large group in the past were adversarial to and would have excluded most all of 
them. Scroll down Rick Archer’s Buddha at the Gas Pump and see how many of 
those interviewees are TM meditator alumni with TM in their pedigree and also 
have alignment followings that include TM meditators. Evidently these are a 
fruit of TM going mainstream. Should Batgappers with a following be able to 
simply meditate with the large group as TM meditators?

Figure there were about 6000 TM teachers in the mid-1970’s in the United States 
and only about 560 active TM teachers now and 300 or 400 people meditating in 
the Domes now. Driven on for decades these membership guidelines for 
participation in the large group have not been sympathetic towards gathering 
what is a gone away group back now. These policy guidelines instead have driven 
a type of known “bad blood” that is around TM.  For instance someone, an old 
TM’er, made a teacher by Maharishi, active in the meditating community here now 
and 30 years ago who stopped going to the Domes to meditate that long ago when 
friends in the old meditating community here were hunted down and had their 
Dome badges taken for seeing saints. This person living here with the evident 
administrative dissonance with the community has not been back in the Domes 

Which goes back to that comment above,

“There is an assumption on both the admin and meditating community sides that 
people are not even listening and that it is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-09-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 aside, it does appear the Superradiance experiment is actually a 
failure. Why not just cap it off and do something that is worthwhile in some 
other way?

 Leadership is an important contribution, but there could be other reasons why 
people don't come. What is the level of fulfillment for people who do do the 
program, but for some other reason do not come?

 What are peoples' experience of the techniques in general? When experiences 
are published, they are the cream of the crop, but what about the average joe? 
Lots of peoples' experiences of meditation and the sidhi program are not 
spectacular by any means. How do you entice them?


 On Saturday, February 2, 2019, 3:01:47 AM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote: 


 Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great 
start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive.. 

 In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.


---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application gui

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread srijau
its good for where they are it does not work well for the whole world. 
Maharishi was trying to re-establish something after thousands of years, he was 
playing with time that householders do TM in the beginning at one point an hour 
and at another 15mins and then 20, he didnt now everything in detail without 
experimentation. .. He also said every place need to have its own groups as 
well these big groups in one place which are a start. The world as a whole may 
be on an upward path but the super-power countries are all lacking in 
coherence. It could be a formula for a very rough transformation

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Poll Finds Trust In Science Is Rising, But as contrast there seems a meditating 
communal skepticism to the superradiant value of meditating in groups now.  A 
communal antipathy of the science of meditating. A deeper lack of science 
literacy in a disrespect for the significance or a victim of hyperbole? The 
communal Dome group meditation numbers seem to be in the dumper.  
 Trust in Science, 
 NPR on Pew survey of Americans..

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread keosauquakid
According to Raja Luis, there are now groups of 10,000 somewhere in South 

 According to the Super Radiance theory, this exceeds the square root of 1% of 
the world's population -- and this should be sufficient to bring about world 

 So doesn't this make Fairfield numbers moot?

 Do you believe the Raja?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev


---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined?
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group.
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:
 ---In,> wrote :
 banned from the Domes..

 It is time to start change w

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-02-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]


To an..

 Upcoming Nationwide
TM Group Meditation
 Sunday, February 24, 4:30 pm CST

 Please join us for our next Nationwide Group Meditation on February 24 

 Group Meditation at 5:05 pm CST

 New for those meditating at the same time on their own
 For those who cannot make it to a Center, we’d still love you to join us by 
meditating at the same time [5:05 pm CST], wherever you are. 
 Also, record your “remote” participation by clicking here
 We look forward to seeing you at our Nationwide TM Group Meditation on 
February 24, 
 and then again on the March 24 Global Group Meditation.


---In,  wrote :

 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.


 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  

 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea in practice is a simple disruptor to a lot of 
people’s material paradigm but after so many decades of inquiry in to this 
observation the science has well borne out the hypothesis.  
 And, Guru Dev too in his spiritual construct on moral order could have easily 
agreed now given what all we know from the inquiry of science, that people who 
do not go to group meditations when they could join with them are being amoral 
in their selfishness. 
 That someone sitting out in a coffee house whether in Leiden watching videos 
on their laptop or those meditators idle downtown around the Fairfield, iowa 
town square at Paradiso, the Cider House, the Sushi bar, or in Revelations 
during the communal group meditation is near to worthless and worse morally in 
their contribution to the general good and communal welfare, a drag, amoral.  
 So this, the virtue of group meditation is now in the reach of this spiritual 
but not religious time of science and spirituality that we do live in.  Yet, 
people who would stay home by themselves, be it some Raja hold up somewhere out 
there by themselves, or an editor working overtime somewhere and may be would 
meditate later, but also an administration and its defenders with a 
religious-like adherence to ill-serving guidelines that should keep people away 
who could otherwise be meditating with the group evidently are all worst than 
sad but pretty bad morally.  Jai Guru Dev. 
 Thread 437705
 Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-02-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 .< Interesting to see how the principles of higher moral character that were 
the communal experiment started at Amherst in ‘78 have been eroded and hurt in 
the administration of it.
 For outsiders or people from away looking in on the experiment I recommend 
their reading "Greetings From Utopia Park" and listening to the NPR 'Fresh Air' 
interview of Claire Hoffman for insight to how it went.  
 I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral character” in the 
air when we first came here from Amherst.
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

---In,  wrote :

 Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
, it does appear the Superradiance experiment is actually a 
failure. Why not just cap it off and do something that is worthwhile in some 
other way?

 Leadership is an important contribution, but there could be other reasons why 
people don't come. What is the level of fulfillment for people who do do the 
program, but for some other reason do not come?

 What are peoples' experience of the techniques in general? When experiences 
are published, they are the cream of the crop, but what about the average joe? 
Lots of peoples' experiences of meditation and the sidhi program are not 
spectacular by any means. How do you entice them?


 On Saturday, February 2, 2019, 3:01:47 AM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote: 


 Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great 
start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive.. 

 In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.


---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-02 Thread srijau
there are profoundly satisfying experiences however:

 1. they are dead now


 2. they cannot afford to live there without the stipend

 3. its too cold when you are that old now.
 that pretty much sums it up

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-02 Thread Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]
 Advertising aside, it does appear the Superradiance experiment is actually a 
failure. Why not just cap it off and do something that is worthwhile in some 
other way?
Leadership is an important contribution, but there could be other reasons why 
people don't come. What is the level of fulfillment for people who do do the 
program, but for some other reason do not come?
What are peoples' experience of the techniques in general? When experiences are 
published, they are the cream of the crop, but what about the average joe? Lots 
of peoples' experiences of meditation and the sidhi program are not spectacular 
by any means. How do you entice them?

On Saturday, February 2, 2019, 3:01:47 AM GMT, 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:  

Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! 

Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the 
dome experience to be more inclusive..

In FF conversation.. 
"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now..  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 

Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.


---In,  wrote :

EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.AGAIN 
THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev Quotes

-Original Message-
From: [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

...based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,As strange 
as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit down on a daily 
basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field effect" of 
coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the surrounding 
population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The outcomes, confirmed 
repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent and measurable 
decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.

---In,  wrote :

Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:
Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?
The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper..  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 
This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff ther

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great 
start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive.. 

 In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.


---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  
 ---In,  wrote :
 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.


---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  
 ---In,  wrote :
 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-01-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In FF conversation.. 

"..Spiritual Evolution is a whole lot easier in a group. It will take a whole 
lot longer individually, to do this individually alone. It ‘takes a village’. 
When we do this together obviously you are the first beneficiary of it but you 
are also affecting the collective, our collective and also the larger 
collective.  So thank you for coming to Fairfield and the group meditation in 
community we do here." 

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.



---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  
 ---In,  wrote :
 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for ot

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-01-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, thanks for seeing this. . 

 It should be important in the survival of the Dome meditation right now that 
any who have access to levels of the ownership in TM where policy is made could 
be copying and pasting points of this exchange below in to communication with 
those power people at the top. Engage whoever and wherever the power is vested, 
where the levers of power are.  Send ‘em a letter, mail, e-mail, imessages, 
facebook messenger, phone them, tweet them, however. 

 The Dome meditation attendance numbers are in crisis. Month by month these 
numbers continue to dwindle. The metrics of this situation are foreboding. 
Numbers are dropping in a consistency by 10 and 20 a month for many many months 
now. This is not just an administrative problem but one of leadership. The 
recent month attendance numbers are not just lower but now hitting lows lower 
than they were prior to the beginning of the late assembly in 2006.  

 There evidently is a core cultural problem in leadership of the TM movement 
that for a cohesion in survival of this community needs to be proactively 
addressed right now. Everyone’s help is needed on pressing this now.  

 Who has contact with, policy access to Dr. Nader? 
 Dr. Hagelin: MUM President’s Office,  641-472-1260.



---In,  wrote :

 EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
 The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.
 AGAIN THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev 
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 ..based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,
 As strange as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit 
down on a daily basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field 
effect" of coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the 
surrounding population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The 
outcomes, confirmed repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent 
and measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.
 ---In,  wrote :
 Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:

 Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?

 The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 

 This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 

 The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  

 Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  
 ---In,  wrote :
 A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea in practice is a simple disruptor to a lot of 
people’s material paradigm but after so many decades of inquiry in to this 
observation the science has well borne out the hypothesis.  
 And, Guru Dev too in his spiritual construct on moral order could have easily 
agreed now given what all we know from the inquiry of science, that people who 
do not go to group meditations when they could join with them are being amoral 
in their selfishness. 
 That som

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-01-20 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]
EXCELLENT Doug very well thought  & presented in a respectful, &  loving manor 
with the past restrictive codes put aside, MOST REFRESHING!  To read & to see 
the compassion & love between the lines Doug!
The group meditation  & coupling it with the TM Sidhi program reduces combat , 
prevents wars & is most helpful for the health of the community at large.AGAIN 
THANKS in gratitude for your well shared KNOWLEDGE back up with Guru Dev Quotes

-Original Message-
From: [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2019 7:59 am
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

#yiv3329204225 #yiv3329204225 #yiv3329204225 -- 
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#yiv3329204225  #yiv3329204225 #yiv3329204225 #yiv3329204225 -- 
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...based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) program,As strange 
as it may sound, when large groups of trained practitioners sit down on a daily 
basis to do this meditation program together, a powerful "field effect" of 
coherence and peace ripples throughout the consciousness of the surrounding 
population. The bigger the group the bigger the effect. The outcomes, confirmed 
repeatedly by extensive scientific research, are consistent and measurable 
decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime.

---In,  wrote :

Dear Drs. Hagelin and Nader:
Now that the pundits are gone from Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa could you write 
the membership application guidelines for the Domes anew?
The old guidelines are yet too inflammatory towards superradiance as they are 
cobbled and wordsmithed.  Please sit and write with a new piece of paper a new 
and fresh Dome application guideline now for membership in the group programs, 
now the pundits are gone. Start with a fresh sheet of paper..  Get it down to 
simple: did someone learn the ™ programs and that this is what they will do in 
the group programs for superradiance. 
This would be a good time to just go in and gut, drop the clause from the 
guidelines that remains excluding from membership people who spend money on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya. The earnest reason it was put in there 
originally evidently has gone away. It is time to just get rid of that clause 
in the membership application guideline. There is no sense now to having the 
office staff there investigating that one on people anymore. 
The pundit program had been a long endured suction of resource out of the 
Fairfield community. That clause about people spending monies on 
‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish and yagya along with the couple of other clauses that 
are left there as some kind of fealty test within the membership guidelines is 
just needlessly inflammatory to succeeding with the Dome attendance numbers and 
superradiance in Fairfield now.  
Sincerely, Doug Hamilton.  

---In,  wrote :

A morality,  
Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral character” in the 
air when we first came here from Amherst. A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi 
was consistent the whole way about the utility of group meditating influencing 
a wellbeing of good for others at a distance. This remarkable idea 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-01-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
t was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

---In,  wrote :

 Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined?
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-01-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
t a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined?
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group.
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
nity before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined?
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group.
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:
 ---In,> wrote :
 banned from the Domes..

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A morality,   Q: I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral 
character” in the air when we first came here from Amherst.
 A: Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea in practice is a simple disruptor to a lot of 
people’s material paradigm but after so many decades of inquiry in to this 
observation the science has well borne out the hypothesis.  
 And, Guru Dev too in his spiritual construct on moral order could have easily 
agreed now given what all we know from the inquiry of science, that people who 
do not go to group meditations when they could join with them are being amoral 
in their selfishness. 
 That someone sitting out in a coffee house whether in Leiden watching videos 
on their laptop or those meditators idle downtown around the Fairfield, iowa 
town square at Paradiso, the Cider House, the Sushi bar, or in Revelations 
during the communal group meditation is near to worthless and worse morally in 
their contribution to the general good and communal welfare, a drag, amoral.  
 So this, the virtue of group meditation is now in the reach of this spiritual 
but not religious time of science and spirituality that we do live in.  Yet, 
people who would stay home by themselves, be it some Raja hold up somewhere out 
there by themselves, or an editor working overtime somewhere and may be would 
meditate later, but also an administration and its defenders with a 
religious-like adherence to ill-serving guidelines that should keep people away 
who could otherwise be meditating with the group evidently are all worst than 
sad but pretty bad morally.  Jai Guru Dev. 
 Thread 437705
 Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass
 .< Interesting to see how the principles of higher moral character that were 
the communal experiment started at Amherst in ‘78 have been eroded and hurt in 
the administration of it.
 For outsiders or people from away looking in on the experiment I recommend 
their reading "Greetings From Utopia Park" and listening to the NPR 'Fresh Air' 
interview of Claire Hoffman for insight to how it went.  
 I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral character” in the 
air when we first came here from Amherst.
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

---In,  wrote :

 Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 
 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 
 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradian

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Though Skeptical people may cynically try to discount meditation saying it is 
just some ontology of subjectivity. However the experience is quite objective 
to the practiced meditator, even scientific.  

 Om no, Sal. On the contrary, these people are not categorically or necessarily 
‘nuts’ for their being in the Domes meditating. They know their own experience 
with it, so maybe consider having your own meditation practice checked, over at 
the Peace Palaces. 
 Jai Guru Dev, 


---In,  wrote :

 salsunshineiniowa writes:

 OTOH, I don’t see why anyone would still care or want to get back into the 
“dome,” with its mold and aging population and all 300 people left.  Imo you 
gotta be nuts at this point to still see any value. 

 They used to go around to meetings and take down license plates, lol can’t you 
just see one of those idiots in a suit doing that?Sal 

 On Dec 15, 2018, at 7:39 AM, Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 
 ---In,> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
They used to go around to meetings and take down license plates, lol can’t you 
just see one of those idiots in a suit doing that?

OTOH, I don’t see why anyone would still care or want to get back into the 
“dome,” with its mold and aging population and all 300 people left.  Imo you 
gotta be nuts at this point to still see any value. 


> On Dec 15, 2018, at 7:39 AM, Rick Archer 
> [FairfieldLife]  wrote:
> I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying 
> on people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.
> Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
> enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
> interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
> Rick Archer
> Buddha at the Gas Pump
> From:  
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
> The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
> media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
> gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
> membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
> long interrogation.
> One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
> about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
> Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
> guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
> promote with BATGAP. 
> The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these 
> written guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce 
> them in detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, 
> wordsmithed over the years either to exclude people and they have been 
> reduced somewhat to include peoples who were separated from the group by 
> guideline. The remaining exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not 
> simply as to whether someone is a practitioner or not. There are three 
> written clauses remaining that still are in there that can stick in the craw 
> of the larger meditating community.
> The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers 
> the url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and 
> relevant in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had 
> its effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
> membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
> The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
> May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
> towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
> Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev
> ---In,  wrote :
> So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
> exclude them if they feel inclined?
> Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
> teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I 
> wanted to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still 
> go to the dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap 
> interview and we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them 
> with other faculty in his department sometimes.
> Rick Archer
> Buddha at the Gas Pump
> From:  
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
> Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
> meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and 
> meditate. Times vary.
> A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
> group, not turning out for what was superradiance
> of the group.
> The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
> A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
>  This Insulting Frenchman's:
> ---In,  wrote :
> banned from the Domes..
> https

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation & the droppings of COWS!

2018-12-15 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]
Very nicely put Rick! Re: cow dung.  
I  your friend Col. Ret Bill Leed, note as we may well know it has aniceptic 
properties & is use in rural " Baharaht " India, for ones home & especially 
patio & as well as court yard & roof flooring & often in re done several time 
as well. It also as we may well know used a fuel in many parts of hte world. I 
use it as garden compost. THANKS rick my friend 4 the positive posts re such as 

-Original Message-
From: Rick Archer [FairfieldLife] 

Sent: Sat, Dec 15, 2018 10:39 am
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

 <!-- #yiv9431450411 #yiv9431450411 .yiv9431450411ygrp-photo-title{ 
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RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread srijau
I wouldn't  mind shoveling cow manure either, but *I* personally would never 
descend to peddling the metaphorical kind for a living.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread srijau
you made statements here that very much called into question whether you really 
do the TM Sidhis as orignally taught when you are in group program ie " the sun 
moon and stars" comment
 you gratuitously insult the founders of the university . Yes the constitution 
guarantees free speech. Your speech also has consequences.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc.

Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social media, 
the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to gather 
info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the membership 
guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially long 

One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP.

The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 

The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.

May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature towards 
overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal Dome 
meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev

---In<>,>> wrote :

So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and exclude 
them if they feel inclined?

Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other teachers 
up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted to be, 
but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the dome. 
A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and we 
sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty in 
his department sometimes.

Rick Archer

Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.

A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance

of the group.

The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the..

 This Insulting Frenchman's:

---In<>,>> wrote :

banned from the Domes..

It is time to start with the membership guidelines anew with a clean sheet of 

Examples of adapting policy:

The ‘Adhesion Contract’..

Back in 2012 I incited getting the ridiculous 4 pages ‘course agreement’ down 
more essentially to two pages of text.

All that is needed to run a residence course or group meditation is the ability 
to remove disruptive people. The 'course agreement' as it was written by 
apparatchiks trying to be ‘legal’ with everything in their minds and all their 
concerns including the kitchen sink thrown in, their course agreement was 
trying to catch, coerce or punish people to line on all kinds of creed stu

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social media, 
the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to gather 
info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the membership 
guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially long 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 

---In,  wrote :

 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.
 A radical transcendentalist's response to excuses, like the.. 
  This Insulting Frenchman's:
 ---In,> wrote :
 banned from the Domes..
 It is time to start with the membership guidelines anew with a clean sheet of 
 Examples of adapting policy:
 The ‘Adhesion Contract’.. 
 Back in 2012 I incited getting the ridiculous 4 pages ‘course agreement’ down 
more essentially to two pages of text. 
 All that is needed to run a residence course or group meditation is the 
ability to remove disruptive people. The 'course agreement' as it was written 
by apparatchiks trying to be ‘legal’ with everything in their minds and all 
their concerns including the kitchen sink thrown in, their course agreement was 
trying to catch, coerce or punish people to line on all kinds of creed stuff 
otherwise unrelated to being on a course, assembly or in a group meditation. 
The agreement was embarrassing as it was ridiculous as a ‘human resources’ 
 I pointed this out to reasonable minds and it was written down to what was 
more essential to running the facility and course with people. One sheet of 
paper, two sides for signature.   
 Blue jeans were once banned from the Domes. That changed. 
 ---In,> wrote :
 Thanks for the response,  
 Yes, you are right about a practical need to regulate the running of a course 
assembly or group meditation. 
 The practical Regulating of Disruptive behavior is wr

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-14 Thread Rick Archer [FairfieldLife]
So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and exclude 
them if they feel inclined?

Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other teachers 
up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted to be, 
but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the dome. 
A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and we 
sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty in 
his department sometimes.

Rick Archer
Buddha at the Gas Pump

Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.

A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance

of the group.

The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

A radical transcendentalist's response like the..

The Insulting Frenchman's:

---In,>> wrote :
banned from the Domes..

It is time to start with the membership guidelines anew with a clean sheet of 

Examples of adapting policy:

The ‘Adhesion Contract’..

Back in 2012 I incited getting the ridiculous 4 pages ‘course agreement’ down 
more essentially to two pages of text.

All that is needed to run a residence course or group meditation is the ability 
to remove disruptive people. The 'course agreement' as it was written by 
apparatchiks trying to be ‘legal’ with everything in their minds and all their 
concerns including the kitchen sink thrown in, their course agreement was 
trying to catch, coerce or punish people to line on all kinds of creed stuff 
otherwise unrelated to being on a course, assembly or in a group meditation. 
The agreement was embarrassing as it was ridiculous as a ‘human resources’ 

I pointed this out to reasonable minds and it was written down to what was more 
essential to running the facility and course with people. One sheet of paper, 
two sides for signature.

Blue jeans were once banned from the Domes. That changed.

---In,>> wrote :

Thanks for the response,

Yes, you are right about a practical need to regulate the running of a course 
assembly or group meditation.

The practical Regulating of Disruptive behavior is written in to the legal 
course agreement that gets signed as people get badges that allows course 
administrators a discretion to remove disruptive folks. There is a communal 
practicality to that.

That “course agreement” is different than the written guidelines for membership 
(Dome badge) application to the group.

Om by the way, that 'course agreement' document that had developed into a 
piled-on cobbled and complex Four page document of legalese (what is called in 
common law an abusive 'adhesion contract') got cut down to one sheet of paper, 
the sheet of paper agreement that is what they use now to have people sign as 
they come in to get Dome badges. That change is an example of work in progress 
that can occur within TM.
Jai Guru Dev

---In,>> wrote :

Our ™ group offers what?

The written guidelines to the Domes have for years not been inviting to a 
larger community practice here.  The guidelines as they have been cobbled and 
word-smithed together have not served us well, at all.

The guidelines must, need to be written down to simple: 1) Did someone learn 
the ™ technique and programs? 2) If folks come to the Dome is that what they 
will do?  If yes on both accounts then say ‘welcome’. Be magnanimous and even 
say, ‘thank you’ for being with the group.

Get rid of the remaining old jealousies that are cultural written still into 
the guidelines which have right at nothing to do with the either the practice 
or running a group meditation or residence/assembly course but are there as 
purely administrative coercive and punitive ideas of other things of some 
people’s creeds. To approach the communal problem with the Dome numbers the 
guidelines must be changed to such a place that they may be publishable on a 
web page. Now.

---In,>> wrote :
Thanks for the replies from several of you.

The membership (Dome badge) guideline problem

The need is to write the membership guidelines anew, start with a clean sheet

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2018-10-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
> Now, the behavior of some in the .org and how poorly or well the metics of 
> their facilitating what is here as a community in this larger enterprise of 
> superradiance is another question entirely.

You know Doug, sometimes I really wonder if English is your first language.


> On Oct 27, 2018, at 6:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> Hey, I am a satisfied customer of the practice of the ™ program. I know my 
> experience with it. Questioning the character of my experience with it? I 
> thank the Providence in the large Nature of the Unified Field for my having 
> come across it in my life time as a spiritual practice. 
> Now, the behavior of some in the .org and how poorly or well the metics of 
> their facilitating what is here as a community in this larger enterprise of 
> superradiance is another question entirely.  
>> wrote :
> In, salsunshineiniowa@ wrote :
> I can’t believe you or anybody else still goes out of their way to be part of 
> a group of aging yahoos who still believe in expelling people from their 
> clique, despite abundant evidence almost nobody wants to be IN said clique, 
> and hasn’t for many years.  Hear they’re up to around 300 these days, even 
> with the MUM students...pathetic.
> “Provisional” dome How’s the mold doing in there by the way? 
> Then again, a friend tells me it’s still a good place to sleep, so there is 
> that.  
> Sal 
> ---In,  wrote :
> They gave me a ‘provisional’ Dome badge.  
> Okay, I am back in the Dome meditation again with the group.  
> In the interviewing, the more grave concerns were in three jealousies 
> embedded in the written guidelines, that posts here on FairfieldLife could be 
> seen as ‘promoting’ other practices, also the giving an indication of money 
> going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/ yagya, and then what cursory promotion of 
> Ravi Shankar there could be seen here from describing (a journalism of) any 
> of these as being part of what is going on in the meditating community of 
> ‘spiritual’ Fairfield. FairfieldLife posts, news and social media/facebook 
> otherwise get read actively by an investigating staff. 
> This is not like going in to a Saudi Embassy in Turkey for papers but an 
> intelligence gathering about people works similarly because of guidelines as 
> they are written and a staff that is hired to investigate these guidelines. 
> Srijau writing: you compare to the House of Saud. disgusting.
> ---In,  wrote :
> In the last few of weeks of processing since I was denied an updated sticker 
> or new Dome badge people here generally on hearing word of this would 
> respond, “..are they still doing that?” and then relate their own experience 
> and fears with this. 
> These last few days in Fairfield I have run across people who recently 
> updated/got their badges and when hearing about the written guideline over 
> ‘money’ going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/yagya, remarked “opps”, that they 
> had.  Another just the other day, had an ‘inexpensive’ ‘non-Maharishi’ yagya 
> done otherwise, also recently updated with a new badge and can meditate now 
> in the Dome group meditation in fear of being found out. 
> #
> I have advocated more recently with a direct hand for four successfully 
> renewed badge people urging them to/having them get Dome badges.  Aggregate 
> numbers, superradiance, towards a more critical mass. Jai Guru Dev. 
> The process just let someone else in who they did not know about into the 
> Domes who visits/sees Ravi Shankar quite a lot. 
> These are each people (example) whether 'persisting' visiting other 
> saints/spiritual people or having bought 'non-Maharishi' jyotish and yagya 
> who can come and do, willingly do, the TM program with the group. And, will 
> do so if so long as they are 'not found out' and separated from the group...  
> ---In,  wrote :
> This is very much in the purvey now of TM’s Trustees and Raja class, as 
> something like the House of Saud is hierarchical and organized. Hopefully our 
> Trustees and Raja of the ™ .org can get the guidelines for membership down 
> simply to whether someone learned the programs and would come to the group 
> meditations doing those. Simple. May the grace of Providence of the Unified 
> Field free us all from what long oppression the Dome group meditation numbers 
> have suffered of those written guidelines. Jai Guru Dev 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Dear Ones,  
> I am very sorry and apologetic that Maharishi has told conflicting 
> instruction of such different things to different groups and individuals that 
> this has left you here to enforce a cobbled (wordsmithed) set of guidelines 
> for our superradiance membership.  Guidelines that have not served you or ou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2018-10-24 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I can’t believe you or anybody else still goes out of their way to be part of a 
group of aging yahoos who still believe in expelling people from their clique, 
despite abundant evidence almost nobody wants to be IN said clique, and hasn’t 
for many years.  Hear they’re up to around 300 these days, even with the MUM 

“Provisional” dome How’s the mold doing in there by the way? 

Then again, a friend tells me it’s still a good place to sleep, so there is 


> On Oct 24, 2018, at 1:46 PM, [FairfieldLife] 
>  wrote:
> They gave me a ‘provisional’ Dome badge.  
> Okay, I am back in the Dome meditation again with the group.  
> In the interviewing, the more grave concerns were in three jealousies 
> embedded in the written guidelines, that posts here on FairfieldLife could be 
> seen as ‘promoting’ other practices, also the giving an indication of money 
> going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/ yagya, and then what cursory promotion of 
> Ravi Shankar there could be seen here from describing (a journalism of) any 
> of these as being part of what is going on in the meditating community of 
> ‘spiritual’ Fairfield. FairfieldLife posts, news and social media/facebook 
> otherwise get read actively by an investigating staff. 
> This is not like going in to a Saudi Embassy in Turkey for papers but an 
> intelligence gathering about people works similarly because of guidelines as 
> they are written and a staff that is hired to investigate these guidelines. 
> Srijau writing: you compare to the House of Saud. disgusting.
> ---In,  wrote :
> In the last few of weeks of processing since I was denied an updated sticker 
> or new Dome badge people here generally on hearing word of this would 
> respond, “..are they still doing that?” and then relate their own experience 
> and fears with this. 
> These last few days in Fairfield I have run across people who recently 
> updated/got their badges and when hearing about the written guideline over 
> ‘money’ going to ‘non-Maharishi’ jyotish/yagya, remarked “opps”, that they 
> had.  Another just the other day, had an ‘inexpensive’ ‘non-Maharishi’ yagya 
> done otherwise, also recently updated with a new badge and can meditate now 
> in the Dome group meditation in fear of being found out. 
> #
> I have advocated more recently with a direct hand for four successfully 
> renewed badge people urging them to/having them get Dome badges.  Aggregate 
> numbers, superradiance, towards a more critical mass. Jai Guru Dev. 
> The process just let someone else in who they did not know about into the 
> Domes who visits/sees Ravi Shankar quite a lot. 
> These are each people (example) whether 'persisting' visiting other 
> saints/spiritual people or having bought 'non-Maharishi' jyotish and yagya 
> who can come and do, willingly do, the TM program with the group. And, will 
> do so if so long as they are 'not found out' and separated from the group...  
> ---In,  wrote :
> This is very much in the purvey now of TM’s Trustees and Raja class, as 
> something like the House of Saud is hierarchical and organized. Hopefully our 
> Trustees and Raja of the ™ .org can get the guidelines for membership down 
> simply to whether someone learned the programs and would come to the group 
> meditations doing those. Simple. May the grace of Providence of the Unified 
> Field free us all from what long oppression the Dome group meditation numbers 
> have suffered of those written guidelines. Jai Guru Dev 
> ---In,  wrote :
> Dear Ones,  
> I am very sorry and apologetic that Maharishi has told conflicting 
> instruction of such different things to different groups and individuals that 
> this has left you here to enforce a cobbled (wordsmithed) set of guidelines 
> for our superradiance membership.  Guidelines that have not served you or our 
> meditating community well.
> The essential guideline of course is at the bottom of the printed guidelines: 
> Only Maharishi’s techniques are permitted to be practiced in the program 
> halls.
> Which essentially would entail an applicant having learned ™ and the 
> TM0-Sidhis at some point.
> However, having now had the guidelines for membership read out to me on more 
> than one occasion and also having read the guidelines directly there are 
> three embedded jealousies which are cultural that stand out in the 
> guidelines. These continue to be essentially corrosive to our communal 
> superradiance experience.
> . .
> Everyone living in Fairfield should be very concerned about the metrics of 
> the Dome meditation numbers and how it goes for them for many good reasons.  
> Inside the administration there presents manifest an administrative fear that 
> evidently is now creed and cultural as bound to a ‘sufficiency’ in peopl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2017-01-16 Thread Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]
Well, I am at a distance. Once I lived in Fairfield. 
I was experiencing some peculiar normalization that resulted in insomnia. 
Going to the dome, even living at MIU as it was called then, was problematical 
because of the weird sleep cycle. 
When I moved into town, I never went back to the dome, a deliberate and 
conscious decision, as it held no value for me. 
Being in the dome had no effect on my experience and thus there was no natural 
inclination to be there. 
I now have a better idea why that was the case. I have no objection to people 
who want to do group programs.
I actually prefer meditating with small groups of new meditators on occasion, 
but am naturally disposed to solitude.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 1:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

Archer, from a distance view that is fine, your philosophical of ‘no-doing 
Some of us live in Fairfield, Iowa, though, with this amazing facility for 
meditation that has just a couple hundred people meditating in it now. The 
question, (..what can be done?) is operational, what can be done in the 
community to better utilize the place by way of facilitating the meditating 
community that came here to meditate. Some damages clearly were done to a 
feeling of cohesion of the meditating community, what might the remediation 
look like to have more people meditating collectively again in Fairfield, Iowa?
Archer Angel writes:
..that nothing need be done.

---In,  wrote :

Should we create a dispensation for the meditators who do not attend group 
meditation in Fairfield, Iowa? What can we do?  
One could correlate from what science that we do know about group meditation 
that a large part of the tense psycho-spiritual problems we collectively face 
is rooted in the absentee meditators living here, those who do not attend to 
the collective meditation of Fairfield, Iowa.  All those Art of Living people, 
the Oneness people, the Amma satsang and others. They seem to not care that 
they are given this opportunity, even at the weekday no-badge group meditation, 
and they make no effort. Those satsangs don’t even show up to meditate with 
others in collective group meditation as a practice where there is offered 
invitation.   It is like they have a spiritual aloofness, a type of arrogance 
that keeps them from doing the spiritual work. What can be done to motivate 
them to open their hearts to communal practice?-JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

In Transcendentalism, this becomes MMY’s great legacy along the line with 
George Fox or Jesus Christ "Where two or more are gathered..". This modern 
development, of natural sciences correlating with transcendentalism in modern 
time as the practical role of collective meditation, not only an individual 
experience is compelling in transcendental meditationism but now by virtue of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's articulation there is the evident science of collective 
practice of meditation on the whole.   

---In,  wrote :

The evidence for the Maharishi Effect continues to mount up. Another 
compelling, new study came out in February of this year, again based on 
publicly available statistics. This is a scientific breakthrough that outstrips 
all others in its power to do good for ourselves, our nation, and our world.Jai 
Guru DevRaja John Hagelin

---In,  wrote :

When a person waters the root of life, when they begin to experience the 
transcendental field of their own existence, which is the treasure house of 
inexhaustible energy, and intelligence, and harmony and bliss then that as we 
know gets infused into their lives and their lives become so much better. They 
evolve, they grow, and they start to live in such a way that automatically 
their actions are in harmony with the laws of nature. 

"The public are invited to experience some degree of the power of a group 

---In,  wrote :

" Meditators notice that even in a group of two there is a greater settling of 
the mind, and this effect grows in accordance with how many people gather, says 
Colin. "Regular meditators have reported much stronger experiences of silence 
and bliss than they normally experience alone or in their usual groups of 2050 
people...The public are invited to experience some degree of the power of a 
group meditation," -explains TM teacher, Colin Beckley

---In,  wrote :

Right from the beginning of his movement, Maharishi predicted that even a small 
number of the world's population practicing his Transcendental Meditation 
technique could neutralize the stress being built up in the world 
consciousness, thus averting conflicts and wars.

---In,  wrote :

The Meissner-like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2017-01-15 Thread Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2017 2:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation
Should we create a dispensation for the meditators who do not attend group 
meditation in Fairfield, Iowa? What can we do?  
One could correlate from what science that we do know about group meditation 
that a large part of the tense psycho-spiritual problems we collectively face 
is rooted in the absentee meditators living here, those who do not attend to 
the collective meditation of Fairfield, Iowa.  All those Art of Living people, 
the Oneness people, the Amma satsang and others. They seem to not care that 
they are given this opportunity, even at the weekday no-badge group meditation, 
and they make no effort. Those satsangs don’t even show up to meditate with 
others in collective group meditation as a practice where there is offered 
invitation.   It is like they have a spiritual aloofness, a type of arrogance 
that keeps them from doing the spiritual work.
What can be done to motivate them to open their hearts to communal practice?
It could be that, as has always happened, all these meditators, as well as 
everyone else, is simply functioning according to the laws of nature, and that 
nothing need be done.
Ignorance of the laws of nature does not mean the laws are not functioning, it 
only means that some are not aware of that.
The strife in life is caused by the mind not knowing, not because the laws are 
Everything is as it is, and thus thinking things are not as they should be 
reveals a lack of understanding.
It means the mind is acting from imagination rather than being grounded in the 
truth of the moment.
Spiritual work is done by the whole (the entire universe or whatever you want 
to call the whole, what Maharishi called the aggregate), not the part.
The purpose of spiritual work is to experience that expanse.
Ignorance is thinking the part can usurp the power of the whole, that the part 
is in control.
An individual human being is a part.
If a human being experiences the whole, he or she is not concerned, for he or 
she need do nothing, it is done for them, they know they are not in control, 
they let go, they are calm.
If they do not experience the whole, they may be concerned, but everything 
still happens out of their control.
That is the arrogance, thinking you can control what is out of your hands, not 
that people do not do what you would have them do because you have a mental 
stance "they are wrong."
An enlightened being is communal practice, for there is nothing about them that 
is not the whole.
The purpose of communal practice for the ignorant is to keep their seeking 
enlightenment from getting sidetracked.
But there are other ways to keep that focus, each according to his or her 
In a cave, cooking for the family, cleaning a house, taking a walk in the park, 
talking with friends, and even, meditating.
If you do not have to think about what you are doing even interacting with 
those who do cogitate their actions, you are in the hands of the laws of 
nature, meditating or not.
Take it as it comes. You do not have to be in the Dome, or in a church, a 
meeting hall, or other supposedly spiritual place to do this.
You carry the secret of the whole with you at every moment while wasting time 
trying to arrange the parts.

   #yiv6562443540 #yiv6562443540 -- #yiv6562443540ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2016-07-19 Thread Tom Huffman [FairfieldLife]
Sure, brief 10-min group meditations were conducted in a variety of 
circumstances. However, there was NEVER any suggestion that a group 
meditation offered any benefits above and beyond a private session, at 
least none I ever heard. [FairfieldLife] 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:50 AM

Group meditations were very much part of what was offered in learning 
meditation in the old days of TM.  Group meditations were definitely a 
feature at the ™ Centers that were doing well initiating a lot of 
people. The group meditations were important to that for all the 
reasons [spiritual and then scientific] listed further below.

I find it telling that the encouragement to meditate in a group came 
only AFTER the emergence of the Siddhi flying program.

Prior to that there was no such encouragement

Those meditator group meditations became overlooked whence the TMO 
became Sidhis-centric and as the teaching of ™  fell apart once the 
more honed TM teaching movement based on initiating, group 
meditations, and residence courses got displaced by the ‘teams of 
four’ around 1977 that came everywhere to take over the local teaching 
of ™ and administrate the sidhis.

---In,  wrote :

Is it necessary to meditate with the group?

Meditating as a group creates a more powerful spiritual vibration than 
meditating alone.  Amma has designed each session of the meditation 
retreat to increase the spiritual benefits to each participant.  She 
asks that we all attend every meditation together, and not meditate 
alone in our rooms.  If you would like to start meditating before the 
first session, you are welcome to come to the main meditation room and 
start early.  -Karunamayi

---In,  wrote :

The 'Collective Meditation'

-Spiritual Regeneration Movement NEWSLETTER

May 1965

Maharishi Concludes Five World Tours

"His Holiness returned to India on 20th March, 1965 after a successful 
nine-month world tour.

..A special feature of this tour was the keen interest generated in 
scientific circles in England, Germany and America, where scientists 
are now conducting experiments to assess the effects of Deep Meditation.."

---In,  wrote :

"An event of unique importance took place on the 28^th of March, at 
Shankaracharya Nagar, Rishikesh. The saints and Mahatmas of 
Uttarakhand assembled on the ground of the Academy of Meditation to 
invoke the benign grace and the almighty power of the gods to right 
the wrongs of today's world society."

---In,  wrote : "Duty-bound"

The "collective meditation"  of  "Deep Meditation",

"In welcoming the saints and Mahatmas, Maharishi said that the world 
today needed the intercession of the saints who are established n 
themselves and are therefore, nearer to the almighty power. The 
situation of the world now demanded of the people a powerful 
invocation of the grace of gods to fill the atmosphere with peace and 
purity. This, he said, can be effectively done by those who by long 
practice of meditation and various spiritual disciplines, had gained 
the privilege of being nearer to the seat of divine power and mercy. 
The saints of Uttarakhand therefore were in duty-bound to intercede on 
behalf of the people and invoke the grace of gods to alleviate human 

---In,  wrote :

"..After Maharishi had stressed the importance and purpose of the 
assembly of the Saints and Mahatmas..

Then the party entered the 84 caves of Shakaracharya Nagar, where 
collective meditation was held for one hour. So soon as everyone had 
taken their seats in the caves, the meditation started with a 
recitation of Vedic hymns, and as everyone sank deep within, nature 
herself was absorbed in silence. There was utter stillness for one 
solid hour, at the end of which, the meditation was broken by a 
recitation of vedic slokas. The saints who are accustomed to long 
meditation felt the powerful intensity of today's collective 
meditation. It was decided to continue collective meditation regularly 
every Sunday until atmospheric tension abates.”

---In,  wrote :

Anybody have short quotes from the TM movement about the value of 
group meditation?  Doing TM in a group.  Something from the old days 
of Maharishi in the time before the siddhis?

There are plenty enough of charts and pronouncement of a value for 
practicing the TM-Siddhis in a group.  How about for pre-siddhis 
meditators and group meditation?  It seems that some portion of the 
meditating community is not interested in practicing the TM-Siddhis, 
at least for that long as they do in the Domes now.

Is there a value to just meditating in a group.  Evidently Fred Travis 
has data that shows that there is a spiritual value related to 
proximity and numbers of meditators meditati

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2016-07-18 Thread Tom Huffman [FairfieldLife]
I find it telling that the encouragement to meditate in a group came 
only AFTER the emergence of the Siddhi flying program.

Prior to that there was no such encouragement [FairfieldLife] 

Sunday, July 17, 2016 5:22 AM

Is it necessary to meditate with the group?

Meditating as a group creates a more powerful spiritual vibration than 
meditating alone.  Amma has designed each session of the meditation 
retreat to increase the spiritual benefits to each participant.  She 
asks that we all attend every meditation together, and not meditate 
alone in our rooms.  If you would like to start meditating before the 
first session, you are welcome to come to the main meditation room and 
start early.  -Karunamayi

---In,  wrote :

The 'Collective Meditation'

-Spiritual Regeneration Movement NEWSLETTER

May 1965

Maharishi Concludes Five World Tours

"His Holiness returned to India on 20th March, 1965 after a successful 
nine-month world tour.

..A special feature of this tour was the keen interest generated in 
scientific circles in England, Germany and America, where scientists 
are now conducting experiments to assess the effects of Deep Meditation.."

---In,  wrote :

"An event of unique importance took place on the 28^th of March, at 
Shankaracharya Nagar, Rishikesh. The saints and Mahatmas of 
Uttarakhand assembled on the ground of the Academy of Meditation to 
invoke the benign grace and the almighty power of the gods to right 
the wrongs of today's world society."

---In,  wrote : "Duty-bound"

The "collective meditation"  of  "Deep Meditation",

"In welcoming the saints and Mahatmas, Maharishi said that the world 
today needed the intercession of the saints who are established n 
themselves and are therefore, nearer to the almighty power. The 
situation of the world now demanded of the people a powerful 
invocation of the grace of gods to fill the atmosphere with peace and 
purity. This, he said, can be effectively done by those who by long 
practice of meditation and various spiritual disciplines, had gained 
the privilege of being nearer to the seat of divine power and mercy. 
The saints of Uttarakhand therefore were in duty-bound to intercede on 
behalf of the people and invoke the grace of gods to alleviate human 

---In,  wrote :

"..After Maharishi had stressed the importance and purpose of the 
assembly of the Saints and Mahatmas..

Then the party entered the 84 caves of Shakaracharya Nagar, where 
collective meditation was held for one hour. So soon as everyone had 
taken their seats in the caves, the meditation started with a 
recitation of Vedic hymns, and as everyone sank deep within, nature 
herself was absorbed in silence. There was utter stillness for one 
solid hour, at the end of which, the meditation was broken by a 
recitation of vedic slokas. The saints who are accustomed to long 
meditation felt the powerful intensity of today's collective 
meditation. It was decided to continue collective meditation regularly 
every Sunday until atmospheric tension abates.”

---In,  wrote :

Anybody have short quotes from the TM movement about the value of 
group meditation?  Doing TM in a group.  Something from the old days 
of Maharishi in the time before the siddhis?

There are plenty enough of charts and pronouncement of a value for 
practicing the TM-Siddhis in a group.  How about for pre-siddhis 
meditators and group meditation?  It seems that some portion of the 
meditating community is not interested in practicing the TM-Siddhis, 
at least for that long as they do in the Domes now.

Is there a value to just meditating in a group.  Evidently Fred Travis 
has data that shows that there is a spiritual value related to 
proximity and numbers of meditators meditating.

---In,  wrote :

/Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual 
aspirants as well as the veteran meditators. Meditating together 
increases the degree of Self-realization of each member of the group 
by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism./

—Paramahansa Yogananda in /Seeking God Together//

---In,  wrote :

/..Group meditations strengthen the individuals. When you're in 
meditation with other devotees you don't know how much you help one 
another. It gives you strength. There is a vibration that is created 
that strengthens, and supports, and encourages each one. So when you 
sit to meditate just remember this/.

—Sri Daya Mata on the SRF tape /Karma Yoga/


---In,  wrote :

/Group meetings to practice the techniques of meditation are vitally 
important. Group meetings strengthen the individual Self-realization 
that one has acquired in priv

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2016-07-17 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I've always settled down quicker  and had much better experiences when 
meditating alone. Groups are a distraction for me.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 5:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation
    Is it necessary to meditate with the group?Meditating as a group creates a 
more powerful spiritual vibration than meditating alone.  Amma has designed 
each session of the meditation retreat to increase the spiritual benefits to 
each participant.  She asks that we all attend every meditation together, and 
not meditate alone in our rooms.  If you would like to start meditating before 
the first session, you are welcome to come to the main meditation room and 
start early.  -Karunamayi

---In,  wrote :

The 'Collective Meditation'   
-Spiritual Regeneration Movement NEWSLETTER 
May 1965Maharishi Concludes Five World Tours
"His Holiness returned to India on 20th March, 1965 after a successful 
nine-month world tour.
..A special feature of this tour was the keen interest generated in scientific 
circles in England, Germany and America, where scientists are now conducting 
experiments to assess the effects of Deep Meditation.."

---In,  wrote :

"An event of unique importance tookplace on the 28th of March, at 
Shankaracharya Nagar,Rishikesh. The saints and Mahatmas of Uttarakhand 
assembled on theground of the Academy of Meditation to invoke the benign grace 
andthe almighty power of the gods to right the wrongs of today's worldsociety."
---In,  wrote : "Duty-bound" 
The "collective meditation"  of  "Deep Meditation", 

"In welcoming the saints and Mahatmas,Maharishi said that the world today 
needed the intercession of thesaints who are established n themselves and are 
therefore, nearer tothe almighty power. The situation of the world now demanded 
of thepeople a powerful invocation of the grace of gods to fill theatmosphere 
with peace and purity. This, he said, can be effectivelydone by those who by 
long practice of meditation and variousspiritual disciplines, had gained the 
privilege of being nearer tothe seat of divine power and mercy. The saints of 
Uttarakhandtherefore were in duty-bound to intercede on behalf of the people 
andinvoke the grace of gods to alleviate human suffering."

---In,  wrote :

"..After Maharishi had stressed theimportance and purpose of the assembly of 
the Saints and Mahatmas..Then the party entered the 84 caves ofShakaracharya 
Nagar, where collective meditation was held for onehour. So soon as everyone 
had taken their seats in the caves, themeditation started with a recitation of 
Vedic hymns, and as everyonesank deep within, nature herself was absorbed in 
silence. There wasutter stillness for one solid hour, at the end of which, 
themeditation was broken by a recitation of vedic slokas. The saintswho are 
accustomed to long meditation felt the powerful intensity oftoday's collective 
meditation. It was decided to continuecollective meditation regularly every 
Sunday until atmospherictension abates.” 

---In,  wrote :

  Anybody have short quotes from the TM movement about the value of group 
meditation?  Doing TM in a group.  Something from the old days of Maharishi in 
the time before the siddhis?
 There are plenty enough of charts and pronouncement of a value for practicing 
the TM-Siddhis in a group.  How about for pre-siddhis meditators and group 
meditation?  It seems that some portion of the meditating community is not 
interested in practicing the TM-Siddhis, at least for that long as they do in 
the Domes now. 
Is there a value to just meditating in a group.  Evidently Fred Travis has data 
that shows that there is a spiritual value related to proximity and numbers of 
meditators meditating.   

---In,  wrote :

Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well 
as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of 
Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory 
exchange of group magnetism.                                —Paramahansa 
Yogananda in Seeking God Together

---In,  wrote :

..Group meditations strengthen the individuals. When you're in meditation with 
other devotees you don't know how much you help one another. It gives you 
strength. There is a vibration that is created that strengthens, and supports, 
and encourages each one. So when you sit to meditate just remember this.—Sri 
Daya Mata on the SRF tape Karma Yoga

---In,  wrote :

Group meetings to practice the techniques of meditation are vitally important. 
Group meetings strengthen the individual Self-realization that one has acquired 
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