Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

At tune for you:

Half the population of the earth is alien but just don't realize it 
yet.  Some morning the signal will go out and they will.  Turq doesn't 
realize it yet but when he thinks he is sleeping is actually making new 
crop circles for Nabby.

On 07/21/2014 10:57 PM, John Carter 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Hi Guys
I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. 
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I 
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.
I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is 
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her 
reaction was – you guessed it.
I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are 
ready for this.

I would like to know your thoughts
“ I am pleased you have a very good grasp of the situation - that 
means I can tell you more! It will also explain a few conundrums.
I know you have been through a lot ( to behonest we all have, its 
whatwe learn from the experience that counts – in the early days, I 
was often told – its your ability to change that makes you different).
We are not human beings, the human form is an empty vessel designed to 
accommodate a higher energy form for the purpose of learning.
You are that higher energy form, mentally attached to the physical at 
its birth.
If you are removed from the physical being you would see a very dull 
individual – robot like.
Some aliens grow physical beings to work in the fields, to grow crops, 
to do all types of menial work – theycan beprogrammed like robots. 
Some can also becontrolled from your mind.

Like you are doing right now.
You are a created being, composed of modified energies, designed and 
manufactured by highly evolved beings who were once like us
Theywent through the same learning procedure as we are now, in time we 
will belike them, because like them you live forever.
If people were to believe these things, lifewould take on a new 
meaning, murder would not bea crime and your experiences here would 
become futile.
I could tell you, how you adopt the human's memoriesas your own, how 
your true memoriesare suppressed so you will learn fully. How, if you 
temporarily sever the bond that binds you, you will have an astral 
projection and elevate to a higher plane, simply because your 
vibrational frequency is much higher and not grounded to the physical. 
If you add even more special energy you will attain your natural 
state- that of a glowing sphere.
Our alien friends are aware of these truths and theyknow it takes a 
degree of discipline to carry on playing the game of life.
Aliens elevate an abductees vibrational frequency so the atoms will 
not interact with normal matter, to enable transfer through glass or 
wood easily. The aliens can also elevate there own bodies for the same 
reason or theycan become invisible to our eyes, all achieved using the 
mind over energy. (You should know that everything is made of energy - 
no exceptions - there is nothing else in the known Universe)
We have many "bonding" to physicals on this planet and sometimes an 
individual is allowed to remember some of the past.Past life 
regression is allowed to create interest and to stimulate us into more 
thought, in the same way that alien mystery and conspiracy theories 
do. These are all planned events and have been practiced on various 
planets over millions of years.

Those more advanced are duty bound to provoke thought within us.
These facts will behidden until the masses are sufficiently mature to 
“handle the truth”.
I realise this is a very condensed version of reality, but I wanted 
you to know.
People from various cultures will belistening to your thoughts to 
gauge your reaction as you read this.

There are no secrets in this Universe!”

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I think John Carter from Mars is really Ravi skulking around again.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please


---In,  wrote :

Hey there, JC - I didn't find much practical value, in what you had to share - 
sorry. I don't rule out UFOs - On the other hand, I find them uber creepy, and 
so don't put any energy in that direction. Us humans do enough amazing, and 
fucked up, stuff to keep me quite interested, right here. 

As for being eternal in some way, shape, or form, my response is, both, "OK", 
and,  "So what?". I am working within this form, here in the material world, to 
learn as much as possible - 'the medium is the message', etc. I agree that real 
life is about as overwhelmingly weird as we can make it, and I'll just stick 
with that, for awhile.

What is your 'life on the speck of dust' like? Any interests, beyond UFOs?

See bawee, now here is a far more interesting and nuanced response from Mac. 
He's playing and not threatened by John.

---In,  wrote :

Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
created ( like a few other John Carter's)
Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
of updating.
Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

From: "John Carter john_carter_bsc@... [FairfieldLife]" 

have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way.
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

am deeply into UFO's  and recently sent a lady ( because she is
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her
reaction was – you guessed it. 

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the
only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about alien life forms is
the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Hey there, JC - I didn't find much practical value, in what you had to share - 
sorry. I don't rule out UFOs - On the other hand, I find them uber creepy, and 
so don't put any energy in that direction. Us humans do enough amazing, and 
fucked up, stuff to keep me quite interested, right here.  

 As for being eternal in some way, shape, or form, my response is, both, "OK", 
and,  "So what?". I am working within this form, here in the material world, to 
learn as much as possible - 'the medium is the message', etc. I agree that real 
life is about as overwhelmingly weird as we can make it, and I'll just stick 
with that, for awhile.

 What is your 'life on the speck of dust' like? Any interests, beyond UFOs?

 See bawee, now here is a far more interesting and nuanced response from Mac. 
He's playing and not threatened by John.
---In,  wrote :

 Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
created ( like a few other John Carter's)
 Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
of updating.
 Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.


 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   From: "John Carter john_carter_bsc@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Hi Guys
 I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 years ago 
I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. Since that time I 
have probably told about 10 people this info and I always get the same reaction 
– stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

 I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is enlightened 
and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her reaction was – you 
guessed it. 
To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are ready for 
You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
alien life forms is the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice 
Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 From: "John Carter john_carter_bsc@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Hi Guys
 I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 years ago 
I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. Since that time I 
have probably told about 10 people this info and I always get the same reaction 
– stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

 I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is enlightened 
and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her reaction was – you 
guessed it. 
To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are ready for 
You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
alien life forms is the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice 
Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

 Surely you don't take John Carter seriously, bawee. I mean, do real crazy 
people like this really exist? This guy has to be pulling everyone's leg and 
yet you responded as if he wasn't pushing buttons. How much more interesting to 
have "played" with this instead of acting like it was serious. I'll bet it was 
one of your lurking reporters having a go.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 7/22/2014 3:51 AM, Turquoise [FairfieldLife] wrote:

So you are 102 years old? Burroughs created "John Carter of Mars" in 
1912. What's it like to be so old and yet still so gullible? :-)

Apparently Barry forgot or doesn't know about John Carter, the guitar 
player. Barry should get out more - there must be a million John Carters 
out there - it's a very common name, like Barry Wright. I wonder if the 
/TurquoiseB/ is related to Frank Lloyd Wright? Go figure.


On Jul 22, 2014, at 9:42, "John Carter 

Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character 
was created ( like a few other John Carter's)
Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still 
in need of updating.

Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
> wrote:

*From:* "John Carter 

Hi Guys
I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. 
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I 
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have 
achieved "incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so 
stupid as to believe any of this crap. No offense intended, but if 
you're going to troll groups looking for a response you should be 
willing to handle the honest responses. :-)

I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is 
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her 
reaction was – you guessed it.

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having 
the "How can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda 
stuff" reaction, if it helps you to hone your communication skills 
further. Also, highlighting occasional dumb words in color doesn't 
make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  :-)

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are 
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. 
But then I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe 
ANYTHING that mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of 
response you were hoping for from him. :-)

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak 
about alien life forms is the fictional character by that name 
invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs. :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past 
its expiration date, the same thing happened on 
alt.meditation.transcendental when most of the interesting people 
gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then the real fringe 
elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at a.m.t. was 
Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to 
indicate that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

Posted by: John Carter >

Reply via web post 
	• 	Reply to sender 
	• 	Reply to group 
	• 	Start a New Topic 
	• 	Messages in this topic 

Your New Favourite Group is Waiting for You!

If you enjoy this group, we have suggestions for others you might 
like to join.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 7/22/2014 2:42 AM, John Carter 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.

Most people call it a trance-induction state based on suggestibility - 
the quality of being inclined to accept and act on the suggestions of 
others. Most people don't accept the idea that humans can fly or 
levitate -  bodily suspension in mid-air with no visible means of 
physical support is not possible. However, there are a few people that 
do believe in human levitation, but it can be cause of disassociation 
when others call such an event into question. Often they get very 
defensive and lash out at other non-believers. This kind of experience 
has been noted by Mack in his studies of alien abduction events.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

*From:* "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 

Hi Guys
I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. 
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I 
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have 
achieved "incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so 
stupid as to believe any of this crap. No offense intended, but if 
you're going to troll groups looking for a response you should be 
willing to handle the honest responses. :-)

I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is 
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her 
reaction was – you guessed it.

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having 
the "How can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda 
stuff" reaction, if it helps you to hone your communication skills 
further. Also, highlighting occasional dumb words in color doesn't 
make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  :-)

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are 
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. 
But then I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe 
ANYTHING that mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response 
you were hoping for from him. :-)

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak 
about alien life forms is the fictional character by that name 
invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs. :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past 
its expiration date, the same thing happened on 
alt.meditation.transcendental when most of the interesting people gave 
up on that place and moved on, too. Then the real fringe elements 
moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at a.m.t. was Willytex, 
who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home with the 
insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 7/22/2014 2:08 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
*From:* "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 

Hi Guys
I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. 
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I 
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have 
achieved "incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so 
stupid as to believe any of this crap. No offense intended, but if 
you're going to troll groups looking for a response you should be 
willing to handle the honest responses.  :-)

It looks like the TurquoiseB doesn't want to talk to John Carter about 
the Rama levitation events. How could anyone possibly BE so stupid as to 
believe this Rama levitation stuff? Go figure.


I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is 
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her 
reaction was – you guessed it.

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having 
the "How can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda 
stuff" reaction, if it helps you to hone your communication skills 
further.  Also, highlighting occasional dumb words in color doesn't 
make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  :-)

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are 
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. 
But then I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe 
ANYTHING that mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response 
you were hoping for from him. :-)

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak 
about alien life forms is the fictional character by that name 
invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past 
its expiration date, the same thing happened on 
alt.meditation.transcendental when most of the interesting people gave 
up on that place and moved on, too. Then the real fringe elements 
moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at a.m.t. was Willytex, 
who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home with the 
insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread John Carter [FairfieldLife]
I think you have hit the spot, this world is more than enough for most people 
so to contend with - additional data may be overwhelming.
I have realised that people are limited by their intelligence and this affects 
their ability to imagine the improbable - as Einstein advocated.
If its not in the box it can't exist. What small minds we have.
My other interests are electronics, cold fusion and HHO., Chemtrails, Full 
Spectrum Cameras, Playing a rock guitar (when the wife is out) and getting off 
this planet as soon as possible - what a dump!


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:51 AM, "Turquoise 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


So you are 102 years old? Burroughs created "John Carter of Mars" in 1912. 
What's it like to be so old and yet still so gullible? :-)

On Jul 22, 2014, at 9:42, "John Carter 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

>Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
>created ( like a few other John Carter's)
>Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
>of updating.
>Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.
>On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
>[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
>From: "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 
have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way.
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.
>Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
>"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
>any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
>looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  
am deeply into UFO's  and recently sent a lady ( because she is
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her
reaction was – you guessed it.  
>To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
>can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
>it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
>occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'... 
> :-)
have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are
ready for this.
>You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
>I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
>mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
>from him.  :-)  
would like to know your thoughts
>My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
>alien life forms is 
the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  :-)
>Hey, you asked...
>To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
>expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
>most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
>the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
>a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
>with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
>that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)
> Posted by: John Carter  
>Reply via web post  • Reply to sender   • Reply to group   • Start a New Topic 
> • Messages in this topic (3)  
>Your New Favourite Group is Waiting for You!
>If you enjoy this group, we have suggestions for others you might like to 
>Yahoo Groups
>Control your view and sort preferences per Yahoo Group
>You can now control your default Sort & View Preferences for Conversations, 
>Photos and Files in the membership settings page.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread Turquoise [FairfieldLife]

So you are 102 years old? Burroughs created "John Carter of Mars" in 1912. 
What's it like to be so old and yet still so gullible? :-)

On Jul 22, 2014, at 9:42, "John Carter 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
> created ( like a few other John Carter's)
> Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
> of updating.
> Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.
> John
> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
> [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
> From: "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 
> Hi Guys
> I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 years ago 
> I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. Since that time I 
> have probably told about 10 people this info and I always get the same 
> reaction – stunned silence.
> Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
> "incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
> any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
> looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  
> :-) 
> I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is enlightened 
> and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her reaction was – you 
> guessed it.
> To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
> can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
> it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
> occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just 
> sayin'...  :-)
> I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are ready 
> for this.
> You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
> I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
> mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
> from him.  :-)  
> I would like to know your thoughts
> My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
> alien life forms is the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar 
> Rice Burroughs.  :-)
> Hey, you asked...
> To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
> expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental 
> when most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. 
> Then the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around 
> at a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at 
> home with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to 
> indicate that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)
> Posted by: John Carter 
> Reply via web post•Reply to sender
> •Reply to group •   Start a New Topic   •   
> Messages in this topic (3)
> Your New Favourite Group is Waiting for You!
> If you enjoy this group, we have suggestions for others you might like to 
> join.
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> You can now control your default Sort & View Preferences for Conversations, 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey there, JC - I didn't find much practical value, in what you had to share - 
sorry. I don't rule out UFOs - On the other hand, I find them uber creepy, and 
so don't put any energy in that direction. Us humans do enough amazing, and 
fucked up, stuff to keep me quite interested, right here.  

 As for being eternal in some way, shape, or form, my response is, both, "OK", 
and,  "So what?". I am working within this form, here in the material world, to 
learn as much as possible - 'the medium is the message', etc. I agree that real 
life is about as overwhelmingly weird as we can make it, and I'll just stick 
with that, for awhile.

 What is your 'life on the speck of dust' like? Any interests, beyond UFOs? 
---In,  wrote :

 Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
created ( like a few other John Carter's)
 Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
of updating.
 Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.


 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   From: "John Carter john_carter_bsc@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Hi Guys
 I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 years ago 
I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. Since that time I 
have probably told about 10 people this info and I always get the same reaction 
– stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

 I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is enlightened 
and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her reaction was – you 
guessed it. 
To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are ready for 
You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

I would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
alien life forms is the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice 
Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread John Carter [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was 
created ( like a few other John Carter's)
Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need 
of updating.
Youth brain washing is a powerful thing.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

From: "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 

have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way.
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

am deeply into UFO's  and recently sent a lady ( because she is
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her
reaction was – you guessed it.  

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
alien life forms is 
the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Help me out - please

2014-07-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "John Carter [FairfieldLife]" 

have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40
years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way.
Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I
always get the same reaction – stunned silence.

Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved 
"incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe 
any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups 
looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses.  

am deeply into UFO's  and recently sent a lady ( because she is
enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her
reaction was – you guessed it.  

To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How 
can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if 
it helps you to hone your communication skills further.  Also, highlighting 
occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'...  

have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are
ready for this.

You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then 
I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that 
mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for 
from him.  :-)  

would like to know your thoughts

My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about 
alien life forms is 
the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  :-)

Hey, you asked...

To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its 
expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when 
most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then 
the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at 
a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home 
with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate 
that history may be repeating itself on FFL.  :-)