Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical Activism?

2014-02-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/25/2014 6:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> There is no telling what manifestation group psychosis will bring forth.
Just look at the settled science of global warming or GMO crops to see 
some manifestations of group psychosis coming forth. Next you'll be 
saying it's getting so cold up there because the earth is getting so 
warm. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical Activism?

2014-02-25 Thread salyavin808
And by "spooky" I mean that it's outside what is understood to be possible in 
physics, not to mention biology, and psychology. To accept it you have to be 
prepared to throw out most of what we know about everything for the sake of, 
what? A few hopeful events cherry picked from the chaos of the last 13 years, 
and at a time when the world was supposed to be being healed by yagyas.  

 I have yet to see any evidence that it works nor hear an explanation of how it 
might work. "Positivity radiating through the collective consciousness" isn't 
an explanation of anything, it raises far more questions than it answers which 
is the very hallmark of a poor theory. Give us an unequivocal demonstration 
instead of half-baked and cherry-picked "proofs" laden with qualifiers like 
"The extra violence must be due to unstressing" that render it untestable.

---In,  wrote:

 "most people"? What we are talking about is a group of people in a closed room 
affecting other minds at a distance by some sort of spooky radiance effect. Bit 
different than someone being say, angry and annoying people at work but 
suddenly finding yoga and being more happy and thus improving the atmosphere.  

 No spookiness required for that as most people would indeed understand but the 
ME? No chance, it's a category error old chap and you know it. Two completely 
different orders of things.

 ---In,  wrote:

 On 2/25/2014 6:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > very stupid TB'ers say "OH, I bet there would have been MORE deaths if 
 > we had not been a-flyin' all these years.
 It's really a no-brainer; most people believe that peaceful individuals 
 will radiate peace throughout their surroundings. This is proved every 
 day by large populations all over the world. This belief is based on the 
 good-vibration principle: peace in the individual radiates peace to 
 everyone else. This is obviously true for almost anyone with a brain. A 
 guy sitting peacefully with his eyes closed meditating, thinking, or 
 having no thoughts, is a more peaceful individual than a suicide bomber 
 on a dirt bike speeding toward a public market. So, the problem is not 
 with the ME - the problem is with the lack of a consciousness-based 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical Activism?

2014-02-25 Thread salyavin808
"most people"? What we are talking about is a group of people in a closed room 
affecting other minds at a distance by some sort of spooky radiance effect. Bit 
different than someone being say, angry and annoying people at work but 
suddenly finding yoga and being more happy and thus improving the atmosphere.  

 No spookiness required for that as most people would indeed understand but the 
ME? No chance, it's a category error old chap and you know it. Two completely 
different orders of things.

---In,  wrote:

 On 2/25/2014 6:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > very stupid TB'ers say "OH, I bet there would have been MORE deaths if 
 > we had not been a-flyin' all these years.
 It's really a no-brainer; most people believe that peaceful individuals 
 will radiate peace throughout their surroundings. This is proved every 
 day by large populations all over the world. This belief is based on the 
 good-vibration principle: peace in the individual radiates peace to 
 everyone else. This is obviously true for almost anyone with a brain. A 
 guy sitting peacefully with his eyes closed meditating, thinking, or 
 having no thoughts, is a more peaceful individual than a suicide bomber 
 on a dirt bike speeding toward a public market. So, the problem is not 
 with the ME - the problem is with the lack of a consciousness-based 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical Activism?

2014-02-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/25/2014 6:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> very stupid TB'ers say "OH, I bet there would have been MORE deaths if 
> we had not been a-flyin' all these years.
It's really a no-brainer; most people believe that peaceful individuals 
will radiate peace throughout their surroundings. This is proved every 
day by large populations all over the world. This belief is based on the 
good-vibration principle: peace in the individual radiates peace to 
everyone else. This is obviously true for almost anyone with a brain. A 
guy sitting peacefully with his eyes closed meditating, thinking, or 
having no thoughts, is a more peaceful individual than a suicide bomber 
on a dirt bike speeding toward a public market. So, the problem is not 
with the ME - the problem is with the lack of a consciousness-based 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical Activism?

2014-02-25 Thread Michael Jackson
Again to the Movement's credit they are not officially taking credit for the 
Ukraine situation which they can't really do officially because of the 
parameters they have established for seeing ME results which DO NOT include 
violence and deaths - the REDUCTION of such things are what the Movement looks 
for although very stupid TB'ers say "OH, I bet there would have been MORE 
deaths if we had not been a-flyin' all these years.

My understanding is that the hard core TB'ers make up all kinds of crap about 
the Marshy Effect. The best one I have heard of yet I was told about just the 
other day. Apparently last summer or two there was drought in Iowa and the 
TB'ers were claiming SuperRadiance was responsible because it was burning up 
the GMO crops. Then when the rains came as they usually do at the end of the 
summer the Movement claimed credit for it by having done a rain yagya. Looks 
like they could have done a rain yagya in the middle of the summer to bring 
rain then. There is no telling what manifestation group psychosis will bring 

On Tue, 2/25/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine, Venezuela and Across the Globe: Mystical 
 Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 11:42 AM
 Jesus, Huffpo will print
 any old crap. The Princeton consciousness research was
 abandoned because they couldn't show a result over the
 random background noise of world events after many years of
 trying. It only survives now through private donations.
 It's the old coin toss delusion, you get a positive
 result, say five heads in a row, and think you have found a
 non-random pattern obviously caused by the fact there was
 someone meditating in a nearby city. Do it enough times
 however and you find that it was just a blip that happens
 all the time anyway, do it enough and it ends up
 I wrote to
 them asking whether they had registered any unusual activity
 during the Dubrovnik peace project and a few other big
 courses I took part in around the time of 9/11 and the war
 in Iraq. They said no, but they were fascinated that there
 were other groups interested in this stuff. You can be as
 fascinated as you like but their own research disproved the
 Marshy effect and here they are joining hands!
 So I dispute
 the idea there is a lot of research behind it, the only
 other one the TMO have is the Washington study which kind of
 relies on them knowing what the crime rate was going to be
 and then saying they reduced it. A quick glance at crime
 figures for that city (and any others) reveals that crime
 rates fluctuate by that much anyway over the year. Keep
 tossing the coin and you see that the ME has done jack shit,
 how many courses have I been on that were supposedly being
 monitored but the results never got released? Plenty. Nuff
 said, this excitement over a political upheaval is more arrows drawn round
 I'd be
 more impressed if the crime rate dropped to an unambiguous
 zero, or revolutions were carried out without petrol bombs
 and people getting shot in the head. Is it peace or
 isn't it?