Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-06 Thread Michael Jackson
Thank you for the Rama clarification - it is unfortunate that people decide to 
abuse others under the guise of giving them something good - but I suppose it 
is part of human nature.

As to Maharishi's sexual behavior, it doesn't bother me all that much that he 
did it, I was curious about how those who think he was the best thing since 
sliced bread worked it out in their heads that the skin boys had come forward 
with such stories - I figured most would say they thought the skinboys were 
lying, but they didn't. Although we didn't hear from folks like nabby.

The reason I put such weight to what the former secretaries to M said was that 
they all had pretty consistent stories of how he behaved with women and there 
are more of the skin boys who have come forward than women who said they had 
relations with him.

If he had been up front about his sexual energy and told everyone Hey, this is 
what is coming up in my awareness, I want to explore this for myself, if any of 
you would like to help me, then I would appreciate it.

Then that would have been open and honest. It is the lying and hiding the 
behavior that I find objectionable.
And when someone routinely lies, I don't think they are worth following or 
giving money to.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 5:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

--- In, navashok  wrote:

  Turq wrote:
  About Rama and Maharishi: They were BOTH scumbags in my 
  considered opinion. And they BOTH did some good, for some 
 Exactly! I know some people, other than you, who were 
 with Rama and respected him much. As far as I can tell, 
 they meditate wonderfully, you see this when you meditate 
 together with them, got good insights into spiritual 
 principles, good recommendations for their professional 
 life, and even good endorsement of other saints, both 
 the same from Maharishi and Rama. 

They got the meditate well thing from Rama. He could 
absolutely SMOKE in meditation. In contrast, I never felt 
that Maharishi could meditate worth a damn. That is, after 
all, the reason he invented a meditation technique that 
claimed that sitting there with your mind filled with 
thoughts and daydreams was correct meditation. Meditating 
in the same room with Maharishi was (for me) like meditating
at home alone; there was almost never any more silence than
usual going down. That, in my estimation, is the reason MMY 
spent so little time *ever* meditating with groups of his 
students, so that they wouldn't be able to notice that he 
wasn't very good at it. 

With Rama it was very different; the silence was so 
profound that if you were meditating in the same room 
with him the issue of having thoughts during meditation 
never arose because you *couldn't* have thoughts. *Very*
different experience, one that tended to inspire you to
develop deeper levels of meditation on your own.

*That* was the main reason I stuck around with him for
as long as I did. That and the fact that much of what
we did, at least in the earlier years, was FUN. When 
*he* stopped meditating with his students (and IMO for
the same reasons as MMY, having by then become addicted
to Valium and lost his phwam! as a meditator) and the 
FUN went away, to be replaced with just standard cult 
bullshit, I went away, too.

 Playing out one Guru against the other, you know only 
 from hearsay, is just too dumb. 

Jimbo really *isn't* very smart. He got his buttons
pushed and so he did the same thing that Nabby (*also*
not very smart) does and thought, Wow...him saying
things I don't like about *my* spiritual teacher really
pissed me off and pushed my buttons, so I'll try to do
the exact same thing to him. So he read the Wikipedia
article on Fred Lenz - Rama and extracted what he 
thought would be a good zinger from it, and then tried
to use it to demonize me, via my previous association
with Fred. It's pretty much classic cult behavior,
Kill the messenger. Jim really doesn't have the 
intelligence to think of anything new and original. 

My participation in this is simply to point out the
mechanics of what Jimbo and his fellow button-pushed
TBs are doing. They're trying for a *diversion*, to
steer the discussion away from any issues brought up
about Maharishi by his critics, and towards dissing
the critics themselves. It's pretty pitiful, but hey!
that's all they've got. 

The *most* pitiful aspect of it, which we've seen here
quite a few times over the years, is that when the TBs
get stuck in a corner in which they cannot possibly
deny the criticism (such as Maharishi having slept with
his female students), they're reduced to the kinder-
garten behavior of shouting, YEAH, BUT YOUR TEACHER

*Of course* my teacher (for a time) did it, too. The
ISSUE is what that said about both him and Maharishi,
not what it 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-06 Thread Share Long
For some reason, this reminds me of a story I heard from what I think of as a 
reliable source:  once on a course someone asked Maharishi if it's true that an 
enlightened man can just look at a person and pop them into enlightenment.  
Maharishi silently nodded his head.  Well, Maharishi, said the guy, why don't 
you just look at us and pop us into enlightenment.  Long pause.  Because it 
would knock your sox off, replied Maharishi.  

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 4:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

--- In, navashok  wrote:

  Turq wrote:
  About Rama and Maharishi: They were BOTH scumbags in my 
  considered opinion. And they BOTH did some good, for some 
 Exactly! I know some people, other than you, who were 
 with Rama and respected him much. As far as I can tell, 
 they meditate wonderfully, you see this when you meditate 
 together with them, got good insights into spiritual 
 principles, good recommendations for their professional 
 life, and even good endorsement of other saints, both 
 the same from Maharishi and Rama. 

They got the meditate well thing from Rama. He could 
absolutely SMOKE in meditation. In contrast, I never felt 
that Maharishi could meditate worth a damn. That is, after 
all, the reason he invented a meditation technique that 
claimed that sitting there with your mind filled with 
thoughts and daydreams was correct meditation. Meditating 
in the same room with Maharishi was (for me) like meditating
at home alone; there was almost never any more silence than
usual going down. That, in my estimation, is the reason MMY 
spent so little time *ever* meditating with groups of his 
students, so that they wouldn't be able to notice that he 
wasn't very good at it. 

With Rama it was very different; the silence was so 
profound that if you were meditating in the same room 
with him the issue of having thoughts during meditation 
never arose because you *couldn't* have thoughts. *Very*
different experience, one that tended to inspire you to
develop deeper levels of meditation on your own.

*That* was the main reason I stuck around with him for
as long as I did. That and the fact that much of what
we did, at least in the earlier years, was FUN. When 
*he* stopped meditating with his students (and IMO for
the same reasons as MMY, having by then become addicted
to Valium and lost his phwam! as a meditator) and the 
FUN went away, to be replaced with just standard cult 
bullshit, I went away, too.

 Playing out one Guru against the other, you know only 
 from hearsay, is just too dumb. 

Jimbo really *isn't* very smart. He got his buttons
pushed and so he did the same thing that Nabby (*also*
not very smart) does and thought, Wow...him saying
things I don't like about *my* spiritual teacher really
pissed me off and pushed my buttons, so I'll try to do
the exact same thing to him. So he read the Wikipedia
article on Fred Lenz - Rama and extracted what he 
thought would be a good zinger from it, and then tried
to use it to demonize me, via my previous association
with Fred. It's pretty much classic cult behavior,
Kill the messenger. Jim really doesn't have the 
intelligence to think of anything new and original. 

My participation in this is simply to point out the
mechanics of what Jimbo and his fellow button-pushed
TBs are doing. They're trying for a *diversion*, to
steer the discussion away from any issues brought up
about Maharishi by his critics, and towards dissing
the critics themselves. It's pretty pitiful, but hey!
that's all they've got. 

The *most* pitiful aspect of it, which we've seen here
quite a few times over the years, is that when the TBs
get stuck in a corner in which they cannot possibly
deny the criticism (such as Maharishi having slept with
his female students), they're reduced to the kinder-
garten behavior of shouting, YEAH, BUT YOUR TEACHER

*Of course* my teacher (for a time) did it, too. The
ISSUE is what that said about both him and Maharishi,
not what it says about their students. The cult aspect
of all of this is getting your buttons pushed *personally*
over something that isn't said about you *at all*. It
was said about a teacher you once studied with. Taking 
that personally enough to get all angry and vindictive 
about it just indicates to me that the teacher in 
question must not have been much of one. 

 --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
   --- In, obbajeeba  wrote:
Good points, dumbass. 
   Not really. Jimbo's just gotten his OMG-somebody-
   insulted-Maharishi buttons pushed, and is just 
   lashing out thinking that insulting my former
   teacher will push mine. It's kinda childish of
   him, and displays all 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-06 Thread Share Long
Good save  (-:

Sigh, I admit to liking the idea that Maharishi said the other phrase about 
socks.  But appreciate your setting me straight.  

 From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:15 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2


--- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In, Share Long  wrote:
  For some reason, this reminds me of a story I heard from what I think of as 
  a reliable source:  once on a course someone asked Maharishi if it's true 
  that an enlightened man can just look at a person and pop them into 
  enlightenment.  Maharishi silently nodded his head.  Well, Maharishi, 
  said the guy, why don't you just look at us and pop us into enlightenment. 
   Long pause.  Because it would knock your sox off, replied Maharishi.  
 I was there. What Maharishi said was it would instantly burn you up

I did'nt take notes, he probably said:  you would instantly burn up


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-06 Thread Mike Dixon
I was present when he answered pretty much the same question and M's answer was 
that it would be cruel because the person's physiology wouldn't be trained to 
maintain it and they would lose it just as easily. There was no mention of 
*burning up*, just the idea of the torment one would have at having something 
so wonderful and losing it. The ultimate *tease* so to speak.


 From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:15 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

--- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In, Share Long  wrote:
  For some reason, this reminds me of a story I heard from what I think of as 
  a reliable source:  once on a course someone asked Maharishi if it's true 
  that an enlightened man can just look at a person and pop them into 
  enlightenment.  Maharishi silently nodded his head.  Well, Maharishi, 
  said the guy, why don't you just look at us and pop us into enlightenment. 
   Long pause.  Because it would knock your sox off, replied Maharishi.  
 I was there. What Maharishi said was it would instantly burn you up

I did'nt take notes, he probably said:  you would instantly burn up


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-06 Thread Michael Jackson
Having been involved in as much channeling as I was the past 25 years, I have 
to agree. There are all sorts of permutations of it from the living masters, if 
you want to call them that, to the Space Brothers or Galactics who are going 
to come down and save us with their superior technology and or energy to the 
Ascended Masters and avatars and so on. 

It is all just a way of saying I ain't got no power and I dunno how to git 
any, so I am gonna wait for the Hand of God to come pick me up and carry me to 

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 11:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

--- In, navashok  wrote:

 --- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
   --- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:
--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 For some reason, this reminds me of a story I heard from 
 what I think of as a reliable source: once on a course 
 someone asked Maharishi if it's true that an enlightened 
 man can just look at a person and pop them into enlightenment.
 Maharishi silently nodded his head. Well, Maharishi, said 
 the guy, why don't you just look at us and pop us into 
 enlightenment. Long pause. Because it would knock your 
 sox off, replied Maharishi.

I was there. What Maharishi said was it would instantly 
burn you up
   And you actually *believed* this horseshit? Either of you?
   At least now we know why Nabby is so gullible that he 
   still believes in Benjamin Creme, who has been telling
   suckers like Nabby that his savior Maitreya is due
   to appear Any Day Now for over 54 years. He's still 
   a no show. 
  HaHa, ofcourse He is for you who are blind, deluded and 
  dull. Not so much for tens and thousands of others who 
  have seen Him with their own eyes :-)
 What I read somewhere recently is (in the context of the 
 9 Ashoks), that Osho actually believed that Krishnamurti, 
 who renounced the role of Maitreya, should have accepted 
 this role, that it was a mistake of him not to do so. 
 Krishnamurti in turn had said, that if the Maitreya was 
 there, he would just exactly tell to the people what 
 Krishnamurti said.

What I find fascinating is anyone so weak-willed 
and wussy as to believe that such saviors could
actually EXIST. In my book this is the height of
New Age / Old Age delusional fantasy. It's all 
based on the wish that there is someone out there
who can do it for them and make them instantly
happy or enlightened or whatever it is they think
would make them better than they are now, with no
effort being required on their part. 

We used to call it the Beam me up, Scotty 
approach to enlightenment or self-realization. :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Paraphrasing Maharishi, a doctor doesn't need to be in good health to heal 


 From: Buck
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 4:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

--- In, authfriend  wrote:

 This is a good answer, Mike.
 I wouldn't want to have to define holy man or saint, so
 I wouldn't want to say what would disqualify him (or qualify
 him, for that matter) for being either. He wasn't a perfect
 human being, that's for sure. It's up to the individual to
 decide how much they want to hold his sins against him.

Couldn't describe?  Saints?  Okay, if you won't stick your neck out at this 
point I will for sake of the discussion here.  We all know them when we see 
them.  Saints become described by their work.  As spiritual people our saints 
are those particular people who can help people spiritually and who distinguish 
their life work that way.  More than just doing good works and different from 
folks [think] just being awake authors or spiritual teachers out on 
the circuit but those being in the work of tangibly lending spiritual 
transformation by interceding with healing for others of the binding influences 
in the subtle bodies of the spiritual psycho-physical and emotional samskara 
towards helping to free people of the binding influences in their spiritual 
life on earth.  Real saints, it's those particular enlightened who can tangibly 
or manifestly heal people who are either afflicted or ignorant in their 
spiritual lives.

 --- In, Mike Dixon  wrote:
  Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
  Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means 
  that all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible 
  also speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda Vyasa 
  had sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, thus we 
  have Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high as we 
  might have thought. My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on a 
  mission and upon taking birth as a man, he did things men do.
   From: Michael Jackson 
  Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
  OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a 
  saint and true holy man. 
  How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys 
  have told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn 
  and others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
  Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it 
  is alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate 
  to have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Jackson
From Barry:

As for parallels, I think mine was apt. Michael obsesses
on Maharishi and the TMO because it's an *ongoing issue*.
None of the practices and dishonesty he's upset about
have stopped; instead, they are normal, everyday policy.
But there is another sense in which your stalking is 
like his (apologies in advance to Michael if I'm incorrect, 
none needed with regard to the Judester because everyone 
here knows I'm correct).

I may have tried early on to convince others here on FFL that another point of 
view might be wise, but it didn't take long before I learned that was a forlorn 
hope - for the last several months at least I have been asking questions and 
learning things both facts, personal anecdotes and opinions that have helped me 
make sense of my time with TM and make sense of TM and the TMO and Marshy in 

Aside from that, I do the same thing now that you say you do, I say how I feel 
or what I believe and I do pose questions sometimes to see what others believe 
- I have no illusions that anyone here will change their minds.

I would like to thank to everyone who has posted here - I have been criticized 
for agreeing with you Barry and it is true that sometimes you can really cuss 
people out but for me I have gained a great deal of insight from your points of 
view and the stories of what you saw and did in the TMO.

I have gained not only from what you and Sal and Curtis have posted it but 
others as well - if it weren't for Rick I might not have had my eyes opened to 
M's sexual escapades - and while others excuse the behavior and even say it 
made him more human for me it goes to credibility - I have a hard time with 
believing someone is doing things in my best interest when they are lying to my 
face everyday. It has been most helpful too to read much of Ravi and Bhairitu's 
posts - a perspective of TM from the Indian perspective.

I have also gained from the exchanges with Nabby, Dr. D, seventhray and others 
who have disagreed with or criticized me - it helped me see that some people 
will hang on to their illusions no matter what - and I realize they believe I 
am hanging on to my illusions. FFL has been very helpful for me and at times 
quite amusing. So thank you everyone.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 3:09 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

--- In, authfriend  wrote:

 --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
  --- In, authfriend  wrote:
   --- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
You vilify politicians and people in high finance who do the
exact same things that Maha did and give him a free pass for
doing what you don't tolerate in others. I understand it, but
I shore don't agree with it.
   What good would vilifying him do, Michael? You appear
   to enjoy wallowing in your outrage, but you won't be
   satisfied until everyone else is wallowing in it too.
  Sorta the way *you* do when obsessing on Curtis or Vaj 
  or myself or others of your enemies? Just sayin'... :-)
 Allow me to obsess a little more and point out that you
 carefully, deliberately, and dishonestly failed to quote
 the part of my post that refutes your accusation: Like
 dishonest politicians and banksters, you are alive and
 kicking and being destructive.

If what you wished to accomplish was to *demonstrate*
your obsession, and your tendency to project onto those
you dislike your *own* negative qualities, feel free.
I allow you. By all means, obsess away.  :-)

I never even *read* the parts of your post that I snipped,
much less deleted them intentionally. That's something
*you* repeatedly accuse people of, because you're...uh...
insane, and you have a tendency to accuse others of the 
very tactics that *you* employ. :-)

As for parallels, I think mine was apt. Michael obsesses
on Maharishi and the TMO because it's an *ongoing issue*.
None of the practices and dishonesty he's upset about
have stopped; instead, they are normal, everyday policy.
But there is another sense in which your stalking is 
like his (apologies in advance to Michael if I'm incorrect, 
none needed with regard to the Judester because everyone 
here knows I'm correct). 

That's the fact that it seems to *matter* to you both
very much that you are able to *convince* others to see
issues and obsessions the same way you do. You try to
*persuade* others to believe the way that you do, and
pile on to the issues you believe are issues. 

I honestly don't try to do that. I'm here just for my
own amusement. I state my opinions -- making clear that
opinions is *all* that they are -- and then allow others
to react or not react, as they see fit. I don't get drawn
into long ego-battles to establish my opinion as the
correct one or the dominant one, and I don't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Jackson
That is a funny funny post - I do love your style of writing and I laughed out 
loud when I read your quote of Bhairitu's take on FFL.

One experience I have not mentioned here is that 2 years after I left MIU I was 
with a woman in Boulder (not a TM woman) and she wanted to do a pilgrimage 
with Swami Kriyananda at their place outside Nevada City called Ananda. Ann and 
I had taken a trip to Portland where we made friends with a couple who were 
into Kriyananda (I am still friends with them, Ann, not so much).

Anyway they had this tradition of doing pilgrimage going to India to visit 
the places Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar and his guru Lahiri Mahasaya 
had lived and taught.

Well, somehow some of the descendants of Yogananda got annoyed at people 
wanting to traipse through their homes and told them to get lost - so in 1989, 
Kriyananda organized a pilgrimage of one of Yodananda's nephews and one other 
guy who was supposed to the the great-grandson of Lahiri Mahasaya to come to 
America to Ananda.

What struck me after being there at Ananda for a day or two was that even 
though the techniques were different, even though they were really into music 
and chanting, the vibe there was just like it was at MIU. I was struck by the 
similarity of the way people dressed, the way they spoke, their polite yet 
aloof manner and just about everything about the Ananda people was just like 
the MIU crowd. I remember after the first meeting and then group meal I was 
sitting in the dining hall thinking that you could take the MIU folks and put 
them here and take these folks and put them at MIU, you would never know the 

One funny thing I heard was the nephew of Yogananda was in his 80's and when he 
came to the US it was his first trip outside of India. When I met him, he was 
tall, thin and had a very sweet, sattvic demeanor. The people from Ananda who 
had been assigned to pick him up from the airport took him through San 
Francisco where he insisted on trying out a trolley car. The Ananda people 
nearly crapped in their pants because he got on the back of the car and swung 
himself back and forth on the pole at the back of the car - they finally got 
him to come in and sit down but one of them said he nearly had a heart attack 
fearing Yogananda's nephew was going to fall off the trolley and get killed on 
his watch.

That old man was pretty cool to be around - the great grandson was kind of full 
of himself, but all in all it was in interesting experience. Kriyananda had not 
at that point been accused of sexual improprieties and had not fled to Italy - 
he told all sorts of Yogananda stories including that Yogananda had confided to 
him that he (Yogananda) had been Arjuna in a previous life.

Not that anyone cares what I think, I was not overly impressed withe the Swami 
- he just seemed like a kindly old man - there wasn't any real energy there, 
but you would have thought he was God incarnate from the way the Ananda people 
fawned all over him.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 11:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

You make good points, and I withdraw my parallel. :-)

I think this place (FFL) is best approached as enter-
tainment that has the capability of teaching. Like you,
I have learned from many in my time here, and as much
from those who disagreed with me as from those who 

I'm fairly comfortable with my views of Maharishi, TM,
the TMO, and spirituality in general, but IMO *none* of
them constitute anything resembling truth. They're 
just ideas that I have. I don't so much believe in them
as wear them for a bit while toying with them. In so
doing, occasionally I throw them out onto the Internet
like spaghetti against a refrigerator; some idea-strands
stick, others don't. No big deal either way. 

I honestly don't think there is enough there there about 
the whole TM experience to get emotional about or attached 
to. For me, at least. But I enjoy playing with ideas about 
it, as a form of amusement and as an opportunity to learn.
It's one of my weird ideas of fun. 

What many of my detractors don't seem to understand when
they cast me as a villain with a grudge against Maharishi
is that I really couldn't give a flying fuck about him.
He doesn't interest me. I'll never read a book about him,
and have trouble making it through any of his quotes when
they are posted here. He's so much a part of my past that
I really can't identify enough to get all that interested
in him. 

But THE TM MOVEMENT, and the people who populated it, or
continue to, THEY are more interesting. FFL is, as Bhairitu
suggests, the Funny Farm Lounge. It's a zoo. It's a never-
ending education in the ongoing history of spiritual
movements -- or cults, if you prefer -- past, present, 
and future. Sooner or later every quirk or weirdness I've
witnessed or even 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Oh man, you are right, I didn't catch that!

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 12:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

Great stories, nicely told. I never had anything to do with Kriyananda and his 
set, or the Yogananda trip, but I *completely* get the similar vibe to MUM 
thang, having experienced it in any number of spiritual trips. I have nothing 
to add to your excellent rap except to riff off of a typo in your post that you 
probably didn't notice but which set me to laughing -- Yodananda.  :-)

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 That is a funny funny post - I do love your style of writing and I laughed 
 out loud when I read your quote of Bhairitu's take on FFL.
 One experience I have not mentioned here is that 2 years after I left MIU I 
 was with a woman in Boulder (not a TM woman) and she wanted to do a 
 pilgrimage with Swami Kriyananda at their place outside Nevada City called 
 Ananda. Ann and I had taken a trip to Portland where we made friends with a 
 couple who were into Kriyananda (I am still friends with them, Ann, not so 
 Anyway they had this tradition of doing pilgrimage going to India to visit 
 the places Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar and his guru Lahiri Mahasaya 
 had lived and taught.
 Well, somehow some of the descendants of Yogananda got annoyed at people 
 wanting to traipse through their homes and told them to get lost - so in 
 1989, Kriyananda organized a pilgrimage of one of Yodananda's nephews and one 
 other guy who was supposed to the the great-grandson of Lahiri Mahasaya to 
 come to America to Ananda.
 What struck me after being there at Ananda for a day or two was that even 
 though the techniques were different, even though they were really into music 
 and chanting, the vibe there was just like it was at MIU. I was struck by the 
 similarity of the way people dressed, the way they spoke, their polite yet 
 aloof manner and just about everything about the Ananda people was just like 
 the MIU crowd. I remember after the first meeting and then group meal I was 
 sitting in the dining hall thinking that you could take the MIU folks and put 
 them here and take these folks and put them at MIU, you would never know the 
 One funny thing I heard was the nephew of Yogananda was in his 80's and when 
 he came to the US it was his first trip outside of India. When I met him, he 
 was tall, thin and had a very sweet, sattvic demeanor. The people from Ananda 
 who had been assigned to pick him up from the airport took him through San 
 Francisco where he insisted on trying out a trolley car. The Ananda people 
 nearly crapped in their pants because he got on the back of the car and swung 
 himself back and forth on the pole at the back of the car - they finally got 
 him to come in and sit down but one of them said he nearly had a heart attack 
 fearing Yogananda's nephew was going to fall off the trolley and get killed 
 on his watch.
 That old man was pretty cool to be around - the great grandson was kind of 
 full of himself, but all in all it was in interesting experience. Kriyananda 
 had not at that point been accused of sexual improprieties and had not fled 
 to Italy - he told all sorts of Yogananda stories including that Yogananda 
 had confided to him that he (Yogananda) had been Arjuna in a previous life.
 Not that anyone cares what I think, I was not overly impressed withe the 
 Swami - he just seemed like a kindly old man - there wasn't any real energy 
 there, but you would have thought he was God incarnate from the way the 
 Ananda people fawned all over him.
  From: turquoiseb 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 11:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2
 You make good points, and I withdraw my parallel. :-)
 I think this place (FFL) is best approached as enter-
 tainment that has the capability of teaching. Like you,
 I have learned from many in my time here, and as much
 from those who disagreed with me as from those who 
 I'm fairly comfortable with my views of Maharishi, TM,
 the TMO, and spirituality in general, but IMO *none* of
 them constitute anything resembling truth. They're 
 just ideas that I have. I don't so much believe in them
 as wear them for a bit while toying with them. In so
 doing, occasionally I throw them out onto the Internet
 like spaghetti against a refrigerator; some idea-strands
 stick, others don't. No big deal either way. 
 I honestly don't think there is enough there there about 
 the whole TM experience to get emotional about or attached 
 to. For me, at least. But I enjoy playing with ideas about 
 it, as a form of amusement and as an opportunity to learn.
 It's one of my weird ideas of fun. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Not well read!?!?! I read every Rick Riordan book ever published!

 From: Richard J. Williams
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 12:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2


  What good would vilifying him do, Michael? You appear
  to enjoy wallowing in your outrage, but you won't be
  satisfied until everyone else is wallowing in it too.

 Yeah Michael, how dare you keep introducing uncomfortable
 topics to try and work out the whole story about Marshy! 
 Anyone would think this was a TM discussion forum the way 
 you carry on...
You won't be finding out much from Barry or Michael, 
since they got booted out of the TMO years ago, and 
neither of them seem are in a cult now, or even 

Barry doesn't really want to talk about Rama - to 
embarrasing, I guess. Go figure.

Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective 
thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look 
for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore,
not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what 
contradicts one's beliefs.

  It isn't as if there's anything we can do about it now.
  With politicians and banksters, if enough people become
  sufficiently infuriated, it could facilitate positive
  change. But Maharishi, he daid.
 And we'd all rather keep pretending the self-created myth
 was true thank you very much, so quit your wallowing and
 appreciate the good things we got like world peace and
 perfect health...
  And as far as politicians and banksters are concerned,
  unlike Maharishi, they haven't given us much of anything
  of value. That doesn't excuse the bad stuff he did, but
  at least with him there are two sides to the ledger.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-05 Thread Share Long
Could it be this?  That I don't really see anyone as my leader.  I like how Ram 
Das says it:  We're all just walking each other home.  
That's how I feel about it.  And since I have flaws, it doesn't bother me that 
they have flaws too.

 From: Buck
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In, turquoiseb  wrote:

 --- In, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?

That is a really tough question.  That could easily be someone's scholarly 
thesis topic alone on Fairfield.  How meditators have dealt with the deceit and 
moral dissonance of their leadership.  That became more directly addressed in a 
series of posts by a range of old meditators writing on FFL between Christmas 
and New Year's a month ago.  It was really interesting to read how different 
people resolved their relationship with the Tmo. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
It's the pop guru thing.  Better to learn from someone who is not 
interested in running a big movement where you can get some good one on 
one teaching.  They're harder to find but they are indeed out there.

On 02/05/2013 09:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 Great stories, nicely told. I never had anything to do with Kriyananda
 and his set, or the Yogananda trip, but I *completely* get the similar
 vibe to MUM thang, having experienced it in any number of spiritual
 trips. I have nothing to add to your excellent rap except to riff off of
 a typo in your post that you probably didn't notice but which set me to
 laughing -- Yodananda.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-05 Thread Michael Jackson
dunno anything about Rama except what I have read here - I recall 2 things 
Barry said - one was an acknowledgement of Rama's faults and the other was that 
in spite of Rama's faults and shortcomings, Barry from time to time got from 
his association with Rama some good things in the way of experiences.

This is the same thing that others here have said of Marshy and other teachers 
- so since Barry has said outright that Rama did things he shouldn't have, I 
have no problem with his past with Rama and his present attitude towards his 
experiences and time in association with him especially since it is the same 
attitude others have about Marshy.

And for what it is worth, I do understand those who had powerful experiences 
with Marshy still having some appreciation of him - for all his denunciation of 
Marshy, Mark Landau still has admiration for his old master, fraud that he was. 
I understand the appreciation - and the denunciation.

My old man was an emotionally abusive functional alcoholic, yet he did take 
good care of us financially and with the best advice he had to offer. He was 
manipulative (but it was clumsy since he was generally inebriated at night) - I 
disliked much of his behavior and still appreciated that he worked his ass off 
to raise 3 kids. So I get it. Personally I didn't have powerful experiences 
with Marshy, and therefore am left with only the denunciation. 

Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

MJ, can you really take TB seriously? Still smells Ok to you? After all, I can 
sorta see you being all upset over Maharishi, but with Bee, its twisted and 
tragic, his PURE DENIAL of Rama's criminality - his most recent Guru, and *ALL 
IN* cult experience. 

Seems to me you'd ask yourself why Bee focuses SO MUCH on Maharishi, and, like 
I say in my re-post below, Too bad all we get from Barry on this asshole 
[Rama], is crickets.

Makes ME wonder, even if you are Okey-Dokey with it...

Now, I know Barry is going to counter with his sensitivity and ponderings over 
Rama, and his confusion over whether rape at gunpoint is a bad thang, or not, 
but, that aside, I am curious about how you see it.

Barry doesn't really want to talk about Rama [Frederick Lenz] - too
embarrassing, I guess.

Spot on! or as Nabby says, BINGO!

Despite his pretensions as some sort of spiritual sociologist (gag me with a 
spoon...), Barry spent far more time with Rama, spent far more of his money on 
him, and bought into the guy, hook, line and sinker vs. his relatively minimal, 
and ancient, involvement with TMO and Maharishi.

Nobody is concerned about Rama's legacy, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE.

He used to consider himself a great lover, by seducing his female followers 
with a loaded gun. Sexy, huh?? He took hundreds of thousands of dollars from 
his pathetic followers like Barry, to fuel his degenerate lifestyle, and 
finally ended his life by first trying to kill a follower, and then 
successfully committed suicide by drug overdose...oh, while wearing a dog 

Yeah, wow, if I had followed Maharishi, and this dude, I'd definitely go after 
Maharishi as the less ethical, dishonest one. Not.

Although if someone thought perms, pistols, and pleather were the height of 
fashion, they might just give Rama a pass - lol. All I can say is I am glad 
such a dissolute and criminal windbag is gone for good.

Too bad all we get from Barry on this asshole, is crickets.

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Oh man, you are right, I didn't catch that!
  From: turquoiseb 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 12:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2
 Great stories, nicely told. I never had anything to do with Kriyananda and 
 his set, or the Yogananda trip, but I *completely* get the similar vibe to 
 MUM thang, having experienced it in any number of spiritual trips. I have 
 nothing to add to your excellent rap except to riff off of a typo in your 
 post that you probably didn't notice but which set me to laughing -- 
 Yodananda.  :-)
 --- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  That is a funny funny post - I do love your style of writing and I laughed 
  out loud when I read your quote of Bhairitu's take on FFL.
  One experience I have not mentioned here is that 2 years after I left MIU I 
  was with a woman in Boulder (not a TM woman) and she wanted to do a 
  pilgrimage with Swami Kriyananda at their place outside Nevada City 
  called Ananda. Ann and I had taken a trip to Portland where we made friends 
  with a couple who were into Kriyananda (I am still friends with them, Ann, 
  not so much).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
Thank you, Doc for what you say here which helps me find my own words about 
this topic.  Thanks also to Mike and novashok.  I'd add that I don't put the 
celibate way of life on a pedestal when it seems like the person is straining 
for spiritual goals to be something they are not.  I more admire people settled 
in their own nature.  My aspirations to celibacy have never lasted long and I'm 
grateful for that.  And I've had some sexual experiences that were celestial.  
So there's not been much of a split between the sacred and the corporeal for 
me.  Again, I'm grateful.

Thinking about all this I realize that I never thought of Maharishi as a monk.  
Having grown up Catholic, to me monk meant someone who lived behind monastery 
walls praying and working all day long.  So someone active in the world as 
Maharishi was, did not fit my idea of a monk anyway.  And as a woman, I was 
sometimes aware of his sexual power.  I guess that's what is called shakti.  
And I never heard him talk about sex though there were stories of Charlie Lutes 
talking about its being a drain on energy.  Consequently I never felt lied to 
about all that.

I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder.  It makes the TMO more human 
somehow, more of the world with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to 
life with all its light and dark.

Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Sure, it is fine with me, MJ. Given the range of human action we are each 
capable of, having sex with consenting adults is fine, regardless if he lied 
about it, or not. He owed me nothing regarding how he lived his life. I was 
simply interested in his knowledge and techniques and consider him a Maharishi 
in that regard. He never set himself up as anyone's personal Guru, and I did 
not ever see him that way, so it is a non-issue for me. 

Just because I followed his knowledge for many, many years, and continue to, I 
see him as a Divine resource, much more than some guy, who's life I am going to 
pour over, looking for inconsistencies. I am just not all that interested in 
his life. It was his, and continues to be, and I've got my own, anyway. 

I found one of the easiest ways to make myself depressed is to concern myself 
with things I cannot change, or that are none of my business. 

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.  
Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports and 
politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try to 
have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a friend is 
really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If not, then 
let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the two of them.

I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people in 
positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with unresolved 
issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  As such I 
think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or something 
superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because at the deeper 
levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 

Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
his close friends like John Hagelin? 

 It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
 with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
 with all its light and dark.

Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
and to so many?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Mike Dixon
One last comment on this. M told us the story of how he left seclusion. He had 
been in Uttar Kashi and was sitting with a saint. He told the saint he had the 
thought to go to the south of India and the saint told him across the river is 
nothing but mud. In other words ,if he goes out into the world , he should 
expect to get muddy.


 From: authfriend
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
This is a good answer, Mike.

I wouldn't want to have to define holy man or saint, so
I wouldn't want to say what would disqualify him (or qualify
him, for that matter) for being either. He wasn't a perfect
human being, that's for sure. It's up to the individual to
decide how much they want to hold his sins against him.

--- In, Mike Dixon  wrote:

 Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
 Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means that 
 all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible also 
 speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda Vyasa had 
 sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, thus we have 
 Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high as we might have 
 thought. My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on a mission and upon 
 taking birth as a man, he did things men do.
  From: Michael Jackson 
 Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Yes, there are people who do such things in life not connected to TM and it 
would apply to some that have done TM too

 From: authfriend
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
you think this makes a lick of sense:

--- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
 The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
 away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
 their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
 videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
 they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
 contradict their fantasies.

Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?

It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
It makes sense to not be in a state of upset over the person who lied and what 
they lied about etc. But the way you and others approach it seems to be to say 
that now that you have made your peace about M's lying you don't care that his 
successors are continuing the lying tradition to others. I can't go that far 
myself. I notice to my surprise that most of the people who responded to my 
question seem to believe that he did have sex and lied about it rather than the 
few ladies who came forward and the skin boys all being liars - that was one of 
the things I was wondering - if they lied, why would they do so? (Personally I 
think they are telling the truth but I wanted to know what others thought.

 From: Share Long
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
What I said in second paragraph:  And I'm not saying that lying should be 
condoned.  I think lying is 
wrong and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should 
make amends as best as possible.  

What I said in third paragraph:  We all have to come to peace about the lying 
of others...Not for their sake or to let them off the 
hook or to prevent it from happening again.  But for our own growth and 
happiness and good health.  

These are not expressions of not caring.  That is your interpretation and a 
huge leap from being at peace.

 From: Michael Jackson
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

It makes sense to not be in a state of upset over the person who lied and what 
they lied about etc. But the way you and others approach it seems to be to say 
that now that you have made your peace about M's lying you don't care that his 
successors are continuing the lying tradition to others. I can't go that far 
myself. I notice to my surprise that most of the people who responded to my 
question seem to believe that he did have sex and lied about it rather than the 
few ladies who came forward and the skin boys all being liars - that was one of 
the things I was wondering - if they lied, why would they do so? (Personally I 
think they are telling the truth but I wanted to know what others thought.

 From: Share Long
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
thanks - I will try to fix it

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

I don't have anything to add to what you posted, Michael, just a
suggestion. Whatever editor/email program/whatever you are using to
write your posts seems to have smart (curly) quotes and semi-quotes
turned on. The Yahoo system is obvously unable to process these, and
turns them into the โ€� and โ€� characters you see below. Most
such editors or programs have an option to turn off smart quotes, even
Microstuft Word, if you are using that. You might consider using such an
option, because your current setup makes your posts difficult to read.
The ย characters that show up from place to place are non-breaking
spaces, and I don't know why they appear, unless either you or the
editor in question is adding them manually; almost no one *tries* to
create them.

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 My thanks to
 everyone who offered their answers. Since Mike D was the first to
respond I
 will start there, but really I am using all the answers as a
springboard to
 think and write about this:
 from what most of you seem to be saying, you feel he was enlightened
in some
 way, but because his consciousness was housed in a human body, he was
 to flawed human behavior and yet he was still a holy man, or
 you may feel that he was holy and engaged in Divine activity by
 meditation, yet not enlightened and therefore his human lies and
deception were
 just part of his human life, sort of like the various Popes who have
guided the
 Catholic church while doing things they officially denounced.
 I began my question with the idea of Mโ€�s sexual activity
 because it seems that those who have talked about it (the women and
the skin
 boys) have come forth with some amount of detail, as opposed to some
of the
 financial allegations which are a little lacking in detail (here I
speak of things
 like suitcases across the border rather than the obvious soliciting
funds for
 projects that never materialized that everyone could see)

 I agree with Navashok that it does make a difference that Maharishi
 preached celibacy to others and as head of a movement claimed to be so

 Had he only practiced deception about his sexual activities, I could
 turned a blind eye myself, but in addition to the sexual
considerations, he did
 two things โ€ one being that he seemed to take money under false
 asking for funds for many, many projects that never or rarely ever

 Second, he always claimed that everything he ever offered was far
superior to
 anything everyone else offered. His meditation was superior, his
 techniques were superior, he alone was able to revitalize ancient
 knowledge - ayurveda, jyotish, yagas, vastu veda and all the adjunct
 and offerings that went with the main things he sold. He seemed to do
this to
 keep his customers loyal to him, to keep the cash flowing and to feed
his ego,
 that he alone could provide the best of the best.

 So with the sexual activity, Maharishi practiced deception
 on a grand scale (meaning that he lied for the better part of his
adult life to
 nearly everyone he came into contact, as opposed to just a few times
with a few
 people), he took money under false pretenses therefore committing
fraud and
 seemed to have a large ego.

 Committing these sexual and financial acts he
 manipulated people also on a grand scale meaning he manipulated many
people for
 many years, seemingly to feed his ego and achieve sexual and financial

 This is behavior that most people would not tolerate in their
 friends, family, co-workers or strangers. As a society we certainly
revile our
 politicians for doing the exact same things. I find it interesting in
 cat-with-a-hairball kind of way that some of you can so easily give
him a free
 pass for doing things you would never allow anyone else in your life
to get
 away with.

 One more thing I want to mention, Mike said this: โ€�The Bible
 tells usย that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means
 that all men have and will sin.โ€�

 This must mean that he was not enlightened. Maharishiโ€�s own
 definition of enlightenment was:

 ย  โ€�
 this state (of enlightenment) the mind has become transformed into
 bliss-consciousness, Being is permanently lived as separate from
 Then a man
 realizes that his Self isย different from the mind which is engaged
 thoughts and desires.ย ย
 It is now his
 experience that the mind, which had been identified with desires, is
 identified with the Self.ย
 He experiences
 the desires of the mind as lying outside of himself, whereas he used
 experience himself as completely involved with desires.ย
 On the surface

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
that is a very insightful statement - thank you!

 From: obbajeeba
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 3:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
possibilities that are told? 
Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. Some 
people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at the 
pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 

--- In, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, 
  and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
 According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
 Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
 telephoneconversation with him.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
I am aware of and have been aware of J. Borque's book since before beginning 
posting on FFL. I did not give it much credibility at first for several 
reasons. One is that even though I had already come to believe that M was 
unethical in his monetary dealings and in the way he treated people in general, 
I was not willing to believe he was not celibate. Usually with these guru 
sexcapades there will be one woman who comes forward, the guru or guru 
supporters will deny the allegations, then another woman will come forward, 
then another and another and another until the evidence seems undeniable as in 
the case of Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)

In Maha's case - there were only one or two women who came forward -after 
having a brief e-mail conversation with Rick on the matter, I felt I needed to 
take another look at the allegations and then began to find material from the 
skin boys addressing the issue - it was there very consistent stories that 
convinced me that Marshy was indeed an unethical SOB.

As to your last post, you asked if it made sense and to me it does, meaning 
that some people avoid looking because they don't want to find. This is 
essentially what Barry was saying - that people keep their distance because 
they don't want to hear and see the truth and that does happen and has happened 
within the TMO and those who do TM.

 From: authfriend
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 4:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Yes, there are people who do such things in life

Define such things in life. Whatever such things are,
they'd have to be very close to the facts of the TM
situation to apply to TMers as Barry has suggested.

 not connected to TM and it would apply to some that have
 done TM too

Look, Michael, I know we can't expect anything from you
but a knee-jerk defense of Barry, but just for the record:

The first time Barry made this suggestion, it referred to
me specifically, and I think it's safe to assume it still
does in his mind, perhaps now including other FFL TMers
who never had the chance to spend time with Maharishi.

Where it fails on its face, quite definitively, is that
if I and these other FFL TMers were bent on never
encountering anything that could disturb our purported
fantasies about Maharishi, FFL is the last place we
would be inclined to hang out (in my case for 17 years,
including my participation on alt.meditation.transcendental,
which was also full of TM critics).

If I were intent on preserving those purported fantasies,
would I have pointed you to Judith Bourque's book, which
you appear not to have known about, or the extensive
discussions we've had about it here?

And with regard to non-FFL TMers, the suggestion is just
as silly. To have one's fantasies about Maharishi
challenged firsthand, one would have to have been into
TM when he was still accessible, either early on when
he was conducting long rounding courses for meditators,
or later when he was leading TTCs--but before he withdrew
into his digs at Vlodrop--or one would have had to have
been on his staff.

To claim, as Barry does, that any TMer who was never in
any of these situations has been deliberately avoiding
them in order to preserve their Maharishi fantasies is
obviously absurd. *Barry* knows this, but he also knows
there are folks here like you who will fall for it because
it confirms your preconceptions, and you don't have the
imagination to see beyond them--or even a strong enough
grasp of logic to see through his attempt to mislead

  From: authfriend 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
 you think this makes a lick of sense:
 --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
  The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
  away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
  their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
  videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
  they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
  contradict their fantasies.
 Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?
 It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
 either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
what a joke - I think you were looking in the mirror

 From: seventhray27
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael


--- In, Share Long wrote:

 What I said in second paragraph:  And I'm not saying that lying should be 
 condoned.  I think lying is 
 wrong and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar 
 should make amends as best as possible.  
 What I said in third paragraph:  We all have to come to peace about the 
 lying of others...Not for their sake or to let them off the 
 hook or to prevent it from happening again.  But for our own growth and 
 happiness and good health.  
 These are not expressions of not caring.  That is your interpretation and a 
 huge leap from being at peace.
I've noticed that MJ does this quite a bit.  He's got an agenda he's pretty 
attached to.  I mean, there's an appearance of open mindedness, but I don't 
think it runs very deep.  He often takes what you say and then twists it into 
something that better suits his view of the subject matter.