thanks - I will try to fix it

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

I don't have anything to add to what you posted, Michael, just a
suggestion. Whatever editor/email program/whatever you are using to
write your posts seems to have "smart" (curly) quotes and semi-quotes
turned on. The Yahoo system is obvously unable to process these, and
turns them into the โ€� and โ€� characters you see below. Most
such editors or programs have an option to turn off "smart quotes," even
Microstuft Word, if you are using that. You might consider using such an
option, because your current setup makes your posts difficult to read.
The ย characters that show up from place to place are non-breaking
spaces, and I don't know why they appear, unless either you or the
editor in question is adding them manually; almost no one *tries* to
create them.

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> My thanks to
> everyone who offered their answers. Since Mike D was the first to
respond I
> will start there, but really I am using all the answers as a
springboard to
> think and write about this:
> ย
> So
> from what most of you seem to be saying, you feel he was enlightened
in some
> way, but because his consciousness was housed in a human body, he was
> to flawed human behavior and yet he was still a holy man, or
> ย
> Or
> you may feel that he was holy and engaged in Divine activity by
> meditation, yet not enlightened and therefore his human lies and
deception were
> just part of his human life, sort of like the various Popes who have
guided the
> Catholic church while doing things they officially denounced.
> ย
> I began my question with the idea of Mโ€�s sexual activity
> because it seems that those who have talked about it (the women and
the skin
> boys) have come forth with some amount of detail, as opposed to some
of the
> financial allegations which are a little lacking in detail (here I
speak of things
> like suitcases across the border rather than the obvious soliciting
funds for
> projects that never materialized that everyone could see)
> I agree with Navashok that it does make a difference that Maharishi
> preached celibacy to others and as head of a movement claimed to be so
> Had he only practiced deception about his sexual activities, I could
> turned a blind eye myself, but in addition to the sexual
considerations, he did
> two things โ€" one being that he seemed to take money under false
> asking for funds for many, many projects that never or rarely ever
> ย
> Second, he always claimed that everything he ever offered was far
superior to
> anything everyone else offered. His meditation was superior, his
> techniques were superior, he alone was able to revitalize ancient
> knowledge - ayurveda, jyotish, yagas, vastu veda and all the adjunct
> and offerings that went with the main things he sold. He seemed to do
this to
> keep his customers loyal to him, to keep the cash flowing and to feed
his ego,
> that he alone could provide the best of the best.
> So with the sexual activity, Maharishi practiced deception
> on a grand scale (meaning that he lied for the better part of his
adult life to
> nearly everyone he came into contact, as opposed to just a few times
with a few
> people), he took money under false pretenses therefore committing
fraud and
> seemed to have a large ego.
> Committing these sexual and financial acts he
> manipulated people also on a grand scale meaning he manipulated many
people for
> many years, seemingly to feed his ego and achieve sexual and financial
> This is behavior that most people would not tolerate in their
> friends, family, co-workers or strangers. As a society we certainly
revile our
> politicians for doing the exact same things. I find it interesting in
> cat-with-a-hairball kind of way that some of you can so easily give
him a free
> pass for doing things you would never allow anyone else in your life
to get
> away with.
> One more thing I want to mention, Mike said this: โ€�The Bible
> tells usย that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means
> that all men have and will sin.โ€�
> This must mean that he was not enlightened. Maharishiโ€�s own
> definition of enlightenment was:
> ย  โ€�
> this state (of enlightenment) the mind has become transformed into
> bliss-consciousness, Being is permanently lived as separate from
> activity.ย
> ย
> Then a man
> realizes that his Self isย different from the mind which is engaged
> thoughts and desires.ย ย
> ย
> It is now his
> experience that the mind, which had been identified with desires, is
> identified with the Self.ย
> ย
> He experiences
> the desires of the mind as lying outside of himself, whereas he used
> experience himself as completely involved with desires.ย
> ย
> On the surface
> of the mind desires certainly continue, but deep within the mind they
no longer
> exist, for the depths of the mind are transformed into the nature of
> Self.ย
> ย
> All the desires
> which were present in the mind have been thrown upward, as it were -
they have
> gone to the surface, and within the mind the finest intellect gains an
> unshakable, immovable status."
> ย
> โ€�Fortunate is
> man that he can rise to the Life of Godโ€�. (4:35 p.308)
> ย
> โ€�In such a
> state a manโ€�s every thought, word and action produce a
> influence for himself and for the whole universe.ย  This isย a
state of
> life where no wrong action is possible.ย In this state oneย has
> over all evil by the raft of knowledge.โ€� (4:36, p.309)
> ย
> It is this passage that speaks to me regarding Maha and his
> and the TMO leadersโ€� behavior: โ€�In
> such a state a manโ€�s every thought, word and action produce a
> influence for himself and for the whole universe.โ€�
> It
> must be obvious that Maharishiโ€�s actions and words did in fact
not produce life
> supporting influence for others around him โ€" one need only look
at the number
> of tried and true TM believers who committed suicide, those who spent
> trying to recover emotionally and mentally from TM and direct
involvement with
> Maharishi, some even having been institutionalized, the number of
people who
> had their lives financially disrupted from giving most of their income
to the
> TMO and in general just the effect that lying, manipulating and
> fraud has on the world.
> It
> beats me how you feel that someone could even pretend to create world
> when they were themselves perpetrating the very behavior that leads to
> destruction. Behavior comes from thought, thought is based on feeling.
You canโ€�t
> tell me that he was even close to enlightened even by his own
definition considering
> the things he said and did. I cannot imagine a scenario where lies,
> deception and manipulation are the actions of an enlightened person.
> The
> idea that we canโ€�t โ€�judgeโ€� the actions of an
enlightened man is a free and easy
> get out of jail card for him that in fact doesnโ€�t apply since
he was not
> enlightened.
> And lastly here is this quote from Mike D:
> โ€�One last comment on this. M told us the story of how he
> left seclusion. He had been in Uttar Kashi and was sitting with a
saint. He
> told the saint he had the thought to go to the south of India and the
> told him "across the river is nothing but mud". In other words, if he
goes out into the world ,
> he should expect to get muddy.โ€�
> ย
> I always took this to mean and in fact Maharishi actually
> said so once or twice on old tapes, that the guy he was talking to
meant donโ€�t
> waste your time, across the river is nothing good.
> You are interpreting it as an excuse for his unethical
> behavior. This is just an excuse and not a very good one either. The
mark or
> sign of a man or woman is how we behave when the going gets rough, or
how we
> behave when we are in an energy field where bad behavior is pervasive.
> My
> problem with M is that he pretended to be different than the rest of
us and
> created a faรงade that made him appear to be above such worldly
> but he was actually behaving as some of the worst elements of our
> behave now.
> You vilify politicians and people in high finance who do the
> exact same things that Maha did and give him a free pass for doing
what you don't tolerate in others. I understand it, but I shore
donโ€�t agree with
> it.
> ย
> ________________________________
>  From: Mike Dixon
> To: ""
> Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
> ย
> Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought.
The Bible tells usย that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That
means that all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The
Bible also speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women.
Veda Vyasa had sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a
river, thus we have Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not
as high as we might have thought. My thoughts are that M was a very high
soul on a mission and upon taking birth as a man, he did things men do.
> From: Michael Jackson
> To: ""
> Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
> ย
> OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as
a saint and true holy man.
> How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin
boys have told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton,
Nedd Wynn and others have told stories that are very similar as to what
who and when.
> Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly
think it is alright for a true holy man who always said he was a
lifelong celibate to have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


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