Re: [RFA] Your [PACKAGE_NAME] did not pass QA

2009-11-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

When i18n asked what was the exact need for bitmap-fonts no one answered.


I don't know about font systems, is Terminuis a core font? It is 
bitmapped, but I don't know if that automatically makes it a core font.

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Re: Local users get to play root?

2009-11-19 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:

Moreover, even sudo doesn't ask me again if I invoke it
within 5 minutes of using it (or however long it is).

It does if it was kdesu asking (at least, it's supposed to; otherwise a 
malicious app can gain privilege by waiting for you to use kdesu and 
then immediately asking for privilege).

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Re: orphaning (eol) gtk-qt-engine

2009-11-03 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Kevin Kofler wrote:

Petrus de Calguarium wrote:

By the way, colours on old kde3 apps doesn't work,
either, despite enabling for non-kde4 applications in
system settings (kftpgrabber) - I can see it already:
file a bug report :-)

There's already an ages-old bug report, the upstream KDE developers don't 
care. :-(

...or maybe the upstream developers don't know how to fix it. Help welcomed.

(Actually, it's more accurate to say that I am not aware of anyone 
maintaining the 'export colors' functionality. Jeremy Whiting and I are 
- last I knew, anyway :-) - the nominal maintainers for color kcm stuff, 
and I certainly fix anything I can, but I know next to nothing about how 
the export colors stuff works. Ergo, I am not able to fix it.)

FTR, exporting colors to GTK seems flaky also, but I'm not sure it's a 
KDE problem. I've noticed that after I force the export code to run 
(basically, make any change and apply it - even toggle a checkbox twice, 
you just need to be able to press 'apply'), the first app will be right, 
but the next one gets default colors. At least for Mozilla apps (FF, TB) 
and IIRC gitk. OTOH, Inkscape seems okay.

I might try to fix this somehow.

If you are able to help, that would be /much/ appreciated. Please don't 
hesitate to work upstream, I would very much like to see these issues 

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Re: Howto handle multilib conflict?

2009-10-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 18:05 +0200, Michael Schwendt wrote:

On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 07:47:59 -0700, Adam wrote:

Of course, that turns the larger question into 'why do we put i686
-devel packages in the x86-64 repo, not just the lib packages',

Because not all files in -devel packages cover multiple target
platforms. Example: You could not build for i686 with headers that
are specific to x86_64, and you would also need the .so symlinks for
libraries in the appropriate libdir.

Well, that's only valid if we actually do anything to ensure multilib
compilation actually *works*, right now all we enforce is that the
packages don't conflict (which isn't the same thing at all).

Well... at $DAYJOB we *depend* on being able to compile 32-bit on 64-bit 
for at least a couple products. And not just on Red Hat (and in my case, 
Fedora), but also on Solaris, HP-UX, Darwin and AIX, all of which 
support this just fine. (Yes, all includes Fedora/RH, at least for the 
admittedly limited set of libs we use.)

That said, I'm not asking for it to be actually tested in Fedora, just 
that if it breaks and I complain, the reply won't be we don't care 
because that is not supported and therefore it will not be fixed. IOW I 
am fine with the current status quo, but I don't want to see multilib 
dropped (not even sure it can be due to wine) or the policy otherwise 
become explicitly hostile toward multilib compilation.

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Re: libprojectM Packaging Problem

2009-10-12 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Michael Schwendt wrote:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:33:12 -0400, Jameson wrote:

My current attempt at their SVN code can be found at:

Patch attached. Do the same for any other directories where it may be


This seems fishy. Why is adding -fPIC needed (i.e. why is CMake not 
taking care of this)?

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Re: how to determain those no longer required packages

2009-09-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke

James Antill wrote:

ATM we
don't carry reason=dep across updates

To ask the obvious... why not? An update is not necessarily a user 
action (I run 'yum upgrade -y' in cron jobs on two machines, and may 
start doing it on more).

IMO updating an existing package should *never* change the reason. 
Installing a package via update should only set reason=user if the 
package was named in the arguments to yum (which should be the behavior 
also for 'yum install', actually).

...and I suppose 'yum update' should warn when updating a package named 
in the arguments if that package is not marked reason=user. (Why not 
auto-mark? Because maybe I am updating a library to fix a bug in some 
dependent program I use; I probably don't care about keeping that 
library if I later remove the program that needs it.)

 Probably the sanest request here is that if you do:

1. yum install blah
2. try out blah, don't like it
3. yum remove blah don't get rid of any extra stuff you got with blah, hopefully
yum history undo will solve that in a better way by recording what
happened at #1 and undoing it instead of trying to piece together what
might have happened at #1 after the fact.

Actually, I disagree. Let's say I install bar, with dependencies cow and 
pig. Then I install foo with dependencies cow and dog.

What I would like to see happen is 'yum remove bar' removes bar and pig 
(but not cow, because foo needs it). If I then later 'yum remove foo', 
that should take care of foo, cow and dog.

'history undo' only works if nothing happens between the request to 
undo, and the action being undone (or else intervening actions have a 
net effect of nothing).

If reason worked correctly, I don't see a problem with 'yum remove' 
always removing dependencies when no longer needed.

¹ It's also true that saving 1 cent of disk space isn't at the top of my
list of things to do.

Unneeded packages don't just use disk space, they also use CPU, network 
bandwidth, and cause excess disk wear due to the stream of updates for 
packages you don't need. (Plus that they can add up.)

And I've mentioned before that I hate this 'disk space is cheap' 
argument; it doesn't (yet) apply to SSD's and its rooted in the make 
the user buy better hardware attitude that IMO is a very bad thing.

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Re: dhclient and dhcp update require restart?

2009-09-01 Thread Matthew Woehlke

David Cantrell wrote:

But I explained in the previous reply how to cycle the interface
using either the network service or NetworkManager.  I still view
this as something more technical users will be familiar with and for
the average user, simply rebooting the system is the easiest method.

No, the easiest method is:

The following updates require their respective services to be restarted 
for the updates to take effect. List of services. Proceed? [Yes] [No]

Well, easiest for users. Not so much for developers :-).

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Re: dhclient and dhcp update require restart?

2009-08-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Dariusz J. Garbowski wrote:
Hi, something that bothers me a bit... More and more system restart 
requests with each update (even if one doesn't use the package at the 

This is a real shame. One of the selling points of Linux is that you 
*don't* need to reboot for every little upgrade (unlike a certain other 
OS I shan't name).

Is this necessary for dhclient and dhcp update packages to require restart?
Wouldn't service network restart and service dhcpd restart in the 

scripts do the trick (after checking that the service is actually running)?
Ssh used to do that since, well, as far as I remember.

Yes, please. Though maybe with prompting; we shouldn't go restarting 
possibly-critical services without good warning.

As David said, for dhcpd, 'service restart dhcpd' should be fine. For 
dhclient I would question why /any/ restart is needed. If your dhcp 
connection is currently established, is dhclient even running? And even 
if it is, what benefit do you get cycling the interface /now/, if the 
new dhclient takes over whenever the interface cycles anyway?

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Re: gwenview - Re: Orphaning packages

2009-08-25 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Kevin Kofler wrote:

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

A quick way to actually check for such dependencies is to switch to
another desktop environment, say Xfce, remove all the KDE packages and
install one of the KDE apps. It usually reveals dependencies which
are rather silly. I have seen kde-settings, background packages and
kdebase pull in odd dependencies on occasions.  k3b, ktorrent, scribus
et all are often used outside KDE.

It's not like those dependencies bite. ;-) HDD space is cheap.

Not on netbooks it isn't! I'd have to buy a new machine to get bigger
than the 4 G ssd I currently have. There's a reason I nuked the entire
printing support chain, even though it deprived me (for no good reason
IMO) of kcalc.

I don't find it scandalous that ktorrent drags in kdebase-workspace 
nor that kdebase- workspace drags in Akonadi (and thus MySQL, which 
is a hard requirement of Akonadi) and I'm not sure the current

subpackage explosion (FYI, rdieter split out subpackages to break
both the links in the offending chain: in upcoming updates, ktorrent
no longer requires kdebase-workspace, only the kde-plasma-ktorrent
subpackage does, and kdebase-workspace no longer requires akonadi,
only the kdebase-workspace-akonadi subpackage does) are a step in the
right direction (as they mean the default installations of both 
ktorrent and kdebase-workspace/Plasma will be missing features). I'd

rather have unneccessary dependencies than useful features not
installed by default.

I have to disagree with part of this. I don't disagree with
kdebase-workspace having a hard dependency on akonadi, but I /am/ leery
of anything that doesn't enhance the KDE desktop having a hard
dependency on kdebase-workspace.

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Re: KDE vs. GNOME on F10

2009-08-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Jesse Keating wrote:

On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 07:38 -0700, Christopher Stone wrote:

I don't draw the line, the maintainers of each package draw their own
line.  I just sit back and comfortably sip on my mai tai while the
people who know best make the proper decisions.

But you obviously have a personal line somewhere.  Where is your line
that you're willing to take latest upstream builds, but won't move to

For me, that's easy. I don't want updates that the packagers don't 
consider stable. It sure sounds to me like Christopher feels the same way.

I am willing to take the latest upstream builds because the maintainer 
considers them safe. I am not willing to use rawhide because it's 
considered a free-for-all. (I don't use updates-testing either, which 
IMO if I slurped everything relevant from updates-testing, would be 
about the same thing as using rawhide.)

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Re: KDE vs. GNOME on F10

2009-08-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Jesse Keating wrote:

On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 11:05 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
For me, that's easy. I don't want updates that the packagers don't 
consider stable. It sure sounds to me like Christopher feels the same way.

I am willing to take the latest upstream builds because the maintainer 
considers them safe. I am not willing to use rawhide because it's 
considered a free-for-all. (I don't use updates-testing either, which 
IMO if I slurped everything relevant from updates-testing, would be 
about the same thing as using rawhide.)

So if rawhide had an updates-testing like repo, you wouldn't mind using

If that put an end to stuff like 'sorry, that last glibc rpm bricks your 
system if you have the misfortune of installing it'... maybe. As I said, 
right now my line is packages that the maintainers consider stable. 
If rawhide became that (and some new rawhide-testing or such for the 
current free-for-all), then I suppose I might use it. I'd also ask how 
that differs in any significant way from a rolling release.

To be clear, 1. I would be in favor of a rolling release system, and 2. 
development /needs/ a free for all environment. So please don't take 
the above as being in any way opposed to such an environment existing... 
just so long as I can opt out of it ;-).

Oh, and on a related note, it would be really helpful if it was possible 
to enable updates-testing only for certain packages (and when needed, 
dependencies thereof) on a permanent whitelist basis.

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Re: KDE vs. GNOME on F10

2009-08-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Jesse Keating wrote:

Well with the no frozen rawhide proposal, from the Alpha freeze point on
there would be such an updates-testing for the pending release, while
rawhide remains the wild west.  You could say install F12, then at F13
Alpha jump onto F13 and have the much newer more often content that has
had some testing.  Just keep jumping to the next Alpha and you have your
rolling release as it were.

How does that differ from the current situation (except for being a 
little more bleeding)?

A true rolling release is install-once, update-forever. Yes you can more 
or less do this with upgrade-via-yum, but it is still a large chunk of 
effort at 6- or 12-month intervals.

Oh, and on a related note, it would be really helpful if it was possible 
to enable updates-testing only for certain packages (and when needed, 
dependencies thereof) on a permanent whitelist basis.

include=package in the yum conf for updates-testing.

Will that also use packages from -testing when needed to resolve 
dependencies for something in the include list? Or will it just break? 
('man yum.conf' makes it sound like the latter...)

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Re: KDE vs. GNOME on F10

2009-08-06 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Williamson wrote:

Same question for KDE - someone writes a tool for their group based
on some KDE libraries, doesn't expect an update to come along and do
a major KDE version bump and break some interface the tool relied

KDE would generally consider it a bug if that happened (API compat 
broken by a non-major* update), unless it was an interface that already 
had a big BC/SC not guaranteed warning label.

(* major = e.g. KDE3 - KDE4)

There may be situations in which such a break would be done anyway, but 
there would have to be a strong argument why such change is so critical 
as to warrant a compatibility break.

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Mixer Handling in PA 0.9.16/F12

2009-07-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Doug Ledford wrote:

Every system I build still keeps the analog signal cable between the
CD/DVD and the soundcard. This doesn't help if I try to watch a movie
as that signal has to be decoded and then played, but for audio CDs
it is still a perfectly acceptable means of playing the music. So I'm
not sure where this CD in is obsolete comes from. Even the
motherboard I bought about 2 months ago still has a CD in port and
the CD/DVD in that machine still has an analog output.

CD is digital and can be read in digital format by your CPU and sent in 
digital to the sound device. This is lossless.

You want to:
(D-A) do the DAC in the CD drive
(A) toss that on an analog wire
(A/A-D-A) apply an analog volume adjustment (if you're lucky; you 
might actually end up doing a ADC, digital volume adjustment, DAC)

(A/A-D) toss that on a different wire that might be digital
(A/D-A) hear it from your speakers

You could:
(D) read the CD digital data
(D) toss said data to the sound device (losslessly!)
(D/D-A) apply a digital volume adjustment (or maybe analog volume 
adjustment after DAC)

(D/D-A) send that, maybe digitally, to your speakers
(A/D-A) hear it from your speakers

What exactly is better about the first scenario? At *best* you're moving 
the analog signal across a longer run of wire (and one that is inside 
your computer case with who-knows-what shielding picking up 
who-knows-what interference). At worst you've tossed several analog 
elements into a process that could have been digital from disc to 
speaker cones.

Seriously... do I miss something?

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Mixer Handling in PA 0.9.16/F12

2009-07-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Lennart Poettering wrote:

Modern sound card designs don't do hw mixing anymore, it's like
fm synthesis or wavetable audio.

/me misses fm synth :-)

(At least, I'm still looking for something that will turn a MIDI into a 
.wav/.ogg/etc that sounds like an SB16... DOS MIDI player in dosbox is 
the closest I've found so far, but it sucks for batch processing.)

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Mixer Handling in PA 0.9.16/F12

2009-07-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Thu, 30.07.09 17:09, Matthew Woehlke (elided) wrote:

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Lennart Poettering wrote:

Modern sound card designs don't do hw mixing anymore, it's like
fm synthesis or wavetable audio.

/me misses fm synth :-)

(At least, I'm still looking for something that will turn a MIDI into a  
.wav/.ogg/etc that sounds like an SB16... DOS MIDI player in dosbox is  
the closest I've found so far, but it sucks for batch processing.)

Try timidity.

You have a soundfont that sounds like an OPL3? If so, I would be much 
appreciative if you could hook me up. (But I'm guessing you failed to 
read the part about sounds like an SB16... i.e. an OPL3 fm synth chip, 
not the AWE-generation wavetable stuff. I *do* still have my Creative 
AWE .sf2's, thank you.)

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Mixer Handling in PA 0.9.16/F12

2009-07-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Thu, 30.07.09 16:53, Matthew Woehlke (elided) wrote:

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The analog path for CDDA is completely broken and obsolete:

- It doesn't work if you have more than one cd drive

Sure it does (assuming you have something to plug the second drive 
into). I've used two drives with one card; second drive was on AUX.

- It doesn't work if you have more than one audio device

Not really true, you just can only play via one device.

Of course, the other points are all valid. (Well, didn't know about not 
working with SPDIF, I would have assumed there would be an ADC in that 

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Re: Lower Process Capabilities

2009-07-30 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Bill McGonigle wrote:

What's it going to take to make most
people who shut off SELinux stop doing that?

...being able to install bleeding-edge devel KDE to 
/usr/local/my-kde-install and be able to use that as my primary desktop.

I guess that would - at best - take some kind of smart auto-labeling 
on the first exec of an unlabeled process.

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 17:17 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
I have to ask... when are we going to see Linux allow network access 
based on the checksum of the process that wants to use it? After all, 
'doze has  had this ability for years. (Maybe SELinux can provide this 

It's probably a good thing we didn't do this a few years ago. With md5
checksums. ;)

Not really; checksums just provide an additional layer of security above 
the process name (or better, full path, which means root-owned are 
already pretty well protected without the checksum). Besides *any* form 
of per-process permissions would be more than we have now.

Although checksumming isn't needed if you do it via SELinux contexts in 
a way that you can't accidentally set a context, and any change to a 
binary causes the context to be dropped. (This is probably better 
because a: you rely on the OS to drop the context on /any/ change, so 
there is no checksum that can be spoofed, and b: you can trust the 
package manager to assign contexts, which results in less maintenance 
since updates via the PM don't require updating checksums.)

(And I realize that I am pretty sure SELinux doesn't provide real 
per-process security; maybe for listening, but for outbound, a good 
per-process firewall can restrict what addresses a process can talk to. 
I don't think SELinux can do this? And if it can, it is certainly 
wandering very badly into iptables' territory.)

I guess one way to do this would be to (maybe using SELinux?) toss 
sockets opened by a process (identified by full path and checksum) onto 
a specified iptables chain rather than the default OUTPUT. This would 
require the least changes to iptables, and is roughly what Tiny 
(Windows, best firewall I've encountered yet in terms of function) does.

INPUT unfortunately must be done differently since you are blocking 
above the socket layer. Besides the ability to make temporary holes 
(which I like), I think the best thing would be to have an iptables rule 
that allows stuff if there is a socket that will receive it, otherwise 
can drop (if you don't drop, you're just using 'allow' permanently and 
letting the OS handle the close notification). Then use SELinux or 
something similar to control if a process is allowed to open listen 
sockets in the first place.

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Björn Persson wrote:

Matthew Woehlke wrote:

an iptables rule
that allows stuff if there is a socket that will receive it, otherwise
can drop

Where's the point in that?

Stealth? You might as well ask what is the point of using DROP (instead 
of REJECT) at all. Obviously there is a reason or else it wouldn't exist.

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Stephen Gallagher wrote:

On 07/24/2009 12:03 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Stephen Gallagher wrote:

Python does not make for a particularly efficient long-running daemon.
And if your plan is to monitor for port openings in order to prompt,
it's going to need to be a long-running daemon (also you'll probably
want a kernel module component to signal your daemon when a port is

If I might suggest, you probably want to use a compiled language like C.
The GLib C framework is probably a good approach, especially with its
excellent glib-dbus integration.

If I might suggest, C++ and Qt would also be a fine approach :-), the
object model isn't built on C hacks, and Qt also has great dbus
integration. (And it's bloody easy to design UI's in Qt. And you could
make friends by working with KDE instead of making them play catch-up,
for a change.) Why does everyone have to reach for glibc first?

Sorry, wasn't trying to start a holy-war.


Since I also do not wish to start a holy war, I'll stop now. Both camps 
have now been suggested, that is enough for me.

I reached for GLib mainly because it's written in C and doesn't
require pulling in the entire C++ shared object set.

TBH I have (almost) no experience with glib, but the mere idea of trying 
to write OO in C scares me ;-). (Conversely I have pretty decent 
experience with Qt, and absolutely love it.) C++ was designed for OO; 
little things like ctors/dtors make life s much easier.

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Björn Persson wrote:

Matthew Woehlke wrote:

Björn Persson wrote:

Matthew Woehlke wrote:

an iptables rule
that allows stuff if there is a socket that will receive it, otherwise
can drop

Where's the point in that?

Stealth? You might as well ask what is the point of using DROP (instead
of REJECT) at all. Obviously there is a reason or else it wouldn't exist.

That's obscurity, not security.

Why is it people seem to have a problem with obscurity *on top of* 
security? What's wrong with making it as hard as possible for the bad 

If there's a hole in Sendmail for example, 
then attackers trying to exploit that hole won't start by probing port 26384 
and then connect to port 25 only if they get an RST packet from port 26384.

...and if I happen to not be running sendmail at the time, my machine 
will appear to not exist, rather than going on the 'try other exploits' 
list. (Especially if I happen to be not running /any/ services at the 
time and am therefore truly stealthy.)

You're not truly stealth unless you drop *all* packets, at which 
point you can just as well unplug the network cable (or turn WiFi off

with the kill switch).

Not all packets, just incoming ones that don't belong to established 
connections. (I'll assume we're not talking about a black hat to whose 
server you have explicitly connected.)

Besides, you didn't address the original question: if DROP is as 
non-useful as you claim, why does it exist?

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Casey Dahlin wrote:

On 07/24/2009 02:09 AM, Aioanei Rares wrote:

I tend to agree here. Maybe C++ would be a far better option (biased, of
course :)

Ugh. I think C will do just fine. Its perfectly adequate without growing any 
tumorous appendages.

C is just fine for device drivers, just don't make me write a GUI using 
only C ;-). (Tumorous appendage? I object to that...)

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Bill McGonigle wrote:

On 07/23/2009 06:17 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I have to ask... when are we going to see Linux allow network access
based on the checksum of the process that wants to use it? After all,
'doze has  had this ability for years. (Maybe SELinux can provide this

Is this a checksum of the binary that got launched?  Make sure prelink
can update whatever database of checksums is being kept.  And that
prelink isn't exploitable. :)

True. For us, something based on SELinux contexts, which should be 
dropped by the kernel on any modification (and allowed to be set by 
trusted components, say prelink and yum/rpm) is probably as good or 
better than using checksums. (Which still requires prelink to be secure, 
but then that's already required, as rogue prelink could be wreaking 
who-knows-what havoc...)

This can't be a default on MSW, right?  My spam filter's pain would seem
to deny that possibility.

It's not built into MSW if that's what you mean. It's from Tiny, which I 
used before switching totally to Fedora. By has this ability I mean 
that FW's for MSW exist which have this feature. (Also, Tiny is *not* a 
firewall for people that don't know what they are doing; using Tiny is, 
I would say, on par with 'vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables' in terms of 
user-friendliness. Powerful, really not bad when you know what you are 
doing, but absolutely not for 'Joe Sixpack'.)

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Re: Firewall rules using SELinux context (Was Re: RFE: FireKit)

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke
'Content-Type: format=flowed' would be really nice, as opposed to the 
'one line per paragraph' you sent...

Casey Dahlin wrote:
A couple of mentions of SELinux have cropped up in the FireKit 
thread, which got me thinking about the Firewall and SELinux and ways

in which they are similar. I had the following thought:

SELinux already has a lot of policy information from which we might 
like to determine whether ports should be open to a particular

program. The simplest mechanism I can see for doing that is to allow
SELinux context to be referenced in the firewall rules. This prevents
either system from having to be grotesquely modified.

An example rule might look like this:

-A INPUT -Z apache_t -j ACCEPT

Here we tell the firewall to allow incoming traffic that will be
intercepted in userspace by a process in the apache_t context.

My question is, can this even work? There is a reason I suggested that 
on the /INPUT/ side, iptables have no more smarts than 'is there a 
socket that will accept this packet'. (Then use SELinux to allow/prevent 
those sockets from being opened in the first place.)

I like the idea for the OUTPUT chain, however.

This does break in at least one way from traditional SELinux policy: 
something external to SELinux is interpreting the meaning of the 
context. The firewall rules can change while the actual SELinux

policy stays put. I don't know how serious a problem that is (if it
is one).

I think this makes sense. You may want the rules for $DAEMON to change 
based on network connectivity, or even intangible parameters (e.g. I 
just called IT and they asked for ssh access, I want to enable it but 
only for the next five minutes). This seems easier to express in 
iptables than changing the SELinux context to cope with such events. 
Especially since the SELinux context in this case really becomes more of 
a tag than a rule set; the user determines the rules.

That said, I'm not familiar with SECMARK, so it's hard to say if it can 
accomplish the same things. (It does, however, seem to be backwards 
w.r.t. how you want rules to be defined. Can I use SECMARK to e.g. allow 
Konqueror to browse YouTube, but block Firefox?)

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Björn Persson wrote:

Your address will go on the try other exploits list anyway,

*If* they scan a port that is not DROP'd.

You're also assuming that the attacker doesn't already own any of the other 
machines in the local network, or café, or airport, or wherever you are at the 
moment. If he does, he'll be able to eavesdrop your established connections, 
and probably hijack them too. Even if those connections are encrypted and 
authenticated he'll still discover that your machine exists, despite all your 

I'll let you spot the gaping flaw in this argument. I'm sick of this 

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Re: RFE: FireKit

2009-07-23 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Michael Cronenworth wrote:

Ahmed Kamal on 07/23/2009 04:54 PM wrote:

Exactly the point, the user shares his desktop, or starts some service
using the services GUI, and FireKit should offer to help. Moreover, this
actually would improve desktop security, since without FireKit, a
typical user after wasting half an hour, would understand it was the
firewall blocking him, and would simply disable it for good. This
happens on any OS. However, with FireKit, pro-actively offering to help
the user, and requesting by default a limited time-window for opening
the ports, actually ensures a better desktop security

The user should simply be prompted:

Do you want Vino Remote Desktop to be allowed network access?
(Yes or No)

I have to ask... when are we going to see Linux allow network access 
based on the checksum of the process that wants to use it? After all, 
'doze has  had this ability for years. (Maybe SELinux can provide this 

Having said that, something like FireKit is obviously a step in the 
right direction. I presume in addition to time there will be options 
to open a port 'forever', 'until reboot', 'until the process using the 
port goes away'.

Also, Do you want app to be allowed to accept connections from the 
network? :-) ...outbound access != inbound access.

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Re: Purging the F12 orphans

2009-07-21 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Jesse Keating wrote:

List of deps left behind by orphan removal:

Orphan: jline
lucene requires jline = 0.9.94-0.3.fc11

...which is required by That's going to be a problem... 
except that F11 lucene doesn't need jline.

Orphan: libatomic_ops
pulseaudio requires libatomic_ops-devel = 1.2-6.fc12

Obviously, this is also a problem, except that again F11 has no such 

Are these really both different in rawhide?

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Re: Against what do I file this bug?

2009-07-14 Thread Matthew Woehlke

S.A. Hartsuiker wrote:

Now for my problem. Although Anaconda installed grub in the bootsector
of the fakeraid mirrored device, I never actually get to a grub prompt,
it just loads the kernel.

Um... do you mean that grub loads the latest kernel without pausing to 
ask if that's what you want? Because as I understand that is intended 
behavior with F11 (with F10 already, I want to say). Hold some key 
during boot to get the grub menu (ctrl works well, being unused by most 

Presumably due to the possibility that grub can't find the /boot

This makes no sense. If grub was failing to find /boot, you would get a 
grub error, since there would be nothing for it to boot (nor would it 
find grub.conf, I think). IOW, you would get slightly farther than the 
BIOS failing to find a MBR, but certainly no maintenance mode (which 
implies a roughly-functional kernel and initrd).

However during the mounting stage of the boot process the /boot
partition can also not be found and I am dropped into maintance mode.

This sounds like an initrd problem to me, but I am no expert.

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Re: an update to automake-1.11?

2009-07-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Braden McDaniel wrote:

Breaking compatibility with previous versions of automake, autoconf, or
libtool has no impact on released tarballs made using those tools; they
continue to work as intended because they do not depend on the presence
of these tools.

...but they depend on a slew of *other* things, like a POSIX shell and 
many POSIX tools. And IIRC I've run into problems when those weren't the 
/GNU/ versions thereof.

There's a lot to be said for /one/ tool that - while, granted, it needs 
to be installed - not only allows you to build, but also do full 
development without having to hunt down some precise version thereof, 
have several versions installed at once, etc.

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2009-07-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke
(Since I see some people here doing it... *cough*Please do not quote my 
e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.*cough* Thank you.)

Simo Sorce wrote:

People, why don't you all stop playing lawyer and wait that some lawyer
actually comment on the promise?

I guess some organization like the SFLC might be willing to comment if
there is enough demand (and maybe they are already working on that).

Um... really? You mean they haven't, already?


(Granted, much of that is about OOXML, but it seems to be referring to 
the same OSP, and even so, given the opinion on how poorly OOXML is 
covered, I doubt M$ would do anything to make the Mono/C#/CLI situation 
appreciably better.)

Oh, and drago01:

I doubt that any lawyer would interprets it the way [Riu does].

I don't about exact agreement with Riu's specific arguments, but they 
sure don't seem to share /your/ comfort level.

Next time, either check that 5 seconds of googling doesn't make you look 
like you don't know what you are talking about, or else point out why 
said googling does not invalidate your point :-).

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2009-07-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

drago01 wrote:

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

(Thank you.)

(Granted, much of that is about OOXML, but it seems to be referring to the
same OSP, and even so, given the opinion on how poorly OOXML is covered, I
doubt M$ would do anything to make the Mono/C#/CLI situation appreciably

No its not the same Open Specification Promise != Community Promise

...but there are certainly people weighing in on both.

Hmm, I thought I'd seen an actual statement from SFLC on the CP, but now 
I can't find it again. Still most of what I saw is others that feel the 
CP is no better than the OSP (some even said it is worse). Certainly 
some of the same points apply.

Oh, and drago01:

I doubt that any lawyer would interprets it the way [Riu does].

I don't about exact agreement with Riu's specific arguments, but they sure
don't seem to share /your/ comfort level.

I stated serval times that I am not a laywer and therefore can be
wrong, than Riu stated that we don't need laywers because his point is
obivious (to him).

Fair enough. The point was just that your argument is better if 5 
seconds of google doesn't appear to refute it. It was just a friendly 
suggest on 'how to make a better argument'.

But unfortunatly the US laws suck, and that won't change anytime soon.

Unfortunate, yes :-).

When providing links make sure that they cover the same topic ;)
Because than _you_ look that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Touché. (Though my point was partly the obvious google results.) Still, 
you are right. How about these?

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2009-07-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:

In a couple of years Microsoft is bought by Fu-Bar Inc and there goes the
promise down the drain.

...if only. The odds of *any* company that might buy out M$ (well, if it 
isn't started by Gates and/or Ballmer and/or such) being as bad as M$ 
have got to be pretty high ;-).

More likely, M$ sells the patents to a puppet company that has made no 
such promise. Said company happily starts bringing lawsuits.

Hey, they've already got Myhrvold (Intellectual Ventures) to sell to, 
and OIN is useless against a tro^H NPE.

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2009-07-07 Thread Matthew Woehlke

drago01 wrote:

So what about the patents owned by redhat?
It's also just promise.

True. However anything RH shipped as GPLv3 that uses a RH patent is no 
longer a mere promise, it's a legally binding patent license. Something 
that has yet to come out of M$.

(The same can be argued for GPLv2, just that v3 has a better license 
in this regard.)

...and I suspect you'd have more luck getting an actual license from RH 
if you asked for one.

In a couple of years Microsoft is bought by Fu-Bar Inc and there goes the
promise down the drain.

Same applies to Redhat.

The question to ask here is how this applies when an actual license has 
been granted, as in the case of distributing GPLv3 software. (Especially 
as I don't see irrevocable in Section 11... or, indeed, anything about 
the term of the GPLv3 implicit patent license. Hmm, this is actually a 
good question at first glance.)

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Re: an update to automake-1.11?

2009-07-06 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Ralf Corsepius wrote:

Kevin Kofler wrote:

Ralf Corsepius wrote:

a) it will cause some moderate stir-up to those packages whose upstreams
are still abusing the autotools.

s/ab// ;-)

Why can't we just move to a better build system with higher focus on
backwards compatibility?

a) the autotools are not as bad as you in your want to make them appear.

Sorry, but any build system where you can't patch the build system 
without risking the sky falling *is* that bad.

Why is it that to build a cmake-based project, it is a given that I run 
cmake, but to build an autotools-based project, I am expected to fear 
and dread and avoid-at-all-costs running autotools? Do you /really/, 
honestly not see anything wrong with that?

As Conrad noted, [the] phobia of regenerating an auto-generated script 
just goes to show how completely broken autotools is.

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Re: rawhide report: 20090702 changes

2009-07-06 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 12:43 -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:

I'm not sure how distributable the KJV is or isnt'

It's been out of copyright for some little time, now. Probably.(*)

* Of course, one could potentially make some quite interesting legal
arguments about the author credit, and whether said author counts as
'living' within the terms of copyright laws that grant copyright during
the lifetime of the author...

I think it's safe to assume that the Author grants permission to 
redistribute ;-). (In fact, I'm pretty sure I could make an argument 
that that's explicitly granted...)

Permission to modify, on the other hand...

(To be clear, I'm just trying to amuse folks, not argue that KJV should 
be included in Fedora. At the least, I /would/ argue that we'd have to 
allow other religious texts if we allow any, but I generally agree it's 
better not to start down that slope.)

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Re: evolution+openchange crash

2009-06-26 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Milan Crha wrote:

On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 12:32 -0500, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

If I file this, should it be against evolution-mapi, or libical?

and thanks, it's already filled under this bug:

Meh, google must not index b.g.o :-(. Anyway, thanks, though I dispute 
that this is actually bug 580706. (I believe it is rather bug 581642, 
which was - IMO wrongly - marked a duplicate of 580706. I've said as 
much on the respective bugs.)

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 pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
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Re: FESCo meeting summary for 2009-06-26

2009-06-26 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Kevin Kofler wrote:

As Orcan's and John's reply show, I'm far from the only one who thinks the
current naming of the GNOME-based spin is misleading and biased (which was
another thing the opponents to my proposal claimed during the meeting).

...and they're just the ones annoyed enough to speak up. Well, count me 
now in that number also.

I too would like to see KDE treated as a first-class citizen, rather 
than blindly pushing Gnome to the ignorant masses.

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 pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
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Re: FESCo meeting summary for 2009-06-26

2009-06-26 Thread Matthew Woehlke

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Adam Miller wrote:

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

I too would like to see KDE treated as a first-class citizen, rather than
blindly pushing Gnome to the ignorant masses.

The problem with this is that you are now pushing two things blindly
at ignorant masses, so not only do they have no clue what their doing
because its a different operating system from what they are
(generally) used to but there are two default interfaces to it. How
does this make sense?

...more so than the choice they already face between Fedora, Ubuntu, 
Mandrake, Mint, insert favorite distro? (Yes, I know, bring on the old 
'straw, camel' story...)

Also, I want to pick at your use of blindly; who says it has to be 
blind? Why not work to educate users about the difference? A Take a 
Tour would probably be good publicity anyway. (You know, take the edge 
off that no clue what they're doing thing...)

 pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
 PutHuhn runs
 tsdgeos lights a fire and eats the trout
(with apologies to Pino Toscano, PutHuhn and Albert Astals Cid, who came 
up with this entirely on their own)

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Re: FESCo meeting summary for 2009-06-26

2009-06-26 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Seth Vidal wrote:

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:

- A topic was brought up to FESCo. It was concerning an unease of an
important fraction of our members.

and I disagree with that fraction.

- You may not find it an important issue personally. But that doesn't
change the fact that there is an issue.

Actually, I disagree that it is an issue that was cause for [much] concern.

Great. Thank you for marginalizing us.

Maybe it's time to reconsider Mandriva...

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 pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
 PutHuhn runs
 tsdgeos lights a fire and eats the trout
(with apologies to Pino Toscano, PutHuhn and Albert Astals Cid, who came 
up with this entirely on their own)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: FESCo meeting summary for 2009-06-26

2009-06-26 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Matthew Garrett wrote:
Gnome in Fedora simply gets more development effort, has more 
documentation based around it and therefore deserves to be the default. 
Pretending that KDE has the same level of support does nothing to 
benefit KDE.

There is a self-fulfilling prophecy in there.

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 pinotree uses the large trout on tsdgeos and PutHuhn :)
 PutHuhn runs
 tsdgeos lights a fire and eats the trout
(with apologies to Pino Toscano, PutHuhn and Albert Astals Cid, who came 
up with this entirely on their own)

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Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-25 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 11:05 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:

The problem with preupgrade is that it needs user interaction and a
lot of space. It downloads the distro update locally, reboots the
machine and then runs anaconda.

Well, as yum doesn't group transactions, yum upgrades also require a lot
of space (enough to store the entire set of upgrade packages, as they're
_all_ downloaded prior to the operation).

...if you just run 'yum upgrade' and not 'yum upgrade list'. I don't 
know that I've /ever/ done all-at-once, if only because of more risk of 
the transaction taking so long that something bad happens (e.g. power 
failure). F10 - F11 was just especially bad due to all of KDE needing 
to be upgraded in order to upgrade yum (due to openssl deps).

The trick, as I've discovered, is not to reboot in between chunks ;-).

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Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-24 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Björn Persson wrote:
What does supported mean in this context anyway? Isn't Fedora 
community-supported? So if someone from the community helps you when you have 
problems with a Yum upgrade, then Yum upgrades are supported, right?

Something like officially sanctioned. If anaconda upgrade doesn't 
work, the official response is to treat it as a bug. If yum upgrade 
doesn't work, the official response is too bad.

Note official... as in, the /unofficial/ response may be different.

If I upgrade from the DVD, or by Preupgrade, and it breaks, who should I send 
the pieces to?

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Re: rpm AutoRequires/AutoProvides and dsos not in linker path, do we care ?

2009-06-23 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Jackson wrote:

On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 10:06 -0400, Chuck Anderson wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 02:57:53PM +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

b.2) extend the autorequires/autoprovides in some (handwaves) way to
better indicate the desired match
I like this idea better.  AutoReq/Prov should only search system-wide 
deafult search paths for .so's, perl modules, and any other such 
objects that it supports.

system-wide includes paths mentioned in /etc/*, which are
files provided by other packages.  Suddenly your search scope is
unbounded again.

Thought: Define system library directories to a sane default set. 
Start with this.

For each package, when doing autoprovides calculation, recurse down the 
tree of rpms needed by this package. For any that change 
/etc/, add the appropriate directory to the set of system 
library directories. Now see if the rpm installs any libraries into 
those locations. If so, those are autoprovides.

Sound sane?

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Re: system-config-firewall picking up slack where firestarter fell off

2009-06-19 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Adam Miller wrote:

1) Cisco VPN
I don't use this myself but I was told it just needs these rules, so I
don't see a big issue here:
$IPT -A FORWARD -i $IF -o $INIF -p udp --dport 500 -m state --state
$IPT -A FORWARD -i $IF -o $INIF -p tcp --dport 500 -m state --state
$IPT -A FORWARD -i $IF -o $INIF -p 50 -m state --state
$IPT -A FORWARD -i $INIF -o $IF -p 50 -m state --state

Hmm... $DAYJOB uses Cisco VPN, and the only rule I seem to have for it is:
-A INPUT -i cipsec0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
(...and similar in FORWARD, as this box is a gateway router)

Either vpnc auto-manages the needed rules, or open port 500 isn't 
universally required.

2) Auto setup of Internet Sharing, so autoconfig of dhcpd and
providing a bridge between WAN and LAN. This is one that I'm not
entirely sure there is really in the scope of system-config-firewall
and might need to be its own utility.

Maybe. As above, I've done it by hand and it's not trivial (not hard, 
but requires more than one thing set up). You can pick defaults for many 
things, but to set up forwarding you need:

- forwarding on in kernel (/etc/sysctl.conf)
- iptables rules
- configure dnsmasq (else fiddling with updating dns servers via dhcp is 
a pain)

- configure dhcpd (or use dnsmasq)
- somehow ask user or guess what is external, internal interfaces

(Don't forget to bind dnsmasqd/dhcpd to the lan interface, please!)

And it should ideally let you configure (in advanced mode):
- specify net/subnet and ranges for dhcp
- static hosts for dhcp
- forwarded ports other machines in the LAN

FWIW, 'doze apparently has point-and-click internet connection sharing, 
so this would be a good thing to address.

Say, how come s-c-f isn't merged into NM yet? ;-)

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Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-17 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Peter Robinson wrote:

[...] why maintain x86 at all?

Because it's 58% of our userbase (source: F11 torrent stats.)

How much of that 58% is actually 64 bit machines running the 32 bit OS?

I'm going to guess, a lot of it?

60% of my installations are x86 (75% if you count only hardware, and 25% 
of my hardware is i686-without-sse2).

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Re: What I HATE about F11

2009-06-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Casey Dahlin wrote:

Really, init scripts should open the firewall ports they need when
their service comes up (and I'll propose something for upstart 1.0
later today to make that make more sense.)

How is that supposed to work when I only want to allow connections to a 
service on a whitelist of IP addresses?

Right now I do this with static iptables rules that I have set up 
(which, since I am never /not/ running the daemon in question, doesn't 
have any drawbacks I can think of off the top of my head).

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Re: What I HATE about F11

2009-06-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Configuration is fine, just as long as there /is/ configuration and not 
running a service always exposes it to the world with no way to prevent 
that. (Prevention by editing init-scripts doesn't count ;-).)

That's terrible. Unfortunately, I noticed after hitting 'send' :-(.

I meant (adding quotes, to properly group ideas):

Configuration is fine, just as long as there /is/ configuration and not 
running a service always exposes it to the world with no way to prevent 

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fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

2009-06-15 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Jon Ciesla wrote:
Also, I was wondering, myself aside, are the newer processors as 
prevalent all geographic locations?

Forget geographic locations, I would be more worried about economic 
status. I worry that we're shutting out not only poorer /countries/, but 
poorer /people/ everywhere, e.g. initiatives like the Helios Project. (I 
don't think Ken uses Fedora anyway, but I really don't want to make it 
/impossible/ for him, others involved in similar projects, or the 
beneficiaries of such projects, to use Fedora.)

...besides all the people (like me) that simply don't want to spend the 
$$ to replace hardware that is working fine today :-).

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fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Announcing Fedora Activity Day - Fedora Development Cycle 2009

2009-06-02 Thread Matthew Woehlke

Matt Domsch wrote:

On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 04:03:04PM -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:

I'm getting out of my ken here, but could this be done in stages with
I2 connected hosts getting the bits early/first and then moving on to

We need to move ~130GB to each of ~230 mirrors, in about 4

We already have in place a limited amount of tiering.  The Tier 0/1
mirrors get the bits first, then downstream mirrors pull from them.
We have nearly all our Tier 1 mirrors on I2 (all but the  Right now it's not mandatory, but no new mirrors
(those signed up in the last 18 months or so) have been granted ACL
permissions to download from the masters.

One of my hopes for the F12 cycle is that we will have increased use
of tiering and push mirroring.

What about dropping hierarchical mirroring altogether? Why hasn't 
someone developed a distributed (i.e. bittorrent-like) system for mass 
mirroring? :-)

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fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Agenda for the 2009-05-26 Packaging Committee meeting

2009-05-27 Thread Matthew Woehlke

José Matos wrote:

On Wednesday 27 May 2009 17:23:33 Adam Williamson wrote:

Well, yeah, I actually noted in my email that MDV's tool does exactly
that (well, it doesn't show them as separate sets, it shows them in one
long list with (suggests) to note the suggested ones. But doing it in
sets would, I imagine, be trivial).

...and consistent with how yum currently works.

Wishful thinking. :-)


It is easy to come with an example where those sets overlap, i.e. there is one 
package that only shows as (suggests) in more than one package.

Sure. Why does that matter?

So I am not sure if it is worth the trouble to show all the separate sets.

How else are you going to display things? Specifically how are you going 
to display things that isn't /broken/? We have two groups right now, 
'updating' and 'installing for dependencies'. Putting packages pulled in 
(only; directly or indirectly) by suggests: into either of those is 
clearly wrong.

I don't see why this is hard. I do 'yum update'. It wants (with 
suggests: feature) to install packages for any combination of three reasons:

- package is installed and is being updated
- package is required by some package in transaction
- package is suggested by some package in transaction

(Without suggests: feature you only have first two.)

Any package may belong to all three states, true. However it is placed 
in the group with the strongest reason for it being in the 
transaction. (The above are listed from strongest to weakest.)

If it's installed already, set required flag and update flag. If it 
was required by something, set required flag iff what required it has 
required flag. Packages with update go in 'updating' group, with 
required but not update in 'installing for dependencies', everything 
else in 'installing for suggestions'.

How hard is that, really?

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Sorry, but I can't look into that right now. I'm running low on 
sacrificial chickens.

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