Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

2005-09-21 Thread maimaipg
The AAA has a list of pet friendly hotels.  
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

 Hi All!
 Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our area
 (SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping beyond hope
 that the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any chances!
  If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which means 2 dogs,
 7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to head
 north to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby make a pit
 stop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendly
 hotels in the state?  I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will pity
 our brood...but you never know!  Wish us luck and pray the hurricane
 doesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our Feleuk guys in
 your thoughts!
 Take care,

Re: Atlanta and Athens :(

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Terri,

I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. They couldn't have had a more loving home for their too-short lives. Take care.

Love, JulieBarb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh Terri, I'm so sorry you had to make that decision, but glad you had it as an option and that you did the kindest thing you knew. Our thoughts and tears are with you. HUGSTerri Durham-Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Atlanta (white with tabby) and Athens (grey tabby) born 4-3-05, wereboth pts yesterday Both had FELV (tested 2 times) and Atlanta couldhardly walk and Athens was on his way. Decided to let them go gentlyand with out anymore pain. These are the last two of the five siblingsthat tested positive. The one brother - Rome, tested negative 2 monthsago, retested yesterday and is still negative, he will now be adoptedout.I hope I never have this disease again, but I am sure I will being thatI do rescue. This has made me realize what a horrible disease this isalong with FIP . 3 of the 5 died from FIP but I am sure it wasbecause of the FELV and their immune systems not being able to fightanything off :(We seem to have a high rate of FIP in this area .. :(Heavy heavy heart in Oakdale, CATerrips please add them to the
 candle lite service for Monday - thank you--Terri Durham-StoneSafe a Life "Spay and Neuter"Live well, Love much, Laugh OftenBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: My dear little Claudette

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Bonnie,

How terrible; first the blow of the diagnosis and then the reaction to the treatment. I know how heavy your heart must be. She certainly had a wonderful life with you and it's obvious you have many treasured memories. I'm sure that Philippe was waiting for her and one of her headbutts that he'd been missing. Take care of youself.

Dear Belinda,Please add my dear little Claudette to the Candlelight service. She passed today at the age of twelve. She had cancer of the liver and died from a reaction to the chemo which was just started yesterday. Claudette had thrown off the leukemia virus eight years ago when my kitties were exposed to the virus from a kitten who had originally tested negative. Her brother Phillipe became positive and died within two years. Claudette and Phillipe were two beautiful grey and black tabbies with white feet and copper markings. She and Phillipe had prominent black rings on their grey tails, just like a raccoon. Her cute little nose was half white, half copper, and she had the loud insistant meow of her Siamese mother, Mitou. Claudette, Phillipe, Andre, and Sylvie were all born in my son's closet. When they were tiny,
 Phillipe, the "leader of the pack" would climb up my leg into my lap with Claudette right behind. Then would come black Andre. I would have to pick up the very small Sylvie who was born with hypernatremia and wasn't well coordinated. Then all of the kittens would snuggle in my lap and fall asleep - it was a thrill, even though their clawing their way up was a tad painful. Claudie was also the best of all my kitties with the head butts. She was like a caring older sister to the sick kitties and would always hover close by them as if to offer comfort. The sudden onset of the cancer and her loss this morning was a big shock. But now I hope she has found her brother Phillipe and they are together again - my two little ringtails.Bonnie in WI"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its
 moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Our Beautiful Salome'

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Oh, Terri, my heart goes out to you and your husband. I know how loved Salome was and I know what a terrible time this is for your family. I hope it helps to know that others are thinking of you and I hope you can feel some comfort from all your wonderful memories of your beautiful girl. She's surely lounging about on a big, fluffy-puffy cloud looking down on you like the angel that she is. Take care of yourselves.

Love, Julie
Steph E Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Terri,Your pictures are adorable... It's so hard to lose them. This has been a bad week for animals all around, several friends here lost animals this week.My thoughts are with you.Steph Thanks so much for that Susan. She truly was Daddy's Girl. Mutual  Admiration Society from the day Danny brought her home.  =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5  furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=  Furkid Photos! My FeLV Site: My Personal Page:  - Original Message - From: Susan Loesch  To:  Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 3:01 PM Subject: Re: Our Beautiful Salome'  Terri, I love the Daddy's Girl picture on your web site. I know you both are grieving and I send you hugs and prayers.  Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  Maybe this is what I get for bragging.  Our Big Beautiful Girl, her Daddy's Salome', has left us for the Rainbow Bridge as of 10:15 AM this morning.  She had been doing so well -- was sick only once in her whole life, last summer. She got over that URI all by herself, without antibiotic. She stopped eating just about 5 days ago.  No visible reason, but then she started vomiting, and had loose stool. We finally took her to the vet on Wednesday thinking maybe she had swallowed something that
 was causing stomach distress. We checked her for blockage, and ran a blood panel.  X-rays were clear. Some distension due to gas, but no foreign objects or anything. However, her white cell count was 8, her kidneys were not functioning to capacity, and her liver was in end stage failure. We brought home an anti-emitic and amoxi-drops, but she still refused to eat, would not allow force feeding, and vomited up the medication.  This morning, she had bloody diarrhea and bloody urine. Her Daddy (my husband Dan) finally saw that he needed to end her pain. Her bottom was all swollen and leaky and her bones were starting to show. She was looking hollow -- not much of her left when she would make eye contact.  I have a splitting headache. My husband is weeping, and beating himself up over this, even though we know that she was suffering and is now
 free from her pains. Now she is free to romp and play with her sisfurs and her brofurs that have gone before her -- especially her litter-mate Ruthie-Girl, who has been waiting for her sisfur Salome' at the Rainbow Bridge for 9 years.  Whether or not she was truly FeLV+ I don't really know -- but I am grateful that I had the privilege of sharing her life on earth. I thank God that He entrusted her to our care, and that she saw fit to bring us her baby brofur Travis to taker her place in playing with the soda bottle caps and paper bags. He is so much liker her already, it's scary. He's like both of them -- Salome' and Ruthie both.  The furkid photos link in my signature has pictures of her for any of you who don't remember what she looked like, or for those of you who just want to take another look.  To my felvtalk family -- Please add her to the
 next Candle light service? I thank God every day that He provided this list. I don't think I would have gotten through these past 6 years without all of you to fall back on -- in both times of sorrow and in times of joy.  Goodnight, my sweet darling Salome'...  =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec and Salome' =^..^=  Furkid Photos! My FeLV Site: My Personal Page:"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness
 of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Karen!

How wonderful to hear from you! It's great to have you back!

Juliecatatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Great to hear from you Karen! I had been worried about you!tonya--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello list, I am Karen from Texas some of you may remember me and my positive  babies... Gloria you still here arent you? Belinda keeps my ya  Dont have any positives right now but a few katrina kittens and they drank  the water and they are not very healthy.. "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think
 your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: new cat coming--advice needed

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kerry,

How wonderful that you have a new family member! He's a lucky little fellow to be going to your home!

I would try scent-swapping for a few days; give him a blanket and the other kitties a blanket and then trade them after a day and let them become accustomed to each other's smell. It's so hard to decide how to integrate. I generally do set up a cage at least for a couple of days; I think it helps the new kitty feel secure (I drape the cage with a blanket and raise it a little bit each day and give them a box to cuddle in) and everybody gets used to sounds and smells and then interest takes over! Sometimes a first reaction will get stuck in their wee heads and a even a good-natured cat can get off on the wrong foot, er, paw! After a few days I would open the cage door and start a play session; hopefully they'll all get involved and associate face-to-face contact with something pleasureable. Might want to have the sliced chicken breast ready, too!

As far as mixing them, I think I would. It sounds like Momcat is either naturally immune or (and I know this is miserable to contemplate) a latent carrier. 

I wish you all the best with your new little fellow!

Love, Julie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear friends, I need some advice!

One of the NJ FeLV cats will be coming soon--possibly this Wed--to join my 2 remaining feral kitties (Mickie who's got FeLV, and Momcat who has tested neg twice).
Mickey and Momcat live in my 2nd bedroom.

I have 2 Qs--

1. d'you think Ineed to introducethe new little guyslowly--I'd have to keephim in my bedroom while I'm at work, which could mean he'll be on his own for long stretches. :( (It's such a long time since I've had to introduce anyone---my brood all came as an existing colony.) Little new guy, by the way, is supposed to be people-friendly. I'm hoping it will help bring my two round. 
Cherie, whodoes rescue---she's the angel that took all the NJ cats--said she didn't think I needed to keeplittle new guyseparate (like in a crate, the other option I mentioned to her). But everythingI read in the past says I should introduce them s-l-o-w-l-y. 

2. D'you think I should remove the negative cat, Momcat, from the room because otherwise she could contract FeLV from the new cat if it were a different strain of FeLV. (I'm very hazy on this stuff but I think I recall Sally in San Jose talking about different strains.)Momcat's never been vaccinated for FeLV. She's still scared, and I really don't want to upset her further at this point. I dream of integrating her woth my bunch one day. It will be awful trying to catch her--much worse than the kittens and they were difficult enough.

All opinions much appreciated!! Thanks in advanceKerry

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Re: My ANGEL Sebastian

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Jennifer,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sebastian; I know how hard this is. I hope the tests will give you the answers you need. Take care.


I have not written for so long because I feel that I have given up hope. Sebastian has not been doing very well. He can no longer walk and he relies on me to take him to the litter box and to feed him. He still has a good appetite. He seems so depressed now. I am so heart broken that I cry almost daily. I am not strong enough to let him go. I feel that it isn't up to me to play god and that he will go when he is ready. He just keeps fighting. He is so much braver than me. I took him to the Virginia Tech Veterinary hospital on August 1st. They were wanting to run alot of tests. The tests were very risky, so I decided against them. Now I feel that I have no choice and I have to find out what is wrong with him and see if there is something that can be done. I don't know what I will do without him. I am so scared of losing him."I hold that, the more
 helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: new babies

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Gloria,

Congratulations to you and Susan on your new additions!

That vaccination protocol sounds something (and believe me, not only is my head spinning, but my hair is hurting!) like using nosodes rather than vaccines. I looked into it a bit and don't fully understand it, but it seems to me that there is a homeopathic principal (like cures like?) of using the FeLV nosodes on an FeLV+ kitty to try and eliminate the virus. I do have some vague memory of hearing about this but it's not widely done and I don't have an homeopathic vet so I didn't pursue it. Maybe this vet was trying a similar strategy to challenge the immune system. Very interesting.

OK folks - thanks to the Purring Pixie list, we now have 4 new FELV babies here in Little Rock. They went to Missouri first, but then we had a couple of openings and Missouri allowed them to come to us. I have two, and Susan is taking two.Have you heard of this - They had FELV as babies, and the lady's vet told her to vaccinate them for FELV 3 times a year - CONTRARY TO EVERYTHING I BELIEVED! I always heard you weren't supposed to vaccinate FELV cats for FELV. Makes my head spin around - which is scarey :)They're 8.5 years old, and all 4 are healthy, going strong! They are:Oliver- 8 1/2 yr old male, white with black on head and tail and black spot on chin, about 12 lbsPhoebe- 8 1/2 year old female, tortoise shell, very rotund, close to 20 lbsChloe- 8 1/2 yr old female, grey tabby with white feet and white chest, small build
 with big belly, about 9 lbsFelicity- 8 1/2 year old female, white with black mark on top of head and black tail, small build, 7 lbsI just wanted to tell everybody, and put out that vaccination protocol, to see if anybody else had heard that.Gloria"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

RE: for Kerry: update on my battle

2005-09-21 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Kerry, thank you for thinking of me
and my furballs --- just when you feel like you hit the bottom in your life and
feel so lonely and feared reading your email and knowing that you care
(and many people on the list) is such a priceless gift to me.

I am still in the middle of trying to take
care of paper work with Animal control  one bad thing is that my
boyfriend who lives next door was also reported though he really does not have
any animals of hisso now they are coming to his house.. so I also have
to take care of the stuff.. sine some of my FIV boys visit the outside
enclosure we built in his property..

I think Ceaser and Annie are doing
better--- Ceaer still does not want to eat on his own but I saw him
nurse so I know he has some appetite --- maybe he just does not want to be

Now I am worried about my CRF boy,
Hannibal.. he does not want to eat as much and he is acting like he is not
feeling fabulous.. he is one of my very first feral in US  I have been
giving him fluid every couple of days  I think I might need to take him
back to the vet to see how the bloodwork shows

Kerry, and anyone who reads the posting,
please pray Hannibal
that he is going to feel better  He was so feral when I first found him
several years ago, now its amazing that I can even touch him and pet
him.. and I love him so very much ..

Thank you!


Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
9:36 PM
Subject: for Hideyo :my battle

Dear Hideyo, just wondering how things are playing out with the guy
who's been hassling you re your brood -- has he backed off or no? Hope you're
ok--just want you to know I'm thinking of you--we all are. I'm sending out
positive vibes for this guy to get moved on too (like the good one before him
was). Let us know when you get time.

love and hugs


Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

2005-09-21 Thread Susan Loesch
I know that the Airport Holiday Inn in Little Rock will allow pets - there was a tv spot talking to the manager saying they had dogs, cats and birds - and maybe something else. They showed bags of donated food they had for the animals. At the airport there is a Holiday Inn and a Holiday Inn Express - and this was the "regular" one. I am working with a Gulfport couple who is staying at the Residence Inn in Little Rock - and they have their cat there. If you come through Little Rock and need a place for the cats I know we can help. Plus we know a groomer who will board free and Gloria uses a boarding facility that will help out. Or the dogs could either stay with me or with Gloria overnight, I'm sure. Y'all just come on. You can reach me at 501-416-7547 and Gloria at 501-666-9294. I'm speaking without asking Gloria but I know she will ditto what I said!Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Positive thoughts coming your way!

Terriin NJ

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^=

Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!
Hi All!Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our area(SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping beyond hopethat the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any chances!If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which means 2 dogs,7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to headnorth to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby make a pitstop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendlyhotels in the state? I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will pityour brood...but you never know! Wish us luck and pray the hurricanedoesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our Feleuk guys inyour thoughts!Take care,Jen


2005-09-21 Thread Lomaxturtle
SO sorry to hear about Salome Terri - it hurts so much but when you know they 
are suffering and are tired and have no spirit left to fight then it is right 
to help to give them the dignity they deserve and to help ease their pain 

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

2005-09-21 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Jen,

You all are in my thoughts and prayers; go now and be safe. I'm in Connecticut and we have had small hurricanes in my lifetime, but I can't conceive of the damage that has happened as a result of Katrina. Don't take any chances. It sounds like you will have to evacuate; get somewhere safe and try to let us know how you are.
Love, Julie

Hi All!Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our area(SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping beyond hopethat the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any chances!If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which means 2 dogs,7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to headnorth to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby make a pitstop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendlyhotels in the state? I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will pityour brood...but you never know! Wish us luck and pray the hurricanedoesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our Feleuk guys inyour thoughts!Take care,Jen"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it
 is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Vet Visit

2005-09-21 Thread Lomaxturtle
I had to take Buddy to the vet on Monday. She has Gingivitis and needs dental 
op - she is booed in next Monday. I was ok going to the vet and didn't expect 
what I was to feel when I went in the door. The second I walked through the 
door I just had some subconscious reaction and started to tremble and could not 
stop crying (felt a fool trying to talk to the vet as a blumbering wreck). The 
whole day of losing Bramble came flooding back and thats why I was crying - not 
because of Buddy - it was strange.

Sanctuary have Buddy as FIV+ though I'm trying to determine how old she was 
when they tested her. I am going to ask for an FeLV test as I am a little 
suspicious. I hope I am wrong but as you know she has lived with Minstrel 
(FeLV+) all her time in sanctuary and now continues living with her with me too 
- they are inseperable. Both are 2 and a half years old so her symptoms are 
starting very early if it is just FIV. Her teeth are in very bad condition too 
for a cat her age - we know her age is certain though as she was born in the 

I pray that I'm also wrong on this one but having seen seizures in my cats I 
think she has started having complex partial seizures too. This has only 
happened since Bramble's passing and I know trauma can trigger them but so can 
FeLV and FIV. She has started showing strange behaviour in that she darts as if 
she is spooked and appears to be watching and chasing something but there is 
nothing - but yesterday when she did it - as she dived on the cat tree 
scratching I saw the rippling of the spine very breifly. This mad behaviour has 
happened a few times over last 2 weeks and at first I thought she was just 
having her mad moments which she does but there is something a bit odd about 
these mad moments and she looked a little confused afterwards so will have to 
study more carefully to check her pupils etc... She isn't knocking into 
anything though when she is darting about which is a promising sign.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble


Re: We're outta here--Rita evacuation!--Susan

2005-09-21 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Susan!

I have heard from Gloria and I'll tell you the same thing I told her...I
feel extremely fortunate that I've got such a wonderful network of
friends all over the country!  Thank you so much for the support!  As of
now, we have reservations at the Motel 6 off of Hwy. 30 in Little
Rock...we will probably leave here early tomorrow morning and (fingers
crossed that our house is spared serious damage) head back to Houston on
Monday.  Although, we may leave sooner depending on the evacuation
orders...right now it's voluntary, but that is quickly going to
change...we're in a low lying area by the Bay of Galveston (elevation
only 16 ft.) and they're predicting a storm surge close to 20 ft.!

I'm happy we've got a place to stay (and wonderful offers) for the time
being...but I'll be honest, I'm scared to death that we're going to lose
our home!  I don't know if our flood insurance company will take pity on
us as we only signed up for insurance about 2 weeks ago (usually doesn't
take effect for a month).  Please keep our humble little home in your
thoughts!!  :)

And here is my cell phone #, as well:'s such a relief
to know that other Feleuk parents are nearby in case of an emergency!! 
Thank you so much, again...


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:13 am
Subject: Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

 I know that the Airport Holiday Inn in Little Rock will allow pets -
 there was a tv spot talking to the manager saying they had dogs, 
 cats and birds - and maybe something else.  They showed bags of 
 donated food they had for the animals.  At the airport there is a 
 Holiday Inn and a Holiday Inn Express - and this was the regular 
 one.  I am working with a Gulfport couple who is staying at the 
 Residence Inn in Little Rock - and they have their cat there.  If 
 you come through Little Rock and need a  place for the cats I know 
 we can help.  Plus we know a groomer who will board free and Gloria 
 uses a boarding facility that will help out.  Or the dogs could 
 either stay with me or with Gloria overnight, I'm sure.  Y'all just 
 come on.  You can reach me at 501-416-7547 and Gloria at 501-666-
 9294.  I'm speaking without asking Gloria but I know she will ditto 
 what I said!
 Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Positive thoughts coming your way!
 Terri in NJ
 =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, 
 and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  
 Salome' =^..^=
 Furkid Photos!
 My FeLV Site: 
 Personal Page:
 --- Original Message - 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:19 PM
 Subject: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!
 Hi All!
 Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our 
 area(SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping 
 beyond hope
 that the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any 
 chances! If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which 
 means 2 dogs,
 7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to 
 headnorth to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby 
 make a pit
 stop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendly
 hotels in the state?  I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will 
 pityour brood...but you never know!  Wish us luck and pray the 
 hurricanedoesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our 
 Feleuk guys in
 your thoughts!
 Take care,

New here

2005-09-21 Thread Sue Taft

I've joined this group to get advice for a friend who doesn't have internet 
access. We both work in cat rescue. Last month we took in a number of cats that 
had been abandoned by their owner. All tested FeLV/FIV negative. Today my friend 
was concerned about one of them, he was off his food and seemed depressed. She 
took him to the vets who re-ran the ELISA test and it has come up FeLV positive. 
How reliable is the snap test for FeLV, I know for FIV it can't be relied on (I 
always get a re-test done at Glasgow)?

He's started on the Virbac Omega Interferon injections immediately, 
fortunately the vet stocks it as I use it for my FIV boy Eric with great success 
(he had terrible mouth problems which it cleared up and has kept at bay). Is 
there anything else we should be doing, he's a lovely boy and apart from the 
slight fever he has at the moment which he's also on antibiotics for, he has 
been doing really well. He's had a lousy life so far so we really want to give 
him the best possible chance.

I'm new to FeLV so any advice will be gratefully received


Re: My dear little Claudette

2005-09-21 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
Thanks to all for your kind and comforting words.

Bonnie in WI

- Original Message -
From: Julie Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:28 am
Subject: Re: My dear little Claudette

 Dear Bonnie,
 How terrible; first the blow of the diagnosis and then the 
 reaction to the treatment.  I know how heavy your heart must be.  
 She certainly had a wonderful life with you and it's obvious you 
 have many treasured memories.  I'm sure that Philippe was waiting 
 for her and one of her headbutts that he'd been missing.  Take 
 care of youself.
 Love, Julie 
 Dear Belinda,
 Please add my dear little Claudette to the Candlelight service. 
 passed today at the age of twelve. She had cancer of the liver and 
 died from a reaction to the chemo which was just started 
 Claudette had thrown off the leukemia virus eight years ago when 
 kitties were exposed to the virus from a kitten who had originally 
 tested negative. Her brother Phillipe became positive and died 
 two years. Claudette and Phillipe were two beautiful grey and 
 tabbies with white feet and copper markings. She and Phillipe had 
 prominent black rings on their grey tails, just like a raccoon. 
 cute little nose was half white, half copper, and she had the loud 
 insistant meow of her Siamese mother, Mitou. 
 Claudette, Phillipe, Andre, and Sylvie were all born in my son's 
 closet. When they were tiny, Phillipe, the leader of the pack 
 climb up my leg into my lap with Claudette right behind. Then 
 come black Andre. I would have to pick up the very small Sylvie 
 was born with hypernatremia and wasn't well coordinated. Then all 
 the kittens would snuggle in my lap and fall asleep - it was a 
 even though their clawing their way up was a tad painful. Claudie 
 also the best of all my kitties with the head butts. She was like 
 caring older sister to the sick kitties and would always hover 
 by them as if to offer comfort. The sudden onset of the cancer and 
 loss this morning was a big shock. But now I hope she has found 
 brother Phillipe and they are together again - my two little 
 Bonnie in WI
 I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
 to protection by man from the cruelty of man.  
 The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
 by the way its animals are treated.
 Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
 Paws Come WITH Claws!!!
 If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think 
 your decision to acquire a pet.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: We're outta here--Rita evacuation!--Susan

2005-09-21 Thread Chris
You, your family, your home are all in our thoughts...  Am in NY but we are
glued to the TV--this has been a terrible season  Just don't delay--it
sounds like most evacues will leave tomorrow and my guess is traffic will be


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: We're outta here--Rita evacuation!--Susan

Hi Susan!

I have heard from Gloria and I'll tell you the same thing I told her...I
feel extremely fortunate that I've got such a wonderful network of
friends all over the country!  Thank you so much for the support!  As of
now, we have reservations at the Motel 6 off of Hwy. 30 in Little
Rock...we will probably leave here early tomorrow morning and (fingers
crossed that our house is spared serious damage) head back to Houston on
Monday.  Although, we may leave sooner depending on the evacuation
orders...right now it's voluntary, but that is quickly going to
change...we're in a low lying area by the Bay of Galveston (elevation
only 16 ft.) and they're predicting a storm surge close to 20 ft.!

I'm happy we've got a place to stay (and wonderful offers) for the time
being...but I'll be honest, I'm scared to death that we're going to lose
our home!  I don't know if our flood insurance company will take pity on
us as we only signed up for insurance about 2 weeks ago (usually doesn't
take effect for a month).  Please keep our humble little home in your
thoughts!!  :)

And here is my cell phone #, as well:'s such a relief
to know that other Feleuk parents are nearby in case of an emergency!! 
Thank you so much, again...


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:13 am
Subject: Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

 I know that the Airport Holiday Inn in Little Rock will allow pets -
 there was a tv spot talking to the manager saying they had dogs, 
 cats and birds - and maybe something else.  They showed bags of 
 donated food they had for the animals.  At the airport there is a 
 Holiday Inn and a Holiday Inn Express - and this was the regular 
 one.  I am working with a Gulfport couple who is staying at the 
 Residence Inn in Little Rock - and they have their cat there.  If 
 you come through Little Rock and need a  place for the cats I know 
 we can help.  Plus we know a groomer who will board free and Gloria 
 uses a boarding facility that will help out.  Or the dogs could 
 either stay with me or with Gloria overnight, I'm sure.  Y'all just 
 come on.  You can reach me at 501-416-7547 and Gloria at 501-666-
 9294.  I'm speaking without asking Gloria but I know she will ditto 
 what I said!
 Terri Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Positive thoughts coming your way!
 Terri in NJ
 =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, 
 and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  
 Salome' =^..^=
 Furkid Photos!
 My FeLV Site: 
 Personal Page:
 --- Original Message - 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:19 PM
 Subject: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!
 Hi All!
 Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our 
 area(SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping 
 beyond hope
 that the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any 
 chances! If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which 
 means 2 dogs,
 7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to 
 headnorth to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby 
 make a pit
 stop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendly
 hotels in the state?  I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will 
 pityour brood...but you never know!  Wish us luck and pray the 
 hurricanedoesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our 
 Feleuk guys in
 your thoughts!
 Take care,

RE: New here

2005-09-21 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Welcome Sue. Though I'm sorry for the reason you and 
your friendhad to find us, you'll not find a more supportive or more 
informed bunch of people anywhere than on this list--it's been a godsend to me. 
(I go to this list with my Qs before I go to my vet.)
you and your friend for caring for cats, especially the most needy of them. 
It's wonderful that you're giving the little 
furball a whole new lease of life. (by the way, in the US we don't have 
easy/straightforward access to Virbagen Omega---vet has to both import it from 
UK AND get government approval to do this. So it's great that you've managed to 
start the little soul on VO right away).
will get more and better info on the ELISA from others on the list, 
butbelow isan extract from an archived email (from Sally to 
own, first FeLVkitten tested negative at 3 months. (Yippee!) One month 
later she sadly, shockingly, tested positive (during that month she was 
quarantined in my 2nd bedroom, so there was no way for her to pick it up in 
between times). My conclusion, now that I know more, is that she was tested too 
soon after exposure for the FeLV to be detected.
alsoemail you separatelya shortextract from Anitra Frazier's 
book The Natural Cat on the different possible outcomes following positive 
will have many more replies, Sue, so please do stick around!
luck--what is kitty's name?
PS--am I right in thinking you're from Glasgow, Scotland?

Unusual (but not impossible, 
as you can attest) for a healthy adult catto become infected and not be able 
to shuck the virus off. And very unusualfor a cat to have a "false negative" 
to an FeLV test. (I'm assuming it was anin-house ELISA test?) Is it possible 
the kitten was tested too young for itsstatus to be properly reflected by 
the test, or perhaps the kitten may havebeen tested too soon after exposure 
for there to be significant 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Sue TaftSent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:48 
AMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: New 

I've joined this group to get advice for a friend who doesn't have internet 
access. We both work in cat rescue. Last month we took in a number of cats that 
had been abandoned by their owner. All tested FeLV/FIV negative. Today my friend 
was concerned about one of them, he was off his food and seemed depressed. She 
took him to the vets who re-ran the ELISA test and it has come up FeLV positive. 
How reliable is the snap test for FeLV, I know for FIV it can't be relied on (I 
always get a re-test done at Glasgow)?

He's started on the Virbac Omega Interferon injections immediately, 
fortunately the vet stocks it as I use it for my FIV boy Eric with great success 
(he had terrible mouth problems which it cleared up and has kept at bay). Is 
there anything else we should be doing, he's a lovely boy and apart from the 
slight fever he has at the moment which he's also on antibiotics for, he has 
been doing really well. He's had a lousy life so far so we really want to give 
him the best possible chance.

I'm new to FeLV so any advice will be gratefully received

=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Our Beautiful Salome'

2005-09-21 Thread Terri Brown

Thanks so much, Julie. I imagine her romping around with her sisfur 
littermate Ruthie...

They used to love to roll around together, and Ruthie has been waiting for 
her sisfur for 9 years.

It does help so very much to know that my felvtalk family is thinking of us 
now. Everyone on this list has been a huge part of my life for the past 6 
years. I don't know what I would have done all these years without all of 
you folks.

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Julie Johnson 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:31 
  Subject: Re: Our Beautiful Salome'
  Oh, Terri, my heart goes out to you and your husband. I know how 
  loved Salome was and I know what a terrible time this is for your 
  family. I hope it helps to know that others are thinking of you and I 
  hope you can feel some comfort from all your wonderful memories of your 
  beautiful girl. She's surely lounging about on a big, fluffy-puffy cloud 
  looking down on you like the angel that she is. Take care of 
  Love, Julie
  Steph E Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
pictures are adorable... It's so hard to lose them. This has been a bad 
week for animals all around, several friends here lost animals this 
week.My thoughts are with you.Steph Thanks so much for 
that Susan. She truly was Daddy's Girl. Mutual  Admiration Society 
from the day Danny brought her home.  =^..^= Terri, Siggie 
the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5  furangels: 
RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' =^..^= 
 Furkid Photos! My FeLV 
My Personal Page: 
 - Original Message - From: Susan Loesch 
 Sent: Friday, September 16, 
2005 3:01 PM Subject: Re: Our Beautiful Salome'  
Terri, I love the Daddy's Girl picture on your web site. I know you 
both are grieving and I send you hugs and prayers.  Terri 
wrote:  Maybe this is what I get for bragging. 
 Our Big Beautiful Girl, her Daddy's Salome', has left us for 
the Rainbow Bridge as of 10:15 AM this morning.  She 
had been doing so well -- was sick only once in her whole life, last 
summer. She got over that URI all by herself, without antibiotic. 
She stopped eating just about 5 days ago.  No visible reason, but 
then she started vomiting, and had loose stool. We finally took her 
to the vet on Wednesday thinking maybe she had swallowed something 
that was causing stomach distress. We checked her for blockage, and 
ran a blood panel.  X-rays were clear. Some distension due 
to gas, but no foreign objects or anything. However, her white cell 
count was 8, her kidneys were not functioning to capacity, and her 
liver was in end stage failure. We brought home an anti-emitic 
and amoxi-drops, but she still refused to eat, would not allow 
force feeding, and vomited up the medication.  This 
morning, she had bloody diarrhea and bloody urine. Her Daddy (my 
husband Dan) finally saw that he needed to end her pain. Her bottom 
was all swollen and leaky and her bones were starting to show. She 
was looking hollow -- not much of her left when she would make eye 
contact.  I have a splitting headache. My husband is 
weeping, and beating himself up over this, even though we know that 
she was suffering and is now free from her pains. Now she is free to 
romp and play with her sisfurs and her brofurs that have gone before 
her -- especially her litter-mate Ruthie-Girl, who has been 
waiting for her sisfur Salome' at the Rainbow Bridge for 9 
years.  Whether or not she was truly FeLV+ I don't really 
know -- but I am grateful that I had the privilege of sharing her 
life on earth. I thank God that He entrusted her to our care, and 
that she saw fit to bring us her baby brofur Travis to taker 
her place in playing with the soda bottle caps and paper bags. 
He is so much liker her already, it's scary. He's like both 
of them -- Salome' and Ruthie both.  The furkid 
photos link in my signature has pictures of her for any of you who 
don't remember what she looked like, or for those of you who just 
want to take another look.  To my 

Re: Salome

2005-09-21 Thread Terri Brown

Thanks Michelle. She was very ready to go. It was very 
peaceful, and she was easy. It was VERY hard for me (and especially for 
Dan), but she was in so much pain.

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:40 
  Subject: Salome
  SO sorry to hear about Salome Terri - it hurts so much but when 
  you know they are suffering and are tired and have no spirit left to fight 
  then it is right to help to give them the dignity they deserve and to help 
  ease their pain humanely.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel 

Re: Vet Visit

2005-09-21 Thread Terri Brown

Ah, Michele...

Keep your chin up, and try to send positive thoughts her way. There's 
lots of positive thoughts coming your way from me and my gang here in 

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:54 
  Subject: Vet Visit
  I had to take Buddy to the vet on Monday. She has Gingivitis 
  and needs dental op - she is booed in next Monday. I was ok going to the vet 
  and didn't expect what I was to feel when I went in the door. The second I 
  walked through the door I just had some subconscious reaction and started to 
  tremble and could not stop crying (felt a fool trying to talk to the vet as a 
  blumbering wreck). The whole day of losing Bramble came flooding back and 
  thats why I was crying - not because of Buddy - it was 
  strange.Sanctuary have Buddy as FIV+ though I'm trying to determine 
  how old she was when they tested her. I am going to ask for an FeLV test as I 
  am a little suspicious. I hope I am wrong but as you know she has lived with 
  Minstrel (FeLV+) all her time in sanctuary and now continues living with her 
  with me too - they are inseperable. Both are 2 and a half years old so her 
  symptoms are starting very early if it is just FIV. Her teeth are in very bad 
  condition too for a cat her age - we know her age is certain though as she was 
  born in the sanctuary.I pray that I'm also wrong on this one but 
  having seen seizures in my cats I think she has started having complex partial 
  seizures too. This has only happened since Bramble's passing and I know trauma 
  can trigger them but so can FeLV and FIV. She has started showing strange 
  behaviour in that she darts as if she is spooked and appears to be watching 
  and chasing something but there is nothing - but yesterday when she did it - 
  as she dived on the cat tree scratching I saw the rippling of the spine very 
  breifly. This mad behaviour has happened a few times over last 2 weeks and at 
  first I thought she was just having her mad moments which she does but there 
  is something a bit odd about these mad moments and she looked a little 
  confused afterwards so will have to study more carefully to check her pupils 
  etc... She isn't knocking into anything though when she is darting about which 
  is a promising sign.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel 

for Sue RE: New here

2005-09-21 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Sue--while looking for the Frazierinfo I came across another of 
Sally's invaluable emails on Elisa to another listmember(s) that you might find 
useful. I'll be back as soon as I find the Frazier info. Kerry

Dear Jim and Rhonda:
How wise of you not to listen to that 
vet and accept an FeLV+ test result as 
an automatic death sentence. You were 
right to question such a grim 
recommendation...there IS much that can 
be done for FeLV cats. 
There seems to remain quite a bit of 
confusion about the relative merits of 
the ELISA vs. the IFA tests for 
A positive result on either of these 
tests indicates the same thing, i.e. 
that FeLV ANTIGEN (which is produced by 
the replicating virus) has been detected 
in the cat's blood. The difference 
between the two is that the ELISA (the 
in-house "snap test" which only takes a 
few minutes) is 100 times more sensitive 
than is the IFA and can detect even 
minute amounts of antigen, so detects FeLV 
infection in its earliest 
There are 6 stages of infection with 
FeLV. Considering that healthy, adult 
cats are quite likely to shuck the 
virus even up to stage 4, a positive ELISA, 
by itself, is not necessarily a good 
indicator as to whether or not a cat will 
remain persistently viremic and should 
not be used to determine whether or not 
a cat be PTS, as is sadly the case at 
most shelters. 
A positive result on an IFA test is 
indicative of later stages of infection 
(stage 4-6). While some cats can still 
clear the virus at stage 4 of 
infection, a postive IFA result is a 
more reliable indication that a cat will remain 
persistently viremic.
Neither the ELISA, nor the IFA can 
detect a "latent" infection that is not 
currently replicating. Only the PCR, or 
bone marrow biopsy, can detect latent 
To say that there is a high rate of 
false positive with the ELISA test may be 
a bit of a misnomer, because a true 
"false positive" would be to detect 
antigen when none was actually present. 
It is much more likely that an ELISA 
positive (due to perhaps only minute 
amounts of antigen present) can later test 
negative because the cat was only 
TRANSIENTLY infected. This is much more likely 
to be the case with adult cats, rather 
than kittens. Lymphocytes in kittens 
replicate 50 times more FeLV virus than 
do those in adult cats, which is why 
it is less likely for kittens who are 
infected at a very young age to be able 
to clear the virus and they are more 
likely to remain persistently viremic.
So if Pilgrim tested ELISA positive, 
but IFA negative, that is good news in 
that she is still in stage 1-3 of the 
infectious process and there is a chance 
she can clear the virus and revert to 
negative status. And, according to Dr. 
Pitcairn in his book Natural Health for 
Dogs and Cats, cats do not begin 
shedding the virus and become 
infections to other cats until they have reached 
stage 5.
I would put Pilgrim on the most 
natural, healthiest diet you possibly can and 
give her aggressive immunosupportive 
therapy. Then get her retested in 60-90 
days. If she is retests ELISA negative, 
at that point you will have one very 
lucky kitty who has managed to clear 
the virus. If she is still ELISA 
positive at that point, you might want 
to repeat the IFA to confirm whether or not 
she is likely to remain viremic, or if 
she may still have a chance of clearing 
the virus.
It IS possible for FeLV+ cats to revert 
to negative status. I've had three 
so far...two adults and one kitten, who 
was positive at the tender age of 6 
weeks and was going to be euthanized if 
I had not rescued him. I put him on a 
raw-based diet with Transfer Factor, 
Oli-Vet (olive leaf extract). Vit. C and 
CoQ10 supplementation. When he was 
neutered recently at 6 mos., he retested 
Good luck with Pilgrim. Do find a vet 
who is FeLV friendly and willing to 
work with you. I highly recommend Dr. 
Martin Goldstein's book "The Nature of 
Animal Healing" and also the 
aforementioned book by Dr. Eugene Pitcairn. You 
can get much helpful information about 
diet and regarding vaccines from both of 
those books, also from the website Some listmembers do 
vaccinate their FeLV+ cats. I have 
chosen to follow the recommendation of vets, 
like Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Pitcairn, 
who consider vaccines for FeLV+ cats as 
unnecessary assault to an already 
compromised immune system.
Don't be in too big a hurry to give any 
vaccines to Pilgrim until her FeLV 
status has been confirmed. If she has 
already come into season once, she must 
be at least 6 mos. old, so and has 
managed to beat the odds with regards to any 
of the illnesses from which a 3 or 
4-way vaccine is supposed to protect, and 
the only one of those which is truly 
life-threatening is Panleukopenia. The 
best thing you can do is to keep her 
away from any potential pathogens that 
might harm her and keep the stress 
level in her life to a minimum. Other cats 

for Sue: New here

2005-09-21 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Sue--Here's the excerpt I 
mentioned---(if you happen to pick up the 
bookThe New Natural Cat--A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners, by Anitra 
Frazier-- it's in the Feline Leukemia section on pages 326/327)
"When a positive cat---one carrying the 
virus--comes into contact with a negative cat--one not carrying the virus--the 
negative, but exposed cat may: 
*not become affected in any way; 
*become infected (positive), develop immunity, and revert again to being 
negative; *become positive, but not become ill and remain positive--thus 
becoming a new carrier of the virus; *become positive and develop 
lymphosarcoma, leukemia, or other cancer; or *become positive and be ill 
from the virus infection, much like flu; and then recover and remain positive or 
become negative. 
A positive cat who has not 
developed cancer can be tested again in three months. If he has been treated by 
an experienced veterinary homeopath and put on a high-quality diet designed to 
build general health and strengthen the immune system, chances are good that 
he will have reverted to negative. "(my emphasis--unfortunately mine did not 
Hope that helps! best, Kerry 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Sue TaftSent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:48 
AMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: New 

I've joined this group to get advice for a friend who doesn't have internet 
access. We both work in cat rescue. Last month we took in a number of cats that 
had been abandoned by their owner. All tested FeLV/FIV negative. Today my friend 
was concerned about one of them, he was off his food and seemed depressed. She 
took him to the vets who re-ran the ELISA test and it has come up FeLV positive. 
How reliable is the snap test for FeLV, I know for FIV it can't be relied on (I 
always get a re-test done at Glasgow)?

He's started on the Virbac Omega Interferon injections immediately, 
fortunately the vet stocks it as I use it for my FIV boy Eric with great success 
(he had terrible mouth problems which it cleared up and has kept at bay). Is 
there anything else we should be doing, he's a lovely boy and apart from the 
slight fever he has at the moment which he's also on antibiotics for, he has 
been doing really well. He's had a lousy life so far so we really want to give 
him the best possible chance.

I'm new to FeLV so any advice will be gratefully received

=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: for Sue: New here

2005-09-21 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Title: Message

Kerry is right  based on many
literatures I read, statistically, your cat will have 66% chance that, it will
be converted to negative  mine did not either.. but my Ginger is doing
very well  you cant tell she has FeLV  at the same time, I am
very careful watching her as she can be very fragile

So regardless (whether she will be
converted to negative or remain positive in the future), FeLV is not a death
sentence --- so keep your chin up  we are here whenever you need us!


Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, September 21,
2005 2:53 PM
Subject: for Sue: New here

Here's the excerpt I mentioned---(if you happen to pick up the bookThe New
Natural Cat--A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners, by Anitra Frazier-- it's in
the Feline Leukemia section on pages 326/327)

When a positive cat---one carrying the virus--comes
into contact with a negative cat--one not carrying the virus--the negative, but
exposed cat may: 

*not become affected in any way; 
*become infected (positive), develop immunity, and revert again to being
*become positive, but not become ill and remain positive--thus becoming a new
carrier of the virus; 
*become positive and develop lymphosarcoma, leukemia, or other cancer; or 
*become positive and be ill from the virus infection, much like flu; and then
recover and remain positive or become negative. 

A positive cat who has not developed cancer can be tested
again in three months. If he has been treated by an experienced veterinary
homeopath and put on a high-quality diet designed to build general health and
strengthen the immune system, chances are
good that he will have reverted to negative. (my emphasis--unfortunately mine did not

Hope that helps! 
best, Kerry 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sue Taft
Sent: Wednesday, September 21,
2005 10:48 AM
Subject: New here

I've joined this group to get advice for a friend who doesn't have
internet access. We both work in cat rescue. Last month we took in a number of
cats that had been abandoned by their owner. All tested FeLV/FIV negative.
Today my friend was concerned about one of them, he was off his food and seemed
depressed. She took him to the vets who re-ran the ELISA test and it has come
up FeLV positive. How reliable is the snap test for FeLV, I know for FIV it
can't be relied on (I always get a re-test done at Glasgow)?

He's started on the Virbac Omega Interferon injections immediately,
fortunately the vet stocks it as I use it for my FIV boy Eric with great
success (he had terrible mouth problems which it cleared up and has kept at
bay). Is there anything else we should be doing, he's a lovely boy and apart
from the slight fever he has at the moment which he's also on antibiotics for,
he has been doing really well. He's had a lousy life so far so we really want
to give him the best possible chance.

I'm new to FeLV so any advice will be gratefully received


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Re: Vet Visit

2005-09-21 Thread catatonya

Prayers coming your way for Buddy. I understand how you feel about going back to the vet when you've just had a loss. :(

take care,
tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I had to take Buddy to the vet on Monday. She has Gingivitis and needs dental op - she is booed in next Monday. I was ok going to the vet and didn't expect what I was to feel when I went in the door. The second I walked through the door I just had some subconscious reaction and started to tremble and could not stop crying (felt a fool trying to talk to the vet as a blumbering wreck). The whole day of losing Bramble came flooding back and thats why I was crying - not because of Buddy - it was strange.Sanctuary have Buddy as FIV+ though I'm trying to determine how old she was when they tested her. I am going to ask for an FeLV test as I am a little suspicious. I hope I am wrong but as you know she has lived with Minstrel (FeLV+) all her time in sanctuary and now continues living with her with me too - they are inseperable. Both are 2 and a half years old so her symptoms are
 starting very early if it is just FIV. Her teeth are in very bad condition too for a cat her age - we know her age is certain though as she was born in the sanctuary.I pray that I'm also wrong on this one but having seen seizures in my cats I think she has started having complex partial seizures too. This has only happened since Bramble's passing and I know trauma can trigger them but so can FeLV and FIV. She has started showing strange behaviour in that she darts as if she is spooked and appears to be watching and chasing something but there is nothing - but yesterday when she did it - as she dived on the cat tree scratching I saw the rippling of the spine very breifly. This mad behaviour has happened a few times over last 2 weeks and at first I thought she was just having her mad moments which she does but there is something a bit odd about these mad moments and she looked a little confused afterwards so will have to study more carefully to check her pupils etc... She
 isn't knocking into anything though when she is darting about which is a promising sign.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: We're outta here--Rita evacuation!--Susan

2005-09-21 Thread catatonya

Best wishes to you and everyone there who is dealing with this evacuation. I hope the storm weakens and doesn't cause any damage. :(

Be safe.

tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Susan!I have heard from Gloria and I'll tell you the same thing I told her...Ifeel extremely fortunate that I've got such a wonderful network offriends all over the country! Thank you so much for the support! As ofnow, we have reservations at the Motel 6 off of Hwy. 30 in LittleRock...we will probably leave here early tomorrow morning and (fingerscrossed that our house is spared serious damage) head back to Houston onMonday. Although, we may leave sooner depending on the evacuationorders...right now it's voluntary, but that is quickly going tochange...we're in a low lying area by the Bay of Galveston (elevationonly 16 ft.) and they're predicting a storm surge close to 20 ft.!I'm happy we've got a place to stay (and wonderful offers) for the timebeing...but I'll be honest, I'm scared to death that we're going to loseour
 home! I don't know if our flood insurance company will take pity onus as we only signed up for insurance about 2 weeks ago (usually doesn'ttake effect for a month). Please keep our humble little home in yourthoughts!! :)And here is my cell phone #, as well:'s such a reliefto know that other Feleuk parents are nearby in case of an emergency!! Thank you so much, again...Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge- Original Message
 -From: Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:13 amSubject: Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation! I know that the Airport Holiday Inn in Little Rock will allow pets - there was a tv spot talking to the manager saying they had dogs,  cats and birds - and maybe something else. They showed bags of  donated food they had for the animals. At the airport there is a  Holiday Inn and a Holiday Inn Express - and this was the "regular"  one. I am working with a Gulfport couple who is staying at the  Residence Inn in Little Rock - and they have their cat there. If  you come through Little Rock and need a place for the cats I know  we can help. Plus we know a groomer who will board free and Gloria  uses a boarding facility that will help out. Or the dogs could  either stay with me or with Gloria overnight, I'm sure. Y'all just 
 come on. You can reach me at 501-416-7547 and Gloria at 501-666- 9294. I'm speaking without asking Gloria but I know she will ditto  what I said!  Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Positive thoughts coming your way!  Terri in NJ  =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis,  and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec   Salome' =^..^=  Furkid Photos! My FeLV Site:  Personal Page: --- Original Message -  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To:  Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:19 PM Subject: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation! 
  Hi All!  Well, it looks like a mandatory evacuation may be scheduled for our  area(SE Houston) by Thursday morning due to Rita...I'm hoping  beyond hope that the hurricane will change course, but we're not taking any  chances! If we have to leave, the animals are coming with us which  means 2 dogs, 7 cats and a bearded dragon crammed into two cars...our plan is to  headnorth to Indiana where our parents live...but we will probaby  make a pit stop in Arkansas overnight...does any one know of any pet friendly hotels in the state? I'm hoping that whatever hotel we choose will  pityour brood...but you never know! Wish us luck and pray the  hurricanedoesn't do too much damage...and, most of all, keep our  Feleuk guys in your thoughts!  Take care,  Jen  

advice about feline leukemia positive cat

2005-09-21 Thread catatonya
Anyone that would like to contact this person for ideas or advice please do. :(

tJessica Gullett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To: GaAnWelfare [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ellen Najjar [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Jessica Gullett [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:17:13 -0400Subject: [GeorgiaAnimalWelfare] OT: advice about feline leukemia positive cat
Hi! I need some advice, and I thought the collective wisdom of the listserve was a good place to start. To make a long story short, I know someone with a cat who recently tested positive for feline leukemia and this person wants rid of her cat...she says the cat is annoying but she "doesn't want it dead." As you can see, she's not exactly a sensitive, devoted pet owner (nor is she my friend just for the record). Since she already has such an awful attitude about her cat, I don't think educating her about the disease is going to do much good--nor do I think she would have any interest in learning about it. She apparently sees her options as either 1) putting up with a cat she doesn't like (which obviously won't make a happy life for the cat and I would hate to think how she will treat the cat when and if it starts to show symptoms of the illness) or 2) having the cat euthanized--which she claims she doesn't want to do, but she doesn't like the

Does anyone know of any place or anyone who can take in a cat with feline leukemia? Has anyone had a cat with the illness that can relay to me some personal experiences? I basically want to break the issue down for her in layman's terms as much as possible--someone who has such a bad attitude about an innocent, ill animal is probably not going to sit down and sift through the scientific data I've found on the internet. 

Any advice would be very very much appreciated!!!
Jessica-- "When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal.When he destroys one of the works of God we call him a sportsman."~Joseph Wood Krutch 

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FeLV cats need home

2005-09-21 Thread Julie

I volunteer for a group in Mississippi that rescues feral and domesticated cats and does TNR or adopts them out. I am the main foster home because I have a really big basement. Yesterday, I had 5 foster cats test positive for FeLV. 2 adult females and 3 kittens. Luna, Princess, Mocha, Hershey, and Godiva are all beautiful, healthy at the moment, loving, and playful. Right now I have them together in my gameroom. But I have 6 cats of my own, plus 6 other foster cats. 

I had to have everyone tested yesterday to find out who all had it. After that expense, I can't afford to do the IFA tests. I am paying for all this out of my pocket. I don't even have a job, I am a stay-at-home mom.

Would anyone be interested in adopting any of them?All 5 of them get along great and could go together in any combination. The 2 adults are females and the kittens are 2 females and 1 male. They have all been spayed/neutered, had their rabies and FVRCP shots. I can send pictures if you want to see them.


Julie Holeman
^,,^Saving just one animal won't change the world but, surely, the world will change for that one animal!
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Re: Vet Visit

2005-09-21 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Dear Michelle
I can totally relate to the blubbering wreck business. (That's why I
avoided going back to vet for Caramel and Levi's ashes and had them sent to
me instead--I knew what would happen minute I walked thru the vet's door.)
So believe me you're not alone! It would have been more surprising if you
hadn't broken down--the association and memories for you were very strong,
and it's still so recent that you lost your little Bramble (now I'm in tears

It's not surprising that you're so keenly observant now of Buddy and
Minstrel. (Lucky kitties--unlike many so pets, they will never suffer in
silence because you're so attuned to their normal behavior that you notice
the second something seems different.) I know if I were you I'd be doing the
same thing--having Buddy tested.

I have no experience of seizures (tho the mad behavior you describe does
ring bells -- I've seen mine behave like that and it did alarm me too, but
as it didn't last I just put it down to crazy cat behavior). Others on the
list will weigh in I'm sure.

Praying it's not as you fear, but if it is, you know we're all here for you.
And Buddy couldn't be in better hands.

Let us know what happens when you have time, Michelle.

love and hugs to you and Buddy and Minstrel, Kerry

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:54 AM
Subject: Vet Visit

 I had to take Buddy to the vet on Monday. She has Gingivitis and needs
dental op - she is booed in next Monday. I was ok going to the vet and
didn't expect what I was to feel when I went in the door. The second I
walked through the door I just had some subconscious reaction and started to
tremble and could not stop crying (felt a fool trying to talk to the vet as
a blumbering wreck). The whole day of losing Bramble came flooding back and
thats why I was crying - not because of Buddy - it was strange.

 Sanctuary have Buddy as FIV+ though I'm trying to determine how old she
was when they tested her. I am going to ask for an FeLV test as I am a
little suspicious. I hope I am wrong but as you know she has lived with
Minstrel (FeLV+) all her time in sanctuary and now continues living with her
with me too - they are inseperable. Both are 2 and a half years old so her
symptoms are starting very early if it is just FIV. Her teeth are in very
bad condition too for a cat her age - we know her age is certain though as
she was born in the sanctuary.

 I pray that I'm also wrong on this one but having seen seizures in my cats
I think she has started having complex partial seizures too. This has only
happened since Bramble's passing and I know trauma can trigger them but so
can FeLV and FIV. She has started showing strange behaviour in that she
darts as if she is spooked and appears to be watching and chasing something
but there is nothing - but yesterday when she did it - as she dived on the
cat tree scratching I saw the rippling of the spine very breifly. This mad
behaviour has happened a few times over last 2 weeks and at first I thought
she was just having her mad moments which she does but there is something a
bit odd about these mad moments and she looked a little confused afterwards
so will have to study more carefully to check her pupils etc... She isn't
knocking into anything though when she is darting about which is a promising
 Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: for Kerry: update on my battle

2005-09-21 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Dear Hideyo
I'm praying for Hannibal. I hopethat it'sjust some 
minor illness he has...hope he recovers quickly.
I think it's so wonderful (but not surprising knowing the love 
and empathy you have for your furballs,Hideyo) that the little soul has 
grown to trust you totally. That's an amazing achievement, when he was once so 
feral. You should be so proud!
Good luck with the annoying paperwork (what a waste of your 
time huh?). I'm sure your boyfriend is taking his involvement in stride. It's 
great that the kitties have a special enclosurewhere theycan play in 
his yard too--he sounds like a good cat guy!
SO good to hear Caesar and Annie are on the mend--don't you 
love it when you see them start to eat again!
with love and hugs to you and all your honeys, 

- Original Message - 

  Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:15 
  Subject: RE: for Kerry: update on my 
  Hi, Kerry, thank you 
  for thinking of me and my furballs --- just when you feel like you hit the 
  bottom in your life and feel so lonely and feared reading your email and 
  knowing that you care (and many people on the list) is such a priceless gift 
  to me.
  I am still in the 
  middle of trying to take care of paper work with Animal control  one bad 
  thing is that my boyfriend who lives next door was also reported though he 
  really does not have any animals of hisso now they are coming to his house.. 
  so I also have to take care of the stuff.. sine some of my FIV boys visit the 
  outside enclosure we built in his property..
  I think Ceaser and 
  Annie are doing better--- Ceaer still does not want to eat on his own but I 
  saw him nurse so I know he has some appetite --- maybe he just does not want 
  to be weaned..
  Now I am worried 
  about my CRF boy, Hannibal.. he does not want to eat as much and he is acting 
  like he is not feeling fabulous.. he is one of my very first feral in US  I 
  have been giving him fluid every couple of days  I think I might need to take 
  him back to the vet to see how the bloodwork 
  Kerry, and anyone who 
  reads the posting, please pray Hannibal that he is going to feel better  He 
  was so feral when I first found him several years ago, now its amazing that I 
  can even touch him and pet him.. and I love him so very much 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzieSent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:36 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: for Hideyo :my 
  Dear Hideyo, just wondering how things are playing out 
  with the guy who's been hassling you re your brood -- has he backed off or no? 
  Hope you're ok--just want you to know I'm thinking of you--we all are. I'm 
  sending out positive vibes for this guy to get moved on too (like the good one 
  before him was). Let us know when you get 
  love and hugs