
2006-11-25 Thread Kelly L
Alferon is a natural interferon, I have a PDF file I will send to 
anyone. I tried posting it but it is rather large,

email me and I will send it on to you,
I have had good luck with my FIV cat with it,

Re: Asia - new/additional diagnosis

2006-11-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I personally think the Innova Evo is a really good food, and have never even
heard of Natural Balance. But you're right, at this point, the important
thing is just to get anything into her, so I'd feed her which-ever she likes
the best!

I'm SO glad you got that second opinion from a better vet! Sounds like you
are on the right track, and that you have a good vet to work with now.


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: Two copies of every email?

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

nope! (am terribly tempted to send this twice, but that's just the
kind of week i've had.)

On 11/24/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight?


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT Big problem, help

2006-11-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

Thanks guys,

I was very freaked out this morning when I got the initial email, but I am a
lot calmer now.

I really don't think there are pet limit laws, but I need to find out for
sure, just for my own info.

I met a lady at the low cost shot clinic one morning who told me that animal
control had told her that as long as they all had rabies shots and were
registered she was in the of her neighbors complained.  Not sure
if she was right or not.  She had been getting them shots all week.

On 11/24/06, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm afraid that's true.  You have a foster agreement with this rescue,
correct?  I also think that if you get into a battle with this group it
could jeopardize your other cats.  They could get nasty and send Animal
Control to your door, even if there are no pet limit laws where you live and
your place is spotlessly clean.  All it takes is a false allegation and then
you're on the defensive and having to prove the allegations were false and

*Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

I think you're pretty much out of luck on this one Kelley. I'd call it a
learning experience, and let her come take the cats, and then NEVER deal
with that group again. If the cats are costing you more and more every day,
it only makes sense to let the rescue come pick them up if you are not
willing to continue to pay for the vet bills (and you're not willing, you
have said many times that you expect the rescue to pay these bills, not
yourself). I think you will recall several of us on the list advised that
you should just return the cats to the rescue back when you first posted. If
you don't want to return the cats, then you will have to adopt them, and pay
the adoption fees (and eat the costs up to this point). A foster home is
just that, a temporary home for the cats until the rescue can take them
back, or until they are adopted (whichever comes first). It is your duty to
release the cats back to the rescue if you are contracted as a FOSTER home.
All their bad policy aside, that's what it comes down to, you CANNOT keep
the cats unless you ADOPT them. You have two choices, either call it a loss,
pay the adoption fees, and keep the cats (assuming they will approve your
adoption application, which they may not at this point); or return the cats
to the rescue and end your foster contract with that rescue group.


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: OT Big problem, help

2006-11-25 Thread Samiluke
Here's the section of the Austin city code that deals with restrictions on  
animals, as they call it.  I didn't see anything about a limit in  it.  
_Austin,  TX Online Resources_ 

Re: Asia - new/additional diagnosis

2006-11-25 Thread Samiluke
Best wishes  prayers are on the way for you  Asia.

RE: combining treatments

2006-11-25 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
What do you mean by going down hill - have you checked his blood work to
see which organs were effected?  I have heard from my vet that steroid
injection can cause acute organ failure sometimes... and even death in
rare and rare case due to it.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: combining treatments


Are you sure that what he has is a URI?  If steroids helped, it might be
something else. What are the symptoms?


Immuno-regulin usually helps with URi's at that dose. It can be given 1
ml, which is twice the dose-- the vet who wrote the article on the
website uses that dose, and I have used that dose in the past.  You
might try it.


I don't know anything about Alferon. What is it?




In a message dated 11/24/2006 5:22:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I'm posting this again because I don't think it went through the
first time.


My FeLV 12yo cat with an URI which has been treated for almost 2
months and was started on Baytril on 11/22/06. 

He has been in a bad way because of not eating/drinking. He did
respond to the Baytril injection and B12 injection. Has been on

1/2cc IV for almost 3 weeks 2x a week. Unfortunately was given a
steroid injection with the third dose. After the steroid wore off he
went downhill quickly. 

I added Alferon 1cc/50ui on 11/21. I have now been getting
conflicting advice regarding given both immune stimulants at the same


Does anyone know if this can be done? Do they compete against
each other? 






Re: Asia - new/additional diagnosis

2006-11-25 Thread Lernermichelle
I would DEFINITELY stay with EVO.  Lymphoma thrives on carbs, so you  should 
limit those.  EVO does not have many carbs, as it is  grain-free.
Some people buy Essiac tea at the health food store and syringe a little of  
that every day. It is a holistic anti-cancer treatment.  There is one amino  
acid that is supposed to fight lymphoma as well, but I can't remember the  
name.  Hills or Walthams has a special lymphoma diet for dogs that is rich  in 
that amino acid-- you can check, and then supplement Asia with it, as there  is 
no commercial lymphoma diet for cats to my knowledge.
The most important thing, though, will be the chemo and steroids that you  
are doing.  I am so glad that you started him on that.
In a message dated 11/24/2006 9:16:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Asia, me and my dear friend, Sue (Aunt Sue to Asia and my dogs) went to  the 
veterinarian oncologist this afternoon for a consult.  Ultra sound  and x-ray 
later, Asia has a huge mass near her heart and lungs!  She has  lymphoma!  We 
began treatment today, go back on next Friday.
Dr. Ward said I should see a different cat within 48 hrs.  Anything  I can 
get in her to eat is fine, etc.  
Ok, so now what do all of you recommend for supplementation?  
I am going to get some nutrical as I know where to get that  
immediatelyand will order some of the good milk for supplementation for  
Not sure if I should go back to the Innova EVO or stay with Natural  Balance, 
your advice please.
Any other supplements recommended for lymphoma ?
Thanks for your support!
and of course she is FELV positive, 70%  of the cats with lymphoma  are.
Dianne and Asia


Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread ETrent
Dianne, I am so glad you went and that this is treatable!  Thank you for 
keeping us posted.


In a message dated 11/25/06 00:00:31 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dr. Ward did an ultra sound immediately, saw a big mass near the heart.
This is what was done today:

Echo:  Mediastinal Mass
FNA:  lymphoblasts
Cx:  Mediastinal lymphoma
Tx:  Oncovin o.05 mg IV
Depo Mectol (?) 1 cmg
Cytoxan 25 mg PO

She gave that today and we go back next Friday.

She says it is very treatable and I should see a different cat in 48 hrs.  She 
said she likes to start with low doses so cat doesn't get so sick she won't eat 
again, we will up it as needed.

She did ECHO and an x-ray, I was in room  and saw the mass on the ECHO and then 
she showed me the x-ray too...we can use it to compare ...

She also gave me an article she wrote :  MEDVET, Columbus, Ohio 
Onocology and Hematology
Proceedings of the 20thWaltham/OSU Symposium

She prefers the COP Protocol.

I will keep you posted about Ms. Asia's progress.  

Dianne and Asia

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Lernermichelle
I'm sorry about the mass, but glad you are seeing someone who will treat  it. 
 The COP protocol is an old protocol, I think.  I think many  oncologists use 
the Wisconsin protocol now.  I don't know what Oncovin  is.  The Wisconsin 
protocol starts with Elspar, I believe.
I highly recommend you join the feline lymphoma group as well, which I  think 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) .   I learned a tremendous amount about lymphoma and 
its treatments from 
them when  my Simon had it.
In a message dated 11/25/2006 1:00:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Dr. Ward did an ultra sound immediately, saw a  big mass near the heart.
This is what was done today:
Echo:  Mediastinal Mass
FNA:  lymphoblasts
Cx:  Mediastinal lymphoma
Tx:  Oncovin o.05 mg IV
Depo Mectol (?) 1 cmg
Cytoxan 25 mg PO
She gave that today and we go back next  Friday.
She says it is very treatable and I should see a  different cat in 48 hrs.  
She said she likes to start with low doses so  cat doesn't get so sick she 
won't eat again, we will up it as  needed.
She did ECHO and an x-ray, I was in  room  and saw the mass on the ECHO and 
then she showed me the x-ray  too...we can use it to compare ...
She also gave me an article she wrote :   MEDVET, Columbus, Ohio 
Onocology and Hematology
Proceedings of the 20thWaltham/OSU  Symposium
She prefers the COP Protocol.
I will keep you posted about Ms. Asia's  progress.  
Dianne and  Asia


Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.
Thanks Michelle.  I thing the COP protocol is old but she has had good success 
with itso we will go with it for now.

I have already joined the lymphoma group, thanks!

She is doing great today!  Eating, wandering around the house, on the computer 
desk now, been looking out the patio doors/they are closed, rubbing up against 
the doggies that are her friends, kissing me, meowing, purring

She was NOT doing that stuff Tues and Wed   not much of it Thurs 
eitherstarted today!  I am encouraged.  I know it is just the beginning and 
I am hopeful that we will have much more time together.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:43 AM
  Subject: Re: Dr. Ward's consult

  I'm sorry about the mass, but glad you are seeing someone who will treat it.  
The COP protocol is an old protocol, I think.  I think many oncologists use the 
Wisconsin protocol now.  I don't know what Oncovin is.  The Wisconsin protocol 
starts with Elspar, I believe.

  I highly recommend you join the feline lymphoma group as well, which I think 
is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I learned a tremendous amount about lymphoma and its 
treatments from them when my Simon had it.


  In a message dated 11/25/2006 1:00:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Dr. Ward did an ultra sound immediately, saw a big mass near the heart.
This is what was done today:

Echo:  Mediastinal Mass
FNA:  lymphoblasts
Cx:  Mediastinal lymphoma
Tx:  Oncovin o.05 mg IV
Depo Mectol (?) 1 cmg
Cytoxan 25 mg PO

She gave that today and we go back next Friday.

She says it is very treatable and I should see a different cat in 48 hrs.  
She said she likes to start with low doses so cat doesn't get so sick she won't 
eat again, we will up it as needed.

She did ECHO and an x-ray, I was in room  and saw the mass on the ECHO and 
then she showed me the x-ray too...we can use it to compare ...

She also gave me an article she wrote :  MEDVET, Columbus, Ohio 
Onocology and Hematology
Proceedings of the 20thWaltham/OSU Symposium

She prefers the COP Protocol.

I will keep you posted about Ms. Asia's progress.  

Dianne and Asia

Re: Hi again and Question

2006-11-25 Thread Marissa Johnson
Thanks everyone for your feedback and suggestions!  I appreciate it!
  I've had Slink on L-Lysine for a couple months now (twice a day in his food) 
along with Vitamin C and probiotics.  I also feed him Innova Evo and Wellness 
(only because he likes variety and gets bored and stops eating the Evo if 
that's all I give him).  I'm thinking I may swtich to raw in the near 
future...when I have enough money to get started.
  Thanks again!  He seems to be doing fine now.  The only thing I've noticed 
lately is that when he purrs he sounds congested (but his breathing is normal 
and he's not coughing).  So I don't know if that's just a weird purring thing 
or...?  Any ideas?
  Hope you and your babies are all doing well!

Lance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Marissa,

I don't think the vomit is a big deal, unless it's happening 
regularly. Ember ate too much of her food too fast a few weeks ago, 
and she barfed in a similar fashion to what you're describing. I 
haven't seen it happen since. Regarding the sneezing, the same thing 
went through my mind that went through Wendy's: Lysine. It's cheap 
and has a good reputation with colds/URIs in FeLV+ kitties... 
actually, kitties in general. I don't give Ember Lysine right now, 
but if she were to start sneezing, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Regarding food, you might check out Innova EVO. It's supposedly the 
closest thing to feeding raw. Ember does pretty well with it. There 
are a few other brands with natural/organic ingredients that have 
more nutritional value than your average corn-based cat food. Felidae 
might be worth checking out, and I've also used Chicken Soup for the 
Cat Lover's Soul. It's more widely available here than most of the 
other good stuff.

I hope Slinky feels better soon.


Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Asia - new/additional diagnosis

2006-11-25 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.
Went back to the EVO todayalso bought no grain canned food in a variety of 
flavors for her, we will see what she will eat.

Want to ask oncologist about supplements before I buy too many

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:47 AM
  Subject: Re: Asia - new/additional diagnosis

  I would DEFINITELY stay with EVO.  Lymphoma thrives on carbs, so you should 
limit those.  EVO does not have many carbs, as it is grain-free.

  Some people buy Essiac tea at the health food store and syringe a little of 
that every day. It is a holistic anti-cancer treatment.  There is one amino 
acid that is supposed to fight lymphoma as well, but I can't remember the name. 
 Hills or Walthams has a special lymphoma diet for dogs that is rich in that 
amino acid-- you can check, and then supplement Asia with it, as there is no 
commercial lymphoma diet for cats to my knowledge.

  The most important thing, though, will be the chemo and steroids that you are 
doing.  I am so glad that you started him on that.


  In a message dated 11/24/2006 9:16:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Asia, me and my dear friend, Sue (Aunt Sue to Asia and my dogs) went to the 
veterinarian oncologist this afternoon for a consult.  Ultra sound and x-ray 
later, Asia has a huge mass near her heart and lungs!  She has lymphoma!  We 
began treatment today, go back on next Friday.

Dr. Ward said I should see a different cat within 48 hrs.  Anything I can 
get in her to eat is fine, etc.  

Ok, so now what do all of you recommend for supplementation?  

I am going to get some nutrical as I know where to get that 
immediatelyand will order some of the good milk for supplementation for 

Not sure if I should go back to the Innova EVO or stay with Natural 
Balance, your advice please.

Any other supplements recommended for lymphoma ?

Thanks for your support!

and of course she is FELV positive, 70%  of the cats with lymphoma are.

Dianne and Asia

Re: Two copies of every email?

2006-11-25 Thread Kelly L

At 06:09 AM 11/25/2006, you wrote:

Mine are arriving 8 hour late, If I get them at all,
Kelly L

this is really scary, elizabeth--you sent this an hour before i sent
my tongue-in-cheek response, but i didn't get it til hours AFTER i'd
sent mine!

On 11/24/06, ETrent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am - started last night.
I am - started last night.


In a message dated 11/24/06 20:41:05 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight?


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.14.16/551 - Release Date: 11/25/2006

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sounds good so far, good luck Dianne!


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: OT: my feral calico mama Angelica is back!!

2006-11-25 Thread Lernermichelle
that's great, Hideyo. You needed some good news.

Re: Blaze please add to the CLS

2006-11-25 Thread Lernermichelle
so sorry, Sherry.  I find the weather change can have an effect on  them.

Re: Petechia/Hemotomas and bloodwork results

2006-11-25 Thread Frullani, Anita
My vet called to say she would treat BooBo using Dioxy -- but she really hasn't 
been diagnosed with a cause for being slightly anemic. Do you know if there is 
a danger in treating using Dioxy and/or Interfon without having a diagnosis for 
cause? She also (the vet) said they have Interfon and could use that. 
BooBo has seemed okay for the past couple of weeks, her spots disappeared but 
then came back and are slowly disappearing again. She seems a little quiet 
today however. 
Another vet (who didn't look at BooBo but was briefed by the clinic manager) 
said to re-test her in 3 months -- they feel she will re-test negative as her 
brother and mother tested negative.

Re: Hi again and Question

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

sometimes the very rapid sneezing is the result of a one-time
breathing-in of something as simple as dust or some other fine

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Lernermichelle
That's great!!  I hope it continues for a long time, too.  If at  some point 
she stops responding, there are a few chemo drugs to ask about-- CCNU  being 
one, Elspar being another if she is not using it now.  But hopefully  that will 
not be the case for a long time.
Your old vet should be ashamed of himself.  Unfortunately, vets like  him are 
more the norm than the exception-- it is how they respond.  I am  hopeful 
about this changing, slowly, because I met an intern who told me that at  least 
some vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence  and cats 
can live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be treated  for the 
problems that arise.
In a message dated 11/25/2006 5:39:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Thanks Michelle.  I thing the COP protocol is old but she has had  good 
success with itso we will go with it for now.
I have already joined the lymphoma group, thanks!
She is doing great today!  Eating, wandering around the house, on  the 
computer desk now, been looking out the patio doors/they are closed,  rubbing 
against the doggies that are her friends, kissing me, meowing,  purring
She was NOT doing that stuff Tues and Wed   not much of it Thurs  
eitherstarted today!  I am encouraged.  I know it is just the  beginning 
and I am 
hopeful that we will have much more time together.


Re: Prevalence of FELV?

2006-11-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It depends greatly on the area the studies were done in, so you will se a
lot of variances in the numbers depending on the source. I would suspect
it's no more common in ferals (true, wild, unsocialized cats) than in
free-roaming domestics (strays, owned cats allowed to go outside, escaped


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: Scooter has gone to the bridge

2006-11-25 Thread catatonya
Peggy,  I'm so sorry you lost Scooter.

Peggy Ankney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Our little baby wasn’t strong enough to hold on over the weekend.  
The vet called yesterday to say that his condition had worsened.  He was no 
longer responding to their petting or holding him, and didn’t even stand up 
during the examination, and seemed to be in much more pain.  She had given him 
more pain medicine and he was basically out of it.  I asked about the dex 
cocktail, and she said his kidneys were even more enlarged and felt hard and 
she didn’t think it would help at this point.  My husband and I didn’t want him 
to continue to suffer, so we decided to let him go.  We are comforted by the 
fact that he did find us, as he would have likely starved to death from the 
mass in his mouth, so at least we were able to help him finish this life in 
comfort and warmth.  We only had him for a couple months but this little fellow 
really worked his way into our hearts, and the house seems so much quieter now. 
 But I am so grateful to him for teaching us so much about
 this virus, and should another stray kitty come to us we will know a little 
more about what to do.  I requested a post-mortem in case they can learn 
anything more about his condition and if there is useful information I’ll post 
it.  We’re going to bury him in the back yard sometime this week.  Our vet was 
wonderful and said that we should envision him in his healthy 7 pound body 
running around free of pain.  Thanks to all of you who have helped us through 
this difficult time.  Prayers for all the kitties still fighting this disease, 
and to all of the compassionate caregivers working so hard to help them.  

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread ETrent
This is such good news!  You are a wonderful kitty mom, Dianne.


In a message dated 11/25/06 16:39:30 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Thanks Michelle.  I thing the COP protocol is old but she has had good success 
with itso we will go with it for now.

I have already joined the lymphoma group, thanks!

She is doing great today!  Eating, wandering around the house, on the computer 
desk now, been looking out the patio doors/they are closed, rubbing up against 
the doggies that are her friends, kissing me, meowing, purring

She was NOT doing that stuff Tues and Wed   not much of it Thurs 
eitherstarted today!  I am encouraged.  I know it is just the beginning and 
I am hopeful that we will have much more time together.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Ward's consult

I'm sorry about the mass, but glad you are seeing someone who will treat it.  
The COP protocol is an old protocol, I think.  I think many oncologists use the 
Wisconsin protocol now.  I don't know what Oncovin is.  The Wisconsin protocol 
starts with Elspar, I believe.

I highly recommend you join the feline lymphoma group as well, which I think is 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I learned a tremendous amount about lymphoma and its 
treatments from them when my Simon had it.


In a message dated 11/25/2006 1:00:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Dr. Ward did an ultra sound immediately, saw a big mass near the heart.
This is what was done today:

Echo:  Mediastinal Mass
FNA:  lymphoblasts
Cx:  Mediastinal lymphoma
Tx:  Oncovin o.05 mg IV
Depo Mectol (?) 1 cmg
Cytoxan 25 mg PO

She gave that today and we go back next Friday.

She says it is very treatable and I should see a different cat in 48 hrs.  She 
said she likes to start with low doses so cat doesn't get so sick she won't eat 
again, we will up it as needed.

She did ECHO and an x-ray, I was in room  and saw the mass on the ECHO and then 
she showed me the x-ray too...we can use it to compare ...

She also gave me an article she wrote :  MEDVET, Columbus, Ohio 
Onocology and Hematology
Proceedings of the 20thWaltham/OSU Symposium

She prefers the COP Protocol.

I will keep you posted about Ms. Asia's progress.  

Dianne and Asia

Re: Two copies of every email?

2006-11-25 Thread ETrent
LOL  I haven't received your reply yet - but I can see right now that great 
minds think alike :0)


In a message dated 11/25/06 12:24:27 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
this is really scary, elizabeth--you sent this an hour before i sent 
my tongue-in-cheek response, but i didn't get it til hours AFTER i'd 
sent mine! 

On 11/24/06, ETrent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I am - started last night. 
 I am - started last night. 
 In a message dated 11/24/06 20:41:05 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight? 
 VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: 
 Special Needs Cat Resources: 

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors! 
Maybe That'll Make The Difference 


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats 
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: my 5th loss (to FIP?) - Rikki is at peace now

2006-11-25 Thread catatonya
  My condolences to you.  You've suffered too many losses recently.  I hope 
everyone stays well for a while now.

Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, I just wanted to ask you to take a moment to send a prayer 
for my most gentle kitty, Rikki who crossed the bridge to heaven tonight – he 
had the most peaceful crossing –though I was in the same are as he was resting 
(on the couch), I regret that I was not right besides him and was not holding 
him as I ma sure he would have liked –  I was so exhausted and laying on the 
floor and felt sleep and woke up and he had passed already – I feel badly that 
I was not holding him.. Though he was so weak towards the end, every time, I 
could go and call his name, he would meow for me like he has done for the past 
several years I have had – I couldn’t wish for a much more perfect than rikki – 
  I don’t know for sure if he had FIP for sure,, as it impacted a different 
part of the organ in his case (kidney) – though I know it was not CRF, as his 
kidneys were just fine two weeks ago.  I was talking to someone today in rescue 
business – and there seems to be more FIP cases in our area for some reason – 
so Susan, in a sense you were right, there is something going on that no one 
knows about – there is more incidents for FIP in the area at least than every 
in the past.. and don’t know why..Right now I am in despair and tired..
  I have 4 other kitties who are showing a partial of symptoms in other kitties 
who have passed away, and very paranoid. and I put all of them on FOI 
interferon hoping that I am catching everyone early enough that can reverse 
anything going one.. I am praying that I have seen the last of FIP tragedy at 
my household..
  I also found out that one of my dogs JoJo who is 8 years old mix of chow and 
shepherd may or may not have cancer – his one of eyes is bleeding a bit and has 
a big tumor in his gum.. and has blood in his urine. The vet was not crazy how 
his eye and tumor looked.. we did an impression on him and see if we can find 
more – please send a prayer to JoJo and send a healing energy that he is going 
to get better –
  Also, I have not seen my feral calico kitty – Angelina for 4 nights – I 
talked to my AC—and she is either suffering something very acute or may not 
with us anymore – I knew she was not ill – I mentioned to her about my 
neighbour poisoning cats and she thought, she may be one of the victims – I 
can’t tell you how angry and devasting I am – she is a such a beautiful kitty, 
and was getting so used to me and meoed so loud and happy to see me – I have so 
much sadness, despair and angers these days. I am having a hard time to believe 
in faith.. may all my babies rest in peace.. and come back and have a joyful, 
happy and healthy life….

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-25 Thread catatonya
I would not test.  I just haven't been on list lately.  I wish testing had 
never started.  Vaccinate and adopt is what I would do.  FIV and Felv should be 
treated as any other illness a cat might come down with.

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Wow, this is a lot of information to process. Thanks everyone!
  I know there are a lot of people who advocate NOT testing and was surprised 
to find no one spoke up on that angle.   One of my favorite animal people, 
Nathan Winograd, does not test for FIV and only tests for FELV because the 
board insists.  
  I know most of the well known feral cat groups do not test cats who appear 
healthy, but that's a different can of worms.
  I will say that all cats that come into rescue are initially tested, because 
that is what the shelters around here do.  I have set up that I will require 
owner surrenders provide proof of negative combo test.
  I'm not sure about the statements about eventually having lots of FELV+ cats 
to deal with.  In this area I know people who have been doing rescue for years 
and not come across a single case or maybe one or 2. 
  What I don't want is for a foster to end up in the position I did, when I had 
a kitten test light + and no one, from the director on down, could tell me what 
to do, what was going to happen to the cats, etc.  
  Fortunately she and the rest of that litter later tested negative.

  On 11/12/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi guys,
  If you were establishing a rescue, what kind of felv/fiv testing policy would 
you use?  If the cats were positive for either or both, what would you do?
  Thanks for your input.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Re: Two copies of every email?/late

2006-11-25 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.

mine too.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Two copies of every email?

At 06:09 AM 11/25/2006, you wrote:

Mine are arriving 8 hour late, If I get them at all,
Kelly L

this is really scary, elizabeth--you sent this an hour before i sent
my tongue-in-cheek response, but i didn't get it til hours AFTER i'd
sent mine!

On 11/24/06, ETrent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am - started last night.
I am - started last night.


In a message dated 11/24/06 20:41:05 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight?


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.14.16/551 - Release Date: 

Re: You are my support group-please add Schumacher to the CLS

2006-11-25 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry for your loss, Brenda.

Tim Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know I only post to this group when I have a tragedy, but I read almost 
all the posts online daily.  I feel like you all are my support group although 
I don't have any FeLV+ cats any more.  I lost my last one in June.
  Anyway, our FIV+ Schumacher as gone to Rainbow Bridge today.  About 6 weeks 
ago he went to the vet because he was a little depressed and wasn't eating 
well.  The bloodwork showed kidney problems (elevated BUN  creatinine) and 
below normal PCV.  He spent 5 days in the hospital and the vet pulled him 
through.  He's been on prednisolone, cyproheptadine, Pepsid AC, Procrit  sub-Q 
fluids.  Over the weekend, he just took a nose dive and wouldn't eat or drink 
anything.  He was drooling and gagging at the sight of any food.
  I took him back to the vet this morning and she didn't think anythig else 
could be done.  His anemia appeared to be gone, but he was just very depressed 
and vocalizing (normally quiet) alot when I tried to hold him.  He had clearly 
had enough of the needles  pills.  The vet recommend PTS and I decided it was 
the best thing.
  He was a very loving orange tabby with a little cattitude on the side and 
was my husband's favorite.  This is never easy and it's already been a rough 
year.  We've lost 2 others since June.  Please add our Schumacher to the CLS as 
a non-positive.
  Thanks for always being there to listen when I need you all.

Re: Two copies of every email?

2006-11-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

Right now I'm not getting any copies of any email. Sent one out this morning
asking about the prevalence of FELV in the feral vs domestic cat population
and haven't seen it yet.

On 11/25/06, Kelly L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 06:09 AM 11/25/2006, you wrote:

Mine are arriving 8 hour late, If I get them at all,
Kelly L

this is really scary, elizabeth--you sent this an hour before i sent
my tongue-in-cheek response, but i didn't get it til hours AFTER i'd
sent mine!

On 11/24/06, ETrent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am - started last night.
I am - started last night.


In a message dated 11/24/06 20:41:05 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight?


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.14.16/551 - Release Date:

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: OT Help, I am so embarrassed

2006-11-25 Thread Nina
I've dreamed about that too.  With a great big drain in the middle of 
the floor so I could just hose the joint down!


Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:
If I ever build my own home (like yeah, never), I would put in stained 
concrete floors. Stained concrete looks REALLY nice, almost marble if 
it's done right (at a fraction of the cost).


Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Kelley Saveika


 That's great!!  I hope it continues for a long time, too.  If at some
point she stops responding, there are a few chemo drugs to ask about-- CCNU
being one, Elspar being another if she is not using it now.  But hopefully
that will not be the case for a long time.

Your old vet should be ashamed of himself.  Unfortunately, vets like him
are more the norm than the exception-- it is how they respond.  I am hopeful
about this changing, slowly, because I met an intern who told me that at
least some vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence
and cats can live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be
treated for the problems that arise.


I think we are pretty lucky around here.  Even the staff at the low cost
spay/neuter clinic will tell you FELV is not a death sentence and they
definitely don't advise euthanasia of cats that test positive.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Prevalence of FELV?

2006-11-25 Thread Kelley Saveika

Alley Cat Allies says there is no difference and they advocate not testing
ferals in TNR situations unless the cat is ill.  They also don't euthanise
unless the cat is ill, if they are somehow accidentally tested and tests +.
Now around here they will tell you that is irresponsible and you will be
shunned if you advocate that course.

On 11/25/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It depends greatly on the area the studies were done in, so you will se a
lot of variances in the numbers depending on the source. I would suspect
it's no more common in ferals (true, wild, unsocialized cats) than in
free-roaming domestics (strays, owned cats allowed to go outside, escaped


VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-25 Thread Kelly L

At 04:06 PM 11/25/2006, you wrote:

My reason for testing is for treating. I tend to do prophylactic 
treatment and so It is good to know. I mix my FIV cat but not my 
FELV. I am now using Alferon for my FIV cat and it has been amazing 
to me, and I will start my FELV cat on it once I complete the Feline 
Omega Interferon protocol, His is healthy,

Kelly Lane

I would not test.  I just haven't been on list lately.  I wish 
testing had never started.  Vaccinate and adopt is what I would 
do.  FIV and Felv should be treated as any other illness a cat might 
come down with.


Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Wow, this is a lot of information to process. Thanks everyone!

I know there are a lot of people who advocate NOT testing and was 
surprised to find no one spoke up on that angle.   One of my 
favorite animal people, Nathan Winograd, does not test for FIV and 
only tests for FELV because the board insists.

I know most of the well known feral cat groups do not test cats who 
appear healthy, but that's a different can of worms.

I will say that all cats that come into rescue are initially tested, 
because that is what the shelters around here do.  I have set up 
that I will require owner surrenders provide proof of negative combo test.

I'm not sure about the statements about eventually having lots of 
FELV+ cats to deal with.  In this area I know people who have been 
doing rescue for years and not come across a single case or maybe one or 2.

What I don't want is for a foster to end up in the position I did, 
when I had a kitten test light + and no one, from the director on 
down, could tell me what to do, what was going to happen to the cats, etc.

Fortunately she and the rest of that litter later tested negative.

On 11/12/06, Kelley Saveika 

Hi guys,

If you were establishing a rescue, what kind of felv/fiv testing 
policy would you use?  If the cats were positive for either or both, 
what would you do?

Thanks for your input.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.14.16/551 - Release Date: 11/25/2006

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.
I agree he should be ashamed of himselfI would like to see his face and 
know his mind when he reads the oncologist's report she is sending him!  It 
will show him all he did not doand should have, he never checked to see 
what the fluid around the heart was for example...

but it is ok now, I won't be going back to him with her...and if I do it will 
be convenience.  He is less than a mile from my house and I can usually get in 
immediately and get a discount as I do rescue work.  So there are some benefits 
there but I know he is not the best vet around.  Actually there are not many in 
this area I am happy dealing with.  Last year was a horrible year for me and my 
babies.  I lost 3 Shih Tzu's and a cat from April to October, it is a horror 
story and a long one.  Each pet had a different illness and 2 were prolonged 
and 2 were sudden.  (all part of why I was so devastated when I got the first 
diagnosis...just went numb)

All for now and good nightand good

Dianne and Asia
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Dr. Ward's consult

  That's great!!  I hope it continues for a long time, too.  If at some point 
she stops responding, there are a few chemo drugs to ask about-- CCNU being 
one, Elspar being another if she is not using it now.  But hopefully that will 
not be the case for a long time.

  Your old vet should be ashamed of himself.  Unfortunately, vets like him are 
more the norm than the exception-- it is how they respond.  I am hopeful about 
this changing, slowly, because I met an intern who told me that at least some 
vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence and cats can 
live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be treated for the 
problems that arise.


Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-25 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.
Here I have learned that the policy with rescue cat groups is that they test 1 
in the litter of feral Asia did not get tested but her brother 
did.he tested negative but her paperwork states she was tested a year 
agoand was negative.  When I called that vet yesterday I was told no we do 
not have a record of her being tested, we only test one in a litter and it was 
her brother that got tested, Pierre.

I think the all should be tested.

  - Original Message - 
  From: catatonya 
  Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:06 PM
  Subject: Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

  I would not test.  I just haven't been on list lately.  I wish testing had 
never started.  Vaccinate and adopt is what I would do.  FIV and Felv should be 
treated as any other illness a cat might come down with.

  Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Wow, this is a lot of information to process. Thanks everyone!

I know there are a lot of people who advocate NOT testing and was surprised 
to find no one spoke up on that angle.   One of my favorite animal people, 
Nathan Winograd, does not test for FIV and only tests for FELV because the 
board insists.  

I know most of the well known feral cat groups do not test cats who appear 
healthy, but that's a different can of worms.

I will say that all cats that come into rescue are initially tested, 
because that is what the shelters around here do.  I have set up that I will 
require owner surrenders provide proof of negative combo test.

I'm not sure about the statements about eventually having lots of FELV+ 
cats to deal with.  In this area I know people who have been doing rescue for 
years and not come across a single case or maybe one or 2. 

What I don't want is for a foster to end up in the position I did, when I 
had a kitten test light + and no one, from the director on down, could tell me 
what to do, what was going to happen to the cats, etc.  

Fortunately she and the rest of that litter later tested negative.

On 11/12/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Hi guys,

  If you were establishing a rescue, what kind of felv/fiv testing policy 
would you use?  If the cats were positive for either or both, what would you do?

  Thanks for your input.


  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Re: OT Help, I am so embarrassed

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

don't forget the radiant heat built into the concrete flooring--and
heck with stained concrete, i'm just gonna stencil different rooms
onto it!

On 11/25/06, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've dreamed about that too.  With a great big drain in the middle of
the floor so I could just hose the joint down!

Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:
 If I ever build my own home (like yeah, never), I would put in stained
 concrete floors. Stained concrete looks REALLY nice, almost marble if
 it's done right (at a fraction of the cost).


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

I met an intern who told me that at

least some vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence
and cats can live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be
treated for the problems that arise.


great thought, but i wouldn't hold my breath--my vet, who is quite
awhile out of vet school, told me that he was taught never to take a
single test as definitive, to always retest, and even then not to
euthanize an asymptomatic cat. the info is out there, but for whatever
reasons, some just choose not to hear it.

MC, in one of her more jaded moments.
Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892