Re: ovaban and other stuff....Nina

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
Dear Nina,
I've been thinking much about you also. (And now w/ my vision going so  
bad, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my  "mobility" is also going 
to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to answer  phone. And, that 
portable phone my room mate got me, well, it has TOO many  "things" and I have 
great record of disconnecting incoming calls..  I  give up! Think positive 
- great idea, but hard to do when  you're steadily going [further] down- 
After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/ Bart...  
(I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES awayHe does give me  
Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly had Bart PTS he asked me "what  
I want to do w/ his remains.I jokingly said I'd put him  in freezer w/ 
Fred, my [very LARGE] goldfishWe have  been in such a deep-freeze, snow, 
sleet...I don't think ground will thaw  'til June  So, I did have him 
cremated  That fee was larger  than I expected..But, as always, the 
come first.
I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange  people..  And 
he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him  "why" I was doing this, 
promised him he would be taken care of [NOT what I  wanted, but I've promised 
all my critters I'd never let them suffer]. He was so  amazing though.  He did 
growl, hiss - but only once. I just stroked him,  "explained" to him what was 
going on, and he even let me kiss him  I  really believe he knew I was 
doing the best [only] option.  When the vet  gave him the sedative prior to the 
euthanol, well, he looked at me w/ those big,  beautiful eyes - I think 
"telling" me, "It's ok Mom & thank you".
And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal thing  on 
top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less "stressful" -  
for both her & me.
I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood.. She was negative  when 
I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,  And, Bart,  [NEVER 
tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook symptoms of  wet 
FIP(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole boy. A lousy  life.  Is it 
any wonder I 
prefer critters over people?  And believe  me, doing Rescue for so long, the 
things I saw, the  idiots I encounteredG..  I could  go on & 
on.  Especially since I just watched Animal Cops  (Heroes).  Ughh..
I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her every  day, 
try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish. And, yes, she does  
trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/ excellent results
And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so wonderful  - 
stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she actually enjoys  the 
touching...I still can't believe the turn-a-round..Makes me cry,  tears 
joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!  This girl had me in ER so many  times!
Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love &  support 
from this group, And, it really helps me, emotionally.  I really  need that, 
especially now.
So, thank you Nina and everyone for all your support.  You'll never  know how 
much it means to me,
Oh, look at the time (Takes me forever to write).
The insomniac is going to attempt to get some rest.  Hopefully  anyway.
Much love, hugs & thanks,
Patti & her gang

** AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: Opinions appreciated

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/9/07 4:41:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I  have found with my limited exposure to rescue groups and I would assume 
the  same with humane societies, the tend to be a bit strongly opinionated if 
not  even being accusing. I am sure it comes from what they see. 

YES  Anyone not exposed w/  working in rescue has NO idea what we see &  
try to "deal with".
Education is the key... And, our rescue group  tries to educate.  
But, so many people don't  even want to "listen"...  
No wonder I prefer creatures over people. No offense, but I've just seen  and 
dealt with WAY TOO MUCH
Animals are NOT disposable..
Sorry,I hope I haven't offended anyone. JMO.
Patti & her (non-disposable, special needs & rescued) gang

** AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: Opinions appreciated

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/9/07 10:10:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 

They need some education severely.

Couldn't agree more...
Patti & her gang (Most rescued due to "special needs" or other  problems that 
owners couldn't/wouldn't even try to  deal with.  And, guess what???  They 
are all doing GREAT!!!   Their loss, my gain They are my world. The 
whole reason I am still  here after MVA, I honestly believe that...)

** AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: Opinions appreciated

2007-03-10 Thread Sally Davis

I did not mean to offend anyone here. I am just saying they were only
accusatory and not helpful. Casey was a much happier dog after she found a
home where she had kids and much attention. Are you saying I should have
kept her locked up all day? This is just a rhetorical question.  As I said
before Casey came to me after dad died my mother could not handle her. I
know many folks have their parents pets euthanized as an option. I would
never consider that as an option. If finding Casey a good home where she had
children to play with her she lived a long healthy life is a bad thing then
I am guilty. She was not my dog and did not want to be my dog, Sometimes
animals choose who they want to be with and this is what she did. If i did
not care about her I would have not gone and gotten her back from the animal
control. They picked her up after she broke lose, She went through a closed
window one day while I was at work. It is a wonder she was't cut.

Wow, how do you get such a good internet connection from that other planet
you must be living on?
WHO considers all outdoor cats ferals? They need some education severely

HUH?? you are so sarcastic . I did not imply i agreed with this vet,I
dont know her name. It is a vet I do not use I was with a coworker when we
took a feral cat who had climbed into an engine to hide. This was something
the vet said. The cats subsequently died from her injuries. The guy tried to
sane her, but she was never able to go to the bathroom.




 In a message dated 3/9/07 4:41:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

 I have found with my limited exposure to rescue groups and I would assume
the same with humane societies, the tend to be a bit strongly opinionated if
not even being accusing. I am sure it comes from what they see.

 *YES  *Anyone *not* exposed w/ working in rescue has *NO* idea what
we see & *try* to "deal with".
Education is the key... And, our rescue group *tries* to educate.
But, so many people don't even want to "listen"...
No wonder I prefer creatures over people. No offense, but I've just seen
and dealt with *WAY TOO MUCH*
*Animals are NOT disposable..*
Sorry,I hope I haven't offended anyone. JMO.
Patti & her (non-disposable, special needs & rescued) gang

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
from AOL at ** .

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: ovaban and other stuff....Nina

2007-03-10 Thread Nina

*Dearest Patti,
Your vet visit with Charity is going to be peaceful and smooth, I just 
know it.  As far as drawing blood...  What we've done is keep the kitty 
completely covered and just gently extracted a back leg to draw blood 
from.  If you stroke, or gently tap her head through the towel while the 
vet pulls the blood it will distract her from the prick of the needle.

I'm so sorry to hear how horrendous your disabilities are.  Please hang 
in there.  All the animals love and need you.  I know it's not as 
important, but some of us two leggers love and need you too.  I remember 
the first time I "met" you on the list.  You hadn't been posting for 
awhile and the very first post back was so full of compassion and 
helpful information that I fell in love with you on the spot.  I even 
wrote to tell you how happy and grateful I was that you started posting 
to the list again.  Those feelings have continued to grow.  You are a 
very special person Patti, an inspiration in so many ways.  Thank you 
for making the effort necessary to continue sharing your life and 
stories with us.  Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers,



Dear Nina,
I've been thinking much about you also. (And now w/ my vision 
going so *bad*, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my 
"mobility" is also going to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to 
answer phone. And, that portable phone my room mate got me, well, 
it has TOO many "things" and I have a great record of disconnecting 
incoming calls..  I give up! *Think positive* - great idea, but 
hard to do when you're steadily going [further] down- hill.
After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/ 
Bart... (I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES 
awayHe does give me Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly 
had Bart PTS he asked me "what did I want to do w/ his remains.I 
*jokingly* said I'd put him in freezer w/ Fred, my [very 
*LARGE*] goldfishWe have been in such a deep-freeze, snow, 
sleet...I don't think ground will thaw 'til June  So, I did have 
him cremated  That fee was larger than I expected..But, as 
always, the critters come first.
I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange 
people..  And he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him 
"why" I was doing this, promised him he would be taken care of [NOT 
what I wanted, but I've promised all my critters I'd never let them 
suffer]. He was so amazing though.  He did growl, hiss - but only 
once. I just stroked him, "explained" to him what was going on, and he 
even let me kiss him  I really believe he knew I was doing the 
best [only] option.  When the vet gave him the sedative prior to the 
euthanol, well, he looked at me w/ those big, beautiful eyes - I think 
"telling" me, "It's ok Mom & thank you".
And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal thing 
on top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less 
"stressful" - for both her & me.
I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood.. She was 
negative when I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,  
And, Bart, [NEVER tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook 
symptoms of wet FIP(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole 
boy. A lousy life.  Is it any wonder I prefer critters over people?  
And believe me, doing Rescue for so long, the things I saw, the 
*/idiots/* I encounteredG..  I could go on & on.  
Especially since I just watched Animal Cops (Heroes).  Ughh..
I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her every 
day, try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish. And, yes, 
she does trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/ excellent 
And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so wonderful - 
stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she actually 
enjoys the touching...I still can't believe the 
turn-a-round..Makes me cry, tears of joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!  
This girl had me in ER so many times!
Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love & 
support from this group, And, it really helps me, emotionally.  I 
really need that, especially now.
So, thank you Nina and everyone for all your support.  You'll never 
know how much it means to me,

Oh, look at the time (Takes me forever to write).
The insomniac is going to attempt to get some rest.  Hopefully anyway.
Much love, hugs & thanks,

Patti & her gang

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free 
from AOL at ** .

New Strain of Calicivirus - Scare talk and vaccine hype

2007-03-10 Thread TenHouseCats

please post to groups you HAVEN'T seen this on, so that it can spread as
quickly as news of the non-existent calici outbreak will.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Linda Mercer/Purebred Cat Breed Rescue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just in case you've heard the scare talk or Fort Dodge's hype about
their new vaccine See email response below from Dr. Susan Little. She
says it is extremely
rare and has not been seen in the pet cat population and talks about
the vaccine (below):

From: "Susan Little DVM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Can you please answer this?
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:20:31 -0500

The new calicivirus vaccine is not considered a core vaccine by AAFP, and
most feline specialists are not recommending its use. It is an adjuvanted
vaccine (increased risk of sarcoma formation) and it contains one strain of
VS calicivirus. Each outbreak of VS calicivirus has involved a brand new
strain, unique to that outbreak. We have no idea whether this vaccine would
protect against future outbreaks. Finally, VS calicivirus is a very RARE
disease, and has never been seen in the pet cat population. There would


little reason to recommend widespread vaccination.

Susan Little, DVM, DABVP
Bytown Cat Hospital
Ottawa, Canada


Feline Consultant, VIN


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ovaban and other stuff....Nina

2007-03-10 Thread Barb Moermond
I for one am always happy when I see you've posted something.  Your presence 
here is  simply, right.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

- Original Message 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:27:10 AM
Subject: Re: ovaban and other stuffNina


Dear Nina,

I've been thinking much about you also. (And now w/ my vision going so 
bad, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my 
"mobility" is also going to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to answer 
phone. And, that portable phone my room mate got me, well, it has TOO many 
"things" and I have a great record of disconnecting incoming calls..  I 
give up! Think positive - great idea, but hard to do when 
you're steadily going [further] down- hill.

After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/ Bart... 
(I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES awayHe does give me 
Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly had Bart PTS he asked me "what 
did I want to do w/ his remains.I jokingly said I'd put him 
in freezer w/ Fred, my [very LARGE] goldfishWe have 
been in such a deep-freeze, snow, sleet...I don't think ground will thaw 
'til June  So, I did have him cremated  That fee was larger 
than I expected..But, as always, the critters come first.

I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange 
people..  And he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him 
"why" I was doing this, promised him he would be taken care of [NOT what I 
wanted, but I've promised all my critters I'd never let them suffer]. He was so 
amazing though.  He did growl, hiss - but only once. I just stroked him, 
"explained" to him what was going on, and he even let me kiss him  I 
really believe he knew I was doing the best [only] option.  When the vet 
gave him the sedative prior to the euthanol, well, he looked at me w/ those 
beautiful eyes - I think "telling" me, "It's ok Mom & thank you".

And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal thing 
on top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less "stressful" 
for both her & me.

I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood.. She was negative 
when I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,  And, Bart, 
[NEVER tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook symptoms of 
wet FIP(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole boy. A lousy 
life.  Is it any wonder I prefer critters over people?  And believe 
me, doing Rescue for so long, the things I saw, the 
idiots I encounteredG..  I could 
go on & on.  Especially since I just watched Animal Cops 
(Heroes).  Ughh..

I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her every 
day, try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish. And, yes, she does 
trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/ excellent results

And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so wonderful 
- stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she actually enjoys 
the touching...I still can't believe the turn-a-round..Makes me cry, 
tears of joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!  This girl had me in ER so many 

Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love & 
support from this group, And, it really helps me, emotionally.  I really 
need that, especially now.

So, thank you Nina and everyone for all your support.  You'll never 
know how much it means to me,

Oh, look at the time (Takes me forever to write).

The insomniac is going to attempt to get some rest.  Hopefully 


Much love, hugs & thanks,

Patti & her gang


AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 


Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: Seattle vets

2007-03-10 Thread Barb Moermond
This is a link to the American Association of Feline Practitioners.

and this is a link to a search for Seattle vets on that site (there are 8 in 
Seattle proper)

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2007 10:20:59 PM
Subject: Seattle vets

Still wondering about good progressive vets in the Seattle area ...


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

RE: ovaban and other stuff....Nina

2007-03-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Hear hear---everything Nina and Barb said about how important and
special you are to us, Patti, is so true. I remember being so happy and
so relieved when you started posting again in recent months! I always
love seeing your postings; it gives me that all too rare "all's right
with the world" feeling. You are indeed an inspiration to me too in all
that you do for your beloved furbabes, despite your many and significant
health problems. Know you're always in my thoughts too, dear Patti,
sending you healing vibes.
much love and big hugs, Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: ovaban and other stuffNina

Dearest Patti,
Your vet visit with Charity is going to be peaceful and smooth, I just
know it.  As far as drawing blood...  What we've done is keep the kitty
completely covered and just gently extracted a back leg to draw blood
from.  If you stroke, or gently tap her head through the towel while the
vet pulls the blood it will distract her from the prick of the needle.

I'm so sorry to hear how horrendous your disabilities are.  Please hang
in there.  All the animals love and need you.  I know it's not as
important, but some of us two leggers love and need you too.  I remember
the first time I "met" you on the list.  You hadn't been posting for
awhile and the very first post back was so full of compassion and
helpful information that I fell in love with you on the spot.  I even
wrote to tell you how happy and grateful I was that you started posting
to the list again.  Those feelings have continued to grow.  You are a
very special person Patti, an inspiration in so many ways.  Thank you
for making the effort necessary to continue sharing your life and
stories with us.  Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers,


Dear Nina,
I've been thinking much about you also. (And now w/ my
vision going so bad, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my
"mobility" is also going to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to
answer phone. And, that portable phone my room mate got me, well, it
has TOO many "things" and I have a great record of disconnecting
incoming calls..  I give up! Think positive - great idea, but hard
to do when you're steadily going [further] down- hill.
After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/
Bart... (I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES awayHe
does give me Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly had Bart PTS
he asked me "what did I want to do w/ his remains.I jokingly said
I'd put him in freezer w/ Fred, my [very LARGE] goldfishWe have been
in such a deep-freeze, snow, sleet...I don't think ground will thaw 'til
June  So, I did have him cremated  That fee was larger than I
expected..But, as always, the critters come first.
I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange
people..  And he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him
"why" I was doing this, promised him he would be taken care of [NOT what
I wanted, but I've promised all my critters I'd never let them suffer].
He was so amazing though.  He did growl, hiss - but only once. I just
stroked him, "explained" to him what was going on, and he even let me
kiss him  I really believe he knew I was doing the best [only]
option.  When the vet gave him the sedative prior to the euthanol, well,
he looked at me w/ those big, beautiful eyes - I think "telling" me,
"It's ok Mom & thank you".
And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal
thing on top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less
"stressful" - for both her & me.
I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood.. She was
negative when I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,
And, Bart, [NEVER tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook
symptoms of wet FIP(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole boy.
A lousy life.  Is it any wonder I prefer critters over people?  And
believe me, doing Rescue for so long, the things I saw, the idiots I
encounteredG..  I could go on & on.  Especially since I
just watched Animal Cops (Heroes).  Ughh..
I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her
every day, try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish. And,
yes, she does trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/
excellent results
And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so
wonderful - stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she
actually enjoys the touching...I still can't believe the
turn-a-round..Makes me cry, tears of joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!  This
girl had me in ER so many times!
Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love &
support from this group, And

Winn Feline Foundation Announces 2007 Grant Recipients

2007-03-10 Thread TenHouseCats


-- Forwarded message --
From: Susan Little DVM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 10, 2007 3:49 PM
Subject: [Persian_Rescue] Winn Feline Foundation Announces 2007 Grant
To: list suppressed 

March 9, 2007

Janet Wolf, Executive Director
Phone: 856-447-9798

Susan Little DVM, President
Phone: 613-741-2460

Winn Feline Foundation Announces 2007 Grant Recipients: Eight studies
funded for a total of $127,544

The Winn Feline Foundation is pleased to receive proposals from
veterinary researchers around the world who are interested in
improving feline health.  Out of 40 proposals for 2007, our team of
outstanding veterinary consultants helped the Foundation select the
best studies for funding.  We look forward to seeing the results of
these studies and being able to share them with the veterinary
community as well as cat owners and pedigreed cat breeders. For
complete information on these studies, please visit us at:

Targeted gene mapping in gaps of the feline-human comparative map
William J. Murphy, PhD; Texas A&M University; $14,585

The male-specific region of the mammalian Y chromosome is
particularly unique, and is perhaps the single most divergent region
in mammalian genomes among species. This project will isolate cat Y
chromosome genes, and determine which may be good candidates for
abnormal sperm function.

Molecular characterization of feline COX-2 and expression in mammary
Monique Doré, DVM, MSc, PhD, DACVP; University of Montreal; $15,000

Tumors originating from the mammary gland represent one of the most
frequent forms of cancer in cats.  However, very little information
is known on the mechanisms involved in the development of this
cancer.  A better understanding of the role of COX-2 in feline
mammary cancer will help design new strategies for cancer therapy and
prevention in cats.
[This study was partially funded by the efforts of the Siamese Breed
Council and many other interested breeders.]

Molecular evaluation of the feline myosin heavy chain gene in
Ragdolls, Norwegian Forest cats and Sphynx with familial hypertrophic
Kathryn M. Meurs, DVM, PhD, DACVIM; Washington State University;

Feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common cause of
heart disease in the adult cat. Increasingly, feline HCM is suspected
to be inherited, with examples noted in the Maine Coon, Ragdoll,
Norwegian Forest Cat and Sphynx breeds, among others. The researchers
hypothesize that a mutation in the myosin heavy chain gene is
associated with the development of HCM in one or all of these breeds.
[This study was largely funded by the efforts of Ragdoll, Norwegian
Forest Cat and Sphynx breeders. This study was also supported by the
Ricky Fund, a fund for the study of feline hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy established by Steve Dale in memory of his cat, Ricky.]

Prevalence and risk factors for venereal Tritrichomonas foetus
Jody L. Gookin, DVM, PhD; North Carolina State University; $12,465

Tritrichomonas foetus (TF) is a protozoan pathogen that infects the
feline colon resulting in chronic, foul-smelling diarrhea. The
infection is very common, especially in multi-cat environments. The
researcher has noted that male cats are often the ones failing
treatment for TF infection, leading them to surmise that TF may also
reside in the reproductive tract of cats. Venereal involvement in
feline TF may explain cases of treatment failure and the high
prevalence of disease in some breeding programs.

Evidence of effective drug delivery using transdermal gel delivery
systems in cats
Dawn Boothe, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP; Auburn University, $14,990

The administration of drugs using a transdermal gel applied to the
ear is popular among cat owners because of ease of administration.
This study will examine the ability of gels to deliver drugs into the
bloodstream of cats following several days to weeks of therapy. Drugs
to be studied will be among those most commonly administered as a gel
(prednisolone/prednisone, methimazole and metronidazole).

Characterization of feline immune responses to recombinant DNA
vaccines against avian H5N1 influenza virus
Elizabeth W. Uhl, DVM, PhD, DACVP; University of Georgia; $15,000

The discovery that cats can be infected with bird (H5N1) flu, and can
transmit the disease to other cats has increased concerns about their
risk of infection and role in transmission.  The goal of this project
is to develop a recombinant DNA vaccine that induces protective
immune responses in cats. To achieve this goal, the researchers have
assembled a collaborative team with the expertise to make the
vaccines, assess feline immune responses, and ensure the proper and
humane handling of cats.

Detection of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in cats with anemia
Kristy L. Dowers, DVM, MS, DACVIM; Colorado State University; $8,954

Red blood cel

Re: For Nina

2007-03-10 Thread elizabeth trent

Hiya Debbie!

If I'm remembering correctly - I believe I read those comments from the
Humane Society and I really don't think they were trying to talk down to you
-- they just didn't know *you*.  I can see how one might take what they said
personally -- but I'd just take two grains of salt and call them in the
morning :0)

I have 8 cats and it is truly a challenge for me to give each and every one
of them all the personal attention they deserve and be in tune with each of
them enough to know if something is amis.

I live in Alabama...where all outside kitties are 'ferals' too (rolling
eyes)... and the predominant philosophy is to have FeVL+ babies PTS w/o
consideration for what their current condition may be or how treatable it
may be.  (duh)   I live on the far edge of the county too -- not EVEN in a
town -- the aerial photos from Google Earth show that there is NOTHING
around me :0)  (as it should be, in my book).  Even so -- for the luxury of
having a view-- there is sometimes a price to pay (vet wise).  Out here you
have to listen to your own wits as you well know!

Mama Kitty helped me dig holes for roses all day.  In less than two months
it will be 1 yr to the day that my vet recommended that I say goodbye to
Mama Kitty (about the time I joined this wonderful community).  Nuthin'
doin'. :0)

She is SO healthy and happy now.  We did treatments with Acemannan,
supplements, antibiotics and steroids.  (She was severely anemic and right
at 7lbs).  I haven't weighed her lately but she is truly fat and happy (but
not too fat  -- she's just gorgeous and her coat feels like silk)  Thank
goodness I had an open-minded vet who was willing to try anything that might
help.  Sometimes - they just don't know!  (Incidentally - he's up for using
acemannan now and recommends it as a treatment option for FeVL+)

After all the work was done today, I kicked back on the porch -- ice pack on
ankle and Mama Kitty in my lap happy as can be.  She's snoozing on my best
chair now and has an excellent quality of life.  If you could just see her -
it would make you smile because you can just tell that she feels good and
she is happy.

My Phelix is the one with the allergies.  He never showed symptom one before
my last boyfriend lived here for a while (smoked worse than I used to).
(sorry if that is TMI).  Phelix's symptoms began then -- tearing the hair
from his tummy and his back legs looked like little granny legs. (I should
have known that man was bad news)  I don't know if it is from the
agriculture going on here or what.  (I used to use I just
use ground water)

Since then we did steroid shots...immunoregulin...everything.  Tested for
ringworm...every test available.  Still biting his hair out.  The
transdermal benedryl from the compounding pharmacist has done more to help
with those symptoms than anything.  Compounding pharmacist uses muscle
testing -- he is a cat person and firmly believes that most cat allergies
are rooted in diet.

Phelix helped plant roses today too -- we are all exhausted!  We're tired
but this yard is going to be AWESOME in a few weeks :0)  (Probably
have close to 100 rose planted here and lots and lots of flower, herbs, and

With 8 cats we have sibling rivalry issues.  Those Feliway diffusers and the
spray help calm everyone a lot.  That and rescue remedy and concentrated cat
nip spray.  My Phelix was born with only one eye -- in those bouts of
sibling rivalry the kids go right for that one good eye -- makes me crazy.
Thank goodness -- at least tonight...all is calm and happy at Liz's Kitty
Boutique and Day Spa.

Glad you joined the group -- keep those posts coming.


On 3/9/07, Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your comments Nina. It is appreciated. We were so relieved when
our babies tested negative. Although now I wonder if Elsa who was put to
sleep was actually positive.
We have tried to eliminate things that might make the scratchy ones less
itchy. I use advantage on them and that seems to help quite a bit. Even
though they have no fleas. The vets have suggested steroid shots but said
they don't like to use them very often. We live on 3 acres in the country so
anything could be causing it. There's alot of crops, trees, and pollen.
It only started after we had them spayed/ neutered. It also seems to be a
certain personality type (high strung). We don't have enough room to give
them all their own space. We have one, Tigger, who we let go in the bathroom
alot. He is a bully at times but once he gets some alone time he seems
better. Sneezy and her daughter Patches we keep in our bedroom. They are
both high strung. Sneezy used to be mean to some of the others and once we
got her fixed the tables turned. Now they all hate her and she dislikes most
of them. She growls when anyone even looks at her. She LOVES people though.
We are thinking about building an outside enclosure for some for the summer.
Just for short periods of time, so they can enjoy the o

Hello, I am new to this form of discussion

2007-03-10 Thread C & J
I never would have thought two days ago that I would be discussing FeLV.  I 
didn't even know what it was.  

Yesterday, I was devastated when I brought my favorite cat, Tomi, to the vet 
since he wasn't eating and was lethargic.  I found out he was severely anemic 
because of a parasite in the blood and he tested positive for FeLV.

The Vet was hinting that it didn't look good for Tomi, but I insisted they go 
ahead with a blood transfusion and antibiotics to treat the parasite.  They 
said it was likely he got the parasite because of a weakened immune system.

I have four other cats besides Tomi, and I brought them all in, kicking and 
screaming to be tested today.  We found out that the kitten we took in the same 
time as Tomi (and his best friend) Kisa, also is positive, though she isn't 
showing any signs of it yet.  They are both 2.5 years old.

This has been an extremely hard couple of days for me, to have my happy family 
suddenly thrown into turmoil, so i've been searching the internet for any sign 
of hope.  I found out about Interferon, and the vet is willing to give that a 
try, though he has to acquire it from somewhere first.

I also found a site that claims Mega C Plus can really help a FeLV positive 
cat, and I ordered some, just to try, though it will probably take a couple of 
weeks to arrive.

I brought Tomi home today, and need to give him antibiotic, steroids, and a 
vitamin supplement paste with B12 in it.  I sure am not looking forward to 
shoving all these pills and the paste down his throat (the paste is supposed to 
taste good, but he doesn't like it).

Now i'm basically waiting to see if Tomi can produce red blood cells on his 
own, and if he can't, then the transfusion will only be a temporary solution.  
I just can't bear to lose him, and possibly Kisa if she starts showing symptoms.

This terrible disease sure makes you miss the happiness you had in your life 
before you are introduced to FeLV.

Re: Hello, I am new to this form of discussion

2007-03-10 Thread Kelly L

At 05:32 PM 3/10/2007, you wrote:

Sorry you need to join us under theses circumstances, but after you 
digest so much and things settle down and you spend te next week 
reading all the old posts and your baby starts to feel a bit better 
you will get your happiness back again,
I will not even get into the multitudes of treatment options as you 
have enough to handle now, and it sounds like your vet is being 
supportive, But stay here with us ,,all of us that ae doing the same 
things and ask all the questions you need to. It is a lot to learn 
and we are still learning and sharing.


I never would have thought two days ago that I would be discussing 
FeLV.  I didn't even know what it was.

Yesterday, I was devastated when I brought my favorite cat, Tomi, to 
the vet since he wasn't eating and was lethargic.  I found out he 
was severely anemic because of a parasite in the blood and he tested 
positive for FeLV.

The Vet was hinting that it didn't look good for Tomi, but I 
insisted they go ahead with a blood transfusion and antibiotics to 
treat the parasite.  They said it was likely he got the parasite 
because of a weakened immune system.

I have four other cats besides Tomi, and I brought them all in, 
kicking and screaming to be tested today.  We found out that the 
kitten we took in the same time as Tomi (and his best friend) Kisa, 
also is positive, though she isn't showing any signs of it 
yet.  They are both 2.5 years old.

This has been an extremely hard couple of days for me, to have my 
happy family suddenly thrown into turmoil, so i've been searching 
the internet for any sign of hope.  I found out about Interferon, 
and the vet is willing to give that a try, though he has to acquire 
it from somewhere first.

I also found a site that claims Mega C Plus can really help a FeLV 
positive cat, and I ordered some, just to try, though it will 
probably take a couple of weeks to arrive.

I brought Tomi home today, and need to give him antibiotic, 
steroids, and a vitamin supplement paste with B12 in it.  I sure am 
not looking forward to shoving all these pills and the paste down 
his throat (the paste is supposed to taste good, but he doesn't like it).

Now i'm basically waiting to see if Tomi can produce red blood cells 
on his own, and if he can't, then the transfusion will only be a 
temporary solution.  I just can't bear to lose him, and possibly 
Kisa if she starts showing symptoms.

This terrible disease sure makes you miss the happiness you had in 
your life before you are introduced to FeLV.

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Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.8/716 - Release Date: 3/9/2007

Re: ovaban and other stuff....

2007-03-10 Thread elizabeth trent

OMG -- let me just say this about Pet Tinic.  This is in no way a normal
story...but Mama Kitty hated it so bad...she took other meds with no
problem..but the last time I gave her Pet Tinic she honest to God had a
siezure.  I thought she was dead -- gave me a heart attack.  Mama Kitty will
never have to take that nasty stuff ever again. I've had other cats who just
loved it.  Not on Mama's menu.



 In a message dated 3/8/07 7:30:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

So no one here has heard much about the use of ovaban for itching and
calming them down?


 I had to give a male cat ovaban for his urinating (outside of box,
ANYWHERE!!!).  But, the poor boy was traumatized, owner was fleeing town
after we had the "Three Mile Island" incident here [Sorry, my memory stinks,
but I KNOW it was early '80's, at least I "think"].  She was just going to
"dump" him in a KILL-SHELTER!   And, at the time, I did have one of his
sisters, so, regardless of that fact, he came home - to me
He DID calm down, used box ALL the time, BUT.
That was my Mr. Chow - [my very first encounter w/ Felv.]..  And, to
make matters worse, when he got older and sickly, he was diagnosed w/
cancer...  Upon necropsy [something I detest], his lymphosarcoma was
due to being Felv+. (Keep in mind, this was prior to Snap or Elisa
I was devastated...   I still "wonder" about just *how* they were able
to diagnose Felv. ()
And, he lived w/ me & my furbabies MANY years, and all his friends lived
to a ripe [healthy] age.
On the subject of amytryptilline, we used that at the shelter on many
stressed-out cats.  And, Blossom [See? I CAN remember some things!], used to
chew her fur terribly PRIOR!!!  Her nickname was "Bald  Blossom".  After
giving her the meds, she was "Beautiful Blossom"!  And, as far as I know,
which lately isn't too much, she is a healthy senior w/ lots of fur
What dosage were you RX'ed?   Improper dosage can lead to many
And, don't ask me what we had our Blossom on. that memory is *
I know I am rambling & am even going to *switch* topic, but.
For vitamins, yes, PetTinic is very good, but we also used
Fela-Vite[sp?].  It's a *flavored *gel, I even "think" it's made by the
same mfg. as Laxatone.  ()  Just don't quote me on that..
And, since I'm changing topic, I also want to say that I am seriously
contemplating having my Buster put on amytryptilline..  He was
Cornelius's best friend (the rest of my gang are "snooty", AND THAT'S
PUTTING IT MILDLY). I rescued Buster shortly after Cornelius, and when Corny
passed, well, I was really concerned about Buster.  And, he is also a Maine
Coon, but now he is a DSH!!!  And, he is *perfectly healthy,* according to
my vet. He's on a good [great] diet, no fleas, no allergies...
What's a Mom to do
And, I DO have to go back to vet, as soon as I figure out a way to get
dear Charity into a carrier..
For those of you not familiar w/ my Charity, she's the feral I've been
looking after [spayed, tested, vaccinated, plus food & shelter], who led me
to Black Bart, another REALLY, REALLY mean feral tom [in a BLIZZARD!!!] when
he was so ill... They *both* put their trust in me that night..
Sadly, for Bart it was too late.  :(
But, Charity "allowed" me to carry her back to house, and she's been
inside ever since   In a large crate, but until I ever get her to vet, I
don't want to "expose" her to my other babies I even have Timmy, her
baby.Who I had to bottle feed 'cause the j*rk that dumped them, put them
in a cardboard box  Of course, Mom got out, but I had her 2 teeny
babies The other baby, Thomas, was adopted, but Timmy won't have any of
that [He did get adopted while I was in hosp., thank heavens for
adoption contracts!!!  He made it purr-fectly clear that *this was his
I'm rambling [again], back to CharityWe DID have a vet appt., *
BUT...*, upon "seeing" another human, she went ballistic (I can't
drive among *other *handicaps after MVA), so when my rescue buddy came to
get us, there was NO way to get her in carrier!  I knowmy fault, should
have already had her in carrier.  But, she has to be at least "semi"
manageable for vet appt.  And, she does not like *any *person but me!!!
And, at least prior to MVA I could draw blood.  Now...FORGET IT!!!  My
room mate even asked *why* I brought the *EVIL CAT *in  (Her "house"
is in my laundry room and she freaks whenever he goes in there!!!)
So just how can I expect a vet & staff to handle her???  With me, she's a
mush She "allows" me to stroke her, even PURRS!!!  And, sometimes when
she *pretends* to scratch me, she doesn't even have her claws out!!!  I
just don't know what to do.. Living in a crate is MUCH better than life
outside in this weather here.

Re: Hello, I am new to this form of discussion

2007-03-10 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you for listening to your heart.   A frightening number of vets
recommend euthanasia without further evaluation.  You did very well.

I am sure you will get a lot of responses here -- but there is hope and life
after a FeVL+ diagnosis.  Mama Kitty wasn't supposed to live but a few
weeks.  She's getting close to the 1 year mark.  I know people with FeVL+
babies who lived past 12.

Be encouraged -- and keep posting!

On 3/10/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I never would have thought two days ago that I would be discussing FeLV.
I didn't even know what it was.

Yesterday, I was devastated when I brought my favorite cat, Tomi, to the
vet since he wasn't eating and was lethargic.  I found out he was severely
anemic because of a parasite in the blood and he tested positive for FeLV.

The Vet was hinting that it didn't look good for Tomi, but I insisted they
go ahead with a blood transfusion and antibiotics to treat the parasite.
They said it was likely he got the parasite because of a weakened immune

I have four other cats besides Tomi, and I brought them all in, kicking
and screaming to be tested today.  We found out that the kitten we took in
the same time as Tomi (and his best friend) Kisa, also is positive, though
she isn't showing any signs of it yet.  They are both 2.5 years old.

This has been an extremely hard couple of days for me, to have my happy
family suddenly thrown into turmoil, so i've been searching the internet for
any sign of hope.  I found out about Interferon, and the vet is willing to
give that a try, though he has to acquire it from somewhere first.

I also found a site that claims Mega C Plus can really help a FeLV
positive cat, and I ordered some, just to try, though it will probably take
a couple of weeks to arrive.

I brought Tomi home today, and need to give him antibiotic, steroids, and
a vitamin supplement paste with B12 in it.  I sure am not looking forward to
shoving all these pills and the paste down his throat (the paste is supposed
to taste good, but he doesn't like it).

Now i'm basically waiting to see if Tomi can produce red blood cells on
his own, and if he can't, then the transfusion will only be a temporary
solution.  I just can't bear to lose him, and possibly Kisa if she starts
showing symptoms.

This terrible disease sure makes you miss the happiness you had in your
life before you are introduced to FeLV.

Dallas, TX - FeLV+ cat WANTED

2007-03-10 Thread Susan Hoffman
  Vet tech in Dallas, TX wants to adopt young FeLV+ cat as companion for her 
other FeLV+ cat

Re: Dallas, TX - FeLV+ cat WANTED

2007-03-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS
Thanks Susan I posted it to the cat rescue list I am on here in the DFW  area.
see our  available orphans at:
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TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread TenHouseCats

do we know ANYONE who could foster this little one long enough to give her
at least the chance to live? (and yes, susan, i DID send on the info re:
the vet tech in TX, tho that's a LONG way for such a frail baby!)



Hi everyone,

Precious is a small Torti female kitten that the vet thinks is 4-5 months
old even though she is the size of a 3 month old and sadly she has tested
positive to FeLV.  Currently she is fighting upper respitory and the vet is
giving her a 50/50 chance of making it.  She is purring and just so sweet so
the vet didn't want to euthanize her but she can only stay there over the
weekend and by Monday a decision needs to be made.  Due to her URI she has
not been well enough to be spayed or have her vaccinations but if we can
find a foster who has either a spare room or a large crate and can foster
her all her medication and Interferon will be provided.  Once she is well
from her URI we will have her spayed and vaccinated but right now she is
just in need of a safe place to rest and get well.  We really want to give
this sweet girl a chance to live and once she is safe in a foster we will
begin to look for a permanent place for her but right now we just need a
safe place for her to get well.

I am currently set to "no mail" because of my upcoming cross country move so
please do not reply to the group but instead contact Tina or myself directly
at the emails or phone number below if you can help.  Thank you!

Tina in TN
(615) 796-3438

Kim in VA


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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS
Hi folks,
I realize I mostly lurk on this list but once was awesome with positives  and 
getting them well.
If transport is available, and if Judith is willing to adopt her I am  
willing to take her in my rescue till she gets over the hump. 50/50 is still  
odds as far as I am concerned, I have the breathing equipment and meds here  
she will need. I would ask that ms jolly take over the spay and vet work when  
she is well enough but let me know if anyone thinks we can pull this off. 
What do you folks think?
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS
I must have gotten the wrong email address.
who has  the email for the adopter wanting the felv kitten?
Ms jolly my apologies
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread TenHouseCats

tina and kim are the contact folks for the little calico in TN--i think the
other one is the vet tech in TX!!!

tina and kim's addy's are in my post; as well as tina's phone number
these are the women who were able to place the FeLV Spiderman awhile

i agree with you, 50/50 is good enough for me,  too, but i'm just too far
away. (she says, thinking that she'll probably talk to kim tomorrow
anyway, just in case.)


 Hi folks,
I realize I mostly lurk on this list but once was awesome with positives
and getting them well.
If transport is available, and if Judith is willing to adopt her I am
willing to take her in my rescue till she gets over the hump. 50/50 is still
good odds as far as I am concerned, I have the breathing equipment and meds
here she will need. I would ask that ms jolly take over the spay and vet
work when she is well enough but let me know if anyone thinks we can pull
this off.
What do you folks think?

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
from AOL at ** .

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread Susan Hoffman
Reply to the potential adopter in Texas, Stephanie, via the website.  Go to and when you pull up the ad you will see a reply to 
ad option.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  oopps
  I must have gotten the wrong email address.
  who has  the email for the adopter wanting the felv kitten?
  Ms jolly my apologies

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

Re: TN but transport available - URGENT FeLV+ kitten needs foster or home ASAP

2007-03-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS
I did hit reply and I got judith jolly and that is not the person who is  
looking for the kitten !
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: 14 cats going to be tested- Great News

2007-03-10 Thread Gloria Lane
Yup, just what I expected - although I haven't done the testing of 10 
+ like some of you have.


On Mar 6, 2007, at 8:26 PM, Kelly L wrote:

At 06:20 PM 3/6/2007, you wrote:

Great news and be sure to keep this information and let us share it  
with so many skeptics,Just like my experience,,all 18 were  


Just wanted to let everyone know we took the gang of 14 in.” Just  
got home. All the tests came back negative. Not a single cat was  
positive. Now we have to question on whether or not Elsa was truly  
positive. We took the cats to another vet. We use 4 actually.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats

Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: 14 cats going to be tested

good luck; i'm glad you found a vet who'd help you out!

(you've learned, unfortunately, what we all do--ANYONE can call  
themselves a "humane society"--there are no requirements to  
actually BE one)

On 3/6/07, Debbie < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
not looking forward to taking them all in, but we felt we should  
know. This way at least we can take extra care for any that might  
test positive. We went out and got lots of carriers. Going to have  
to take two vehicles. The vet we chose is about 17 miles from us.  
They gave us a mutiple cat discount but everyone had to go in at  
I appreciate the people on this list taking the time out to  
comment. I tend to be a loner most times. I am at work at the  
moment. I work with ALOT of farmers who look at cats as a nuisance  
here. Makes for some very unpleasant conversations at times here.
I have had cats for as long as I remember. I would not trade those  
friendships for all the human ones in the world. It is always  
refreshing though to find people who care as much about animals as  
I do.
The Humane Society here said I was not doing the cats any favors  
by taking in so many, without having them all tested and  
vaccinated for FELV. We got  all the cats at the same time. All  
abandoned, some even starving. We have had them all spayed/  
neutered and had all other shots. We keep them all indoors and  
keep them clean, well groomed, etc... I would have hoped for a  
better response from a Humane Society. I had asked them if we  
bought all the vaccines if they would administer the shots for a  
I refuse to ever turn a blind eye to an animal in need of help. If  
that means spending alot of money on them than so be it.

-Original Message-
From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
Sent: Mar 6, 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: RE: 14 cats going to be tested
Sending lots of good vibes for tonight Debbie. Let us know how it  
goes when you have time. Kerry M.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debbie

Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 2:09 PM
Subject: 14 cats going to be tested
Am taking our 14 cats in tonight to be tested for FELV. This was  
after we had Elsa put to sleep because of fluid in her lungs and  
her testing positive.
Wish us luck. I don't know what to expect. I'd like to think no  
one else will test positive, but I doubt that will be the case.  
All the cats are around the same age (3-4 yrs). Different litters  
though. Has a genetic factor to this disease ever been found?

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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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