Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread PEC2851
I am absolutely thrilled you were able to get Slink to a caring, concerning  
wonderful vet today!  Also thrilled she's going to do research on certain  
things - that just means SO much
I'm just sorry I didn't get you the info. on my wonderful vet.  (Today  was 
NOT a good day for me! Early ok, later it just went downhillNow look,  
almost 3:00 AM  I'm STILL up! Insomnia, gotta love it - NOT)
And, the rates seem very good too( Almost like my Rescue  Rates..)
This vet must be closer than Finksburg too, huh?  That's another  wonderful 
Just know that both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers
Please do keep us updated...
And, just in case you want/need another opinion,  here's my vets info:
Dr. David Vaughn
Finksburg Veterinary Center
2025 Suffolk Rd.
Finksburg, Md. 21048
Phone - (410) 833-3300 )  OR [might be fax, my eye  isn't cooperating] (410) 
And, if you do want/need to see him, tell him you  were referred by me  my 
rescue buddy, Diane Blosser. (And we will call so  you get Rescue Rates )
Again, I am very sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. But I am so  
pleased you were able to get Slink to a good (great) vet today.
And, it sounds like he is doing well. Happy Dance here too
Best wishes, lots of love...
Patti  her gang

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Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread gary
I think you are confusing 2 words, necrotized and necropsied.  Necrotized 
means dead, necrotized tissue is dead tissue.  Necropsied means to have 
performed a necropsy, which, is the same as an autopsy, an examination of a 
dead body.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

No, I don't think you made that word up.  lol.
Necropsy means dead tissue.  Or the dying of tissue.
Something like that.  The only reason I know this is
because I had a breast cancer scare this past summer,
and the spot on the mammogram turned out to be
necropsied tissue, probably from an old sports injury.
I was relieved that's all it was.

Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread Kelley Saveika


I'm so glad you got Slink to a good vet!

You are right, this list is like family to me too:)

On 3/21/07, Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all!  Thanks so much for being such a fabulous support network!  I have
many families in my life...and I feel like now I have a new one: my feleuk
family! lol

Took Slink to a new vet tonight - the one near my house.  I was very
pleased with her!  She asked if his regular diet is raw (which it was before
he got sick).  I told her he's eating Innova Evo and she said her cats love
it (I was impressed to find a vet who knew wat Innova was!  Then I
remembered I got her name from the owner of the store where I buy it.

They did a CBC and his HCT is down to 9, but his WBC was up slightly.  His
temp was 105.6!  She was very real with me.  She said what I had basically
been thinking: that if we didn't do something, he would definitely die and
fairly quickly.  So she said we had nothing to lose by trying things and she
was willing to try whatever I wanted to.

I had faxed her 8 pages of info about IR and she'd read all of it, PLUS
did her own reading!  She said she'd heard of some clinical trials but
they'd been stopped because it wasn't working...but that she'd read further
and saw that the reason they stopped them is because they were defining
success as seroconversion (testing negative for FeLV) and that's just not
going to happen.  But when you look at symptoms and quality of life, it
seems like it works pretty well.

She wasn't as positive about the Epogen, wasn't sure that it would work.
But again was willing to try it.  She also wanted to start him on Prednisone
since it can stimulate RBC production and would help with some other
things.  So, she gave him a shot of Pred and Epogen (we were going to wait
on the Epogen so as not to start everything at once, but decided to just go
with it).  She also gave me a bottle of Doxy and sent me home with that and
Pred tablets.  I'm going to order the IR (that way it will get here more
quickly) and then we'll start that as well.

Their prices are extremely reasonable as well!  They'll only charge me $20
per visit to do the IR doses (and since it's only $50 or so for the meds,
that's very affordable!).  It'll be $26 for the Epogen shots which is just
paying for the medicine itself.  The exam tonight was only $48 (though with
everything we did, the total bill was almost $200).  But dad is being
wonderful and helping me out yet again!  :)  Also, I can get there in about
15 minutes on the metro, so it'll be nice and easy to go to his
appointments!  :)

After the appointment my friend and I dropped Slink at home (he went
straight for water!  :)), and went out to dinner.  When we came home a
couple hours later, his temp is now 102.8!!!  I did
the happy dance...and he looked at me like I was nuts! lol  He's still
pretty quiet, but seems much more alert and comfortable.  I gave him his
clavamox, doxy, water, and vitamins...and I think it was a bit too much cuz
he coughed up some phlegm and kinda gagged on it.  So we'll be spreading
that out from now on.  The Clavamox is almost gone, though.  He's not crazy
about having to take all that stuff but he tolerates it pretty well.

At dinner my friend and I were talking about him and she said when she
worked at the vet she could tell when people brought their animals in
whether they should put them down or not...and she says Slinky has way too
much life left in him to put him down now.  That was great to hear!!!

Anyway, that's the latest.  Obviously no way to know if all this will
work, but we figure it can't hurt to try.  I'm just thrilled to be doing
SOMETHING.  Keep your fingers crossed and send us prayers for his recovery!
Thanks again for all your help and support


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Please help Joey!

Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-22 Thread Kelley Saveika

Thanks Wendy,

It is VERY scary.  I did not ask him about Epogen.  I asked him about
transfusions.  He said that they are no longer recommended becuase those red
blood cells get attacked too, but he would do one for me if I wanted.

Right now, for a sick cat, Joey is acting pretty good.  He grooms a little,
and lies on his tummy with his head up, instead of on his side with his head
laying on the floor.  He is quite feisty with me when I give him his meds,
too.  He is able to walk on his own to the food and water dish.

If he makes it he will probably have to be on steroids for life to keep it
from coming back.

On 3/21/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Kelley,

I'm so sorry about Joey's prognosis.  Anemia is so
scary.  I did a little research and humans with AIHA
use Epogen.  Did your vet say whether Epogen would
help Joey?


--- Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 Joey, an owner surrendered cat I took in last month,
 has been diagnosed with
 Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia.  I'm really concerned
 about him.  I feel bad
 because I think I should have noticed something
 sooner.  What information
 can yall give me about this disease?

 It is my understanding this disease is more common
 in FELV+ cats.


 Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

 Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread Marissa Johnson
Oh Belinda!  So sorry to hear this.  I will definitely be praying for 
Fred...and for you and the dr.  Give him head buts for me!
  GLOW to you!

Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet 
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has 
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half 
turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were 
twitching. He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently 
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets 
yesterday. I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very 
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I 
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning. Then she said 
to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon 
today. He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he 
twitched off and on all night. He was very unsteady on his feet and 
slept for the most part. This morning he is not himself still. He is 
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very 
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good. I gave him his 
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and 
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run 
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and 
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll 
figure it out and can help him feel better. He looks the worse he ever 
has since this all started.


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Re: [FIVCats2] good follow-up info on pet-food recall

2007-03-22 Thread TenHouseCats

what was scary to me, because it could have just been typical tv
carelessness--or not--was that the nightline story last night was showing
DRY FOOD--and supposedly only wet and semi-moist food is affected... the
implication in the story was that was the exact food that sickened the dog.

i know that i feel like i'm walking a very fine line between wanting to make
sure that everyone has the facts, WITHOUT adding to any panic but not
feeling secure at all that anyone really knows what the truth is

and please, talk to all your friends who are NOT on-line, and may have some
of this food in their homes. especially older folks who might not be paying
as much attention to the news, or who may have more trouble reading the lot
numbers... with the numbers they're not estimating may be affected, just
tell everyone you meet, i guess...  (oh, heavens, there's marychristine,
again, harassing people on the street, asking them about what they feed
their pets. they're gonna arrest that girl one of these days yet! good thing
she has friends who will bail her out, eh?)

On 3/22/07, RS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you for this list. I see where Wellness is made by Menu Foods and
its not on the recall list for some reason.

*TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 this seems to have a number of links for ongoing, up-to-date info
crosspost responsibly.

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Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread TenHouseCats

sending lots of loving GLOW to both of you to find the right path through
this one

hopefully it is just the meds needing adjustment and he'll be back to his
own self very soon!


On 3/22/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
  Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half
turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were
twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets
yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning.  Then she said
to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon
today.  He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he
twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady on his feet and
slept for the most part.  This morning he is not himself still.  He is
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I gave him his
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll
figure it out and can help him feel better.  He looks the worse he ever
has since this all started.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread Nina

It's good news that you've found a vet you feel you can trust, that's no 
small thing.  I know exactly what you mean about doing SOMETHING.  So 
many things have come together to give you and Slinky a fighting chance, 
he just has to pull through!  Prayers and healing thoughts that Slinky 
responds to the meds quickly.  From what I've read on the list, an HCT 
of 9 is really scary, but you know what?  He's still eating, he's alert, 
(his temp is even down), he's telling you that he's not ready to give 
up, to me that is a better indicator than any test results might lead 
us to believe.  Miracles happen every day, I'm praying hard for Slinky 
and you to be one of them.  Hang in there, we're all with you,


Marissa Johnson wrote:
Hi all!  Thanks so much for being such a fabulous support network!  I 
have many families in my life...and I feel like now I have a new one: 
my feleuk family! lol 
Took Slink to a new vet tonight - the one near my house.  I was very 
pleased with her!  She asked if his regular diet is raw (which it was 
before he got sick).  I told her he's eating Innova Evo and she said 
her cats love it (I was impressed to find a vet who knew wat Innova 
was!  Then I remembered I got her name from the owner of the store 
where I buy it.  lol). 
They did a CBC and his HCT is down to 9, but his WBC was up slightly.  
His temp was 105.6!  She was very real with me.  She said what I had 
basically been thinking: that if we didn't do something, he would 
definitely die and fairly quickly.  So she said we had nothing to lose 
by trying things and she was willing to try whatever I wanted to. 
I had faxed her 8 pages of info about IR and she'd read all of it, 
PLUS did her own reading!  She said she'd heard of some clinical 
trials but they'd been stopped because it wasn't working...but that 
she'd read further and saw that the reason they stopped them is 
because they were defining success as seroconversion (testing negative 
for FeLV) and that's just not going to happen.  But when you look at 
symptoms and quality of life, it seems like it works pretty well. 
She wasn't as positive about the Epogen, wasn't sure that it would 
work.  But again was willing to try it.  She also wanted to start him 
on Prednisone since it can stimulate RBC production and would help 
with some other things.  So, she gave him a shot of Pred and Epogen 
(we were going to wait on the Epogen so as not to start everything at 
once, but decided to just go with it).  She also gave me a bottle of 
Doxy and sent me home with that and Pred tablets.  I'm going to order 
the IR (that way it will get here more quickly) and then we'll start 
that as well.
Their prices are extremely reasonable as well!  They'll only charge me 
$20 per visit to do the IR doses (and since it's only $50 or so for 
the meds, that's very affordable!).  It'll be $26 for the Epogen shots 
which is just paying for the medicine itself.  The exam tonight was 
only $48 (though with everything we did, the total bill was almost 
$200).  But dad is being wonderful and helping me out yet again!  
:)  Also, I can get there in about 15 minutes on the metro, so it'll 
be nice and easy to go to his appointments!  :)
After the appointment my friend and I dropped Slink at home (he went 
straight for water!  :)), and went out to dinner.  When we came home a 
couple hours later, his temp is now 102.8!!!  I 
did the happy dance...and he looked at me like I was nuts! lol  He's 
still pretty quiet, but seems much more alert and comfortable.  I gave 
him his clavamox, doxy, water, and vitamins...and I think it was a bit 
too much cuz he coughed up some phlegm and kinda gagged on it.  So 
we'll be spreading that out from now on.  The Clavamox is almost gone, 
though.  He's not crazy about having to take all that stuff but he 
tolerates it pretty well.
At dinner my friend and I were talking about him and she said when she 
worked at the vet she could tell when people brought their animals in 
whether they should put them down or not...and she says Slinky has way 
too much life left in him to put him down now.  That was great to hear!!!
Anyway, that's the latest.  Obviously no way to know if all this will 
work, but we figure it can't hurt to try.  I'm just thrilled to be 
doing SOMETHING.  Keep your fingers crossed and send us prayers for 
his recovery!  Thanks again for all your help and support

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at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center. 

Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread Nina

I wish I could reach out and give you and Mama Kitty hugs and kisses, 
(hugs for you, kisses for Mama Kitty :-) ).  I'm so glad she's feeling 
better and that her temp is down!  Now that she's getting her Acemannan 
shots, I'm hoping she'll bounce back quickly.  You two must have such a 
tight bond, you've been through so much together.  I'm absolutely 
positive she knows you are her partner in life, that she appreciates, 
(even if she doesn't always like the form it takes), all that you do to 
help her stay strong and healthy.  Blessings to you guys and your whole 
household.  I think the boys respect the fact that she's recovering and 
they won't pick on her until she feels better.

Much love,

elizabeth trent wrote:
Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's office.  The Acemannan 
came in (less than 24 hours - that was very good). 
I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this afternoon because she did 
put up some protest about going to the vet's today.  They took her 
temperature and her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today. 
She was more vocal today -- that is much more like her.  Instead of 
taking us to one of the patient rooms - they took us straight back to 
where they do procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a long 
time so I guess they know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr. Reid 
is a wonder about giving those shots that go through the skin and 
directly into the stomach.  The vet tech holds her standing up and he 
does the shot.  My doctor said that actually a shot like this is less 
painful than one that goes under the skin -- he explained about why 
and the nerves in the skin, etc. 
We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next month or so to come in 
for one of these shots. 
Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear that by the time we got 
home - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing she did was have 
a few bites of salmon.
Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough water so I will be 
keeping an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes from chicken 
stock (not the low sodium kind)you put the ice cube in a bowl or 
plate for them.  They can play with it - but also they won't drink it 
too fast.  My understanding is that the sodium in the broth makes them 
more thirsty and so they will drink more water.  (I don't think you 
should use stock that is made with onions because anything from the 
allium family is taboo for kitties).
So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes and thought of us.  I am 
cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the porch sunbathing (since 
mean ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she was away).  We'll 
keep you posted.

Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread Nina
Oh Belinda, prayers that Fred starts feeling better soon.  I was 
thinking of him yesterday after you briefly mentioned him, so pleased 
that he was hanging in there.  Please keep us updated as best you can.  
There's a knot in my solar plexus imagining that twitching.


Belinda wrote:

   Hi All,
 Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet 
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has 
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a 
half turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were 
twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but 
apparently his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the 
vets yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is 
very concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose 
when I got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning.  Then 
she said to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the 
afternoon today.  He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he 
twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady on his feet and 
slept for the most part.  This morning he is not himself still.  He is 
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very 
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I gave him his 
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait 
and give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have 
to run him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and 
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is 
we'll figure it out and can help him feel better.  He looks the worse 
he ever has since this all started.

RE: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Marissa, it's so good you've found such a great vet! It's so comforting
when that happens, I know. You are so upbeat and have such a positive
attitude Slinky is surely benefiting hugely from your vibes. Keep doing
that happy dance--and remember, we're all dancin' with you both!
Big hugs to you both, Kerry
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:42 PM
Subject: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

Hi all!  Thanks so much for being such a fabulous support network!  I
have many families in my life...and I feel like now I have a new one: my
feleuk family! lol  
Took Slink to a new vet tonight - the one near my house.  I was very
pleased with her!  She asked if his regular diet is raw (which it was
before he got sick).  I told her he's eating Innova Evo and she said her
cats love it (I was impressed to find a vet who knew wat Innova was!
Then I remembered I got her name from the owner of the store where I buy
it.  lol).  
They did a CBC and his HCT is down to 9, but his WBC was up slightly.
His temp was 105.6!  She was very real with me.  She said what I had
basically been thinking: that if we didn't do something, he would
definitely die and fairly quickly.  So she said we had nothing to lose
by trying things and she was willing to try whatever I wanted to.  
I had faxed her 8 pages of info about IR and she'd read all of it, PLUS
did her own reading!  She said she'd heard of some clinical trials but
they'd been stopped because it wasn't working...but that she'd read
further and saw that the reason they stopped them is because they were
defining success as seroconversion (testing negative for FeLV) and
that's just not going to happen.  But when you look at symptoms and
quality of life, it seems like it works pretty well.  
She wasn't as positive about the Epogen, wasn't sure that it would work.
But again was willing to try it.  She also wanted to start him on
Prednisone since it can stimulate RBC production and would help with
some other things.  So, she gave him a shot of Pred and Epogen (we were
going to wait on the Epogen so as not to start everything at once, but
decided to just go with it).  She also gave me a bottle of Doxy and sent
me home with that and Pred tablets.  I'm going to order the IR (that way
it will get here more quickly) and then we'll start that as well.
Their prices are extremely reasonable as well!  They'll only charge me
$20 per visit to do the IR doses (and since it's only $50 or so for the
meds, that's very affordable!).  It'll be $26 for the Epogen shots which
is just paying for the medicine itself.  The exam tonight was only $48
(though with everything we did, the total bill was almost $200).  But
dad is being wonderful and helping me out yet again!  :)  Also, I can
get there in about 15 minutes on the metro, so it'll be nice and easy to
go to his appointments!  :)
After the appointment my friend and I dropped Slink at home (he went
straight for water!  :)), and went out to dinner.  When we came home a
couple hours later, his temp is now 102.8!!!  I did
the happy dance...and he looked at me like I was nuts! lol  He's still
pretty quiet, but seems much more alert and comfortable.  I gave him his
clavamox, doxy, water, and vitamins...and I think it was a bit too much
cuz he coughed up some phlegm and kinda gagged on it.  So we'll be
spreading that out from now on.  The Clavamox is almost gone, though.
He's not crazy about having to take all that stuff but he tolerates it
pretty well.
At dinner my friend and I were talking about him and she said when she
worked at the vet she could tell when people brought their animals in
whether they should put them down or not...and she says Slinky has way
too much life left in him to put him down now.  That was great to
Anyway, that's the latest.  Obviously no way to know if all this will
work, but we figure it can't hurt to try.  I'm just thrilled to be doing
SOMETHING.  Keep your fingers crossed and send us prayers for his
recovery!  Thanks again for all your help and support


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RE: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sending prayers and healing vibes for Fred, Belinda. I'm hugely
impressed by your vet opening at 6.30am. It makes a difference when
you're trying to help a sick furbabe through the night. I hope Fred has
been diagnosed and helped by now. Please let us know when you get time.
hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

Hi All,
  Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet 
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has 
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half

turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were 
twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently 
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets 
yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very 
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I 
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning.  Then she said

to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon 
today.  He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he 
twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady on his feet and 
slept for the most part.  This morning he is not himself still.  He is 
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very 
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I gave him his 
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and 
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run 
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and 
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll

figure it out and can help him feel better.  He looks the worse he ever 
has since this all started.


happiness is being owned by cats ...

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
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addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Elizabeth,
So glad to hear Mama Kitty has got relief and is feeling well enough to
eat salmon!
It's just great that her fever has gone!
Keep us posted when you get time, and big hugs to you both, Kerry

Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's office.  The Acemannan 
came in (less than 24 hours - that was very good).

I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this afternoon because she did 
put up some protest about going to the vet's today.  They took her 
temperature and her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today.

She was more vocal today -- that is much more like her.  Instead of 
taking us to one of the patient rooms - they took us straight back 
to where they do procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a 
long time so I guess they know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr. 
Reid is a wonder about giving those shots that go through the skin 
and directly into the stomach.  The vet tech holds her standing up 
and he does the shot.  My doctor said that actually a shot like this 
is less painful than one that goes under the skin -- he explained 
about why and the nerves in the skin, etc.

We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next month or so to come in 
for one of these shots.

Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear that by the time we 
got home - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing she did 
was have a few bites of salmon.

Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough water so I will be 
keeping an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes from chicken 
stock (not the low sodium kind)you put the ice cube in a bowl or 
plate for them.  They can play with it - but also they won't drink 
it too fast.  My understanding is that the sodium in the broth makes 
them more thirsty and so they will drink more water.  (I don't think 
you should use stock that is made with onions because anything from 
the allium family is taboo for kitties).

So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes and thought of us.  I 
am cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the porch sunbathing 
(since mean ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she was 
away).  We'll keep you posted.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.13/726 - Release Date:
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
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email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

I'm so sorry to hear about Fred's troubles.  I have a
CRF furbaby too, and she'll be 18 in a few months. 
She has head twitching.  The only thing she's being
treated for really is hyperT with Tapazole, and she
gets 200 cc of fluids every week for the CRF.  My vet
never mentioned anything about her BP.  Is that part
of the progression of CRF?

Please let us know what the vet said this morning.  I
hope Fred gets better soon!

--- Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
   Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took
 him in to the vet 
 last night because he gave out a meow that sounded
 like nothing he has 
 ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk
 he did about a half 
 turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front
 feet were 
 twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a
 He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a
 while but apparently 
 his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at
 the vets 
 yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was
 twitching and she is very 
 concerned about his BP, she told me to give him
 double his dose when I 
 got home, he had already had his usual dose that
 morning.  Then she said 
 to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose
 in the afternoon 
 today.  He will get double what he's been getting
 from now on.
 I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night
 yesterday, and he 
 twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady
 on his feet and 
 slept for the most part.  This morning he is not
 himself still.  He is 
 not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed
 yet but seems very 
 slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I
 gave him his 
 metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly,
 I'm going to wait and 
 give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens
 so if I have to run 
 him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM,
 it's 6AM now.
 Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it
 is just his BP and 
 the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that
 whatever it is we'll 
 figure it out and can help him feel better.  He
 looks the worse he ever 
 has since this all started.
 happiness is being owned by cats ...


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2007-03-22 Thread A G

Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Maybe she should try petting him 
and comforting him, if this seems like a really distressed crying sort of 
thing.  Is there dry food and water down at night, so he knows he isn't going 
to go hungry?  A bedtime snack could help too -- canned food, a little shredded 
chicken or canned tuna, some kind of treat to settle him for the night.  Might 
be worth wearing him out a little earlier in the evening -- one of those 
trackball toys or a laser light, throw in some catnip.  
  He needs a little adjustment time, and some spoiling to welcome him to his 
new home.  Maybe a few days, with ear plugs for the adopter?

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
  I adopted out a cat on Thursday night.  The adopter called me today and said 
he has been crying all night every night and she hasn't been able to sleep at 
all.  He is fine during the day, very affectionate, likes to give her kisses, 
but he will not let her sleep.  I need suggestions, or else this adopter will 
return this cat.  As he's a black cat, he is not going to have too many 
options.  She is not petting him when he is crying.  He is eating and using the 
litterbox.  I don't know how to get this adopter past this.  She's willing to 
try things for a few more days, but I don't think much longer than that. 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread Belinda

  Hi Wendy,
  Yes high BP is a natural progression, if her head twitches she may 
already have high BP.  Fred been on the norvasc for a few months and he 
started the twitching about 2 months ago, not all the time but once in a 
while I noticed it.  Yesterday though he went into crisis and all I can 
pray is there won't be any lasting effects once we get his BP under 
control again.  Still haven't got the blood work back yet.


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Re: Fred - Crisis, prayers needed please

2007-03-22 Thread Sally Davis

Hi Belinda

I just got home from work. I will be praying for Fred and crossing finger.
You are such and angel and support fir me and Junior. Thanks for all your


On 3/22/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All,
Fred my CRF furkid is having some problems, I took him in to the vet
last night because he gave out a meow that sounded like nothing he has
ever done before and when he tried to stand and walk he did about a half
turn and then plopped back to the rug and his front feet were
twitching.  He's been twitching off and on for a while.

He's been on Norvasc for high blood pressure for a while but apparently
his dose is no longer high enough, his BP was 230 at the vets
yesterday.  I called the vet in while he was twitching and she is very
concerned about his BP, she told me to give him double his dose when I
got home, he had already had his usual dose that morning.  Then she said
to give his regular dose in this AM and another dose in the afternoon
today.  He will get double what he's been getting from now on.

I didn't feed or mess with him the rest of the night yesterday, and he
twitched off and on all night.  He was very unsteady on his feet and
slept for the most part.  This morning he is not himself still.  He is
not as unsteady and not twitching that I've noticed yet but seems very
slow and just looks like he doesn't feel good.  I gave him his
metachloprimide and am going to feed him shortly, I'm going to wait and
give him his BP med close to the time the vet opens so if I have to run
him down they will be open, they open at 6:30AM, it's 6AM now.

Please pray that whatever is going on, hopefully it is just his BP and
the increased BP meds will control it, if not, that whatever it is we'll
figure it out and can help him feel better.  He looks the worse he ever
has since this all started.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


The ABCs of Homemade Cat and Dog Diets

2007-03-22 Thread TenHouseCats

tonight at 9ET--sorry for the short notice! hopefully, there'll be a
transcript available afterwards

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Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you with all our hearts.

I have nothing but good things to report today.  Mama Kitty *almost* seems
back to normal!  Not quite -- but she's getting there.  I am so afraid to
get excited knowing how this disease can be -- but today she has more
stamina and she is very alert.  Yesterday she wasn't steady on her feet and
had to rest every few feet if she wanted to change locations.  Today,
however, she went outside twice on offical kitty kat business (she's never
accepted the liter box as a way of life) and she didn't have to lie down
once along the way.

(I keep her inside during the day and I bring her in at bedtime...which is a
big transition for her being an outside kitty at heart.)

She did have a bite of red clay from the front yard deli this morning and
tonight - but I figure she probaby knows what she needs better than I do.
She *just* ate some dry food and some fancy feast!  Not a lot -- but she had
some dainty bites of each and so I am so very proud of her.  I didn't even
have to coax!  It's almost time for her transdermal doxy so I'll bring her
inside soon -- I just know that every day is prescious and she needs her
time to soak in all the sights and sounds.

She wanted very much to rule the front porch when I got home and I saw no
reason why she couldn't since she is so good about staying within our
property bounds.  She loved watching the sprinkler going around and caught
the last hour or so of sun for kitty sunbathing.  What really encouraged me
was that she is grooming herself.  That is always a good sign.

Thank you so much to everyone for the love, care and well wishes.


On 3/22/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Elizabeth,
So glad to hear Mama Kitty has got relief and is feeling well enough to
eat salmon!
It's just great that her fever has gone!
Keep us posted when you get time, and big hugs to you both, Kerry

Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's office.  The Acemannan
came in (less than 24 hours - that was very good).

I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this afternoon because she did
put up some protest about going to the vet's today.  They took her
temperature and her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today.

She was more vocal today -- that is much more like her.  Instead of
taking us to one of the patient rooms - they took us straight back
to where they do procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a
long time so I guess they know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr.
Reid is a wonder about giving those shots that go through the skin
and directly into the stomach.  The vet tech holds her standing up
and he does the shot.  My doctor said that actually a shot like this
is less painful than one that goes under the skin -- he explained
about why and the nerves in the skin, etc.

We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next month or so to come in
for one of these shots.

Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear that by the time we
got home - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing she did
was have a few bites of salmon.

Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough water so I will be
keeping an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes from chicken
stock (not the low sodium kind)you put the ice cube in a bowl or
plate for them.  They can play with it - but also they won't drink
it too fast.  My understanding is that the sodium in the broth makes
them more thirsty and so they will drink more water.  (I don't think
you should use stock that is made with onions because anything from
the allium family is taboo for kitties).

So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes and thought of us.  I
am cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the porch sunbathing
(since mean ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she was
away).  We'll keep you posted.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.13/726 - Release Date:

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP
to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding
tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses
or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a
partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer,
then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a
person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or
matter, and (ii) such taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers
particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have
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not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this

Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-22 Thread elizabeth trent

Love and prayers from our house to yours.


On 3/22/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Wendy,

It is VERY scary.  I did not ask him about Epogen.  I asked him about
transfusions.  He said that they are no longer recommended becuase those red
blood cells get attacked too, but he would do one for me if I wanted.

Right now, for a sick cat, Joey is acting pretty good.  He grooms a
little, and lies on his tummy with his head up, instead of on his side with
his head laying on the floor.  He is quite feisty with me when I give him
his meds, too.  He is able to walk on his own to the food and water dish.

If he makes it he will probably have to be on steroids for life to keep it
from coming back.

 On 3/21/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Kelley,

 I'm so sorry about Joey's prognosis.  Anemia is so
 scary.  I did a little research and humans with AIHA
 use Epogen.  Did your vet say whether Epogen would
 help Joey?


 --- Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,
  Joey, an owner surrendered cat I took in last month,
  has been diagnosed with
  Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia.  I'm really concerned
  about him.  I feel bad
  because I think I should have noticed something
  sooner.  What information
  can yall give me about this disease?
  It is my understanding this disease is more common
  in FELV+ cats.
  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


 Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast
 with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!


2007-03-22 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Hi all could you please send prayers and good vibes to one of our newest Sids 
kids,he is having a difficult time and is at Dr Jens house where her 11 year 
old son is helping taking extra care of him.He is felv+.Thanks everyone.

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love
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Brady Add to CLS please

2007-03-22 Thread Sherry DeHaan
THis sweet handsome gray tiger boy won me over at Crashs,on Sunday I noticed he 
didn't look well and we lost him today to FIP.He was a shy boy but I helped get 
him to trust.THe power of Temptations treats. :) This one really hurts.Well 
they all do,I don't usually get too attached to the ones that have a chance at 
getting adopted but I really like this guy.He didn't have felv but could we add 
him to the list?THanks so much

The fish are biting.
 Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread TenHouseCats

wonderful, wonderful!

i love the comment about the litter box some of mine are now gonna use
that excuse for their poor performance... i'm sorry, i just don't accept

GLOW continues on.

On 3/22/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you with all our hearts.

I have nothing but good things to report today.  Mama Kitty *almost* seems
back to normal!  Not quite -- but she's getting there.  I am so afraid to
get excited knowing how this disease can be -- but today she has more
stamina and she is very alert.  Yesterday she wasn't steady on her feet and
had to rest every few feet if she wanted to change locations.  Today,
however, she went outside twice on offical kitty kat business (she's never
accepted the liter box as a way of life) and she didn't have to lie down
once along the way.

(I keep her inside during the day and I bring her in at bedtime...which is
a big transition for her being an outside kitty at heart.)

She did have a bite of red clay from the front yard deli this morning and
tonight - but I figure she probaby knows what she needs better than I do.
She *just* ate some dry food and some fancy feast!  Not a lot -- but she
had some dainty bites of each and so I am so very proud of her.  I didn't
even have to coax!  It's almost time for her transdermal doxy so I'll bring
her inside soon -- I just know that every day is prescious and she needs her
time to soak in all the sights and sounds.

She wanted very much to rule the front porch when I got home and I saw no
reason why she couldn't since she is so good about staying within our
property bounds.  She loved watching the sprinkler going around and caught
the last hour or so of sun for kitty sunbathing.  What really encouraged me
was that she is grooming herself.  That is always a good sign.

Thank you so much to everyone for the love, care and well wishes.


On 3/22/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Elizabeth,
 So glad to hear Mama Kitty has got relief and is feeling well enough to
 eat salmon!
 It's just great that her fever has gone!
 Keep us posted when you get time, and big hugs to you both, Kerry

 Mama Kitty and I just got home from the vet's office.  The Acemannan
 came in (less than 24 hours - that was very good).
 I knew Mama was feeling a bit better this afternoon because she did
 put up some protest about going to the vet's today.  They took her
 temperature and her fever is gone!  She got more fluids today.
 She was more vocal today -- that is much more like her.  Instead of
 taking us to one of the patient rooms - they took us straight back
 to where they do procedures and surgery.  I've been going there a
 long time so I guess they know I'm not going to get in the way.  Dr.
 Reid is a wonder about giving those shots that go through the skin
 and directly into the stomach.  The vet tech holds her standing up
 and he does the shot.  My doctor said that actually a shot like this
 is less painful than one that goes under the skin -- he explained
 about why and the nerves in the skin, etc.
 We're scheduled every Wednesday for the next month or so to come in
 for one of these shots.
 Maybe it is my imagination - but I could swear that by the time we
 got home - Mama was feeling even better.  The first thing she did
 was have a few bites of salmon.
 Dr. Reid is concerned about her drinking enough water so I will be
 keeping an eye on that.  He recommends making ice cubes from chicken
 stock (not the low sodium kind)you put the ice cube in a bowl or
 plate for them.  They can play with it - but also they won't drink
 it too fast.  My understanding is that the sodium in the broth makes
 them more thirsty and so they will drink more water.  (I don't think
 you should use stock that is made with onions because anything from
 the allium family is taboo for kitties).
 So - thanks for everyone who sent well wishes and thought of us.  I
 am cautiously optimistic.  Mama Kitty is on the porch sunbathing
 (since mean ol' mommy made her stay inside today while she was
 away).  We'll keep you posted.
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.13/726 - Release Date:

 IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters
 was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw
 LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of
 avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any
 person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or
 recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement
 to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or
 marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that
 transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayers should seek advice based on
 the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.


Re: Brady Add to CLS please

2007-03-22 Thread Nina

I'm sorry about Brady.  I have a soft spot for gray tabbies too.  Hell, 
like you, I've got so many soft spots, they cover 95% of me.  It doesn't 
matter how many we lose, it still hurts.  I'm trying to picture you 
purposely not getting attached to a special kitty...  Nope, can't do 
it.  I guess he knew better than you.  He knew you were the one to show 
him what interspecies trust and love is like.  I'm glad that you and the 
Temptations were there for him.

Prayers and well wishes for Hammy.  I'm glad he's home with Dr. Jen and 
her son.  Please let us know how he's doing.  When I rescued Spencer off 
the street he was in such bad shape.  The way he rebounded made me think 
that he couldn't possibly be pos, but he was.  There's no 
underestimating what the sanctuary of a loving home can do to help them 


Sherry DeHaan wrote:
THis sweet handsome gray tiger boy won me over at Crashs,on Sunday I 
noticed he didn't look well and we lost him today to FIP.He was a shy 
boy but I helped get him to trust.THe power of Temptations treats. :) 
This one really hurts.Well they all do,I don't usually get too 
attached to the ones that have a chance at getting adopted but I 
really like this guy.He didn't have felv but could we add him to the 
list?THanks so much


The fish are biting.
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on your site using Yahoo! Search Marketing.* 

Re: Mama Kitty - back from the vet's just now

2007-03-22 Thread Nina
Oh Honey, go ahead and get excited!!  Such a wonderful progress report!  
I agree with you completely about granting her as many wishes as you 
can.  Such a nice image; picturing her out on the porch in the fading 
light grooming her kitty self.  These are the images we hold in our 
hearts, no matter what the future brings.  You can't see it, but I'm 
grinning.  I'm going to go smooch one of my babies in her honor,


elizabeth trent wrote:

Thank you with all our hearts. 
I have nothing but good things to report today.  Mama Kitty /almost/ 
seems back to normal!  Not quite -- but she's getting there.  I am so 
afraid to get excited knowing how this disease can be -- but today she 
has more stamina and she is very alert.  Yesterday she wasn't steady 
on her feet and had to rest every few feet if she wanted to change 
locations.  Today, however, she went outside twice on offical kitty 
kat business (she's never accepted the liter box as a way of life) and 
she didn't have to lie down once along the way.
(I keep her inside during the day and I bring her in at 
bedtime...which is a big transition for her being an outside kitty at 
She did have a bite of red clay from the front yard deli this morning 
and tonight - but I figure she probaby knows what she needs better 
than I do.  She /just/ ate some dry food and some fancy feast!  Not a 
lot -- but she had some dainty bites of each and so I am so very proud 
of her.  I didn't even have to coax!  It's almost time for her 
transdermal doxy so I'll bring her inside soon -- I just know that 
every day is prescious and she needs her time to soak in all the 
sights and sounds.
She wanted very much to rule the front porch when I got home and I saw 
no reason why she couldn't since she is so good about staying within 
our property bounds.  She loved watching the sprinkler going around 
and caught the last hour or so of sun for kitty sunbathing.  What 
really encouraged me was that she is grooming herself.  That is always 
a good sign.
Thank you so much to everyone for the love, care and well wishes.

Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread elizabeth trent

Love and hugs to you and Slinky,

On 3/21/07, Marissa Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all!  Thanks so much for being such a fabulous support network!  I have
many families in my life...and I feel like now I have a new one: my feleuk
family! lol

Took Slink to a new vet tonight - the one near my house.  I was very
pleased with her!  She asked if his regular diet is raw (which it was before
he got sick).  I told her he's eating Innova Evo and she said her cats love
it (I was impressed to find a vet who knew wat Innova was!  Then I
remembered I got her name from the owner of the store where I buy it.

They did a CBC and his HCT is down to 9, but his WBC was up slightly.  His
temp was 105.6!  She was very real with me.  She said what I had basically
been thinking: that if we didn't do something, he would definitely die and
fairly quickly.  So she said we had nothing to lose by trying things and she
was willing to try whatever I wanted to.

I had faxed her 8 pages of info about IR and she'd read all of it, PLUS
did her own reading!  She said she'd heard of some clinical trials but
they'd been stopped because it wasn't working...but that she'd read further
and saw that the reason they stopped them is because they were defining
success as seroconversion (testing negative for FeLV) and that's just not
going to happen.  But when you look at symptoms and quality of life, it
seems like it works pretty well.

She wasn't as positive about the Epogen, wasn't sure that it would work.
But again was willing to try it.  She also wanted to start him on Prednisone
since it can stimulate RBC production and would help with some other
things.  So, she gave him a shot of Pred and Epogen (we were going to wait
on the Epogen so as not to start everything at once, but decided to just go
with it).  She also gave me a bottle of Doxy and sent me home with that and
Pred tablets.  I'm going to order the IR (that way it will get here more
quickly) and then we'll start that as well.

Their prices are extremely reasonable as well!  They'll only charge me $20
per visit to do the IR doses (and since it's only $50 or so for the meds,
that's very affordable!).  It'll be $26 for the Epogen shots which is just
paying for the medicine itself.  The exam tonight was only $48 (though with
everything we did, the total bill was almost $200).  But dad is being
wonderful and helping me out yet again!  :)  Also, I can get there in about
15 minutes on the metro, so it'll be nice and easy to go to his
appointments!  :)

After the appointment my friend and I dropped Slink at home (he went
straight for water!  :)), and went out to dinner.  When we came home a
couple hours later, his temp is now 102.8!!!  I did
the happy dance...and he looked at me like I was nuts! lol  He's still
pretty quiet, but seems much more alert and comfortable.  I gave him his
clavamox, doxy, water, and vitamins...and I think it was a bit too much cuz
he coughed up some phlegm and kinda gagged on it.  So we'll be spreading
that out from now on.  The Clavamox is almost gone, though.  He's not crazy
about having to take all that stuff but he tolerates it pretty well.

At dinner my friend and I were talking about him and she said when she
worked at the vet she could tell when people brought their animals in
whether they should put them down or not...and she says Slinky has way too
much life left in him to put him down now.  That was great to hear!!!

Anyway, that's the latest.  Obviously no way to know if all this will
work, but we figure it can't hurt to try.  I'm just thrilled to be doing
SOMETHING.  Keep your fingers crossed and send us prayers for his recovery!
Thanks again for all your help and support


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Re: Brady Add to CLS please

2007-03-22 Thread Kelly L

At 07:10 PM 3/22/2007, you wrote:

Oh Sherry I am so sorry. I so admire all you do and all the hurt you 
take in just to help these little guys, I do not know where you get 
your strength, Thanks so very much

Kelly Lane

THis sweet handsome gray tiger boy won me over at Crashs,on Sunday I 
noticed he didn't look well and we lost him today to FIP.He was a 
shy boy but I helped get him to trust.THe power of Temptations 
treats. :) This one really hurts.Well they all do,I don't usually 
get too attached to the ones that have a chance at getting adopted 
but I really like this guy.He didn't have felv but could we add him 
to the list?THanks so much


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Re: Hammy

2007-03-22 Thread Kelly L

At 07:06 PM 3/22/2007, you wrote:

Lots of good energy to HAMMY,,and please keep us updated.
Kelly L

Hi all could you please send prayers and good vibes to one of our 
newest Sids kids,he is having a difficult time and is at Dr Jens 
house where her 11 year old son is helping taking extra care of 
him.He is felv+.Thanks everyone.


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Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-22 Thread Kelly L

At 09:11 PM 3/22/2007, you wrote:

It is so wonderful to have found someone to work with you! 
Yeah,,, I used the I.R and Inerferon and Feline Omega Interferon,,I 
am sending so many good hopes to both of you and will watch for posts,

Kelly Lane

Love and hugs to you and Slinky,

On 3/21/07, Marissa Johnson 
Hi all!  Thanks so much for being such a fabulous support 
network!  I have many families in my life...and I feel like now I 
have a new one: my feleuk family! lol

Took Slink to a new vet tonight - the one near my house.  I was very 
pleased with her!  She asked if his regular diet is raw (which it 
was before he got sick).  I told her he's eating Innova Evo and she 
said her cats love it (I was impressed to find a vet who knew wat 
Innova was!  Then I remembered I got her name from the owner of the 
store where I buy it.  lol).

They did a CBC and his HCT is down to 9, but his WBC was up 
slightly.  His temp was 105.6!  She was very real with me.  She said 
what I had basically been thinking: that if we didn't do something, 
he would definitely die and fairly quickly.  So she said we had 
nothing to lose by trying things and she was willing to try whatever 
I wanted to.

I had faxed her 8 pages of info about IR and she'd read all of it, 
PLUS did her own reading!  She said she'd heard of some clinical 
trials but they'd been stopped because it wasn't working...but that 
she'd read further and saw that the reason they stopped them is 
because they were defining success as seroconversion (testing 
negative for FeLV) and that's just not going to happen.  But when 
you look at symptoms and quality of life, it seems like it works pretty well.

She wasn't as positive about the Epogen, wasn't sure that it would 
work.  But again was willing to try it.  She also wanted to start 
him on Prednisone since it can stimulate RBC production and would 
help with some other things.  So, she gave him a shot of Pred and 
Epogen (we were going to wait on the Epogen so as not to start 
everything at once, but decided to just go with it).  She also gave 
me a bottle of Doxy and sent me home with that and Pred 
tablets.  I'm going to order the IR (that way it will get here more 
quickly) and then we'll start that as well.

Their prices are extremely reasonable as well!  They'll only charge 
me $20 per visit to do the IR doses (and since it's only $50 or so 
for the meds, that's very affordable!).  It'll be $26 for the Epogen 
shots which is just paying for the medicine itself.  The exam 
tonight was only $48 (though with everything we did, the total bill 
was almost $200).  But dad is being wonderful and helping me out 
yet again!  :)  Also, I can get there in about 15 minutes on the 
metro, so it'll be nice and easy to go to his appointments!  :)

After the appointment my friend and I dropped Slink at home (he went 
straight for water!  :)), and went out to dinner.  When we came home 
a couple hours later, his temp is now 
102.8!!!  I did the happy dance...and he looked 
at me like I was nuts! lol  He's still pretty quiet, but seems much 
more alert and comfortable.  I gave him his clavamox, doxy, water, 
and vitamins...and I think it was a bit too much cuz he coughed up 
some phlegm and kinda gagged on it.  So we'll be spreading that out 
from now on.  The Clavamox is almost gone, though.  He's not crazy 
about having to take all that stuff but he tolerates it pretty well.

At dinner my friend and I were talking about him and she said when 
she worked at the vet she could tell when people brought their 
animals in whether they should put them down or not...and she says 
Slinky has way too much life left in him to put him down now.  That 
was great to hear!!!

Anyway, that's the latest.  Obviously no way to know if all this 
will work, but we figure it can't hurt to try.  I'm just thrilled to 
be doing SOMETHING.  Keep your fingers crossed and send us prayers 
for his recovery!  Thanks again for all your help and support


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RE: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-22 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

What is the medication?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia


Thank you Marylyn.  He actually seems much better today than he did
yesterday, though he only had his medicines about 30 minutes ago.


I only know one alternative vet in town and she is a cardiologist.  I
iwll see if I can find more.


On 3/21/07, Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

My beautiful Mai Mai had this awful condition.  Her vets were wonderful
but the steroids took their toll.  However, my alternative vet was very
helpful and able to get the condition under control for a pretty good
length of time.  You might investigate this avenue.  Mai Mai left this
world over 5 years ago and treatments may well have improved.  


Good luck and blessings to you.







 If you have men who
will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message - 



Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:57 AM

Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia


I've never had or dealt w/ [that I can remember now anyway.]
a cat w/ this disease...

But I DO remember when my first Rottie was diagnosed with

What had me concerned was his lethargy, not common for him.
Just laying around, sleeping alot.

So, I took him to my vet.  Was devastated when I got results!!!
Mind you, I WAS thinking positive, after all, he was my baby.

It's a nasty disease.. (Very prevalent for his breed as I
learned doing my research)

We tried everything as it progressed... PCV's every three
days, transfusions, epoeitin [sp?], an oncologist, chemo (THREE diff.
prescriptions!), etc., etc.

Needless to say, and I'm sorry, but after TOO long, I finally
had my boy PTS..

He could no longer walk, even get up.  And, the chemo drugs made
him so sick. He couldn't even eat on his own, something he LOVED to
do!!!  I ended up hand-feeding him.  He developed ulcerations in his
mouth because of all he had to take. It got to the point where I was
hand-feeding him a diet of cottage cheese (NOT a great diet for a
big boy..) In the end, my former big boy weighed only around 60
lbs. (And I do remember my vet always getting on me about his

It broke my heart, but I'm even more heartbroken about all I put
him through.  I did it for me - I didn't want to lose him.  But, after
all I put him thru, I did lose him.  We humans can be so selfish.

After losing Bear [in a HORRIBLE way- treatment was probably
worse than the disease!], I made a promise to ALL my babies, I would
never let them suffer. Found out, the hard way, that in loving the most
important thing is knowing when to let go..

Sorry this wasn't about Feline AIHA, but I just had to share
what I know [sadly, only TOO well] about the disease.

Best wishes for your baby.


Patti  her gang (Which DOES include another Rottie!)


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about
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Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time. 

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

RE: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-22 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
There is a liquid form of doxy - which is easier to give him than pills.

How did they diagnosis AIHA for him?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia


He did a cbc.  wbc 21.5, mono 1.85, neu 18.44, hct 15.3, rbc 3.23, hgb
8.5, rdw 22.3, mch 26.36, plt 731, amyl 1743, bun 48, glob 7.5, tp 10.1


He did not do a coombs test.


This is s difficult for me, but his is a 10 year old rescue/foster
cat with a life-threatening disease.  My bill today was $244.  I am
going to treat him as aggressively as I can, but this could easily cost
me $2,000 without the coombs test.  He goes back next Monday for another
CBC.  I cannot spend all my money on this one cat, because if a
different one becomes sick after this and I spend all my money on Joey
and he dies:( I wont' have any money to treat the cat I could save.  


He is on 20 mg of prednisolone a day and doxycycline.  He fought me hard
to get the pills down so maybe he will do better than I fear.


His prognosis is guarded:(


On 3/21/07, Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

How did you confirm the diagnosis? Is it with coombs test?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marylyn
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:48 PM

Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia


My beautiful Mai Mai had this awful condition.  Her vets were wonderful
but the steroids took their toll.  However, my alternative vet was very
helpful and able to get the condition under control for a pretty good
length of time.  You might investigate this avenue.  Mai Mai left this
world over 5 years ago and treatments may well have improved.  


Good luck and blessings to you.







 If you have men who
will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message - 



Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:57 AM

Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia


I've never had or dealt w/ [that I can remember now anyway.]
a cat w/ this disease...

But I DO remember when my first Rottie was diagnosed with

What had me concerned was his lethargy, not common for him.
Just laying around, sleeping alot.

So, I took him to my vet.  Was devastated when I got results!!!
Mind you, I WAS thinking positive, after all, he was my baby. 

It's a nasty disease.. (Very prevalent for his breed as I
learned doing my research)

We tried everything as it progressed... PCV's every three
days, transfusions, epoeitin [sp?], an oncologist, chemo (THREE diff.
prescriptions!), etc., etc. 

Needless to say, and I'm sorry, but after TOO long, I finally
had my boy PTS..

He could no longer walk, even get up.  And, the chemo drugs made
him so sick. He couldn't even eat on his own, something he LOVED to
do!!!  I ended up hand-feeding him.  He developed ulcerations in his
mouth because of all he had to take. It got to the point where I was
hand-feeding him a diet of cottage cheese (NOT a great diet for a
big boy..) In the end, my former big boy weighed only around 60
lbs. (And I do remember my vet always getting on me about his

It broke my heart, but I'm even more heartbroken about all I put
him through.  I did it for me - I didn't want to lose him.  But, after
all I put him thru, I did lose him.  We humans can be so selfish. 

After losing Bear [in a HORRIBLE way- treatment was probably
worse than the disease!], I made a promise to ALL my babies, I would
never let them suffer. Found out, the hard way, that in loving the most
important thing is knowing when to let go..

Sorry this wasn't about Feline AIHA, but I just had to share
what I know [sadly, only TOO well] about the disease. 

Best wishes for your baby.


Patti  her gang (Which DOES include another Rottie!)



AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about
what's free from AOL at . 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 


Please help Joey!

RE: Question: Interferon (Alpha, Omega, etc.) Now? Others?

2007-03-22 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Each pack comes with 5 vials of 10 MU - just that the minimum order is 2
pack - and each pack costs appx $500 with the shipping cost - your vet
can order from AbbyVet in UK   --



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: Question: Interferon (Alpha, Omega, etc.) Now? Others?


Thanks Hideyo!  Can you give me an idea of the cost to have it shipped
from the UK?  Also, where do you order it from?  Thanks!!!



Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Interferon is basically anti-viral agent and try to attack
different virus in their body..



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: Question: Interferon (Alpha, Omega, etc.) Now?


I read a study where FOI (feline omega interferon) was used
among sick felk kitties and the study did prove that it did help even
among sick kitties.  Alpha is human interferon and you give it orally -
FOI is feline interferon and you can give it as an inject able usually.
You can only get it from other countries and they are expensive, but
it's more effective than alpha - and also a kitty will develop antibody
to human one so it won't be effective after a couple of months.


My vet order directly from UK and I get it in a few days - you
are supposed to have DFDA approval letter - but you don't need it - I
have gotten about 10 shipments so far without FDA letter with no
problem.  Good luck



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:57 PM
Subject: Question: Interferon (Alpha, Omega, etc.) Now? Others?


Hi all!  As I'm getting ready for this evening's vet
appointment, I realize I have lots of research on IR, Epogen, and
Doxy...but not much on some of the other things I've heard about on this
list (namely Interferon and Acemannan).


Is Interferon something that could be helpful at this stage, or
is it something you give before they get sick to prevent the virus from
becoming active?  I've heard of Alpha and there a difference,
if so, which do I use? 


Also, what about Acemannan?  I read on  that it can be helpful in combo with
Interferon.  What do you all know or think about using it at this stage
(now that he's already sick)?


Any info would be MUCH appreciated!  THANK YOU!!!



MJ and Slinky  :)



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RE: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-22 Thread Kelly L

At 09:53 PM 3/22/2007, you wrote:

When my dog was diagnosed they did not do a 
combs,,,there are places to get the meds cheaper 
when it becomes necessary, My dog lived a year, 
but part of that was because dogs do not do as 
well on the  steroids as cats do and she 
developed  thrombocytopenia which means even if 
the hgb and hct were rising the platelets dropped 
which caused bleeding or could lead to other 
conditions like DIC,,,she also had two bad knees 
and we so wanted to get her healthy enough for 
surgery, but what finally got her was the last 
blood test ,,,the leg became infected within 
hours, i cannot blame the techs, she had no veins 
left and the VERY high doses of steroids ,,much 
stronger than just pred, really destroyed her 
immune system. but as I mentioned, cats seem to 
fare so much better, I had a cat with pemphigus 
and was on Doxy and pred and made a complete recovery!!

All the very very best..
Kelly Lane

There is a liquid form of doxy – which is easier to give him than pills.
How did they diagnosis AIHA for him?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

He did a cbc.  wbc 21.5, mono 1.85, neu 18.44, 
hct 15.3, rbc 3.23, hgb 8.5, rdw 22.3, mch 
26.36, plt 731, amyl 1743, bun 48, glob 7.5, tp 10.1

He did not do a coombs test.

This is s difficult for me, but his is a 10 
year old rescue/foster  cat with a 
life-threatening disease.  My bill today was 
$244.  I am going to treat him as aggressively 
as I can, but this could easily cost me $2,000 
without the coombs test.  He goes back next 
Monday for another CBC.  I cannot spend all my 
money on this one cat, because if a different 
one becomes sick after this and I spend all my 
money on Joey and he dies:( I wont' have any 
money to treat the cat I could save.

He is on 20 mg of prednisolone a day and 
doxycycline.  He fought me hard to get the pills 
down so maybe he will do better than I fear.

His prognosis is guarded:(

On 3/21/07, Hideyo Yamamoto 

How did you confirm the diagnosis? Is it with coombs test?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marylyn

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:48 PM

Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

My beautiful Mai Mai had this awful 
condition.  Her vets were wonderful but the 
steroids took their toll.  However, my 
alternative vet was very helpful and able to get 
the condition under control for a pretty good 
length of time.  You might investigate this 
avenue.  Mai Mai left this world over 5 years 
ago and treatments may well have improved.

Good luck and blessings to you.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who

will deal likewise with their fellow man.

St. Francis

- Original Message -



Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:57 AM

Subject: Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

I've never had or dealt w/ [that I can remember 
now anyway.] a cat w/ this disease...

But I DO remember when my first Rottie was diagnosed with it..

What had me concerned was his lethargy, not 
common for him.  Just laying around, sleeping alot.

So, I took him to my vet.  Was devastated when I 
got results!!!  Mind you, I WAS thinking positive, after all, he was my baby.

It's a nasty disease.. (Very prevalent for 
his breed as I learned doing my research)

We tried everything as it progressed... 
PCV's every three days, transfusions, epoeitin 
[sp?], an oncologist, chemo (THREE diff. prescriptions!), etc., etc.

Needless to say, and I'm sorry, but after TOO 
long, I finally had my boy PTS..

He could no longer walk, even get up.  And, the 
chemo drugs made him so sick. He couldn't 
even eat on his own, something he LOVED to 
do!!!  I ended up hand-feeding him.  He 
developed ulcerations in his mouth because of 
all he had to take. It got to the point where I 
was hand-feeding him a diet of cottage 
cheese (NOT a great diet for a big 
boy..) In the end, my former big boy 
weighed only around 60 lbs. (And I do remember 
my vet always getting on me about his weight)

It broke my heart, but I'm even more heartbroken 
about all I put him through.  I did it for me - 
I didn't want to lose him.  But, after all I put 
him thru, I did lose him.  We humans can be so selfish.

After losing Bear [in a HORRIBLE way- treatment 
was probably worse than the disease!], I made a 
promise to ALL my babies, I would never let them 
suffer. Found out, the hard way, that in loving 
the most important