Re: Update on mva kitties - SAMMI IS SAFE!!

2007-05-06 Thread Gina WN
Absolutely fantastic news!!!

I'm so thrilled to report that Sammi is safe, reunited with Geri, Little Guy 
and her family!  Below is an edited version of the report on what happened last 
night.  HURRAY!!  Nina OH MY GOSH - we got Sammi tonight!  I am sorry if I 
have a bunch of typos  here but I am pretty much operating on being up since 
3:00 am last night.Sammi's human parents decided to come out tonight to 
look for Sammi.Traps had been set this afternoon where it was obviously she 
had been hiding out.  I was going to go back later and set the rest of the 
traps.  I was supposed to meet the fur parents in a parking lot near the site.  
I pulled in first and was actually on the phone when I looked to my left and 
saw Sammi!  I told them  - I have to go now - I see Sammi.  I called the 
parents and said Where are you?  They had just turned down the street and 
flashed their high beams at me.  They got out and I told them Sammi had gone up 
behind the dumpster where she had eaten the food the
 night before.  This was about 7:45 this evening by the way.  So they walked 
over and started calling her.  When Sammi heard their voices, she started 
meowing.  This was the first we had heard anything out of Sammi.  Within 10 
minutes, dad had Sammi in his arms.  They had brought a carrier and I set it on 
the ground with the door open and then backed off so I would not spook Sammi.  
I thought he had her secure  ly scruffed but just as he was about to put her in 
the carrier, she flipped around and took off again and went into her hiding 
place. It took another hour and much coaxing and some food in a small plate 
that they could shake and finally we got her again.  This time we put the 
carrier in my car and he went in my car and we closed the doors until he had 
her secure.  So Sammi is going to spend the  night with Geri and Little Guy and 
tomorrow will be on her way up north with a volunteer to settle in back home.  
The parents are so grateful for all of the help  that
 everyone has offered.  I cannot believe we got all 3 cats back!  It is truly 
amazing!  I guess it takes a village to catch a cat!  WOW - I am exhausted 
but still on such a high from getting this cat.  THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU 
everyone for support, comments, encouragement - even though you may not have 
been here on the front lines.  We have made a family very happy.  I got to meet 
the baby tonight.  He is adorable and doing as well as can be expected.  They 
may not get around to thanking everyone personally but please know that they 
are extremely grateful for all of the kind words, efforts and they are truly 
amazed that all of these strangers came out to help them.Good night!

  Visit my Tigger Tales site!

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Re: Update on mva kitties - all three kitties are safe with Cyndi

2007-05-06 Thread Nina
It truly is a miracle come true for these kitties and their family to be 
reunited.  A miracle spurred on by some incredible people, I believe all 
the good thoughts, Glow and prayers had a part in it too.  I'm not sure 
how long Cyndi, (the family friend up north that started the rescue 
effort in motion) will continue to keep the webpage updated, 
(, but if you go take a look, she has 
posted a picture of the twin boys that were involved in the accident.  
If you recall, one of the babies was injured, (he's doing well 
considering, but only time will tell the extent of the head trauma 
damage), the mother had an eye injury that required surgery and was 
expected to lose the sight in that eye, but now she has regained some 
vision and it is hoped that it will continue to improve.

Barbara, one of the volunteers arrived late last night at Cyndi's house 
with all three kitties.  It's so wonderful to think that all three 
kitties are now safe and sound and even were able to transported home 
together.  The dog involved in the accident remains with the family at 
the grandparent's house, (he was uninjured in the crash, as was the dad 
and other brother).

Big ol' sigh of relief,

Gina WN wrote:

Absolutely fantastic news!!!

*/Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

I'm so thrilled to report that Sammi is safe, reunited with Geri, Little Guy 
and her family!  Below is an edited version of the report on what happened last 
night.  HURRAY!!  Nina OH MY GOSH - we got Sammi tonight!  I am sorry if I 
have a bunch of typos  here but I am pretty much operating on being up since 3:00 
am last night.Sammi's human parents decided to come out tonight to look for 
Sammi.Traps had been set this afternoon where it was obviously she had been 
hiding out.  I was going to go back later and set the rest of the traps.  I was 
supposed to meet the fur parents in a parking lot near the site.  I pulled in 
first and was actually on the phone when I
 looked to my left and saw Sammi!  I told them  - I have to go now - I see Sammi.  
I called the parents and said Where are you?  They had just turned down the street and 
flashed their high beams at me.  They got out and I told them Sammi had gone up behind the dumpster 
where she had eaten the food the night before.  This was about 7:45 this evening by the way.  So 
they walked over and started calling her.  When Sammi heard their voices, she started meowing.  
This was the first we had heard anything out of Sammi.  Within 10 minutes, dad had Sammi in his 
arms.  They had brought a carrier and I set it on the ground with the door open and then backed off 
so I would not spook Sammi.  I thought he had her secure  ly scruffed but just as he was about to 
put her in the carrier, she flipped around and took off again and went into her hiding place. It 
took another hour and much coaxing and some food in a small plate that they could shake and finally 
we got her again.  This time
 we put the carrier in my car and he went in my car and we closed the doors until he had her secure.  So Sammi is going to spend the  night with Geri and Little Guy and tomorrow will be on her way up north with a volunteer to settle in back home.  The parents are so grateful for all of the help  that everyone has offered.  I cannot believe we got all 3 cats back!  It is truly amazing!  I guess it takes a village to catch a cat!  WOW - I am exhausted but still on such a high from getting this cat.  THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU everyone for support, comments, encouragement - even though you may not have been here on the front lines.  We have made a family very happy.  I got to meet the baby tonight.  He is adorable and doing as well as can be expected.  They may not get around to thanking everyone personally but please know that they are extremely grateful for all of the kind words, efforts and they are truly amazed that all of these strangers came out to help them.   
 Good night!

*Visit my **Tigger Tales** site!*

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Re: Update on mva kitties - all three kitties are safe with Cyndi

2007-05-06 Thread TenHouseCats

and now if you look at the website, they've got pictures taken LAST NIGHT of
the three kitties, safe back in their home town, with cyndi. they've got an
appointment this afternoon with their very own veterinarian, and they'll be
in safe, loving care until their humans are well enough to travel home.

blessings to all these folks who didn't sit back and talk, but got on the
web, got out of bed in the middle of the night with flashlights, who posted
signs all over the place (then went and took them all DOWN once the kitties
were safe!), to people who saw a little post on their computer screen and
knew, there was need. and knew that that was all that mattered.

i am honored and humbled, yet again, to be part of that community that truly
can call itself Rescue.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-06 Thread Pam Norman
I couldn't agree more. They are the pharmaceutical industry's ally. It 
comes down to that.


elizabeth trent wrote:
I'm really having a problem with the FDA.  I don't think they have 
been fast enough or honest enough.  They really have not impressed me 
as being my ally or my pet's ally.

On 5/4/07, *MaryChristine* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you're right--they will try to find some way to make money from
it. that's why we're in this mess to START with. sigh.

On 5/4/07, *Debi Holmes *[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I find it very hard to believe that they are going to keep
this food that is making them no money in warehouses!!!  Are
they going to keep it there to kill the mice and rats??


One not so great thing about my phone call to Pet Food
Direct... The
woman I talked to suggested I donate the food to a shelter
or rescue.
Of course I told her that that wasn't a good idea. I
certainly wouldn't
want some orphan cat or pup eating something that I
wouldn't feed my own
kids. I have wondered too where all the recalled food is
(besides the possibility of it being sold as salvage
food for poultry
and stockyards). Even if it is dumped, what about the
birds and
wildlife that would find it? When I was watching the
committee hearings
that you and Belinda alerted us to, the question was asked
and we were
told that it was being warehoused. I find little comfort
in the
assurances of big business, but I wish someone had thought
to ask and
what happens to it when you are ready to clear those

MaryChristine wrote:
 has anyone heard anything about a SAFE way to dispose of
the bad food?
 so it doesn't end up being fed to, say, cattle and pigs
and other food

 On 5/4/07, * Nina*   wrote:

 Wow, I'm shocked at the service at Pet Food Direct. I
called them
 asking about returning the unused portion of Triumph food
I purchased
 from them and they told me to write to them including the
UPS code
 each of the varieties I feel uncomfortable about using
and they would
 refund my account. I don't even have to send back the unused
 portion of
 my order. Thought I'd let you know in case the companies
you are
 dealing with are as accommodating. It truly never hurts
to ask. I
 guess I won't be choking down cat food and crackers after

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

on the fda's role in this......

2007-05-06 Thread MaryChristine

and the ally of the meat-producers' industry as well. they have never had
enough inspectors to really protect our food supply, because the people who
make the MONEY don't want things looked into too closely. those making the
money--and the decisions--are not you or me, or the people in india or china
or anyplace else working for pennies an hour. we keep saying these people
stole our jobs--no, they were handed our jobs on the proverbial silver
platters, by governments (on both sides) who only care for the bottom line
of the those who protect THEIR interests.

the common people--anywhere--don't particularly enter into any of this.

sadly, this is not new. the information about the political straitjacket
that has kept the fda powerless for years has been out there a long time;
the questionable practices regarding both the handholding between the
meat-producers and the drug companies vs the people who are supposed to be
protected by the fda--even everyday fiction has presented it (robin cook's,
toxin, arthur hailey's, strong medicine
come immediately to mind. ).

there's been serious questions about the pet-food industry as well--going
back years.

there's an old saying silence equaling complicity (and/or death). people
with serious questions about both the pet-food and human-food supply were
called fanatics, minimized, marginalized--ignored.

same thing would have happened with this episode, i believe, if the net
hadn't become such a moment-by-moment entity. for list-based people, it's a
different world than for bloggers and chatters and IMrs--the former visit
the internet often, the latter group have it as their permanent address and
never leave home.

the national media has not kept this in the forefront. they belong to that
corporate culture that would prefer not too many questions be asked about
things--who knows what directions fingers might point to next.

another great saying from my day (arh, do i feel old lately!): be part
of the solution, not part of the problem.

folks, this is OUR government we're talking about, let's hold them
accountable for a change. if we let them just blame this on some outside
agitator, and not look into their own actions that made it possible, this
crisis may end. but the seeds for the next one will remain planted, just
waiting for the right combination of things to sprout the disaster that may
be even worse.

oh, hell, maybe i'll just start a blog after all.

On 5/6/07, Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I couldn't agree more. They are the pharmaceutical industry's ally. It
comes down to that.


elizabeth trent wrote:
 I'm really having a problem with the FDA.  I don't think they have
 been fast enough or honest enough.  They really have not impressed me
 as being my ally or my pet's ally.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

latest on

2007-05-06 Thread MaryChristine

i'd probably laugh if i weren't crying.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

even worse, read what prompted itchmo's comments!

2007-05-06 Thread MaryChristine

sigh. christie is one of the folks who first hired me as a chat-host seven
years ago.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

We need answers...

2007-05-06 Thread Sheryl Spagg
Hi Everyone,
I certainly hope I am doing this right...I am a member of other lists, but this 
one appears different for some reason...anyway, my friend and I rescued 8 
kittens last weekend.  2 were older kitties.  1 was a momma cat with 3 kittens 
and 3 other kittens we had to give to her because their other momma 
disappeared...and then a 6 month old.  The male 6 month old tested negative on 
a combo...but the momma ended up testing positive for FELV.  My friend and I do 
not know as much as we wish we did about this.  We have separated the momma and 
babies into a separate room than the male kitty.  We understand he may have 
contracted it from her, we need to test him again in 4 months.  We want to know 
as much as we can about this disease and how dangerous it is for other 
non-positive kitties.  Can anyone recommend any sites for us to visit or anyone 
to talk to?  We have searched online but have found so many different opinions 
on this that it is hard to get answers...some say you can
 spread the disease through sharing food and water bowls and others say you 
can't.  We are beyond frustrated at this point and need all the help we can 

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Re: We need answers...

2007-05-06 Thread MaryChristine


great site, put together by one of this group's members. has links to what's
generally accepted by the scientific community -- tho there's still so much
more we need to learn. (hard to do research when the first line of treatment
has, for way too long, been euthanasia! really limits the test

there's some conflicting info there, too, of course, because some of the
stuff is older than others. you'll notice, however, that the scariest info
you've heard is NOT true, according to all of the professionals!

lots of folks will be glad to answer your questions as they come up; take a
deep breath, grab one of the kitties, read the articles--then see what more
info you need.

(oh, and REALLY REALLY check our archives about testing/retesting!)


On 5/6/07, Sheryl Spagg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everyone,
I certainly hope I am doing this right...I am a member of other lists, but
this one appears different for some reason...anyway, my friend and I rescued
8 kittens last weekend.  2 were older kitties.  1 was a momma cat with 3
kittens and 3 other kittens we had to give to her because their other momma
disappeared...and then a 6 month old.  The male 6 month old tested negative
on a combo...but the momma ended up testing positive for FELV.  My friend
and I do not know as much as we wish we did about this.  We have separated
the momma and babies into a separate room than the male kitty.  We
understand he may have contracted it from her, we need to test him again in
4 months.  We want to know as much as we can about this disease and how
dangerous it is for other non-positive kitties.  Can anyone recommend any
sites for us to visit or anyone to talk to?  We have searched online but
have found so many different opinions on this that it is hard to get
answers...some say you can spread the disease through sharing food and water
bowls and others say you can't.  We are beyond frustrated at this point and
need all the help we can get...

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Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892