Re: Monkee is gone

2007-07-19 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. I felt Keisha's presence by my shoulder while I was laying in bed the 
morning after she died. It was a very strong presence and very comforting. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Monkee is gone


  I am so sorry Monkee had to leave this world but he left loved beyond words 
and in the place he felt safest---your arms.  You gave him everything a little 
cat could want but it was time to leave.  Please remember that only his body is 
gone.  He remains very close to you and will visit you if you ask him to.  You 
will feel him close to you just as long as you allow him to be and as long as 
you are open to visits.  They are not dreams and you are not crazy.  Many 
people on this list will tell you about their little friends visiting.  Mine do 
on a regular basis and those that were closest to my heart never really leave 
my side.  They are always there to help.  This is not logical but it is very 
true.  If you do not feel confident enough in your own ability to contact 
Monkee there are people who can help you.  Susan can put you in touch with them 
or, if you can figure out how to e-mail me off line, I can.  

  Bless you and your mother.  

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:47 AM
Subject: Monkee is gone

My beloved cat Monkee passed last night in my arms while I held him with my 
Mom standing next to my side.  At about 2:30 a.m.  

We were going to take him to Dr. Maier's for euthanasia this morning at 
8:00 a.m.  I thought he could make it until then and that he wouldn't want to 
go to a strange emergency vet clinic he'd never been to before for his passing. 
 I didn't know he was that bad.  I feel so bad.  It was so horrible.  He was 
having some trouble breathing, but I was usually able to calm him down by 
holding him and giving him flower essences.  He had begun to have trouble 
walking and he would cry at me really loudly when he wasn't able to do 
something he wanted to do because his brain was not getting enough oxygen (like 
walk around).  I didn't want him to be in pain or suffer and I feel like I 
failed him.  

He did go really quick, but I was hysterical as it was happening.  We were 
on my bed and I was holding him.  He took a last gasp of air and then he 
stopped.  When his body when limp, I felt like I might die too.  I think the 
only thing that helped me and my mom was that she has rescue remedy with her 
and we both took it right away.  It sounds odd to say that, but immediately 
after it happened, I felt a sense of peace-- for him.  I think the rescue 
remedy helped my breathing at that time.  I just held him afterwards and talked 
to him  and pet him and kissed him for about two hours.  I told him how 
wonderful he was and that I would never be the same without him.  I walked 
around the house, sat with him on the porch he loved so much and took him 
outside for his last time to hold him while sitting on the front steps.  

I have never had an animal die in my arms like that and to have it be my 
best friend-- the best companion I've ever heart just feels like it's 
wrenching in half.  I feel guilty and traumatized.  I am having a hard time 
erasing the memories of his passing.  When I close my eyes, I see his face as 
he took his last breath.  I don't how to recover from that.
I've never been lonely since I had Monkee and now that he's gone, that 
loneliness is crashing in.  

I hope all of you are able to continue to care for your cats and give them 
the peace and love that they so desperately need.  I admire those of you who 
take care of multiple FelV cats and have lost some in the past and continue to 
keep doing the work that you do.  My thoughts and my prayers are now with all 
of you and your babies.  I felt like I didn't have the mental energy to devote 
many of my prayers in the past few weeks to any cat other than Monkee, but I 
will be praying for you now.

I also wanted to remind everyone that you never really know the power of 
what love can do for a cat like Monkee, until you experience it.  When I found 
him, he was a crazy, dirty, little ragamuffin eating doves, baby rabbits, and 
whatever else he could catch in the courtyard of my law school apartment 
complex in Northern Ky 4 years ago.  And four years and 1 month ago, I couldn't 
take his living it up in the killing fields- as I called it- anymore.  It 

Re: Contact info for Michael Vick, NFL player

2007-07-18 Thread laurieskatz
Good research. THIS is how we can help make a difference. Great advocacy, 

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:50 AM
Subject: OT: Contact info for Michael Vick, NFL player

Here are the companies that Michael Vick is a spokesperson for:

EA Sports:

(this is the best I could find)
Rawlings: (best I could find)
Coca-Cola and Powerade (owned by Coca Cola): (click on 
contact us)

Interesting fact: in '05, he was sued by a woman who claimed he gave her 
genital herpes.  She says he knew he had the std because he had been 
treated for it prior to their encounter at medical facilities under the 
name Ron Mexico.  They settled out of court.  He also does a lot of 
charity work with kids, which is a sick joke to me at this point.

Also, Michael Vick is the highest paid NFL player in history, signing a 
huge 10 year contract with the Falcons in 2004.  It will be very important 
that they hear from their own fans in Georgia, so if you know anyone, pass 
this info. on.  Here is their contact info:

Have fun!  I am!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can 
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ 
Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Melissa Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:15:15 AM
Subject: RE: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL player

Thanks Kat! I haven't been checking my PETA messages or the website 
so I missed this one. I feel as though I am at least doing something 

small. I too am having a really difficult time not wishing the worst on
these barbarians.

Yes, it's all about the image. They don't care what he's done--they only
care how it's impacting them monetarily. Yuck. I hate professional sports
even more now than I did before.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL player


There is something you can do - See the PETA Take Action page
Tell the Atlanta Falcons to Punt Animal Abusers off the Team!

It IS incomprehensible on so many different levels, and should not be
allowed to be white washed or brushed under the carpet.  The fact that the
officially released statement reads (in part) We are disappointed that
one of our players -- and therefore the Falcons -- is being presented to
the public in a negative way, and we apologize to our fans and the
community for that.  Note - they are NOT apologizing for the actions or
the dogfights, just that it is being presented in a negative way!!!

I don't ususally wish bad things for anyone, but in this case I do hope he
gets the maximum fine AND imprisonment - and then some!

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Melissa Lind wrote:

Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:57:28 -0500
From: Melissa Lind [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL player

I know this is very OT, but I couldn't stop crying on the way to work 

morning after hearing this on NPR. I'm very hormonal right now, but I


that this would make anyone livid. What is wrong with these people? What
happened to them? I don't understand these actions which there aren't 

strong enough words for.

The story involved the NFL player Mick Vick and his involvement with dog
fights. They found something like 70 dogs on his property used for


There are many other atrocities that I can't even mention because I'll


crying again. But, here's the story if you want to listen:

It makes me feel so helpless and angry and appalled and afraid.


P.S. I'm so sorry this is OT (not even about cats), but I needed to let 
out, and I didn't have anyone else to turn to but you guys. No one here 

work would understand.

Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car 
Finder tool.

Isabella update ~ enlarged spleen not lymphoma!

2007-07-18 Thread laurieskatz
Isabella has been to the specialist. Her temperature was normal and weight 
the best ever. She has continued to have tremors. She also has a very fast 
rate of breathing (70-80 BPM). A spine xray revealed nothing amiss. An 
ultrasound revealed a very enlarged spleen (suspects: lymphoma or red blood 
cell production). We got the asparate biopsy results and she does not have 
lymphoma.  She is on tramadal, clavamox and prednisone (we switched back 
from prednisalone because she was frothing). We are going to decrease the 
pred in case it is the cause of her tremors and or fast breathing (it CAN 
cause this in dogs). She seems happy except for the tremors. They almost 
resemble a seizure. If the pred decrease does not stop them, we will try an 
anti-seizure med. Vet has no idea why she cries out when we touch her or 
pick her up.

More as we learn more.

Re: Celia Please add to the CLS :(

2007-07-17 Thread laurieskatz
Our deepest sympathies. Safe travels, little one, to the life where kitties 
have no pain.Sherry, my beloved Keisha died unexpectely on Saturday, The only 
way I could find some comfort was to start writing down happy memories. Grief 
comes in waves.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 9:14 PM
  Subject: Celia Please add to the CLS :(

  We lost another one of our Sids kids today.Sweet Celia was a beautiful calico 
who was very laid back and never had a mean bone in her body.She will be missed 
by us all. 

  Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel. 

Re: To Laurie

2007-07-17 Thread laurieskatz

Thanks Wendy. I absolutely will share results.
The vet expects them Thursday.
My best
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:36 PM
Subject: To Laurie


I am so sorry about your sweet Keisha.  What a wonderful caregiver you 
were to her.  I'm sorry it was so sudden; that must be hard for you.  Just 
know she loved you as you loved her.


P.S.   If you feel like it, please post the results from the necropsy. 
You never know when info. might help another furbaby that comes along 

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can 
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ 
Margaret Meade ~~~

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Re: OT: A poem to those who lost your precious soul

2007-07-17 Thread laurieskatz
this is wonderful. Thank-you.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:32 PM
  Subject: RE: OT: A poem to those who lost your precious soul

  Thank you.  This means more to me than you will ever know.


Subject: OT: A poem to those who lost your precious soul
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 16:43:11 -0600

Lend Me A Kitten

I will lend to you for a while a kitten, God said.
For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he's dead. 
Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three.
But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me? 

He'll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief,
you'll always have his memories as solace for your grief. 

I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn. 

I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true, 
And from the folk that crowds life's land I have chosen you. 

Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again? 

And my heart replied, My Lord, Thy Will Be Done.
For all the joys this kitten brings, the risk of grief I'll run. 

We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness that we've known, forever grateful stay. 

But should you call him back much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand. 

If by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve,
in memory of his sweet sweet love, please help us while we grieve. 

When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needing soul for us to love all his life. 

Adapted from the poem To All Parents, 
by Edgar A. Guest [1881-1959] 

http://www.flippysc lendmeakitten. html

  Missed the show?  Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN. 

Re: Monkee is gone ~ so is Keisha

2007-07-16 Thread laurieskatz
Carol, I am so sorry for your loss and pain. Prayers for safe travels for 
Monkee's soul. Monkee is free now but nothing can compensate for the hole in 
your heart and life. I know. My beloved Keisha died Saturday completely 
unexpectedly. She went into respiratory distress here at home. I rushed her to 
the ER clinic. They put her in the oxygen tank and she appeared comfortable ~ 
she was not on her side and was no longer open mouth breathing. They planned to 
keep her in the tank for 2 hours and then send her home. When she went into 
respiratory distress again, they tried to save her ~ intubated her and gave her 
CPR but could not. After she died, I held her for 2 hours and stroked her fur.I 
am in shock and it doesn't seem real. I didn't want to leave her. We are doing 
a necropsy. She was not feline leukemia positive.
May your Higher Power hold you as mine is holding me.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 9:47 AM
  Subject: Monkee is gone

  My beloved cat Monkee passed last night in my arms while I held him with my 
Mom standing next to my side.  At about 2:30 a.m.  

  We were going to take him to Dr. Maier's for euthanasia this morning at 8:00 
a.m.  I thought he could make it until then and that he wouldn't want to go to 
a strange emergency vet clinic he'd never been to before for his passing.  I 
didn't know he was that bad.  I feel so bad.  It was so horrible.  He was 
having some trouble breathing, but I was usually able to calm him down by 
holding him and giving him flower essences.  He had begun to have trouble 
walking and he would cry at me really loudly when he wasn't able to do 
something he wanted to do because his brain was not getting enough oxygen (like 
walk around).  I didn't want him to be in pain or suffer and I feel like I 
failed him.  

  He did go really quick, but I was hysterical as it was happening.  We were on 
my bed and I was holding him.  He took a last gasp of air and then he stopped.  
When his body when limp, I felt like I might die too.  I think the only thing 
that helped me and my mom was that she has rescue remedy with her and we both 
took it right away.  It sounds odd to say that, but immediately after it 
happened, I felt a sense of peace-- for him.  I think the rescue remedy helped 
my breathing at that time.  I just held him afterwards and talked to him  and 
pet him and kissed him for about two hours.  I told him how wonderful he was 
and that I would never be the same without him.  I walked around the house, sat 
with him on the porch he loved so much and took him outside for his last time 
to hold him while sitting on the front steps.  

  I have never had an animal die in my arms like that and to have it be my best 
friend-- the best companion I've ever heart just feels like it's 
wrenching in half.  I feel guilty and traumatized.  I am having a hard time 
erasing the memories of his passing.  When I close my eyes, I see his face as 
he took his last breath.  I don't how to recover from that.
  I've never been lonely since I had Monkee and now that he's gone, that 
loneliness is crashing in.  

  I hope all of you are able to continue to care for your cats and give them 
the peace and love that they so desperately need.  I admire those of you who 
take care of multiple FelV cats and have lost some in the past and continue to 
keep doing the work that you do.  My thoughts and my prayers are now with all 
of you and your babies.  I felt like I didn't have the mental energy to devote 
many of my prayers in the past few weeks to any cat other than Monkee, but I 
will be praying for you now.

  I also wanted to remind everyone that you never really know the power of what 
love can do for a cat like Monkee, until you experience it.  When I found him, 
he was a crazy, dirty, little ragamuffin eating doves, baby rabbits, and 
whatever else he could catch in the courtyard of my law school apartment 
complex in Northern Ky 4 years ago.  And four years and 1 month ago, I couldn't 
take his living it up in the killing fields- as I called it- anymore.  It 
took so long to get him to be a somewhat normal cat.  Something bad must have 
happened to him because he was already neutered when I found him, so he had to 
have belong to someone.  He was deathly afraid of men and it took until 
probably about this past year for that fear to almost subside.  I don't think 
anyone else in my life (other than myself) believed that he'd ever be trusting, 
cuddling, sweet, lfunny, love-bug that he was with me.  The first time I turned 
on my radio and my tv after I had brought him into my life, he freaked out and 
hid under the bed for hours.  After lots of love and being spoiled rotten, and 
having four years to experience as many things as possible, he had truly become 
my best friend.  He would comfort me when something went horribly wrong in my 
life and the past 4 years 

Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-15 Thread laurieskatz
yes she is. eating ok, too.
more later as I am running out.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gloria Lane 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 9:19 AM
  Subject: Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

  Is she pooping and peeing ok?

  On Jul 15, 2007, at 10:07 AM, catatonya wrote:

It sounds as if she's having seizures of some sort?  Thoughts and prayers 
coming your way.


laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi. Tonight I thought Isabella was dead when I arrived. She was lying 
very still under the futon. When I trouched her, she cried out. When I moved 
her a little closer to me she cried more and seemed very upset. It looked like 
her legs were having spasms. She moved very slowly and stiffly. She did crouch 
~ still under the futon ~ and lick gravy off the canned food.

  Later, another caretaker went to check on her because I was worried. She 
called me and said Isabella was dead  ~ she was on her back, legs straight in 
the air. I headed over and she called me back and said she was moving. She 
eventually came out and walked around, licked gravy and ate a few bites of 
food. She was her old friendly self, talking and rubbing.

  Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? Isabella has (short) history 
of high fever and anemia. She has more recently cut back on food intake despite 
taking prednisone.I planned to take her in tomorrow for weight and fever check. 
Vet not there tomorrow so I may wait until Friday for physical exam. Foster mom 
said she cried out last night when she touched her front legs.

   Vet plans to put her on an appetite stimulant that you give every 3 
days. I don't remember the name.
  any input greatly appreciated...

Re: stiff joints ~ Isabella update

2007-07-15 Thread laurieskatz
We saw the vet yesterday ~ took Isabella in because she seems to be having 
tremors. She was curled into a ball. Yet, jumped from exam table to sofa with 
no effort and no crying out. Vet thinks it might be something neurological. I 
talked a friend who had a feline leukemia positive kitten who exhibited similar 
symptoms. We did spine xray and nothing revealed there. Vet prescribed pain 
meds and she is doing better today ~ not constantly shifting position and 
crying out. She is on clavamox (her temp was 105.7), pain med (tramadal or 
something like that) and the prednisone derivative (prenisilone or whatever it 
is). Her weight was top weight for her (9 lbs). She goes to specialist tomorrow 
for further work up (maybe an ultrasound). We looked back at her history and 
she did better when on interferon so will ask about re-starting that, too. I 
will keep posting. Thanks to those who responded.

Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz

Thanks Belinda. Is that a pain killer or is that the appetite stimulant?
Sounds like the latter
Does the stiffness come and go? Does he cry out when touched?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

  Sounds like what Fred gets, Mirtazapine, it worked great for him.  He 
gained back all the weight he lost and has maintained it for over 2 
months now.  It is recommended to start at 1/8 to 1/4 of a pill every 3 
days, my vet wanted to start Fred at 1/4 but I decided to try the lower 
dose first and it was enough for Fred.  He is eating good without it 
now, I've only had to give it to him once in the last 3 weeks or so.  
his weight hovers around 9lbs 13oz and 10 pounds, he was 8lbs 4oz when 
he started taking it.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

homemade foods for cats

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
See: and 
the cat nutrition site tells you everywhere to purchase ingredients. I did this 
during the food recall.

Home-Prepared Dog and Cat Diets by Donald Strombeck, DVM. Iowa State Press, 
1999. ISBN 0813821495 

Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs  Cats (includes both cooked and raw 
diets) by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM


Re: OT: .for Melissa re diarrhea

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. Check out the yahoo IBD group. Great info there. 
It's possibly a food allergy. You might try the canned foods suggested at if making home made feels overwhelming.
Depending on size of stool and frequency, the vet should be able to determine 
if upper or lower intestine and treat accordingly. 
It sounds like your vet has a good plan.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:08 PM
  Subject: RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

  For her diarrhea, the old vet used Metrondiazole and Albon. No parasites were 
found.  The new vet tried new food (Science Diet ID) along with Clavomox. She 
also dewormed her again just in case. Ashley has gained 2 pounds in the last 
two weeks since the visit with the new vet, but her poops are the same. 
Possibly the dewormer helped.


  I just got off the phone with the vet, and she suggested that we put her back 
on her regular food that she's used to for 2 weeks. No meds. Then I'll have a 
stool sample sent to a lab for further testing (once all the meds are out of 
her system). Then we'll see what could be in her. If that doesn't work, the vet 
said we might have to do a scope. We'll see. Time will tell.


  I guess this is really not the time to try to find a home for her. I'm 
probably the best one to keep her since I know what's going on, what's been 
done, etc.


  Maybe I could just find a home for Nonie (healthy) to alleviate the stress.





  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:03 PM
  Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs


  Also, what has been tried?

  Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

  I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have to 
look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried any of the recipes 
in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her? 






  On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

  Hi All,


  Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs 
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect she 
has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a good home 
for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here who'll take on a 
special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.


  She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


  I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that 
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how 
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and 
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a little 
stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5 forever 
(financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!





Re: OT re appetite stimulant

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
I gave this to my cat Keisha 2 hours ago and she isn't eating, yet. She's 
been eating less than normal today. I think she has a temp (102.2 ~ vet tech 
said this is high and vet said it isn't..?) but vet wanted to try the 
appetite stimulant before trying antibiotics. I am going to have a long 
night until we see the vet at 10. She is my grannykitty ~ age unknown. Not 
feleuk positive.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

 Sorry Laurie, it is the appetite stimulent (Mirtazapine).  Fred is CRF 
that's why his appetite suffers sometimes, once we got his potassuim and 
phosphorus where it should be he is feeling MUCH better, no more vomiting 
or loss of appetite.  His HCT is going up and is normal again so the only 
thing that is a bother right now is his arthritis and he has muscle loss 
in his right back leg pretty bad.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: cyproheptadine

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz
My mistake re warning ~ just an ask the vet response about using it as an 
August 2007 Cat Fancy, p 27 cypro works as an appetite stimulant in cats 
and, in my experience, rarely relieves upper respiratory signs.  
Sorry for an alarm!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 6:32 AM
  Subject: Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

  What did they say?

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

i just read a warning about using this drug for cats.

- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:26 PM
  Subject: Appetite issues and Monkee update

Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz
Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know there 
was discussion on this and I want to start 
Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, too. 
What do others use for this? THANKS!

Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz

Thanks :-)
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Hi Laurie,

Go to the web page
Up near the top there is a banner with the word Archives
Click on Archives,
Click on Search the FeLVTalk Archive
Select/click on a date/range to search
When the next page comes up, there will be a search box at the top.
Enter whatever you want to search on  hit search

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, laurieskatz wrote:

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:29:07 -0600
From: laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know 
there was discussion on this and I want to start
Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz
It is the same thing according to the local health food store
  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
  Subject: RE: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  I think I posted something about this Brewer's Yeast before-I was wondering 
if it was the same as Nutritional Yeast which I use on my popcorn, and it 
contains a warning about the high levels of iron which are dangerous to 
children (and I assume to cats as well). I've been wondering about giving it to 
the kitties.





  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
  Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?


  Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
  One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red ears, as a result of an 
  reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she asked if I had been using 
Brewer's yeast.
  Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

  On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:

  Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic vet I 
know uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds them. 
 Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with the Brewer's Yeast.  If 
you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.
   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis

  - Original Message -

  From: laurieskatz 


  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM

  Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know 
there was discussion on this and I want to start

  Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-11 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. Tonight I thought Isabella was dead when I arrived. She was lying very 
still under the futon. When I trouched her, she cried out. When I moved her a 
little closer to me she cried more and seemed very upset. It looked like her 
legs were having spasms. She moved very slowly and stiffly. She did crouch ~ 
still under the futon ~ and lick gravy off the canned food.

Later, another caretaker went to check on her because I was worried. She called 
me and said Isabella was dead  ~ she was on her back, legs straight in the air. 
I headed over and she called me back and said she was moving. She eventually 
came out and walked around, licked gravy and ate a few bites of food. She was 
her old friendly self, talking and rubbing. 

Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? Isabella has (short) history of 
high fever and anemia. She has more recently cut back on food intake despite 
taking prednisone.I planned to take her in tomorrow for weight and fever check. 
Vet not there tomorrow so I may wait until Friday for physical exam. Foster mom 
said she cried out last night when she touched her front legs. 

 Vet plans to put her on an appetite stimulant that you give every 3 days. I 
don't remember the name.
any input greatly appreciated...

Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

2007-07-11 Thread laurieskatz
i just read a warning about using this drug for cats.

- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:26 PM
  Subject: Appetite issues and Monkee update

  Cyproheptadine is also a decongestant, maybe the vet thought it would mask a 

- Original Message - 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

He was on one (Cyproheptadine), but I ran out of it right after his blood 
transfusion (2 weeks ago).  The Vet didn't want to give him anymore/keep him on 
it in case it was masking anything.  I don't know what the H that means.  I 
mean, what could it be masking?  Hello?  He has cancer and FeLeuk and anemia-- 
we know all that!  Anyway, he gets his primary care now from his new Holistic 
Vet and we saw her last Friday for the 2nd time.  At that time, and all last 
week, Monkee was eating like a fiend, so she said she'd rather not have him on 
the stimulant if he didn't need it.  She also said Cyproheptadine can cause 
liver problems (but then again, that's probably the least of his concerns right 
now...).  I have an email and a call into her and I am sure I will hear from 
her tomorrow, so we'll see.  I'm going to look to her to determine if it's time 
for another transfusion, or if just an appetite stim would help, etc.  What's 
comforting with Monkee though is that he was doing so well last week, 
eating great; also his Holistic Vet always talks about his strong life force- 
which, I can admit that sounds funny- but when you see him, you just get it; 
and finally the fact that he still weighs 12 pounds...all that excess weight 
that poor cat spent 4 years eating Science Diet Light to lose is really coming 
in handy now!  Ah...the irony.  


Re: Another vet's research re various treatments

2007-07-08 Thread laurieskatz
Thanks Kelly. Some vets don't believe interferon works, but so far it seems 
to be helping Isabella during the 7 days on.
I have posted this earlier but I had 2 FELV+ cats who lived to 22 and 16 
years. Squeaky (22) was never treated and was asymptomatic until his final 
weeks (oral cancer killed him). We treated whatever illnesses arose with 
Stripes, with antibiotics and Vitamin B injections. I don't know if anyone 
knew about all these other treatments then.  Some vets would have 
recommended EU them. They were very large boys. Squeak was healthy all the 
time and Stripes was heathly most of the time.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Another vet's research re various treatments

At 07:36 PM 7/7/2007, you wrote:

I am using immuno regulin and Alferon, ( natural
interferon)  I am not using the Acemamman.
My felv kitty has been asymptomatic and these are
basically prophylactic treatments, I do know the
pred ( and I would probably use the
prednisolone)  doe help the rbs destruction,
depending upon the cause. I used the I.R per
protocol initially IV  and am now doing .5cc IM q
month like they are doing for the FELV cats in the FELV area at Best 

Best of Luck

Offered as information
This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin

Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts
feel that it has not been shown to have any positive benefit for cats with 
FeLV.  Examples:

My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The 
clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own 
clinical staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV, 
and we used it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really 
well to mix thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will 
not help any more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs 
steroids to help prevent the RBC destruction.

In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our 
little cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight on 
fluids, antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours, 
and is now home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to 
try Immunoreglin and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any 
experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?

 Do you have any experience with
Immunoreglin or Acemannan?  Neither have been shown to have any 
demonstrable benefit in controlled studies.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 0.0.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.10/875 - Release Date: 6/27/2007 
9:08 PM

Another vet's research re various treatments

2007-07-07 Thread laurieskatz
Offered as information 
This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin

Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts feel that it has not been shown 
to have any positive benefit for cats with FeLV.  Examples: 

My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The 
clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own clinical 
staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV, and we used 
it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really well to mix 
thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will not help any 
more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs steroids to help 
prevent the RBC destruction. 

In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our little 
cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight on fluids, 
antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours, and is now 
home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to try Immunoreglin 
and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any experience with 
Immunoreglin or Acemannan? 

 Do you have any experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?  Neither 
 have been shown to have any demonstrable benefit in controlled studies.

Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

2007-07-06 Thread laurieskatz
Susan, great idea. I will check into itthanks for this suggestion,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 8:41 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

  Hi Laura!

  You might also try the Missing Link food supplement powder.

  You can purchase it through Drs. Foster  Smith, and soem other animal supply 

  OR, the veterinary formula is even better, which I believe, you have to get 
through a vet.

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

Isabella is doing well on the prednisone. She is again purring and kneading 
and following Lisa around. 
The hemobartonella test came back negative. Here is an email from a 
homeopathic vet/friend. I hope others can find some helpful suggestions here

Hi Laurie.  This little girl is very sick.  I know you probably know this 
but as a general rule once a FeLV-positive cat gets sick they generally do not 
return to a normal state of health again.  And this cat is sick - her 
bloodwork is horrible. It looks like your vet is doing everything possible to 
boost her immune system and get her fever to abate.   Prednisone will possibly 
keep her comfortable for awhile - (which probably should become the primary 
goal).  If Isabella feels better on the prednisone then I would keep her on it. 
 I think doxycycline is probably worth trying - it can cause anorexia but my 
experience with it has been good (if the medicine is given with water and dosed 
correctly).  It would not hurt to start giving her some supplements in her food 
- antioxidants and such.  A good supplement would be Vitamin C (250mg daily in 
food).  I would also start adding a little plain yoghurt  nutritional (torula) 
yeast (great source of Vitamin B) to the food.  Vitamin B helps stimulate 
appetite in addition to many other great things.If Isabella is not already 
on a home-made or high quality food (Wellness, Solid Gold, Newman's Own, etc) I 
would immediately put her on such a diet.  I would recommend feeding her the 
canned form instead of dry food.  And I would do whatever is possible to keep 
her life stress-free. 

Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

2007-07-06 Thread laurieskatz
Thanks Susan. I offered Missing Link a number of years ago after we visited a 
holistic vet 2 hours away. Mine all refused it. 
I wonder about the garlic in it...know I've seen garlic can be toxic to cats. I 
will check out the internet for Missing Link as well as the feline Transfer 
Factor we are currently using to see if they have similar ingredients. If not, 
Ill ask my vet to order ML. Has anyone tried PolyMVA? I used that for another 
cat a long time ago. We were too late to help him. It has colostrum in it and 
is used by humans and animals who have cancer.
Thanks for your interest in Isabella. I will let you know what I find out. 

- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:00 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations


  I was @ my vet this morning, so I went ahead and picked up a package of 
Missiing Link.

  I have been meaning to try it on my felv+ gang, as well as work it into my 
other group of kitties eventually.

  Right now the nonfelv cats just get the brewer's yeast sprinkled on top of 
their dry food, which again is the Evo mixed w/ Core.

  Ok, both formulas say veterinary formula on the package.

  One package is gold, while the professional strength is on a silver package.

  The professional strength says it is for Recovery  Detoxification.

  This is only available @ the vet's.

  I didn't have time @ the vet office to compare both packages to see what the 
ingredient difference was.

  But listed they have probiotics, carrot  alfalfa powder, yeast, freeze dried 
beef liver, kelp, dandalion root, garlic, yucca as well as spirulina.

  I am interested most in the spirulina, I take that and I believe it helps me.

  A friend of mine had a felv+ cat that she gave spirulina to years ago, and 
the vet was amazed that he threw the virus.

  Hard to tell if he was just one of those cats that does, or if the spirulina 
actually helped.

  Another friend had a kitty that ate some of the bad pouch Nutro food that was 
going around, and went into renal failure @ the age of 3 years.

  He recovered after 2 weeks @ the vet and lots of sub Q's helped, but she also 
mixed up a batch of spirulina and some other things for him to get.

  She gave it to him orally, it was a liquid.

  Not sure how he is doing, I need to call her and see what it is that she was 
giving him.

  I paid $21. for one pound of supplement,must be kept in the fridge after 
opening  use within 90 days.

  I will let you know if I see any difference in my felv+ cats, which as of now 
(knock on wood) are not symptomatic.

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

Susan, great idea. I will check into itthanks for this suggestion,

Re: Isabella update and homeopathic recommendations

2007-07-05 Thread laurieskatz
Isabella is doing well on the prednisone. She is again purring and kneading and 
following Lisa around. 
The hemobartonella test came back negative. Here is an email from a homeopathic 
vet/friend. I hope others can find some helpful suggestions here

Hi Laurie.  This little girl is very sick.  I know you probably know this but 
as a general rule once a FeLV-positive cat gets sick they generally do not 
return to a normal state of health again.  And this cat is sick - her 
bloodwork is horrible. It looks like your vet is doing everything possible to 
boost her immune system and get her fever to abate.   Prednisone will possibly 
keep her comfortable for awhile - (which probably should become the primary 
goal).  If Isabella feels better on the prednisone then I would keep her on it. 
 I think doxycycline is probably worth trying - it can cause anorexia but my 
experience with it has been good (if the medicine is given with water and dosed 
correctly).  It would not hurt to start giving her some supplements in her food 
- antioxidants and such.  A good supplement would be Vitamin C (250mg daily in 
food).  I would also start adding a little plain yoghurt  nutritional (torula) 
yeast (great source of Vitamin B) to the food.  Vitamin B helps stimulate 
appetite in addition to many other great things.If Isabella is not already 
on a home-made or high quality food (Wellness, Solid Gold, Newman's Own, etc) I 
would immediately put her on such a diet.  I would recommend feeding her the 
canned form instead of dry food.  And I would do whatever is possible to keep 
her life stress-free. 

Re: Isabella update

2007-07-04 Thread laurieskatz
Marylyn, I think there is a holistic vet in another city fairly close by. I 
will try to find out. Also, a vet in another city who helps with rescue kittys 
has some holistic training but can't call herself holistic because she hasn't 
stayed current.I will email her today.  

Please tell me what doesn't make sense...does the pred seem like the wrong 

I didn't sleep very well last night thinking about how frightened Isabella was 
and how I was not able to comfort her. I know some vets comfort and talk to 
kittys. My vet does not do this. He has other wonderful qualities. This my 
third life threatening and mysterious illness this year with kittys and I feel 
numb with fear. I am blessed by the survival of the other two.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update

  Some of this makes no sense to me (only in light of experiences with my own 
critters--not saying he is wrong).  Dixie got hot spots that were raw, not 
abscessed, and they caused a bunch of problems.  

  I wish you had a holistic vet close by..just to have another style 
practitioner  take a look.  

  I am so sorry you both are going thru this.  I know how totally frustrating 
it is and how helpless you feel.  

  You can give probiotics without causing harm.  I don't know if they would do 
any good but they might with the lethargy.  

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella update

Marylyn, yes he can get the doxy compounded. I am reluctant to use it 
because it can cause anorexia.I am so afraid of her stopping eating...I asked 
him to look at her blood for hemobart but he neglected to tell me if he saw 
something (and I forgot to ask). Isa started shivering when he took her temp 
and shivered in my lap for the rest of our time there. She was crying when they 
were giving her fluids. Broke my heart. 

He is trying to treat the fever and does not know why she has it. He says 
the low RBC is part of the leukemia and pred might stop the body from attacking 
red cells IF that is what is going on. She has no symptoms other than the fever 
and lethargy. Normal stools, normal appetite, normal urine output. No runny 
nose or eyes. She did have a healing wound on the top of her head when rescued. 
He said she'd have an abscess if this was the cause of the fever. I suspect it 
is the reason for the feline leukemia.

One thing that strikes me is she will often cry out for no apparent reason. 
She rolled onto her back today and cried out. Sometimes she will cry out if you 
just touch her. I told the vet but he could find nothing on exam.her foster 
mom reports that she stretches her rear legs alot. I suspect it could be 
stiffness from inactivity but who knows. When she first came, she seemed to lay 
down clumsily, favroing one rear leg. The vet checked out her rear legs and 
found nothing wrong.


- Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:22 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update

  Of course she is frightened.  She knows what power he has.  Ask Dixie.  
When there is something serious going on she trembles.  When I am thinking 
about taking her to the vets' and she is fine (or is dead set again going) she 
spends lots of time showing me how healthy she is.  Ebony did the same thing.  
Is there anything to culture and test or is he using/trying to use a broad 
spectrum antibiotic in hopes of getting whatever is causing the fever?  Just compounding the doxy an option?

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Isabella update

Isabella saw the vet today. Her weight is 8.9 (it was this high one 
other time) and her HCT was up to 22 from 20. Her other red counts were 
slightly elevated as well. We cannot kick the fever. She was up

Re: Isabella update

2007-07-04 Thread laurieskatz
Good idea. I have some here. 
I just spent some time with her. She is great today. Walking around and raising 
her back up to be petted. Happy girl today. 
Have not seen this for awhile. Happy girlS (Isabella, foster mom Lisa and me) 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:28 AM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update

  Please consider trying Rescue Remedy when she is going to the vet's.  And 
take some yourself (honest--if you are calm, she will be a little calmer too) 

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella update

Marylyn, yes he can get the doxy compounded. I am reluctant to use it 
because it can cause anorexia.I am so afraid of her stopping eating...I asked 
him to look at her blood for hemobart but he neglected to tell me if he saw 
something (and I forgot to ask). Isa started shivering when he took her temp 
and shivered in my lap for the rest of our time there. She was crying when they 
were giving her fluids. Broke my heart. 

He is trying to treat the fever and does not know why she has it. He says 
the low RBC is part of the leukemia and pred might stop the body from attacking 
red cells IF that is what is going on. She has no symptoms other than the fever 
and lethargy. Normal stools, normal appetite, normal urine output. No runny 
nose or eyes. She did have a healing wound on the top of her head when rescued. 
He said she'd have an abscess if this was the cause of the fever. I suspect it 
is the reason for the feline leukemia.

One thing that strikes me is she will often cry out for no apparent reason. 
She rolled onto her back today and cried out. Sometimes she will cry out if you 
just touch her. I told the vet but he could find nothing on exam.her foster 
mom reports that she stretches her rear legs alot. I suspect it could be 
stiffness from inactivity but who knows. When she first came, she seemed to lay 
down clumsily, favroing one rear leg. The vet checked out her rear legs and 
found nothing wrong.


- Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:22 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update

  Of course she is frightened.  She knows what power he has.  Ask Dixie.  
When there is something serious going on she trembles.  When I am thinking 
about taking her to the vets' and she is fine (or is dead set again going) she 
spends lots of time showing me how healthy she is.  Ebony did the same thing.  
Is there anything to culture and test or is he using/trying to use a broad 
spectrum antibiotic in hopes of getting whatever is causing the fever?  Just compounding the doxy an option?

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Isabella update

Isabella saw the vet today. Her weight is 8.9 (it was this high one 
other time) and her HCT was up to 22 from 20. Her other red counts were 
slightly elevated as well. We cannot kick the fever. She was up to 104.9 from 
104.2 a week ago. Her 7 days on interferon ended last night. She was very 
quiet at the vet's and shivering the entire time. The vet said she looked worse 
than last week to him.

We started prednisone, gave fluids and a Vitamin B shot. When we got 
home she ate a good serving of canned food. Vet wants to touch base on Thursday 
for next steps. I decided agst doxy at this time because it can cause appetite 
issues and I don't want to risk that.

Thanks for all the suggestions which I have shared with my vet.

Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

2007-07-03 Thread laurieskatz
I won't give anything that will effect her appetite. A kitten we rescued had 
anorexia which we finally attributed to one of the meds he was taking. The one 
thing we have going in our favor is she is still eating.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 9:58 PM
  Subject: Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

  The note on the Doxy was not to discourage the use just to make sure the side 
effects are noted and coped with.especially the intestinal disturbances.  A 
diarrhea can cause all sorts of problems in an immune compromised cat and an 
upset stomach needs soothing so she can eat and gain/retain weight.  I have no 
comment on the selection of the meds themselves.   

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: wendy 
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

I think the meds are a wise choice.  I hope she responds to the treatment?  
Any hope that he will give her Epogen?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade 

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2007 9:36:39 PM
Subject: Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

Look at the information Caroline has re anemia.  It may not apply to the 
specific kind Isabella has but the food--raw chicken livers and lean, raw 
hamburger (yuck)--may make her feel better.  So may the supplements.  Check 
with her.

A personal note:  Doxy makes my stomach very upset and I need lots of 
probiotics when I am taking it.  I have to believe it does the same to a cat.   

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
  - Original Message - 
  From: laurieskatz 
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 9:28 PM
  Subject: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

  Hi. I have not seen much discussion about prednisone. This and doxy are 
what my vet is recommending. He is willing to also try IR. Isa has been more 
lethargic the past few days. Am taking her tomorrow for weight and temp check. 
She is still eating ~more like grazing. Any thoughts on the pred? Doxy? Her 
anemia is non-regenerative. 

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who 
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

2007-07-03 Thread laurieskatz
Thanks for all the input. I appreciate it.Our vet compounds and flavors the 
doxy. I have also consulted the internal medicine specialist and am awaiting 
her reply. I find that everyone (vets) has a different opinion about what to do 
for feleuk+ kittys who are symptomatic. Isabella's fever yo-yos which makes it 
hard to know what to do next. I have some probiotics here..Good reminder.

Isabella update

2007-07-03 Thread laurieskatz
Isabella saw the vet today. Her weight is 8.9 (it was this high one other time) 
and her HCT was up to 22 from 20. Her other red counts were slightly elevated 
as well. We cannot kick the fever. She was up to 104.9 from 104.2 a week ago. 
Her 7 days on interferon ended last night. She was very quiet at the vet's 
and shivering the entire time. The vet said she looked worse than last week to 

We started prednisone, gave fluids and a Vitamin B shot. When we got home she 
ate a good serving of canned food. Vet wants to touch base on Thursday for next 
steps. I decided agst doxy at this time because it can cause appetite issues 
and I don't want to risk that.

Thanks for all the suggestions which I have shared with my vet.

Re: Isabella update

2007-07-03 Thread laurieskatz
Marylyn, yes he can get the doxy compounded. I am reluctant to use it because 
it can cause anorexia.I am so afraid of her stopping eating...I asked him to 
look at her blood for hemobart but he neglected to tell me if he saw something 
(and I forgot to ask). Isa started shivering when he took her temp and shivered 
in my lap for the rest of our time there. She was crying when they were giving 
her fluids. Broke my heart. 

He is trying to treat the fever and does not know why she has it. He says the 
low RBC is part of the leukemia and pred might stop the body from attacking red 
cells IF that is what is going on. She has no symptoms other than the fever and 
lethargy. Normal stools, normal appetite, normal urine output. No runny nose or 
eyes. She did have a healing wound on the top of her head when rescued. He said 
she'd have an abscess if this was the cause of the fever. I suspect it is the 
reason for the feline leukemia.

One thing that strikes me is she will often cry out for no apparent reason. She 
rolled onto her back today and cried out. Sometimes she will cry out if you 
just touch her. I told the vet but he could find nothing on exam.her foster 
mom reports that she stretches her rear legs alot. I suspect it could be 
stiffness from inactivity but who knows. When she first came, she seemed to lay 
down clumsily, favroing one rear leg. The vet checked out her rear legs and 
found nothing wrong.


- Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:22 PM
  Subject: Re: Isabella update

  Of course she is frightened.  She knows what power he has.  Ask Dixie.  When 
there is something serious going on she trembles.  When I am thinking about 
taking her to the vets' and she is fine (or is dead set again going) she spends 
lots of time showing me how healthy she is.  Ebony did the same thing.  Is 
there anything to culture and test or is he using/trying to use a broad 
spectrum antibiotic in hopes of getting whatever is causing the fever?  Just compounding the doxy an option?

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Isabella update

Isabella saw the vet today. Her weight is 8.9 (it was this high one other 
time) and her HCT was up to 22 from 20. Her other red counts were slightly 
elevated as well. We cannot kick the fever. She was up to 104.9 from 104.2 a 
week ago. Her 7 days on interferon ended last night. She was very quiet at 
the vet's and shivering the entire time. The vet said she looked worse than 
last week to him.

We started prednisone, gave fluids and a Vitamin B shot. When we got home 
she ate a good serving of canned food. Vet wants to touch base on Thursday for 
next steps. I decided agst doxy at this time because it can cause appetite 
issues and I don't want to risk that.

Thanks for all the suggestions which I have shared with my vet.

Re: Fw: Re:TO CAROLINE RE MONKEE: Re: Anemia Issues

2007-07-02 Thread laurieskatz
Perfectly said. Thanks for this. I try so hard not to let my kittys see me cry 
or upset when someone is sick.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 5:16 PM
  Subject: Re: Fw: Re:TO CAROLINE RE MONKEE: Re: Anemia Issues

- Original Message - 
From: Marylyn 
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re:TO CAROLINE RE MONKEE: Re: Anemia Issues

You will know when Monkee is ready to leave this world.  It may be today or 
in 10 years.  You are not God and neither am I.we can't see the future.  
Every one of us dies ...sorry.  That is the way the system works.  Just 
don't live your life looking at death.  First, it isn't a bad thing and second, 
you are wasting lots of really good fun time fearing Death.  Monkee knows this 
and is probably trying to teach you much as the Royal Princess Kitty Katt and 
others have tried to teach me.  People are basically very hard 
headed..just ask our little friends.  The stories Dixie could tell 

Relax.  Spend wonderful time with Monkee and find and keep a vet that 
respects you.  I have been very lucky that way.  I hope Susan is that vet for 
you.  If not, keep looking.  He or She does exist for you.   

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:23 PM
  Subject: RE: Fw: Re:TO CAROLINE RE MONKEE: Re: Anemia Issues

  There's been a lot of developments today, which have had me crying at my 
desk here at work (never a good thing!). I'll try not to bore you all with the 
minute details, but I have now had two bad conversations with Dr. Jones from 
The Cat Clinic.  Monkee is out of his appetite stimulant and I called at The 
Cat Clinic today to see if I could pick it up there. They put  Dr. Jones on the 
phone and he said he got a report today from Dr. Daley and she is basing her 
poor prognosis for Monkee on the fact that he now has lymph nodes in his 
abdomen that are enlarged. Dr. Jones said that, based on that, he agrees with 
Dr. Daley and that he would just treat Monkee palliatively. He said the 
transfusion would wear off and we need to plan accordingly.  Basically, he 
and Dr. Daley are standing firm that the prognosis for Monkee is bleak.  I was 
so frustrated, disheartened and angry, and what makes those feelings even worse 
for me, is Monkee's condition, which, even before the transfusion, was not too 

  I made a decision and I sent a long email to Dr. Maier detailing my 
conversations with Drs. Daley and Jones, their decisions to just drop off 
medications, etc.  I told her that Monkee had a bad day on Saturday where he 
was lethargic and seemed really tired, but it was not anything extreme or 
different from his pre-transfusion lethargy. I thought he was starting to go 
down from the transfusion already wearing off.  However, on Sunday, he had a 
really good day and he was bright-eyed, active, talkative and seemed really 
happy and in no pain or distress.  So I flat-out told Dr. Maier that I was 
frustrated with Drs. Daley and Jones' poor prognosis and no hope outlook for 
Monkee because at this point, even before Monkee's transfusion last week, I 
don't yet have a cat in dire distress on my hands. Yes, he's down a little and 
I know we are a fighting likely a losing battle, but Monkee just doesn't seem 
ready yet! I told her I would like Monkee to treat with someone who has a 
more positive attitude towards his care, and even if it's going to be 
palliative care, I want it to be positive palliative care. 

  I asked her for her continued help and assistance and if I could bring 
Monkee out to see her again this week, especially since the transfusion is 
going to wear off and by no means do I want Monkee to get into a situation 
where he crashes due to that.  He currently has no follow-ups with Daley or 
Jones and at this point, I told Dr. Maier that I am a little more than 
ambivalent about continuing Monkee's care with either of them. I told her I 
didn't know if they are unhappy with me as a client for not totally accepting 
their difficult-to-decipher prognosis and/or the fact that I went to a Holistic 
Vet for a second/additional opinion. I don't know if I ruffled feathers or 
something, but at this point, I don't care! I told her I just want Monkee 
to be taken care of and kept happy. 

  Dr. Maier immediately sent 

Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

2007-07-02 Thread laurieskatz

Any chance this is related to the food recall?
- Original Message - 
From: Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

Was bloodwork the same in all?  What was off?  What was their WBC like, 
the BUN  creatinine, the HCT?  Were they eating well up to the time of 
getting sick?  Any fever? 


laurieskatz wrote:
I am so sorry to hear about your situatio and can only imagine how 
horrible it must beI freaked when I had 3 diagnosed with asthma. 
Teddy died of lung cancer secondary to asthma and Frankie and Keisha 
were diagnosed with asthma within a year of his death. I called in the 
health dept and they did extensive testing and made some suggestions. 
In the end they pointed a finger at the Alpine air cleaner as being a 
likely cause or contributor to Teddy's lung cancer.  We did radon 
testing, air quality, mold, etc etc.
Keep looking. It could be coincidence but I agree with your steps to 
try to find a common cause. My thoughts and prayers with you and your 
furkids. Is toxo contagious?

*/Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

This is the toll so far from this year, not including kittens.
Joey - 10 - died in late April.  Being treated for AIHA.
Lucky Lady - 12 - got sick, was adopted by my vet, apparently

recovered but is now dying, they think cancer.
Caroline - ran up a bill in excess of $1,000.  No one knows

what was or is wrong.  Possible FIP (but she's getting
better), brain cancer, toxo.
Suzie - I don't even want to see the bill and don't know how I

am going to pay it.  Possible FIP, toxo.
They are all 5 and up.  All presented with massive dehydration

(skin tenting), anorexia, massiive weight loss.
Some w/neuro symptoms..bloodwork varying...
All tested neg/neg for FELV.
Tehy are down to looking in my house for asbestos and

leadsomeone please help me...I don't know what is killing
my cats

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

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Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

2007-07-02 Thread laurieskatz

Hi Pam! I seem to run into you wherever I go! How are you?
Laurie (aka Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper and Winston)
- Original Message - 
From: Pam Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Something is killing my cats, please help me

Was bloodwork the same in all?  What was off?  What was their WBC like, 
the BUN  creatinine, the HCT?  Were they eating well up to the time of 
getting sick?  Any fever? 


laurieskatz wrote:
I am so sorry to hear about your situatio and can only imagine how 
horrible it must beI freaked when I had 3 diagnosed with asthma. 
Teddy died of lung cancer secondary to asthma and Frankie and Keisha 
were diagnosed with asthma within a year of his death. I called in the 
health dept and they did extensive testing and made some suggestions. 
In the end they pointed a finger at the Alpine air cleaner as being a 
likely cause or contributor to Teddy's lung cancer.  We did radon 
testing, air quality, mold, etc etc.
Keep looking. It could be coincidence but I agree with your steps to 
try to find a common cause. My thoughts and prayers with you and your 
furkids. Is toxo contagious?

*/Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

This is the toll so far from this year, not including kittens.
Joey - 10 - died in late April.  Being treated for AIHA.
Lucky Lady - 12 - got sick, was adopted by my vet, apparently

recovered but is now dying, they think cancer.
Caroline - ran up a bill in excess of $1,000.  No one knows

what was or is wrong.  Possible FIP (but she's getting
better), brain cancer, toxo.
Suzie - I don't even want to see the bill and don't know how I

am going to pay it.  Possible FIP, toxo.
They are all 5 and up.  All presented with massive dehydration

(skin tenting), anorexia, massiive weight loss.
Some w/neuro symptoms..bloodwork varying...
All tested neg/neg for FELV.
Tehy are down to looking in my house for asbestos and

leadsomeone please help me...I don't know what is killing
my cats

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Caroline!

I GoodSearch for Rescuties.

Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by
searching the Internet with GoodSearch - powered by Yahoo!

vet recommending doxy and pred for Isabella

2007-07-02 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. I have not seen much discussion about prednisone. This and doxy are what my 
vet is recommending. He is willing to also try IR. Isa has been more lethargic 
the past few days. Am taking her tomorrow for weight and temp check. She is 
still eating ~more like grazing. Any thoughts on the pred? Doxy? Her anemia is 

Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Yes, please send me the file if you will. Isabella is on Referon or 
something like that.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

At 07:25 PM 6/30/2007, you wrote:

When cats go on interferon the dosage is minuscule compared to what is 
given to people. Unless you are using the Feline Omega interferon. I use 
Alferon , the natural interferon and if you are interested I can email you 
the file, the alpha interferon is also given is very very small doses and 
works differently than is used with people,


Hi ~ I am resending this in hopes for some feed back. (I will read the 
info about meds as suggested). I know of a human on interferon who is very 
lethargic. Do people see this with cats on interferon? I ask because 
Isabella is most active after we give fluids but generally pretty laid 
backwould appreciate any input ...thanks!


Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a knowledgable and 
supportive group).

Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use **instead** of interferon?

For those who responded about Revolution ~ we won't use this again. One 
of my cats with allergies responded very negatively to Advantage. So, I 
just have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are 100% indoors but I work in 
my wildlife friendly yard and understand I could bring one inside.

What is IM, please?

Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in parens are normal ranges)
WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
HCT  20.6 (30-45)
RBC  3.72 (5-10)
HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below normal
MCHC and MCH were above normal

The numbers that were desginated as being most dramatically off were:
Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

Any input greatly appreciatedthanks!

- Original Message - From: cindy reasoner 

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.  After
many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor at
my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes to.
The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.  She had
me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey would
have never let her or me do that.  We started giving
him injections 2 times a week for a month or so then
gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to him
once a month.  It has been well over a year since he
has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we went
camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with us.  I
used it because I was worried about mosquitoes getting
into the camper. This was the first time I had ever
used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it because
she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it before I
put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

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Re: Immunity to FeLV?

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
This was a long time ago so maybe the disease wasn't as strong then, who knows. 
Stripes died in 1989 and Squeaky in 1996
My vet was so laid back about it ~ I think that helped. Stripes on and off 
illness was frustrating but you'd never have know Squeak had anything. The vet 
did say Squeaky's must have been in his blood marrow and called him a carrier.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:16 PM
  Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

  Wow, that's impressive!
  Long, happy lives, it sounds like.

  You must have / are doing something right.

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

I adopted 2 boys, age 8 and 9, who had lived together since the younger one 
had been adopted as a kitten.  Stripes kept getting sick on and off so we had 
them tested (my vet had been vaccinating them each year and Squeaky would be 
sick for 3 days after his vaccination). They both tested positive. Stripes 
lived to 16 years old and Squeaky to 22. Squeaky didn't have a sick day in his 
life until his last 3 weeks (oral cancer). Stripes continued to be sick on and 
off but was mostly healthy.

and now we have Isabella

Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway

  It has to be their idea.  I have had some wonderful ferals but they are not 
house cats as we normally think about them.  They are very self sufficient and, 
when they decide to give you any sign of affection, much less kitten kisses or 
purrs, you know it is genuine.

  I have used Feliway and am convinced that it works get.  And it has worked 
with several cats.  My regular vets use it in the cat area of their clinic. I 
really don't believe I would ever have persuaded the Royal Princess Kitty Katt 
to come out without Feliway.  She chose to move in with my parents and was my 
father's cat until he left this world.  Then her whole world turned on end and 
she became my mother's cat (same house just a different person as 1st person).  
I was the one who always caught her and clipped her nails, gave her meds, took 
her to the vet's etc when I came in from Louisville.  Finally Mom decided she 
couldn't take care of Kitty and that she should live with me.  This was no 
where in Kitty's plans and, in fact, was Kitty's version of hell.  She lost her 
job (taking care of Mom), lost her nice quiet house in the country with 
electric heat and a stay at home person to live in the city with forced air gas 
heat, a working person with very irregular hours, a mailman who came to the 
door, all the different scents and noises...I went so far as to replace 
the furnace and a/c before she came so she would not have to tolerate that.  I 
slept on the floor for three months working with her and trying to get her to 
come out.  The Feliway let her relax enough that she started coming out when I 
was asleep and things worked out from there.  

  The price has really come down.  I don't know if you have checked lately but, 
compared with what I originally paid for it, it is dirt cheap.  It makes you 
smell like a cat and provides comfort to the little ones.

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis
- Original Message - 
From: Susan Dubose 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway

Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes  goes..

Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from  you when you walk 
towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are asleep on your 
pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that you tossed on the floor?

(Yes, folks, I am a slob)...

It's like they REALLY want to be petted  loved, but it's s 
scary.  :(

As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks who use 
it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not.

What do you think?

Does it work for you?

I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think heck, 
that's a cat spay or whatever.

But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the money

Let me know your thoughts, folks...

Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
  As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marylyn 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM
  Subject: Re: Birds

  No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the 
skittishness.  It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory goes).  It 
really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt (rehomed from my Mom's).  It 
certainly helped establish a safe area with her.not the awful smell 
of the terrible person who catnapped her from her chosen person.

   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.

Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Wendy, yes, my normal vet wanted to treat with doxy (I did that earlier this 
year with a kitten and it made him very sick...the hemobart test results 
came back negative so we discontinued). The specialist I consulted looked at 
Isabella's blood work and didn't think they indicated hemobart ~ she 
suggested the metacam. The kitten got over his anemia without treatment (we 
believe it may have been secondary to kidney failure which he also 

My vet thinks the anemia is secondary to the feline leukemia...? As far as I 
can see we are not treating it. His opinion (he is not the specialist) is we 
need to address the feline leukemia and not the symptoms. I will ask more 
questions. Perhaps I need to have her tested for hemobart.

Thoughts appreciated...?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 12:46 AM
Subject: Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

Hey Laurie,

Did your vet say anything about treating Isabella with
doxy in case of hemobartanella?  Did he say what type
of anemia it is?  What did he propose to treat the


--- laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi ~ I am resending this in hopes for some feed
back. (I will read the info
about meds as suggested). I know of a human on
interferon who is very
lethargic. Do people see this with cats on
interferon? I ask because
Isabella is most active after we give fluids but
generally pretty laid
backwould appreciate any input ...thanks!

 Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a
knowledgable and
 supportive group).
 Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use
**instead** of interferon?

 For those who responded about Revolution ~ we
won't use this again. One of
 my cats with allergies responded very negatively
to Advantage. So, I just
 have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are 100%
indoors but I work in my
 wildlife friendly yard and understand I could
bring one inside.

 What is IM, please?

 Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in
parens are normal ranges)
 WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
 HCT  20.6 (30-45)
 RBC  3.72 (5-10)
 HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
 GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
 Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
 Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below
 MCHC and MCH were above normal

 The numbers that were desginated as being most
dramatically off were:
 Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

 Any input greatly appreciatedthanks!

 - Original Message - 
 From: cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
 Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


 My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.
 many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor
 my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
 wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes
 The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.
She had
 me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey
 have never let her or me do that.  We started
 him injections 2 times a week for a month or so
 gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to
 once a month.  It has been well over a year since
 has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

 I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we
 camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with
us.  I
 used it because I was worried about mosquitoes
 into the camper. This was the first time I had
 used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it
 she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it
before I
 put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

 I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

 Cindy Reasoner

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can 
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ 
Margaret Meade ~~~

Luggage? GPS? Comic books?
Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search

Re: Litter box issues ~ links

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
I use Dr. Elsey's Ultra Precious Cats. It's unscented and 99% dust free. It's 
small granules. He also has a litter (or additive you can use) called Cat 
Attract to attract cats to the litter box. It smells like catnip to me. We've 
had litter box issues here. I use 1 more box than cats, keep groups of boxes in 
2 private, noise-free spots in the house (always accessible). Keep varying 
depths of litter (some like it deep and others do not). Scoop 3 times a day and 
dump entirely each box once a week and wash it. I use the high back uncovered 
boxes from Drs. Foster and Smith(currently on sale). 

I love Pam Johnson-Bennet's book, Think Like a Cat. She mentions that we might 
not like to stand in an toilet with waste already in it!
Article by her:

My cats don't like covered boxes (they really hold the odor and restrict 
movement). Also, it is recommended you have boxes on each floor of your house. 
Some cats (my Winston) guard the box so others (my Lucy) find other places to 
gosome cats urinate to comfort themselves (if you've had strangers in the 
house). There are so many quirks has lots of litter box info. Written by a vet.

Another great site re litter box info:  ~ another great site

Also, (ignore the 
suggestion about Alpine cleaners ~ they cause respiratory problems)

If I can remember to think like a cat I can usually (not always) figure out 
why mine are doing something I'd prefer they didn't!


Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside the ears 
(not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is very 
emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he goes to 
the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up from water 
Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and Isabella 
  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

  Hey Laurie -
  I use rescue remedy too -- good stuff.  For some of my kitties - it's like 
liquid valium.  Others - it doesn't even phase them.  It's amazing stuff though 
- I wouldn't ever want to be without it...

  I can tell you truly though -- I never would have believed it worked if I 
hadn't seen the results for myself.

  elizabeth in alabama, phelix, lexie, shakiti, tori, antonio, tiffany, othello

  On 7/1/07, laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.

Re: Birds, also, feliway....and Rescue Remedy

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
whoops. I meant to say not as far down AS ear canal..about 1/2 way between ear 
opening and tips... 
  - Original Message - 
  From: laurieskatz 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:40 AM
  Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

  Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside the 
ears (not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is very 
emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he goes to 
the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up from water 
  Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and Isabella 

Re: Feliway, Rescue Remedy and Anaflora flower essence

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Elizabeth ~ I found it! It's Anaflora Emotional Balancing and Healing 
Sprayit's a flower essence for animals.

  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:51 AM
  Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

  I did not know about the spray!  I'll google that -- thanks!

  elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello, tori 
(who all had salmon today and are quite happy!)

  On 7/1/07, laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Elizabeth, glad to hear this! Mine refused it in water so I rub inside the 
ears (not as far down ear canal) really works for Winston who is very 
emotional! I also bought a spray that I spray in his carrier before he goes to 
the vet. I can't find it to tell you the name (my house is torn up from water 
Laurie and Keisha, Coco, Frankie, Lucy, Cooper,Winston...Midas and Isabella 
  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliwayand Rescue Remedy

  Hey Laurie -
  I use rescue remedy too -- good stuff.  For some of my kitties - it's 
like liquid valium.  Others - it doesn't even phase them.  It's amazing stuff 
though - I wouldn't ever want to be without it...

  I can tell you truly though -- I never would have believed it worked if I 
hadn't seen the results for myself.

  elizabeth in alabama, phelix, lexie, shakiti, tori, antonio, tiffany, 

  On 7/1/07, laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: 
I have had better luck with RR than with feliwayI have six cats.

Re: goodbye. MC ~ please read if you are still around

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
I agree with Jane. I have been here a week or less and already rely on this 
group. My Isabella isn't doing so well and I need the help.  MC you have been a 
great resource already. Please, can we put principles above personalities and 
focus on the felines we are here to help? Just a suggestion.
I wish everyone the best,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jane Lyons 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 2:34 PM
  Subject: Re: goodbye.

  I'm not sure what is going on here, but for a new person (me) it is very
  sad since I've come to rely on this list as a lifeline for my Felv positive 

  I use two vets, one of them well known nationally, and neither of them have 
  knowledge and experience that you guys (collectively) have of Feline Leukemia.
  This is a priceless resource, especially for people like myself, who come 
here shell
  shocked and need to hear the reality from the frontline, not theory nor 

  My little cat, who came from an over burdened colony situation, having been 
  on their porch from a moving car, is so much better and it is largely the 
result of the
  information that I got here. Also, I was so grateful to be able to express 
the grief and
  fear I initially felt, knowing I was with people who really loved their cats, 
and who would
  (hopefully) understand.

  It must be difficult repeating the same information over and over again, and 
having to
  adjust to a lot of personalities and dysfunction, but if the bottom line is 
helping cats,
  your time is not in vain.

  I came here four weeks ago with a kitten suffering from giardia, stomatitis, 
very badly
  swollen glands, constant sneezing, runny nose, diarrhea and very poor 

  I am happy to report we now have formed stools, no swollen glands, an 
occasional sneeze
  and wet nose and a ravenous appetite. The stomatitis seems to be healed on 
the bottom
  of her mouth, although the top is still red, but not as inflamed as it had 
been. For the first
  time in her little life she seems comfortable and very content.

  I hope things here can be worked out. We are very grateful to all of you.

  Jane (and a much improved MeMe)

  On Jul 1, 2007, at 3:36 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

Maybe when you stop being an air head and an @$$ you will come back.  Love 
ya M.C.
elizabeth in alabama, phelix, antonio, tiffany, lexie, tori, shakiti, 

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: enough.

  if you want to talk with me, you know where i am.



  Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
  Maybe That'll Make The Difference


  AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
  ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Please don't leave
  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: OT list

  well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the 
list.  i'm not going to another list.  

  elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

  On 7/1/07, MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so that 
james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and to return 
to specific things relating to FELV. 

most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts, 
because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people who 
consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the topic has 
gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this isn't MY opinion 
or rule, it's pretty much the norm. 

Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!

This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.

Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not 
moving the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on the 
other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the real 
info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic stuff to 
this list! 


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 3:34 PM
  Subject: Re: OT list ~ Elizabeth

  Thank you, Laurie...I'm just torqued off at MC...she knows it...and I've 
already told her to get her big white hiney back here ;-)


  On 7/1/07, laurieskatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Please don't leave
  - Original Message - 
  From: elizabeth trent 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: OT list

  well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave 
the list.  i'm not going to another list.  

  elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

  On 7/1/07, MaryChristine [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: 
from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so 
that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and to 
return to specific things relating to FELV. 

most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts, 
because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people who 
consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the topic has 
gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this isn't MY opinion 
or rule, it's pretty much the norm. 

Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!

This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.

Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are 
not moving the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on 
the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the 
real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic stuff 
to this list! 


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: goodbye.

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz

Me too about two lists...what is the other one??
- Original Message - 
From: dede hicken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: goodbye.

What is going on here?   I didn't even know there were
2 lists.  So many hot headed folks lately.

I know I am fairly new, but You all helped me an awful
lot with KI.  Just the support alone meant so much.

Gloria, I am pretty good with the mouth thing...have a
diabetic, too, unless you are already involved with a
list for that.


--- elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MC -- you hard headed woman ... get yourself back on
here before I have to
come up there with a big can of you know what!..

elizabeth in alabama...phelix, antonio,tiffy,
alexsis, tori,

On 7/1/07, Gloria B. Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Agreed, I feel very sad about this - MC has been a
wonderful member
 for quite a while, and a wealth of good
information.  We've had a
 great group for so long.  There are many times
that we need to be
 gentle with each other.  Need to remember that all
we see here are
 typed messages, and there's lots more going on
with each one than
 that. But I'm glad you're here and think things
will settle down.

 Glad to hear about MeME.  I have a sick Li Won
(mouth), Toby (mouth),
 Rufus(diabetes) and Hambone(uri and whatever) -
none are FELV however.

 Wondering what you did for the stomatitis...?


 - Original Message -
 From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Jane Lyons

 Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 3:34 PM
 Subject: Re: goodbye.
 I'm not sure what is going on here, but for a new
person (me) it is very
 sad since I've come to rely on this list as a
lifeline for my Felv
 positive cat.
 I use two vets, one of them well known
nationally, and neither of
 them have the
 knowledge and experience that you guys
(collectively) have of Feline
 This is a priceless resource, especially for
people like myself, who
 come here shell
 shocked and need to hear the reality from the
frontline, not
 theory nor statistics.
 My little cat, who came from an over burdened
colony situation,
 having been thrown
 on their porch from a moving car, is so much
better and it is
 largely the result of the
 information that I got here. Also, I was so
grateful to be able to
 express the grief and
 fear I initially felt, knowing I was with people
who really loved
 their cats, and who would
 (hopefully) understand.
 It must be difficult repeating the same
information over and over
 again, and having to
 adjust to a lot of personalities and dysfunction,
but if the bottom
 line is helping cats,
 your time is not in vain.
 I came here four weeks ago with a kitten
suffering from giardia,
 stomatitis, very badly
 swollen glands, constant sneezing, runny nose,
diarrhea and very
 poor appetite.
 I am happy to report we now have formed stools,
no swollen glands,
 an occasional sneeze
 and wet nose and a ravenous appetite. The
stomatitis seems to be
 healed on the bottom
 of her mouth, although the top is still red, but
not as inflamed as
 it had been. For the first
 time in her little life she seems comfortable and
very content.
 I hope things here can be worked out. We are very
grateful to all of you.
 Jane (and a much improved MeMe)

When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the 
service of your God

  Mosiah 2:17

Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car 
Finder tool.

Re: stomatitis

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
I give 250 mg twice a day ~ I crush 500 mg tablets and sprinkle on canned food. 
Viralys is already powder form and flavored. My cats like it. the other 
L-lysine (human) is unflavored. There is a scoop in the Viralys but it's the 
same dose. If my cats are symptomatic I increase to 500mg twice a day.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: goodbyenow stomatitis

  A few days back, someone mentioned the Lysine ( I am using it, have been for 
quite a few months) but they said there was a bit of a protocal to follow?

  MaryLyn, I think you did?

  What is the protocal?

  As of now, I buy the 4lbs. tubs of Lysine that you get for horses, highly 

  It is much cheaper this way when you are dealing w/ the numbers that Kelly  
I and some others on this list are dealing with.

  It's just a matter of a few grains being sprinkled onto the food.

  Another multi cat household that I know puts it into a saltshaker and shakes 
it out  voila!  Breakfast is served...!

  My vet uses the same type of Lysine, his dosage is a few grains also.

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: Jane Lyons 
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: goodbyenow stomatitis

As I said Marylyn, her condition is much improved, her upper gums are still 
red, but not as inflamed and
utterly raw as they had been. Her lower gums now look completely normal. 
Her breath is now odorless. 
When we first got her it was really awful.

She's been on FortiFlora which my vet was convinced would help. (I guess it 
is the digestive tract that
really impacts the mouth)
Maitake-DMG liquid (vet's recommendation)
Transfer Factor (this group's recommendation)
l-lycine (this group's recommendation)

spring water
raw diet (she will not eat anything except Fancy Feast grilled turkey) I've 
been mixing bits of raw
into the wet food ...also I have been mixing Archetype into Fancy Feast dry 
and she has eaten it.

she was on Panacur for the giardia.
My vet ordered IR, but is holding off because she has made good progress 
without it.
Her glands had been very swollen. One gland in particular seemed to be the 
size of a ping pong
ball and when Caroline posted about Monkee's tumor, I thought for sure that 
was it. I made an
appointment with my vet (who is on vacation) and just two days ago, it 
disappeared. All her
glands are completely normal. The ping pong ball is gone. My husband has 
checked her over very
thoroughly and he cannot find it either.

So ...I do not know what did what...but she is so much better.
I have been reading the Archives here and I realize that a young cat (a 
year old) who is as symptomatic
as MeMe has been does not have great odds. I am relieved that she seems so 
content and comfortable.
I am hoping that since her life is so improved, she'll want to stick around.

Marylyn thanks for the: Brush Away from Petzlife as well as Just Born with 
colostrum. I will try both of them.


Re: Pictures and a question

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz
Hello Sally, did the Baytril improve the anemia? I am trying to figure it 
out...does this mean there was an infection that the baytril effectively 
treated and the infection caused the anemia? Were there other symptoms?

Did IR take care of the fevers?

We are dealing with fever, anemia and low white blood vet and I are 
going to talk tomorrow about what to do to treat the anemia. 
I was thinking of having Isabella tested for hemobart rather than just treating 
for it. He wanted to just treat with doxy but we used this for a kitten earlier 
this spring and I'd rather not use it unless we know she has hemobart. My vet 
is not supportive of using IR. His research shows nothing works for feline 
leukemiabut I believe he will support what we want to do (just doesn't want 
false hopes on my part ~ we've been through several mystery illnesses together).

Thanks for any info,

- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:00 PM
  Subject: Re: Pictures and a question

  Good for you, Sally, for following your instincts when it comes to your 
baby's care

  Lucky boy he is

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: Sally Davis 
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: Pictures and a question

Junior initially was treated for hemobartella as a precaution with Baytril. 
The anemia did improve, but then came the fevers the eye infection etcit 
was a rough go and without this group, I am not sure how long I would have put 
him through it. I was and to certain extent am clueless. 

My vet at that time was saying the with the fevers most likely being from 
the FELV it might be time to pts. I took my puttycat home and got him back to 
the old vet and told him I wanted to do the IR. He, Dr Larrick is a good 
natured fellow who thank goodness had just hired a new(young vet). She has been 
very caring and did the IR protocol and we treated what came along. Junior is 
still with me 10 months later. Thanks to the support and knowlegde of this 


On 7/1/07, Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Not necessarily on topicMai Mai had AIHA and it improved with the 
addition of liver (yuck) to her food + alternative vet treatments.  I have to 
wonder if anemic cats would benefit from liver pops 

Re: Pictures and a question ~ marylyn

2007-07-01 Thread laurieskatz

Hope these aren't dumb questions..what is a liver pop and what is AIHA, please?
Laurie (dealing with high fever, anemia and low WBC).
  On 7/1/07, Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Not necessarily on topicMai Mai had AIHA and it improved with 
the addition of liver (yuck) to her food + alternative vet treatments.  I have 
to wonder if anemic cats would benefit from liver pops 

new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp ~blood work and other Qs

2007-06-30 Thread laurieskatz
Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a knowledgable and 
supportive group).

Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use instead of interferon?
For those who responded about Revolution ~ we won't use this again. One of 
my cats with allergies responded very negatively to Advantage. So, I just 
have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are 100% indoors but I work in my 
wildlife friendly yard and understand I could bring one inside.

What is IM, please?

Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in parens are normal ranges)
WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
HCT  20.6 (30-45)
RBC  3.72 (5-10)
HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below normal
MCHC and MCH were above normal

The numbers that were desginated as being most dramatically off were:
Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

Any input greatly appreciatedthanks!

- Original Message - 
From: cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.  After
many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor at
my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes to.
The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.  She had
me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey would
have never let her or me do that.  We started giving
him injections 2 times a week for a month or so then
gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to him
once a month.  It has been well over a year since he
has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we went
camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with us.  I
used it because I was worried about mosquitoes getting
into the camper. This was the first time I had ever
used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it because
she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it before I
put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

Re: Way off OT: Susan D (TX Siamese Rescue)

2007-06-30 Thread laurieskatz
I know Tonya, too. I think from another list?! Small world (I'm in Iowa).
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 4:27 PM
  Subject: Re: Way off OT: Susan D (TX Siamese Rescue)

  Why I certainly do.!

  Talked to her this morning, I arrange her transports from Ausitn as well as 
coordinate any TLAC (our city pound) pulls for her  the Asutin Branch...

  I will tell her you said Howdy!

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 2:08 PM
Subject: Way off OT: Susan D (TX Siamese Rescue)

Hi Susan D, 
Would like to know if you know Tonja Pfister?
If you do would you tell her I said HELLO From WA.
She knows who I am...done transports for the TX Siamese Rescue in the past.
My home has been classified The Mohr Inn for those awaiting their flights 
into Canada. The kitties are spoiled rotten in their short stay here.

Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:

See what's free at 

Re: Immunity to FeLV?

2007-06-30 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. I have a friend who always has a small group of feleuk positive cats. One 
big orange guy lived in this group for five years. The others living with him 
during this time had all died and she couldn't figure out why he had no 
symptoms and was still alive so she tested him and he was negative. She wasn't 
sure anymore  why he had ended up with the positive group (whether he'd tested 
positive at one time or he hadn't been tested) but they obviously shared 
everything and he was still healthy and negative. He is still alive five or so 
years AFTER the five years with the positive group!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gloria Lane 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 4:45 PM
  Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

  Well, it's all very confusing anyhow, especially if you have other things 
going on (like I'm losing stuff right and left today).   I think the info we 
get here about people's personal experiences is so valuable.   I've just 
learned not to get too paranoid about FELV, to take good care of my cats as 
best I can, and when I need the info I ask you guys or look it up and hope I 
get the right thing.

  I have  three 10-11 yr old FELV cats, and one 4 yr old.  Gotta have them 
re-tested, they're just so dern healthy.  

  And I know that's fortunate - Monday is the 3 year anniversary of sweet 
Callawalla Banana Boo-boo going to the spirit in the sky.  I was up with her 
all night, and at 3am took her to the emergency clinic, which was $300 and 
worthless, and she died in my arms as I carried her back into the house.


  On Jun 30, 2007, at 5:37 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

I'm sorry, what I meant was, out of those 3 options (3months, 4 months  6 
months), I am going w/ the 4 months as of right now.

So, I have 2 more months to quarantine.

If one of my 12 cats comes up pos., then I pull it out of the mix and begin 
quarantine again w/ the remaining 5.

Five because they are separated, 6 / 6..

Am I making sense?

Sometimes I confused myself...

Now Ursula, who also came from Frankenbreeder house, was neg. when I picked 
her up form the pound, but 2 months later she was pos.

But I don't know when her first contact w/ a pos. cat was

Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
  As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message -
  From: C  J
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 3:59 PM
  Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

  Thanks for the info, I didn't think you had to wait that long.

  I guess my options are to wait 6 months before taking in more kitties, or 
else hope that since my two didn't get infected in 2.5 years, that it is 
unlikely they got infected in the last few months.

  What about FIP...if Tomi had it, is that something I need to worry about 
with my two remaining cats?  A few hours after he died, there was a 
yellowy/orange fluid that started coming out of his nose.  Is this a sign he 
may have had FIP?


  - Original Message -
From: Susan Dubose
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

I have heard many different answers to this.

I have heard retest in 3 months after the exposure, retest in 4 months, 
and retest in 3 months but again @ 6 months.

I have 12 foster cats that were exposed to a cat that is felv+, and it 
has been 2 months.

I plan to retest in 4 months.

I will be putting them up for adoption if they all come up neg/neg.
And of course I will tell the potential adopter about the exposure.

Right now I have them separated 6 / 6.

If one comes up positive in one group, I will start over again on the 

Please someone correct me if I am wrong, or if you have any other 

I joined this list to learn  :)

Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
  As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message -
  From: C  J

Re: Immunity to FeLV?

2007-06-30 Thread laurieskatz
I adopted 2 boys, age 8 and 9, who had lived together since the younger one had 
been adopted as a kitten.  Stripes kept getting sick on and off so we had them 
tested (my vet had been vaccinating them each year and Squeaky would be sick 
for 3 days after his vaccination). They both tested positive. Stripes lived to 
16 years old and Squeaky to 22. Squeaky didn't have a sick day in his life 
until his last 3 weeks (oral cancer). Stripes continued to be sick on and off 
but was mostly healthy.

and now we have Isabella
  - Original Message - 
  From: Susan Dubose 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:04 PM
  Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

  I have a client that took in 2 felv+ cats, @ different times.

  They always stayed healthy, (we are talking about 2 yrs or so) per se, but 
one day the tuxie was dead in their room.

  She took good care of them, high quality food, outdoor enclosure access, 
yada, yada

  Simon, the Siamese became very depressed, and on a hunch she had him 

  He came up neg/ neg.

  Simon went back to live w/ the woman who had originally given him to her, he 
had been a stray.

  The woman couldn't keep him if he was pos. due to having a one bedroom 
apartment and two other cats.

  Simon has adjusted well, no idea how he tested pos. and now is neg/neg, but 
he has a very good life.

  Susan J. DuBose  ^..^
As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws.
   Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: laurieskatz 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Immunity to FeLV?

Hi. I have a friend who always has a small group of feleuk positive cats. 
One big orange guy lived in this group for five years. The others living with 
him during this time had all died and she couldn't figure out why he had no 
symptoms and was still alive so she tested him and he was negative. She wasn't 
sure anymore  why he had ended up with the positive group (whether he'd tested 
positive at one time or he hadn't been tested) but they obviously shared 
everything and he was still healthy and negative. He is still alive five or so 
years AFTER the five years with the positive group!

Re: Isabella's blood work and other Qs

2007-06-30 Thread laurieskatz

Hi ~ I am resending this in hopes for some feed back. (I will read the info 
about meds as suggested). I know of a human on interferon who is very 
lethargic. Do people see this with cats on interferon? I ask because 
Isabella is most active after we give fluids but generally pretty laid 
backwould appreciate any input ...thanks!


Hello and many thanks to all who responded (what a knowledgable and 
supportive group).

Q: Is the immunoregulin something I would use **instead** of interferon?

For those who responded about Revolution ~ we won't use this again. One of 
my cats with allergies responded very negatively to Advantage. So, I just 
have to hope we keep fleas at bay. We are 100% indoors but I work in my 
wildlife friendly yard and understand I could bring one inside.

What is IM, please?

Isabella's counts were as follows: (numbers in parens are normal ranges)
WBC 3.65 (5.5-19.5)
HCT  20.6 (30-45)
RBC  3.72 (5-10)
HGB  8.1 (9-15.1)
GLOB (globulin?) 6.2 (2.8-5.1)
Total protein 9.1 (5.7-8.9)
Her Neut(?), Eosiniphils and PLT were all below normal
MCHC and MCH were above normal

The numbers that were desginated as being most dramatically off were:
Glob, Neut,HCT, RBC. MCHC and MCH

Any input greatly appreciatedthanks!

- Original Message - 
From: cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp


My cat Smokey had the same problem with fevers.  After
many different stays in the hospital and 1 doctor at
my vet's office that didn't really seem like she
wanted to help Smokey I changed the vet he goes to.
The new vet started him on the immunoregulin.  She had
me give it to him subq.  It says IV but Smokey would
have never let her or me do that.  We started giving
him injections 2 times a week for a month or so then
gradually decreased the dosage.  Now I give it to him
once a month.  It has been well over a year since he
has had a fever.  I hope this might help you with

I won't use Revolution anymore.  Back in May we went
camping and I took my diabetic cat (Katie) with us.  I
used it because I was worried about mosquitoes getting
into the camper. This was the first time I had ever
used it.  I know Katie had a reaction to it because
she developed diarrhea.  She didn't have it before I
put it on her.  Her skin became really flaky too.

I hope your Isabella starts feeling better soon.

Cindy Reasoner

new here ~ feleuk+ cat with high temp

2007-06-28 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. We rescued a one to two year old cat about 5 weeks ago. She has had a temp 
anywhere from normal (June 19) to 107 (June 26). Her blood work this week 
indicates she has a low white blood count and is also anemic. She has no other 
symptoms (other than recent lethargy) and is still interested in food. 

We started interferon 7 days on/ 7 days off 2 1/2 weeks ago. Isabella's temp 
was normal after the 7 days on and 107 after 7 days off. The interferon was 
started again 3 nights ago and today's temp was 104.2. She has weighed 8.5, 
8.4, 8.9 (10 days ago ~ this was also the day her temp was normal). Tuesday, 
June 26, she weighed 8.8 and today 8.7. She got fluids Tuesday and today 

We are also giving her feline transfer factor. She was on Clavamox for about a 
week and then switched to Zeniquin( for about 16 days now) when her temp was 
105.5. Discontinued Zeniquin today and started an anti-inflammatory (metacam, I 
believe) that she will take for 3 days. 

She is a wonderful companion. Easy to care for. Impeccable manners. Talks and 
purrs and plays when she feels good. If anyone has suggestions about why the 
temp and what to do about the temp, WBC and RBC, we would be grateful. Thanks!
ps we applied Revolution May 23 and June 23. She reacted with fur on end June 


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