Re: Chocolate cat needs a name

2007-02-16 Thread lilash3
  I once had a cat named Moose (or Mousse) maybe after Chocolate Mousse

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 7:14 AM
 Subject: RE: Chocolate cat needs a name
  How about Hershey? Or Milton?Leah   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
 Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 10:10 AM
 Subject: OT: Chocolate cat needs a name
I volunteer with a rescue that has taken in cats from a hoarding case. Some 
have tested FeLV+. One of the cats that tested negative and is awaiting a 
retest is a cocoa colored cat. He is all brown. I have never seen a cat like 
this in person. Anyway, his name was Reuben and we are searching for a better 
name. The possibilitties so far are Cocoa, Chocolate Boy, and Whitman, none of 
which I care for. If anyone can think of a name for a chocolate colored cat, 
can you please let me know. You can email me off list if you want.  And please 
keep your fingers crossed he retests negative.   BethExpecting? Get great 
news right away with email Auto-Check.
 Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.  

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Re: O/T

2007-01-08 Thread lilash3
 I've used the remedy stuff before for Mr. Kitten and myself. The place I got 
it was just a regular nutrition store so I figured it was safe for me too. 
However, it doesn't taste that great and I didn't really feel much different, 
but who knows, maybe I didn't take enough, or maybe I was too relaxed in the 
first place, haha. 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 2:13 PM
 Subject: Re: O/T
  Can humans take that bach remedy for grief? Does it just sedate you, or 
actually help you to work through the process somehow?   
 Phaewryn   The easy way out has a bad reputation.
 Why would anyone take the hard way out?
 "The door? No thanks, that would be the easy way out. I'm jumping out the 
window."   Quote by: Les U. Knight   

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Odd Behavior

2006-12-27 Thread lilash3
  Just recently Mr. Kitten has been acting sort of odd. There have been several 
times he's been curled up sleeping or just lounging around and then will let 
out this sort of low growl/meow noise and raise his little rear end up, then 
lie right back down and go to sleep or whatever it was he was doing before. 
Anybody have any idea if this is some sort of sign that he's in pain or 
something else? Just thought it was strange..

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Re: Mr. Spock & L'il Abner

2006-12-27 Thread lilash3
 L'il Abner and Mr. Spock were very lucky to have each other's company. And all 
three are such cute kitties! My Mr. Kitten had a good friend that came home 
with him from the SPCA that he just loved dearly, but her mom decided to take 
her to a different house once we learned that Mr. Kitten tested positive. 
Sometimes I feel like Mr. Kitten loves being the only cat and getting all the 
attention but other times I feel like he's still looking for his lost friend. 
We've been reluctant to get another cat for the same fears, wondering whether 
or not he would get others sick. 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 9:53 PM
 Subject: Mr. Spock & L'il Abner
  Hi All,   We have decided to adopt another FELV+ cat for L'il Abner, hoping 
we won't lose this one too soon. It's been heartbreaking to lose Mr. Spock, as 
I'm sure you all know. Spock & Abner were the best of pals. They would wrestle 
& run all over and cuddle together and groom each other. Spock was just 6 
months old when we adopted him, and we had him for one great year, before he 
started getting sick. He acted healthy & playful like your usual kitten. He 
grew so big that he had to go on a diet! But even at his largest, he was still 
a kitten to us, with his cute crooked ear (thus the name Spock) & kitten meow - 
his voice never changed. What a trooper! If you're interested in seeing some of 
my pictures, I've put Spock & Abner pics at the beginning of my photo gallery 
here: The 
next cat you see in the group is Bailey. She's the queen of the house & lives 
upstairs. She wants nothing to do with the boys, and it's better for her that 
she's kept separated, as she has IBD and being exposed to FELV could complicate 
 Here's hoping 2007 brings us many joys with our kitties! Karen   "If they 
don't have cats in heaven, I'm not going there." - Phil Masaoka   

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Re: Test

2006-12-20 Thread lilash3
 I received it. 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 8:26 PM
 Subject: Test
   I haven't been receiving any mail from the list -- just testing to see if 
this goes through.   elizabeth   

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Lilash3
Mr. Kitten has not received any vaccines since being diagnosed.  He  did 
receive a Prednisone shot that was administered in his neck, but I don't  know 
that is the normal spot for that injection or not.  I live in a  smaller town 
so it's hard to find a wide range of vets, expecially ones that are  
interested in handling Felv+ cats, but I'm working on it.
In a message dated 12/19/2006 12:09:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

Welcome to the list! Mr. Kitten sounds  like he has a good mom. I think many 
vets just refuse to learn new things.  Just out of curiosity, has the vet that 
told you to euthanise Mr. Kitten ever  given him any vaccines? If so, can you 
tell me where he gave them (neck,  scruff, side, leg)? I ask because if he's 
still giving vaccines in the scruff  of the neck, he's obviously just someone 
who refuses to embrace new technology  and studies and is just a bad vet for 
not continuing to work on his  education. The most important thing is to feed 
the very best quality food you  can afford, like Wellness, Innova, Chicken 
Soup, or other super-premium  brands. Cat food should never contain corn or 
ingredients. After that,  then you start adding general immune boosting 
supplements (same as you  would  take to boost YOUR immune system) like Vitamin 
Lysine, B  Complex Vitamins, etc. Then you consider adding a FELV specific 
treatment,  like Interferon, Acemannan, or Immunoregulin. Lots of it is just 
good nutrition, and I don't think any vet could argue with adding extra 
immune  boosting vitamins and minerals to an animal's diet!



New cat on the block

2006-12-18 Thread Lilash3
So, I've just recently added to this list and have been reading just about  
everything I get in order to try and get the hang of things.  My name is  
Ashley and I have a Felv+ cat named Mr. Kitten.  I got him from our local  SPCA 
Jan 2004 and he will be turning four this upcoming January.   Shortly after 
bringing him home Mr. Kitten had a runny nose that just wouldn't  go away, so 
off to the first vet.  This vet did no testing at all, just  sent me away with 
antibiotics.  Second vet ran all sorts of tests and this  is when I learned 
that he was Felv+  The vet's first response was  euthanasia, but since Mr. 
was an extremely happy (and healthy, for the  most part) cat, I decided to 
take him back home.  Upon hearing this  decision the vet told me how the 
research on the internet is wrong and there is  no cure and all the "supposed" 
treatments are just a waste of money.  So I  was a little put off from ever 
anything.  I've recently been doing a  lot more research and getting more 
involved and I am starting to see that there  are different alternatives out 
As of right now I haven't been giving Mr.  Kitten anything other than his 
regular food and water, but like I said, I'm new  to the homeopathic world.  I 
just watned to let you guys out there know  that hearing such stories are so 
inspiring and it's really nice to know there  are things that actually work and 
help.  Just recently Mr. Kitten is  becoming a little more picky about his 
food, one day he scarfs down everything  in front of him and other days he has 
desire for anything.  It makes me  a little nervous because I know that loss 
of appetite could lead to many other  downfalls, but hopefully he is just being 
a brat.  But anyway, I just  wanted to introduce myself and Mr. Kitten and 
let you guys know how grateful I  am for people like you!

Slightly Confused

2006-12-13 Thread Lilash3
I just joined this mailing list and I am kind of confused as to how it  
works.  I receive emails from others, but they are slightly erratic,  sometime 
will be getting the answer to a question, but never got the question,  or vice 
versa.  And also, is this the only communication or is there a  website or 
anything of that nature?  Any info would be helpful,  thanks!  :)