So, I've just recently added to this list and have been reading just about  
everything I get in order to try and get the hang of things.  My name is  
Ashley and I have a Felv+ cat named Mr. Kitten.  I got him from our local  SPCA 
Jan 2004 and he will be turning four this upcoming January.   Shortly after 
bringing him home Mr. Kitten had a runny nose that just wouldn't  go away, so 
off to the first vet.  This vet did no testing at all, just  sent me away with 
antibiotics.  Second vet ran all sorts of tests and this  is when I learned 
that he was Felv+  The vet's first response was  euthanasia, but since Mr. 
was an extremely happy (and healthy, for the  most part) cat, I decided to 
take him back home.  Upon hearing this  decision the vet told me how the 
research on the internet is wrong and there is  no cure and all the "supposed" 
treatments are just a waste of money.  So I  was a little put off from ever 
anything.  I've recently been doing a  lot more research and getting more 
involved and I am starting to see that there  are different alternatives out 
As of right now I haven't been giving Mr.  Kitten anything other than his 
regular food and water, but like I said, I'm new  to the homeopathic world.  I 
just watned to let you guys out there know  that hearing such stories are so 
inspiring and it's really nice to know there  are things that actually work and 
help.  Just recently Mr. Kitten is  becoming a little more picky about his 
food, one day he scarfs down everything  in front of him and other days he has 
desire for anything.  It makes me  a little nervous because I know that loss 
of appetite could lead to many other  downfalls, but hopefully he is just being 
a brat.  But anyway, I just  wanted to introduce myself and Mr. Kitten and 
let you guys know how grateful I  am for people like you!

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