RE: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I agree, even when calling to get some
public records, unless you are an attorney, they really dont take care
of you that well or quickly ---
I also think that if you dont have an attorney, you dont know
that you have an option to fight against them --- I only knew because Greg told
me that I could from the very beginning.. so when my permit was denied at the
first time, I think that most of the people would have thought that they dont
have any other options but to surrender their animals which is
sooo wrong! Also, I think that in Albuquerque, there was
no one in the past who was trying to fight against the possibility of the
ordinance being unconstitutional before me according to Merry  they all
gave in because they did not better  even a few of my friends who are in
rescue organization (and these are board and president of well known rescue
groups) told me not to fight against it, but find a way to go around it because
I wont win 

But, I was never going to give in --- no
matter what, though --- thats a sort of my weakness as well as strength 
when I feel I am right, I cant compromise it  I need to fight
until I get what I want and sometimes, its not the best way.. being
right is not necessary the most important thing, but doing right
might be more important sometimes  I think the city attorney was shocked
that I prepared so much information at the hearing, as no one in the past had
prepared that much information to fight and he simply got pissed at the end
because I did not give in ---

Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006
1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case - get yourself a lawyer

It's so true about people who have attorneys being
treated differently. This is not a very significant example, but it
opened my eyes to this very fact and changed the way I pursue disputes.
On one of the many relocations of my youth, I actually had a job waiting for me
in NY city. The company I would be working for paid for my moving
expenses and I hired Mayflower to haul my stuff from CA to NJ. I had
neatly marked all my boxes and when the drivers arrived they wouldn't wait for
me to inspect all the boxes. I signed off, but I included a note saying
that I had not inspected everything. Sure enough several of the boxes
marked tools were missing. (Another lesson is to mark your
boxes in code!). My significant other and I fought for months with the moving
company, through phone calls and letters, each time they would put us
off. (We were insured for loss and damage btw). Finally we spoke to
an attorney about it. While we were in the attorney's office, after a 10
minute conversation mind you, he picked up the phone and that quick we were
okayed a check to cover our losses! Made me want to spit!


No offense taken. Merry and I
actually talked for a while about this very thing-- how the city attorney and
the city council started acting differently once Merry announced to them she
was going to take the case and put together a team of lawyers to fight it. She
said the team was going to be her, the criminal attorney Hideyo
found, and Hideyo's boyfriend, but she did not say that to the city people. She
just said a team would be litigating it, and she said they all
seemed very surprised and then started acting cooperative. I myself, in
my jobs as a legal aid lawyer, have seen over and over how differently people
with lawyers are treated. It is really shocking and appalling. One
of my jobs right now entails going through and reading most of the hearing
decisions that come out of the MA (I am telecommuting) welfare system
(administrative appeal decisions) to try to get a sense of systemic problems
that are occurring and to post relevant decisions on a website where legal aid
lawyers can see and use them. Most of the decisions are in cases where
the person did not have a lawyer. There are so many decisions that are
denied appeals, where if the person had had a lawyer I know they would have won
because they were completely in the right. It makes me very depressed.


Re: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, we are so much alike. Someone I worked with actually said that this 
is my weakness as well as my strength, in those very words. I think it makes me 
a good lawyer, but I do not always get along with people all that well!


In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:09:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
But, I was never 
  going to give in --- no matter what, though --- that’s a sort of my weakness 
  as well as strength – when I feel I am right, I can’t compromise it – I need 
  to fight until I get what I want and sometimes, it’s not the best way.. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, Greg also wanted to thank you
everything you have done for  I had printed all your correspondences and
gave to Greg so that he could prepare my argument for the hearing.. he was very
grateful of all the time you put into to help me out and the information was so

And, you finding Merry made such a huge
difference to the outcome for my case. I just spoke her with this morning and
she is working on them trying to dismiss the charges asap  I think I still
have to go to hearing this Thursday for my criminal case since they may not do
it in time.. Greg is filing the motion this morning for continuance.

I also told Merry that I would like help
TNR ordinance to get into the new ordinance somehow with the city
councilor --- the current ordinance dont consider any right for feral
cats and when you think about it, its very stupid, because the majority
of the animals involved in the community are feral --- and those are the ones
being euthanized ---I found some ordinance in other states who protect rights
of feral cats and want to do everything I can to make a difference in their

Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006
2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

HOORAY for Merry too!! And of course let's not
forget your part in all this. Michelle, (don't argue with me), please
take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney,
called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred
Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because
she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into
giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because
they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet
Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to
help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very
hopeful). She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo
is, and so happy to be working with her.


In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring
people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with
animal control regulations about numbers. I've heard of abominable
stories from other rescuers too. I remember listening in horror as one
very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were
sick/old that no one else would take. I don't care what I would have had
to do, that would not have happened in my house! Hideyo is such an
inspiration to all of us. It just goes to show you what can be
accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO! She may be the
groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe
an example for other states to follow. I don't want to jinx anything
here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it
just amazing what she's done so far? I don't know what I'd have done in
her place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I
were her. She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for
herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are
no longer treated as property and are finally given the respect and
rights due to the loved ones they are. HOORAY for Hideyo!!!

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle

I was hoping that your working with Merry would lead to you and her teaming 
up on that too. That's great.

In a message dated 1/9/2006 12:32:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I also told Merry 
  that I would like help TNR ordinance to get into the new ordinance 
  somehow with the city councilor --- the current ordinance don’t consider any 
  right for feral cats and when you think about it, it’s very stupid, because 
  the majority of the animals involved in the community are feral --- and those 
  are the ones being euthanized ---I found some ordinance in other states who 
  protect rights of feral cats and want to do everything I can to make a 
  difference in their lives.

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Tonya  one of the things I learned
from this experience, no one knows everything --- I mean even the top of animal
care center person did not know their own ordinance and even an attorney does
not know everything --- and but they act like they do.. and they try to use the
power that they think they do to intimate you  sometimes, all it takes is
for us to research, read the law and find out what they can do and they cannot

When they threatened me to take my cats
away, I was not sure if they could or not and no one really knew for sure so
I read everything that I could read, state constitution, city charter, city
ordinance, and find out if there is anywhere in the law that they can  and
there was nothing in the law that states that they could in my situation 
no animals are in danger and they are well taken care of  and they just
cannot take away my animals based on the violation of the numbers that I had
---and I felt empowered to find out  but the authority will tell you
that they can.. but legally they cannot 

There was a similar situation where they
Immigration office in SF made a mistake on my residence status at the time of
entry about 20 years ago,, in stead of them giving me a permanent green card,
they gave me a conditional green card which would expire in two years --- and
its sort of too complicated to explain, but after reading all the case
law, and immigration law, I found out that I should have gotten the permanent
status --- which wouldnt have been a big deal if I did not get divorced,
but I did .. so all of sudden, I was told that I need to leave the country 
and I kept fighting with no lawyer.. but kept reading and believed that I was

I went to Immigration office in SF, and
every person I spoke with at the window of Immigration office told me that I
was wrong and need to be deported.. and finally got into the top of the
immigration office at SF, and he acknowledged that I was wrong and every body
was wrong and misunderstood the law  and finally a day before I was
supposed to be deported, I finally got my permanent green card --- from the
time one.. I decided not to give too much credit on government official about
them knowing about what they are doing  and the same applied here sort
of.. if you know what I mean.. so everyone, dont underestimate your
power and dont let them intimidate you.. you dont necessary have
to do what they tell you to do..

Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006
3:19 AM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

Hooray for Merry and Michelle too! I Michelle don't try to
downplay your help. Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped
Hideyo hang in there. It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend. I
hope all of this pans out. It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys
or those in enforcement). but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can
be treated in these situations. Most people are very rightly afraid of
going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so
quickly. It's certainly not one of America's 'best' systems, but then
people in other countries have no 'system' at all. 

It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me. But if it
came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs
that might cause me to lose my home anyway. I don't know what I'd
do. I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of
situations!! Go Hideyo!



HOORAY for Merry too!! And of course let's not forget your part
in all this. Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney,
called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred
Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because
she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into
giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because
they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet
Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to
help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very
hopeful). She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo
is, and so happy to be working with her.


In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how
other caring people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when
faced with animal control regulations about numbers. I've heard of
abominable stories from other rescuers too. I remember listening in
horror as one very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats
that were sick/old that no one else would take. I don't

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-08 Thread catatonya
Hooray for Merry and Michelle too! I Michelle don't try to downplay your help. Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped Hideyo hang in there. It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend. I hope all of this pans out. It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys or those in enforcement). but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can be treated in these situations. Most people are very rightly afraid of going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so quickly. It's certainly not one of America's 'best' systems, but then people in other countries have no 'system' at all. It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me. But if it came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs that might cause me to lose my home anyway. I don't know what I'd do. I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of
 situations!! Go Hideyo!tonyaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  HOORAY for Merry too!! And of course let's not forget your part in all this. Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.N[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney, called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into giving up their cats and she could not
 get those people to fight back because they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very hopeful). She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with her.MichelleIn a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal control regulations about numbers. I've heard of abominable
 stories from other rescuers too. I remember listening in horror as one very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were sick/old that no one else would take. I don't care what I would have had to do, that would not have happened in my house! Hideyo is such an inspiration to all of us. It just goes to show you what can be accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO! She may be the groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe an example for other states to follow. I don't want to jinx anything here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it just amazing what she's done so far? I don't know what I'd have done in her place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I were her. She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are no
 longer treated as "property" and are finally given the respect and rights due to the loved ones they are. HOORAY for Hideyo!!!Nina  

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-08 Thread Lernermichelle

No offense taken. Merry and I actually talked for a while about this very 
thing-- how the city attorney and the city council started acting differently 
once Merry announced to them she was going to take the case and put together a 
team of lawyers to fight it. She said the "team" was going to be her, the 
criminal attorney Hideyo found, and Hideyo's boyfriend, but she did not say that 
to the city people. She just said a "team" would be litigating it, and she said 
they all seemed very surprised and then started acting cooperative. I 
myself, in my jobs as a legal aid lawyer, have seen over and over how 
differently people with lawyers are treated. It is really shocking and 
appalling. One of my jobs right now entails going through and reading most 
of the hearing decisions that come out of the MA (I am telecommuting) welfare 
system (administrative appeal decisions) to try to get a sense of systemic 
problems that are occurring and to post relevant decisions on a website where 
legal aid lawyers can see and use them. Most of the decisions are in cases 
where the person did not have a lawyer. There are so many decisions that 
are denied appeals, where if the person had had a lawyer I know they would have 
won because they were completely in the right. It makes me very 

In a message dated 1/8/2006 5:19:21 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
It's sad 
  (no offense intended to any attorneys or those in enforcement). but it 
  IS sad how easily 'regular' people can be treated in these 

Re: Great news about my court case - get yourself a lawyer

2006-01-08 Thread Nina

It's so true about people who have attorneys being treated
differently. This is not a very significant example, but it opened my
eyes to this very fact and changed the way I pursue disputes. On one
of the many relocations of my youth, I actually had a job waiting for
me in NY city. The company I would be working for paid for my moving
expenses and I hired Mayflower to haul my stuff from CA to NJ. I had
neatly marked all my boxes and when the drivers arrived they wouldn't
wait for me to inspect all the boxes. I signed off, but I included a
note saying that I had not inspected everything. Sure enough several
of the boxes marked "tools" were missing. (Another lesson is to mark
your boxes in code!). My significant other and I fought for months
with the moving company, through phone calls and letters, each time
they would put us off. (We were insured for loss and damage btw).
Finally we spoke to an attorney about it. While we were in the
attorney's office, after a 10 minute conversation mind you, he picked
up the phone and that quick we were okayed a check to cover our
losses! Made me want to spit!


  No offense taken. Merry and I actually talked for a while about
this very thing-- how the city attorney and the city council started
acting differently once Merry announced to them she was going to take
the case and put together a team of lawyers to fight it. She said the
"team" was going to be her, the criminal attorney Hideyo found, and
Hideyo's boyfriend, but she did not say that to the city people. She
just said a "team" would be litigating it, and she said they all seemed
very surprised and then started acting cooperative. I myself, in my
jobs as a legal aid lawyer, have seen over and over how differently
people with lawyers are treated. It is really shocking and appalling.
One of my jobs right now entails going through and reading most of the
hearing decisions that come out of the MA (I am telecommuting) welfare
system (administrative appeal decisions) to try to get a sense of
systemic problems that are occurring and to post relevant decisions on
a website where legal aid lawyers can see and use them. Most of the
decisions are in cases where the person did not have a lawyer. There
are so many decisions that are denied appeals, where if the person had
had a lawyer I know they would have won because they were completely in
the right. It makes me very depressed.

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-07 Thread PEC2851

Such wonderful news.
Hard work and perseverance certainly worked. You are blazing new 
Hope you are giving yourself a pat on the back.
I am so happy to hear the news!

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-07 Thread Nina

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have had to
relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal control
regulations about numbers. I've heard of abominable stories from other
rescuers too. I remember listening in horror as one very dedicated
woman told me about having to pts several cats that were sick/old that
no one else would take. I don't care what I would have had to do, that
would not have happened in my house! Hideyo is such an inspiration to
all of us. It just goes to show you what can be accomplished, when you
dig your heels in and just say NO! She may be the groundbreaking force
in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe an example
for other states to follow. I don't want to jinx anything here, I know
Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it just
amazing what she's done so far? I don't know what I'd have done in her
place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location,
if I were her. She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for
herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that
animals are no longer treated as "property" and are finally given the
respect and rights due to the loved ones they are. HOORAY for Hideyo!!!


  Such wonderful news.
  Hard work and perseverance certainly worked. You are blazing
new trails...
  Hope you are giving yourself a pat on the back.
  I am so happy to hear the news!

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-07 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney, called me yesterday to tell me what her 
hopes are for the case (I had referred Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad 
that I referred Hideyo to her because she had seen several people harrassed by 
animal control in Albuquerque into giving up their cats and she could not get 
those people to fight back because they were so intimidated by the criminal 
charges, etc. She was so glad to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up 
to animal control, and to be able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance 
(still not final, but she seems very hopeful). She is so impressed by how 
feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with 


In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have had to 
  relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal control 
  regulations about numbers. I've heard of abominable stories from other 
  rescuers too. I remember listening in horror as one very dedicated woman 
  told me about having to pts several cats that were sick/old that no one else 
  would take. I don't care what I would have had to do, that would not 
  have happened in my house! Hideyo is such an inspiration to all of 
  us. It just goes to show you what can be accomplished, when you dig your 
  heels in and just say NO! She may be the groundbreaking force in 
  changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe an example for other 
  states to follow. I don't want to jinx anything here, I know Hideyo's 
  trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it just amazing what 
  she's done so far? I don't know what I'd have done in her place, I'd 
  probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I were 
  her. She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for herself, 
  her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are no 
  longer treated as "property" and are finally given the respect and rights due 
  to the loved ones they are. HOORAY for 

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-07 Thread Nina

HOORAY for Merry too!! And of course let's not forget your part in all
this. Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.


  Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney, called me yesterday to tell me
what her hopes are for the case (I had referred Hideyo to her) and said
she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because she had seen
several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into giving
up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because
they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad
to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control,
and to be able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not
final, but she seems very hopeful). She is so impressed by how feisty,
energetic, and smart Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with her.
  In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
  You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have
had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal
control regulations about numbers. I've heard of abominable stories
from other rescuers too. I remember listening in horror as one very
dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were
sick/old that no one else would take. I don't care what I would have
had to do, that would not have happened in my house! Hideyo is such an
inspiration to all of us. It just goes to show you what can be
accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO! She may be
the groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and,
who knows, maybe an example for other states to follow. I don't want
to jinx anything here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far
from over, but isn't it just amazing what she's done so far? I don't
know what I'd have done in her place, I'd probably be posting from some
underground hidden location, if I were her. She instead has chosen to
hold her ground and fight for herself, her furchildren, and all of us
that pray for the day that animals are no longer treated as "property"
and are finally given the respect and rights due to the loved ones they
are. HOORAY for Hideyo!!!

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-07 Thread catatonya
FANTASTIC!! YAY!!!Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great newsabout my court case regarding the pet limit law.The city is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion whichspecifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting nextMonday. Which means that, they are also going to drop charges againstme for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense topursuit it.Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees todrop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to presenther new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, thisordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law! I amgoing to meet with the
 city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is onadvisory board on Animal services division next week before sheintroduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I havedone to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it duringthe meeting!I am just so excited about this! Nothing is 100%, but it's definitelygoing for a right direction!!Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep youposted!

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Hideyo-I am thrilled for you! OK, as you say, nothing is definite, BUT
the direction it's going in is most definitely encouraging and gives
reason to hope that it will keep going right along that way!!! (Your
lawyer's name is a good omen, too, I think!) We're all right behind
you--keep posting when you get news and time! lots of love, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: Great news about my court case

Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
pursuit it.

Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees to
drop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to present
her new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, this
ordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law!  I am
going to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is on
advisory board on Animal services division next week before she
introduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I have
done to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it during
the meeting!

I am just so excited about this!  Nothing is 100%, but it's definitely
going for a right direction!!

Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep you


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RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
Hideyo, this is wonderful!! Way to go!!Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great newsabout my court case regarding the pet limit law.The city is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion whichspecifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting nextMonday. Which means that, they are also going to drop charges againstme for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense topursuit it.Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees todrop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to presenther new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, thisordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law! I amgoing to meet with the city
 councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is onadvisory board on Animal services division next week before sheintroduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I havedone to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it duringthe meeting!I am just so excited about this! Nothing is 100%, but it's definitelygoing for a right direction!!Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep youposted!

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread wendy

Fantastic news about your court case!!!  Who knew?! 
What a turn of events!  Someone up there is looking
out for you...probably all your furbabies over the
Rainbow Bridge.  And probably Cricket too.  I am
so happy for you.  Please keep us posted as to
the results of the new ordinance.  This could be a
landmark situation that helps others who rescue


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Kat
WooHoo Hideyo!!
 .-. ( \
(^.^) ) )
_) (,' /
  ,'  /
 ( (\(   --- me doing my happy dance for you!!
 /  , /
(  ( (
 ) ;) ;

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

 Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
 about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

 The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
 specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
 Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
 me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
 pursuit it.

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Kat that is a really cute dancing body...
wish I was that inventive

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread gblane
Hideyo, yeaa, that's great!  Congratulations on hanging in there, and looks 
like you (and we) are going to succeed!


At 12:07 PM 1/6/2006, you wrote:

Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
pursuit it.

Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees to
drop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to present
her new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, this
ordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law!  I am
going to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is on
advisory board on Animal services division next week before she
introduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I have
done to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it during
the meeting!

I am just so excited about this!  Nothing is 100%, but it's definitely
going for a right direction!!

Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep you

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread TatorBunz

I'm so happy for you

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, this is so absolutely amazing!! Yay!! And you have helped others 


RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, I know its a bit too
early to celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure and may not
be passed  but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of this 
You have been just amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have you on my

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006
1:35 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

Hideyo, this is so absolutely amazing!!
Yay!! And you have helped others too!


Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

No, you were the one trying to change the ordinance. All I really did was 
give you tips for a hearing that you lost, and for a court case that never 
materialized, and helped find Merry. I am so happy for you, though.

In a message dated 1/6/2006 3:42:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, I know it’s 
  a bit too early to celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure 
  and may not be passed – but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of 
  this – You have been just amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have 
  you on my side..

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Terri Brown

Awesome news, Hideyo!

Terri in NJ

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 1:07 
  Subject: RE: Great news about my court 
  Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these 
  great newsabout my court case regarding the pet limit law.The 
  city is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion whichspecifies 
  how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting nextMonday. 
  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges againstme for both 
  civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense topursuit 
  it.Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also 
  agrees todrop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to 
  presenther new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, 
  thisordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit 
  law! I amgoing to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui 
  who is onadvisory board on Animal services division next week before 
  sheintroduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I 
  havedone to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it 
  duringthe meeting!I am just so excited about this! Nothing 
  is 100%, but it's definitelygoing for a right direction!!Thank you 
  everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I am so sure that your Cricket was on my side, too along with my
Garfunkle, George and all the furball babies that we have encountered or
have not yet encountered.  I have so many sad stories how responsible
cat owners had to surrender their kitties to due to this ordinance and I
really hope that this will make our furrball lives better a little bit..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: Great news about my court case


Fantastic news about your court case!!!  Who knew?! 
What a turn of events!  Someone up there is looking
out for you...probably all your furbabies over the
Rainbow Bridge.  And probably Cricket too.  I am
so happy for you.  Please keep us posted as to
the results of the new ordinance.  This could be a
landmark situation that helps others who rescue


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I also realized that the pet limit law was
born with the common MISCONCEPTION that more animals cause more problems 
and unfortunately, lots of people think its a common SENSE, but its really
common misconception. And I have stats from animal care center to prove it (80%
of complaints that animal service division receive in 2004 and 2005 are from a
single animal household -) I think we almost have to undo the damage caused by
the misconception and re-educate them that its not true.. 

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006
1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

No, you were the one trying to change the
ordinance. All I really did was give you tips for a hearing that you lost, and
for a court case that never materialized, and helped find Merry. I am so
happy for you, though.


In a message dated 1/6/2006 3:42:04 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michelle, I know its a bit too early to
celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure and may not be passed
 but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of this  You have been just
amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have you on my side..

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread TenHouseCats
wonderful news, hideyo! -- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892