Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-18 Thread felv

Aww, I was surfing your website... that poor Siamese with the bad declaw. 
It makes me so angry that people still do this to cats, and then wonder WHY they 
have issues. :-\
There's a GREAT site you can link to that will help educate people on 
declaws and the surgery to repair bad ones. It's aimed at big (wild) cats, but 
it's the same surgery as used on domestic cats, with the same side effects, 
dangers, and cures (reconstructive surgery). Warning, you will cry your eyes DRY 
if you watch the video of Kona! (main 
site) (how 
they fix the cats' paws with reconstructive surgery) (cases 
studies, with pics) (Kona's 
video, so heartbreaking)
I really wish more small animal vets would learn from these vets doing 
these repairs on these big cats, because I think MANY of our domestic cats could 
benefit from the same reconstructive surgery. I think the main reason why we 
don't se as obvious of effects in domestic cats is simply a body weight issue, 
if our cats weighed more, we would see the same crippling effects in declaws in 
them as are seen so commonly in big cats.
Of course, the big issue is stopping declawing on a national level (in the 
USA)... but that's way off topic for this list.
Did you know your updated notices say LAST year? I think you're a bit 
behind, LOL!
And yes, he is an awfully CUTE little dog! He has a very expressive 
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 

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Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-18 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 4/17/06 11:10:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  used to be a recipe for making slippery elm boiling it somehow anyone know 

1/2 Cup COLD water & 1 teaspoon slippery elm powder. 
Simmer, over low heat, stirring constantly for a few minutes.
Refrigerate.  Will keep 7-8 days.

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread Belinda
PS.  Karen the black and white tuxedo on your webpage in the banner is 
Bailey   :)

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

gave ozzy some canned pumpkin with fish juice on it pray it fools him 

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Superman is doing well even starting to put weight on the leg so we are not 
considering amputating yet. The infection is under control. He gets 
 basically he looks a lot worse than he is.
Hank my "genetically defective JRT" seems to have come from bad lines. Thus 
the crypt testicle and the deafness. Oh forgot to mention he had CCD... we are 
trying to train him on hand signals but he has the attention span of 2.2 
seconds. But this walking vet bill has captured my heart the likes I have not 
seen in a while. His stitches come out in a few days and everything else has 
been treated and he will be ready for adoption(?) I had terrible 
"Hank withdrawls" when he went in for his neuter spoiling him terribly when he 
got home and even smiled when he proceeded to pee on my pillow(he never did 
anything like that before) Dr Wilson said he was hurting and after attention.   
to see the pics on my home page for this handsome guy. 
Bobby will get over his URI I caught it early enough. Its minor and he is 
getting herbs too.
Ashleigh just has heartworm larvae and can wait a few weeks till I get 
caught up..
thanks for letting me ventI just hate when its preventable.

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread felv

Where are you located? I used to live down south,and yes, heartworms are 
one of the worst preventable things that happens down there. However, I found 
that the Memphis Emergency clinic is actually fairly good, depending, of course, 
on who's rotating through it as far as students and supervising vets goes.
Look at the bright side, the hit by car cat, if his wounds are confined to 
one leg for the most part, COULD just get that leg amputated, and live a very 
normal and happy life (if it doesn't end up healing as a functioning leg). In 
fact, I think I'd be apt to consider that as a first course of action, a cleanly 
amputated leg heals much faster than several ugly breaks, and would be MUCH less 
painful of a recovery for the cat. Just something to consider...
The FELV guy will either pull through URI, or not, and there's not much you 
can do there but hope, and keep your fingers crossed (and treat the URI just 
like you would for any cat).

HW is treatable, if caught early enough, again, one of those things you 
just have to do, and keep fingers crossed on, they either make it through 
treatment, or don't. Other worms are easily cured.
The pelvis baby is the only really urgent one you have, if you look at it 
through rose colored glasses. And he's already improving!
It's all in the perspective. Funds can be raised, you can apply for IMOM, 
or care credit, or any number of emergency animal funds that are out there (the 
Rio Vista [horse grooming products] one might help you with the dogs, they 
generally don't "do" cats).
Oh, and if I may inquire, how did the JRT become deaf? Injury, or born that 
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 

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Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

hi Jenn and thanks,
Ozzy was turned into an emergency vet clinic by "person who found him that 
way" and they refuse to do anything but call a rescue. because of their rip off 
prices I took him to my vet who took x rays and confirmed what I feared. Broken 
pelvis He could not walk at all when I got him now he is "walking" but not 
well. He  does fine with a pinch test so I wont sub q for the extra stress 
I am giving piedilite and canned food for extra water. There used to be a recipe 
for making slippery elm boiling it somehow anyone know it?
Bobby is Felv positive, and has URI
Superman the hit by car cat is almost my fault he lives in my neighborhood 
and I asked his owner about 6 months ago to give him to me since I had room and 
I would find him an indoor home away from danger. He refused. When we knocked on 
the door and told him the fate of "his cat" he said we could do what ever the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] we wanted to with him it wasn't his. He put him under to clean the wounds 
the leg is broke in places it cant be set, so we neutered and tested while he 
was under. he is the sweetest baby you could possibly imagine. I should have 
just "made him disappear" months ago.
My vet says both should heal on their own. 
The JRT is deaf "had" one undescended testicle, heartworms hook worms round 
worms and ring worm.all is fixed except his hearing I think he might be 
staying :-)
Ashleigh, the chocolate lab I pulled the other day has hook worms and 
Let's think about thiseverything listed above is PREVENTABLE.This 
pisses me off to no end. Sorry all I needed to vent.

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread felv

I cross-posted it for you, you should get replies in your main inbox, I 
asked people to reply directly to you. I do know at least a few of them went 
away for easter, so it might be later tomorrow before you hear much from 
Have you tried slippery elm? I've seen that suggested many times in the 
past, on several lists.
Make sure he's getting enough fluids too, of course, some Sub-Q fluids 
wouldn't hurt if he's that solid, he's probably a bit dried out. How does he do 
with a pinch test for dehydration?
Poor baby, any idea what happened to him?
I'm not even sure there's much you can give a baby that young for pain. 
Metacam is really strong for such a wee tike, and a Duragestic patch would 
probably over dose the poor thing. Have you spoke to the vet about pain 
management at all? Can the kitten move around, or walk, at all? If he can move 
around, I'd suggest you offer him BOTH a hot pack, AND a ice pack, and let HIM 
decide which, if either, makes him feel better. I did that with Bones when she 
first broke her back, and she really seemed to opt for the warm pack most of the 
time. But don't put him on anything if he can't move off of it on his own free 
How is you hit by car cat doing, any breaks there?
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 

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Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

yes please cross post

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread felv

I bet the people on the handicat2 list would be able to advise you on this. 
Is it OK, if I forward your problem to that list? They know all about broken 
spines, pelvis', expressing bowels and bladders, etc...
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 

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Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.2/314 - Release Date: 4/16/2006

RE: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread gblane
Poor baby.  I like acupuncture too.  Also, you might try syringing 
your kitty a little olive oil.  Also - for older kitties, I've used 
Lactulose (by prescription) - it's great stuff for improving those 
hard dry stools.   Also - could try syringing a little vitamin C 
(I've bought the stuff from Dr. Belfield at


At 06:49 PM 4/17/2006, you wrote:

Have you tries acupuncture? It has worked like a miracle for my babies
in the past.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: New Special needs kitten

No ideas here Karen, but good luck with the little
fella.  I'm sure he will flourish under your care.
I'll keep little Ozzie in my prayers.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Today we got a 8 week old kitten..mean as the
> day is long (cause he is
> hurt)
> X-rays showed a broken pelvis. Dr Wilson says he has
> a excellent chance to
> walk again
>  My problem now is to get his bowels working again.
> I used warm water  last
> night as an enema and it worked. But his stool is
> hard as a rock
> anyone have any suggestion to safely loosen his
> stool?
> Please pray little Ozzie recovers.
> Karen

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Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

acupuncture is not in the budget at the moment. Too many emergency special 
needs came it at once.2 hw positive, flev positive, hit by car 
cat and broken pelvis kitten.

RE: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Have you tries acupuncture? It has worked like a miracle for my babies
in the past.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: New Special needs kitten

No ideas here Karen, but good luck with the little
fella.  I'm sure he will flourish under your care. 
I'll keep little Ozzie in my prayers.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Today we got a 8 week old kitten..mean as the
> day is long (cause he is  
> hurt)
> X-rays showed a broken pelvis. Dr Wilson says he has
> a excellent chance to  
> walk again
>  My problem now is to get his bowels working again.
> I used warm water  last 
> night as an enema and it worked. But his stool is
> hard as a rock
> anyone have any suggestion to safely loosen his
> stool?
> Please pray little Ozzie recovers.
> Karen

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-17 Thread wendy
No ideas here Karen, but good luck with the little
fella.  I'm sure he will flourish under your care. 
I'll keep little Ozzie in my prayers.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Today we got a 8 week old kitten..mean as the
> day is long (cause he is  
> hurt)
> X-rays showed a broken pelvis. Dr Wilson says he has
> a excellent chance to  
> walk again
>  My problem now is to get his bowels working again.
> I used warm water  last 
> night as an enema and it worked. But his stool is
> hard as a rock
> anyone have any suggestion to safely loosen his
> stool?
> Please pray little Ozzie recovers.
> Karen

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: New Special needs kitten - Traumeel

2006-04-15 Thread Becca DuBose
You're making me think I should get some for myself!  I'm forever getting cut and bruised working on the house and my trucks.  By the time the weekend is over my hands are a mess, but they don't get much of a break during the week as I'm working at a computer all day and usually pottering about in the evenings.BeccaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   No kidding?  I keep a bottle on hand and end up using it all the time around here, someone is always pulling a muscle or getting s/n.  It seems to help speed recovery time, but it's so darn hard to tell with homeopathics.  They work so subtly that I end up wondering if the recovery might have been the same without them!  Like everyone on the list, it
 makes ME feel better when there is something I can do that has a possibility of helping. Nina  Becca DuBose wrote: I work for Vanderbilt University and there is an ongoing study of Traumeel S in pediatric oncology patients with mucositis.  I understand it's very popular in Europe.  I wanted to try it with Paassht but didn't get the chance.  Her mouth sores improved with amoxicillin to the point where they no longer hurt.Becca Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Also, you might want to give him some Traumeel, or Traumed,
 (homeopathic blend for injury) to some goat's milk or yogurt.  Come to think of it, plain yogurt or goat's milk might help loosen things up too.  If he's getting abx, then an probiotic would be beneficial. Nina 

Re: New Special needs kitten - Traumeel

2006-04-15 Thread Nina

No kidding?  I keep a bottle on hand and end up using it all the time
around here, someone is always pulling a muscle or getting s/n.  It
seems to help speed recovery time, but it's so darn hard to tell with
homeopathics.  They work so subtly that I end up wondering if the
recovery might have been the same without them!  Like everyone on the
list, it makes ME feel better when there is something I can do that has
a possibility of helping.

Becca DuBose wrote:
I work for Vanderbilt University and there is an ongoing
study of Traumeel S in pediatric oncology patients with mucositis.  I
understand it's very popular in Europe.  I wanted to try it with
Paassht but didn't get the chance.  Her mouth sores improved with
amoxicillin to the point where they no longer hurt.
  Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also, you might want to give him some Traumeel, or Traumed,
(homeopathic blend for injury) to some goat's milk or yogurt.  Come to
think of it, plain yogurt or goat's milk might help loosen things up
too.  If he's getting abx, then an probiotic would be beneficial.

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-15 Thread Becca DuBose
I work for Vanderbilt University and there is an ongoing study of Traumeel S in pediatric oncology patients with mucositis.  I understand it's very popular in Europe.  I wanted to try it with Paassht but didn't get the chance.  Her mouth sores improved with amoxicillin to the point where they no longer hurt.BeccaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Also, you might want to give him some Traumeel, or Traumed, (homeopathic blend for injury) to some goat's milk or yogurt.  Come to think of it, plain yogurt or goat's milk might help loosen things up too.  If he's getting abx, then an probiotic would be beneficial. Nina

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-15 Thread Nina

Also, you might want to give him some Traumeel, or Traumed,
(homeopathic blend for injury) to some goat's milk or yogurt.  Come to
think of it, plain yogurt or goat's milk might help loosen things up
too.  If he's getting abx, then an probiotic would be beneficial.

Nina wrote:

Healing thoughts coming Ozzie's way.  Poor little sprite!  You could
also try adding a little canned pumpkin, or pure rice bran as regulator
for his bowel problem.

great idea I gave him canned food with warm tuna juice and he
going at it like crazy 
see our available orphans at:
Karen 817-453-4888

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-15 Thread Nina

Healing thoughts coming Ozzie's way.  Poor little sprite!  You could
also try adding a little canned pumpkin, or pure rice bran as regulator
for his bowel problem.


  great idea I gave him canned food with warm tuna juice and he is
going at it like crazy 
  see our available orphans at:
Karen 817-453-4888

Re: New Special needs kitten - Karen

2006-04-14 Thread Genegal58

Sending healing thoughts for Little Ozzie.
Big Hugs and Big Head-Bumps,Karen in California and Her Beautiful Maine 
Coon Cat Ms. Clyde

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

great idea I gave him canned food with warm tuna juice and he is going at 
it like crazy 
see our 
available orphans at: 

Re: New Special needs kitten

2006-04-14 Thread Marylyn

Lots of cat lax; oily/watery foods etc.  Use lots of canned 
foods--even add moisture with broth etc.  Tuna "juice" and chicken soup 
etc.  Yup.   You will spoil him rotten and may never get him to 
eat the right stuff again but this should help.  Also suggest mashed 
veggies mixed with food. 
Good luck.  and God bless you and the little one.  
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 10:45 
  Subject: New Special needs kitten
  Today we got a 8 week old kitten..mean as the day is long (cause he 
  is hurt)
  X-rays showed a broken pelvis. Dr Wilson says he has a excellent chance 
  to walk again
   My problem now is to get his bowels working again. I used warm 
  water last night as an enema and it worked. But his stool is hard as a 
  anyone have any suggestion to safely loosen his stool?
  Please pray little Ozzie recovers.

New Special needs kitten

2006-04-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Today we got a 8 week old kitten..mean as the day is long (cause he is 
X-rays showed a broken pelvis. Dr Wilson says he has a excellent chance to 
walk again
 My problem now is to get his bowels working again. I used warm water 
last night as an enema and it worked. But his stool is hard as a rock
anyone have any suggestion to safely loosen his stool?
Please pray little Ozzie recovers.