Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-12 Thread Nina

Hello group,
I got the following email from Patti this morning.  I had hoped that
she was busy with other things and was just not in touch.  I was able
to speak to her on the phone and she's in really rough shape.  She was
in a terrible car accident.  She was in a coma, but because of her
brain injuries is having a hard time remembering things, so she
couldn't tell me for how long.  She said she can remember her current
pets and things from 20 years ago, but she can't remember other pets
she has lost.  They are hoping her memory will return as she heals. 
She's lost her front teeth, her right cheek was crushed, broken ribs,
brain and spinal injuries, loss of memory, numbness on the left side of
her body and so much pain!  She sure could use your good thoughts and
prayers.  She's having a hard time reading the posts because of her
vision, but she did see my post asking about her.  She kept repeating
how you just never know what each day will bring.  To add to her
troubles, her ex-husband died of a heart attack while she was in the
coma.  I asked her if it would be okay to let everyone know what she's
going through and she welcomed your prayers for her recovery.  It's so
true.  You just never know...
Blessings to everyone, please keep safe,


  Dear Nina,
  I had a car accident May 17 and was near death.  Bad brain
injury & spinal probs.  Just got home from hosp. & I am not
doing as I though.  My vision is damaged too.  I really am lucky to be
here. (?)
  I was not able to rad all mail..
  Hope all is well with you.
  SSay a prayer for mr.  I need it.
  Love, Patti

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-12 Thread Kat
Oh Nina,

Is there anything we can do in addition to prayers??
Does she need anything we may be able to send her?
Is there someone helping her care for her animals?


On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Nina wrote:

> Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:38:28 -0700
> From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Patti could use your prayers
> Hello group,
> I got the following email from Patti this morning.  I had hoped that she
> was busy with other things and was just not in touch.  I was able to
> speak to her on the phone and she's in really rough shape.  She was in a
> terrible car accident.  She was in a coma, but because of her brain
> injuries is having a hard time remembering things, so she couldn't tell
> me for how long.  She said she can remember her current pets and things
> from 20 years ago, but she can't remember other pets she has lost.  They
> are hoping her memory will return as she heals.  She's lost her front
> teeth, her right cheek was crushed, broken ribs, brain and spinal
> injuries, loss of memory, numbness on the left side of her body and so
> much pain!  She sure could use your good thoughts and prayers.  She's
> having a hard time reading the posts because of her vision, but she did
> see my post asking about her.  She kept repeating how you just never
> know what each day will bring.  To add to her troubles, her ex-husband
> died of a heart attack while she was in the coma.  I asked her if it
> would be okay to let everyone know what she's going through and she
> welcomed your prayers for her recovery.  It's so true.  You just never
> know...
> Blessings to everyone, please keep safe,
> Nina
> > Dear Nina,
> > I had a car accident May 17 and was near death.  Bad brain injury &
> > spinal probs.  Just got home from hosp. & I am not doing as I though.
> > My vision is damaged too.  I really am lucky to be here. (?)
> > I was not able to rad all mail..
> > Sorry.
> > Hope all is well with you.
> > SSay a prayer for mr.  I need it.
> > Love, Patti

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-12 Thread Nina

I kept asking her if there was something I could do to help, make phone
calls for her, or something.  I didn't think about sending her
things, that might be helpful.  The medical bills, even if she has good
insurance are going to be astronomical, I'm sure.  I asked her who was
taking care of her and the animals.  She said her roommate has been
helping.  You know how it is when one of us caregivers are down, it's
hard to accept limitations when our kids need us.  I know she'll be
trying to read the posts, so maybe she'll see your offer.  The next
time I call her, I'll ask her to get a list together of things we might
be able to provide.  I sure hope she lets us help her in any way we can.

Kat wrote:

  Oh Nina,

Is there anything we can do in addition to prayers??
Does she need anything we may be able to send her?
Is there someone helping her care for her animals?


Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-12 Thread Gina WN
Patti, I don't know you as I am new to the group, but you are in my prayers.     Gina  Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello group,I got the following email from Patti this morning.  I had hoped that she was busy with other things and was just not in touch.  I was able to speak to her on the phone and she's in really rough shape.  She was in a terrible car accident.  She was in a coma, but because of her brain injuries is having a hard time remembering things, so she couldn't tell me for how long.  She said she can remember her current pets and things from 20 years ago, but she can't remember other pets she has lost.  They are hoping her memory will return as she heals.  She's lost her front teeth, her right cheek was crushed, broken ribs, brain and spinal
 injuries, loss of memory, numbness on the left side of her body and so much pain!  She sure could use your good thoughts and prayers.  She's having a hard time reading the posts because of her vision, but she did see my post asking about her.  She kept repeating how you just never know what each day will bring.  To add to her troubles, her ex-husband died of a heart attack while she was in the coma.  I asked her if it would be okay to let everyone know what she's going through and she welcomed your prayers for her recovery.  It's so true.  You just never know...Blessings to everyone, please keep safe,Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Nina,  I had a car accident
 May 17 and was near death.  Bad brain injury & spinal probs.  Just got home from hosp. & I am not doing as I though.  My vision is damaged too.  I really am lucky to be here. (?)  I was not able to rad all mail..  Sorry.    Hope all is well with you.  SSay a prayer for mr.  I need it.  Love, PattiNo heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
		Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
Try it free. 

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-13 Thread catatonya
How terrible.  Did you get her contact information to call and check on her.  Does she have what she needs?  I'm assuming she's on disability at this point...  I would be happy to send a donation.  I believe she lives with her daughter or her daughter lives with her?     tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello group,I got the following email from Patti this morning.  I had hoped that she was busy with other things and was just not in touch.  I was able to speak to her on the phone and she's in really rough shape.  She was in a terrible car accident.  She was in a coma, but because of her brain injuries is having a hard time remembering things, so she couldn't tell me for how long.  She said she can remember her current pets and things from 20 years
 ago, but she can't remember other pets she has lost.  They are hoping her memory will return as she heals.  She's lost her front teeth, her right cheek was crushed, broken ribs, brain and spinal injuries, loss of memory, numbness on the left side of her body and so much pain!  She sure could use your good thoughts and prayers.  She's having a hard time reading the posts because of her vision, but she did see my post asking about her.  She kept repeating how you just never know what each day will bring.  To add to her troubles, her ex-husband died of a heart attack while she was in the coma.  I asked her if it would be okay to let everyone know what she's going through and she welcomed your prayers for her recovery.  It's so true.  You just never know...Blessings to everyone, please keep safe,Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Nina,  I had a car accident May 17 and was near death.  Bad brain injury & spinal probs.  Just got home from hosp. & I am not doing as I though.  My vision is damaged too.  I really am lucky to be here. (?)  I was not able to rad all mail..  Sorry.    Hope all is well with you.  SSay a prayer for mr.  I need it.  Love, Patti

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-13 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so sorry. Sometimes it seems like the apocalypse is coming.

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-14 Thread PEC2851

Dear Group,
First off, my sincere condolences to all of you that have lost one of your 
beloved kitties.(I can only browse thru all the e-mails so I apologize for not 
being able to send my sympathy separately).
Next, I also am praying for all the babies who are presently having 
problems.  Illness in a loved one is horrendous.
 I came home to find my Puma, 17 and negative, not doing well.  
Is it his age?  I don't know.  He is still eating, drinking and doing 
all the "normal" things, but he is different. Very vocal, but don't know 
why.  I am going to make a vet appt. and hopefully my mother can take us. 
(It is pure hell depending on others for transportation...)
Also have a house full of fleas.  And one cat VERY allergic.  Got 
out the Frontline but I am clueless where/what to do next.
Now on to me.  Thank ALL of you for your thoughts, prayers and 
e-cards.  Really meant a lot. (Thank you Nina)
As Nina told you, I was in a horrible car accident May 17.  Just found 
out more details that are very unsettling.  Like being pronounced dead 
& then the EMTs bringing me "back".  I was in a coma. Still not sure 
just how long.  But, seeing all my Dr.s, they are stunned/shocked at the 
fact I am alive & doing this much.  Which to me, is NOT much.
However, I am home.  Which is good.  Hospitals are 
depressing.  I kind of "faked" my way out.  Don't know how, but I 
really thought I needed to be home.
My critters needed me.  No, actually, I needed them.  They are 
glad to see me. Well, the dogs, especially my Lucy, are not quite as forgiving 
for my abscense.  However, I think Lucy was afraid that I was not coming 
back & she would end up in a shelter.  That's what happened to her when 
her first and only (other) guardian died.
Belinda, the cats are fantastic.  I am just sorry I can't pick them 
up.  Hell, my Maine Coons weigh over 20 lbs.!  And my little shadow, 
Daisy, is barely 8 lbs. and I can't even pick her up.  I do think they 
understand though.  Really.
My ferals have left and I am heartbroken.  My roommate did take care 
of all my personal guys, but did not put food out for hem.  They were still 
here for a good while he said, but I have not seen them since I am home.  
And, I can not go out to barn area, so that really has me upset.  I pray 
they are ok.  Thank heavens they are all spayed/neutered.  Except for 
Black Bart, Timmy's dad.  That cat is mean as all get out and smarter than 
anything.  He will NOT get into a trap.  One of my friends offered to 
get him, but I don't know where he is.
My broken bones have healed, but I have extreme nerve damage.  And, 
according to Dr., it is due to intense injury to my brain.  Lovely.  
And, I do not see the neurologist until Aug. 28.
All my expenses were covered under my auto insurance, but they called me 
yesterday to tell me the limit had been reached.  Good heavens, it was a 
hefty amount.  So now I guess I have to go on state coverage cause I am 
presently (already from other problems) on SSDI.
No fun, no fun at all.  Live each day as if it's your last.  One 
never knows, how true.
Don't mean to be such a downer.  Sorry about that.  Guess I best 
stop now.
Love to all,

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-14 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Patti you could never be a downer to any of us here.You are a very important part of this group.I will keep you in my prayers.  Sherry[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Group,  First off, my sincere condolences to all of you that have lost one of your beloved kitties.(I can only browse thru all the e-mails so I apologize for not being able to send my sympathy separately).  Next, I also am praying for all the babies who are presently having problems.  Illness in a loved one is horrendous.   I came home to find my Puma, 17 and negative, not doing well.  Is it his age?  I don't know.  He is still eating, drinking and doing all the "normal" things, but he is different.
 Very vocal, but don't know why.  I am going to make a vet appt. and hopefully my mother can take us. (It is pure hell depending on others for transportation...)  Also have a house full of fleas.  And one cat VERY allergic.  Got out the Frontline but I am clueless where/what to do next.  Now on to me.  Thank ALL of you for your thoughts, prayers and e-cards.  Really meant a lot. (Thank you Nina)  As Nina told you, I was in a horrible car accident May 17.  Just found out more details that are very unsettling.  Like being pronounced dead & then the EMTs bringing me "back".  I was in a coma. Still not sure just how long.  But, seeing all my Dr.s, they are stunned/shocked at the fact I am alive & doing this much.  Which to me, is NOT much.  However, I am home.  Which is good.  Hospitals are depressing.  I kind of "faked" my way out.  Don't know how, but I
 really thought I needed to be home.  My critters needed me.  No, actually, I needed them.  They are glad to see me. Well, the dogs, especially my Lucy, are not quite as forgiving for my abscense.  However, I think Lucy was afraid that I was not coming back & she would end up in a shelter.  That's what happened to her when her first and only (other) guardian died.  Belinda, the cats are fantastic.  I am just sorry I can't pick them up.  Hell, my Maine Coons weigh over 20 lbs.!  And my little shadow, Daisy, is barely 8 lbs. and I can't even pick her up.  I do think they understand though.  Really.  My ferals have left and I am heartbroken.  My roommate did take care of all my personal guys, but did not put food out for hem.  They were still here for a good while he said, but I have not seen them since I am home.  And, I can not go out to barn area, so that really has me
 upset.  I pray they are ok.  Thank heavens they are all spayed/neutered.  Except for Black Bart, Timmy's dad.  That cat is mean as all get out and smarter than anything.  He will NOT get into a trap.  One of my friends offered to get him, but I don't know where he is.  My broken bones have healed, but I have extreme nerve damage.  And, according to Dr., it is due to intense injury to my brain.  Lovely.  And, I do not see the neurologist until Aug. 28.  All my expenses were covered under my auto insurance, but they called me yesterday to tell me the limit had been reached.  Good heavens, it was a hefty amount.  So now I guess I have to go on state coverage cause I am presently (already from other problems) on SSDI.  No fun, no fun at all.  Live each day as if it's your last.  One never knows, how true.  Don't mean to be such a downer.  Sorry about
 that.  Guess I best stop now.  Love to all,  Patti    
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

RE: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-14 Thread Chris


You are anything but a downer… You’re
an inspiration to us all.  And even if you can’t physically pick up
all the critters, I know they are SO happy to have you home!  


And we are all so happy to have you
back!!!  Welcome Home!




Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:05
Subject: Re: Patti could use your



off, my sincere condolences to all of you that have lost one of your beloved
kitties.(I can only browse thru all the e-mails so I apologize for not being
able to send my sympathy separately).

Next, I
also am praying for all the babies who are presently having problems. 
Illness in a loved one is horrendous.

came home to find my Puma, 17 and negative, not doing well.  Is it his
age?  I don't know.  He is still eating, drinking and doing all the
"normal" things, but he is different. Very vocal, but don't know
why.  I am going to make a vet appt. and hopefully my mother can take us.
(It is pure hell depending on others for transportation...)

have a house full of fleas.  And one cat VERY allergic.  Got out the
Frontline but I am clueless where/what to do next.

Now on
to me.  Thank ALL of you for your thoughts, prayers and e-cards. 
Really meant a lot. (Thank you Nina)

As Nina
told you, I was in a horrible car accident May 17.  Just found out more
details that are very unsettling.  Like being pronounced dead & then
the EMTs bringing me "back".  I was in a coma. Still not sure
just how long.  But, seeing all my Dr.s, they are stunned/shocked at the
fact I am alive & doing this much.  Which to me, is NOT much.

I am home.  Which is good.  Hospitals are depressing.  I kind of
"faked" my way out.  Don't know how, but I really thought I
needed to be home.

critters needed me.  No, actually, I needed them.  They are glad to
see me. Well, the dogs, especially my Lucy, are not quite as forgiving for my
abscense.  However, I think Lucy was afraid that I was not coming back
& she would end up in a shelter.  That's what happened to her when her
first and only (other) guardian died.

the cats are fantastic.  I am just sorry I can't pick them up.  Hell,
my Maine Coons weigh over 20 lbs.!  And my little shadow, Daisy, is barely
8 lbs. and I can't even pick her up.  I do think they understand
though.  Really.

ferals have left and I am heartbroken.  My roommate did take care of all
my personal guys, but did not put food out for hem.  They were still here
for a good while he said, but I have not seen them since I am home.  And,
I can not go out to barn area, so that really has me upset.  I pray they
are ok.  Thank heavens they are all spayed/neutered.  Except for
Black Bart, Timmy's dad.  That cat is mean as all get out and smarter than
anything.  He will NOT get into a trap.  One of my friends offered to
get him, but I don't know where he is.

broken bones have healed, but I have extreme nerve damage.  And, according
to Dr., it is due to intense injury to my brain.  Lovely.  And, I do
not see the neurologist until Aug. 28.

All my
expenses were covered under my auto insurance, but they called me yesterday to
tell me the limit had been reached.  Good heavens, it was a hefty
amount.  So now I guess I have to go on state coverage cause I am
presently (already from other problems) on SSDI.

No fun,
no fun at all.  Live each day as if it's your last.  One never knows,
how true.

mean to be such a downer.  Sorry about that.  Guess I best stop now.

Love to



Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-15 Thread PEC2851

Hi all!  Guess I overdid my computer time yesterday cause my one 
(still good) eye gave out.  What a bummer!  Well, that's life right 
now for me.
I just found out where I was right before the accident. 
Thank heavens there were no kitties with me.  Still not sure exactly 
what I was doing,but I did find out that apparently I had not slept the night 
before, guess I fell asleep.  My heavens, I don't want to know anything 
else.  I did find out that there were no other vehicles (except a parked 
bus I rammed into) or people involved!  What a relief... I was the only 
person involved.
My Mom just called.  She was on her way to visit & got lost.  
I am so upset.  I could not remember the directions to my house.  And 
she was only a few miles away!  I HATE THIS MEMORY THINGY...or lack 
Thanks again for all the kind words and putting up with my venting...
Love to you all,

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-15 Thread TatorBunz

In a message dated 7/15/2006 8:19:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi all!  Guess I overdid my computer time yesterday cause my one (still good) eye gave out.  What a bummer!  Well, that's life right now for me.
I just found out where I was right before the accident. 
Thank heavens there were no kitties with me.  Still not sure exactly what I was doing,but I did find out that apparently I had not slept the night before, guess I fell asleep.  My heavens, I don't want to know anything else.  I did find out that there were no other vehicles (except a parked bus I rammed into) or people involved!  What a relief... I was the only person involved.
My Mom just called.  She was on her way to visit & got lost.  I am so upset.  I could not remember the directions to my house.  And she was only a few miles away!  I HATE THIS MEMORY THINGY...or lack of.
Thanks again for all the kind words and putting up with my venting...
Love to you all,
Hang in there Patti!
It will slowly come back to you. You have overcame the hardest that is survival of this horrible accident!
Yes, it will take time in which many of us don't have the patience for when we are trying to get our lives back together.
We are all here for you regardless!
Vent all you want it's good therapy for you!
 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-16 Thread catatonya
Good to see you back Patti.  I hope the memory thing works its way out (or back in) very soon.  It must be very frustrating.  I'm glad you are starting to feel better.     tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi all!  Guess I overdid my computer time yesterday cause my one (still good) eye gave out.  What a bummer!  Well, that's life right now for me.  I just found out where I was right before the accident.   ON A RECUE!!!   Thank heavens there were no kitties with me.  Still not sure exactly what I was doing,but I did find out that apparently I had not slept the night before, guess I fell asleep.  My heavens, I don't want to know
 anything else.  I did find out that there were no other vehicles (except a parked bus I rammed into) or people involved!  What a relief... I was the only person involved.  My Mom just called.  She was on her way to visit & got lost.  I am so upset.  I could not remember the directions to my house.  And she was only a few miles away!  I HATE THIS MEMORY THINGY...or lack of.  Thanks again for all the kind words and putting up with my venting...  Love to you all,  Patti

Re: Patti could use your prayers

2006-07-19 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Patti dearest, just want to let you know i sent you an email off-list last 
night, and will add another little off-list one tonight. (Nina let me know later 
that you don't necessarily see all your off-list email, so thought I'd better 
mention it.)
I'm even sorrier now to hear that all this terrible stuff happened--as 
Nina told me last night--over 2 months ago, on May 15. Two months ago!  You 
poor darling. I just hate the idea of you going through all that awfulness and 
none of us knowing and being able to lend our support.
I wish we all lived physically nearer you (and each other)!
much love and big hugs to you, dear Patti,