Re: What to do next for Ewok

2006-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle

I absolutely think it is safe to give him the combo shot. The depo will not 
actually kick in for a couple of days, and I know from experience with Simon 
that you can give a dex shot two days in a row (I think I gave it to him three 
days in a row when I thought he was dying the first time). 

Cypro can make them restless. How much did you give him? You can try giving 
half the dose. The good thing about giving a lot of steroids, though, is that it 
stimulates appetite even better than cypro, usually, so you may not need to give 
that at all if you give him the combo shot.

If the vet will not give him depo, I would seriously suggest upping his 
pred dosage. I know you can give 20 mg/day to a cat with cancer, and someone 
posted last night that her cat was on 40 mg/day. 

Sorry you are going through this,

In a message dated 1/10/2006 9:45:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Well, we 
  had a few good hours last night just after he came home fromthe vet's 
  (that's when I took that picture of him). The vet had givenhim cypro 
  and I believe this may have affected him negatively as hebecame restless 
  as the evening went on. This morning he is up andabout, but his walk 
  is stiff and he still seems to be a little restless,though not as much as 
  last night. There was a glimmer of hope when hewent to the dry food 
  dish and bent over to try to eat (he hasn't eatendry food in some 
  time)...but he just couldn't bring himself to actuallyeat (he tried a 
  couple of times). I'm going to syringe a little foodinto him and see 
  how he tolerates that, would it be safe to give him thecombo shot, 
  Michelle? I guess it's just touch-and-go, right now...I'mlooking for 
  signs from him as to what he wants to 

Re: What to do next for Ewok

2006-01-10 Thread jenmeyer
Thanks, Michelle...I had the same reservations about the cypro as I
haven't had much luck with it in the past...I, too, thought that
steroids would be enough to stimulate his appetite (and they did, he ate
well before the cypro kicked in)!  Okay...I'll give my vet a call and
ask for the combo shot and see where that takes us!  It's 1/2 cc of
each, right?  Thanks, again...


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:50 am
Subject: Re: What to do next for Ewok

 I absolutely think it is safe to give him the combo shot. The depo 
 will not  
 actually kick in for a couple of days, and I know from experience 
 with Simon  
 that you can give a dex shot two days in a row (I think I gave it 
 to him three 
 days in a row when I thought he was dying the first time).  
 Cypro can make them restless. How much did you give him? You can 
 try giving  
 half the dose. The good thing about giving a lot of steroids, 
 though, is that 
 it  stimulates appetite even better than cypro, usually, so you may 
 not need 
 to give  that at all if you give him the combo shot.
 If the vet will not give him depo, I would seriously suggest upping 
 his  pred 
 dosage. I know you can give 20 mg/day to a cat with cancer, and 
 posted last night that her cat was on 40 mg/day.  
 Sorry you are going through this,
 In a message dated 1/10/2006 9:45:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 Well, we  had a few good hours last night just after he came home from
 the vet's  (that's when I took that picture of him).  The vet had 
 givenhim cypro  and I believe this may have affected him negatively 
 as he
 became restless  as the evening went on.  This morning he is up and
 about, but his walk  is stiff and he still seems to be a little 
 restless,though not as much as  last night.  There was a glimmer of 
 hope when he
 went to the dry food  dish and bent over to try to eat (he hasn't 
 eatendry food in some  time)...but he just couldn't bring himself 
 to actually
 eat (he tried a  couple of times).  I'm going to syringe a little food
 into him and see  how he tolerates that, would it be safe to give 
 him the
 combo shot,  Michelle?  I guess it's just touch-and-go, right 
 now...I'mlooking for  signs from him as to what he wants to  do...

Re: What to do next for Ewok

2006-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, 1/2 cc of each. That is what the vet who taught me about it does. But 
I think the oncologist gave Simon 1 cc of each, since 1 cc is the normal dose 
for giving each individually, and it certainly did not hurt him. But I think I 
would try 1/2 cc of each first, especially since he just got dex 
yesterday. You can always do another shot of 1/2 cc each later if he needs 

It seems like you have a good relationship with your vet. I would talk to 
her about this being hospice care at this point, that others have had success 
with giving a lot of steroids near the end, and ask her if, when he needs 
another, she will give it to you to give him sub-q at home rather than having to 
keep bringing him in, in order to keep him as happy and stress-free as 


In a message dated 1/10/2006 10:01:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Michelle...I had the same reservations about the cypro as Ihaven't had 
  much luck with it in the past...I, too, thought thatsteroids would be 
  enough to stimulate his appetite (and they did, he atewell before the 
  cypro kicked in)! Okay...I'll give my vet a call andask for the 
  combo shot and see where that takes us! It's 1/2 cc ofeach, 
  right? Thanks, again...Jen

Re: What to do next for Ewok--steriod combo

2006-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Jen, I did not even know it came in two strengths, so I have no idea. I'm 


In a message dated 1/10/2006 10:08:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle--I forgot to ask you about this last time...but when my 
  vetfirst gave him the combo shot, she asked what strength the depo was 
  whenyou administered it (I guess depo comes in two strenghs and our vet 
  usesthe stronger of the two so she can use less...I guess it stings 
  abit!) Ewok got 1/2 mL of dex and 1/4 mL of 40mg/mL depo 
  (I'mguessing that this concentration of depo is twice as strong as 
  theweaker concentration...hence, only the 1/4 mL)...any 

Re: What to do next for Ewok

2006-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle

As close together as they are needed. Towards the end it will be 
every few days. But he might not need them that close together yet, or he 
may need the combo shot now and a dex booster in a few days and not need depo 
for a week. It kind of just depends on how he is doing. Basically, I would give 
it to him as far apart as you can with him still eating. When he stops 
eating, I would give him more, either a dex shot if that helps on its own or, if 
it's been a few days and he seems really bad, I might try another combo 

In a message dated 1/10/2006 10:12:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Agreed...we actually just talked about this being a "hospice 
  situation"yesterday! I'm hoping that she will just do up the shot 
  for me and letme go pick it up and I'll do it myself (I imagine she 
  will). How farapart can the combo shots be given, 