Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-31 Thread Arthur Entlich

As a result of the continuing and escalating acrimony between Austin and
myself, and his incessant nitpicking of my postings, I do not intend to
respond directly either publicly or privately to his postings in the
future.  I bring this to the attention of the other members so that you
understand that my silence to Austin's challenges is not necessarily
because I am unable to defend my position on either technical or other
merits, but because I simply have decided his challenges are not worth
my time to pursue.

Further, the issues he has brought up to question below were asides and
tangential to the main points I was making in my post which were
concerning the discussion comparing color dye clouds and capture of
images digitally, not black and white developing, and my principle point
was that grain was randomly distributed throughout the film emulsion and
no process allowed for dye clouds to be moved or lined up within the
emulsion during processing, and therefore there was also a built in
error factor in grain/dye clouds as there is in digital imagine with its
fixed pixels.  As I also explained, the order of magnitude of error
related to the size and density of grain versus pixels, and as pixels
were made smaller and packed more densely, this error factor would lessen.


Austin Franklin wrote:

 Austin Franklin wrote:
   Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in their location
   and shape and are not relocated by picture content.
What about development?
 Also, some developing techniques can somewhat alter the shape or size of
 the dye clouds...
 However, most of this type of thing is done in custom film development
 of black and white film,
  You can alter the grain of BW film by at least two to four times 
simply by
  developer choice, dilution, temperature and technique.  It certainly 
  custom, most anyone who uses BW has their favorite
  developer/dilution/temperature and technique that suits their
  needs/style/experimentation.  It is VERY critical when talking about film
  grain to discuss development AND even exposure (as you mentioned 
  too)...since the same film can give such drastically different 
  more so even if you are using Zone system compensation development.
 because the need to control so many other
 variables within color film development doesn't allow for much playing
 around. Most color film processing is fairly uniform in its method...
  Not quite true...see below...
 This is why almost all
 color film is souped in one of two basic color chemistry types (C-41 or
  There are different E-6 and C-41 processes.  Different chemical AND 
  different developments, as well as techniques.  E6 can be 3 bath or 6 
  and C-41 can be 2 bath or 3 bath.  All of this plays a SIGNIFICANT 
role on
  the shape and size of the dye clouds.
  It can be far more significant than you made it out to be.
 However, I know of no color development technique that is capable of
 moving film grain or dye clouds within the emulsion so that they can
 line up the grain as a result of the image content. If you do, I'd like
 to here about it.
  I don't believe anyone ever suggested that at all...

RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-31 Thread Austin Franklin

 Further, the issues he has brought up to question below were asides and
 tangential to the main points I was making in my post which were
 concerning the discussion comparing color dye clouds and capture of
 images digitally, not black and white developing,

I DID talk about color (see below), not BW exclusively.  I find it funny
that you ignore that fact.  You really believe the size and shape of the
film grain is tangential to the capture of images digitally?  How do you
arrive at that conclusion?

 and my principle point
 was that grain was randomly distributed throughout the film emulsion and
 no process allowed for dye clouds to be moved or lined up within the
 emulsion during processing,

I do believe that is common knowledge, and I don't believe anyone disagreed
with that.  My correction to your statement was that development has a LOT
to do with grain size.

  Austin Franklin wrote:
Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in
 their location
and shape and are not relocated by picture content.

 What about development?

  Also, some developing techniques can somewhat alter the shape
 or size of
  the dye clouds...
  However, most of this type of thing is done in custom film development
  of black and white film,
   You can alter the grain of BW film by at least two to four times
 simply by
   developer choice, dilution, temperature and technique.  It certainly
   custom, most anyone who uses BW has their favorite
   developer/dilution/temperature and technique that suits their
   needs/style/experimentation.  It is VERY critical when talking
 about film
   grain to discuss development AND even exposure (as you mentioned
   too)...since the same film can give such drastically different
   more so even if you are using Zone system compensation development.
  because the need to control so many other
  variables within color film development doesn't allow for much playing
  around. Most color film processing is fairly uniform in its method...
   Not quite true...see below...
  This is why almost all
  color film is souped in one of two basic color chemistry types (C-41 or
   There are different E-6 and C-41 processes.  Different chemical AND
   different developments, as well as techniques.  E6 can be 3 bath or 6
   and C-41 can be 2 bath or 3 bath.  All of this plays a SIGNIFICANT
 role on
   the shape and size of the dye clouds.
   It can be far more significant than you made it out to be.
  However, I know of no color development technique that is capable of
  moving film grain or dye clouds within the emulsion so that they can
  line up the grain as a result of the image content. If you do, I'd like
  to here about it.
   I don't believe anyone ever suggested that at all...

RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Austin Franklin

 Austin, you criticise Art, then do it yourself..?  How's about we all try
 to attack the ball, not the man..

Woah, Mark...where did I make a personal attack on Rob?  I DID stick to the
ball...please point it out...I am interested.

 At 11:31 AM 28/10/01 -0500, you wrote:
   I don't think there's any point in my responding to an
 argument like this.
 That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking why
 the number 9
 is larger than the number 4.  It's just the way it is.

 No, it's not 'just the way it is'.  There are five incremented integers
 between 4 and 9, and the term 'larger' than is NOT ambiguous.. :-)

But why IS 9 larger than 4?  You didn't explain why.

Saying a dye cloud has more information content than A pixel is NOT
ambiguous at all, it's just a fact...and for the same reason why 9 is more
than, say, 1.

 Rob's question of how a dye cloud can contain more information
 than a pixel
 still stands.. Use your engineering skill and draw a picture!
 I'm certainly interested.

I believe I've explained this about as thoroughly as I can, without holding
a class...

 It's just a fact of
 simple physics that a pixel does not contain near the same amount of
 information as a dye cloud.

 That's not what was being asked.  You left out 'pixel of the same or
 smaller size'.

I didn't leave anything doesn't matter WHAT size pixel, a pixel is
but a single value of tonality, period.  A pixel does NOT contain the same
amount of information as A dye cloud.  As I said, dye clouds are variable in
shape, and a pixel is only a square (or some fixed shape), and the data in A
pixel (he said A) does not represent this shape.

 Rob also raised the perfectly valid point of the rapid
 development in the number/size of detectors and the amount of color info
 they can detect.  Are you suggesting that dye clouds are so small, ie
 molecular or atomic :-), that there is no way to create a
 detector that small?

I said that physical limitations prohibit sensors from being as small as dye
clouds.  AS I said, these sensors have to get light to them, and they have
to have wires in and out of them, as well as these wires require some level
of separation due to noise.  I also said that the consumer digital cameras
that have sensors of the same resolution, but the sensor arrays are smaller
in size, and give a worse image, for the noise reason, than say a D-30 with
a larger sensor and same (if not less) resolution.

RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Austin Franklin

Thanks Harvey...but I really don't know what more I can explain...and I
don't know how much more basic I can get...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of SKID Photography
 Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 11:14 PM
 Subject: Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels
 per inch vs DPI

 Most of what you are saying in this latest missive was brought up
 before and rejected by Rob.  It was at that
 point that I gave up.  But, kudos to you for your tenacity and
 deep knowledge on this subject.  I feel like
 I've been vindicated, and by someone with far more skill than I.

 Harvey Ferdschneider
 partner, SKID Photography, NYC

 Austin Franklin wrote:

   Austin wrote:
That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking
why the number 9 is larger than the number 4.  It's just
the way it is.  It's just a fact of simple physics that a
pixel does not contain near the same amount of information
as a dye cloud.
   I suspected I should have chosen a word other than
 argument.  The number
   9 is larger than the number 4 because it is a convention that 9
   is 5 integer
   values larger than 4.  Other than that, the digit 9 or the
 word nine are
   simply labels to represent an idea.  Saying it is because it
 is does not
   constitute any sort of meaningful explanation.
  Some things just are, and the truth is manifested in and of it self.  A
  basket that has 25 eggs in it has MORE eggs than a basket with 4, right?
  All semantics aside.
  Here is (one of) your original question(s)/statement(s), which
 I have been
 I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently
   provides more
 information than a pixel.
  The point of contention appears to be more information.  I believe we
  agree on what more and information mean.  Pixels ONLY represent the
  tonal value of the area which the sensor sees, which does NOT
 represent the
  physical characteristics of the dye cloud, unless the dye cloud
 is perfectly
  square and happens to line up perfectly in the field of view of that one
  In fact a pixel MAY represent many dye clouds, or only a
 portion of a single
  dye cloud, but there is NO way you can represent the amount of
  in a single dye cloud by a single pixel, when A pixel ONLY
 contains tonal
  Dye clouds are irregular in shape, and dye clouds do NOT line
 up 1:1 with
  pixels.  Even if you did characterize each and every dye cloud
  you would need more than spot tonal information, You would also
 have to use
  many pixels, or characterize the shape, because it's irregular.
  Characterizing the shape will be very consuming (as in a lot of data) to
  Given all that, I believe it is obvious why a dye cloud
 provides inherently
  more information than a pixel.  If you don't see that, I can't
 explain it
  any further without sitting down at a white board and drawing
 it out step by
   Claiming that a pixel has anything to do with physics is an
 odd thing to
  Now that's an odd thing to do...claim a pixel has nothing to do with
  physics...  I don't know about your scanner, but mine is not Gnostic.
   A pixel is a number or a set of numbers that represent a mixture and
   intensity of light.  It's not limited by physics.
  A pixel has an analog to digital origin in our case.  This
 analog to digital
  conversion has limitations, which ARE limitations of physics.
 That's just a
  fact.  If you created a drawing with Adobe Illustrator, then your pixels
  would not have an analog origin.
   A dye cloud
   has a certain
   dimension and a certain behviour with light.  A pixel is not
 limited in
   the same way.
  Er, a pixel is FAR more limited, since it is only representing a single
  characteristic of a regular patterned point source (as in a
 single element
  in a regular grid pattern of equal sized elements).
   A pixel could represent an area the size of an atom, or the
   size of a galaxy; *any* dimension
  Except for the fact that we are talking about film scanners,
 and the are a
  pixel can represent is limited by physics...
   and it may be an 8 bit number
   or you could
   pick any number of bits.
  Yes, and it ONLY represents tonality, NO other characteristic at all is
  represented by a pixel.
   How small would you like to make the
   area represented
   by the pixel and how many bits of RGB would you like to use until
   you exceed
   the data contained in a chemical representation of an image?
  Then you said it's just a matter of increasing the resolution of the
  Which is where the physical characteristics come in play.  There are
  physical limitations as to how many pixels you can
 practically use in a
  scanning system.  You can't just make a sensor of infinite density (or
  infinite size and use optics

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Entlich

Dye clouds are a double edged sword.

On the one hand, due to the random positioning and their transparent
nature, they can make for a very small apparent resolution because they
can overlap in all sorts of random patterns making areas much smaller
than a fixed array of pixels which would read the R G B or C M Y
components of the pixel area within the same area (the sensor reads all
three color separations from the same locations).  A single cyan dye
cloud, for instance, might partially overlap with a magenta one in one
area, a yellow in another and perhaps both or none in yet another.
Defining all of this via a pixel array would require very, very, small
pixels. Dye clouds, however, being randomly positioned and shaped allow
for all sorts of irregular information to form, much of which is
smaller than one dye cloud itself, although it may also not be accurate
in either color or location. In this case, the grain or dye clouds
contain a certain level noise (errors), but when it gets that small,
our eye would rather see randomized, inaccurate information than
non-random, geometric forms or total lack of this  filler.

Dye clouds are, in effect, positioned at the point of manufacture, when
their progenitor (a silver grain) is laid down in the specific color
emulsion layer, long before anyone knows the image content.

The grain that eventually allows for the creation of the dye cloud in
color films is completely randomized in it's position and to a
lesser extent, its shape, and within manufacturing limits, its size.

The only reason any specific shaped and positioned dye cloud does
not become an impediment or degrade the image characteristic is because
each are so small and jumbled around, so in most cases, one rarely can
one see an individual dye cloud. They are very small, and are clumped
with parts of other dye clouds, both of the same color, and because of
their transparency, other emulsion layers which contain other colored
dye clouds.

Now, if some brilliant engineer (is that an oxymoron? (that's a
joke!)) figures out a way to allow for silver grains to literally
migrate within the emulsion or change shape as the image is formed or
during development and do nice things like, say, all line up perfectly
when I'm taking a picture of something with a straight line, well then,
yes, the dye clouds will have something going for them that would not
theoretically be possible even with very tiny pixels (however, I
actually imagine those brilliant engineers will come up with a way to
make pixels mobile before making grain do so ;-)...

Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in their location
and shape and are not relocated by picture content.  Pixels would
be required to be very small to reproduce the perception of current
film technologies.  Fuji has a hexagonal/star shaped pixel array, so
that might reduce the rectangular elements, but we still are faced with
the fact that the red, green and blue separations are all taken from an
identically positioned array.

As to the future of digital capture technologies, who knows what might
be stumbled upon.  Both film and pixel based captures have inherent
errors built into the process, and for now pixel based have many more
limitations, but that could change.


Re: filmscanners: Re: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Entlich

Thanks,  It would appear the C70 hasn't made it over the great water yet.

It does look like a less expensive version of the C80.  Hope it comes 
our way soon.


Rob Geraghty wrote:

Is the C70 being sold anywhere around the world now?

Re: filmscanners: Re: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Ken Durling

I see you folks recommending these other Epsons a lot, that aren't
advertised with the six color photo printing.Is there any real
advantage to going  with something like the 890 or 1280 over one of
the less expensive office color inkjets?   

I'm using a HP 722C right now, and I actually get pretty good results
from it, although it's only 300dpi.  I would like whatever I get next
to be a significant improvement.  Do I need to go all the way with
Epson to get that?


Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread SKID Photography

I personally have really enjoyed and learned a lot from your last several posts (after 
my last post) and I
suspect that there comes a point where one has to realize that unfortunately, with 
some people, 'you can lead
a horse to water...'

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Austin Franklin wrote:

 Thanks Harvey...but I really don't know what more I can explain...and I
 don't know how much more basic I can get...


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of SKID Photography
  Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 11:14 PM
  Subject: Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels
  per inch vs DPI
  Most of what you are saying in this latest missive was brought up
  before and rejected by Rob.  It was at that
  point that I gave up.  But, kudos to you for your tenacity and
  deep knowledge on this subject.  I feel like
  I've been vindicated, and by someone with far more skill than I.
  Harvey Ferdschneider
  partner, SKID Photography, NYC


Re: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread markthomasz

Austin wrote..
..I DID stick to the
 ball...please point it out...I am interested.

I'm away from my normal PC right now, so I can't quote the lines that I felt were 
getting personal (a convenient cop-out, I know!), but comments like this:

'..but I really don't know what more I can explain...and I don't know how much more 
basic I can get...  Sigh.'

..are a bit of a put-down in my book.  Perhaps I am just the overly sensitive type, 
but I would be a bit offended if they were comments directed towards me.  Anyway, back 
to the debate, which I hope isn't getting too off-topic..

 But why IS 9 larger than 4?  You didn't explain

We have to some basic 'given's', otherwise nothing can be discussed... :-) 
 Saying a dye cloud has more information content
 than A pixel is NOT ambiguous at all, it's just
 a fact..

Yes, agreed.  But my (and I think Rob's) point is that fact is not of much importance 
unless you are heading for a useful conclusion, eg saying that 'electronic sensors 
will never give higher resolution than film.'  There are many factors involved in that 
question, eg over what size area? (Why do we use 6x7 instead of 35mm? - Because of 
those darned too-big dye clouds, that's why!)  And I'm concerned about recording the 
image, not dye clouds.  In the same way that we use larger format films, and smaller 
dye-clouds as methods to get better images, we can keep reducing the size of the 
'pixels', and if we meet a physics limit (or more often an expense limit), then we can 
increase the area over which that image is recorded.  And that *doesn't* necessarily 
mean huge cameras/lenses, if you think laterally..

 I said that physical limitations prohibit
 sensors from being as small as dye

As above, this is only an issue if you are trying to match up your sensor with some 
pre-determined film size.

 AS I said, these sensors have to get
 light to them

Which can be bent, magnified, reflected, spread...

 and they have to have wires in and out of them

hmm.  Maybe using current technology they do..

Anyway, as soon as a decent *affordable* 8Mp or better digicam arrives, preferably 
with interchangable lenses and decent battery life, I'll be jumping ship and only 
dragging out the film scanner for the 'archives'..  I won't be pining for the days of 


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Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Entlich

Austin Franklin wrote:

  Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in their location
  and shape and are not relocated by picture content.
   What about development?

I could just answer this with an Austinism and say what about it?,
but I'll afford you a little more respect than you hand out.

Development obviously is where dye clouds are created from the photon
activated silver grains.  Depending if the film is a positive or
negative type, those grains activated by photons either are used to
create dye clouds or to be areas where dye clouds are ultimately removed
via a bleaching process in creating the final processed film.

Also, some developing techniques can somewhat alter the shape or size of
the dye clouds, as the grain edges can be eaten away or softened by
some developers or the dye cloud could be enlarged during the chemical
reaction which creates it, and development could also theoretically
alter what level of grain activation will develop into dye clouds by
change of chemical concentration, temperature of the baths and timing.
However, most of this type of thing is done in custom film development
of black and white film, because the need to control so many other
variables within color film development doesn't allow for much playing
around.  Most color film processing is fairly uniform in its method,
assuming it is being done correctly (unfortunately, it often isn't
controlled as well as it should be, which is evident by the number of
people dealing with poor color processing).   This is why almost all
color film is souped in one of two basic color chemistry types (C-41 or

It is true that some of the above mentioned grain alterations also occur
during pushing of color films, but usually the intent of these processes
is to extend film sensitivity more than to increase grain, for instance.

Some photographers do pull some color films, which creates an apparent
slower film and might reduce grain size in some cases.

However, I know of no color development technique that is capable of
moving film grain or dye clouds within the emulsion so that they can
line up the grain as a result of the image content. If you do, I'd like
to here about it.


Austin Franklin wrote:

 Very simply, grain, or dye clouds are predetermined in their location
 and shape and are not relocated by picture content.
  What about development?

Re: filmscanners: Re: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-29 Thread Arthur Entlich

I think the model many of the major multinational high tech companies
use is to get their RD money back first via selling to markets that are
less price sensitive.  Then they introduce the product into the US,
pretty much paid for through other international sales, and can
compete more easily in the very cutthroat price sensitive environment there.

We get some advantage by this here in Canada, on some goods, but
certainly not all.  And importation can be quite daunting, due to
exchange rates, taxes, shipping costs and possible loss of warranty.


Rob Geraghty wrote:

  Arthur Entlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks,  It would appear the C70 hasn't made it over the great water
 It does look like a less expensive version of the C80.  Hope it comes
 our way soon.
  I just wish I could buy printers at prices as cheap as in the US.  I
  understand about discounts for bulk, but isn't it odd that Epson 
printers in
  the US are cheaper after a much longer voyage? :(

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread Rob Geraghty

Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How is a randomly sized and shaped dye cloud a useful characteristic of
  shape and position?  How is it more useful than a precise position in an
 Because it is.  It's the way the world works.  It IS additional
 plain and simple.  Usefulness is a completely different issue, but it is
 ALSO useful, to a point.

I don't think there's any point in my responding to an argument like this.


RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread Austin Franklin

 Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How is a randomly sized and shaped dye cloud a useful
 characteristic of
   shape and position?  How is it more useful than a precise
 position in an
  Because it is.  It's the way the world works.  It IS additional
  plain and simple.  Usefulness is a completely different issue, but it is
  ALSO useful, to a point.

 I don't think there's any point in my responding to an argument like this.

That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking why the number 9
is larger than the number 4.  It's just the way it is.  It's just a fact of
simple physics that a pixel does not contain near the same amount of
information as a dye cloud.

filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread Rob Geraghty

Austin wrote:
 That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking
 why the number 9 is larger than the number 4.  It's just
 the way it is.  It's just a fact of simple physics that a
 pixel does not contain near the same amount of information
 as a dye cloud.

I suspected I should have chosen a word other than argument.  The number
9 is larger than the number 4 because it is a convention that 9 is 5 integer
values larger than 4.  Other than that, the digit 9 or the word nine are
simply labels to represent an idea.  Saying it is because it is does not
constitute any sort of meaningful explanation.

Claiming that a pixel has anything to do with physics is an odd thing to
do.  A pixel is a number or a set of numbers that represent a mixture and
intensity of light.  It's not limited by physics.  A dye cloud has a certain
dimension and a certain behviour with light.  A pixel is not limited in
the same way.  A pixel could represent an area the size of an atom, or the
size of a galaxy; *any* dimension and it may be an 8 bit number or you could
pick any number of bits.  How small would you like to make the area represented
by the pixel and how many bits of RGB would you like to use until you exceed
the data contained in a chemical representation of an image?  I'm astonished
that you could believe the fact you have stated above.

But please Austin, let's drop this since it isn't helping anyone with anything
to do with filmscanning as far as I can make out?



RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread Austin Franklin

 Austin wrote:
  That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking
  why the number 9 is larger than the number 4.  It's just
  the way it is.  It's just a fact of simple physics that a
  pixel does not contain near the same amount of information
  as a dye cloud.

 I suspected I should have chosen a word other than argument.  The number
 9 is larger than the number 4 because it is a convention that 9
 is 5 integer
 values larger than 4.  Other than that, the digit 9 or the word nine are
 simply labels to represent an idea.  Saying it is because it is does not
 constitute any sort of meaningful explanation.

Some things just are, and the truth is manifested in and of it self.  A
basket that has 25 eggs in it has MORE eggs than a basket with 4, right?
All semantics aside.

Here is (one of) your original question(s)/statement(s), which I have been

   I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently
 provides more
   information than a pixel.

The point of contention appears to be more information.  I believe we
agree on what more and information mean.  Pixels ONLY represent the
tonal value of the area which the sensor sees, which does NOT represent the
physical characteristics of the dye cloud, unless the dye cloud is perfectly
square and happens to line up perfectly in the field of view of that one

In fact a pixel MAY represent many dye clouds, or only a portion of a single
dye cloud, but there is NO way you can represent the amount of information
in a single dye cloud by a single pixel, when A pixel ONLY contains tonal

Dye clouds are irregular in shape, and dye clouds do NOT line up 1:1 with
pixels.  Even if you did characterize each and every dye cloud digitally,
you would need more than spot tonal information, You would also have to use
many pixels, or characterize the shape, because it's irregular.
Characterizing the shape will be very consuming (as in a lot of data) to

Given all that, I believe it is obvious why a dye cloud provides inherently
more information than a pixel.  If you don't see that, I can't explain it
any further without sitting down at a white board and drawing it out step by

 Claiming that a pixel has anything to do with physics is an odd thing to

Now that's an odd thing to do...claim a pixel has nothing to do with
physics...  I don't know about your scanner, but mine is not Gnostic.

 A pixel is a number or a set of numbers that represent a mixture and
 intensity of light.  It's not limited by physics.

A pixel has an analog to digital origin in our case.  This analog to digital
conversion has limitations, which ARE limitations of physics.  That's just a
fact.  If you created a drawing with Adobe Illustrator, then your pixels
would not have an analog origin.

 A dye cloud
 has a certain
 dimension and a certain behviour with light.  A pixel is not limited in
 the same way.

Er, a pixel is FAR more limited, since it is only representing a single
characteristic of a regular patterned point source (as in a single element
in a regular grid pattern of equal sized elements).

 A pixel could represent an area the size of an atom, or the
 size of a galaxy; *any* dimension

Except for the fact that we are talking about film scanners, and the are a
pixel can represent is limited by physics...

 and it may be an 8 bit number
 or you could
 pick any number of bits.

Yes, and it ONLY represents tonality, NO other characteristic at all is
represented by a pixel.

 How small would you like to make the
 area represented
 by the pixel and how many bits of RGB would you like to use until
 you exceed
 the data contained in a chemical representation of an image?

Then you said it's just a matter of increasing the resolution of the

Which is where the physical characteristics come in play.  There are
physical limitations as to how many pixels you can practically use in a
scanning system.  You can't just make a sensor of infinite density (or
infinite size and use optics), since these bring up physical limitations.
These are just facts of physics, and why physics is involved.

 that you could believe the fact you have stated above.

Because what I have stated ARE facts.  It would take MANY MANY pixels to
represent the physical characteristics of a single dye cloud, and one could
argue for quite some time what is the correct number of pixels to do
this...and NO, because of physical limitations on sensor element sizes (that
are NOT the same as faster processors, larger memory etc...those aren't
analog sensors, so advances in those areas are not entirely applicable to
advances in digital imaging sensors in this case) you can not just increase
the resolution of the grid.

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread SKID Photography

I agree about the eventually partbut not yet.  I am talking about what is now, not 
what is theoretically
possible, and probable.  We essentially, are in agreement.

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID photography, NYC

Rob Geraghty wrote:

 SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I agree that the pixels will be 'smoother' because of the inkjet
  dither pattern, film grain still contains/imparts more information (on a
  one to one basis) than a pixel, not matter how it is dithered by the

 Why?  So far I've heard this claimed a number of times, but I've still
 heard nothing which backs it up.  I'm prepared to be convinced, but
 you haven't explained the facts behind the statement you make above.

 Are we talking about any theoretical pixel, or the average 24 bit pixel?
 If we're just talking 24bits per pixel, and 2700 or 4000dpi then
 absolutely the film contains more information. QED.

 But if the area represented by the pixel is similar to the area of the
 smallest dye cloud in the film, and the pixel has enough bits to
 represent colour, I can't see any reason why the film would
 contain any more useful information than the digital representation,
 or the why the digital image would be inherently worse. :-7

 Everyone has been telling me that we will all inevitably end up using
 filmless systems.  What changed?  I know a digital image is only a
 representation of an analogue event of light, but an image on film
 is much the same - a representation with limits.  Eventually, the
 digital image will become as good or better than the film image
 according to market demands.

 I suspect this discussion is not really relevent to film scanning any more,
 other than to say that film scanning is a stopgap between film with
 chemical production of prints and digital imaging.  Eventually it will
 become redundant except for scanning historical material.  But we
 all know that, don't we? :-7


Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-28 Thread SKID Photography

Most of what you are saying in this latest missive was brought up before and rejected 
by Rob.  It was at that
point that I gave up.  But, kudos to you for your tenacity and deep knowledge on this 
subject.  I feel like
I've been vindicated, and by someone with far more skill than I.

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Austin Franklin wrote:

  Austin wrote:
   That's the point, it isn't an argument!  It's like asking
   why the number 9 is larger than the number 4.  It's just
   the way it is.  It's just a fact of simple physics that a
   pixel does not contain near the same amount of information
   as a dye cloud.
  I suspected I should have chosen a word other than argument.  The number
  9 is larger than the number 4 because it is a convention that 9
  is 5 integer
  values larger than 4.  Other than that, the digit 9 or the word nine are
  simply labels to represent an idea.  Saying it is because it is does not
  constitute any sort of meaningful explanation.

 Some things just are, and the truth is manifested in and of it self.  A
 basket that has 25 eggs in it has MORE eggs than a basket with 4, right?
 All semantics aside.

 Here is (one of) your original question(s)/statement(s), which I have been

I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently
  provides more
information than a pixel.

 The point of contention appears to be more information.  I believe we
 agree on what more and information mean.  Pixels ONLY represent the
 tonal value of the area which the sensor sees, which does NOT represent the
 physical characteristics of the dye cloud, unless the dye cloud is perfectly
 square and happens to line up perfectly in the field of view of that one

 In fact a pixel MAY represent many dye clouds, or only a portion of a single
 dye cloud, but there is NO way you can represent the amount of information
 in a single dye cloud by a single pixel, when A pixel ONLY contains tonal

 Dye clouds are irregular in shape, and dye clouds do NOT line up 1:1 with
 pixels.  Even if you did characterize each and every dye cloud digitally,
 you would need more than spot tonal information, You would also have to use
 many pixels, or characterize the shape, because it's irregular.
 Characterizing the shape will be very consuming (as in a lot of data) to

 Given all that, I believe it is obvious why a dye cloud provides inherently
 more information than a pixel.  If you don't see that, I can't explain it
 any further without sitting down at a white board and drawing it out step by

  Claiming that a pixel has anything to do with physics is an odd thing to

 Now that's an odd thing to do...claim a pixel has nothing to do with
 physics...  I don't know about your scanner, but mine is not Gnostic.

  A pixel is a number or a set of numbers that represent a mixture and
  intensity of light.  It's not limited by physics.

 A pixel has an analog to digital origin in our case.  This analog to digital
 conversion has limitations, which ARE limitations of physics.  That's just a
 fact.  If you created a drawing with Adobe Illustrator, then your pixels
 would not have an analog origin.

  A dye cloud
  has a certain
  dimension and a certain behviour with light.  A pixel is not limited in
  the same way.

 Er, a pixel is FAR more limited, since it is only representing a single
 characteristic of a regular patterned point source (as in a single element
 in a regular grid pattern of equal sized elements).

  A pixel could represent an area the size of an atom, or the
  size of a galaxy; *any* dimension

 Except for the fact that we are talking about film scanners, and the are a
 pixel can represent is limited by physics...

  and it may be an 8 bit number
  or you could
  pick any number of bits.

 Yes, and it ONLY represents tonality, NO other characteristic at all is
 represented by a pixel.

  How small would you like to make the
  area represented
  by the pixel and how many bits of RGB would you like to use until
  you exceed
  the data contained in a chemical representation of an image?

 Then you said it's just a matter of increasing the resolution of the

 Which is where the physical characteristics come in play.  There are
 physical limitations as to how many pixels you can practically use in a
 scanning system.  You can't just make a sensor of infinite density (or
 infinite size and use optics), since these bring up physical limitations.
 These are just facts of physics, and why physics is involved.

  that you could believe the fact you have stated above.

 Because what I have stated ARE facts.  It would take MANY MANY pixels to
 represent the physical characteristics of a single dye cloud, and one could
 argue for quite some time what is the correct number of pixels to do
 this...and NO, because of physical limitations on sensor element sizes (that
 are NOT the same as faster 

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread SKID Photography

Rob Geraghty wrote:

 SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering
 pattern to represent pixels that film
  grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the
 amount of information they impart
  to an inkjet printer?

 I think Art was saying that the relationship between pixels in the file and
 dots on the page isn't clear cut because the dither pattern used by the
 printer driver is random and therefore undoes some of the regularity of the
 pixels.  The print ends up looking smoother than say a monitor image because
 the printer shadings aren't constructed as rectilinear sharp edged objects
 but random spots of colour.


While I agree that the pixels will be 'smoother' because of the inkjet dither pattern, 
film grain still
contains/imparts more information (on a one to one basis) than a pixel, not matter how 
it is dithered by the

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Arthur Entlich

SKID Photography wrote:

  I'm not trying to be difficult, but  I don't understand what you are 
trying to say with the below post
  relative to film grain.
  Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic 
dithering pattern to represent pixels that film
  grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards 
to the amount of information they impart
  to an inkjet printer?

I wouldn't mind if you want to be difficult ;-)

But no, I'm, not saying that they are equivalent.  But I am saying that
inkjet printers get around the defined pixel array and rectangular
aspect of pixels (and their defined borders) by using a printing method
which randomizes the edges and placement of the dots (as much as by
1/2880th of an inch).

Therefore, some of the rigidity of the pixelized nature of digital
images is mitigated by the printing process used.  One could argue that
film isn't continuous tone either, since the size of the dye clouds are
random but relatively predetermined by the silver grain size, and they
also do not have a full variation of levels of color density.  It is the
random nature of the three different layers of the grain/dye clouds that
creates the analogue result which we find more pleasing, because, as you
stated, an array with rigid sized and shaped steps is more obvious to
our eye.

Unless one works hard at trying to create steplike diagonals, (for
instance), which certainly can be visible in a screen image at certain
magnifications, it is relatively hard to reproduce these in the inkjet
printed image, unless one works at very low resolution.

I both ran a color lab and did custom Cibachrome images using fairly
good Nikon EL lenses on a Beseler enlarger at home, so I have a fairly
good sense of what good prints look like.  Using a several year old
Epson 850 printer with there photo paper I've been producing 8x10s from
scanned 35mm slides, and I'd be hard pressed to pick them out from a
reasonable custom type C lab print.  Maybe not as good as a Ciba, but
fairly close.  Other knowledgeable people I show them to agree.  The
secret for me is to use 1440 dpi, the photo paper  setting and the
microweave/super printing feature to prevent banding, and error
diffusion, and make sure the heads have no clogged nozzles.   Sure, with
a loupe you'll see some dots (the printer uses down to 4 picolitre
dots), but that's smaller than most photo grain appears on a 8x10 print.


Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Arthur Entlich


Just to clarify, my original comments about the randomization of the
pixel edges, etc. was in response to your comment below.  I was not
implying that current pixel resolution could achieve photographic grain
randomness or resolution at current.

However, I would agree with Rob that should the resolution of digital
scans become high enough, the issue would become moot.  Grain is just
another dot pattern of random size and placement.  Seems a bit of
fuzzy logic could replicate it should that be desirable, once the
resolution is high enough.

We humans seem to like analogue qualities in our visual info, sound,
etc.  Probably because our own cell structure (and that of most living
things) is pretty chaotic, and our retinas are certainly not rigid
arrays.  Film mimics this quality, so we prefer the results.

As I said earlier, the placement and relative size of the grain which
creates the dye clouds within the film emulsion is predetermined during
the manufacturing process.  It isn't like they move around after the
picture is taken to produce the image, so they could just as easily be
detrimentally located as augmenting to the image quality.  It's just
that they are so small and there are so many that they allow for more
precise positioning than do pixels currently.  If pixels were small
enough, and closely enough spaced, I don't think the issue of their
array position would be very important, if there delineation's became
fully invisible to the naked eye.



   I think that part of it, is that pixels are aligned in a grid and
have a rectilinear shape, whereas the film
   grain is (for lack of a better description) schoastic in arrangement
and irregular in shape, thereby providing
   more tonal information than pixels.

SKID Photography wrote:

   While I agree that the pixels will be 'smoother' because of the
inkjet dither pattern, film grain still
   contains/imparts more information (on a one to one basis) than a
pixel, not matter how it is dithered by the
   Harvey Ferdschneider
   partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Arthur Entlich

I couldn't (and probably didn't) say it better myself ;-)


Rob Geraghty wrote:

 SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering

 pattern to represent pixels that film
grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the

 amount of information they impart
to an inkjet printer?

 I think Art was saying that the relationship between pixels in the file and
 dots on the page isn't clear cut because the dither pattern used by the
 printer driver is random and therefore undoes some of the regularity of the
 pixels.  The print ends up looking smoother than say a monitor image because
 the printer shadings aren't constructed as rectilinear sharp edged objects
 but random spots of colour.

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Rob Geraghty

SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I agree that the pixels will be 'smoother' because of the inkjet
 dither pattern, film grain still contains/imparts more information (on a
 one to one basis) than a pixel, not matter how it is dithered by the

Why?  So far I've heard this claimed a number of times, but I've still
heard nothing which backs it up.  I'm prepared to be convinced, but
you haven't explained the facts behind the statement you make above.

Are we talking about any theoretical pixel, or the average 24 bit pixel?
If we're just talking 24bits per pixel, and 2700 or 4000dpi then
absolutely the film contains more information. QED.

But if the area represented by the pixel is similar to the area of the
smallest dye cloud in the film, and the pixel has enough bits to
represent colour, I can't see any reason why the film would
contain any more useful information than the digital representation,
or the why the digital image would be inherently worse. :-7

Everyone has been telling me that we will all inevitably end up using
filmless systems.  What changed?  I know a digital image is only a
representation of an analogue event of light, but an image on film
is much the same - a representation with limits.  Eventually, the
digital image will become as good or better than the film image
according to market demands.

I suspect this discussion is not really relevent to film scanning any more,
other than to say that film scanning is a stopgap between film with
chemical production of prints and digital imaging.  Eventually it will
become redundant except for scanning historical material.  But we
all know that, don't we? :-7


RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Austin Franklin

 Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rob wrote:
   I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently
 provides more
   information than a pixel.
  Actually, FAR more.  It's their position and size, not their color, that
  far more information than pixels are.  Pixels (in current
  must fall on a grid pattern, and are a fixed size.

 But the information in a pixel is limited only by the number of
 bits used to
 represent the colour.

But a dye cloud is more than color.  It is ALSO shape and position.  Those
characteristics (information) are NOT represented by color.

 Can you explain your claim in some way that shows me how one is better
 than the other?  If you're comparing say a 2700dpi pixel grid with a film
 emulsion, then I agree.  But as far as I can tell, it's just a matter of
 the resolution of the grid and/or the number of bits in each pixel and you
 should be able to meet or exceed the amount of information stored in the

Yes, but increase it to what?  You would need to be able to scan the exact
edges of every randomly placed dye's about three orders of
magnitude more information than is currently possible.

 For practical purposes there has to be a point where the
 difference becomes
 irrelevent, or people wouldn't use scanning back cameras or
 really high res
 CCD cameras in professional situations.

Well, there's yet another problem.  You can only make a CCD (or CMOS)
pixel just so small, and you are limited also by size of the array.  This
is a physics limitation.  Each and every pixel has to have wires running to
and from it.  That is not the case with dye clouds ;-)  Also, the smaller
you make them, the more noise you get.  This is the reason the cheapo
digital cameras use the small pixel arrays and they are not as good as the
larger arrays (physical size, not more pixels) as far as picture quality.
Hence, the Canon D30 is FAR better than a same or more sized cheapo digital

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Rob Geraghty

Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But a dye cloud is more than color.  It is ALSO shape and position.  Those
 characteristics (information) are NOT represented by color.

How is a randomly sized and shaped dye cloud a useful characteristic of
shape and position?  How is it more useful than a precise position in an

 Yes, but increase it to what?  You would need to be able to scan the exact
 edges of every randomly placed dye's about three orders of
 magnitude more information than is currently possible.

Now you're talking scanning, which I wasn't.  I was talking about
an image with a pixel array, not the process of getting the image into the
If you scan film, you're making the process a lot harder than other methods
digitally capturing an image.  We've already spent a lot of bandwidth
about aliasing and other limitations of scanning!

 Well, there's yet another problem.  You can only make a CCD (or CMOS)
 pixel just so small, and you are limited also by size of the array.
 is a physics limitation.

Dye clouds are subject to limitations of size as well.  This is a spurious

 Hence, the Canon D30 is FAR better than a same or more sized cheapo

And the technology used in today's base model computers was top of the line
didn't exist a year or two ago.  When I was at university, people were
that physics severely limited the size of transistors and the speed at which
operated.  The first IBM PC ran at what, 4.77 MHz?  And now you can buy a

If the market is there, the technology will be developed to meet the demand.
Absolutely I agree that Provia 100F and Reala in their own way can store
information in an image than a D30.  But look at how quickly the technology
has advanced to produce the D30.  The rate of improvement in digital imaging
is much greater than the rate of improvement in film technology.  I don't
anyone is doubting that film is doomed for the majority of consumers are we?
Surely it's just a question of time?

But meanwhile, I'll continue to try to get the most out of my scanner, and
improve my skills at achieving a good result. :)


RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-27 Thread Austin Franklin

 Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But a dye cloud is more than color.  It is ALSO shape and
 position.  Those
  characteristics (information) are NOT represented by color.

 How is a randomly sized and shaped dye cloud a useful characteristic of
 shape and position?  How is it more useful than a precise position in an

Because it is.  It's the way the world works.  It IS additional information,
plain and simple.  Usefulness is a completely different issue, but it is
ALSO useful, to a point.

  Yes, but increase it to what?  You would need to be able to
 scan the exact
  edges of every randomly placed dye's about three orders of
  magnitude more information than is currently possible.

 Now you're talking scanning, which I wasn't.  I was talking about
 an image with a pixel array, not the process of getting the image into the
 If you scan film, you're making the process a lot harder than
 other methods
 digitally capturing an image.

Absolutely not true.  Film scanning is STILL better than any digital camera
in existence.

 We've already spent a lot of bandwidth
 about aliasing and other limitations of scanning!

Certainly NOT with me you haven't.  How come a drum scanner can scan at
10k/inch if film scanning is so limited?

  Well, there's yet another problem.  You can only make a CCD (or CMOS)
  pixel just so small, and you are limited also by size of the array.
  is a physics limitation.

 Dye clouds are subject to limitations of size as well.  This is a spurious

It's important to understanding what is going on here.  It's really simple,
and why you are fighting it, I can't understand.

  Hence, the Canon D30 is FAR better than a same or more sized cheapo

 And the technology used in today's base model computers was top
 of the line
 didn't exist a year or two ago.

BZZT.  Wrong answer.  Entirely different issue.  We are talking about
sensors, which are analog data acquisition devices...and that is apples and
oranges compared to computer technology.  The limitations are entirely
different.  I described the limitations of digital camera sensors.  These
limitations are fact.

 I don't
 anyone is doubting that film is doomed for the majority of
 consumers are we?
 Surely it's just a question of time?

That may be true, but it has nothing to do with the issues above.  General
consumers were happy with Polaroid pictures for God's sake!

 But meanwhile, I'll continue to try to get the most out of my scanner, and
 improve my skills at achieving a good result. :)

To get the most out of your scanner, I would suggest getting good a using
good films, exposing them accurately and developing them for low grain.
These are really key to getting good images out of scanners.

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread SKID Photography

Rob Geraghty wrote:

 I think that's an important point - we all have different standards.  I
 have a photographic print on my wall at home which everyone I know loves,
 yet it was made from ordinary 100ASA Kodak print film back in about 1982.
  It's quite grainy!  The point is you would normally view it from halfway
 across the room, not at reading distance.  For me, this is the sort of situation
 where a print with less than 240 ppi would work.

I think it's important to remember that film grain and pixels are not interchangeable 
terms.  One can have a
really grainy image, blown way up and still have a full rich tonal range and 
luminescence, where as the same
cannot be said for a digital output that has too few pixels.

I think that part of it, is that pixels are aligned in a grid and have a rectilinear 
shape, whereas the film
grain is (for lack of a better description) schoastic in arrangement and irregular in 
shape, thereby providing
more tonal information than pixels.

I know that there are those out there that think grain is a dirty word and that the 
presence of it, limits the
possible size or viewing distance of a print.  But go to any museum with a good photo 
collection and you will
see that the masters were easily able to get beyond those artificial limitations.  
That is not to say that the
grainy images will be the same as an 8x10 contact print. Separate but equal.

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread Rob Geraghty

SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it's important to remember that film grain and pixels are not
 interchangeable terms.

I didn't mean to imply that they were.  I was simply trying to make an
about expected viewing distance.

 I think that part of it, is that pixels are aligned in a grid and have a
 shape, whereas the film grain is (for lack of a better description)
schoastic in
 arrangement and irregular in shape, thereby providing more tonal
information than pixels.

I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently provides more
than a pixel.  A single pixel can represent one of 16 million colours (more
or less
depending on your bit depth).  A single dye cloud can't.  The problem is
that our pixel
sizes aren't down to dye cloud sizes yet (not in the consumer scanners!),
and the
printers we print with still can't reproduce quite the same subtlety of
colour or tone yet.
Owners of 1290's may take me to task there. :)

In any case until we get affordable digicams with resolution similar to
film, most of us
are scanning film at resolutions that result in aliasing of some kind, and
therefore don't
get all the possible information out of the film.

 I know that there are those out there that think grain is a dirty word and
that the
 presence of it, limits the possible size or viewing distance of a print.

Grain is only a dirty word for me because when I scan grainy film I get
If I could scan at (say) 8000ppi and print a 20x30 image, I might be able
reproduce that photographic enlargement.  Actually, for A3 sized prints I've
already improved on it because after scanning I was able to remove the dust
and scratches from the neg. :)


RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread Austin Franklin

 I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently provides more
 than a pixel.

Actually, FAR more.  It's their position and size, not their color, that is
far more information than pixels are.  Pixels (in current implementations)
must fall on a grid pattern, and are a fixed size.

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread SKID Photography

I'm not trying to be difficult, but  I don't understand what you are trying to say 
with the below post
relative to film grain.

Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering pattern to 
represent pixels that film
grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the amount of 
information they impart
to an inkjet printer?

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Arthur Entlich wrote:

 Pixels are pretty much only in an array and rectangular on a monitor or
 a continuous tone printer output.  Since inkjet printers use a sub-array
 of randomized dots to create the illusion of a specific pixel color
 (usually blended into its surrounding pixel neighbors, as well), there
 is rarely any true delineation of rectangular pixels in inkjet prints,
 which use either dithering or an error diffusion pattern to create blends.


 SKID Photography wrote:

   Rob Geraghty wrote:
  I think that's an important point - we all have different standards.  I
  have a photographic print on my wall at home which everyone I know loves,
  yet it was made from ordinary 100ASA Kodak print film back in about 1982.
   It's quite grainy!  The point is you would normally view it from halfway
  across the room, not at reading distance.  For me, this is the sort
 of situation
  where a print with less than 240 ppi would work.
   I think it's important to remember that film grain and pixels are not
 interchangeable terms.  One can have a
   really grainy image, blown way up and still have a full rich tonal
 range and luminescence, where as the same
   cannot be said for a digital output that has too few pixels.
   I think that part of it, is that pixels are aligned in a grid and
 have a rectilinear shape, whereas the film
   grain is (for lack of a better description) schoastic in arrangement
 and irregular in shape, thereby providing
   more tonal information than pixels.
   I know that there are those out there that think grain is a dirty
 word and that the presence of it, limits the
   possible size or viewing distance of a print.  But go to any museum
 with a good photo collection and you will
   see that the masters were easily able to get beyond those artificial
 limitations.  That is not to say that the
   grainy images will be the same as an 8x10 contact print. Separate but
   Harvey Ferdschneider
   partner, SKID Photography, NYC

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread Rob Geraghty

Austin Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rob wrote:
  I don't see why stochastic or random dye clouds inherently provides more
  information than a pixel.
 Actually, FAR more.  It's their position and size, not their color, that
 far more information than pixels are.  Pixels (in current implementations)
 must fall on a grid pattern, and are a fixed size.

But the information in a pixel is limited only by the number of bits used to
represent the colour.  I don't see why a random pattern of dyes would
represent an image better than a grid pattern of pixels with a point size
equivalent to the size of the smallest dye cloud.

Can you explain your claim in some way that shows me how one is better
than the other?  If you're comparing say a 2700dpi pixel grid with a film
emulsion, then I agree.  But as far as I can tell, it's just a matter of
the resolution of the grid and/or the number of bits in each pixel and you
should be able to meet or exceed the amount of information stored in the

For practical purposes there has to be a point where the difference becomes
irrelevent, or people wouldn't use scanning back cameras or really high res
CCD cameras in professional situations.


Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread Rob Geraghty

SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering
pattern to represent pixels that film
 grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the
amount of information they impart
 to an inkjet printer?

I think Art was saying that the relationship between pixels in the file and
dots on the page isn't clear cut because the dither pattern used by the
printer driver is random and therefore undoes some of the regularity of the
pixels.  The print ends up looking smoother than say a monitor image because
the printer shadings aren't constructed as rectilinear sharp edged objects
but random spots of colour.


Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-26 Thread Maris V. Lidaka, Sr.

Chapter 14 of Professional Photoshop - Resolving the Resolution Issue:

printed dots per inch consist of grids of spots per dot - of differing picoliter sizes 
depending on the printer.

Apples and oranges?


- Original Message - 
From: Rob Geraghty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

| SKID Photography [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  Are you saying that because inkjet printers employ a schoastic dithering
| pattern to represent pixels that film
|  grain and scan pixels (samples, whatever) are equivalent in regards to the
| amount of information they impart
|  to an inkjet printer?
| I think Art was saying that the relationship between pixels in the file and
| dots on the page isn't clear cut because the dither pattern used by the
| printer driver is random and therefore undoes some of the regularity of the
| pixels.  The print ends up looking smoother than say a monitor image because
| the printer shadings aren't constructed as rectilinear sharp edged objects
| but random spots of colour.
| Rob

filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-23 Thread Rob Geraghty

Austin wrote:
Why would you want to output at a fixed 300 PPI?

Because that's the requirement of the offset printer which many of my recent
photos are going to.  Aside from that, 300 dpi is as a general rule of thumb
the best resolution *most* printers (pc and otherwise) work with.  Some
are more, some are less, and the manufacturers muddy the water by talking
about the size of individual ink dots not the size at which a pixel is reproduced
as a dot on the print.

 If you are outputting to an inkjet printer, you are best to
 just choose your image output size and let the PPI output
 to the printer fall where it may.

So what do you set the dpi to in the file?  If you create a TIFF file, there
will be a figure for the dpi embedded in it.  I use 300dpi.  When I actually
print from PSP the real dpi is hardly ever precisely 300dpi - it depends
on the page layout and how the picture is cropped.  So yes, I'm effectively
doing what you suggest above when prniting on my own printer.  But I have
to set the file's dpi to something, and it makes more sense to set it to
300dpi than 2700dpi or 100dpi for a full frame 2700spi ( :) scan.

 If you do any resizing of the PPI to make some fixed number,
 then you are resampling, which degrades the image.

I was talking about the setting in the file.  You can set the output dpi
of Vuescan (or Nikonscan I think) to anything you want.  It makes no difference
to the number of pixels.  Setting it to 300 dpi means that you'll get a
meaningfully sized print (roughly a page) out of a 2700 spi scan on most
printers.  Leave it at 2700dpi and you'll have a print the size of the neg
frame.  Set it to 100dpi and the size will be silly for printing.

 Epsons seem to work quite well at 240dpi because of the
 integer relationship with the 1440dpi native dot size.
 That?s pretty much been proven to by a myth.  It is true,
 to some degree, for lineart, but not at all for halftoned images.

In my own personal experience it's true that prints having an integer relationship
between the output dpi and 1440 on my Epson 1160 will be sharper and have
less visible dithering than at other scales.  It was also true on my previous
Photo 700.  I expect that newer printers, particularly those with more than
4 colours, will give better results.

I don't know for sure about other printers - for instance the 12x0 series
probably have fine enough patterns from 6 colours at 1440 or 2880 dpi that
variations in the source dpi make much less difference. I don't know because
I don't have one.

What I *do* know is that Epson had on their own web site an equation for
calculating the ideal source resolution which was based on an integer relationship
with the printer's native resolution.  Epson themselves said it was the
best thing to do.  The story may have changed since they wrote that FAQ.



RE: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Pixels per inch vs DPI

2001-10-22 Thread Austin Franklin

  2. If you want to print the picture, the maximum size you can
  print is limited to the number of pixels expressed at 300 ppi.
   I always set the output resolution of Vuescan to 300dpi.
 I have no idea what you mean by that...would you please elaborate?

 OK.  I don't have any files to work with here so I'll work with
 some theoretical
 numbers.  Suppose you scan a 35mm frame at 2700dpi (spi if you prefer :)
 and get a file containing 3000x2000 pixels.  If you want to print the file
 at 300dpi (or 300 pixels per inch)

Why would you want to output at a fixed 300 PPI?  If you are outputting to
an inkjet printer, you are best to just choose your image output size and
let the PPI output to the printer fall where it may.  If you do any resizing
of the PPI to make some fixed number, then you are resampling, which
degrades the image.  If you just let the PPI fall where it may (providing
you are above 180+, if even 240), then you only get one “processing” of the
image, namely the halftone algorithm in the printer driver (converting PPI
to DPI ;-)...and therefore less image degradation.  Am I misunderstanding
you perhaps?

 2. As I mentioned earlier, some printers give quite good results at lower
 dpi.  Epsons seem to work quite well at 240dpi because of the
 integer relationship
 with the 1440dpi native dot size.

That’s pretty much been proven to by a myth.  It is true, to some degree,
for lineart, but not at all for halftoned images.