Re: [Finale] TAN: Intel Macs out

2006-01-15 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 14.01.2006 Simon Troup wrote:

can you tell me anything more about this, was it an application that
would provide this?

No, it is a hack. Basically that functionality is already there, but 
Apple has deactivated it. The hack just reactivates it.

Don Hart has the links.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: TAN: Intel Macs out

2006-01-15 Thread Karen

Hi Michael,

Our MacIntel iMac should
arrive soon after NAMM, so I'll know more then.

I'll look forward to hearing more once you have time to work with the  
new machine!

You've probably already gotten this but I thought I'd pass it along  
just in case:

Some of this is over my head as I'm not a programmer though I found  
it very interesting.  I'm sure it will make a lot more sense to you!


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Bug Report: Blank Notation Tuplet Bug

2006-01-15 Thread Karen

Hi Darcy,

I have had similar strangeness in 2006 with applying blank notation  
to beamed tuplets.  In my template, beams and tuplet numbers  
disappear resulting in single notes and stems throughout the measure  
(no tuplet numbers visible anymore).  Is this the same thing you are  



On Jan 8, 2006, at 9:11 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Applying blank notation to a group of beamed (unbracketed) tuplets  
causes tuplet brackets to appear.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread dhbailey

David W. Fenton wrote:

On 14 Jan 2006 at 15:49, dhbailey wrote:

Éric Dussault wrote:

Le 06-01-14 à 13:00, Josue Moreno a écrit :

Im talking about insert a note betwen existing notes.(i cannot
find it in the tutorial)

in speedy, position the cursor on the note after the one you want to
insert. enter the note to insert while pressing shift (mac).

On Windows machines, at least for the past few versions, hit the INS
key to enter Insert mode in speedy entry.  Move the cursor to the
position you want to insert the note and use your normal note-entry
method.  Then hit the INS mode to exit the Insert mode.

But the SHIFT method works, as well, and it's the only one I've ever 
used. SHIFT-4 inserts an 8th note, SHIFT-5 a quarter note, etc.

I wish the INSERT key did not exist. It's a holdover from 20 years 
ago and really serves no useful purpose today.

Some applications use it as a switch between Insert mode and Typeover 
mode.  WordPerfect does this, and I find it very helpful.

And Finale is using.

Now if you were complaining about the ScrollLock key I could agree 
because I've never seen any application which made use of that.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] WinFin2006 & PDF

2006-01-15 Thread Richard Yates
> Now that the EPS problem seems to be sorted out

Is that true? I have not upgraded from 2005 (and won't until some bugs are
corrected - including the EPS one).

Richard Yates

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Finale List Membership Questions

2006-01-15 Thread John Oblak

Topic 1)
I have been a member of this list since 1997. I recently 
changed my email address from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This change was 
confirmed as follows:
The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is 
youroriginal message.- Results:    Confirmation 
succeeded- Unprocessed:    Yes, I would like to 
change my email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. 
Prior    email address was [EMAIL PROTECTED].    
Thank you.    John Oblak    - Original 
Message -     From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:57 PM    Subject: confirm 
b7fa31aff4b35aec3b054f6fad4fb87a085006ec    > Mailing list 
subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Finale    
>    > We have received a request for subscription of 
your email address,    > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", to the mailing list. 
Topic 2)
After I changed my email address I submitted a question to 
the membership regarding pipe band snare drum notation. This message was 
rejected with the following message:
Your mail to 'Finale' with the subject    Pipe Band 
SD PlaybackIs being held until the list moderator can review it for 
approval.The reason it is being held:    Post by 
non-member to a members-only list
Topic 3)
Here is the original question I attempted to 
send to the other members:

- Original Message - 
From: John Oblak 

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: Pipe Band SD Playback


have been using Finale version 2003 to print pipe band bagpipe and snare drum 
music. I use a regular five-line staff for the bagpipe, and a one-line staff for 
the snare drum. I only notate the tune of the bagpipe part and not the 
intermediate grace notes, as the part is only used as a reference for the 
drummers. The pipe band community typically uses this one-line score for the 
drum, placing the right-hand notes above the line, and the left-hand notes below 
the line. The drum music itself is fairly intricate, containing many grace 
notes, sextuplets, rolls, etc. This system has worked well for me for printing 
out the snare drum and bagpipe parts. 
snare drum parts print out properly, but I have never found a way to playback 
the snare drum parts. I have never found anything in the documentation on how to 
make the notes above and below the one-line to playback with the sound of a 
single snare drum sound.
there some way that I can set up this notation so that Finale 2003 so I can 
playback the above notes as snare drum sounds? At present Finale 2003 plays the 
notation above and below the line as two different pitches, a minor third apart. 

I wrote Finale support about this, I was basically told to read the manual. I 
have never found an answer to this question in the manual. Does anyone have any 
suggestions? I had thought of creating another staff, one that has normal snare 
drum notation, hiding it, and using it only for playback, while printing the 
one-line staff I have been creating. 
hesitate to go to a newer version of Finale unless it would add the above 
capability. Does a later version of Finale provide the above 
you for any assistance you can provide.
John OblakWebmaster,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topic 4)
Can you tell me if I need to do anything else to have my 
question sent to the other members?
Thank you.
John Oblak

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale List Membership Questions

2006-01-15 Thread dhbailey

John Oblak wrote:

The snare drum parts print out properly, but I have never found a way to 
playback the snare drum parts. I have never found anything in the 
documentation on how to make the notes above and below the one-line to 
playback with the sound of a single snare drum sound.


Is there some way that I can set up this notation so that Finale 2003 so 
I can playback the above notes as snare drum sounds? At present Finale 
2003 plays the notation above and below the line as two different 
pitches, a minor third apart.


Percussion maps in Finale are one of the most arcane and unintuitive 
aspects of the program.  Maybe 2007 will sort this out!  We can always hope.

Here is the basic process you need to go through (print this out and 
follow it carefully):

1) Using the Staff Tool, set the Notation Style type to be percussion, 
then click on SELECT just to the right of the Notation Style selection box;
2) in the ensuing dialog, you can choose any method of entry you want. 
I find General Midi Entry and Playback to work fine.  Highlight this and 
click EDIT.
3) you are presented with a dialog whereby you can select different 
notes and staff positions and playback sounds for whatever you want. 
Even though you may be using a 1-line staff, Finale always thinks in 
terms of a 5-line staff, so picture your 1-line as the middle line of 
the staff.
4) The left-hand column is the list of midi notes that you will play if 
you happen to want to use midi-entry.  If you won't be using midi-entry, 
then you can safely ignore this column.  The next column to the right is 
the list of the midi note numbers which will be used for playback.  You 
can redefine this to be anything you want, using the boxes in the 
right-hand section of the dialog.  The third column in from the left 
shows the noteheads which will be used and where on the staff they will 
appear.  This can all be altered using the boxes on the right.
5) what you define in this dialog is unique to this particular file, so 
don't worry about messing up other files if you change anything here. 
Pick a note, any note, it doesn't matter, since you'll be changing much 
about it, which uses the noteheads you want.  If you want to use the 
same sorts of noteheads as melodic instruments use, then click on a note 
that shows those noteheads.
6) regular snare sounds playback as D2 in a standard GM drum kit, so 
enter that in the box on the right labeled Playback Note.  Now set the 
staff position you want.  The middle line is Staff Position 7, so 
calculate from there to the space you want -- immediately below the 
middle line is Staff Position 6, immediately above is Staff Position 8. 
 Set it as you wish.
7) repeat step 6 for the other note you want -- it is perfectly okay to 
set the same playback sound for multiple percussion notes.  You can 
rename the Note Definition: Name: or you can leave it, it's immaterial 
at this point.
8) once you've set the notes you want in this manner, click on DONE, 
which returns you to the list of various playback/entry systems, with 
the one you just edited highlighted.  Click on SELECT.  This returns you 
to the score.
9) one final step which many people often overlook -- you need to go to 
the Window menu and select Instrument List and move to the percussion 
staff you've just worked so hard to set up and set it to be PERCUSSION 
-- it should show Channel 10.
10) Now comes the heart-breaking aspect -- your carefully constructed 
percussion staff which you have just re-set may now look totally screwed 
up, and may well need to be reentered by hand.  Sometimes you can simply 
move the old notes to a new staff and then move them back, or you may 
just have to bite the bullet and re-enter it all.

If this system has worked for you, be sure to set up your percussion 
staff (or staves) before you begin entering any notes, and you'll save 
yourself a lot of frustration.

Good luck!  Now you can understand why MakeMusic Tech support told you 
basically to "read the manual" -- They might actually have to figure out 
how to use percussion staves themselves, and this is something that 
works best in graveyards at midnight in the light of the full moon, when 
you have laid out the bodies of 10 dead black cats in a ring around you 
and you are wearing a dark hooded robe and chanting "percussion ghosts 
BEGONE!" over and over while performing the ritual I outlined.  :-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale List Membership Questions

2006-01-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 08:33 AM 1/15/2006, John Oblak wrote:
>The snare drum parts print out properly, but I have never found a way
>to playback the snare drum parts. I have never found anything in the
>documentation on how to make the notes above and below the one-line to
>playback with the sound of a single snare drum sound.
>Is there some way that I can set up this notation so that Finale 2003
>so I can playback the above notes as snare drum sounds?


Select the staff tool and double-click the handle on the percussion 
staff. Change 'Notation Style' to percussion. Click the Select button.

Now things get a little hairy, because you've got to deal with 
percussion maps. Since you only need snare drum, I would suggest the 
following procedure. (You haven't indicated what entry method you use 
for notes; this method will work for Speedy or Simple.)

Click Create. Scroll down to MIDI pitch 69 (A4). On the right, under 
Note Definition, set the note name to 'LH snare', Playback note to 
38, Staff position to 5. Check the 'Highlighted note' checkbox.

Now scroll to MIDI pitch 72 (C5). Set note name to 'RH snare', 
Playback note to 38, Staff position to 5. Check the 'Highlighted 
note' checkbox. Click Done and Select. Back in the Staff Attributes 
box, check 'Notehead font' under Independent Elements, click 
'Select', and choose Maestro Percussion. Click OK to close the Staff 
Attributes box.

What you've just done is tell Finale that notes entered as A4 or C5 
(below or above the single line staff) should playback as MIDI note 
38, which is a snare drum in General MIDI percussion. The notes may 
not sound like that *as you enter them*, but they will on playback.

The last thing you have to do is make sure that your staff is set up 
to playback on MIDI channel 10, which is where the percussion is. 
Choose Window | Instrument List. On the line where your snare staff 
is, choose 'Percussion' under Instrument. The number under Channel 
should now say 10; if it doesn't, change it to 10. (The entry at the 
end of the row, under GM, will probably still say something like 
'Acoustic Grand Piano'. This doesn't matter.)

And that should do it. I just created a sample file using my own 
instructions, and the notes played back as snares, as expected. 
Unfortunately, I have a newer version of Finale, so you wouldn't be 
able to open the file -- but the procedure works the same in 2003.

>Can you tell me if I need to do anything else to have my question sent
>to the other members?

As you can tell, your message went out just fine. I guess there may 
have been a time delay between your change request and when that 
information became active, and your first message was sent out before 
the list software realized you had changed your address.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale List Membership Questions

2006-01-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 09:11 AM 1/15/2006, dhbailey wrote:
>enter that in the box on the right labeled Playback Note.  Now set the
>staff position you want.  The middle line is Staff Position 7, so
>calculate from there to the space you want -- immediately below the
>middle line is Staff Position 6, immediately above is Staff Position 8.

Actually, the middle line is 6. Above is 7, and below is 5.

>10) Now comes the heart-breaking aspect -- your carefully constructed
>percussion staff which you have just re-set may now look totally screwed
>up, and may well need to be reentered by hand.

If the notes were originally entered as treble A and C, and if you 
follow the instructions in my other post (setting MIDI pitches A4 and 
C5 to playback as 38), then everything should be fine. If the notes 
were originally entered using two different pitches, then set up 
*those* pitches to playback as 38 instead.

(This is where I differ from David Bailey when he writes "Pick a 
note, any note, it doesn't matter". If you want to avoid re-entering 
notes, you want to be sure to map the notes you actually entered 
[like A4 and C5] to the note you want to playback [38].)


Finale mailing list

[Finale] RE: percussion maps (was: List Membership)

2006-01-15 Thread Andrew Stiller

On Jan 15, 2006, at 9:11 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Percussion maps in Finale are one of the most arcane and unintuitive 
aspects of the program.  Maybe 2007 will sort this out!  We can always 

When I brought this issue up to MacSupport a few months ago, the 
response was hostile and uncomprehending. I don't think, therefore, 
that there is any realistic hope for change in this area in 2K7, unless 
complaints are both frequent and angry before then. A word to the wise.

FWIW, my request was that a) one should not have to specify a separate 
staff type for percussion insts. and b) that if I create an expression 
saying (for instance) snare drum or Snare Drum or SD or s. d. or 
whatever, that the note to which it is attached, and all subsequent 
notes on the same line or space, will automatically, and with no 
further effort, produce a snare drum sound up to whatever point the 
expression is cancelled or overridden. Likewise, staff names such as 
"tomtoms" should be playback-configurable with no more effort than, 
say, "flute."

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread David W. Fenton
On 15 Jan 2006 at 7:04, dhbailey wrote:

> David W. Fenton wrote:
> > I wish the INSERT key did not exist. It's a holdover from 20 years
> > ago and really serves no useful purpose today.
> Some applications use it as a switch between Insert mode and Typeover
> mode.  WordPerfect does this, and I find it very helpful.

Well, I find that completely useless. I never need to type over, 
ever. That was a useful function in the old days of text-only input 
screens with fixed-pitch fonts onscreen, but now it really serves no 
useful purpose. My bet is that 90% of the time the INSERT key gets 
hit and switches between typeover and insert mode, it's a mistake, 
and frustrates users.

> And Finale is using.
> Now if you were complaining about the ScrollLock key I could agree
> because I've never seen any application which made use of that.

It's a relic of the same era of input terminal as the insert key. It 
serves just as little purpose as the insert key.

David W. Fenton
David Fenton Associates

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread Owain Sutton

David W. Fenton wrote:
My bet is that 90% of the time the INSERT key gets 
hit and switches between typeover and insert mode, it's a mistake, 
and frustrates users.

There's a way to avoid this, in Word at leastmake a macro to switch 
to Insert mode, and assign it to the Insert key.  That way, instead of 
toggling to Overwrite, it gets kept as Insert.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread Owain Sutton

David W. Fenton wrote:

On 15 Jan 2006 at 7:04, dhbailey wrote:

David W. Fenton wrote:

I wish the INSERT key did not exist. It's a holdover from 20 years
ago and really serves no useful purpose today.

Some applications use it as a switch between Insert mode and Typeover
mode.  WordPerfect does this, and I find it very helpful.

Well, I find that completely useless. I never need to type over, 
ever. That was a useful function in the old days of text-only input 
screens with fixed-pitch fonts onscreen, but now it really serves no 
useful purpose. My bet is that 90% of the time the INSERT key gets 
hit and switches between typeover and insert mode, it's a mistake, 
and frustrates users.

And Finale is using.

Now if you were complaining about the ScrollLock key I could agree
because I've never seen any application which made use of that.

It's a relic of the same era of input terminal as the insert key. It 
serves just as little purpose as the insert key.

I've got an MS keyboard which has Print Screen, SysRq and Insert all 
combined onto one key, as are Pause/Break/Scroll Lock.  This, at least, 
means each physical key has a useful purpose (Print Screen for 
screenshots, and Windows+Pause/Break to bring up System Properties)

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Beaming question

2006-01-15 Thread Mike Greensill
I've forgotten how to prevent Finale from beaming across all 4 eight  
note beats when writing two eight notes, an eight note rest, then an  
eight note.
I'm sure it's something in the time signature set up, but what?  I'm  
in 4/4.

I do remember how to split the beam with the slash key.

P.S. Has anyone purchased Bill Duncan's articulation fonts? They do  
look quite wonderful.

Mike Greensill - 17" powermac - Finale 2006b

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Beaming question

2006-01-15 Thread Aaron Sherber

At 03:11 PM 1/15/2006, Mike Greensill wrote:
>I've forgotten how to prevent Finale from beaming across all 4 eight
>note beats when writing two eight notes, an eight note rest, then an
>eight note.

Options | Document Options | Beams. Uncheck 'Include rests when 
beaming in groups of four'. Note that this is a document-wide option, 
and you have to rebeam existing music to get existing beams to break.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Beaming question

2006-01-15 Thread John Roberts
It's in Options:Document Options:Beamimg. There's a check box to beam 8th
notes in groups of 4 in common time, also one to include rests in the groups
or not.

(And you should upgrade to 2006c).

John Roberts

On 1/15/06 3:11 PM, "Mike Greensill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've forgotten how to prevent Finale from beaming across all 4 eight
> note beats when writing two eight notes, an eight note rest, then an
> eight note.
> I'm sure it's something in the time signature set up, but what?  I'm
> in 4/4.
> I do remember how to split the beam with the slash key.
> P.S. Has anyone purchased Bill Duncan's articulation fonts? They do
> look quite wonderful.
> Mike Greensill - 17" powermac - Finale 2006b
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] WinFin2006 & PDF

2006-01-15 Thread Michael Good
>> Now that the EPS problem seems to be sorted out

> Is that true? I have not upgraded from 2005 (and won't until some
bugs are
> corrected - including the EPS one).

Yes, EPS export is finally working on Windows. I'm able to open Finale
EPS files in Illustrator 10 when I do an export from 2006b on my
Windows XP SP2 system.

Another nice, underhyped bug fix in 2006b is that smart shape dashed
lines are now WYSIWYG. They no longer end in different places on the
page and on screen, and they always end at the same place on screen no
matter the zoom percentage.

I haven't seen any change to the on-screen appearance of PDF staff
lines, though.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Beaming question

2006-01-15 Thread Mike Greensill


Thanks guys, that's it! If only I could remember settings in Finale  
as well as tunes I learnt 40 years ago.

Mike Greensill

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Please delete - Just Testing

2006-01-15 Thread George Galway


Finale mailing list

[Finale] testing please delete

2006-01-15 Thread George Galway


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] WinFin2006 & PDF

2006-01-15 Thread Richard Yates
> Yes, EPS export is finally working on Windows. I'm able to open Finale
> EPS files in Illustrator 10 when I do an export from 2006b on my
> Windows XP SP2 system.

I am surprised that there was not more hoopla here about that.

What about the staff percentage bug? (the one where dragging of expressions
and the  placement of articulations and is out of sync with the cursor in
proportion to the size of the reduction. If that is fixed then I will be
happy once again and upgrade.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] WinFin2006 & PDF

2006-01-15 Thread Kurt Gnos


no problems with PDFs here (WinFin2006c). Do you mean when you 
display a whole page? This will depend on your screen resolution 
(1600x1200 here). My PDFs or ok to look, if I enlarge them the staff 
lines are fine, and printing them is no problem and looking fine.

I guess if you have a smaller display resolution the lines might be 
uglier, but this is a mathematical problem - the lower the resolution 
the uglier the lines, I think. I don't see how Adobe could get that 
better, I should think it either gets a 0 or an 1 when interpreting 
the image information, and even if PDFs got some special screen 
preview as EPS, there is no garantee to get them right on the screen.


At 21:51 15.01.2006, you wrote:

I haven't seen any change to the on-screen appearance of PDF staff
lines, though.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Current Date

2006-01-15 Thread George Galway

Dear All, 


I’m trying to enter the current date in a file
(fin 2005) windows XP, when I select Text – Inserts, I find all choices
are ‘grayed out’  My question is: how can I select the ‘current
date’ ?  Can anyone please help?  Many Thanks,


George Galway  Manchester



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Current Date

2006-01-15 Thread Brad Beyenhof
On 1/15/06, George Galway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to enter the current date in a file (fin 2005) windows
> XP, when I select Text – Inserts, I find all choices are 'grayed
> out'  My question is: how can I select the 'current date' ?  Can
> anyone please help?  Many Thanks,

When you're in the Text tool, you need to double-click somewhere to
create a new text box before you can insert the date into it.

Brad Beyenhof
Real-time Finale discussion:
my blog:
Silence will save me from being wrong (and foolish), but it will also
deprive me of the possibility of being right.   ~ Igor Stravinsky

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread Darcy James Argue
You may be curious to know that on Mac keyboards, the INS key doesn't  

Instead we have "help" (where the INS key is on PC keyboards). We  
also have F13 through F16 instead of "print screen" etc.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 14 Jan 2006, at 4:24 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I wish the INSERT key did not exist. It's a holdover from 20 years
ago and really serves no useful purpose today.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] RE: percussion maps (was: List Membership)

2006-01-15 Thread Darcy James Argue

Hi Andrew,

Please forward this request to Robert Piéchauld. This sounds like a  
job for Human Playback (which already automatically interprets "pizz"  
and "arco,") etc.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 15 Jan 2006, at 1:12 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Jan 15, 2006, at 9:11 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Percussion maps in Finale are one of the most arcane and  
unintuitive aspects of the program.  Maybe 2007 will sort this  
out!  We can always hope.

When I brought this issue up to MacSupport a few months ago, the  
response was hostile and uncomprehending. I don't think, therefore,  
that there is any realistic hope for change in this area in 2K7,  
unless complaints are both frequent and angry before then. A word  
to the wise.

FWIW, my request was that a) one should not have to specify a  
separate staff type for percussion insts. and b) that if I create  
an expression saying (for instance) snare drum or Snare Drum or SD  
or s. d. or whatever, that the note to which it is attached, and  
all subsequent notes on the same line or space, will automatically,  
and with no further effort, produce a snare drum sound up to  
whatever point the expression is cancelled or overridden. Likewise,  
staff names such as "tomtoms" should be playback-configurable with  
no more effort than, say, "flute."

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Current Date

2006-01-15 Thread George Galway
Brad - It worked a treat!  Thank You!


-Original Message-
Brad Beyenhof
Sent: 15 January 2006 23:12
Subject: Re: [Finale] Current Date

On 1/15/06, George Galway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to enter the current date in a file (fin 2005) windows
> XP, when I select Text - Inserts, I find all choices are 'grayed
> out'  My question is: how can I select the 'current date' ?  Can
> anyone please help?  Many Thanks,

When you're in the Text tool, you need to double-click somewhere to
create a new text box before you can insert the date into it.

Brad Beyenhof
Real-time Finale discussion:
my blog:
Silence will save me from being wrong (and foolish), but it will also
deprive me of the possibility of being right.   ~ Igor Stravinsky

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: Scanner Slowdown PC

2006-01-15 Thread Henry E. Howey
I have an older comport CANON scanner that has suddenly slowed to an
absolute crawl.

This is very odd as it was very rapid as short as a couple of weeks ago.

Any ideas?

Henry Howey
Professor of Music
  Sam Houston State University
  Box 2208
  Huntsville, TX  77341
  (936) 294-1364
  Owner of FINALE Discussion List

This email was sent using SamMail.
   Sam Houston State University
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Inserting notes

2006-01-15 Thread John Howell

At 6:13 PM -0500 1/15/06, Darcy James Argue wrote:

You may be curious to know that on Mac keyboards, the INS key doesn't exist.

Instead we have "help" (where the INS key is on PC keyboards). We 
also have F13 through F16 instead of "print screen" etc.

We do?  Must be on the full sized keyboards.  My PowerBook has 
neither "help" nor F13-F16.  Of course I don't have a numerical 
keypad, either, but the Number Lock function actually works quite 


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
Finale mailing list