Re: [firebird-support] Connecting to Superserver on CentOS 6

2015-05-12 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 12.05.2015 00:45, 'David E. Wheeler'
[firebird-support] wrote:
 I have been using the firebird-classic RPM for testing Sqitch,
 connecting like so:
 isql-fb -u sysdba -p masterkey
 This worked well, but now I’d like to use superserver, instead. So I
 removed that RPM and installed from EPEL and fired
 up the server with `sudo service firebird-superserver start`. But now
 the above command is unable to connect me:
Have you checked the xinetd config?
FB Classic server needs xinetd, writes a firebird.conf in /etc/xinetd.d

 $ isql-fb -u sysdba -p masterkey
 Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
 SQL create database 'foo';
 Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08004
 connection rejected by remote interface
 What do I need to tweak to get it so that I can connect and create a
 database? The hosts file includes “localhost” as a name for,
 for what that’s worth, so I doubt it’s a host name issue.
Cheers, Marcus

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Re: [firebird-support] Open Database xxxxx failed Creating Odbc DSN for Firebird 1.5

2015-05-10 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 09.05.2015 23:11, [firebird-support] wrote:
 Trying to create an odbc DSN for a .gdb database on firebird 32bit. the os is windows 7 32 bit and the odbc driver is
 Firebird odbc 32bit. Database connection is successful in
 iBExpert but the connection to the firebird service manager fails when
 testing for connection in IB Expert.Odbc DSN is also failing with the
 error Open Database xxx failed Please help
Would it bother you to share some more informations with us?
Such as how your connection strings are lookinkg like?

A marginal note by the way: you are shurely aware of the fact that
Firebird versions up to Version 2.1 are not maintained any more.
See for more information.

A first guess for your problem: Windows Firewall.

hth, Marcus


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Re: [firebird-support] Re: Cannot install 2.5.4 on Linux Mint - gsec error

2015-05-08 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 08.05.2015 12:35, David Nock
[firebird-support] wrote:
 This particular machine instance had no previous firebird install.
 However, I have tried purging the packages and reinstalling. Still have
 the same problem...
 On 8/05/2015 10:02 p.m., [firebird-support] wrote:

 Did you tried 

 try to purge the packages and database before installing , it worked
 without issues on my ubuntu 14.04.x

- purge the package manager installation
- make shure there's nothing left in /etc, /var and /opt
- reinstall with the .tar.gz.

hth, Marucs

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Re: [firebird-support] Database Size Is Not Reducing

2015-04-08 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 07.04.2015 08:16, Vishal Tiwari
[firebird-support] wrote:
 Then what could be the best way to reduce the database size?
 All suggestions are appreciated.
Hej Vishal

played around a little bit, unable to reproduce your problem.
Even after setting some blobfields to NULL, leaving isql or flamerobin
open and the update statement uncommitted, gbak -b with -l or -g or -l
and -g : the backup files are all distinctly smaller than the backup
with all blob content. Same for all the restored databases.

What i've done:
- System Win7 64, FB 2.5.2
- created a new database, new table t1 (id integer, blobfield blob
subtype 0), all operations in the same directory
- create first backup for empty db
- insert 10 ids and random blob data
- create second backup
- update t1 set blob=null where id  2
  - leave either flamerobin or isql statement uncommited
  - backup db to different names: both smaller than second backup
  - playing with backup options, backup to different names: still
smaller than than the second backup
- commit statement
  - backup db to different names: both smaller than second backup
  - playing with backup options, backup to different names: still
smaller than than the second backup
- restore all the backups to according names: size equals between all
backups where i've done the update...set...null, all smaller than the
original database with all 10 blobs.
- opened all databases: blobs 3..10 are NULL

So, question is: how do you do your backup/restore? cmd, service api,
some 3rd Party components?
Doublechecked file locations? Stumpled upon that to often for myself.

hth, Marcus

 With Best Regards.

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Re: [firebird-support] Revert DB to previous version

2015-03-18 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 18.03.2015 16:59, [firebird-support] wrote:
 I need to be able to revert an existing 2.1 database to 2.0.5. How can I
 accomplish this. GBAK won't do it. It tells me:
 ERROR: Expected backup version 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7. Found 8.
you've done the backup with the 2.1 fb, that won't work
IMHO the clean solution would be to create a new empty database with the
appropriate structure and pump the data afterwards.

hth, Marcus


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Re: [firebird-support] Firebird database seems to influence multi user ability

2014-12-08 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 08.12.2014 14:28, Benny Schaich-Lebek
[firebird-support] wrote:
 I have been an interbase guy about fifteen years ago and loved to see it
 go open source. I used to work with Paul Beach (Hello, if you're here,Paul)
 Now I ran across a problem with firebird and tried to solve it.
 unfortunately half of the stuff is in the dark because the original
 software running here is an accounting product (BUHL/Deltra office
 Software/Germany if you have heard about it).
 The weird thing is that the software does not connect to the server from
 a client if there is a specific .fdb file loaded (local access works). I
 now asked them to run a backup and that had a couple of messages:
  (gbak:cannot commit index MOV_CALITEMS_ORDERID
 gbak: ERROR:violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint MOV_CALITEMS_ORDERID
 gbak: ERROR:Foreign key reference target does not exist
 gbak: ERROR:Problematic key value is (ORDERID = 4127)
 gbak:Database is not online due to failure to activate one or more indices.
 gbak:Run gfix -online to bring database online without active indices.)
 Specifically the last one makes me suspicious. How come that local
 access works then? I thought even local access always goes through the
some questions:
- by local connections you're talking about drive letter:\path\to\fdb?
Or, which would be a network connection, regardless of
which host the connection comes from.

- which version of Firebird?

- which user? SYSDBA is allowed to connect an 'offline' database. He has
to, else a database would only become a big jumbled piece of
bits'n'bytes if one pulls the trigger gfix -shut ...

Do you have the output of gstat -h database.fdb? What does the row
Attributes say?

 Any hints anybody? I know this is hard to determine as we do not know
 much about the program itself, but it seems the guys from the software
 shop have trouble to understand firebird...
 Benny Schaich

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Re: [firebird-support] Stability on newer windows ...

2014-11-24 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 24.11.2014 12:09, Lester Caine [firebird-support]
 On 19/11/14 18:18, Fabiano Kureck - Desenvolvimento SCI [firebird-support] wrote:
 Try using the 32 bit version of Firebird, maybe this can help you.
 Run 32bit Firebird 2.1.6 with 32bit apache and php but it is unfortunate
 a 64bit version of Windows7 which is all that was available at the time :(
 SINCE last week, there have been a number of windows updates culminating
 in a 151Mb download from the 11th Nov which is titled 'System Update
 Readiness Tool' and is described as being designed to fix problems with
 the update process which has resulted in problem with updates getting
 stuck! Exactly the problem we have been having and date wise this fits
 as well. Took 25 minutes to run it and now the 'update' status is
 actually showing 'up to date' which it last did a month ago.
 I did a full backup and restore to the databases but JUSThad
 WDZP (Server) Mon Nov 24 10:26:52 2014
 Database: HISTORY
 internal gds software consistency check (cannot find tip page (165),
 file: tra.cpp line: 2494)
Such errors will more like point to
- problems with the harddisk
- problems with cache logic
- problems with the hdd/raid controller
than Windows Updates.
Or were there active connections while installing updates and rebooting
the computer?

 This is the first message since it reset on Saturday!
 I am now looking to put new hardware in, but WHAT should I put on it
 software wise to be sure of stability. If we did not need the
 announcements it would be Linux, but on this site I am stuck with
 windows of some sort :(
 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Rainbow Digital Media -

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Re: [firebird-support] Firebird can't connect to host

2014-11-15 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 14.11.2014 08:55, Andromeda
[firebird-support] wrote:
 I'm new in FirebirdSQL. I can't connect into my host address whereas it
 can connect to localhost successfully. It prompt show errors like this:
 |SQL connect user 
 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
 Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08006
 Unable to complete network request to host
 -Failed to establish a connection.
 I have Googled about this for almost a month but I can't find the
 absolute way to solve this problem. My ufw firewall already deactivated,
 the port 3050 is opened, but it still can't connect into my host
 address, but easily connect to the The Firebird classic
 server is running on Lubuntu Desktop 14.04.1 and the version of Firebird
 is 2.5.
 This problem occured since I reinstall/upgrading my OS from into Lubuntu version. On the previous OS, I never facing an error like
 What's going wrong here?
 Whether this problem related to OS version, or just a dumb error that I
 can't solve, I don't know and I very need an help from the experts, please.
How do you start firebird, and in which mode? Classic, Superclassic or

If Classic : Do you have installed inetd/xinetd, enabled and configured it?

 Any help would be very appreciated, thank a lot in advance.

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Re: [firebird-support] Firebird on Mac

2014-11-15 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 14.11.2014 21:04, 'William, David'
[firebird-support] wrote:
 I am trying to run Firebird on mac (our standard development platform).
 I have tried all server packages available on . 
 The installation process runs ok. 
 But whenever I try to start the server, I get this:
 $ fbguard
 fbguard: Invalid user (must be firebird, interbase, interbas or root).
 If I try to start the server with the root password, nothing happens. No
 output at all and no server running.
 A little bit about my scenario:
 We have some desktop apps running on Windows and we would like to
 translate it to web app, keeping the same Firebird databases. We will
 use Ruby on Rails. 
 We use Macs and we need to setup a local Firebird machine. 
 My current Firebird installation have the following binaries:
   16 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird5259 Jul  9 09:26
   24 -rwsr-sr-x   1 firebird  firebird8576 Jul  9 09:26 fb_inet_server
 1264 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  643936 Jul  9 09:26 fb_lock_print
 1624 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  830060 Jul  9 09:26 fb_smp_server
  496 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  253648 Jul  9 09:26 fbguard
  504 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  254928 Jul  9 09:26 fbsvcmgr
  520 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  264792 Jul  9 09:26 fbtracemgr
 1080 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  552144 Jul  9 09:26 gbak
 1224 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  623808 Jul  9 09:26 gdef
  656 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  335844 Jul  9 09:26 gfix
 1296 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  663112 Jul  9 09:26 gpre
 1192 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  610228 Jul  9 09:26 gsec
 1144 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  581820 Jul  9 09:26 gstat
 1488 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  759696 Jul  9 09:26 isql
 1152 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  586068 Jul  9 09:26 nbackup
 1152 -rwxr-xr-x   1 firebird  firebird  588604 Jul  9 09:26 qli
 David William
IIRC on Mac firebird installs in classic mode, so connections are dealt
by forked server instances - that is in case of classic fb_inet_server

You may try from the terminal:

/path/to/isql -user SYSDBA -password whateveritis

for further informations:

hth, marcus


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Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 2.0 Support Windows Server 2012?

2014-11-11 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 11.11.2014 11:39, 'Knappich, Sven'
[firebird-support] wrote:
 we have a Software that only Support Firebird 2.0.
With regards to the software company: Firebird 2.0 is discontinued since
April 2012, which means no further development, error/bug fixing and that.
So even if there is a problem running Firebird 2.0 on Win Server 2012 -
it's very unlikely that someone will fix it.

 Now we had changed the OS from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012.
 After the Upgrade the OS the Firebird runs very slowly.
You've made an in-place update from Win2003 Server to Win2012 Server?
Or have you installed a new server with Win 2012 and reinstalled the

 The software manufacturer said that our Hardware is to bad for Firebird
 but we changed only the OS and no Hardware.
See the regards first...
Aside that - if they insist on bad hardware: they should be able to tell
you which part of your hardware is 'bad'. There is no general bad hardware.

 The Windows Server 2012 runs in a VMWare environment. The Server 2003
 was running in the same VMWare environment.
 The only thing we had increased was the RAM. From 8 to 16 GB.
Should not be a problem running a server as vm
 Is there anything to configure in Server 2012?
 Is Firebird 2.0 Supportet with Server 2012?
See regards...

hth, Marcus
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Sven Knappich
 system engineer
 service, projects  support
 Computing Forum
 Weiße Steige 2
 73431 Aalen
 Phone: + 49 (0)7361 3701-44
 Fax: + 49 (0)7361 3701-22
 Geschäftsführender Inhaber: Vassilios Petridis
 Sitz des Unternehmens: Aalen, Deutschland
 USt-Id-Nr. DE 183 265 512

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Re: Odp: [firebird-support] FB server installation a nd concurrent users limits on Windows Server

2014-11-06 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 06.11.2014 20:22, [firebird-support] wrote:
 i am new to databases and i am going to choose Firebird.
 Supposing that i will have to interact with some MS server where are
 some already installed software, mail server and other softwares i were
 starting to ask if is there any limit about the number of concurrent
 Clients that could access simultaneously to the FB database.
 Some peoples are suggesting me to do not install FB server on a domain
 controller becouse i will risk a serious perfomance issue.
 Some Others are telling that is only a question of server,cache,page
 size ,etc
 i am getting confused becouse
 i've got some post of the 2012 talking about FB that solved this issue
 but other that tell's that also Microsoft suggest to do not install
 MSSQL on an acvite domain
 some more tells to do not install ON , other to do not install FB AS
 acting ALSO like a domain controller (does FB could act in that way?)
 all this becouse of a security functionality that Microsoft server apply
 on an DC
 my main doubt is :
  when i will have only 1 server on an already working network
 infrastructure of a customer and  i will need to install my small
 application that will use FB in a c/s environment without having
 possibility to buy/install a second server , will i risk this
 PERFORMANCE ISSUE becouse of an incomatibility or i could solve it just
 changing the configuration of the MS server+ FB_db ?

to be honest - setting up an internal test system you may install
whatever you want onto a single server - but keep in mind that it's
internal test that must never go live into production!

As rule of thumb/best praxis: Leave AD-Servers alone!
Why? You don't want messed up AD-Servers.

 this are some posts

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Re: [firebird-support] What is wrong with transactions here?

2014-11-04 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 04.11.2014 16:21, [firebird-support] wrote:
 I have some lines in firebird.log like this:
 cxv.servers.netTue Nov  4 11:37:38 2014
 Sweep is started by SWEEPER
 Database SkyNetInt
 OIT 1221095, OAT 1231335, OST 1231313, Next 139981575359934
 cxv.servers.netTue Nov  4 11:37:46 2014
 Sweep is finished
 Database SkyNetInt
 OIT 1248701, OAT 1248707, OST 1248707, Next 1248709
That's housekeeping for transactions. Depending on how applications are
connect to the database and how the applications are handling their
connects, statements and commits - you will see a gap between the oldes
active and the next transaction.

For example, you'll need firebirds isql and a shell (cmd, bash, whatever).
Open a shell, create a database and a simple table within, one integer
will be enough. Now insert 1 integer into that table and don't commit!
Open a second shell, gstat -h with the database from above.
Open a third shell, isql with the database do a couple of inserts and
commit after each single one. A last insert, don't commit!
Change to shell number two, gstat -h again: See the difference between
oldest active and next transaction?
Now switch to the first shell and commit the insert, close isql.
What is gstat showing?
Commit the last insert from the third shell close isql.
Now you should have a difference of one between the oldest active and
the next transaction.

The bigger the gap (the transaction chain) gets, the slower each
database action gets. Sweeping tries to detect and remove commited
transactions in the chain to keep it short. The problem is: it requires
database performance. So if the database is under heavy fire, it may
be better to disable housekeeping and trigger it manually. Another
option you should think about: How the connections and that are handled
from the application side? Do you have a chance to optimize that handling?

See also:

 sometime this happen in few hours.
 How can I find where is the problem?
 I don't know if it's important, a lot of lines is:
 cxv.servers.netTue Nov  4 11:32:50 2014
 INET/inet_error: read errno = 104
as far as i know : same as winsock 10054 : unable to connect to client


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Re: [firebird-support] What is the difference between these connection strings?

2014-10-03 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 01.10.2014 13:27, Mark Rotteveel
[firebird-support] wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Oct 2014 13:14:52 +0200, marcus
 [firebird-support] wrote:
 Yes, you likely will loose the connection: greetings from the firewall.
 Albeit you have ticked the option Notify - i've seen it rarely. So as
 precautionary measure: Add the fbserver process to the exceptions or, at
 least: allow incoming tcp/3050, outgoing tcp/any. That should be enough.
 Tearing down the firewall isn't an option.
 The notify option only applies to user processes that require firewall
 access. As Firebird runs as a service which is isolated from your user
 session, you don't get a notification popup.
Dooh! Me idiot - why haven't i thought about that...
 However I think that the Firebird installer should - optionally - arrange
 the Firewall exception.

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Re: [firebird-support] What is the difference between these connection strings?

2014-10-01 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

On 01.10.2014 12:50, [firebird-support] wrote:
 Hi guys,
 (I've already asked for this but my topic hasn't occured since two hours
 on the group so I am trying again.)
 I know that I can connect to Firebird (on Windows) by specifying
 connection string in two ways:
 1. C:\MyDB.FDB
 2. localhost:C:\MyFDB.FDB

 I am speaking here about local connection.
 Is there any difference between these two connection strings? I know
 that when I use localhost then TCP\IP protocol is used. What protocol is
 used in the first case?
 Is it possible that connection to database will become unavailable on
 some machines when I switch from first connection string to the second one?

Yes, you likely will loose the connection: greetings from the firewall.
Albeit you have ticked the option Notify - i've seen it rarely. So as
precautionary measure: Add the fbserver process to the exceptions or, at
least: allow incoming tcp/3050, outgoing tcp/any. That should be enough.
Tearing down the firewall isn't an option.
 Thanks for your time.

hth, Marcus

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Re: [firebird-support] Can't connect to CentOS 7 service port 3050 from network

2014-09-17 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:
 Hi to all

 I've just installed Firebird 2.5 SuperClassic on a new Linux CentOS 7
 box. I tested local connections and are working fine. SELinux is
 disabled and firewall service is down.
Have you tested local over service? e.g: isql ?

 But when I try to connect from a workstation using telnet my-server
 3050, is not responding. Neither I can see the 3050 port if I do lsof
 | grep 3050 on the host.

 Is there I've missed?
Have you executed the script That's the one 
turning a classic into a superclassic.

 Do I need a 64 bit client for connecting to FB on a CentOS 7?
No, the client bitness depends on the client os and/or requirements of 
the app.

 Any help will be appreciated.
hth, marcus

 Best regards,



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Re: [firebird-support] Re: Proper way to configure Firebird startup on FreeBSD 10

2014-09-14 Thread marcus [firebird-support]
discusses some points you should consider.

And where to place databases - now, there are some common locations such 
as /var, /usr/var or /opt - but there is no general authoritative answer 
possible, as it depends on how the system is configured and what are the 
needs of operating the db. discusses general 
freebsd security and links to some more toppics.

And as written before: firebird is the only user who needs access to the 
databases. [firebird-support] wrote:
 If someone posts an authoritative answer here on the Firebird support
 group, then everyone who is running FreeBSD/Firebird who needs help can
 see the answer in future and be helped. That is the main reason I have
 posted the question here. By the way, I have searched the www high and
 low, but could not find an answer and hence this is the only place I
 could post. Maybe I should have posted on the FreeBSD forums..


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Re: [firebird-support] Re: Proper way to configure Firebird startup on FreeBSD 10

2014-09-13 Thread marcus [firebird-support]
Perhaps you should read tutorials and documentation - that's the way 
most of the users have learned how to do this and that, asking questions 
for single topics.

Your questions do not show any basic knowledge, neither of freebsd nor 
of firebird. You're asking for do my job, now! [firebird-support] wrote:
 Maybe I should re-phrase my original question:

 Is there any recommended documentation somewhere about the secure 
 recommended way to start Firebird service and all configuration after


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Re: [firebird-support] Proper way to configure Firebird startup on FreeBSD 10

2014-09-12 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:
 I've successfully installed Firebird on FreeBSD 10 but can't seem to
 find documentation on the proper way to configure it to run at system

 Somewhere on the www, I found that you should add the following line


 I did this and it seems to work.

 I also want SuperServer so I added to the same file:

 firebird_mode = superserver

 This seems to work too.

 What about the default database directory, permissions etc. What
 commands are required for this?

 Would be glad if an experienced FreeBSD admin could post a reply.TIA.
Short answer:
default database directory is configured in firebird.conf.

chown -R firebird: /where/your/default/database/folder/points/tp

common knowledge.


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Re: [firebird-support] Where is release 2.5.3 on FreeBSD?

2014-08-31 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:
 On FreeBSD 10, the following command:

 pkg install databases/firebird25-server

 will only install version 2.5.2_5.

 How do I get it to pull version 2.5.3 from the sourceforge repository?

first and foremost your question is not firebird-related, as with almost 
all distributions that use any kind of packaging mechanisms.

a pkg install fetches and installs the current tested version of a pkg 
and it's dependencies, if there are any.

Leaving the readymade pkg path you should look at the freebsd ports 

Word of advice - if yoo aren't that familiar with freebsd and/or the 
packaging/ports mechanisms - stay on 2.5.2_5 until 2.5.3 becomes available.

hth, Marcus

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Re: [firebird-support] Date literals

2014-08-14 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:
 Hi, I'm in the progress of converting an existing application from
 Sybase SQL (11.0.3 - from the stoneage) to Firebird.From Sybase (as well
 as some other databases I work with) I'm used to entering date literals
 as 'mmdd'.I keep getting Overflow occured during data type
 conversion.Is it true, that this date format isn't recognized by
 firebird?Which is the most common date format, can you recommend any
 format?Thanks Lutz
May be this :
is of help.

 From a short skimming: Firebird uses the separator to decide, see the 
chapter Separators in Non-U.S. Dates at the half

hth, marcus


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Re: [firebird-support] Invalid request BLR execting UNION of views

2014-08-12 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:

 In a database, I execute the following code:

 select *
 from customer
 select * from customer
Mind you to tell us something more about the tables and the database?

 The above does not make sense, it is a reduced query to show the error.

 I get Invalid token. invalid request BLR at offset 4275. BLR syntax
 error: expected record selection expression clause at offset 4276,
 encountered 24.

 The first thought was a database corruption, but I have restored the
 database and passed the IBFirstAID application and no errors are
 detected. I use Firebird 2.5.

 What else can I try?
I've tried a simple sample like
and it's working like expected, no errors at all.
Haven't used anything else than isql, firebird 2.5.2 on windows, freshly 
created database.

 Thank you

hth, marcus


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Re: [firebird-support] Database Too Large.

2014-06-29 Thread marcus [firebird-support]
IIRC that's the second user having problems with SAM Broadcast using 
firebird. The Product company Spacial Audio has its own support site at, that should be your way to ask 
for help, as they do know how their application talks to the database.

And, as Werner has written, the database size is not the problem. A 
database of 200 MB is a 'snack'...

Alexey Kovyazin [firebird-support] wrote:
 Hi Stefano,

 To decrease database size you need to make backup/restore.

 Then, to keep its growth under control, you need to perform the
 following maintenance procedure:

 1) stop Firebird server and then start it immediately (less than 3 sec
 2) run
 gfix -sweep -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey database_path

 that's all.

 Alexey Kovyazin


Re: [firebird-support] this keeps happening

2014-06-23 Thread marcus [firebird-support]

MYKS51 [firebird-support] wrote:
 Using SAM 2014.3 on Win7 system with built into SAM, Firebird. Whenever
 I try to reboot my computer it hangs at Shutting Down and though I've waited
 as long as 10 minutes it doesn't seem to continue so must hit reboot button.
 When I check the Event Viewer there are occurrences of the same error over
 and over,all related to Firebird SQL Server with this line of dialogue:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\SAMBC\firebird.conf: illegal line [UDF]

 Tried removing the line [UDF] but then SAM stops working? Any ideas?
 Thank You

are you talking about SAM Broadcaster?
They do have a support :



 PS: grabbed latest Firebird but it said if I overwrote the older version I
 would have to manually configure Firebird. Don't think that's in my
 scope of knowledge :(


Re: [firebird-support] How to convert big FIREBIRD DB to one charset (win1251) to UTF8 ?

2014-06-03 Thread marcus [firebird-support] [firebird-support] wrote:
 I need your help and/or suggestions to solve a (maybe uncommon) task.

 I searched a lot on the web and I had some success using a tool called
 fbclone but
 this is definitely not a solution (due to extreme slowness of the
 conversion, many days,
 something must be wrong with this software)

 I have a large Firebird 2.5 DB (a couple of tables have few millions
 records) to convert from WIN1251 charset to UTF8 charset.

 Is there a way to do efficiently this kind of conversion? (preferably
 not using a intermediate text sql dump, that would not applicable
 because the size of the DB).

 I'm using Firebird on a linux machine, and I really like to do the job
 using a bash script,
 but I can fallback also using a remote Windows pc.

 Thanks for any suggestions.

 Best regards.

maybe this one is of help:

hth, Marcus