2016-11-25 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Joseph, gotcha...  In a framework dating back to Whitehead, Kurt Lewin 
and, in particular Richard Avenarius (1888), and going through Gestalt, 
phenomenalism, behaviourism,
functionalism and cybernetics, autopoiesis, dynamical systems theory,
embedded/embodied approaches, every human individual originally accepts over 
him: a)
an ever-changing spatial environment composed of manifold parts dependent on
one another; b) other human individuals making manifold describable statements
and c) these statements are dependent upon the environment (Avenarius, 1888). 
When an individual becomes aware of some of the manifold parts of the
environment outside or inside him, he states he is
having an experience. In a topological framework, the environment, the cortical
layers and the describable statements can be embedded in different structures
of various complexity dimensions, encompassing a different qualitative content
and linked by projections. The object and its verbal counterpart stand for two
antipodal points each one located in a different sphere, while their matching 
description is achieved in the brain of
the concrete human individual.  It is noteworthy that the topological
relationships among such three entities do not exist out of the triad: we
cannot perceive the thoughts and the sensations of other people, but just
project to them thoughts, statements and sensations analogous to ours.  This is 
perfectly in touch with your ideas...  For further details see our (unded 
advanced review): 

By the way, where I can find your logical system?
... the next time we will talk about the die-hard philosophers...
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Joseph Brenner" 

Data: 25/11/2016 17.56



Good message, Arturo. Thank you. In my logical 
system, dual theories themselves  are dynamic (cognitive) 
structures and can interact in the brain. The theories are not just 
'interchangable' in an abstract sense. One 'moves back and forth' between them, 
one explanation/description is predominant (actualized) at one time 
and the other at another time.
I agree with your view of quantum entanglement, but 
here is what might be a new idea for you: what about entanglement at a macro 
level, even, as a relation between two people?! In my logic, again, such 
entanglement is not just metaphorical but real-energetic. The relational words 
used are 'energy' words: ties, breaking, etc. I would be 
interested in your comment. 
Apparently, you have been lucky enough not to have 
had to deal with die-hard philosophers who refuse to accept anything except 
spatial position as fundamental.

  - Original Message - 
  To: fis 
  Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 2:32 
  Subject: Re: [Fis] Fw: NEW DISCUSSION 

  Dear Joseph, 
The Borsuk-Ulam theorem 
  looks like a translucent glass sphere between a light source and our eyes: we 
  watch two lights on the sphere surface instead of one. But the two lights are 
  not just images, they are also real with observable properties, such as 
  intensity and diameter. 
Until the sphere lies between your eyes and the 
  light source, the lights you can see are two (and it is valid also for every 
  objective observer), it's not just a trick of your imagination or a Kantian a 
Therefore, the link between topology and energy/information 
  is very strong.  If we just think the facts and the events of the world 
  in terms of projections, we are able to quantitatively elucidate puzzling and 
  counterintuitive phenomena, such as, for example,  quantum 
  Therefore, the 'eternal' discussio­n of whether geometry­ 
  or energy (call it dynamics, informational entropy, or whatsoever)­ is 
  more fundamental ­in the universe, does not stand anymore: both geometry 
  and energy describe the same phenomena, although with different 
  languages.  In physical terms, we could say that geometry and energy are 
  'dual' theories, e.g., they are interchangeable in the description of real 
  facts and events.  

Inviato da Libero Mail per Androidvenerdì, 25 
  novembre 2016, 00:28PM +01:00 da Joseph Brenner joe.bren...@bluewin.ch:


Dear All,
Pedro should be thanked already for this new 
Session, even as we welcome Andrew and Alexander. The depth of your work 
facilitates rigorous discussion of serious philosophical as well as 
scientific issues.

[Fis] R: Brenner Publication

2016-11-26 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Joseph, Hi!I will go through your papers and your logical apprach in the 
very next days.
In the meantime, you can find the full texts of the published manuscripts by 
Peters/Tozzi here: 


Fis mailing list

[Fis] R: Re: Who may prove that consciousness is an Euclidean n-space ???

2016-11-26 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Joseph, thanks a lot for the support!  I appreciate it very much, now that 
I'm under fire!
I agree with you, with a sole difference, when you say "within the same high 
overall energy level".  Indeed, our approach predicts different energetic 
levels in different brain functional dimensions.  A BUT topological approach, 
which states that mappings among every brain
signal and energetic information have the potential to be operationalized in 
fMRI and EEG studies.  We will provide a proof-of
concept example, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of a BUT topological 
approach and its aptitude of providing very accurate testable
previsions.  We have two mental states,
one standing for a symmetry, and another for a broken symmetry. Imagine that
the brain at rest displays a preserved symmetry, while the brain during a
visual task displays a broken symmetry. Our model sharply predicts the energetic
values for both the cases, either in EEG and fMRI series. Indeed, according to 
BUT, a single microarea with
symmetry breaking (e.g., a primary visual area), necessarily
projects to TWO areas with preserved symmetry (e.g., a default mode network's  
area). The single area in lower dimensions and the two areas with matching 
need to display the same values of entropy. This allows us to recognize which
zones of the brain are correlated during symmetry breaks, e.g., during the
projective steps from higher to lower level of complexity, and vice versa.
Therefore, our framework is able to
predict the following hypothetical results: if we find, during a visual task,
say, three microareas with an entropy 1.08, we expect to find, during rest, six
or more microareas with entropy=1.08.  In
sum, by knowing just the entropy values for each BOLD-activated or EEG brain 
we are allowed to correlate two different brain states, e.g., a
lower-dimensional state with symmetry breaking 
and a higher-dimensional state with preserved symmetries. 

 You can find further details in our manuscript (under review): 

Ciao, and thanks again!
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Joseph Brenner" 

Data: 26/11/2016 21.05

A: , "fis"

Ogg: Re: [Fis] Who may prove that consciousness is an Euclidean n-space ???

Dear FISers,
At the risk of attracting the anger of all the 
mathematicians in the group, I will agree with Arturo, contra 
Krassimir. For a non-mathematician like me, a description of complex 
dynamic processes such as consciousness and information can be partly 
mathematical but need not involve proofs and their reduced logic.
The question I have is whether the field 
description is itself necessary and sufficient and if incomplete, what is 
missing. Perhaps it is my intuition that consciousness is both continuous and 
discontinuous, and so is its opposite, unconsciousness, which still 
involves high-level nervous functions. In my picture, antipodal points are 
of little relevance compared to the 
non-Euclidean multi-dimensionality of this dynamic opposition, 
moving between identity and diversity, presence 
and absence, clarity and vagueness, symmetry and dissymetry, within the same 
high overall energy level. In any case, perhaps we can agree that everything 
that is moving here is information!
Thank you and best wishes,

  - Original Message - 
  To: fis 
  Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 7:06 
  Subject: Re: [Fis] Who may prove that 
  consciousness is an Euclidean n-space ???

  Dear Krassimir, 
Thanks a lot for your 
  question, now the discussion will become hotter!
  First of all, we never stated that consciousness lies either on a 
  n-sphere or on an Euclidean n-space.
Indeed, in our framework, 
  consciousness IS the continuous function. 
Such function stands for a gauge 
  field that restores the brain symmetries, broken by sensations. 
  brain and gauge fields, see my PLOS biology paper: 
  When consciousness lacks, the inter-dimensional projections are 
  broken, and the nervous higher functions temporarily disappear.  
  Concerning the question about which are the manifolds where brain 
  functions lie, it does not matter whether they are spheres, or circles, or 
  concave, or flat structures: we demonstrated that the BUT is valid not just 
  for convex manifolds, but for all the kinds of manifolds.  
See our: 

  Therefore, even if you think that brain and biological functions 
  are trajectories


2016-11-27 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Krassimir, the main problem with our theory is that it is... too 
young!Indeed, I met James Peters for the first time on August 2015.By then, we 
published quite a lot papers together, but the most of them are still under 
review.Therefore, the (published) general picture is still incomplete.  
Our starting point is the recently published Springer-book by 
Peters:http://www.springer.com/in/book/9783319302607This book illustrates the 
concepts of topological proximity and closeness, that are the mathematical 
fundations of our ideas. The common features you are talking about are the 
"proximities" among parts lying on a manifold.  We transferred such concepts in 
the realm of biology and physics.  Being aware of their abstract mathematical 
nouance, we always tried to make empirically testable previsions.
While Newton said: "hypotesis non fingo" (even if he did exaclty that, to be 
honest...), we cleary state: "hypothesis fingo"!However, the pure theory and 
mathematics, in our framework, is never left in a pure speculative sky: we 
always try to chain our ideas with the ground!  The novel variants of BUT 
have been partially published.  See, for example, the one that I consider our 
best one: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jnr.23720/abstract
Other variants can be found here: 
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Krassimir Markov" 

Data: 27/11/2016 23.58

A: , "FIS"

Ogg: [Fis] further analysing: A TOPOLOGICAL/ECOLOGICAL APPROACH TO  

Dear  Arturo,
1. In your letter you 
wrote: BUT does not describe just POINTS with matching description, but 
COUNTLESS other types of matching descriptions! 
have read your paper again. 
I looked for proofs of the NOVEL VARIANTS of BUT you have pointed. 

Sorry, but I could not find any.
Please, be so kind to give me links to publications 
which contain (preferably - mathematical) proofs of these Novel variants 
of BUT. 
2.  In your letter you pointed the class 

>From the examples you have given, I conclude that this class 
contains many quite different sub-classes – from “points” up to “signals” and 

I could not find any common features which define 
this class. 
Only what I can imagine is that all subclasses 
maybe are “mental structures”, it it true?
If yes, than is this class is the same as 
“gestalt” (see http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/~kbroom/Lectures/gestalt.htm) 
or as “reflection” (see http://marxistphilosophy.org/pavlov.htm)?
Friendly regards


From: tozziart...@libero.it 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 12:49 AM
To: fis 

Dear Krassimir,
first of all, thanks for 
reading all the paragraphs of our most difficult paper!
We are grateful to 
Concerning the BUT (AND ITS NOVEL VARIANTS!) let's recapitulate:
Every feature is embedded in a structure. 
The structure displays 
We call this feature: single description. 
descriptions are points, or lines. 
Single descriptions are perimeters, or 
Single descriptions are single points. 
Single descriptions are 
functions, or vectors, or tensors. 
Single descriptions are algorithms, or 
Single descriptions are spatial patterns, or images. 
illumined surface is a single description. 
Single descriptions are groups, 
or range of data. 
Single descriptions are symbols, or signs. 
descriptions are temporal patterns, or movements. 
Single descriptions are 
particle trajectories, or paths. 
Single descriptions are syntactic, or 
semantic, constructions. 
Single descriptions are thermodynamic parameters, 
or signals. 
A region is single description. 
Single descriptions are 
Single descriptions project onto a n+1 structure. 
descriptions stand for two descriptions with matching features on the n+1 

I call the two above matching features: matching 

What does it mean? This means that the BUT does not describe just 
POINTS with matching description, but COUNTLESS other types of matching 
Therefore, it also describes a visual and an auditory inputs, 
if they come from the same environmental source (e.g., in the case of 
multisensory integration): this occurs for a MATHEMATICAL concept (not a 
qualitative, nor inaccurate, nor a metaphysical concept) coming from 
computational proximity, which is a branch of algebraic topology.  

Inviato da Libero Mail per Androidsabato, 26 novembre 
2016, 10:12PM +01:00 da Krassimir Markov mar...@foibg.com: 


  Dear Arturo,  

[Fis] I: Response to Karl Javorszky

2016-11-30 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear Karl, 
Thanks for your wise
You wrote: "The session so far has raised the
points: meta-communication, subject-matter, order, spaces.
a.) Meta-communication
Gordana’s summary explicates the need to have a system of references
that FIS can use to discuss whatever it wishes to discuss, be it the
equivalence between energy and information or the concept of space in the human
brain. Whatever the personal background, interests or intellectual creations of
the members of FIS, we each have been taught addition, multiplication, division
and the like. We also know how to read a map and remember well where we had put
a thing as we are going to retrieve it. When discussing the intricate,
philosophical points which are common to all formulations of this session, it
may be helpful to use such words and procedures that are well-known to each one
of us, while describing what we do while we use topology".
I agree with you.  I will try to follow this rule.  …however, read my response 
to your fourth
Topology is managed by much older structures of the central
nervous system than those that manage speech, counting, abstract ideas. Animals
and small children remember their way to food and other attractions. Children
discover and use topology far before they can count. Topology is a primitive
ancestor to mathematics; its ideas and methods are archaic and may appear as
lacking in refinement and intelligence.
This time, of course, I cannot
agree.  Topology is not a primitive
ancestor that stands just for the older 
brain structures, and is not tenable that children discover topology far
before  they can do other activities: nobody
knows that, and the literature is controversial.  Rather, topology is a sort of 
tool: because its abstractness  and ability
to describe very general features of structures and objects, it allows the 
of almost all the physical and biological phenomena.  The trick is just to find 
the proper way to
transfer such matematical concepts from an abstract phase space to a real,
experimentally assessable one, the one where biological/physical activities
take place.  
Look at my very brief movie on Youtube (just one minute!): 
If you change the described 2D circle and the 3D sphere with other structures 
(for example, the 2D flattened cortex and the 3D whole brain), the trick is 
easier to understand.   
Therefore, topology is able
to give novel insights in countless contexts, from pre-Big Bang scenarios, to
quantum entanglement, from biological gauge fields, to semantics, and, of
course, to brain activity.  The standpoint
of topology, e.g., mappings and projections between levels equipped with
different dimensions (either spatial, or temporal, or abstract dimensions), is
a tenet that can be used in the assessment of every scientific activity.  

c.) Order
There is no need to discuss whether Nature is well-ordered or not.
Our brain is surely extremely well ordered, otherwise we had seizures, tics,
disintegrative features. In discussing topology we can make use of the
condition that everything we investigate is extremely well ordered. We may not
be able to understand Nature, but we may get an idea about how our brain
functions, in its capacity as an extremely well ordered system. We can make a
half-step towards modelling artificial intelligence by understanding at first,
how artificial instincts, and their conflicts, can be modelled. Animals
apparently utilise a different layer of reality of the world while building up
their orientation in it to that which humans perceive as important. The path of
understanding how primitive instincts work begins with a half-step of dumbing
down. It is no more interesting, how many they are, now we only look at where
it is relative to how it appears, compared with the others.  
The differences in complexity and
in building up of perceptions in different animals can be easily framed in a
topological context that explains them in terms of different (functional, not
spatial!) dimensions.  The higher the
number of dimensions, the higher the complexity and the stored
information.  Primitive istincts, in a
topological framework, are not very different from higher brain activities: the
only difference lies in the dimension we are evaluating them.  We 
"anthropocentrically" take into account just
the dimensions we prefer: therefore, looking by a given level, we believe that
the others are less interesting.  It is
not true: all the levels display the same content, even if with different 
of information.  We see things from our
standpoint (we can say: from a single topological dimension).  

Out of sequences, planes naturally evolve. Whether out of the
planes spaces can be constructed, depends on the kinds of planes and of common
axes. Now the natural numbers come in handy, as we can demonstrate to each
other on natural numbe

[Fis] R: Re: Who may proof that consciousness is an Euclidean n-space ???

2016-12-07 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
hilosophers Mortimer AdlerRogers 
AlbrittonAlexander of AphrodisiasSamuel AlexanderWilliam 
AlstonG.E.M.AnscombeAnselmLouise AntonyThomas AquinasAristotleDavid 
ArmstrongHarald AtmanspacherRobert AudiAugustineJ.L.AustinA.J.AyerAlexander 
BainMark BalaguerJeffrey BarrettWilliam BelshamHenri BergsonIsaiah 
BerlinBernard BerofskyRobert BishopMax BlackSusanne BobzienEmil du 
Bois-ReymondHilary BokLaurence BonJourGeorge BooleÉmile 
BoutrouxF.H.BradleyC.D.BroadMichael BurkeC.A.CampbellJoseph Keim CampbellRudolf 
CarnapCarneadesErnst CassirerDavid ChalmersRoderick 
ChisholmChrysippusCiceroRandolph ClarkeSamuel ClarkeAnthony CollinsAntonella 
CorradiniDiodorus CronusJonathan DancyDonald DavidsonMario De 
CaroDemocritusDaniel DennettJacques DerridaRené DescartesRichard DoubleFred 
DretskeJohn DupréJohn EarmanLaura Waddell EkstromEpictetusEpicurusHerbert 
FeiglJohn Martin FischerOwen FlanaganLuciano FloridiPhilippa FootAlfred 
FouilleéHarry FrankfurtRichard L. FranklinMichael FredeGottlob FregePeter 
GeachEdmund GettierCarl GinetAlvin GoldmanGorgiasNicholas St. John GreenH.Paul 
GriceIan HackingIshtiyaque HajiStuart HampshireW.F.R.HardieSam HarrisWilliam 
HaskerR.M.HareGeorg W.F. HegelMartin HeideggerR.E.HobartThomas HobbesDavid 
HodgsonShadsworth HodgsonBaron d'HolbachTed HonderichPamela HubyDavid 
HumeFerenc HuoranszkiWilliam JamesLord KamesRobert KaneImmanuel KantTomis 
KapitanJaegwon KimWilliam KingHilary KornblithChristine KorsgaardSaul 
KripkeAndrea LavazzaKeith LehrerGottfried LeibnizLeucippusMichael LevinGeorge 
Henry LewesC.I.LewisDavid LewisPeter LiptonJohn LockeMichael LockwoodE. 
Jonathan LoweJohn R. LucasLucretiusRuth Barcan MarcusJames MartineauStorrs 
McCallHugh McCannColin McGinnMichael McKennaBrian McLaughlinPaul E. MeehlUwe 
MeixnerAlfred MeleTrenton MerricksJohn Stuart MillDickinson MillerG.E.MooreC. 
Lloyd MorganThomas NagelFriedrich NietzscheJohn NortonP.H.Nowell-SmithRobert 
NozickWilliam of OckhamTimothy O'ConnorDavid F. PearsCharles Sanders PeirceDerk 
PereboomSteven PinkerPlatoKarl PopperPorphyryHuw PriceH.A.PrichardHilary 
PutnamWillard van Orman QuineFrank RamseyAyn RandMichael ReaThomas ReidCharles 
RenouvierNicholas RescherC.W.RietdijkRichard RortyJosiah RoyceBertrand 
RussellPaul RussellGilbert RyleJean-Paul SartreKenneth SayreT.M.ScanlonMoritz 
SchlickArthur SchopenhauerJohn SearleWilfrid SellarsAlan SidelleTed SiderHenry 
SidgwickWalter Sinnott-ArmstrongJ.J.C.SmartSaul SmilanskyMichael SmithBaruch 
SpinozaL. Susan StebbingGeorge F. StoutGalen StrawsonPeter StrawsonEleonore 
StumpFrancisco SuárezRichard TaylorKevin TimpeMark TwainPeter UngerPeter van 
InwagenManuel VargasJohn VennKadri VihvelinVoltaireG.H. von WrightDavid Foster 
WallaceR. Jay WallaceW.G.WardTed WarfieldRoy WeatherfordWilliam WhewellAlfred 
North WhiteheadDavid WiderkerDavid WigginsBernard WilliamsTimothy 
WilliamsonLudwig WittgensteinSusan WolfScientists  On Nov 26, 2016, at 12:06 
PM, tozziart...@libero.it wrote:Dear Krassimir, Thanks a lot for your question, 
now the discussion will become hotter!First of all, we never stated that 
consciousness lies either on a n-sphere or on an Euclidean n-space.Indeed, in 
our framework, consciousness IS the continuous function. Such function stands 
for a gauge field that restores the brain symmetries, broken by sensations. 
Concerning brain and gauge fields, see my PLOS biology paper: 
 consciousness lacks, the inter-dimensional projections are broken, and the 
nervous higher functions temporarily disappear.  Concerning the question about 
which are the manifolds where brain functions lie, it does not matter whether 
they are spheres, or circles, or concave, or flat structures: we demonstrated 
that the BUT is valid not just for convex manifolds, but for all the kinds of 
manifolds.  See our: 
 even if you think that brain and biological functions are trajectories moving 
on concave structures towards lesser energetic levels, as suggested by, e.g., 
Fokker-Planck equations, it does not matter: you may always find the antipodal 
points with matching description predicted by BUT.  Ciao!--Inviato da Libero 
Mail per Androidsabato, 26 novembre 2016, 06:23PM +01:00 da Krassimir Markov 
mar...@foibg.com:Dear FIS colleagues,I think, it is needed to put discussion on 
mathematical foundation. Let me remember that: The Borsuk–Ulam theorem (BUT), 
states that every continuous function from an n-sphere into Euclidean n-space 
maps some pair of antipodal points to the same point. Here, two points on a 
sphere are called antipodal if they are in exactly opposite directions from the 
sphere's center.Formally: if is continuous then there exists an such that: .[ 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borsuk%E2%80%93Ulam_theorem ]  Who may proof that 
consciousness is a  continuous 


2016-12-08 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Karl, 

Your noteworthy account is a typical example of a well-built scientific
theory: by putting together different bricks from several influential sources
(Piaget, Gibson, dynamic systems theory), you create a solid, concrete building
that sounds very logic, and also in touch with common sense.  

However… sometimes it takes just a single, novel experimental data, in
order to destroy the pillars of the most perfect logical buildings.  Your 
account is false, because your premises do
not hold. 

You stated that: “The ability to be oriented in space predates the
ability to build abstract concepts. Animals remain at a level of intellectual
capacity that allows them to navigate their surroundings and match place and
quality attributes, that is: animals know how to match what and where. Children
acquire during maturing the ability to recognise the idea of a thing behind the
perception of the thing. Then they learn to distinguish among ideas that
represent alike objects. The next step is to be able to assign the fingers of
the hand to the ideas such distinguished. Mathematics start there.  What 
children and animals have and use before
they learn to abstract into enumerable mental creations is a faculty of no
small complexity. They create an inner map, in which they know their position.
They also know the position of an attractor, be it food, entertaintment or
partner. The toposcopic level of brain functions determines the configuration
of a spatial map and furnishes it with objects, movables and stables, and the
position of the own perspective (the ego).   This archaic, instinctive, 
level of thinking must have its rules, otherwise it would not function. These
rules must be simple, self-evident and applicable in all fields of Physics and
Chemistry, where life is possible.  The
rules are detectable, because they root in logic and reason.”

The problem is that… “Bees Can Count to Four, Display Emotions, and
Teach Each Other New Skills” (PLOS Biology 2016).  


Therefore, pay attention to the truth of logic explanations!


Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Karl Javorszky" 

Data: 06/12/2016 11.29

A: "fis"


Thank you for the excellent 
discussion on a central issue of epistemology. The assertion that 
topology is a primitive ancestor to mathematics needs to be clarified.

 assertion maintains, that animals possess an ability of spatial 
orientation which they use intelligently. This ability is shown also by 
human children, e.g. as they play hide-and-seek. The child hiding 
considers the perspective from which the seeker will be seeing him, and 
hides behind something that obstructs the view from that angle. This 
shows that the child has a well-functioning set of algorithms which 
point out in a mental map his position and the path of the seeker. The 
child has a knowledge of places, in Greek "topos" and "logos", for 
"space" and "study".

As a parallel usage of the established
 word "topology" appears inconvenient, one may speak of "toposcopy" when
 watching the places of things. The child has a toposcopic knowledge of 
the world as it finds home from a discovery around the garden. This 
ability predates its ability to count. 

The ability to be 
oriented in space predates the ability to build abstract concepts. 
Animals remain at a level of intellectual capacity that allows them to 
navigate their surroundings and match place and quality attributes, that
 is: animals know how to match what and where. Children acquire during 
maturing the ability to recognise the idea of a thing behind the 
perception of the thing. Then they learn to distinguish among ideas that
 represent alike objects. The next step is to be able to assign the 
fingers of the hand to the ideas such distinguished. Mathematics start 

What children and animals have and use before they 
learn to abstract into enumerable mental creations is a faculty of no 
small complexity. They create an inner map, in which they know their 
position. They also know the position of an attractor, be it food, 
entertaintment or partner. The toposcopic level of brain functions 
determines the configuration of a spatial map and furnishes it with 
objects, movables and stables, and the position of the own perspective 
(the ego). 

This archaic, instinctive, pre-mathematical level of 
thinking must have its rules, otherwise it would not function. These 
rules must be simple, self-evident and applicable in all fields of 
Physics and Chemistry, where life is possible.  The rules are 
detectable, because they root in logic and reason. The rules may be hard
 to detect, because, as Wittgenstei

[Fis] Brenner and Lupasco logic

2016-12-09 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Joseph, 


I quote your 2010 manuscript (by the way, compliments! yours is a
noteworthy paper! Furthermore, you were also able to make the unreadable
Lupasco very clear!) that the FISers can find here: 



"The key postulate, as formulated by Lupasco, is that every real
phenomenon, element or event e is always associated with an anti-phenomenon, 
or anti-event non-e, such that the actualization of e entails the
potentialization of non-e and vice versa, alternatively, without either ever
disappearing completely. The logic is a logic of an included middle, consisting
of axioms and rules of inference for determining the state of the three dynamic
elements involved in a phenomenon (“dynamic” in the physical sense, related to
real rather than to formal change, e.g. of conclusions).

4.2. Axioms

The three fundamental axioms of classical logic, in
one version, are the following:

1. The axiom of identity: A is (or =) A.

2. The axiom of non-contradiction: A is not (or 6=) non-A.

3. The axiom of the excluded middle: there exists no third term ‘T’ (‘T’
from third) that is at the same time A and non-A.


Based on his “antagonistic” worldview, according to Basarab Nicolescu (see
Nicolescu 1996), 

Lupasco “rewrote” the three major axioms of classical
logic as follows:

1. (Physical) Non-Identity: There is no A at a given time that is
identical to A at another time.

2. Conditional Contradiction: A and non-A both exist at the same time, but
only in the sense that when A is actual, non-A is potential, reciprocally and
alternatively, but never to the limit of 100%.

3. Included Middle: An included or additional third element or T-state (‘T’
for ‘tiers inclus’, included third).


The evolution of real processes is therefore asymptotically toward a 
of identity or diversity, or toward contradiction. The mid-point of
semi-actualization and semi-potentialization of both is a point of maximum
contradiction, a “T-state” resolving the contradiction (or “counter-action”) at
a higher level of reality or complexity.

Lupasco deserves the historical credit for having shown that a logic of the
included middle is a valid multivalent logic, with the indicated terms. At a
single level of reality, the second and third axioms are essentially equivalent.
In Nicolescu’s extension of the logic, the T-state emerges from the point of
maximum contradiction at which A and non-A are equally

actualized and potentialized, but at a higher level of reality or
complexity, at which the contradiction is resolved. His paradigm example is the
unification in the quanton (T) of the apparently contradictory elements of
particle (A) and wave (non-A). In contrast to the Hegelian triad, the three
terms here coexist at the same moment of time. The logic of the included middle
does not abolish that of the excluded middle, which remains valid for simple,
consistent situations. However, the former is the privileged logic of
complexity, of the real mental, social and political world.

The logic of the included middle is capable of describing the coherence between
levels of reality. A given T-state (which operates the unification of A and
non-A) is associated with another couple of contradictory terms at its higher
level (A^1, non-A^1), which are in turn resolved at another level by T^1.  

According to Nicolescu, the action of the logic of the included middle
induces an open structure of the set of all possible levels of reality, similar
to that defined by Gödel for formal systems"



Lupasco’s  “linguistic joke”
(forgive me this expression, but, in this context, is something positive, not
negative!) is very intriguing and well done, but the problem is always the
same, as every kind of logic (…including maths, to be honest…) is based on
axioms that stand just for who believe they are true.  I give you an example, 
by examining
Luparsco’s postulates.  


1.   (Physical) Non-Identity: There is no A at a given time
that is identical to A at another time.

is not true: an atom of hydrogen today is identical to an atom of hydrogen
tomorrow.  I would also say that a square
is always a square, or in my mind a centaur is always a centaur, but I suppose
that you are talking in a physical, not mathematical or psychological sense,
therefore I prefer the example of the atom. 
And do not say that the hydrogen atoms of today and of tomorrow are two
different atoms, because, according the definition of hydrogen atom, I cannot
distinguish the one from the other!


2.   Conditional Contradiction: A and non-A both exist at
the same time, but only in the sense that when A is actual, non-A is potential,
reciprocally and alternatively, but never to the limit of 100%.  

and potential reminds too much the scientifically untenable Aristotle… How can
you say what is potential and what is actual? 
Actual and potential compared to what

[Fis] A provocative issue

2016-12-11 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear FISers, 

I know that some of you are going to kill me, but there’s something
that I must confess.  

I notice, from the nice issued raised by Francesco Rizzo, Joseph
Brenner, John Collier, that the main concerns are always energetic/informational
arguments and accounts. 

Indeed, the current tenets state that all is information, information being a
real quantity that can be measured through informational entropies.

But… I ask to myself, is such a tenet true?

When I cook the pasta, I realize that, by my point of view, the cooked
pasta encompasses more information than the not-cooked one, because it acquires
the role of something that I can eat in order to increase my possibility to
preserve myself in the hostile environment that wants to destroy me.  However, 
by the point of view of the bug who
eats the non-cooked pasta, my cooked pasta displays less information for
sure.  Therefore, information is a very
subjective measure that, apart from its relationship with the observer, does
not mean very much…  Who can state that
an event or a fact displays more information than another one?

And, please, do not counteract that information is a quantifiable,
objective reality, because it can be measured through informational entropy…
Informational entropy, in its original Shannon’s formulation, stands for an 
process (page 8 of the original 1948 Shannon’s seminal paper), i.e.: every 
produced by the processes is the same in statistical properties, or, in other
words, a traveling particle always crosses all the points of its phase space.  
However, in physics and biology, the facts and
events are never ergodic.  Statistical
homogeneity is just a fiction, if we evaluate the world around us and our 

Therefore, the role of information could not be as fundamental as
currently believed.   


P.S.: topology analyzes information by another point of view, but it’s an issue 
the next time, I think…


Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Is information a matter of... dimensions and symmetries?

2016-12-12 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear FISers, 

In touch with Ludwig Wittgenstein's favourite example, let's play a chess game. 
 Imagine that the chessboard is the

We have the whites, e.g., Jaynes, Logan, Kauffmann, Marijuan (more or less!), 
Loet, Chu-Hsi (Zhu Xi), Susskind's account of loss of information in black 
holes.  (I also side with the whites, but I did not dare to put my name 
together with the great scientists I quoted!).  

And the blacks, e.g. Brillouin, Collier, Wheeler, Murray Gell-Mann,
Lloyd, Layzer, Muller,  Rizzo, Leydesdorff, Hawkins' account of absence of  
loss of  information in black holes.   They are all first-rank scientists.

Whites do not believe very much in the foremost role of information in our 
blacks do.  

Who wins the game? Nobody wins. 
The two players are too strong and well-grounded to be defeated, and, weirdly, 
both logical and experimental results were not decisive in order to produce the 

There is just a possibility to tackle the issue and see who wins: to change the 
rules of the chess game and the shape of the chessboard.  The 2D chessboard 
must become… a
3D chessboard.  Equipped with symmetries.


The following text comes from our most important (according to me, of course) 
published (topological) paper.  You can find the whole manuscript (with the
mentioned references and the proper mathematical treatment) here: 


Symmetry is a type of invariance occurring when a structured object does
not change under a set of transformations (Weyl).  Symmetries hold the key
to understanding many of nature’s intimate secrets, because they are the most
general feature of countless types of systems. Huge swathes of mathematics,
physics and biology, including the brain, can be explained in terms of the
underlying invariance of the structures under investigation.  In physics, 
symmetries can be “broken”.  Symmetry breaking consists of sudden change
in the set of available states: the whole phase space is partitioned into 
regions (Roldàn, 2014), so that small fluctuations acting on a system cross a
critical point and decide which branch of a bifurcation is taken. In
particular, in spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), the underlying laws are
invariant under a symmetry transformation, but the system as a whole changes.
SSB is a process which allows a system cast in a symmetrical state to end up in
an asymmetrical one.   SSB describes
systems where the equations of motion or the Lagrangian obey certain
invariances, but the lowest-energy solutions do not exhibit them.  “Hidden” is 
perhaps a better term than
“broken”, because the symmetry is always there in such equations (Higgs). In
case of finite systems with metastable states, the confinement is not strict:
the system can “jump” from a region to another (Roldàn). Concerning the brain,
that is the main issue of our FIS discussion, its activity is an example of an 
open system, partly
stochastic due to intrinsic fluctuations, but containing islands at the edge of
the chaos, which maintains homoeostasis
or allostasis in the face of environmental fluctuations (Friston 2010).   The 
retains the characteristics of a complex, non-linear system with
non-equilibrium dynamics (Fraiman et. al., 2012), equipped with random walks
(Afraimovich et.al., 2013); it operates at the edge of chaos (Tognoli et.al.,
2014;) and lives near a metastable state of second-order phase transition,
between micro- and macro-levels (Beggs
et.al., 2012), characterized by infinite correlation
length, countless dimensions, slight non-ergodicity, attractors (Deco et.al., 
2012) and universal power laws,
testified by the presence of spontaneous neuronal avalanches (De

In such a multifaceted framework, the Borsuk-Ulam theorem is
useful.  This theorem tells us that, if a sphere is mapped continuously into a 
plane set,
there is at least one pair of antipodal points having the same image; that is,
they are mapped in the same point of the plane (Beyer and
Zardecki, 2004).  Bain
symmetries can be studied in a topological fashion, i.e. in terms of antipodal
points on a hypersphere.  If we enclose symmetries, equipped with antipodal 
self-similar points, into the abstract spaces
of n-spheres, they can be evaluated
in guise of projections on Sn-1,
where they stand for the broken symmetry.  This means that brain symmetries, 
hidden at a
lower level, are detectable at a higher level of analysis, and vice versa.  In 
other words, a symmetry break occurs when
the symmetry is present at one level of observation, but “hidden” at another

It must be emphasized that the symmetries are widespread at every level of
organization and may be regarded as the most general feature of systems, perhaps
more general than free-energy and entropy constraints too.  Indeed, recent data 
suggest that thermodynamic

[Fis] What is life?

2016-12-17 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

You write: "For living beings, we know that "Life is a tramission and 
utilistion of information (not only by ADN, but by all the information which is 
used by them, at all scales for survival)".  However, to make an example, also 
my mobile is able to transmit and utilize information. I found (and I did not 
look very well, to be honest) at least EIGHT different definitions of life in 
literature.  Therefore, if I ask: "What is life?" I have, apart from yours, 
other SEVEN different definitions of life.  What does it mean? This means that 
we have no idea at all about what is life.  It is the same as if I asked: "What 
is love?": who knows? 
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] information & life

2016-12-18 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Krassimir, 
After the hot discussion about the elusive meaning of the term "information", 
we are allowed to use the first order predicate logic: 
a) The definition of information is not univocal. b) The definition of life is 
information.c) Therefore, the definition of life is not univocal.

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Something positive

2016-12-22 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, 
it's excruciating...We did not even find an unique definition of information, 
life, brain activity, consciousness...How could the science improve, if it 
lacks definitions of what itself is talking about?
It seems that we depicted a rather dark, hopeless picture...  However, there 
is, I thing, a light in front of us.  I think that the best way to proceed, at 
least the most useful in the last centuries, is the one pursued by Einstein: to 
build an abstract, rather geometric , mathematical model, make testable 
previsions and then to check if it works in the real world.Therefore, I think, 
we need novel, fresh models and theories, more than experiments aiming to 
demonstrate theory-laden, pre-cooked, previsions of scientists. It is the old 
problem of science: from above, or from below?  Which is the best approach? The 
knowledge of the most elementary biological and physical issues is so scarce, 
as demonstrated by this FIS discussion involving foremost scientists from all 
over the world, that the right approach, I think, is to start from above... 
from topology, of course   

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Something positive

2016-12-22 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear FISers, 
it's excruciating...We did not even find an unique definition of information, 
life, brain activity, consciousness...How could the science improve, if it 
lacks definitions of what itself is talking about?
It seems that we depicted a rather dark, hopeless picture...  However, there 
is, I thing, a light in front of us.  I think that the best way to proceed, at 
least the most useful in the last centuries, is the one pursued by Einstein: to 
build an abstract, rather geometric , mathematical model, make testable 
previsions and then to check if it works in the real world.Therefore, I think, 
we need novel, fresh models and theories, more than experiments aiming to 
demonstrate theory-laden, pre-cooked, previsions of scientists. It is the old 
problem of science: from above, or from below?  Which is the best approach? The 
knowledge of the most elementary biological and physical issues is so scarce, 
as demonstrated by this FIS discussion involving foremost scientists from all 
over the world, that the right approach, I think, is to start from above... 
from topology, of course   

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Something positive

2016-12-22 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear FISers, 
it's excruciating...We did not even find an unique definition of information, 
life, brain activity, consciousness...How could the science improve, if it 
lacks definitions of what itself is talking about?And the old problem of 
science: from above, or from below?  Which is the best approach? 
It seems that we depicted a rather dark, hopeless picture...  However, there 
is, I think, a light in front of us.  The only way to pursue our common goal, I 
think, it is to be free.  Free from our own beliefs.  Enlarge our horizons to 
other fields of science, apart from our own.  Forget metaphysics, of course.  
Look at other disciplines, such as physics, medicine, engineering, biology, 
Voltaire said: "Il faut cultiver notre jardin" .  But he was wrong.  We have to 
take care of more than a garden. Your own garden is too narrow for your 
beautiful mind. 
Therefore, TANTI AUGURI!And I hope that, the next year, in the 2017 Christmas 
time, every one of us will be expert in a scientific field different from his 

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] A Curious... but infeasible Story

2017-01-10 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, Hi!
I found precious comments against the possiblility of black holes produced by 
LHC eating our word:https://press.cern/backgrounders/safety-lhc

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale


Data: 05/01/2017 12.06

A: "fis@listas.unizar.es"

Ogg: [Fis] A Curious Story


Dear FISers,

Herewith the Lecture inaugurating our 2017 sessions.
I really hope that this Curious Story is just that, a curiosity.
But in science we should not look for hopes but for arguments and 

Best wishes to All and exciting times for the New Year!

De: Otto E. Rossler [oeros...@yahoo.com]

Enviado el: miércoles, 04 de enero de 2017 17:51


Asunto: NY session


A Curious Story
Otto E. Rossler, University of Tübingen, Germany

Maybe I am the only one who finds it curious. Which fact would then make it 
even more curious for me. It
 goes like this: Someone says “I can save your house from a time bomb planted 
into the basement” and you respond by saying “I don’t care.” This curious story 
is taken from the Buddhist bible. 

It of course depends on who is offering to help. It could be a lunatic person 
claiming that he
 alone can save the planet from a time-bomb about to be planted into it. In 
that case, there would be no reason to worry. On the other hand, it could also 
be that you, the manager, are a bit high at the moment so that you don't fully 
appreciate the offer made
 to you. How serious is my offer herewith made to you today?
I only say that for eight years' time already, there exists no counter-proof in 
the literature to my at
 first highly publicized proof of danger. I was able to demonstrate that the 
miniature black holes officially attempted to be produced at CERN do possess 
two radically new properties:

 cannot Hawking evaporate they
 grow exponentially inside matter

If these two findings hold water, the current attempt at producing ultra-slow 
miniature black holes on earth
 near the town of Geneva means that the slower-most specimen will get stuck 
inside earth and grow there exponentially to turn the planet into a 2-cm black 
hole after several of undetectable growth. Therefore the current attempt of 
CERN's to produce them near
 Geneva is a bit curious. 
What is so curious about CERN's attempt? It is the fact that no one finds it 
curious. I am reminded of an
 old joke: The professor informs the candidate about the outcome of the oral 
exam with the following words “You are bound to laugh but you have flunked the 
test.” I never understood the punchline. I likewise cannot understand why a 
never refuted proof of the
 biggest danger of history leaves everyone unconcerned. Why NOT check an 
unattended piece of luggage on the airport called Earth?
To my mind, this is the most curious story ever -- for the very reason that 
everyone finds it boring. A
 successful counter-proof would thus alleviate but a single person’s fears – 
mine. You, my dear reader, are thus my last hope that you might be able to 
explain the punch line to me: “Why is it that it does not matter downstairs 
that the first floor is ablaze?”
 I am genuinely curious to learn why attempting planetocide is fun.  Are you 

For J.O.R.


Fis mailing list


2017-01-27 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers:
Recently introduced versions of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem (BUT) state that
a feature on a n-manifold projects to two features with matching description
onto a n+1 manifold (Peters, 2016; Peters and Tozzi, 2016a, 2016b; Tozzi, 2016;
Tozzi and Peters, 2016a, 2016b). 
Starting from this rather simple “abstract” claim, a fruitful general
framework has been built, able to elucidate disparate “real” physical and
biological phenomena, from quantum entanglement (Peters and Tozzi, 2016c), to
brain activity (Peters et al., 2016, 2017; Tozzi and Peters, 2016a, 2016b,
2017), from gauge theories (Tozzi et al., 2017) to pre- big bang scenarios
(Tozzi and Peters, 2016c).  Summarizing
this novel topological approach, we may state what follows: if you take into
account projections among functional or real dimensions, you achieve a system
of mappings that fit very well with experimental results and are able to assess
countless systems in far-flung scientific branches. 

One of the main concerns of such a topological approach to systems
features is that it talks in rather general terms, leaving apart the peculiar
features of individuals and of single physical and biological processes. 

In order to tackle this issue, here we ask: what does it mean “matching
description”? In a topological framework, matching descriptions are termed
"descriptively near sets", i.e., two (or more) features that lie on
the same manifold, but that have no points in common.  In a semantic matching 
framework, a matching
description encompasses all information about the matching process.  

Then we ask: has matching description anything to do with “identity”?  In the 
“classical” BUT, the matching features
are just points, therefore a point is equal to another, and we might easily
state that the two points are “identical”. On the other hand, in the novel BUT
variants, the matching features stand not just for simple topological points,
but also for for more complicated structures, such as shapes of space (spatial
patterns), of shapes of time (temporal patterns), vectors or tensors,
functions, or signals, thermodynamic parameters, movements, trajectories, or
lexical structures (either syntactic or semantic), or general symmetries.  

Therefore, we ask: are two matching features identical? Do they stand
for the same feature, of for two different features with something in
common?  In order to solve the issue, we
“steal” the Martin Heidegger's noteworthy account of the “principle of identity”
(Heidegger, 1957), one of the three tenets of the classical logic.


The principle of identity states that A=A.  The formula expresses, in its usual
description, an equality of A and A.  One
A is equal to another A.  A is therefore
the same of A, because “identical” (from Greek and Latin) means: “the same”.  


However, in another possible version, the formula A=A speaks of “equality”.  A 
is A. 
It does not say that A is the same, but that every A is itself the
same.  Or, in other words, each thing
itself is the same for itself with itself. 


It can also be stated that matching description “belongs to” an
identity.  In this case, sameness is
interpreted as a “belonging together”.  This
means that two interpretations are feasible: a) matching description is
determined by an identity as a feature of that identity; b) identity is
represented as a feature of matching description.   

In “belonging together”, the world “together” means: to be assigned and
placed into the order of a together, to be established in the unity of a
manifold, to be combined into the unity of a system.  Such assignement and 
placing occur thanks to
connexions and mappings of the one with the other. 

However, “belonging together” can also mean: the together is now
determined by the belonging.  

Therefore, the possibilities here are two: a) representing belonging in
terms of the unit of together; b) experiencing this together in terms of


The issue b) leads us into the psychological standpoint of the
observer.  Indeed, “thinking” and
matching description can also be thought as the same, so that thinking and
matching description belong together in the same, and by virtue of the
same.  If we attempt to represent
together of thinking and matching description as a coordination, we can
establish and explain this coordination either in terms of thinking and
matching description.  

If thinking and matching description belong to each other, matching
description belongs with thinking to an identity, whose active essence stems
from that “letting belong together” which we call “mental representation”.  
Identity becomes, in this version, a
functional property of the event of mental representation. 


In sum,  identity can be
presupposed as a feature of the matching description, or as a spring that
departs from matching description. In this second account, the principle of
identity becomes a spring into the psychological origin of identity.  We can 
therefore assess

[Fis] Torus-like structures

2017-02-15 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Howard, your concept of a donut-like Universe is very interesting...In 
touch with it, we recently published a paper that describes pre-big bang 
scenarios involving a Monster Group, e.g. a multisymmetric structure 
describable on a torus: http://www.mdpi.com/2078-2489/7/4/73
However, I think that the "torus-like" concept can be extended also to 
biological structures.  Indeed, we demonstrated the presence of a functional 
torus-like structure in the brain: 
Furthermore, in a still unpublished paper (under review), we also proposed a 
torus-like structure, in order to explain living cells functions: 

All this stuff is quite intriguing, and point towards a donut-like structure as 
a general principle underlying both physical and biological systems...

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: howlbl...@aol.com

Data: 15/02/2017 1.04

A: , 

Ogg: Re: [Fis] Further Discussion . . .

brilliant summation, Pedro.
we are missing the metaphors with which to explain the difference between 
death and life or between smart communities like bacterial colonies and 
in The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates, i tell the tale of the 
origin of the term "emergent property."  But, alas, over 140 
years after the concept's introduction, we still lack the tools that would 
help us understand life and consciousness in scientific ways.
i suspect the key will come from adding to the bottom 
up vocabulary  of reductionism by looking at top down 
approaches.  and i suspect that certain emergent properties are 
possibilities of the cosmos waiting for matter to find them.  very a la 
wagner in his Arrival of the Fittest.
but if emergent properties exist in an implicit future, in possibility 
space, how did they get there?  a hint:  god is not the answer.  
god is a way of dodging the question.
i've hit all these issues in The God Problem.  and i ache for the new 
with warmth and oomph--howard
Howard Bloom
author of : The 
Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History 
("mesmerizing"-The Washington Post), Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind 
from the Big Bang to the 21st Century  ("reassuring and sobering"-The New 
Yorker), The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism 
("Impressive, stimulating, and tremendously enjoyable."James Fallows, National 
Correspondent, The Atlantic), The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates 
("Bloom's argument will rock your world." Barbara Ehrenreich), How I 
Accidentally Started the Sixties (“a monumental,epic, glorious literary 
achievement.” Timothy Leary), and The Muhammad Code:  How a Desert Prophet 
Gave You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram--or How Muhammad Invented Jihad (“a 
terrifying book…the best book I’ve read on Islam,” David Swindle, PJ 
Former Core Faculty Member, The Graduate Institute; Former Visiting 
Scholar—Graduate Psychology Department, NewYork University
International PaleopsychologyProject; founder and chair, Space Development 
Steering Committee; Founding Board Member: Epic of Evolution Society; Founding 
Board Member, The Darwin Project; Board Of Governors, National Space Society; 
Founder: The Big Bang Tango Media Lab; member: New York Academy of 
Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American 
Psychological Society, Academy of Political Science, Human Behavior and 
Evolution Society, International Society for Human Ethology,  Scientific 
Advisory Board Member, Lifeboat Foundation. 

In a message dated 2/13/2017 10:32:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es writes:

  Dear Howard,

In any extent, your beautiful 
  questions are beyond my reach. I think that the physical characterization of 
  life cannot even provide a whim on your demands; but something of the 
  informational might provide some limited inroads: prokaryots could not 
  any significant progress in morphological or differentiation capabilities 
  within their "colonies". Conversely, eukaryotes developed multicellularity 
  to their far higher information content (genome), their far improved 
  resources, their endless energy supply in support of the general combinatoric 
  problem-solving tools (mitochondria), and the incorporation of a new locus 
  (cytoskeleton) capable of feeling the force field and reacting to it. A chain 
  of amazing inventions is behind any of the existing branches of complex 
  life... can do they admit a general explanation, not just based on natural 
  selection, but on the improved evolvability that has been obtained by being 
  able to explore any molecular-re


2017-02-24 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, hi!  A possible novel discussion (if you like it, of course!): 
After the Big Bang, a gradual increase in
thermodynamic entropy is occurring in our Universe (Ellwanger, 2012).  Because 
of the relationships between entropy
and symmetries (Roldán et al., 2014), the
number of cosmic symmetries, the highest possible at the very start, is 
as time passes.  Here the evolution of
living beings comes into play.  Life is a
space-limited increase of energy and complexity, and therefore of
symmetries.  The evolution proceeds
towards more complex systems (Chaisson, 2010), until more advanced forms of
life able to artificially increase the symmetries of the world.  Indeed, the 
human brains’ cognitive abilities
not just think objects and events more complex than the physical ones existing
in Nature, but build highly symmetric crafts too.  For example, human beings 
can watch a rough
stone, imagine an amygdala and build it from the same stone.  Humankind is 
able, through its ability to manipulate
tools and technology, to produce objects (and ideas, i.e., equations) with 
levels higher than the objects and systems encompassed in the pre-existing
physical world.  Therefore, human beings
are naturally built by evolution in order to increase the number of 
symmetries.  This is in touch with recent
claims, suggesting that the brain is equipped with a number of functional and 
dimensions higher than the 3D environment (Peters et al., 2017).  
Intentionality, typical of the living beings
and in particular of the human mind, may be seen as a mechanism able to
increase symmetries.  As Dante Alighieri
stated (Hell, XXVI, 118-120), “you were not
made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge”.  

In touch with Spencer’s (1860) and Tyler’s (1881)
claims, it looks like evolutionary mechanisms tend to achieve increases in 
complexity, and therefore symmetries (Tozzi and Peters, 2017).  Life is 
produced in our Universe in order to
restore the initial lost symmetries.  At
the beginning of life, increases in symmetries are just local, e.g., they are
related to the environmental niches where the living beings are placed.  
However, in long timescales, they might be
extended to the whole Universe.  For
example, Homo sapiens, in just 250.000 years, has been able to build the Large 
Collider, where artificial physical processes make an effort to approximate the
initial symmetric state of the Universe. 
Therefore, life is a sort of gauge field (Sengupta et al., 2016), e.g.,
a combination of forces and fields that try to counterbalance and restore, in
very long timescales, the original cosmic symmetries, lost after the Big Bang.  
Due to physical issues, the “homeostatic” cosmic
gauge field must be continuous, e.g., life must stand, proliferate and increase
in complexity over very long timescales. 
This is the reason why every living being has an innate tendency towards
self-preservation and proliferation. 
With the death, continuity is broken. This talks in favor of intelligent
life scattered everywhere in the Universe: if a few species get extinct, others
might continue to proliferate and evolve in remote planets, in order to pursue
the goal of the final symmetric restoration.   In touch with long timescales’ 
it must be kept into account that life has been set up after a long gestation:
a childbearing which encompasses the cosmic birth of fermions, then atoms, then
stars able to produce the more sophisticated matter (metals) required for
molecular life.   

A symmetry-based framework gives rise to two opposite
feelings, by our standpoint of human beings. 
On one side, we achieve the final answer to long-standing questions: “why are 
we here?”, “Why does the evolution act in such a way?”, an answer that reliefs
our most important concerns and gives us a sense;
on the other side, however, this framework does not give us any hope: we are
just micro-systems programmed in order to contribute to restore a partially
“broken” macro-system.  And, in case we
succeed in restoring, through our mathematical abstract thoughts and
craftsmanship, the initial symmetries, we are nevertheless doomed to die:
indeed, the environment equipped with the starting symmetries does not allow
the presence of life.



Chaisson EJ. 2010. 
Energy Rate Density as a Complexity Metric and Evolutionary Driver.  
Complexity, v 16, p 27, 2011; DOI:

Ellwanger U. 
2012.  From the Universe to the
Elementary Particles.  A First
Introduction to Cosmology and the Fundamental Interactions.  Springer-Verlag 
Berlin Heidelberg.  ISBN 978-3-642-24374-5.

Peters JF, Ramanna S, Tozzi A, Inan E.  2017. 
Frontiers Hum Neurosci. 
BOLD-independent computational entropy assesses functional donut-like
structures in brain fMRI image.  doi:



2017-02-24 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Prof. Ulanowicz, 
thanks for you nice words, and for the amazing material you sent me!
There is a 2005, seminal paper that seems to be the "smoking gun" confirming 
your hypothesis that life increases the entropy production.  
But the key, is rather strangely... the time! 

You can find a summary, more details and the proper references here: 

Thanks again for your kind response!

P.S.: I go to read better your fantastic, already historical papers!

Arturo Tozzi
AA Professor Physics, University North Texas
Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy
Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba

>Messaggio originale
>Da: "Robert E. Ulanowicz" 
>Data: 24/02/2017 18.48
>A: "tozziart...@libero.it"
>Dear Arturo!
>Most interesting thesis!
>Two paper of mine that touch on this subject:
>All the best,
>> Dear FISers, hi!  A possible novel discussion (if you like it, of
>> course!):
>> After the Big Bang, a gradual increase in
>> thermodynamic entropy is occurring in our Universe (Ellwanger, 2012).
>> Because of the relationships between entropy
>> and symmetries (Roldán et al., 2014), the
>> number of cosmic symmetries, the highest possible at the very start, is
>> declining
>> as time passes.  Here the evolution of
>> living beings comes into play.  Life is a
>> space-limited increase of energy and complexity, and therefore of
>> symmetries.  The evolution proceeds
>> towards more complex systems (Chaisson, 2010), until more advanced forms
>> of
>> life able to artificially increase the symmetries of the world.  Indeed,
>> the human brains’ cognitive abilities
>> not just think objects and events more complex than the physical ones
>> existing
>> in Nature, but build highly symmetric crafts too.  For example, human
>> beings can watch a rough
>> stone, imagine an amygdala and build it from the same stone.  Humankind is
>> able, through its ability to manipulate
>> tools and technology, to produce objects (and ideas, i.e., equations) with
>> complexity
>> levels higher than the objects and systems encompassed in the pre-existing
>> physical world.  Therefore, human beings
>> are naturally built by evolution in order to increase the number of
>> environmental
>> symmetries.  This is in touch with recent
>> claims, suggesting that the brain is equipped with a number of functional
>> and anatomical
>> dimensions higher than the 3D environment (Peters et al., 2017).
>> Intentionality, typical of the living beings
>> and in particular of the human mind, may be seen as a mechanism able to
>> increase symmetries.  As Dante Alighieri
>> stated (Hell, XXVI, 118-120), “you were not
>> made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge�.
>> In touch with Spencer’s (1860) and Tyler’s (1881)
>> claims, it looks like evolutionary mechanisms tend to achieve increases in
>> environmental
>> complexity, and therefore symmetries (Tozzi and Peters, 2017).  Life is
>> produced in our Universe in order to
>> restore the initial lost symmetries.  At
>> the beginning of life, increases in symmetries are just local, e.g., they
>> are
>> related to the environmental niches where the living beings are placed.
>> However, in long timescales, they might be
>> extended to the whole Universe.  For
>> example, Homo sapiens, in just 250.000 years, has been able to build the
>> Large Hadron
>> Collider, where artificial physical processes make an effort to
>> approximate the
>> initial symmetric state of the Universe.
>> Therefore, life is a sort of gauge field (Sengupta et al., 2016), e.g.,
>> a combination of forces and fields that try to counterbalance and restore,
>> in
>> very long timescales, the original cosmic symmetries, lost after the Big
>> Bang.  Due to physical issues, the “homeostatic� cosmic
>> gauge field must be continuous, e.g., life must stand, proliferate and
>> increase
>> in complexity over very long timescales.
>> This is the reason why every living being has an innate tendency towards
>> self-preservation and proliferation.
>> With the death, continuity is broken. This talks in favor of intelligent
>> life scattered everywhere in the Universe


2017-03-01 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, Thanks for your interest!I'm honoured.  
I'm sorry, but I almost finished my magic FIS weekly bullets, therefore I have 
to answer to more than a question in this mail. 
This is my comment to the issues raised by Otto, Francesco, Dave, Gyuri, 
Why there were so many symmetries at the beginning, and why our Universe 
displays symmetry breaks, and therefore a loss of symmetries?We need to start 
from a fully accepted tenet of cosmology: the Universe took place with the big 
bang, an highly energetic state.  The more the energy, the more the 
information, the more the symmetries.  Therefore, at the cosmic start, we 
require a highly symmetrical structure.  What is the known structure equipped 
with the highest number of symmetries? It is the mathematical Monster sporadic 
group,  where 10^54 symmetries occur in about 200.000 dimensions.  
Astonishingly, this pure mathematical structure displays numbers that seem to 
correlate it with a physical counterpart, i.e., some string theories.  
Therefore, it is possible to hypothesize that the Monster (title for the press: 
the manifold of God), loosing some symmetries, gave rise to the big bang.  
But... what is this Monster?  Is it a Spinozian, timeless structure, or is it 
equipped with movements? How is it correlated with spacetime? How much is the 
energy of the Monster? How did the Monster give rise to our Universe?  We 
elucidate the whole stuff (and make testable previsions) in our recently 
I hope to provide further comments in the next days, in particular to Robert 
and Pedro's comments
Ciao a tutti!And thanks again!
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Gyorgy Darvas" 

Data: 01/03/2017 13.32





The nature of evolution is
  such that symmetries emerge and disappear (change).




  Darvas, G. (1998) Laws of
symmetry breaking, Symmetry: Culture and Science,
9, 2-4, 119-127 

  Darvas, G, (2015)
The unreasonable effectiveness of symmetry in the sciences, Symmetry:
  Culture and Science, 26, 1, 39-82.
; http://journal-scs.symmetry.hu/purchase/


On 2017.02.28. 19:01, Dave Kirkland

  Dear Arturo Tozzi and FISers
  Thank you for your very interesting ideas. For
me they raise more questions:
  Why did the number of cosmic symmetries ever start diminishing?
  Could the whole process be eternally cyclical?
  I like your respectful use of capital letters.
  My mind boggles.
  Best rgds

On 24 Feb 2017, at 15:24, tozziart...@libero.it

Dear FISers, 
A possible novel discussion (if you like it, of


After the Big Bang, a gradual increase in
thermodynamic entropy is occurring in our Universe
(Ellwanger, 2012).  Because of the relationships between
and symmetries (Roldán et al., 2014), the
number of cosmic symmetries, the highest possible at the
very start, is declining
as time passes.  Here the evolution of
living beings comes into play.  Life is a
space-limited increase of energy and complexity, and
therefore of
symmetries.  The evolution proceeds
towards more complex systems (Chaisson, 2010), until
more advanced forms of
life able to artificially increase the symmetries of the
world.  Indeed, the human brains’ cognitive abilities
not just think objects and events more complex than the
physical ones existing
in Nature, but build highly symmetric crafts too.  For
example, human beings can watch a rough
stone, imagine an amygdala and build it from the same
stone.  Humankind is abl

[Fis] Does a toy shadow encompass more information than the toy itself?

2017-03-09 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear Fisers, a novel, provocative issue...
An observed two-dimensional shadow might encompass more information than its 
corresponding three-dimensional object.  By changing the orientation of a 
three-dimensional object or the observer’s position, we detect different 
shadows from diverse perspectives, therefore increasing our available 
information.  Starting from this simple observation and extending it to the 
Einstein’s four-dimensional spacetime and to Bekenstein and Hawking equations, 
it can be shown how, in terms of special and general relativity, information 
content is not a stationary and fixed quantity as currently believed, but 
rather depends on the observer’s standpoint. This has deep implications in 
digital physics, information theory, computer vision, shape theory and 
Read more (and look at the nice Figure!): http://vixra.org/abs/1703.0060

Arturo Tozzi
AA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL Na2Nord, 
ItalyComput Intell Lab, University Manitobahttp://arturotozzi.webnode.it/ 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Is information truly important?

2017-03-24 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Fisers, a big doubt...
We know that the information of a 3D black hole is proportional to its 2D 
horizon, according to the Bekenstein-Hawking equations.
However, an hypotetical observer traveling at light speed (who watches a black 
hole at rest) detects a very large black hole horizon, due to Einstein's 
equations.Therefore, he detects more information from the black hole than an 
observer at rest, who sees a smaller horizon...
In sum, information does not seem to be a physical quantity, rather just a very 
subjective measure...

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] I: Re: Is information truly important?

2017-03-24 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear  Lars-Göran, I prefer to use asap my second FIS bullet, therefore it will 
be my last FIS mail for the next days. 
First of all, in special relativity, an observer is NOT by definition a 
material object that can receive and store incoming energy from other objects.  
In special relativity, an observer is a frame of reference from which a set of 
objects or events are being measured.  Speaking of an observer is not 
specifically hypothesizing an individual person who is experiencing events, but 
rather it is a particular mathematical context which objects and events are to 
be evaluated from. The effects of special relativity occur whether or not there 
is a "material object that can recieve and store incoming energy from other 
objects" within the inertial reference frame to witness them.
Furthermore, take a photon (traveling at speed light) that crosses a cosmic 
zone close to the sun.  The photon "detects" (and therefore can interact with) 
a huge sun surface (because of its high speed), while we humans on the Earth 
"detect" (and can interact with) a much smaller sun surface. Therefore, the 
photon may exchange more information with the sun than the humans on the Earth: 
both the photon and the humans interact with the same sun, but they "detect" 
different surfaces, and therefore they may exchange with the sun a different 
information content.  If we also take into account that the photon detects an 
almost infinite, fixed time, this means once again that it can exchange much 
more information with the sun than we humans can.  
In sum, once again, information does not seem to be a physical quantity, rather 
just a very subjective measure, depending on the speed and of the time of the 
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Lars-Göran Johansson" 

Data: 24/03/2017 14.50

A: "tozziart...@libero.it"

Ogg: Re: [Fis] Is information truly important?

24 mars 2017 kl. 13:15 skrev 

Dear Fisers, 
a big doubt...

We know that the information of a 3D black hole is proportional to its 2D 
horizon, according to the Bekenstein-Hawking equations.

However, an hypotetical observer traveling at light speed (who watches a black 
hole at rest) detects a very large black hole horizon, due to Einstein's 
Therefore, he detects more information from the black hole than an observer at 
rest, who sees a smaller horizon…

An observer is by definition a material object that can recieve and store 
incoming energy from other objects. Since it requires infinite energy  to 
accelerate even a slighest object to the velocity of light, no observer can 
travel at the speed of light. That
 means that your thought experiment is based in inconsistent assumptions and no 
vaild conclusions from them can be drawn. 
Lars-Göran Johansson

In sum, information does not seem to be a physical quantity, rather just a very 
subjective measure...

Arturo Tozzi

AA Professor Physics, University North Texas

Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy

Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba


Fis mailing list

Lars-Göran Johansson

Fis mailing list


2017-09-15 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, I'm sorry for bothering you, but I start not to agree from the 
very first principles.
The only language able to describe and quantify scientific issues is 
mathematics.Without math, you do not have observables, and information is 
observable. Therefore, information IS energy or matter, and can be examined 
through entropies (such as., e.g., the Bekenstein-Hawking one).
And, please, colleagues, do not start to write that information is subjective 
and it depends on the observer's mind. This issue has been already tackled by 
the math of physics: science already predicts that information can be 
"subjective", in the MATHEMATICAL frameworks of both relativity and quantum 
dynamics' Copenhagen interpretation.  Therefore, the subjectivity of 
information is clearly framed in a TOTALLY physical context of matter and 
Sorry for my polemic ideas, but, if you continue to define information on the 
basis of qualitative (and not quantitative) science, information becomes 
metaphysics, or sociology, or psychology (i.e., branches with doubtful 
possibility of achieving knowledge, due to their current lack of math). 

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Pedro C. Marijuan" 

Data: 15/09/2017 14.13

A: "fis"


Dear FIS Colleagues,

As promised herewith the "10 principles of information science". A
couple of previous comments may be in order. 

First, what is in general the role of principles in science? I was
motivated by the unfinished work of philosopher Ortega y Gasset,
"The idea of principle in Leibniz and the evolution of deductive
theory" (posthumously published in 1958). Our tentative information
science seems to be very different from other sciences, rather
multifarious in appearance and concepts, and cavalierly moving from
scale to scale. What could be the specific role of principles
herein? Rather than opening homogeneous realms for conceptual
development, these information principles would appear as a sort of
"portals" that connect with essential topics of other disciplines in
the different organization layers, but at the same time they should
try to be consistent with each other and provide a coherent vision
of the information world.

And second, about organizing the present discussion, I bet I was too
optimistic with the commentators scheme. In any case, for having a
first glance on the whole scheme, the opinions of philosophers would
be very interesting. In order to warm up the discussion, may I ask
John Collier, Joseph Brenner and Rafael Capurro to send some initial
comments / criticisms? Later on, if the commentators idea flies,
Koichiro Matsuno and Wolfgang Hofkirchner would be very valuable
voices to put a perspectival end to this info principles discussion
(both attended the Madrid bygone FIS 1994 conference)... 

But this is FIS list, unpredictable in between the frozen states and
the chaotic states! So, everybody is invited to get ahead at his
own, with the only customary limitation of two messages per week.

Best wishes, have a good weekend --Pedro


1. Information is information, neither matter nor energy.

2. Information is comprehended into structures, patterns,
  messages, or flows.

3. Information can be recognized, can be measured, and can be 
  processed (either computationally or non-computationally).

4. Information flows are essential organizers of life's
  self-production processes--anticipating, shaping, and mixing up
  with the accompanying energy flows.

5. Communication/information exchanges among adaptive life-cycles
  underlie the complexity of biological organizations at all scales.

6. It is symbolic language what conveys the essential
  communication exchanges of the human species--and constitutes the
  core of its "social nature." 

7. Human information may be systematically converted into
  efficient knowledge, by following the "knowledge instinct" and
  further up by applying rigorous methodologies.

8. Human cognitive limitations on knowledge accumulation are
  partially overcome via the social organization of "knowledge

9. Knowledge circulates and recombines socially, in a continuous
  actualization that involves "creative destruction" of fields and
  disciplines: the intellectual Ars Magna. 

10. Information science proposes a new, radical vision on the
  information and knowledge flows that support individual lives,
  with profound consequences for scientific-philosophical practice
  and for social governance. 



2017-09-24 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers,
This text is brief is an effort to provide a viable solution for a double 

a)   1) the proliferation of models, theories and
interpretations that suggest pseudoscientific explanations (e.g., lacking the
even theoretical possibility of empiric testability) for not-observable
quantities, such as “God”, the “quantum brain”, “phenomenalistic” accounts of 
“holistic” accounts of “Nirvana-like” psychological states, “observer-based
information”, “string theories”, “quantum loop gravity” theories, and so on.

b)2) the attitude of scientists to generalize their results
beyond their own experimental observations. 
For example, it is easy to read, in the CONCLUSIONS of good papers, claims
such as: “we demonstrated that some Primates acquired the vision of the red;
this occurred because this novel ability gave them the evolutionary benefit to
detect red soft fruits in the green bushes’ background”. 


In order to avoid the inconsistencies that undermine the (otherwise good)
legitimacy of scientific claims and to make them as accurate as possible, here
we provide a few suggestions concerning the very structure of scientific
propositions.Our formulation of the required language for scientific 
propositions wants
to be as simple as possible and, at the same time, to encompass syntactic,
semantic and pragmatic concerns.  We take
into account the claims of several Authors and sources who tackled the
difficult issue to cope with the structure of scientific language: Galileo,
Mach, Frege, Brower, Carnap, Popper, Quine, Godel, Zermelo and Fraenkel,
Brigdman, Feyerabend, Kellogg and Bourland, Kripke, Gadamer, McGinn, Badiou.


We suggest, so as to describe facts and observables of our physical and
social environment, to make use of phrases written or spoken according to the
following rules (provided in sparse order):


1)1)   Never use the verb “to be”, including all its
conjugations, contractions and archaic forms.  Indeed, the misuse of this verb 
might give
rise to a “deity mode of speech” that allows people “to transform their
opinions magically into god-like pronouncements on the nature of things”
(Kellogg and Bourland, 1990-91)

2)2)   Clearly define the universe of discourse in which your
proposition is located.

3)3)  Define your concepts not in abstract terms, but in terms
either of observables, or, if observables are not properly definable, in a
language as closest to observable quantities as possible.

4)4)   Do not compare and mix sets and subsets in the same context
(e.g., cat and feline).

5)5)   Do not use the first order logic (based on universals
described in the very premises of the propositions), rather describe just the
relationships between the observables you are coping with.

6)6)   Use (at least qualitative) terms that indicate the
probability of an event.  

7)7)   Describe events or things that are (at least in
principle) testable.  Otherwise, state
clearly that yours is just a speculation. 

8)8)   Do not generalize your descriptions, but take into
account just the specific content of what you are assessing.  

9)9)   Be as vague as possible about cause/effect

1010)  10)   Do not make inferences not supported by your

11)11)Do not use too formal or specialized languages.

12)  12)Try you hidden your own theory-laden approach and your
personal considerations.   


Here we provide a few practical examples.

John is nice.

A lot of people state that John looks pleasant. 



In our Universe, it has been demonstrated that a given experimentally
measured value of energy corresponds to a experimentally measured value of mass
at rest, multiplied for the fixed value of the speed light constant.

The brain is equipped with a functional and anatomical
network consisting of edges and nodes, termed the connectome.

When researchers experimentally assess brain activity and anatomy in
terms of network theory, they find anatomical and functional structures that
fully fit their theoretical framework and that they term the “connectome”. 


John is ill, because he took the flu.

John suffers an alteration of his statistically normal biological
parameters, because his Medical Doctor diagnosed, based on clinical and
epidemiological findings, the highly-probable occurrence of an infection due to
the Influenza virus.


Scientific studies of the brain must take into account
the first-person, epistemological phenomenalistic standpoint, because the
latter is the only way to gain sure knowledge.

Some scientists and philosophers believe, in touch with the accounts of
the philosophical mainstream of the “phenomenalism”, that the better way to
gain knowledge from neuroscientific experimental procedures is to assess the 
first-person account, rather than the individual-unrelated experimental
findings detectable by objective operational procedures.





2017-10-10 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, a proposal: information might stand for free energy.  
Indeed, we know that, for an engine: enthalpy = free energy + entropy x 
At a fixed temperature, enthalpy = free energy +entropy 
The information detected (from an environmental object) by an observer is not 
the total possible one (the enthalpy encompassed in the object), but just a 
part, i.e., the part that it is not uncertain for him (the free energy).  
Hence, every observer, depending on his peculiar features, detects a different 
amont of free energy and does not detect the uncertain part (the entropy).
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Christophe Menant" 

Data: 10/10/2017 11.01

A: "dea...@berkeley.edu"

Cc: "fis@listas.unizar.es"

Ogg: [Fis] TR:  Data - Reflection - Information


Thanks for these comments Terry.

We should indeed be careful not to focus too much on language because 'meaning' 
is not limited to human communication. And also because starting at basic life 
level allows to address 'meaning' without the burden of complex performances
 like self-consciousness or free will. (The existing bias on language may come 
from analytic philosophy initially dealing with human performances).

Interestingly, a quite similar comment may apply to continental philosophy 
where the 'aboutness' of a mental state was invented for human consciousness. 
And this is of some importance for us because 'intentionality' is close to 
'meaning'. Happily enough 'bio-intentionality'
 is slowly becoming an acceptable entity (https://philpapers.org/rec/MENBAM-2).

Regarding Peirce,  I'm a bit careful about using the triadic approach in FIS 
because non human life was not a key subject for him and also because the 
Interpreter which creates the meaning of the sign (the Interpretant) does not 
seem that much explicited or detailed.

The divisions you propose look interesting  (intrinsic, referential, 
normative). Would it be possible to read more on that (sorry if I have missed 
some of your posts)? 


De : Fis  de la part de Terrence W. DEACON 

Envoyé : lundi 9 octobre 2017 02:30

À : Sungchul Ji

Cc : foundationofinformationscience

Objet : Re: [Fis] Data - Reflection - Information

Against "meaning"

I think that there is a danger of allowing our anthropocentrism to bias the 
discussion. I worry that the term 'meaning' carries too much of a linguistic 
By this I mean that it is too attractive to use language as our archtypical 
model when we talk about information.
Language is rather the special case, the most unusual communicative adaptation 
to ever have evolved, and one that grows out of and depends on 
informationa/semiotic capacities shared with other species and with biology in 
So I am happy to see efforts to bring in topics like music or natural signs 
like thunderstorms and would also want to cast the net well beyond humans to 
include animal calls, scent trails, and molecular signaling by hormones. And it 
is why I am more attracted
 to Peirce and worried about the use of Saussurean concepts.
Words and sentences can indeed provide meanings (as in Frege's Sinn - "sense" - 
"intension") and may also provide reference (Frege's Bedeutung - "reference" - 
"extension"), but I think that it is important to recognize that not all signs 
fit this model.

A sneeze is often interpreted as evidence about someone's state of health, and 
a clap of thunder may indicate an approaching storm.
These can also be interpreted differently by my dog, but it is still 
information about something, even though I would not say that they mean 
something to that interpreter. Both of these phenomena can be said to provide 
reference to something other than
 that sound itself, but when we use such phrases as "it means you have a cold" 
or "that means that a storm is approaching" we are using the term "means" 
somewhat metaphorically (most often in place of the more accurate term 

And it is even more of a stretch to use this term with respect to pictures or 
So no one would say the a specific feature like the ears in a caricatured face 
mean something.
Though if the drawing is employed in a political cartoon e.g. with exaggerated 
ears and the whole cartoon is assigned a meaning then perhaps the exaggeration 
of this feature may become meaningful. And yet we would probably agree that 
every line of the
 drawing provides information contributing to that meaning.

So basically, I am advocating an effort to broaden our discussions and 
recognize that the term information applies in diverse ways to many different 
contexts. And because of this it is important to indicate the framing, whether 
physical, formal, biological,
 phenomenological, linguistic, etc.
For this reason,


2017-10-13 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
information may 
conduce to a more general approach that includes the other varieties of 
information (anthropocentric, physical, chemical, cosmological, etc). 
Biological information is the most fundamental
 and radical track to unite the different approaches! 


Pedro C. Marijuán, Jorge Navarro,
 Raquel del Moral. 

How prokaryotes ‘encode’ their environment: Systemic tools for organizing the 
information flow.

 October  2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2017.10.002


An important issue related to code biology concerns the cell’s informational 
relationships with the environment. As an open self-producing system, a great 
variety of inputs and outputs are necessary for the living cell, not only 
consisting of matter and energy
 but also involving information flows. The analysis here of the simplest cells 
will involve two basic aspects. On the one side, the molecular apparatuses of 
the prokaryotic signaling system, with all its variety of environmental signals 
and component pathways
 (which have been called 1–2-3 Component Systems), including the role of a few 
second messengers which have been pointed out in bacteria too. And in the other 
side, the gene transcription system as depending not only on signaling inputs 
but also on a diversity
 of factors. Amidst the continuum of energy, matter, and information flows, 
there seems to be evidence for signaling codes, mostly established around the 
arrangement of life-cycle stages, in large metabolic changes, or in the 
relationships with conspecifics
 (quorum sensing) and within microbial ecosystems. Additionally, and 
considering the complexity growth of signaling systems from prokaryotes to 
eukaryotes, four avenues or “roots” for the advancement of such complexity 
would come out. A comparative will be
 established in between the signaling strategies and organization of both kinds 
of cellular systems. Finally, a new characterization of “informational 
architectures” will be proposed in order to explain the coding spectrum of both 
prokaryotic and eukaryotic
 signaling systems. Among other evolutionary aspects, cellular strategies for 
the construction of novel functional codes via the intermixing of informational 
architectures could be related to the persistence of retro-elements with 
obvious viral ancestry.


El 10/10/2017 a las 11:14, 
tozziart...@libero.it escribió:

Dear FISers, 
a proposal: information might stand for free energy.  

Indeed, we know that, for an engine: 
enthalpy = free energy + entropy x temperature.

At a fixed temperature, 
enthalpy = free energy +entropy 

The information detected (from an environmental object) by an observer is not 
the total possible one (the enthalpy encompassed in the object), but just a 
part, i.e., the part that it is not uncertain for him (the free energy).  
Hence, every observer, depending
 on his peculiar features, detects a different amont of free energy and does 
not detect the uncertain part (the entropy).

Arturo Tozzi

AA Professor Physics, University North Texas

Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy

Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba


Messaggio originale

Da: "Christophe Menant" 

Data: 10/10/2017 11.01



Ogg: [Fis] TR: Data - Reflection - Information

Thanks for these comments Terry.

We should indeed be careful not to focus too much on language because 'meaning' 
is not limited to human communication. And also because starting at basic life 
level allows to address 'meaning' without the burden of complex performances
 like self-consciousness or free will. (The existing bias on language may come 
from analytic philosophy initially dealing with human performances).

Interestingly, a quite similar comment may apply to continental philosophy 
where the 'aboutness' of a mental state was invented for human consciousness. 
And this is of some importance for us because 'intentionality' is close to 
'meaning'. Happily enough 'bio-intentionality'
 is slowly becoming an acceptable entity (https://philpapers.org/rec/MENBAM-2).

Regarding Peirce,  I'm a bit careful about using the triadic approach in FIS 
because non human life was not a key subject for him and also because the 
Interpreter which creates the meaning of the sign (the Interpretant) does not 
seem that much explicited or detailed.

The divisions you propose look interesting  (intrinsic, referential, 
normative). Would it be possible to read more on that (sorry if I have missed 
some of your posts)? 


De : Fis

 de la part de Terrence W. DEACON 

Envoyé : lundi 9 octobre 2017 02:30

À : Sungchul Ji

Cc : foundationofinformationscience

Objet : Re: [Fis] Data - Reflection - Informa

[Fis] Adding dimensions

2017-10-25 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, 
it is clear (and it has been demonstrated) that what you cal l"agent" is 
something that... increases the dimensions of the discourse. 
For example, our brain, rather than "extract" information from the environment, 
makes exactly the opposite process, by "diluting" and "increasing" it.Starting 
from sensorial inputs from the 3D (plus time) environmental data, our brain 
processes them in 4D plus time (or even more!) dimensions.  This means that, 
when I see a cat in the street, my mind enriches it with other dimensions 
(emotions: "how nice is that cat!"; higher brain activities: "that  cat is a 
feline"; and so on) 

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] I do not understand some strange claims

2017-11-08 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear FISers, 
science talks about observables, i.e., quantifiable parameters. 
Therefore, describing the word "information" in terms of philosophers' 
statements, hypothetical useless triads coming from nowhere, the ridicolous 
Rupert Sheldrake's account, mind communication, qualitative subjective issues 
of the mind, inconclusive phenomelogical accounts with an hint of useless 
husserlian claims, and such kind of amenities is simply: NOT scientific.  It 
could be interesting, if you are a magician or a follower of Ermetes 
Trismegistus, but, if you are (or you think to be) a  scientist, this is simply 
not science.   Such claims are dangerous, because they are the kind of claims 
that lead to NO-VAX movements, religious stuff in theoretical physics, 
Heideggerian metapyhsics.  Very interesting, but NOT science.That's all: 
'nuff said.  
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] R: Re: I do not understand some strange claims

2017-11-17 Thread tozziart...@libero.it
Dear Jesse, do not think that scientists are so dumb in philosophy and 
epistemological issue as you might imagine...  To quote the relativist and 
strumentalis accounts, I  read the theories of Feyerabend, Kuhn, Popper, van 
Frassen, Benacerraf, Laudan, Brigdman, the same Quine, but also of Roscellinus, 
Occam, Boethius, Abelard.  Therefore, we scientist are perfectly and deeplt 
aware of such positions and concerns.  
Howewer, in a Peircian way, I can state as follows: if I  am a scientist, and I 
am a True Believer of the theory-laden science that you call naive or received, 
and if, based on my experimental observations, I produce an  antibiotic and I 
save the life of my son who got an infection, therefore, despite all the 
beautiful worlds of the above mentioned  relativists and strumentalists and 
yours, he's me that is right.
I admit that somebody like Raymond Lullus might have been helpful in the 
following developments of computation, or Nicholas de Cusa in the study of 
mathematical infinitum, but I cannot do more for your philosophers.   Tell me 
one prevision of Feyerabend, Kuhn, Popper, van Frassen, Benacerraf, Laudan, 
Brigdman, the same Quine, but also of Roscellinus, Occam, Boethius, Abelard, 
but also of Heidegger, Husserl, that has been useful in order to discover a 
drug, or to develop an useful, true scientific concept (based on mathematical 
observables, of course, because anything else is worth to be pursued by 
science).   The only philosopher who, for pure luck, of course, guessed a lot 
of scientific future developments was the despised Diderot
The relationships between NO-VAX, homeopaty (and such nice pseudoscience)  and 
the relativistic positions are self-evident: if I think that science is 
mistaken, i can say all the bollocks I want, and to say I'm doing science.  
Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Jesse David Dinneen" 

Data: 17/11/2017 1.39


Ogg: Re: [Fis] I do not understand some strange claims

Dear Arturo (and greetings to everybody), Just a few more reasons to be wary of 
dismissing concepts and thinking that science is free of them:

The position you are promoting constitutes a pop view (sometimes called the 
received view or naive view) of science, in which empirical items (e.g., 
measurable things) are taken to be unassailable rather than contingently 
defined and conceived of by science, implicitly or otherwise. To call concepts 
like the previously discussed triad 'useless' ignores the fact that they are 
necessary for meaningful scientific discourse (e.g., you cannot talk about 
observables without having a concept of what they are). Scientific discourse is 
inescapably value- and concept-laden (and full of implicit philosophical 
views), especially so when the terms used are implicitly defined or 
dogmatically defended; if you find these claims dubious, the introductory 
philosophers of science, like Kuhn and Popper, might be of interest to you. 
Further, the theories and observables of past scientific discourse have been 
either abandoned or refined beyond recognition despite relative successes in 
their time (e.g., phlogiston), and so it is reasonable to induce that the 
equivalent items of our time will someday meet similar fates -- thus it is 
risky to put too much faith in their objects being somehow more 
epistemologically sound or reliable than the objects of abstract thinking or 
their study free of concepts, philosophical thinking, etc.Your concern that 
discussion of information theories leads to NO-VAX surprises me; I am curious 
to know what harmful social movements you foresee being caused by, say, the 
Bar-Hillel-Carnap Paradox.Finally, it seems to me that by promoting this view 
of science, you are doing philosophy more than doing science, at least by your 
own view of the latter.Here I'm not trying to lower science, but defend 
concepts -- they are useful and necessary for scientific discourse, and seem to 
me very appropriate for this particular venue.Respectfully,Jesse David 
DinneenSchool of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 10:11 AM, tozziart...@libero.it  
Dear FISers, 
science talks about observables, i.e., quantifiable parameters. 
Therefore, describing the word "information" in terms of philosophers' 
statements, hypothetical useless triads coming from nowhere, the ridicolous 
Rupert Sheldrake's account, mind communication, qualitative subjective issues 
of the mind, inconclusive phenomelogical accounts with an hint of useless 
husserlian claims, and such kind of amenities is simply: NOT scientific.  It 
could be interesting, if you are a magician or a follower of Ermetes 
Trismegistus, but, if you are (or you think to be) a  scientist, this is si

[Fis] R: Re: some notes

2017-11-17 Thread tozziart...@libero.it

Dear Sungchul, I do not have anything against you, therefore sorry for my 
words, but your propositions gave me the opportunity to demonstrate the 
weirdness of such approaches for science.  
YOU find it convenient to define communication as an irreducibly triadic 
process (physical, chemical, biological, physiological, or mental).  YOU 
identify such a triadic process with the Peircean semiosis (or the sign 
process) often represented as the following diagram which is isomorphic with 
the commutative triangle of the category theory.  Thus, to YOU, communication 
is a category.  
I do not agree at all: therefore, could your proposition be kept as science? 
All the scientists agree on the definition (even if operational) of an atom, or 
agree that E=mc^2.  If we are talking of something qualitative, that one agrees 
and another do not, we are not in front of Science.
Sorry, Nothing personal.  

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

Messaggio originale

Da: "Sungchul Ji" 

Data: 17/11/2017 17.12

A: "Pedro C. Marijuan", "fis", 
"Loet Leydesdorff"

Ogg: Re: [Fis] some notes


Hi FISers,

I find it convenient to define communication as an irreducibly triadic process 
(physical, chemical, biological, physiological, or mental).  I identify such a 
triadic process with the Peircean semiosis (or the sign
 process) often represented as the following diagram which is isomorphic with 
commutative triangle of the category theory.  Thus, to me, communication is a


A -->  B  ---> C

 |   ^

 |   |



Figure 1.  A diagrammatic representation of semiosis, sign process, or 
communication.  The names of the nodes and edges can vary depending on the 
communication system under consideration, which can be chemical reaction 
systems, gene expression mechanisms,
 human communication using symbols, computer systems using electrical signals.  
If applied to the Shannon communication system, A = source, B = signals, C = 
receiver, f = encoding, g = decoding, and h = information transfer/flow.  When 
applied to human symbolic communicatioin,
 A = object, B = sign, C = interpretant, f = sign production, g = 
interpretation, and h = information flow. 

One usefulness of Figure 1 is its ability to distinguish between "interactions" 
(see Steps f and g) and "communication" (see Steps f, g and h); the former is
dyadic and the latter 

All the best.


From: Fis  on behalf of Loet Leydesdorff 

Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 8:06 AM

To: Pedro C. Marijuan; fis

Subject: Re: [Fis] some notes

Dear Pedro and colleagues, 

2. Eigenvectors of communication. Taking the motif from Loet, and continuing 
with the above, could we say that the life cycle itself establishes the 
eigenvectors of communication? It is intriguing that maintenance, persistence, 
self-propagation are the
 essential motives of communication for whatever life entities (from bacteria 
to ourselves). With the complexity increase there appear new, more 
sophisticated directions, but the basic ones probably remain intact. What could 
be these essential directions of

I am not so convinced that there is an a priori relation between life and 
communication. Communication is not alive. Non-living systems (e.g., computers, 
robots) also communicate. Perhaps, it matters for the communication whether
 the communicators are living systems; but this needs to be specified.

Communication studies is not biology. Perhaps, there is a specific biological 
communication as Maturana claims: when molecules are exchanged, one can expect 
life. Can one have life without communication? It seems to me that one
 can have communication without life. Communication would then be the broader 
category and life a special case.


3. About logics in the pre-science, Joseph is quite right demanding that 
discussion to accompany principles or basic problems. Actually principles, 
rules, theories, etc. are interconnected or should be by a logic (or several 
logics?) in order to give validity
 and coherence to the different combinations of elements. For instance, in the 
biomolecular realm there is a fascinating interplay of activation and 
inhibition among the participating molecular partners (enzymes and proteins) as 
active elements.  I am not aware
 that classical ideas from Jacob (La Logique du vivant) have been sufficiently 
continued; it is not about Crick's Central Dogma but about the logic of 
pathways, circuits, modules, etc. Probably both Torday and Ji have their own 
ideas about that--