Re: Rearing

1999-05-12 Thread FJORDFUN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear list:
This is from Alex Wind, Harmony Springs Farm, in (high cumulous
clouds in a blue sky) mountains of Virginia. I just put the horses in the
upper pasture and am praying they don't founder. The grass is 11/2
feet high and people around here are already making hay.
I have some experience with EPM (the type transmitted by 'possum
contamination of feed) and it's no joke. One of my riding student's horses
was diagnosed with it (not on our farm, but at theirs) and he could barely 
move his back end. After four months of more or less severe symptoms,
and medications that ran into $150.00/month, the horse had to be donated
to the Vet Teaching Hospital at Va Tech which is 15 minutes from here, and
after a brief period of study, was euthanized. The child was very sad, but is
handling it well, for a fourteen-year-old. I'm not sure if the prognosis is 
better than in this case, but I would think there would be no doubt about the
seriousness of this disease, is it not a case of periodic unexplained 
although that may be how it starts, it rapidly progresses to something very
serious, dangerous (to the rider, as the horse may fall around uncontrollably)
but not apparently to other horses, as it is not communicable horse to horse,
per say, and I'm sure it is very distressing and painful to the horse.
Maybe our resident vet could shed further light on the distinction 
and relative severity of these three diseases. How about it Dr. Jacobsen?
Hoping for healthy Fjords for all of us,
Alex Wind

Re: Norway

1999-05-12 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Click on   Unfortunately
they don't show a yellow dun.

Where can I see pictures of all of the Fjord coat colors? I need an
education on this...

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

CLAC-86 bug repellent: first report

1999-05-12 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, the mosquitoes are out...The big slow bombers that overwinter.  The
horses had dozens on them, esp on the face.  I sprayed a 1:7 dilution of
the CLAC concentrateall over except the face and rubed some by hand on
their faces.  the mosquitoes were immediately gone, altho they were flying
around their heads, drawn by ther exhaled breath, but nolt landing.  I
didn't do a thorough job of application..didn't brush the horses first and
rub in on the hair thoroughly.  but it seems to be working better than any
other bug spray or repellent with the exceptioon, perhaps of 95% DEET which
can be toxic.  

So, for at least these first mosquitoes, the stuff works well.  We'll see
how it works for the little nasty mosquitoes that come later..They are much
more voracious.

I don't know how it works for gnats and flies.  Have the others on the list
that ordered it tried it yet?  How do you like it?  Is it effective for
your bugs?

Of course the horses all smell like lemon spice cake!  They don't seem to
like the smell on my hands, at least at first, but don't seem to mind it
after it's on.  At least it smells better than Repel-X P.  

You can order the CLAC-86 from  Whitman Saddle company at (800) 253-0852.
I got the concentrate, which you dilute with water, 1:7 or for a stronger
solution, 1:4.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the leaves have burst out today and the
hills turned green.  18:18 hours daylight!

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska


1999-05-12 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a few brief tidbits about Norway, 1999.  It was the 50th anniversary
of the Norges Fjordhestlag (the registry) so special things were planned to
celebrate.  On Wednesday there was a parade in the lovely village of Alhus,
nestled between mountains on the banks of a Fjord.  In the parade was a
Fjord of each color...brown dun, red dun, grey dun, white dun and the
rarest...yellow dun.  Each was also representing uses of the
breed...pulling a carriage with a wedding party, another with local
dignitaries, pulling logs, packing for the army, and under saddle.  In the
wedding carriage were two young ladies playing violins, along with the
bride and groom.  If you can imaginea beautiful sunny day, snow capped
mountains and crystal clear Fjord waters, singing violins, and spotlessly
clean Fjords patiently performing as they have for hundreds of years.  Get
the picture???  Wow.  The yellow dun mare named Faxsi is 18 years old and
quite famous as one of the few (count them on one hand) yellow dun Fjords
in Norway.  She has never produced another yellow dun, dispite being bred
to a number of different stallions, much to everyone's disappointment.

Thats all for tonight folks.  Julie

Re: eBay goof

1999-05-12 Thread B. Hendricks
This message is from: B. Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What's the name of your auction/ebay ID name, or etc.?
P.S. I am on the Wild Horse list also, and the Peruvian Paso list. The last
few days, all of these lists have been a riot! BTW, the Wild Horse list has
lots and lots of great information regarding problems with horses - and
Willis Lamm has a super web site that has photos of various things they do
with the horses to teach them this or get them past that, etc. I'll get the
URL and post it, some of you might really appreciate some of the great
teaching on that site or on the mailing list. Just good, natural
horsemanship and they do a great job with problem horses as well as feral

Horse Portraits, Oil Paintings, Prints, Books

- Original Message -
From: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: eBay goof

 This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Say Merek you might just get a good offer for the two!  Bet you get
 strange questions.  LOL

 Jean Gayle
 Aberdeen, WA
 [Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter ]
 -Original Message-

show vs parade protocols - grooming and appointments

1999-05-12 Thread john martie bolinski
This message is from: john  martie bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,

Martie in Maryland where we are finally getting some much needed rain. 
Funny how it rained all winter but now that we need it, we get nada. 
Except on my driving lesson days (Thursdays).

Kilar and I have been invited to take part in the carriage parade at
the Fairhill races, here in MD on the 31st.  I have not decided yet
whether to participate; it would be our first public appearance together
if we say yes.  Kilar has done parades with his previous owners and I
have ridden at Fairhill on race day (no not racing) but we have never
been away from home together.

Questions:  Kilar has a lot of leg hair.  Long beautiful hair on the
back of his knees/hocks to fetlocks and nice fluffy, feathery hair on
his fetlocks and pasturns.  I have ignored our trainer's wishes to have
the leg hairs clipped because I personally like hairy horses.  But for a
parade/show, is it better to have him 'tidied up' a little?  I don't
want someone who doesn't know Fjords seeing him and saying 'my, what a
lumpy, hairy little horse'.  My husband has been threatening to make me
braid his leg hair (Kilar's leg hair, not John's) before he trims his
feet next time because he can't find the foot when he picks it up.  And
what about his forelock, also heavy?  When I just drive for fun, I put
his forelock into 2 pigtails and pull them to the sides (Viking style?) 
Looks sort of silly on a macho horse.  Must be something better? One
pigtail is so thick it makes a lump under his browband and Kris, our
instructor does not like the look of it 'natural'.

What about dress for the driver?  Do I need the lap robe, gloves etc? 
A legal spares kit?  We will be driving a Meadowbrook, not a 'carraige',
but several other people I know will also be driving Meadowbrooks.

We shouldn't even be thinking about this; I am the bashful, hide behind
the barn type of driver, but 2 people from the parade committee and our
vet have told me I should participate.  Guess there has to be a first

thanks for any suggestions,
Martie and the furball, Kilar

Re: eBay goof

1999-05-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Say Merek you might just get a good offer for the two!  Bet you get some
strange questions.  LOL

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter ]
-Original Message-

Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 2:06 PM
Subject: eBay goof

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
standing by
the 6 foot blowup giraffe (later meaning to replace it with the correct
image, which I had not yet taken) and it's there for the duration of the

re: Fjord Breeder's Association

1999-05-12 Thread Margaret Strachan
This message is from: Margaret Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't see that a  Fjord Breeder's Association would serve any purpose that
the NFHR can't at the national level.   The breeder's associations that I am
familiar with are for race horse breeders at the local level.  They serve as
a local voice at the state and national level (politically) for the breeders
and offer incentive programs for California bred horses.  For example $50
paid in to the incentive program brings you an extra 20% of the purse if
your horse wins, and 15% of a place or show.  One important function of the
local breeder's association is they maintain a colostrum bank and a list of
available nurse mares.  Fjord Horse breeder's could choose to form local
organizations to help support each other, but that is already done
informally.  I don't see any reason to undermine the NFHR and possibly
confuse potential owners.  Just my 2 cents worth...
Margaret Strachan
Village Farm
Nuevo, CA
Where it is hot--90 degrees today--Summer is around the corner.


1999-05-12 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 99-05-12 06:01:23 EDT, you write:

 Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm Fjords in Nova Scotia -
 For a long time now I've thought that the formation of a BREEDER'S
 ASSOCIATION would be beneficial to breeders and to the breed.  Such an
 organization would be able to address the needs specific to breeders (new
 breeders, established breeders, maybe even non-professional breeders.)  All
 that could be decided by the interested participants.  Such an organization
 could, for example, do co-operative advertising.  It could also speak with
 a united voice to the NFHR on issues of importance to breeders.  It could
 organize Evaluations . . . sponsor them even.  


  Hi List from warm So. Calif. ( 85 )  

 I wanted to comment on this idea, brought out by Carol. In my heart, Im 
NOT sure why this would be a BAD idea, but for the life of me, I cant figure 
out why another  and new group would be nessessary, or wanted.given the 
efforts of recent years to bring the seperate Norwegian Fjord groups 

I have a couple of questions:

 What in the world is a non-professional breeder? Is this another  Back 
Yard Breeder  catagory.or just implying that someone dosnt make their 
SOLE income from breeding Norwegian Fjords? I for one, have met many 
Fjord breeders in the last  10 years, and not one of them can claim that they 
only breed these horses for a living. 

 So,  given that most ( if not all ) of us fall into the non-professional 
breeder catagory, what would a different and seperate group, do to help me? I 
already co-op advertising  here in So. Calif. with another breeder, and they 
also offer me WEB space for my Stallion and Fjords for sale on their 
site.This only takes communication, and friendship. No reason to compete 
here, this California market is starved for nice Fjords, and neither of us 
has ever advertised any of our stock, without selling rather quickly. 

 I also wonder if,  speaking to the NFHR in a United Voice  is not 
already occuring? With the access we all have to the BOD, and the Herald, and 
this list, not to mention the chat groups, VBG communication is better in 
the Fjord horse world than it has ever been. Sometimes I wonder if the 
INTERNET hasnt brought all of us together in a way, that 10 years ago, just 
didnt happen. I for one, have sure met alot of you here.

One last thought, ( promise ) I can only guess at the amount of work it 
takes to put on an Evaluation. I know that it took the Midwest Fjord club 
quite awhile and TONS of work to put a great one together. I would think that 
anyone undertaking this huge amount of responsibility would LOVE any kind of 
hand, taking care of millions of details. If someone was interested, Im sure 
you could help, and Im not sure of how, logistically, a group of professional 
( ?) and non-professional breeders would be able to pull off putting an 
Evaluation together, given that is is held locally SOMEWHERE.and where 
would the responsibility fall to delagate the tons of local details ?  

The idea of a Breeder group, sponsoring its own Evaluation is a 
dangerious one. One needs only to look at the implications of one breeder ( 
example ), active in sponsoring its own Evaluation, and having his own horses 
win..EVEN IF HE HAPPENS TO OWN WONDERFUL could ( unfairly 
with the best of intentions ) turn into a situation similar to the Paint 
Horse world, where we spent years sucking up to just the right judges, 
trainers, and had to pay 200.00 for 10 min. time to have someone else lead 
our horse into a show ring, to have a chance at a big ribbon. No thanks, been 
there, done that. I am NOT implying that any of our fine Evaluators, or 
Breeders have done that, but to sponser your own game, is a little bit risky, 
given that the most active people prob. WOULD have the best Evaluated 
horsesas they are spending the most time and money to promote the breed, 
therefore have the best bred horses. ( Just a guess )

 * kind of like asking the fox to mind the chicken house. 

Just my .05 cents.flame away !   Lisa Pedersen   Pedersens 
Norco, Ca.  PAV FJORDS


1999-05-12 Thread misha nogha
This message is from: misha nogha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Boy there has been some great info on the list lately. I liked what every
one wrote about the bucking gelding. It was good advice. Also the advice to
Joel about the mare asking for a release of pressure. Because the list
always has such good horse management information, I encourage horse
peoeple from several breeds to have a look at the list. Thanks also folks
for sharing your Norway trip. I haven't been writing, too busy with my own
herd and this very strange spring. I am the local weather observer for NOAA
and this is a very odd spring. Here in eastern Oregon it has been very cold
and very dry. Pretty scary as pastures are NOT growing and neither are
crops. Last spring we had over seven inches of rain in April and May and
this year barely over an inch. Glad too to see that Jean reminded folks
that EPM and HYPP (from Impressive) are not the same thing. You can get a
lot of good information by subscribing to journals like EQUUS and THE
HORSE. The first is good for overall info and the second for more detailed
info and new developments in breeding management.

As far as creating a Breeders Ass. well, I would be very careful about
excluding, there is a historical precedence represented by the phrase
divide and conquer. I can't find fault with the NFHR as it stands, as
well as with most of the breeders out there. Why does this control issue
keep coming up? You know, breeding good using stock kind of rewards itself.
Several times when I have sold foals I have had people say, I checked over
18 different farms before I found the Fjord I wanted here. Some of these
were big farms, and some small and some good and some so-so. I was glad
that people had the choice. And, I always encourage people to look around.
I am not exclusionary at all. A lot of breeders have benefitted from my
referrals and a lot more stand to benefit. I refer all the time. I keep ALL
you folks' brochures, and when buyers come over looking for Fjords, I haul
them out. Sometimes that means they buy from you instead of me, sometimes
not. That is part of what I think 'supporting the breed' is about. I want
people to have the horse They want. Now obviously I am not going to get
rich by doing this but a happy Fjord owner is best for the breed, right? I
think there is plenty of room for people to have their own vision about the
Fjord horse without straying from the breed standards.

Okay, people ask for comments and I give em. Misha

Re: eBay goof

1999-05-12 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Apparently, that image STAYS on the Gallery, but fortunately, it is too
small to recognize me, so it doesn't matter. Got to watch that, next time.

Re: eBay goof

1999-05-12 Thread B. Hendricks
This message is from: B. Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Merek:
If no one had bid on your auction yet (smile) you can revise it.

Horse Portraits, Oil Paintings, Prints, Books

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 7:34 PM
Subject: eBay goof

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   So that's what kind of day it's going to be. I send an auction into eBay
 get rid of a piece of electronic test equipment I no longer use, and I get
 e-mail back from somebody saying the picture of the device in The

eBay goof

1999-05-12 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  So that's what kind of day it's going to be. I send an auction into eBay to
get rid of a piece of electronic test equipment I no longer use, and I get an
e-mail back from somebody saying the picture of the device in The Gallery
looks like a giraffe. They posted the test image I sent of myself standing by
the 6 foot blowup giraffe (later meaning to replace it with the correct
image, which I had not yet taken) and it's there for the duration of the
auction. Great! Better luck next time, technology triumphs over man again.

Re: It's a boy..and a Girl!

1999-05-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congratulations Barry and healthy ones too.  Makes me wish I were younger
and could start raising these lovely horses.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter ]
-Original Message-
From: Margaret Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Fjord Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:00 AM
Subject: It's a boy..and a Girl!

This message is from: Margaret Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Greetings from Village Farm! We have two wonderful foals by Valbjorn, a
last Friday and a filly tonight! Just wanted to share with all the fjord
Happy fjording!

Village Farm

Re: breeders association

1999-05-12 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: Bushnell's [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Catherine Lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.we do not
need another organization to try to organize the unorganized. Please do
not create
another group.  Another $25.00 dues per year... another newsletter...
another list... another.. another... (get the picture???)

I could not agree more! This would be wheels within wheels of binding
machinery that is unnecessary. You cannot legislate integrity anyhow.

I'm of the opinion that Fjords just naturally attract the best kind of folk
and they're going to do what's best for their stock without being monitored
and dictated to. Jean Ernest said it very well in her post too. An effort
of this nature could only be divisive for the common good.
Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT 

Pins earrings

1999-05-12 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: Catherine Lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We had pins  earrings made up of our logo. (Eight legged Fjord)
They were popular in Norway and we decided to offer them here. We will also
be making a different Fjord Pin in the weeks to come. They are stamped brass
and gold plated. Pins are $6.00 Earrings are $10.00. earrings come with a
Red or White or Blue or Green round stone. Email me individually if you are
interested. (Plus postage) They would sell in the jewelry store for $ $20.00
and $25.00.

I can also help you if you want your own logo done in Gold or Silver tone
Catherine Lassesen
FJORDS on Ebay
256 May Creek Road
Days Creek, OR 97429

breeders association

1999-05-12 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: Catherine Lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pleasepleaseplease. Breeders... In my personal view...we do not
need another organization to try to organize the unorganized.  Can we not
work within the NFHR and have a committee of breeders to address the all
important things breeders want to talk about?

In my view, we have too many organizations that have no direction and to
which direction to go in. Another one would just be the same I am afraid.
FBA or FJORD BREEDERS OF AMERICA was formed for that reason and where is

I know there are people out there that want to have things done. I THINK
work within the SYSTEM to change things for the BETTER???

I would love to see more than one candidate for each position open.  PUT
YOUR NAME IN THE HAT and let us vote you in office... Please do not create
another group.  Another $25.00 dues per year... another newsletter...
another list... another.. another... (get the picture???)

(I am not trying to place the person with the suggestion down... rather the
thought of another organization down)

My 10 KRONE worth!
Catherine Lassesen

Re: A Fjord Breeder's Association

1999-05-12 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 07:07 PM 5/11/99 -0800, you wrote:

Carol is talking about something very different from the Registries...The
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry and the Norwegian fjord Horse Association in
the US, and the Canadian fjord Horse Association in Canada.  I think there
is also presently a Fjord Breeders Association, or there was at one
timeDid you know about that, Carol?  some of the Fjord Breeders got
disgruntled with the two US organizations and formed their own.

That is actually the third Registry in the US for Fjords.  The name is 
The Fjord Breeders of America or FBA.  So yes it is a pretty close name 
and would certainly make for confusion.  There has been talk of a Breeders 
Committee recently also.  That would be a part of the NFHR though and not 
a separate group.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497