Re: Changing of the guard

1999-08-15 Thread Heyvaert
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nice to hear someone else shares my same feelings.  He still rallies for 
dominance at times, but the young Fjord has taken over the lead position for 
the long term.


Re: evaluations/conformation

1999-08-15 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Julie, everyone,

A conformation evaluation is what we (Great Lakes Fjordhest) have been 
considering too.  We are not sure if we would have a great deal of entries 
for performance, plus the costs pretty much prohibit a full scale eval at 
this time.

What really is starting to concern me about this, however, is the issue of 
evaluating young horses.  At what age do the evaluators really begin to 
seriously evaluate horses?  

Daniel Bailey and Lynda C. Welch-Bailey
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI


1999-08-15 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nancy commented on the value of having performance as well as conformation
evaluated, which I agree with in principle.  However, I have the feeling
that many people would be willing to have conformation evaluated on horses
that are not sufficiently trained for a performance evaluation.  Certainly,
stallions should have both performance and conformation evaluations done,
and mares if possible.  But better to evaluate only conformation than
nothing.  Also the cost, the facility requirements, the paperwork, etc.
etc. is much less if just doing conformation.  I think that many breeders
would be willing to host an "on farm" evaluation (YES>>>this is allowed)
for conformation and have most of their horses done, with outside horses
coming in also.  I certainly would!  On my farm, in any given summer, I
have 5 or 6 mares with foals at their sides who are not in any shape to
perform.  I have a few older mares (19 to 23) who were performers in their
younger years, but not anymore, and I have young, untrained or green
animals that I would have evaluated.  I think the NFHR evaluation committee
should offer a simple, one day format for conformation only evaluations
that doesn't take 6 months of exhaustive effort to organize.  I have heard
Kip and Nancy and Gayle's tales of the HUGE amount of time it took to
organize a full blown evaluation, and it has certainly made me stop and
think twice before jumping into THAT briar patch.  Not that there isn't a
need for both...just more of a need to AT LEAST evaluate conformation.

Re: Sick baby

1999-08-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jan, I certainly hope all goes well and it sounds better.  They are so
innocent and helpless.  Tears your heart out.  I am sure she is in good
hands.   Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Sick baby

1999-08-15 Thread JBonner748
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, list.
Our newest baby, 7-day-old Hannah, was taken ill this past Friday night 
and has had to go to the Equine Hospital in Leesburg, VA  for intensive care. 
 She is recovering nicely, with fluids and antibiotics, and might be able to 
come home Tuesday or Wednesday.  We don't know exactly what went wrong, 
probably a viral or bacterial infection in the gut - poor girl was very 
colicky and miserable, with awful diarrhea.  This horrible, continual heat 
and drought probably contributed as well.  What an awful time to be born - it 
looks and feels like a desert around here.
I would appreciate it if you would all keep Hannah (Prisco x Lady 
Liberty, by Erland) in your thoughts and prayers.

Re: evaluations

1999-08-15 Thread JBonner748
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Alex.
It sounds like there's plenty of interest down here after all.  Maybe I 
can get something cooking - I will be looking seriously into it and will let 
you know how it progresses.
Dr. Brian, your idea about having it on your farm was good, too - you 
certainlly have more horses to evaluate than any of the rest of us, and it 
would be harder to move them.
Sue Banks, got your e-mail and I'm glad you're interested too.  I'll be 
getting with you to talk about ideas and details.  
Anybody else, please e-mail privately with questions, ideas, thoughts, 
locations - maybe we can really make this happen!

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #156

1999-08-15 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 99-08-15 05:59:44 EDT, you write:

<< And I'm finally riding daily [no body
 parts broken] and trying to figure out leads.  Bump, bump, up, down, up,
 down, "release your back, Peg, release your back, good now center
 yourself, turn your barrel outside and move your shoulders the other
 way, ears reach for the sky, good, shorten your reins,argh!"
 I'm not, I'm not, I'm NOT too old for this!  I hope.
 See you all at Libby - Peg Knutsen

Peggydont forget to SMILE !!   Lisa Pedersen

Re: evaluations

1999-08-15 Thread FJORDFUN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is from Alex Wind in Shawsville, VA.
I would love to have an evaluation in Virginia. Perhaps at 
 Free Union, VA, or at the horse center in Lexington, VA.
Lexington is about 2 hrs., Free Union about 3 hrs. from here.
If I had more Fjords, I would offer to host, but I only have two.
Frank Bayliss, has eight or ten, including a stallion, in Tom's Creek,
VA, right off Hwy 81, he isn't active in The Registry, but might want
to participate in an evaluation.
Keep me posted on the possibilities, please.

Individual vs. Digest

1999-08-15 Thread Carolyn Dumong
I think I am receiving individual messages, since I never requested
Digest format.  Tell me, what is the difference!  I am really enjoying
the List, even tho I do not yet own a Fjord!  I have gathered so much
info and hopefully, I will be able to have a Fjord face in my very near
future!  I am thinking of going to Libby next year (unfortunately, I
cannot make it this year).  Do you feel that is the best show for
meeting most of the breeders and Fjord owners?  Since I am located in S.
Florida with not many Fjord people around, I thought that would be my
best bet..what do you think?  Thanks,

Fjord Horse List

1999-08-15 Thread SorgerJ
Hi Steve
   Just wanted to let you know Ginny Cowles of  Los Trigos Fjord 
Ranch is trying to sign up on the fjord line and is having problems. She is 
not real computer literate so I am sure she not doing something right. Could 
you help?  Her email address is  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks.

Sue in wet and dreary NM

Fw: [draftndrive] whatta guy !!

1999-08-15 Thread Lynn Mohr
This message is from: "Lynn Mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Though some of you might be interested in the use of fjord stallions.
-Original Message-
From: Pony Express <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: [draftndrive] whatta guy !!

>From: "Pony Express" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I agree, I just don't think you can get a better horse than a draft or
>cross. They have it all, looks, size, temperment...everything in one huge
>package :)
>I'm glad your PMU foal is bringing you such joy. I am working on getting a
>truckload of them brought to Texas for people to adopt. The farm they will
>be coming from has 20 stallions and 2/3 of them are draft horses. The mares
>are Quarter horses and draft crosses. They also have a couple Fjord
>stallions. I'm concentrating on the draftcrosses though. Right now I'm just
>waiting to fond out how much it will cost to bring them down and then we
>will be looking for homes for them. I hope the people who will be adopting
>these find as much joy in them as you are finding in Spot.
>I have to mention that Bill had a fit when he saw you named your horse
>He has been trying to name every spotted baby we have Spot and I won't let
>--- ONElist Sponsor 
>How do you enter ONElistÂ’s WEEKLY DRAWING for $100?
>By joining the FRIENDS & FAMILY program.  For details, go to

New Welcome Message

1999-08-15 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's been awhile since I've written to the list about the state of the
list, so I will do so now. Last month saw a new high in message
traffic with 818 total messages. The previous high was January '99
with 617 total messages. We're keeping pace this month with 468
messages logged at the half-way point. I don't know if the higher
volume in the summer is because of the high temperatures keeping folks
indoors, or just because we have more subscribers than last summer.

We now have over 300 regular subscribers. They come from fourteen
countries as far as I can determine from addresses. Currently the most
subscribers are from the U.S. and Canada, but we also have folks from
Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark,
Sweden, Norway, Finland, the U.K., Australia, and Japan. If I've left
anyone's country off this role I wish you would e-mail me so I would
be aware in the future. We are starting to get quite a few people
subscribing for only a couple of days. That's probably because the
List Web site has risen in profile on many of the search engines, and
people who have no real interest in Fjord horses are subscribing on a

People have been having trouble with the commands to unsubscribe from
the list and to set the list to digest. Also the nomail and mail
options are forgotten. Below is the Welcome message again. All of the
important commands are there. Please save a copy of this letter. It's
especially problematic when people ask me to turn off their
subscription for vacation. I'm not always around on the day your
vacation starts, and I sometimes forget when you're returning home.
Please review the nomail and mail set commands and take care of
vacations yourselves. If you're trying to send a command and receiving
a message that you are not a subscriber, it's probably because you are
sending the command to the wrong list. If you receive the digest, you
should send commands to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
otherwise commands should go to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".


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