Robert Duncan Fjord Painting

2000-03-18 Thread Misty Meadows B B
This message is from: Misty Meadows B  B [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recently, I bought The 2000 Homeland Calendar which features prints by Robert
Duncan. Imagine the pleasant surprise I found in the pictureTo Spring 
Of course it is his best painting ever. You can view a poster of this wonderful
fjord picture at
down to the very bottom of the page and click on page 8. Look at To Spring
Patures.  Don't buy them out before I get a chance to order one. There are 
calendars left (see other calendar) and the fjord picture in it is of good size
and quality for framing as well.

Cathy  at  Misty Meadows BB and Fjords, Victoria, BC, Canada

Re: Of Lice/wo(MEN)/Round Pens/Brag Alert

2000-03-18 Thread Carl Sarah Nagel
This message is from: Carl  Sarah Nagel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello from Teresa horse-sitting at Sarah's in the Selkirk Mountains of

Cheryl said: Hi everyone.. I have three questions to address:  pick one in
replying so we don't mess up the archives?

2OR better to build a wood corral 
Chip built a simple round pen with poles and hot wire. Took about two days,
drains well, and can come down and move easy. Jen can undo the 'gate' (hot
wire) from her horse which is good trail practice. Cheap and easy
alternative if your not sure.

3.  Finally .. I have my own brag alert .. can't keep quiet anymore -- my
eldest son, Julien, just won a JUNO (Cdn equivalent of a musical Oscar, I

CONGRATULATIONS Cheryl!! You have every right to be proud! and you DO NOT
have to shut up - Good kids don't raise themselves and successful kids, no
matter how large or small the milestone, can only be successful because
their parents nurtured their natural talents and built upon a solid
foundation to strengthen their weak areas.
Besides, a number of the same principles apply to children and horses: 1) If
they aren't responding in the correct way you need to change how you are
teaching so they can understand what you expect from them. 2) Praise often
for correct behaviors and 'No' won't need to be in your vocabulary very
often 3)Talk in a confident, soothing voice; screaming will only upset and
confuse everyone. 4) Lavish love and one-on-one attention on a daily basis
for the best results. 5) Listen to you child/horse, develope the telepathy
people were talking about, know their individual personality and teach to
it - your surprises will always be pleasant in nature.

Redmond Ore auction

2000-03-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I see that Ramona Turmon has a 3 yr old fjord mare and an eight year old
gelding in her April carriage and horse auction.  The mare looks iffy but
the gelding is fair.  The manes are roached so that does not show them off
well.  There are a couple of Belgians that look half starved.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: feeding

2000-03-18 Thread Laurie Pittman
This message is from: Laurie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The mare
 is quite the eater - fast and efficient. The gelding is slow and likes to
 pick at his hay all day long. Now that they are together, it is quite a
 challenge to keep them eating only what they are supposed to eat.
 How do all of you handle this? I work all day, so it has to be fast and
 labor intensive.

I work all day too, and don't have time to play referee, so I keep my guys
separate during the week. They each have their own pasture. On the weekends
I do turn them out together. This has worked well for me.



2000-03-18 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am putting my horses (mare and 10 month old gelding) back together after 4 
months separation for weaning(separated by a fence so they could see each 
other). The mare only gets 1 lb. of oats twice a day and this will be further 
reduced. The gelding gets 3 lbs. twice a day. He is a slow eater and will not 
defend his food. They both get two hefty flakes of hay twice a day. The mare 
is quite the eater - fast and efficient. The gelding is slow and likes to 
pick at his hay all day long. Now that they are together, it is quite a 
challenge to keep them eating only what they are supposed to eat.
How do all of you handle this? I work all day, so it has to be fast and not 
labor intensive. There is only a 12x12 barn (one stall).
Currently, I halter the mare in the barn and tie her at her feed tub with 
some hay and water nearby. The gelding eats at his feed tub in another corner 
not tied up. I let the mare loose when the gelding is finished. They have 
separate piles of hay outside.

Re: Of Lice and wo(MEN) and Round Pens

2000-03-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congratulations Cheryl on your son's achievements.  Where did he use to
practice his music?  Can't imagine surviving some of that din.  Of course
that is what my Grandmother used to also say.  Re lice, honest, never had
them.  Did have one horse some years ago have possible ring worm and the vet
who is not very popular had me wash my horse with ddt.  A very dangerous and
now banned substance.   Jean  Ugh, it is now in the forties, gray and
raining torrents.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: Of Lice and wo(MEN) and Round Pens

2000-03-18 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: Cheryl Beillard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone.. I have three questions to address:  pick one in replying so we
don't mess up the archives?

1.  Who out there will admit to having had lice in their barn? and what did
you do about it?  My new filly came with some, I'm afraid ..something that
can happen in a large herd .. and after not being happy about the state of
her coat since she arrived, I had a good look with the vet, and discovered
that yes, there were some little critters, the same colour as fjord fur,
hiding in that thick winter mat.  I've put something called Dry Kill dust
on it (Rotenone and Sulphur) .. but don't know if it will need more than one
or two applications and if I should dust my pregnant mare (she's due April
16) .. I know you can eat vegetables after a rain, if you 've dusted with
Rotenone, but wonder about the sulphur.  And yes, when they were small my
kids came home with head lice too .. the whole neighbourhood was shampooing
in that disgusting soap!

2.  I am looking to start ground driving the same filly, when it's a little
warmer and at the moment, have no pen or ring to work in. Am going to build
one .. but the question is a) how big and b) what material.   I see that
John Lyon advertises them, of course, but I'll bet they are pricey.  OTOH,
you can move it or sell it I guess if you find you're not using it?   OR
would it be better to build a wood corral (round cedar rails is probably the
cheapest option, as we can cut them on our property)  .. but then it's

3.  Finally .. I have my own brag alert .. can't keep quiet anymore -- my
eldest son, Julien, just won a JUNO (Cdn equivalent of a musical Oscar, I
guess) .. granted it was awarded with the group last Sat. night, rather than
on Sunday when Celine Dion, Shania Twain and Sarah McLaughlin were all up
for the big one, etc.  but it is a great feeling nonetheless .. His band,
the Wooden Stars, won for Best Alternative Album, which just about sums up
his lifestyle until now!  And I have to eat my words, .. and there were a
lot of them, over the years!

Now I'll shut up.

Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

2000-03-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sini, Somnus really had a great day.  The only way I can get my Holsteiner
mare to exercise is to put her in a separate pasture from the boys whom she
controls.  Then she screams very loudly if they dare get out of her sight
and canters wildly about, pointing with her nose at me to move her and in
her fury bucking and kicking back.  She really is not a lady at these times.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

2000-03-18 Thread David Stewart, Registrar
This message is from: David Stewart, Registrar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 18 March 2000 06:30
Subject: Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean and Sini,

Thanks for the kind words about Glen Tanar Helga's filly foal, Glen Tanar
Eide.   I will pass on your comments to her owner, Jacqueline Rider.

The reason I know that Glen Tanar Eid is the UK's first foal of the
millennium is because I am Register of the FHRS, which is a UK based Fjord
horse breed organisation.   No other members from England, Wales or Ireland
have announced the birth of a foal, although there are several due in the
coming weeks!Also, as Britain has less than 200 Fjords in total, for us,
the birth of a foal is big news and something that is discussed by members
from all over the U.K.   Already, two days after her birth, Glen Tanar Eide
is even being discussed in America!   This, however, is a first for us!

Finally,  I spoke with Jacqueline today and she informs me that two horse
magazines and two newspapers are publishing articles about Glen Tanar Eide.
The press have already sent photographers to take pictures.   That, I think,
is good publicity for the breed in Britain.


David, what I find most exciting about Glen Tanar Eide is that England knows
this is their first Fjord foal of the millennium
She is darling and seems glad to be here.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores


2000-03-18 Thread carol j makosky
This message is from: carol j makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carl  Sarah Nagel wrote:

 This message is from: Carl  Sarah Nagel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No horse babies yet at Quad L Ranch but I interupt the foal chat to brag
 about my 16 year old baby! In a single day, rated as the second best day of
 her life (Libby was first of course), so far...Jennie was appointed to
 Girl's State to represent her high school AND qualified for STATE with an
 impressive french horn solo at regionals today


  Jennie Sanders, (my daughter, niece of Sarah Nagel and niece-by-friendship
 of Michelle Noonan, employee and friend of Chip Lamb) for those of you who
 don't remember her, she is the little girl (small joke -- she's 6' tall) who
 started totally green last spring working for Chip and ended up placing in
 all her novice events at Libby including a first in pack horse --we're still
 smiling from all the fun.

 Yesterday,  four ladies interviewed Jennie to be a delegate at Girl's State,
 the girl's are judged on academics (3. or above), physical fitness, talent,
 leadership skills (she's never held a class office and almost didn't apply
 because she didn't think she'd have a chance), community involvement,
 educational goals and strength of character. This being her first real
 interview she wasn't sure how it went. One lady was actually dozing during
 the interview!

 Today was the Idaho Panhandle Regional Solo  Ensemble competition for high
 school. Jennie plays the french horn. Since the band kids would be gone when
 the winners were announced  the teacher announced it on the bus---you
 guessed it!--Jennie was appointed!!  During her solo performance Jennie was
 more nervous then I've ever seen her but she played her difficult piece
 well. The judge critiqueing (sorry no spell check here-we're horse sitting
 tonight) her performance kept saying, when you go to state, if you go to
 state, back and forth, back and forth. So she's been on pins and needles
 all evening awaiting the official verdict. She did it! We are so proud of
 her and she is so amazed about todays happenings she  is walking on air,
 (but just to keep her head out of the clouds, she fell on her tush and slid
 down the front stairs at Chips tonight, she will be sore tommorow.  I guess
 the moral of the story is: Cowgirl's CAN do anything when they set their
 hearts and minds to it! (Reference to the link we sent the other day if you
 looked at it)
 The end of a Happy Day in Sandpoint Idaho

Hi from Carol M.

Congratulations to Jennie and to all who have helped her to these
accomplishments.  This news reminds me of our two kids competeing at music.
It's great to hear of kids headed in the right direction and adults standing
behind them and being very involved.
Keep it up Jennie.
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Siren WI

Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

2000-03-18 Thread sini seppala
This message is from: sini seppala [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I seem to be all mixed up - it's not Sunday yet, is it! So have a good
Saturday all.
:) Sini
PS. Somnus had a lot of fun today. It was his turn to be loose and he
took good care of the mares who were in two pastures, visiting both
places regularly, wandering in the woods a bit, climbing the rocks,
tasting juicy young branches and cantering and bucking a little every
now and again as he was in such a good mood. We like to keep one of them
loose almost every day, sometimes all day, and they seem to enjoy it a
lot. They never go very far but entertain themselves exploring all kinds
of things. They gladly join Pauli (husband) when he makes firewood and
try and give us a hand when we go back and forth in the yard with the
wheelbarrow. :)

sini seppala wrote:
Have a good Sunday Jean, it's
 bedtime here (and hay time for the horses, just came in after feeding

Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

2000-03-18 Thread sini seppala
This message is from: sini seppala [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean Gayle wrote:

 perhaps Scotland does have the first fjord of the millennium in the British
:) :) :) That's right, most likely. Have a good Sunday Jean, it's
bedtime here (and hay time for the horses, just came in after feeding
them). Sini at 10.45 PM.

Clinic at Old Hickory Farm

2000-03-18 Thread Julie Will
This message is from: Julie Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Old Hickory Farm presents...

April 15 and 16, 2000

 Saturday, April 15th, 9am - 5pm
* Showmanship
* English equitation
* English pleasure
* Jumping

Sunday, April 16th: 9am - 2pm
* Private or semi-private lessons

Cost:  $35 for Saturday if using OHF horse
  (Number limited...reserve early.)
 $30 for Saturday if providing your own horse
  $25 for private lesson, $15 for semi-private
 $10 for overnight board for your horse


Saturday only__Sunday onlyBoth

OHF horse neededStall space needed_

Please enclose check payable to Old Hickory Farm.
Bring a bag lunch ~ coffee  cider provided by OHF
Tent camping spaces available, or floor space in the house - bring your own
sleeping bag and pillow.  There is a Days Inn Motel in Weedsport.
Call Julie at 315-834-6988 with any questions.

Julie Will,  Old Hickory Farm
2502 Brick Church Road
Weedsport, NY  13166

Re: Fjord stallion for sale

2000-03-18 Thread Anna Rousseau

This message is from: Anna Rousseau [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

I currently have a trained stallion for sale. He is the riding type, not 
heavy drafty. He is a 3 year old and currently 14.1hh and still growing. He 
is a super nice chap. Well minded, great on the trails and roads. He has 
been started in harness. He does very well on his recent goings in dressage. 
He is very collected, has great impulsion, very forward moving. Started on 
transitions, can do lead changes, etc. Just started in November of last 
year. Going very well. Ready to start in the show ring.Has been to breed 
expos for breed promos. Trailers well.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Glen Tanar Eide photographs

2000-03-18 Thread sini seppala
This message is from: sini seppala [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean Gayle wrote:
 David, what I find most exciting about Glen Tanar Eide is that England knows
 this is their first Fjord foal of the millennium 

Oh-oh - SCOTLAND, not England, Jean!! :) Congratulations to both
Jacqueline and all of you Fjord people over there David!
Great news. Thanks for sharing this