Blue Earth / Safety

2000-05-17 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, I just returned from a beautiful drive back from Sandpoint, 
Idaho, to our place in the Bitterroot Valley, On the way over and back 
(Captive audience for 8 hours) I managed to convince my husband that we need 
to take our yearling stud colt "Harrison" (Opal &Boe's Gustav) and our 6 yr 
old mare "Tone' (Malla &Torungen), to the evaluation in Blue Earth.  If 
finances allow.
Who do I contact about deadlines to register and cost?
Also, would it be okay to take a bred mare that far (20 hours) She will only 
be about 3 mths along, And I dont want to jeapordize the foal or her in any 

I'm not sure I'm a good enough rider to do a riding evaluation for her,  What 
do the rest of you do in that case,  Just do a conformation evaluation?

Speaking of safety,  Tonight when we got home, The mares were hyper from the 
ride and also a  few weeks on grain and alfalfa. and when the little colts 
ran up to the fence to say Hi!.  Tone', in the blink of an eye swung around 
and kicked at them,(she has never acted this way before) but managed to get 
my hip instead.  Thank God it was only a half/hearted attempt, or I would be 
in bad shape, luckily I just have a bruise and a racing heart.  
This was the first time I had ever been kicked and I just kind of stood 
there, saying Oh my Gosh she kicked me, Am I okay?  I have felt uncomfortable 
a few times when the horses are in a pecking order fight, and I think any 
time I go into their pasture, or paddock areas I'm gonna wear my helmet, I 
have lots of things yet to do in life and don't want anything preventable 
happening to me, There's already so much we cant avoid!

Here's hoping my husband doesn't have to have back surgery in July (or at 
all), he seems to be getting slowly better !!!(he has an old injury and fell 
off a horse a few months ago, and kinda reinjured it)

Mike and Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Horse for sale?

2000-05-17 Thread DLFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone in the North west have any fjords for sale ? Please email me 
privately, what you have and the information on the horses .I will try to 
match them up with the people here that want them. States within 500 mile 
radius of the Bend area. Its spring and we have lots of visitors stop in. I 
will make a list of what is for sale and let them contact you.
 Thanks Tillie

Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud, Tillie & Amy Evers 
Redmond OR

Re: Grey eel?+creme-colours

2000-05-17 Thread Mark and Lisa McGinley
This message is from: Mark and Lisa McGinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mary Thurman wrote:

> The only 'film' camera we own these days is Fred's

> Bronica, which he uses for his black and white
> pictures - which he develops and prints himself. He
> got some good pictures of Line with it this past week.
> Mary

Hi Mary,

If you ever put any of these up on the net could you let me know?  I'd
love to get more pictures of Katya's mom.  She is doing great by the

Mark McGinley
Mariposa Farm

Re: Long backs/ Vaccine reactions?

2000-05-17 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mary, the lump on Sis is on the right side of her neck just below the jaw.
Golf ball size.  She seems fine. \\\chewing seems no problem but the stoic
warmbloods can hide things easily.  I just happened to find it while
grooming so no signs of illness attracted me.  Keeping an eye on it. Thanks
Plus Gunnar was very good with Ann until about his fifth go when he decided
he had had enough.  She had quite a go around with him, deciding he was not
the horse for me with his "pony mentality".  However he straightened up
after a few welts and I saw him the next day and even tho he had already
been ridden and they had tacked him up again he was great.  Getting some
yielding from those sides.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Grey eel?+creme-colours

2000-05-17 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, Mike,

Try the Sony Mavica FD91.  That picture of the smoochin Fjords and the
moose pictures I sent you were all taken with that one.  However it DOES
cost around $1000! Got mine for $889.95 pplus shipping on line (shipping a
rediculous $45)  Locally they cost $999.00

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

>I like high tech things but so far I have not been overly impressed with 
>the digital cameras.  I am sure they will get there but I haven't seen it

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Loss/ Safety issues

2000-05-17 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all the loss of horses mentioned, I am going to add a note about a
tragic incident here in Fairbanks, and the loss of a little girl.  

Last Sunday a local 11 year old girl was out helping her father worm the
horses and one of the horses came up to them as they were working on
another and kicked at the other horse, kicking the girl in the back of the
head.  She died before she reached the hospital.

No, these were not Fjords, but it could happen with Fjords, also. Working
with one horse in a pen with other horses who may be jealous,  is prabably
not a safe practice.  Maybe kids, being shorter etc. whould wear helmets
when ever they around the horses? Maybe we all should?

Last year on our Competitive Trail ride, I was on the P+R Crew.  One of the
horses at the P+R stop was a kicker and had kicked the horse behind him
coming up the trail to the P+R Stop, cutting and bruising his shoulder.  At
the stop, we told the young rider to put a red ribbon in his she
was doing this, he kicked her in the head and also her arm.  Luckily she
WAS wearing a helmet or we would have had a tragedy at that ride.

I know I get very lax around my friendly Fjords, but this tragedy made me
rethink some of the things I do.

Jean in Sunny Fairbanks, Alaska, 65 degrees with 19 hours daylight! 

>To Sue and all of you who have suffered heartbreaking
>heart aches for you.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Brag Alert + fjord show

2000-05-17 Thread Wild Flower Fjord Farm
This message is from: Wild Flower Fjord Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well I have been reading everyone's messages and so much is going on in
the past week it is incredible.  We are waiting for our mare to foal any
day now, the wait seems so long when you have been waiting for so long.
Besides that we are working real hard on our two geldings and one of
them has their flying changes down pat for the Trillium hunter Jumper
Show that is approaching soon.  He is doing real great and every seems
to love them.  It will be hard to part with them.
Besides the geldings we have been getting many requests for
information on our fjord horse that is going to be held here next year
(2001) and we are working on a program for 2 or 3 days.  It has not been
discussed just yet.  If people have ideas for classes that they would
like to see at that show we will do our very best to put it in.  We want
to accommodate to each and every person showing if you are a beginner or
And for the people who did not submit there address yet, our mailing
list is growing fast so send us your address today or tomorrow
whenever!!! We plan to have special rates at the resort at the show
grounds for the people interested in lodging and we will have a awards
banquet and much more.!!!  If you would like to see the resort where the
farm is located please visit  the page doesn't
have allot of information yet but there will be soon!! Cedar Meadows web
site is if you would like
to see the area.  It has changed since then are they are equipped with a
very large indoor riding arena. (120'x160')

Hope to hear from people interested soon!!

Renee Lafleur
Wild Flower Fjord Farm

Re: Grey eel?+creme-colours

2000-05-17 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:11 AM 5/17/00 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sorry to disappoint a Kodak retiree, but... my camera
does not use film! (Smile!!)  It's a digital camera
that stores images on a 'film chip'.  You load the
chip into your computer - or plug the camera into your
computer - choose the pictures you want to print, put
photo-quality print paper in your printer, and print
the pictures.  Even more fun: You use a computer
program designed to edit and enhance the
pictures(change that 'greenish tint' to its proper
color, cut out that dog that ran through the picture,
etc.), then send them off to Ofoto where they print
them any size you want and send them to you for a
small fee.

Oh I am very familiar with digital cameras.  Have one sitting on my desk 
actually.  It is a nice 2 megapixel one even.  BUT I can still go & buy one 
of the $7-* single use cameras in any drug store and get pictures that are 
at least 10 times better than any digital I have seen yet.  I hear the new 
3 megapixels are pretty good but I can shoot a lot of rolls of 35 mm for 
the $1,000 plus price tag of one of them.

I like high tech things but so far I have not been overly impressed with 
the digital cameras.  I am sure they will get there but I haven't seen it yet.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: Steel dun

2000-05-17 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:58 AM 5/17/00 -0800, you wrote:

This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Okay but we can't call the white duns white gold because that is what
platinum is. So how about Titanium Dun! And I want to arrange it so that on
the pedigree the words Titanium Dun appear in big block mirror letters. Is
that okay Mike?

Not really.  I am afraid that all the talk about changing the color names 
would only cause more confusion rather than less confusion.  I am afraid I 
am for leaving them alone.  It is bad enough now as it is that the 
different countries have different names for them.  If only the whole world 
could someday speak a common language...



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Steel dun

2000-05-17 Thread misha nogha
This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Okay but we can't call the white duns white gold because that is what
platinum is. So how about Titanium Dun! And I want to arrange it so that on
the pedigree the words Titanium Dun appear in big block mirror letters. Is
that okay Mike? It's so cool. Sounds kind of cyberquine. The white or
TITANIUM Dun is my favorite all time Fjord color and I always wished I had
a white dun mare with a black stripe down the mane. I guess it's just a
pipe dream. But there you have it. Secret desires of Fjord fever.

Shota Fjords
With Sunbursts of Golden duns for sale shimmering in the blue mountains of
eastern Oregon.

Re: Long backs/ Vaccine reactions?

2000-05-17 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Jean Gayle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Jean Gayle"
  Did just find a lump in my mares
> neck, under the jaw
> (she is ten) and am a bit worried about that. 


Is the lump under her jaw, or actually on her neck? 
If it's under her jaw, maybe she has an infected tooth
that needs checking.

Just a thought.



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: Long backs/ Vaccine reactions?

2000-05-17 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Jean Ernest
> Did anybody on the list use the new Strangles nasal
> vaccine this year? 

We started using the Strangles nasal vaccine three
years ago - when it became available here.  There have
been many, rather severe, reactions in our area to the
OLD injectable strangles vaccine.  Mainly due to vets
giving it in the chest muscle(!) instead of in the
buttocks as the instructions suggest.  Have heard of
no reactions to the nasal vaccine.  We give it at a
different time - late summer - than our other
vaccines, so we would know if there were any reactions
related to it. Even Glendar, who seems particularly
succeptible to vaccine reactions, has had no reaction
to it.

How about reactions or illness 2-3 days
> after the vaccinations,
> etc to any shots?

We have had reactions - fever, off feed, etc. - to our
other vaccines.  We give the standard 'tet/flu/rhino'
vaccines all at the same time.  The vet says that the
reactions we get 2 -3 days later, including some
swelling at the injection site and/or general
stiffness, is probably due to a reaction to the
tetanus vaccine.  It goes away in a few days - no one
has gone completely off their feed, just not much
interested in hay, grain, or water.

   bloodwork was
> fairly normal except for electrolytes, so my vet
> thought maybe Kidney
> infection or something.

Glendar had this sort of thing about three years ago. 
Fever, NO appetite, lying around like he didn't care
if he lived or died.  Bloodwork showed a need for
electrolytes and some elevation of white blood cells. 
Vet concluded it was some sort of 'tick fever' - can't
remember the 'latin term', but it started with an 'r'.
 A couple shots of penicillin put him right, plus
electrolytes in his water bucket - which he slurped up
by the gallon!! Funny, since we really don't have any
ticks here.  Ocassionally we get a 'stray' one that
comes in on an animal from the east side where they do
have ticks.  Glendar had been to a clinic where there
were horses from eastern Oregon, so maybe one of them
had a tick that he picked up.  When we used to send
the mares to Idaho in the spring for breeding, we went
over them 'with a fine tooth comb' when we picked them
up, so as not to 'import' any ticks.  Even at that,
one did slip through apparently - as Flikke(then a
yearling) developed 'tick fever'(complete with swollen
glands on her jaw) a couple of weeks after we brought
Line home one year.  Line and the other mares(who had
lived over there as youngsters) never seemed bothered
by the ticks.  Guess they had some amount of immunity
that my 'locally born and raised' horses don't have.

Hope all is well with your horses, and no one else
'picked up' the bug - if that's what it was.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: Grey eel?+creme-colours

2000-05-17 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >.  The old mare is approaching 30 years now, so
> >there is not a lot of time left to take decent
> >pictures of her to send to people.  She still looks
> >good, but we all know how quickly that can change
> with
> >elderly horses!
> Then don't wait to take the pictures!Take lots 
> of pictures and use lots of film.
> (a Kodak Retiree)  ;-)

Sorry to disappoint a Kodak retiree, but... my camera
does not use film! (Smile!!)  It's a digital camera
that stores images on a 'film chip'.  You load the
chip into your computer - or plug the camera into your
computer - choose the pictures you want to print, put
photo-quality print paper in your printer, and print
the pictures.  Even more fun: You use a computer
program designed to edit and enhance the
pictures(change that 'greenish tint' to its proper
color, cut out that dog that ran through the picture,
etc.), then send them off to Ofoto where they print
them any size you want and send them to you for a
small fee.  

The only 'film' camera we own these days is Fred's
Bronica, which he uses for his black and white
pictures - which he develops and prints himself. He
got some good pictures of Line with it this past week.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Do You Yahoo!?
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2000-05-17 Thread Claudia Galup
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Claudia Galup)

To Sue and all of you who have suffered heartbreaking
heart aches for you.
Thank goodness we have so many precious new lives to be grateful for.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures of Cindy and Robin.


ND Brag report

2000-05-17 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Had to brag a bit about my two geldings I picked up from the trainers this
past weekend.  Mf Hovin and MF Tinngutten are half brothers, and have been
at the trainers since January.  They have been worked 3 times a week,
hauling sleds, logs, wagons and working fields.  They have grown up a bit,
i'd say.

Anyway, I drove them as a team through a 40 acre wooded area, with my family
in the 12 seat wagon.  They were just great, plugging along, with Hovin a
solid anker and Tinn the mover, - oh how fun to see your babies mature and
look and work so good together.   Tinn would just be great under saddle
as well, as he has that extension and suspension Carol spoke about the other
day, plus alot of pride.  The trainer said, "this horse will take someone
far, alot of horse and alot of talent".

Had to brag, even if to some of you, this is daily occurences, - for me with
limited time in this season of life, for my horses, it was a thrill to see
their progress.The trainer almost teared up letting them go, he got so
attached, these were his first fjords.HE LOVES FJORDS, well who

Janne in ND.

RE: Wildwood Stables to Close

2000-05-17 Thread Gerry_Anderson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Acadia update

I spoke to a park representative.  The last time the concession went out to
bid, only one bid was received, and it was from Mr.Winterberg.  He as
granted the concession, unfortantly, the paperwork he filed listed an
organization name that had gone out of business.  Now nearly 10 years
later, someone noticed and pulled his permit.  The park service has two
options, one is to put it out to bid now, guanteeing that the stable will
not open this year, and the second is to grant a temporary permit to
someone to run it for this season.  Obviously only Mr., Winterberg is in a
position to act quickly enough to be up and running this season.

If anyone plans on traveling to Acadia with your horses this season, make
backup plans.  You can also make your feelings know by e-mail to:


2000-05-17 Thread MinkHolow
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sue , Dick,  and Anthony,
It broke my heart to read about Sunday, I am still in tears as I write, She 
was a lovely mare and I know how much you both loved that horse. I remmember 
Dick being so proud of her...such an awful shock.  I am sure you were 
thankful to have Ceasey help you.  Craig and I are thinking of you and my 
heart  is broken to hear this news. L of the Hollow

Re: strangles IN vaccine

2000-05-17 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To Jean Gayle: We've used the Strangles IN vaccine for the past three years 
with absolutely no side effects.  I do it myself ( sorry Veterinarians on line, 
I do all vaccinations, worming and follow up shots & care per directions from 
our Veterinarians ,I feel it is part of my job as it has always been in the 
past). Its very easy to mix and administer. We currently have 22 horses, 
healthy & happy.
Pat from Green Valley Farm

Sue G. and losses

2000-05-17 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I wanted to respond to the sad, yet soo beautiful post Sue G. put out 
yesterday.  There has been so many joyful reports, yet also sad ones this
spring on the digest, which is how life goes. Bittersweet someone told me a
few weeks ago, so true!   Wanted to relate a small story that happened to us
recently, as it may bring a bit of help and closure to those dealing with
loss of beloved pets.

A few weeks ago, we lost our 10 month old JR puppy, and she was Kristian, my
four year old son's buddy.  We buried her out back, and Kristian cried and
cried, -then a few days later, after he had been back to Tilly's grave to
play his daily harmonica tune for her, came back with this new confidence on
his face.  " Mamma, you know what?  Maybe Tilly had to go and be with
Bestefar (grandpa in norwegian) so he could have a dog in heaven?  That
would be good!"  ( My father passed away in Norway last year)   Oh, how
children can bless us with their simple, yet so pure heart and mind.  My
mother used to say that only children and drunk people told the truth, ha.
I prefer the truth from the children God has blessed us with.

So, onwards we go, loving what comes our way, be it human or animal, tho
loving also means pain sometimes.

Janne, in green and warm ND

Hugs to Sue & Richard

2000-05-17 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mother's Day was either the best of days or the worst of days for many.  Sue
and Dick, as we spoke on the phone last night. Hugs and support from all of
us at our farm. It is never easy to lose an animal. Not an older one nor a
young one. Sunday was an excellent mare and wonderful mama to her foals. I
grieve with you two. I grieve for Amy's twins and for all the other people
that had to put down or lost an animal this season.

Okay everyone.. GROUP HUG...

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #143

2000-05-17 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/16/00 11:27:50 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> She gave us 6 wonderful foals and now gets to spend the rest of eternity
>  with her filly!
>  Take care, all of you, and give your horses an extra hug! Sue g.
Oh, Susan what can anyone say.  It is just too painful.   I shed a few tears 
reading your story.  I am so sorry.

Twin Pregnancy

2000-05-17 Thread Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Since we're on the subject of twins, I thought I might add a few word on the
subject... I just had my mare ultrasounded at 18 days post conception.  She
is in foal, and she shows no sign of faternal twins in her uterus.  However,
in order to determine if she has an identical twin pregnancy, I would have
to wait until at least 28 days and re-ultrasound her to check for that.
Faternal twins are easier to distinguish, because the two embryos do NOT
share the same embryonic sack.  The identical twins DO, and thus are much
more difficult to "pinch off" by the veterinarian.

Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

SV: Fjord colors

2000-05-17 Thread Anneli Sundkvist
This message is from: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mischa wrote:

>>Or maybe we should just get a little poetic but descriptive too. We could
give them the names of metals. Golden Dun = brown dun, Silver Dun = grey
dun, Copper dun = red dun, Platimum dun = white dun, brass dun = yellow
dun. There. How's that? I kind of felt it more describes the color anyway. Ha>>

The important thing to me is that the same name is used on two horses that have 
the same genetic colour. It seems like all yellow duns are not 'yellow', some 
are 'white' etc. White, uls, dilute bay/brown, creme bay/brown or platium dun 
should be a name for horses with bay/brown base colour carrying the dilute 
(creme, Ccr) gene no matter what shade of the colour they come in. Yellow, 
dilute red, creme red or brass dun should be the name for a horse with red base 
colour and the dilute gene, even though the body colour of some of these horses 
are more white than yellow. 

'Silver' is confusing since it's a name for a pattern (the Z-gene) that isn't 
present in the fjord breed (but I'm still suspicious about those horses with 
grey eels in mane/tail - have to do some research about that). 

Now, the reason why I'm going on and on about this genetic stuff is that I 
belive that there might be a risk that some colours will disappear out of the 
breed if we don't start to do some research about the colour-genes the horses 
are carrying. It seems like many horses are carrying the 'red gene' - I've seen 
many red duns that have two brown dun parents. I have NOT seen many grey duns 
with two brown dun parents. The 'grey gene' are probably not as widely spread 
within the breed as the red gene. To get a grey dun, both parents have to carry 
the gene. It's therefore important to find out which horses that carry the gene 
for grey.

I therefore think it's important to find a way to describe the genetic colour 
of the horses. This means that some horses have to be re-registred later in 
their life.

Regards (from the soapbox:o)




Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology & Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala

Phone: +46-18-471282 (dept.) +46-18-553627 (home)