OK dont read if ya cant take a YOKE

2001-01-07 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Million Dollar Cowboy Guru's  *
I know you all will like this one
As far as I can say
To teach a horse these days it seems
You really have to pay 

And not just anyone, who thinks hes right
You gotta SELL something to be so bright !
Some books and tapes would be real good
A good a start as any
Just dont forget to charge those folks 
a heap, big pretty penny !

My horse and me just dont seem fit,
After such a wonderful start
To walk and whoa without a fit
Just buck, turn, spin and fart !

I heard that I should get some help
The INTERNET they say
To sign on at a clinic or two
But be prepared to pay !

Went there now and that was that
Got two at first per day
Two seats to watch them start a colt
Will ride the very first day !

They couldnt make it easier for me
My credit card worked just fine
Theres Tellington, Monty, Pat and John
All standing there in line

Old Monty, he likes to " hook um up "
An expression that seems so true
But $ 59.99 plus tax
JUST to see him move ! 
 ( Hubbys face just turned bright blue ! )

Now Pat, he likes to play those games
And you can see him live !
But buy that 12.00 halter of his
And you'll spend 105.95 !

Ol' Linda now, shes kind of cute
With touching and rubbing and all that
But skip that fancy wand of hers
Go get yourself a Nerf Bat !

Gwana Pony Boy is out
With clinics far and wide
He takes his shirt off for most the day
He sure has nothing to hide !
Easy on the eyes it seems
Leaves nothing left to sell
But, boy he sure flew out of there
When 30 min. rang that bell !

Now Lyons is my favorite,
And the company he keeps
Our own McWethy drives with him !
( He signed my lines for keeps )

At Equitana every year
Him and Dave go out back to play
He drives those Fjords of Daves, a four !
With no fear, Ive heard Dave say

But boy does he endorse alot
You cant escape his face
Just open up a horsemans rag
Hes selling his mommas swamp place !

Took me a day on the INTERNET
But boy, I got it done
Im headed on the circuit it seems
Of gurus, and sales and fun

While I was out, just making plans
A friend of mine came by
Took out my horse and walked a bit
He said it sure made time fly !

But, wasnt he just a jerk ? I asked
When catching and being led ?
Na was his relpy, that day
I just wumped him upside the head !

He calmed right down just long enough
To have a little talk
He said you seemed so down and out
He was trying to just cheer you up
He said that he just wants a friend
To " whisper " a nighty night

He dosnt need those fancy tapes
Or wands or whips or toys
Just take him out and love him up
While you go play with those boys !


Trailering and leading

2001-01-07 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 01-01-07 12:16:09 EST, you write:

<< Has anyone had this problem leading? and
 when one is being pressured to sell and offered no help...what is one
 to do? My shoulder was operated on a year ago and the last thing I
 need is being jerked around.  >>

   Sue, go to the John Lyons site on the Internet, and print out the 2 part 
article on trailering and leading.  Simply the best, advice Ive seen about 

Good-Luck !Lisa Pedersen

" only " things I have killed ?

2001-01-07 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 01-01-07 12:16:09 EST, you write:

<<  Just want to say also that fish are not the only things I have
 killed!  Ahem.  Jean

  U.  Jean ?  They have cancelled your day pass, dear, and the Nurses are 
out looking for you.  Oh yea, they increased your AM dose again, and you need 
to check in those sizzors, K ?

   Lisa Pedersen  <--psych. Nurse 

radio show

2001-01-07 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

just thought i'd pass along a cool site on the web.  i listen to it all the
time.  you can listen while you surf or do business, etc.  it is called "the
horse show with rick lamb."  they have weekly guests and lots of interesting
topics, like winter feeding, training, hooves, breed stuff and
internationally known authors, horsepeople, trainers, yoga, and equine
products.  they are also very responsive to their listening audience and
will answer email questions and requests.  have fun out there!  denise

Re: trailriding

2001-01-07 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 5:47:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Brigid that was lovely about God, a horse and you in the wilderness.  Jean 

Thanks Jean : ) Hope I've inspired others as much as I have myself...


scotland fjord site

2001-01-07 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hello,  this message is for david in scotland.

i tried to contact you via the site but the message came back to me.
anyway.i loved your site.  i got the link from the fjord list in
america.  thank you.  i do have a question...i noticed that alot of the
fjords in your photos have "wild" manes.  do you not trim them, or just trim
them for show?  interesting.  i have heard that if the mane is left natural,
it will break down the crest and should you want to trim them again, they
will flop al over.  just wondering and thanks for your site.  i enjoyed it.
denise delgado in california.

Re: Re:Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

great post, betsy.
i wholeheartedly agree about john lyons.  his tapes, books, videos and
seminars are winners and i think if people tried them and saw the results
they can give, they would be sold too.  so what if he makes a lot of money,
more power to him.  it is the american way.  denise

>you may want to go the video route.  I may get jumped on here by the
anti->millionaire-cowboy-horse-guru methods group, ...AND I can highly
>recommend John Lyons Round pen tapes. He also has one on teaching a >horse
to lead and advanced leading. Everything is explained and >demonstrated
well. It's easy and fun to doand works!!!...with >PRACTICE. I noticed
these tapes available through this list's new Video >Share! Have had good
results.. Even older horses gain respect and >lessons .It's all just
in-hand stuff, but I think it all translates into more >control riding or
>Good luck...and remember, you ride (or drive) the horse you lead (or

Re: trailriding

2001-01-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brigid that was lovely about God, a horse and you in the wilderness.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

-Original Message-
To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com 
Date: Sunday, January 07, 2001 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: trailriding

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 1/7/01 10:15:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,
><< Today I went alone and rode out for 2 hours
> It is such a wonderful feeling to ride out in the open instead of the
> arena with bad wheather
> We become a team more and more, it is still groing
> Hope to continue doing so for many years >>
>Happy trails Marion! I could repeat verbatim what you wrote about my
>Today and Friday we had such a good ride. I've been doing some simple
>and natural horsemanship-type exercises in the arena, so Tommes & I can
>better understand eachother. Well, it worked! He did not try to turn for
>and I had only to pick up a rein to get his response. YES!!
>I often say that my God does not live in a church, but in the wilderness,
>only my horse can take me to see Him : )
>Brigid Wasson
>San Francisco Bay Area, CA
> http://members.nbci.com/mrgnpetsit/fjord1";>Our Fjords

Re: videos

2001-01-07 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thank you jean.  does anyone out there want to share a set of these tapes.
if you do, contact me privately.  denise
> I think the Centered Riding tapes by Sally Swift would be very helpfull to
> you, whether you ride english or western.  Even better if you could attend
> a Centered riding clinic sometime!

Driving Storm!

2001-01-07 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well Hi again everybodyI am so excited...I actually drove Storm
today. We put part of a harness on him (belly band with rings on top
for the reins) and ran a set of driving reins through. Our harness is
much too large for him as yet. It is old and worn out anyway. Then
hubby said go put the bridle on him. It took me 2 seconds to bridle
him...no prob! I used a d ring snaffle copper- roller bit in a western
bridle. Then on with the harness and reins and out they went. Storm
had a harness on last spring when he spent 3 weeks getting trained a
bit at the breeders. He must have remembered as he handled very well
today. Was I surprised...and then I was handed the reins. I, who have
never driven in my life (just saddle) took my colt out and drove him
all over the paddock. It was some slippery under foot (warm day and 4
or 5 inches of snow) and I managed to stumble over a hidden rock and
slip and slide...Storm just picked up his pace when he felt me half
fall behind him, but immediately responded to a slight tug on the
reins and whoa. I told him to "walk on" and jiggled the reins a bit
and off we would go. He stopped, stood quietly, and then would do what
ever I wanted. Boy am I impressed. I guess all he needs to allow me to
handle him is for me to have some sort of control. (When I tried to
lead him yesterday, I just slipped my hand throught his
halter...served me right that he wouldn't lead!

>Has he actually ever been taught to lead? They don't just naturally
>know how to lead. And he's been learning all the wrong things!

Yes he is broken to lead. He just decided not to yesterday. He figured
if I was dumb enough to try leading him without a lead line then he
would just do as he pleased, thank you very much. (I keep forgetting
that he is a baby and cannot be expected to act like my two older
mares. Today, I was right fair behind his rump, even tapping him with
my hand to get him started at first when he nor I knew what we were
doing. He has never, ever kicked at us.

The other night I took a rattly tarp into his box stall. Hubby said he
was not taking me to the hospital...((:.I took that tarp and pulled it
over mine and Storms heads and played peekaboo with him. He just
nuzzled me and the tarp and did not mind a bit. I am always showing
him new things. Hubby just stood there and shook his head.

Well today is ending with me on a high but as "Maggy Muggins" always
said..."I don't know what will happen tomorrow..." LOLLOL Have a great
day everyone. (as another chapter unfolds in the lives of Sue and

Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

Re: trailriding

2001-01-07 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 10:15:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> What a sweet fjord mare do I have, I love her so much !
> We become a team more and more, it is still groing
> Hope to continue doing so for many years
> Greetings from Marion and  her Hansje,  

Oh Marion, I know EXACTLY how you feel!  Some of these mares, the more you 
work with them, the more they want to give you.  Juniper is that horse for 
me.  Glad you have Hansje.  Sometimes it just gets better and better!


Re: Leading problem & Trainer

2001-01-07 Thread Northhorse
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This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 9:43:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> You do need "professional" help for this boy; I am afraid videos and books 
> are a very poor second, but as far as a trainer to recommend that far away, 
> I am at a loss, but I am sure some of the listers on the "right" coast 
> could 

Well, here's my two centsagain.  I used to live in New Mexico where I 
believe the problem child horse is!  I'd recommend contacting Ginny Cowles 
and asking her the phone number of her trainer, Jackie.  I met her and own 
the results of her training.  She's not too far away and knows these horses.  
Unfortunately I remember neither her last name nor her phone number.  Call 
Los Trigos.  I can bet your problems will be over!

Who is very impressed with horses coming out of Ginny's herd!

Re: LTT groundwork

2001-01-07 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 10:16:09 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Well, I hope I helped some. (donning my Flame suit for suggesting the use
 of a chain!..all those Natual Horsemanship people will be horrified! LOL)
 Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska +10F
Is there room in that flame suit for two?  I use Linda Tellington Jones 
ground methods with my girls, too, and the chain is wrapped around the halter 
so it doesn't hurt them, but the extra weight reminds them and controls them. 
 With it, they can't shake me and my girls had some bratty moments like that, 
too, and you can't let them learn they can call the shots.  I NEVER jerk it.  
As for what the vet said to feed them, how many vets have experience with 
fjords?  Mine had never seen one before.
Gail D. Vinson
Las Cruces, NM

Re: bitter

2001-01-07 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 10:16:09 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Made him think
 twice before indicriminately grabbing something in his
 mouth.  He eventually outgrew this - or got tired of
 never knowing if it would taste bad or not - and
 stopped the behaviour.  This was a horse that would
 grab anything he could reach, chew his manger, and
 virtually 'ate' lead ropes!
 Mary >>
I'll try it, Mary.  Grooming and tacking her up are the hardest part of 
dealing with her.  She rides like a dream.  Same behavior you describe. She 
loves riding gloves.

Gail D. Vinson
Las Cruces, NM

Here Fishy Fishy (Meow)

2001-01-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh  I have a fish story too!! This fall we were cleaning the tanks and 
installing the heaters, so my daughter (Mandy) scooped out the now VERY big 
gold fish and put them in a bucket  to SAVE them.  We figured they could live 
in the tanks with the stock tank heaters and if they didn't oh well we are 
only out $2.00 in fish.  After she was done, she turned around to find all 
the cats dipping their lunch out of the bucket!!  Oh No .  We saved them from 
one death only for another

And on a Fjord note.  our newest mare Gracie,  is quite the water lover, she 
got into the stock tank and smashed the heater at the bottom and today she 
knocked over their new hay feeder,  (the kind thats about 4 feet tall, put 
the hay in the top and has a catcher below)  We will probably have to ANCHOR 

The Noonan's
Stevensville, MT

Re: trailriding

2001-01-07 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 10:15:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Today I went alone and rode out for 2 hours
 It is such a wonderful feeling to ride out in the open instead of the riding
 arena with bad wheather

 We become a team more and more, it is still groing
 Hope to continue doing so for many years >>

Happy trails Marion! I could repeat verbatim what you wrote about my Tommes. 
Today and Friday we had such a good ride. I've been doing some simple clicker 
and natural horsemanship-type exercises in the arena, so Tommes & I can 
better understand eachother. Well, it worked! He did not try to turn for home 
and I had only to pick up a rein to get his response. YES!!

I often say that my God does not live in a church, but in the wilderness, and 
only my horse can take me to see Him : )

Brigid Wasson
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
 http://members.nbci.com/mrgnpetsit/fjord1";>Our Fjords 

Re: Leading Problem

2001-01-07 Thread Jifisplit
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a 2 1/2 year old Fjord mare and it does seem to be a fairly obnoxious 
age. She is very mouthy. However she does know how to lead. When I first 
bought her she was 6months old and soo adorable and my trainer , who is also 
a Linda Tellington Jones Practitioner worked with me and the horse. SHe 
learned quickly and the only problem is that we would need to come up with 
new exercises or she would become bored. Now she is a big girl and like most 
Fjords use her head and neck to get her way. Use a chain or you could get 
hurt. These horses are too smart for their own good and must learn manners. 
PS this little girl is still for sale and ready to start driving. Leslie in 
Corrales, NM

Re: Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Teressa Kandianis
This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As a complete novice, I was having major problems with Merit as he was going
into his second year.  People on the list gave lots of advice and I ended up
using a chain on his halter across his nose and then attached to the lead
and carrying a dressage whip as we walked about.  A little touch on the butt
(as the dressage whip was long enough to reach the butt without any movement
of my off arm) was enough to make him move with me.  A hard poke on the
shoulder with the butt of the whip or my very bony elbow was enough to make
him quit leaning on me.  The chain across the nose made him mind the halter.
Not all at once and not without a lot of angst on my part.  The funny thing
was that now at a little over 3, he's a prince and has been for a few
months.  I've forgotten when he quit being a butt hole ( pardon my
language).  The chain has been long gone.  For awhile it would just be
hooked through his halter without being attached to the lead and that alone
made him modify his bad boy act.  Nina, his little sister, has the same
attitude as a two year old now but being a girl, she acts out much
differently.  Or, I guess its due to her y chromosome.  Merit wasn't mean -
it was like short attention span combined with lack of manners, impulsive
behavior, looking for action, a strange sense of humor, ... stuff like that.
Nina is now the same but more manners and a sort of feminine take on fun.
And not as impulsive as she seems to try to plan her activities.  She's much
smarter than Merit also.  It takes the big guy a few more lessons to
understand anything - he's kind of a "which way did they go, George" sort of
guy.  I also got loads of advice about rich food making him a wildman.  That
wasn't the case with Merit as we've managed to overfeed them with grass hay
and a vitamin supplement.  We've never even bought the first bag of grain or
flake of alfalfa.  I can't even imagine what he would have been like with a
rich diet!

Teressa Kandianis from sunny Ferndale, WA.

Re: Re:Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sue you are putting us on aren't you?

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

-Original Message-
From: Patryjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com 
Date: Sunday, January 07, 2001 6:01 AM
Subject: Re:Leading problem

>This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>How often do you work with Storm?
>It sounds like you need help, if not to work with Storm, then to teach you.
>If you don't have a good helper, trainer, knowledgeable horseperson,
>advanced level pony clubber around for assistance, you may want to go the
>video route.
>I may get jumped on here by the anti-millionaire-cowboy-horse-guru methods
>group, ...AND I can highly recommend John Lyons Round pen tapes. He also
>one on teaching a horse to lead and advanced leading. Everything is
>explained and demonstrated well. It's easy and fun to doand
>works!!!...with PRACTICE. I noticed these tapes available through this
>new Video Share! Have had good results doing round pen exercises in square
>turnout. No equipment necessary, just a lunge whip.
>I have been getting his magazine for 5 years and there is always something
>useful in it as well. In January four years ago, for a new year's
>resolution, he suggested that you ask your horse to answer at least one
>request a day for you. We have been doing this with each of our horses ever
>since, even if we are not "doing" anything with them. Lead them out of the
>barn, ask them to turn around and stand. Halt four times and stand on the
>way to turn out. Lots of small requests done on a daily or twice a day
>for a month, they learn...then over 4 years, lots of great manners.
>Even older horses gain respect and lessons from this.
>Mira, our 14 year old mare should know! She ran over Jer one day
>while he was hanging a fresh water bucket in her stall with the door
>partially open, during the muddy time. She pushed right past him to escape
>from her stall. So we did an afternoon of leading and standing in and out
>the stall. Boy is she good now, learns fast! Everyday she goes in and out
>the stall or barn or where ever, one foot at a time. She can now back out
>and into her stall, one foot at a time. I've taught her to step forward
>a front foot when I say "One", then when I say "two" she can move the other
>front foot forward, then "three" then four"...Getting in and out of our
>and stalls requires a step up of about 4-6"...It's a John Lyons technique
>for teaching trailer loading, but it works for manners too.
>She is also learning to drop her head and wait before she is released
>outside and in her stall for halter removal. We have a whole list of
>non-riding winter activities we use...to keep us all from getting bored to
>death! If we get bored or too anticipatory with one, we'll work on another.
>One of my favorites for leading is forward, back, left, right, then start
>switching the
>order...it's pretty simple, but can really get silly and fun by altering
>order and speed. It's all just in-hand stuff, but I think it all translates
>into more control riding or driving...
>Good luck...and remember, you ride (or drive) the horse you lead (or
>in having a heat wave meltdown Michigan...30F three days in a row...Yippee!


2001-01-07 Thread M.Bijster
This message is from: "M.Bijster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everybody,
Just wanted to share my happiness
I had this weekend two wonderful rides, on saturday and today on sunday
yesterday I went out riding with a girl on her big horse and, guess what,
Hansje could trot faster than he could. .
Today I went alone and rode out for 2 hours
It is such a wonderful feeling to ride out in the open instead of the riding
arena with bad wheather
What a sweet fjord mare do I have, I love her so much !
We become a team more and more, it is still groing
Hope to continue doing so for many years
Greetings from Marion and  her Hansje,  The Netherlands

Re: Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sorry to hear that your fjord is acting out his "willfulness" to the max. 
Simply, he has learned a behavior that suits him very well, and 
unfortunately puts you completely out of the picture, as far as respect is 
concerned. We all need to recognize that even 'though fjords may look alike, 
they do not all possess the same sweet personalities & temperaments that 
they are noted for... it seems they can be too clever (and manipulative) for 
their own good. Perhaps much had to do with Storms earlier upbringing, as I 
have read many posts about him over the past year.
What to do? Well, sounds kind of nasty, but you need to establish dominance 
with this fellow
I believe very much, and use on my colts the Tellington-Jones way of 
handling,as well as some of the Natural Horsemanship methods, however, when 
a horse is as far out of line as seems Storm, it is a time for stronger, 
direct methods, employed by one skilled enough to know the parameters. It 
sounds like this wouldn't take allot of time initially, but then the follow 
thru (with you) is where the crux of the training will come down. This is 
the consistent time you devote to his handling, with no deviation from the 
Yes, I would have you take this colt to someone and impress upon him that 
his sole reason for survival is due to your good graces, and that if he 
wants to live on this earth, he had better work with you. Its that simple - 
and yes, the initial session involved to achieve this is not pleasant, but 
very effective. You may never need a touch of the whip to his body, but it 
is the implication, and the psychological impression, that gives the horse 
the understanding of his place in your "herd" unit, and that he shall never 
transgress it - or else face the immediate, but fair, consequences.
I myself would not give up on him,as he sounds like a totally spoiled little 
monster-child, but I can understand from where your spouse is coming from. 
He is justified in caring for your well being, and hey, picking up the 
pieces of your beloved is NOT fun!  I think your vet is totally out of it as 
regards to the grain ration. Yikes!
You do need "professional" help for this boy; I am afraid videos and books 
are a very poor second, but as far as a trainer to recommend that far away, 
I am at a loss, but I am sure some of the listers on the "right" coast could 
help you, no??

Wishing you well Sue,

Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: Leading Problem

2001-01-07 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  When we first brought Tank home he was a nearly unhandled two year
  old stud. The first order of business was to teach him to lead. We
  immediately started using TTeam methods with him, particularly the
  Homing Pigeon. That is the method where two handlers with wands and
  nose chains lead the horse from both sides. It's important to get
  one of LTJ's books to see how to run the chain thru the halter
  properly. Anyway, these are very smart horses, so in only a couple
  sessions, Tank had the idea what was expected of him and has not
  been a problem to lead since.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  He that would venture nothing must not get on horseback. --Spanish proverb

FJORD CHAT Sunday Night

2001-01-07 Thread PETSnVETS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


9 to10pm (Eastern Time)
Hosted by: PAV Fjords and PAV Aussie

Fjord chat is held in Horse Room "1"
http://chat.petsandvets.com";>NEW CHAT ROOMS

Don't Forget our 
go to Pets and Vets main page 
 scroll down and click on message boards 
( next to dancing computer)
Send Free Horse & Animal Postcards

Re: Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/7/01 12:43:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Well, I hope I helped some. (donning my Flame suit for suggesting
> the use

Horrified?  Not!  There is a time and a place for a chain.  Or even smacking 
a horse.  They weigh a heckuva lot more than we do.  When you watch horses 
disciplining each other they pack a lot more punch to the other horse than we 
can.  When I had a problem with Skylark being a bit stubborn, she KNEW she 
could get away with what she wantedfor like 2 minutes.  I dug up my stud 
chain from the bottom of my tack trunk, and we had a lesson.  As you said, 
not shanking her, but letting her know that she would cause herself some 
discomfort.  She's a quick learner, had to use the chain total of one time.  
Now she's got wonderful ground manners.  Even my sweet Juniper, when I first 
bought her, thought she could plant her back feet and I wouldn't clean them.  
One smack on the rump.  She lifts them nicely.  If she gets lazy or stubborn, 
I just have to pick up my hand like I'm going to slap her rear end (like I 
could really hurt her!).  She picks up her foot for me.  Just testing.  IMO 
one quick lesson with some discomfort is a lot better than having an ongoing 
power-play with your horse!


FHRS updated website

2001-01-07 Thread Dave 2001
This message is from: "Dave 2001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello list ...
Thought I would "drop" you a line to let you know that the Fjord Horse Registry of Scotland has updated its website for 2001.  The new url address is:
I sincerely hope that you will find time to visit our website and, if possible, perhaps leave a comment in the "Guestbook", or perhaps a suggestion or query on the "Message Board".
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and prosperous 2001.
With good wishes,
DavidGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: Leading Problem

2001-01-07 Thread Patryjak
This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Just re-read my post...don't mean to sound preachy...and forgot to include
Please do not endanger yourself. Maybe a two year old is not the best choice
for you.

Betsy in Michigan

Re:Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Patryjak
This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


How often do you work with Storm?
It sounds like you need help, if not to work with Storm, then to teach you.
If you don't have a good helper, trainer, knowledgeable horseperson,
advanced level pony clubber around for assistance, you may want to go the
video route.
I may get jumped on here by the anti-millionaire-cowboy-horse-guru methods
group, ...AND I can highly recommend John Lyons Round pen tapes. He also has
one on teaching a horse to lead and advanced leading. Everything is
explained and demonstrated well. It's easy and fun to doand
works!!!...with PRACTICE. I noticed these tapes available through this lists
new Video Share! Have had good results doing round pen exercises in square
turnout. No equipment necessary, just a lunge whip.
I have been getting his magazine for 5 years and there is always something
useful in it as well. In January four years ago, for a new year's
resolution, he suggested that you ask your horse to answer at least one
request a day for you. We have been doing this with each of our horses ever
since, even if we are not "doing" anything with them. Lead them out of the
barn, ask them to turn around and stand. Halt four times and stand on the
way to turn out. Lots of small requests done on a daily or twice a day basis
for a month, they learn...then over 4 years, lots of great manners.
Even older horses gain respect and lessons from this.

Mira, our 14 year old mare should know! She ran over Jer one day
while he was hanging a fresh water bucket in her stall with the door
partially open, during the muddy time. She pushed right past him to escape
from her stall. So we did an afternoon of leading and standing in and out of
the stall. Boy is she good now, learns fast! Everyday she goes in and out of
the stall or barn or where ever, one foot at a time. She can now back out of
and into her stall, one foot at a time. I've taught her to step forward with
a front foot when I say "One", then when I say "two" she can move the other
front foot forward, then "three" then four"...Getting in and out of our barn
and stalls requires a step up of about 4-6"...It's a John Lyons technique
for teaching trailer loading, but it works for manners too.
She is also learning to drop her head and wait before she is released
outside and in her stall for halter removal. We have a whole list of
non-riding winter activities we use...to keep us all from getting bored to
death! If we get bored or too anticipatory with one, we'll work on another.
One of my favorites for leading is forward, back, left, right, then start
switching the
order...it's pretty simple, but can really get silly and fun by altering
order and speed. It's all just in-hand stuff, but I think it all translates
into more control riding or driving...

Good luck...and remember, you ride (or drive) the horse you lead (or can't)!

in having a heat wave meltdown Michigan...30F three days in a row...Yippee!

Re: Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Don & Jane Brackett
This message is from: Don & Jane Brackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Sue,
Sounds as if you have your hands full.  How about sending him off to
school with someone who's experienced with raising young Fjords?  You
don't want to get hurt. 
I like the Linda T. Jones leading method too. Her book "Improve Your
Horse's Well-Being" has great step by step photos on lots of leading
excercises.  Worked very well for my mare who didn't know how to lead
when I first got her.  But she's a pretty quiet mare, just didn't
understand that she wasn't supposed to drag me! :)
Be careful and realize that it's OK to sell a horse that doesn't work
for you.

Re: Leading problem

2001-01-07 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well It sounds as you are teaching him he can get the best of you! 
Do you use a chain over his nose?  I suggest you get Linda Tellington
Jones' book (or one of them) and use some of the leading exercises. She has
some good videos out, also, "Starting a Young Horse" would be helpful.
> He just bowed that little neck shifted gears and was off.
>Rather than be dragged beside him, I let go.>> 
>The "brat" is being given 6 cups of grain morning and night.Which
>we are cutting back starting tonight. 

Well, that is part of your problem, he's like a kid on a sugar high! Is it
a "sweet feed" as well? give him just a handful with his vitamins.
Especially if it is a sweet feed, with Molasses, it could be causing a lot
of his mischief.
He needs another youngster (or safe older gelding) to roughhouse with, and
he needs to learn that he can't jerk away from you.  You WILL have to cause
him some "discomfort" with a chain over his nose or a rope halter for him
to stop jerking you around.

I'm no expert:  Hopefully Karen McCarthy or Gail Ware can give you some
good advice.  I did raise a youngster, but he had old Bjarne to play with
and I didn't hesitate to use a chain over his nose ala TTEAM methods.  I
still do...When I'm leading them down to the little pasture, especially
when they haven't been out for a few days, I use a chain on everybody, just
to keep myself safe.  No, I don't "shank" them, but if they get to acting
up exuberantly, they run into the chain.  I taught BJorken and Adel to lead
nicely beside me with the TTeam" "wand" , waving the Butt end in front of
their nose, for a signal, tapping on the chest for a halt.  Check out her
tapes and books.http://www.lindatellingtonjones.com/  You can also
order the "wand" a 4 ft stiff white dressage whip as well as other equipment. 
Has he actually ever been taught to lead? They don't just naturally know
how to lead.  And he's been learning all the wrong things!

Well, I hope I helped some. (donning my Flame suit for suggesting the use
of a chain!..all those Natual Horsemanship people will be horrified! LOL)

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska +10F

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska