Re: Jack's turn

2001-05-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/26/01 7:46:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Came to a stop light.  When the light turned 
 green, I proceeded on through and hit 'resume', a bit too soon I guess!  It 
 was ZM, pulled 3 G's in 6 seconds!  We were laughing hysterically and I 
 was apologizing profusely to the horses, promising to do better next time!  
 Brigid, maybe I should take 'driving lessons' from you!  LOL! 

LOL. Yep, it does take some getting used to! I quickly discovered that one 
needs to accelerate the truck till it's no less than 5 miles away from your 
set speed before hitting resume. Can you say 1st gear?!

 It was a 
 particular challenge for me since one of the other Fjords with us was in 
 and scheduled to be bred again that evening after we returned from the 
 parade!  Dusty kept telling me that there was no need to wait 'til evening! 

This is very funny, and a testament to your control of Dusty and his best 

Really, sounds like you had a great time. I know what you mean about your 
mount feeling different during the parade, proud of himself. Tommes just 
became a different horse in that show arena. When I looked at the pictures 
later, I was even more impressed with how nice he looked. I believe horses 
have a strong sense of self and like being looked at and admired.


Re: Jack's turn

2001-05-26 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563
-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, May 26, 2001 7:47 AM
Subject: Jack's turn

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

control before.  Guess I need to read the instruction manual!  We had been
'cruising' along at 55 mph.  Came to a stop light.  When the light turned
green, I proceeded on through and hit 'resume', a bit too soon I guess!  It
was ZM, pulled 3 G's in 6 seconds!  We were laughing hysterically and I
was apologizing profusely to the horses, promising to do better next time!

Gail I can not see that the Ford acted any different than your fjord,

Re: OT...sort of

2001-05-26 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Welcome to Michigan, when you get here, that is!  In Michigan, you must have 
a current Coggins and a health certificate.  No brand inspection.

Hope your move goes well!

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Jack's turn

2001-05-26 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/25/01 5:57:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Want my TURN?? I'm over due, and, now way behind my sweetie : (
 See yea all in Turlock 

It has been a while since I've had time to jot a few lines.  Spring brings a 
ton of breeding and training 'barn obligations' around this ranch that's for 
sure!  Makes for some very long days and short nights.

Was really sorry to have missed the new Oregon Gold show, but with May being 
the height of breeding season, just couldn't be gone for that long - kind of 
an occupational hazard for stallion owners.
Brigid, congratulations on your successful 'voyage' to the Oregon Gold show!  
Yes, it is indeed Jack's turn now.  Raphael and I are awaiting Jack's visit 
for his 'weekend with Gayle'.  Raphael has been here for 'summer camp' and it 
is now time for Jack to learn how to run the new program that has been 
installed into Raphael!  He has a new haircut and is lookin' buff!

I too purchased a new truck, well, new to me.  It is a '97 Ford 3/4 ton with 
ALL of the bells and whistles.  O, makes me feel like Queen LaGayla 
toolin' down the road.  I never had it so good!  

I couldn't attend the Gold show, but decided I could be gone at least for an 
afternoon. So I hitched up the new truck (needed a 'maiden voyage' anyway), 
packed up some of the gals from my barn, 3 Fjords, a banner, and headed for 
Florence, OR on the coast, to ride in the Rhododendron Parade.  OH MY GOSH!  
Had no idea it was that BIG!  I guess it is second only to the Rose parade in 
Portland!  It was HUGE!  There were 106 entries.  

The other 2 gals with me were riding 'new to them' Fjords plus it was the 
first parade for both of the horses.  They all handled everything in stride 
and Dusty was his usual self.  Don't know what it is, but he always gets very 
puffed up and full of himself in parades.  He's an awfully arrogant fellow 
and seems that he just loves to show off.  The more applause, the fancier he 
gets.  He feels like he is just wiggling out of his skin.  It was a 
particular challenge for me since one of the other Fjords with us was in heat 
and scheduled to be bred again that evening after we returned from the 
parade!  Dusty kept telling me that there was no need to wait 'til evening!

Everyone was tired, but content at the end of the parade.  Several 'family  
friends' had come along to watch the parade and lend helping hands.  After we 
unsaddled the horses and loaded them back into the trailer, we decided it was 
time for some 'people food' so we headed for our favorite seafood restaurant. 
 When we arrived there, the hostess told us it would be about an hour's wait 
since they had just been inundated by 80 people from the Corvette club!  We 
had heard that there were about 50 'Vets' there for the 'Show 'n Shine'!  
, they were gorgeous!

We knew the food there was excellent, so decided to stay.  We stuffed 
ourselves - only problem was that after that good food, it felt like time for 
a nap!  NOT!  Still had the trip home, plus breeding obligations.

Upon arriving back home, was greeted by my husband who told me that someone 
had unexpectedly 'dropped off' a mare in heat to be bred!  NO REST FOR THE 
WICKED!  I must be a very BAD person!  LOL!

The new truck performed admirably on our trip except that I need to learn to 
drive all over again!  I am not used to having so many amenities like 
automatic transmission, air conditioning, cruise, etc.  I've never had cruise 
control before.  Guess I need to read the instruction manual!  We had been 
'cruising' along at 55 mph.  Came to a stop light.  When the light turned 
green, I proceeded on through and hit 'resume', a bit too soon I guess!  It 
was ZM, pulled 3 G's in 6 seconds!  We were laughing hysterically and I 
was apologizing profusely to the horses, promising to do better next time!  

Brigid, maybe I should take 'driving lessons' from you!  LOL!

'Til Next Time,

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Re: OT...sort of

2001-05-26 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/26/01 6:59:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 I know Gus has to have a neg. Coggins and a health certificate.
 is there anything else I need to worry about?  What about Michigan in
 particular?   and I didn't keep up with the thread on the brand
 inspector, do I need to worry about that?

Here's the link to brand laws - A 
Hope  your move goes well.  It's a bit stressful, I know, but it IS an 
adventure, of sorts.


OT...sort of

2001-05-26 Thread Reena
This message is from: Reena [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well it looks like we are finally going to move.  We'll be going to
Michigan.  My husband will most likely go before me, but I may be going
with him in about a month.   My question is:  I have never done a major
move like this and to top it off, we have animals.  Dogs, cats, birds
and of course Gustav.   Any helpful hints?  Vaccinations I need,
etc?I know Gus has to have a neg. Coggins and a health certificate.
is there anything else I need to worry about?  What about Michigan in
particular?   and I didn't keep up with the thread on the brand
inspector, do I need to worry about that?

thanks for the help and you can send replies to me off list if you


[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 

Ear mites

2001-05-26 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: Sue Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyoneI was just getting caught up on my mail.  I noticed the
problem with earmites.this just might be a solution.  I have had ear
mites in my cats and they would literally go right up the bathroom wall when
I applied the stuff I got from my vet.  One even lost a whole strip of skin
complete with attached hair from his ear.  Then I read in a home remedies
book  that vitamin E oil would completely drown and eliminate the mites.
You pierce a capsule and squirt the contents into the ear. (Use more
capsules if needed for a Fjord ear).  Do this every third day for 30 days.
The oil is sticky and messy but by gosh it works!  No more earmites! Also
the animal (at least the cats) realized it did not hurt and would stand
quietly for doctoring.  Hope this helps.
I rode my Arabian mare Misty last night and she  behaved perfectly. (No
one has told her that she is an Arab)LOL.  We are trying to keep that little
bit of info from her.   The tiny blackflies and mosquitos were awful.  I
went in the house and got the Avon skin so soft  put some on my face and
arms and the flies disappeared.  Even the mare was not bothered.  I am going
to try it on the horses, but only a little at first to check for allergies.
Storm is fat and sassy.  He readily accepts the bridle and saddle.  He is
such a pesthelps me with everything I try to do in the paddock.  Today
we are putting more sheep type pagewire up in a bigger area.  We put
electric around the inside.  Storm gets just as close to the fencing
operation as he can.  Do any of you just sit and climb off and on your 2
year olds?  I want to do as much with him this year as possible.  He is 14
hh behind and 13.2 in front.  How tall do you think he will get?
He tapes 750 pounds.  I find him awful thick through the headwonder if I
will need a special bridle.I am using a D ring copper roller snaffle bit
on him.  I also use one on my Arab.
Misty had a very itchy tail this past spring and she had rough scales at the
base of it and had the hair rubbed out.  We started feeding each horse a cup
of Blue Seal Sunshine plus daily.  Thanks to whoever mentioned feeding this
supplement. Her tail is perfectly normal now.  Our solid Appaloosa gelding
is now running with the other two and all three are the best of friends.
Well gotta go get at the fencinghave a great day, Sue in N.B. (Desert
Storm's mom)