New Fjord Owner Questions

2001-05-31 Thread Jon & Mary Ofjord
This message is from: Jon & Mary Ofjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Marlene wrote:>
5. I have also hear that Fjords are prone to simple infections of the
>lachrymal gland during fly season if they are not protected by a mask, Swat,
>etc. and then their eyes must be blown out to clear the gland.  Is this the
>norm for all Fjords or maybe just in certain geographical areas?
Mike Wrote:
I have never heard this one either.  What area are you in?  Did another 
Fjord owner tell you this?

Has anyone else had a problem like this?


There is a tear duct called the naso-lacrimal duct.  If the duct is blocked
- by dust or some other irritant - the horse's eye will water. There is a
treatment for clearing the duct by inserting a catheter in the duct and
flushing it out, usually done by a veterinarian.  

Some types of flies are drawn to the secretions around the eye and will
cluster there and bother the horse.  We have a mare that had that problem
for a while - a seeping eye caused by the blockage of the duct.  It was
unsightly because of the tearing, and the flies did cluster there, but it
did "unblock" after a couple of weeks time and the seepage went away.  She
seemed none the worse for wear. Our vet didn't seemed too concerned either.
 I did use a fly mask on her, but they usually managed to get them off
sometime during the day, plus the mask rubbed on her eyelashes and appeared
uncomfortable for her.

There are also glands called the Inferior & Superior Lacrimal gland
situated just above the eye, but I've not heard of flies causing problems
with them.

I don't believe Fjords are prone to this type of problem.

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords 

Re: sick horse

2001-05-31 Thread John & Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John & Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You and your horse are in our thoughts and prayers.
The description sounds like our Wee Willy just went through, except for the
scours.  None of the bloodwork was conclusive but the vet put him on a regimen
of antibiotics and had us give him a heavy dose of larvacidal wormer.
I don't know if either one worked or if he just came through it himself, but
after 2 weeks he is back to his old ornery self, sharing everyone's food then
hiding in the creep shed to eat his own when the Fjordies are done.
Luck and good wishes!

Martie in MD


> Hi all,
>Your prayers and good thoughts, please, for my dear Kai, who has been
> really sick since Monday night, with a mystery illness.  Symptoms include
> moderate colic, very high fever, depression, scours, dehydration, and not
> eating or drinking at all.  He's getting 24 liters of IV fluid daily to keep
> him from crashing, as well as banamine and ulcer meds.   Many tests run to
> date, nothing conclusive,  he's gone to the clinic for the evening for
> further tests.
>Jan, in central Virginia

Annie's New Bit

2001-05-31 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

YES!!!   That's exactly the bit I have for Annie!  I paid just about 
that price, too! 
So, if you want this bit go to 
and look at the Butterfly Copper Low Port .  Two Slots for $39.95 US Funds!   
:-)  It did a great job for Annie and me!  
Hurray for DeeAnna!

Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY

Re: Starving in Utah

2001-05-31 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually this isn't Lisa, it's Dave McWethy.  Lisa suggested the title 
because she's afraid she's not feeding me well enough.  Not a problem.  She 
is working me like a stepchild, though.  Drive, drive, drive.

Help, she won't let me leave.  Rescue me, please.

Actually I'm getting a little carried away. It would be great to stay here 
longer, to sit on their front porch and watch the light on the mountains 
across the valley.

I'm right at home working with Fjords, and here we can drive as far as we 
want and the roads keep going.  It's a great place to drive horses.  If she 
catches me saying all this stuff she'll be furious about me telling all of 
you because you'll want to move here.

They have taken out time to drive me in motor vehicles up into the mountains 
to see the incredible Utah scenery.  I won't even try to describe it.  
Overload.  Amazing.

So, all in all, I'm here, having a great time, working with good horses and 
good people.  The sky is not cloudy all day.


sick horse

2001-05-31 Thread JBonner748
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,
   Your prayers and good thoughts, please, for my dear Kai, who has been 
really sick since Monday night, with a mystery illness.  Symptoms include 
moderate colic, very high fever, depression, scours, dehydration, and not 
eating or drinking at all.  He's getting 24 liters of IV fluid daily to keep 
him from crashing, as well as banamine and ulcer meds.   Many tests run to 
date, nothing conclusive,  he's gone to the clinic for the evening for 
further tests.  
   Jan, in central Virginia

trouble with web links

2001-05-31 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi anyone elso having trouble clicking on the links to photos  such
as these
 My pc just sits here.  To see things I have to copy and paste.  And then the
pictures would not come up...just an "x" in the corner.  I hit this link
Carol... and copied and pasted it and it works!  The pictures are terrific at
this link  I have no idea why I
have to copy and paste into my IE search space...but it works.  If any of you
have trouble looking at the web link of my pics I put in, you might try coping
and works!  Is it just my pc or is everyone having trouble making
the links work?
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

pictures in webshots

2001-05-31 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi again everyone.Remember when one of you mentioned  training your
horse to stand up on a  footstoolwell check out my horse album to see
what happened to Storm.  LOLI had a good luck angel with me that day!! have also uploaded
some more pics in my sunset album.  I took all the pictures in there except
the one of  Rus and Ritter (Storms father is Ritter) and the breeder we
bought him from is Rus. Also the one "Thunder in the trees" was taken by a
friend. He was a horse we raised but no longer own.
Well I see many of you differ at what age to ride a colt.  I will not ride
Storm myself till this fall at least when he is two and a half and then only
to sit on him for a few minutes.  But when he turns 3 next spring I just
might ride him a bit.  The breeder I bought him from breaks his to ride as
two year olds. Oh well to each his own I guess.  But it is nice to get
everyones opinion on the matter.  Thanks. I have my Arabian mare to ride
anyhow, so that will take the pressure of Stormfor a few months at
least. (:
It is raining and coldall 3 horses have spent the day in the barnnot
that they are spoiled or anything!  LOL  Storm's yellow "butt" is the first
at the door to get back inso much for withstanding the elements...he may
be able to withstand them but has no intention of doing so! (:
Well so long everyone, Sue in N.B. ( Desert Storm's mom)
P.S.  If you go to webshots, where my albums are, check out Norwegian Fjord
Horse in photo search...I believe several of you have pics in there I
was pleasantly surprised to find Storm in there on the very first page.

Applications for Virginia Evaluation

2001-05-31 Thread curt421
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone!  It is almost Jun 1 (or it may be Jun 1 by the time you read 
a few more Fjords to make this evaluation feasible.  Please send your 
pre-application to the NFHR today!  We need to know how many horses to plan 
this event properly.  By getting your pre-application into Mike May, we can 
make this a great evaluation.  Don't let this opportunity pass you by.  If you 
need more information or forms, please contact me.  Thanks for your help!

Curt Pierce
Bristow VA

Re: auctions etc.

2001-05-31 Thread Pat Wilson
This message is from: Pat Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I like the humvee description, that is perfect.  Thanks for the chuckle.


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I would never sell my girls at an auction.  You would have no idea what kind
> of home they were going to.
> Where I'm living now I am ground handling 2 lovely Arabians as well as my
> girls.  Handling the Arabians is like driving a Jag sport car as opposed to
> my little Humvee girls.  Is there a way to make my girls a little lighter?
> They do respond, but the steering seems a little stiff.  All work with them
> is done at 5 am these days, by the way, and afternoons we just hang in there.
>  The heat doesn't seem to bother them very much but I'm a real sissy.
> Gail in Tucson

Re: New owner questions

2001-05-31 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:25 AM 5/31/2001 -0500, you wrote:

This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My questions are:
1. When I register my filly or colt, while they are under six months, how do
I tell what color they are?

Well it isn't always easy that is for sure.  The most common is the Brown 
Dun though.  They usually have a lighter color to their muzzle than a White 
Dun or a Grey would have.  The Greys have what some people call "Eyebrow" 
marks above their eyes.  it is just a darker color mark above each eye at 
this age.  They normally have a dark colored muzzle also.

2. The father is registered as gray and the mothers are registered as brown
dun.  One of my mares is very light brown and her colt is almost white.  If
I register them as brown duns can the color be changed later by myself or a
new owner to gray?

Yes if you pick the wrong color & need to change it later all you need to 
do is send me the Registration Certificate & a new picture showing the 
color you think it really is.  I will print a new Certificate & change the 
color in the database for you.

3. Do all Fjords have leg stripes?


The foals do not show any leg stripes, but they have a stripe down the back.

This is not unusual at all.

4. Do all Fjords have brown eyes?

The only one I know of that has had anything but brown eyes is the one that 
is what would be know as a cremello in other breeds.  It has light color eyes.

I received an email from a friend who
mentioned her new paint foal had blue eyes and it started me wondering if
Fjord horses ever had blue eyes.

Have not seen any myself.

5. I have also hear that Fjords are prone to simple infections of the
lachrymal gland during fly season if they are not protected by a mask, Swat,
etc. and then their eyes must be blown out to clear the gland.  Is this the
norm for all Fjords or maybe just in certain geographical areas?

I have never heard this one either.  What area are you in?  Did another 
Fjord owner tell you this?

Has anyone else had a problem like this?



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Pendleton Round-Up parade

2001-05-31 Thread Joel Harman
This message is from: Joel Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is from Joel Harman.

The parade is Fri 14 Sept. Generally takes about 2 hr to complete as there
are usually around 500 horse entries alone. The Round-Up committee
provides stalls & hay free for horses that pull one of their vehicles. 

So if you want to get PAID for driving a your team in a parade, please
contact me. Pendleton is 180 mi east of Portland OR on I - 84.


Riding young stock.

Would you ask your 2 or 3 yr biped to carry a 50 lb backpack on a 2 mi
hike?  What's the hurry? 

I agree with Karen. Very light riding. 

If you are in such a big hurry to do something with them then drive them.
Different stresses on the back. 

Young stock is also mentally immature.

Gee, Karen said something about $. Do you think that is why folks ask
more than meat price for older trained horses? 

Sounds like one of those Aresnio Hall h things to me.


Top mare at Clydesdale sale this spring $32K. top mare at Halflinger sale
a few yr ago $15K. 

SJF auction was truely a sad event. Could get more money selling for dog
food. Lots of folks no saled their horses & mules.   


Joel Harman
Brass Ring Ranch
Mosier OR

logging & custom farming with fjords.

Re: auctions etc.

2001-05-31 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would never sell my girls at an auction.  You would have no idea what kind 
of home they were going to.  

Where I'm living now I am ground handling 2 lovely Arabians as well as my 
girls.  Handling the Arabians is like driving a Jag sport car as opposed to 
my little Humvee girls.  Is there a way to make my girls a little lighter?  
They do respond, but the steering seems a little stiff.  All work with them 
is done at 5 am these days, by the way, and afternoons we just hang in there. 
 The heat doesn't seem to bother them very much but I'm a real sissy.
Gail in Tucson

Re: New owner questions

2001-05-31 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Marlene I can only speak to the "their eyes are blown out".  Frightening
concept but you mean the tear ducts I am sure.  I keep masks on my horses
when ever there are flies.  I have never had an eye problem with my fjords
but do have with my more hot blood horse.  There are times when I did not
put the masks on and they have been subjected to flies but no great problem

I once read that the Chestnut is the most sensitive skinned horse on through
the colors to the white or light colored being the least sensitive.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Three Horses Press
PO Box 104 Montesano, WA 98563

New owner questions

2001-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All,  I know you have probably gone over this in the past and if someone can
tell me where to look in the archives, I will go look.  You all are the best
for sharing information and helping us new owners enjoy and take proper care
of our Fjords.
My questions are:
1. When I register my filly or colt, while they are under six months, how do
I tell what color they are?
2. The father is registered as gray and the mothers are registered as brown
dun.  One of my mares is very light brown and her colt is almost white.  If
I register them as brown duns can the color be changed later by myself or a
new owner to gray?
3. Do all Fjords have leg stripes?  The foals do not show any leg stripes,
but they have a stripe down the back.
4. Do all Fjords have brown eyes?  I received an email from a friend who
mentioned her new paint foal had blue eyes and it started me wondering if
Fjord horses ever had blue eyes.
5. I have also hear that Fjords are prone to simple infections of the
lachrymal gland during fly season if they are not protected by a mask, Swat,
etc. and then their eyes must be blown out to clear the gland.  Is this the
norm for all Fjords or maybe just in certain geographical areas?
I am sure I will have more questions in the future and I appreciate all your

Happy Trails,
Marlene Coffman, TTEAM Practitioner
Hobby Horse Haven
Breeder of Fjord Horses

Galena video

2001-05-31 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/30/01 6:09:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Subject: Re: Midwest Fjord Horse Club Winter Meeting in Galena
 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, Nancy, Joni Griffin here.  I videoed the clinic at Galena.  I could send 
 you my tape to copy and then you can mail it back.  Sorry to answer your 
 request so late-been very busy!  I'll mail the video this week.  Hi to Rich! 
 - >>

Do you suppose that I could be next in line for the video?  Would love to 
have a copy too!


Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

Turlock show

2001-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everyone!

The Turlock Show Entries will be sent on the 1st of June.  They are also
available on the internet at go to the left hand
button that says Turlock Show Form and you can download from that page.  If
you do not want to down load and you are not living in the western USA,
email me in private and I will mail you off a hard copy.

Entries will be sent to Fjordings West members first, then past participants
and then to NFHR members in the Western USA.

Camping and Stalls are on a first come first serve bases.

Catherine Lassesen
Show Manager
Turlock, CA
September 28, 29, 30, 2001
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