Re: Aching knees and different saddle needed

2001-06-16 Thread Alison Bakken
This message is from: Alison Bakken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Sue,

I got an orthflex last summer.  I really enjoy this saddle.  I rode for
six hours on a ride and drive and was not sore.  Normally I would be
sore afer riding that long.  This saddle has a great range of fit
because of the design of the skirts and panels.

Hope this helps

Alison Bakken in Alberta

Re: This has very little to do with Fjords, but it might stop a problem sometime!

2001-06-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thought I had better add that the child did not get shots.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA 
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] to order

Re: This has very little to do with Fjords, but it might stop a problem sometime!

2001-06-16 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fred and Lois I am so sorry for your loss and this scary situation.  Your
Vet seems to have made some mistakes and one of the bigger ones is that a
child died either last year or the year before in Chehalis of a bat bite.
So I am very glad you elected to go with the shots.  You can not take
chances with this situation.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ] to order

Re: This has very little to do with Fjords, but it might stop a problem somet...

2001-06-16 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/16/01 7:24:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 First of all, we are NOT looking for sympathy over our loss and troubles by
 posting this to the board.  Lois and I began a series of Rabies injections
 I am writing this to possibly help any of you who might find themselves in
 the same situation.

Well, you do have my sympathy anyways.  How horribly tragic and sad.  But you 
also have my respect for passing on this difficult, heartbreaking story and 
trying to prevent others from what you are having to go through.  

My thoughts are with you and you are doing the right thing.  


This has very little to do with Fjords, but it might stop a problem sometime!

2001-06-16 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: Frederick J. Pack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Fjord people, including the vets on the list.(not that you don't
know this already) VBG

First of all, we are NOT looking for sympathy over our loss and troubles by
posting this to the board.  Lois and I began a series of Rabies injections

I am writing this to possibly help any of you who might find themselves in
the same situation.

A week ago Sunday, we had one of our bitch Pyrs (Great Pyrenees) start
trembling and began to
loose coordination in her hindquarters.  We immediately took her to
emergency care.  Her condition deteriorated steadily until she had to be put
to sleep the next Wednesday morning.  She was in constant seizures where
Valium could no longer control them.

A spinal tap was taken and sent for analysis on Monday after her admission
to emergency care.  Blood was taken and a titers (Sp?) was initiated.  A
neurologist was brought in.

Possible diagnosis:  Toxiplasmosis (a Protozoa infection which can be caused
by eating cat feces or a dead mouse).
  Brain Tumor (rare in a dog of 1 1/2 years
of age, but possible).

When our dog had to be put down, the titers and complete blood work were not
yet available.

Now here is where the lesson comes in: After putting our dog down, the vet
removed some or all of the brain to send to the state laboratories for
Rabies testing. (He DID NOT LOOK FOR A BRAIN TUMOR nor as you will read,
should he have looked)

This last Wednesday we got the report from the state about the Rabies
INCONCLUSIVE!  The state people told us that they didn't get enough, or the
right part of the brain to do a test.
The State Health people stated that the vet should have sent THE WHOLE HEAD
so they could remove the part/parts that they needed for a test.

The Titers test came back: Distemper NEGATIVE! Toxiplasmosis not indicated,
but possible. Our dog HAD a documented rabies shot last January, but if she
had been exposed before the shot..the sickness could have laid dormant
in her systemUNAFFECTED by the Rabies shot.  Rabies shots (in dogs) will
only provide protection to the animal BEFORE any exposure.

That left us with a choice.  Although there has NOT been a documented case
of Rabies in the state of Washington for 27 years, do we go get the shots
($1,500.00 apiece).  OR, do we take a chance that is was NOT Rabies.

I'm NOT a gambler.  We chose the shots as today was our last day of a 10 day
window to start.  I could have been infected on Tuesday the 5th, as I was
trying to hand feed her at the emergency hospital and came in contact with
her saliva and blood (from biting her tongue as her jaws snapped shut).  I
was NOT bitten, but being a hands are always nicked up from one
thing or another.  Lois, my wife, might have been exposed at the same time
by petting the dog while having a cut on her finger (although bandaged).

The bottom line is: If there is ever a question about Rabies in a dog that
TESTING.  Please excuse me for yelling (stuff in capital letters stuff), but
had the vets done that, we might not be going through shots now.

The rabies shots are no longer in the stomach, but within the muscle and
really no big deal...except...
the first day requires 5 shots.  One in each cheek and one in each thigh
because of the size/volume of the RabiesAmmunoglobulyn shot (16 cc for a 240
lb. person).  The final shot goes in the arm.
We go back again in 3,7,14,28 days from today for the next four shots.  Not
much fun.

This beautiful girl that we lost had gone through 8 owners before our rescue
people got her.  She joined our family in February, thanks to Linda Anderson
and Linda Weisser.  This beautiful girl quickly made this her home.  We
earned her trust.. she was not going to be left/discarded again.  She
was the most loving dog that I have ever been in contact with.

She now waits at the Rainbow Bridge for me to follow.

I had to stop writing for a few minutescouldn't see the screen through
the tears.

Madison (Maddy) is now with God.

Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, WA USA

Re: cinches

2001-06-16 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you marcy.  i will check them out.  denise
- Original Message -
From: briar hill farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 7:46 PM
Subject: cinches

 This message is from: briar hill farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  where can i find a
  longer girthed cinch, in mohair with 2 english style buckle

 TTEAM makes a beautiful mohair girth with elastic ends and English
 They will make it in most any size. Not inexpensive, but very nice.

 Marcy Baer


2001-06-16 Thread briar hill farm
This message is from: briar hill farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 where can i find a
 longer girthed cinch, in mohair with 2 english style buckle connections?

TTEAM makes a beautiful mohair girth with elastic ends and English buckles.
They will make it in most any size. Not inexpensive, but very nice. call

Marcy Baer

Greys for sale

2001-06-16 Thread Lynne Larry Boe
This message is from: Lynne  Larry Boe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: larry boe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have for sale Bo-Fjord's Silver Queen ,  born Apr.4/01Filly
 Bo-Fjord's Hi Ho Silver   , born Apr.23/01
 Bo-Fjord's Silver Dollar   , born Apr.7/01
 Bo-Fjord's Silver Skye, born June 4/00
 Bo-Fjord's Silver Charm,   born May 3/00
 Smokie...,   born May/00
 Bo-Fjord's Silverado  ,   born Apr.23/00
  All these greys are from Quad=L's Grayson # C -1386
NFHR  #  QL-I-1250-S
 except for Smokie he's from Boe's Stonewall # C -1613
If interested email me privately or call me at 250 428 - 2181


2001-06-16 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: linda hickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thanks for all your interest in my grey girls...after trying to respond to
many of you I realize, I just can't part w/themfor the finance thing I
still have two 13 yr old boys at home I might be able to pawn
off..sorry for dashing some hopes out there.linda


2001-06-16 Thread PETSnVETS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


9 to10pm (Eastern Time)
Hosted by: PAV Fjords and PAV Aussie

Fjord chat is held in Horse Room 1

on the Pets and Vets main page 

New Horse, old horse

2001-06-16 Thread Joel Harman
This message is from: Joel Harman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Folks, there is a reason I refer to my stallion as C-1389. Makes it very
simple to figure out who he is. One can just plug in the number at the
appropriate pedigree search engine  find info on him, or any other
horse, for that matter.  
Just a little known fact of questionable interest here. The horse, Siri,
being mentioned here, would not be registerable in CFHA as she has
unknowns.  There may be an exception to that rule if said horse was
foaled in Canada but not sure on that. Maybe Mr May knows. 

 CFHA voted down amendment to disqualify any horse for registry if it was
crossed out. So all you mule folks that would love a fjord mule look for
CFHA registered mare.

Guess I'm either really stupid or extremely lucky(fine line there) but
have never had a problem with foundering. Have put horses in grass tall
as an elephant's eye right out of the corral  had no founder. Think it
depends on the horse.
Cut hay for 5 hr yesterday  still have over 1/2 that field to cut. Jord,
the Life On the Ground author, was right there for all of it. His new
friend, Finley, will be taking dictation soon as he STILL can't cross the
road without Mom, or Dad,  his hooves are too big to work the keys. 
Last night I overheard them telling him to get a life, they were tired, 
NO, they would not walk him home with me, thank you very much, they were
going to eat  rest. They also reminded him the field is not cut yet so
same time, same place, tomorrow. They encouraged him to eat then rest for
another big day, tomorrow.

Finley did tell me Jord wasn't interested in the carrots she offered him.
I told her to keep on trying.

Joel Harman
Brass Ring Ranch
Mosier OR

haying with the family unit  

Re: hitched at 2, do not drive from the ground, ect.

2001-06-16 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: Carol J. Makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In a message dated 6/15/01 10:15:21 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

  On another note, I finally hooked up my 2 yr old to the cart this week!
  He's been ready for a while, but never had anyone around to help me on
  the days it hasn't rained.  We have been doing various patterns (in the
  paddock) and have been trotting with the cart in circles with really
  long lines 

 Finally hooked at 2 ?   Strictly a matter of opinion here, but at 2, the
 Fjords are just begining to show slight maturity, emotional sense and have
 another 3 + years of bone growth and height. I see the thread about starting
 to ride 2 yr olds, and only will offer that at 2,

 Good-Luck with your 2 yr oldplease consider
 taking it very easy with him, so at 5, hes not burned out already or has
 soundness problems from early work on the lunge and hitched.  Lisa Pedersen

This is so well said.  I cannot agree more with you about working horses too
young and too much.  Your many words of wisdom here makes me want to start all
over with my 11yr old who could use some brushing up on quite a few of those
ground manners and such.
Built FJORD tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin