Re: stolen horses

2001-10-01 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Joe & Susan Jurkiewicz wrote:

> This message is from: "Joe & Susan Jurkiewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Thanks to all of you who may have spread the word about the six horses
> stolen in Northern Wisconsin - the wonderful news is that they have all been
> recovered.  I do not know the details yet but word is that they are all safely
> back home!  Thanks again!

I live in Northern WI.  Could you give me some more detail about the recovery?
Were they really stolen?  This is all very scary for me.

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

Re:Freedom Spot-on

2001-10-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
I bought this product this summer, when the face flies just got too much to 
bare.  I can't use fly masks, as they are pastured with buddies, who wont 
leave them on each other.  Because of the cost, and the number of horses I 
had here, 8 at the time, I decided to split the tubes up between horses.  
Instead of putting it on 6 different spots on the horse, I put it on only 2 
spots, the poll and the croup.  This worked GREAT. 
While my vet was here, we got talking about the flies and I mentioned what I 
had used this and how happy I was with the results, but not the price.  After 
looking at the package the vet said it looked to be the same thing they pour 
on cows, and it would be MUCH cheaper, being a product made for cows (safe 
for horses too though)  She said they really up the price on products made 
for horses, when 9 times out of 10 they have the same product being used for 
dairy cows that could be used for both.   So my advice is to look around in 
the Cattle section, of whatever venue you use to buy your products.  I can't 
remember right off hand which product the vet mentioned, but I just went to 
American Livestock Supply. Inc. ( under Cattle, and 
there are a number that seem like they would be equal too or better, at a 
cheaper price.  Worth looking into.  I know I'll be trying something like 
that for next year.

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Re: saddle slip

2001-10-01 Thread Jimaryjmh
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi tammy

i have an app/arab gelding that is almost as round as our fjords - my 
neighbor gave me a non-slip pad last year and so far it has kept his saddle 
on just great - it is about 18" by 24" and looks like thin foam rubber, but 
it has worn wonderfully - i just use it in place of a saddle pad - it has an 
800 number on it if you're interested - i did see a similar in either dover 
or state line english catalog - good luck - i used to not want to get off my 
horse because i for sure couldn't get back on once he had sweated a bit -

mary harvey
we could sure use some rain here in the virginia mountains also - we are app 
8 inches behind for the year