Saddles and Randys illness

2001-12-21 Thread Sue
This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>A question on western saddles...Isn't the semi-quarter >bars the narrowest
tree?  I
>thought that the sizes went from Arab tree (widest), to >Quarter Horse, to
Semi- (for
>narrower horses).  But folks are finding the narrowest >one fits the

Well I have a semi -quarter bar in the western Wintec saddle that I bought
this past summerand it does appear to fit Storm...Yet!  Although he is
only 2 1/2 years old and we have of course just set it on him and lightly
cinched him upbut I do have my fingers crossed that it will continue to
fit him.

Well  my hubby and I have had a rough fall.  As I mentioned in a previous
letter, I broke my ankle.  I am getting around now (7 weeks later) by
wearing a Breg splint boot.   Randy took sick a  couple of months ago and
after being misdiagnosed and given medicines that did not work, finally got
in so much pain that he was hospitilized 3 weeks ago.  C.T. scans were taken
and various tests.  It turns out he has a non Hodgkins type of Lymphoma.
This is very scary but according to the cancer specialist his prognosis is
good.  He had his first Chemo treatment today and if all goes well he will
be released tomorrow.  He will have 5 more treatments spaced 3 weeks apart.
When I spoke with him tonight, he was very nauseated and had just been given
a gravol needle.  Apparently, his immune system will be comprimised by the we hope and pray he does not pick up a flu or cold.  What a fall
this has been!  But in spite of all this, I have managed to go on line and
order gifts from Sears so hopefully Santa will come after all.  My prayers
were answered when Randy's illness turned out to be treatable and hopefully
curable.  Keep us in your thoughts everyone, and have a Merry Christmas.
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

Re: Fjordhesten Magazine

2001-12-21 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/21/2001 7:05:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> There is a great article by Dagrun in the Fjordhesten Magazine.  She
> included photos of Amy Evers in her Helga costume, and Cindy Vallecillo 
> with
> her Fjord riding western.

OK, so how do I get a copy?  Dagrun, can you get an extra to send me??


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: western saddle sizes

2001-12-21 Thread D T

This message is from: "D T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Semi quarter horse is smaller than

3/4 which is smaller than

full quarter horse bars

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Fjord milk!

2001-12-21 Thread Dagrun Aarsten
This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello listers,me again!

You wouldn't believe it but I just had a big glass of fjord milk! Tasted
quite nice, almost like skimmed milk but sweeter.

A couple I know here back home have started a mare milk business, based
almost entirely on fjords. I went there today, they have maybe 17 mares, all
of them with foals. Don't worry, it is not brutal or unpleasant for the
mares, and the baby still gets most of the milk (and spend all the time with
the mare except one hour before milking). And the horses are out in pasture
all day and only come in for milking and for the night. They extract maybe
1-2 liters a day for each mare, so it's nothing like the quantities you get
from cows.

Apparently, mare milk is an excellent nutritional supplement and is used to
reinforce the body's immune system. Also seems to give good results for
people with skin problems like psoriasis. Strange? It is quite a new thing
in Norway and gets some attention, so it is great that they use fjords
(promoting the breed). They have a couple of mares of other breeds but will
switch to fjord only because they are so much easier to handle and behave
really well.

The price of mare milk seems to be around $10 a liter (2 pints) so it can be
good business. Does this exist in the US?

Dagrun from freezing Norway

PS: I just saw the Turlock article myself today, people here in Norway found
it quite interesting to read about the fjords "over there". And the lutefisk
race certainly created lots of laughs!

Re: electric fence

2001-12-21 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have checked my fence as well as possible and still have the
> interference.  So, my next possible solution is to put a timer on
> the charger and have it off during the early evening hrs when we
> are most apt to be watching TV.

I haven't had that problem.  However, someone on the LONGEARS list
said that, when she plugged her charger in via a surge protector,
the TV interference went away.

Equines do sometimes learn to "test" fences to check whether they're
"hot".  The breeder of my donkey said that her jennies would go out
and use their whiskers to "feel" the wire; if the battery to the
charger had run down, they'd be thru the fence immediately.  My Fjord
gelding uses his upright mane similarly---pushes gently against the
fence, doubling the mane over to "pad" his neck from the fence, then
pushes harder and harder, until either it starts to "tickle" him, or
the fencing tape breaks!  This horse has taught me a great deal about
how NOT to build fences

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Listers Locations

2001-12-21 Thread DFSPERL
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello All,
In the last while I have been trying to find out where some of you live 
and finding your location on a map.  (I love maps) I have found Forestville 
where Gail lives, Cynthia in Las Cruces, (been there), the Jensens in Lumby, 
B C (might drive there sometime as not too far), Joanna in Bar Harbor Maine 
(now that's a place I'd like to visit), the Packs in Wilkeson, and many 
others of you good folks.  It has been fun.  I still don't know where Deb 
lives or many others, but as time goes I will add to my list of 
Ann and I have been trying to make our home a little more "child proof" 
today as 6 little grandchildren will be arriving tonight!!!  
The apple orchard near us still has lots of nice Fuji apples on the trees 
and as we go for our morning walk, we pick some and our "siri" loves to see 
us coming back as knows a treat is coming.  The donkey, goats, alpaca and 
siri all line up along the fence to get in on the treat.
I've enjoyed all the good information on the list for the past months and 
look forward to more in the coming year.  Hope you all have a safe holiday.

Dave and Ann Sperl
Othello, Washington 

Wormer tastes

2001-12-21 Thread Anjer Farms
This message is from: Anjer Farms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would definitely agree I am certain that Ivermectrin tastes the worst from
the horses reactions. Mine seem to like Strongid Paste and never even make
faces when they get it!


saddle fit

2001-12-21 Thread Janet McNally
This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I purchased an ortho flex when the company was relatively young.  I am pleased 
with its
construction, it is a tough, durable saddle.   it has stood the test of  many 
tough rides
including packing out elk, and numerous abuses.   However, for a saddle that 
was promoted
as designed to be the best thing that ever sat on a horses back, it never lived 
up to
that promise  for me.  First of all the gullet is too narrow for my wide horse 
though it was custom built for that horse.Although the pannels are suppose 
to flex to
adjust, they are limited to the width of the gullet.  As a result the saddle 
slipped when
mounted.  It definitely does not fit my Fjord.  The second problem is that the 
are 'hinged' and at each hinge is a pressure point.   Despite all the claims 
how you
could use this saddle with out a blanket, mine required the booties and a 3/4 
thick pad
to prevent injury to the horse.  I suspect not all horses would notice this 
point, but mine did.

I later discovered that a simple full quarter horse tree was all that was 
needed to fit.
I just purchased a circle Y park and trail with full quarter horse bars for my 
Fjord, and
it fits quite securely with good clearance at the withers.  The saddle I 
purchased offers
a 3 way rigging, which helps with fit.   The saddle shop's expert explained 
that full QH
bars are wider than the semi quarter horse tree, and that the circle Y draft 
tree was the
same width as the full QH tree.  I think the difference is only in the skirts 
fittings.  I'm not so sure that arabian trees are wider, they appeared to be 
the same
width as semi QH bars, but I believe they are shorter in length and the skirts 
are always


very hungry fjords

2001-12-21 Thread brass-ring-farm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Funny story today. My Morgan gelding needs bute but also a stomach
protector drug so he doesn't colic (he is prone). The vet suggested milk
of magnesia so I poured a 1/4 cup in a small bucket to see how hard it
was going to be to get down him. He likes a lot of things but sniffed
this and decided I was poisoning him. Baby Willow the Fjord ran up and
stuck her nose in, slurp slurp slurp, delicious!
What a clown.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #333

2001-12-21 Thread coyote
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dagrun wrote:
"...he might be stallion material - except he has a small white star,
which is not allowed. Actually, it's more like a few white hairs..."

Don't get too worried just yet, Dagrun. My Finn had a few white hairs in
the center of his forehead too when he was born. They disappeared after
a few months.


fjordhorse-digest V2001 #333

2001-12-21 Thread fjordhorse-digest

fjordhorse-digest Friday, December 21 2001 Volume 2001 : Number 333

In this issue:

   Mare For Sale
   Woodstock Show
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Covered in wormer paste
   CFHA Conformation Evaluation
   Hello from Norway! And the fjord that will be MINE!!
   Re: wide trees, Wintec saddles
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: electric fence
   Re: electric fence
   Fjordhesten Magazine
   Secret Santa Clues
   Re: Saddle fit
   Re: Wide Wintec Dressage Saddle -Ebay

See the end of the digest for information on how to retrieve back issues.


Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:31:25 EST
Subject: Mare For Sale

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Due to a change in health, I must part with a friend.  She is a 12 year old 
brown dun mare with exquisite markings.  She is trained to drive and has 
competed in CDE's at the training level.  She is a proven producer of fine 
foals and a damn good mother.  She is Canadian registered, typed and 
microchipped.  All innoculations are up to date.  $5000 firm.  She is located 
in CA.

Pamela Garofalo


Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:36:37 -0500
From: "briar hill farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Woodstock Show

This message is from: "briar hill farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The tenative dates for the Woodstock Vermont Show are: Aug 23, 24, 25. I say
tenative because if there isn't enough volunteer participation this year,
the show will shut down. Some of the organizers have moved on. If you are
not aware of this or the show dates and are a Fjord owner in the Northeast,
I suggest you join the NFHA - North East Fjord Horse Assoc.- and get their
monthly newsletter (Call us at 802 456 1680 to join and get more info).
There is a meeting of the NFHA January 13 in White River Jct. VT. Below is
the annoucement for the meeting:
The NFHA wants you! Come plan next year with your fellow fjord friends!
Our annual meeting is on January 13th from 11am-3pm
Ramada Inn, White River Junction, VT at the intersection of 89 and 91.
We will discuss the 2001 show, the show plans for 2002 and hold elections.
For 2002 we will be putting together the show committee to plan and
coordinate our show.
The show date the GMHA has offered us is 8/23/02-8/25/02.
Don't worry if you don't have experience or if you are new to the group or
Fjords. We need help with pre-show planning, getting adds,  preregistration,
show program layout / printing and then all the tasks the weekend of the
show. There's lots to do and it ain't rocket science!
For the NFHA election we need a Treasurer (mostly just keeps the checkbook
and accounts), a Secretary / membership person (does the mailings and keeps
the membership list) and the President and Vice President or coPresident
(keep everything together and moving forward).
Come to the meeting with your ideas and energy. The NFHA Show has a long
history and I think there is still a need for the organization and a Fjord
Show in the northeast.
We can't do it without all of your support! I know we all want this show.
Let's pitch in and make it happen!
If you can't make the meeting, give us a call with your ideas.
Susan Cook, NFHA co-President: 1082 East Hill Road (Calais), Plainfield, VT
05667, (802)
456-1680, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED];   Jennifer Johannson 603-364-5710

Marcy Baer
Briar Hill Farm


Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 09:58:23 -0900
From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Saddle fit

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
When I first got my mare Stella, I bought a Sharon Saare endurance saddle
as this was recommended by the folks I rode with.  To even get an
approximation of a fit I had to set it over her shoulders (not knowing any
better) and when I started out on a ride she was terrible, whirling to get
back to the barn, grumpy, acting up, etc.  After a bit she was a little
better (because she got numbed to the pain) but the rides were just a
battle and never pleasant.  I then read an article on saddle fit (by Len
Brown of Ortho-Flex)and realized that the saddle was bridging and sitting
on top of her scapula.  I ordered one of the first Ortho-flex saddles that
came out.  By the time it came, Stella was too big with her pregnancy to
ride (or even fit the saddle) but I rode Bjarne who I had just gotten from
Canada with the saddle.  Later when Stella's foal was a couple months old I
saddled her with the Ortho-Flex and, leaving her foal at home, rode her
away from her baby for her first ride in months!  No

Re: had enough Christmas shopping

2001-12-21 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You know you've had it with Christmas shopping when at 10:30 at night -
roaming the isles of Wal Mart you look up and see a bread machine
and think its a good present for your 14 year old son.

This is exactly what happened to me last night.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Pat Holland - you all have given
me a good year. Thanks

More SS Clues

2001-12-21 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The clues just keep on coming! The Elf.

Clue to my secret santa friend Vivian Creigh:

It is not old, but is blue.
I picked it out especially for you.
It shows my allegiance and
Maybe will convert you
To also be true blue.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

RE: electric fence

2001-12-21 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, If the electric fence is bothering your TVI would suspect an
electrical grounding of the fence problem.

If you have your electrical wire guarding a wire fence, run a ground rod at
the fence line and ground the fence itself.  If you have breaks in the fence
(not a continuous connection of the wire fence) then more grounding rods
will be necessary.

If it is bothering your TV, I suspect the electrical pulse is feeding back
into your 110/220v house circuits.
Check the grounding rod at your electrical panel (or meter).
Also, check the ground rod at the fence charger...and possibly add another

Hope this helps.


Subject: Re: electric fence

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for the detailed explanation of this problem.  I have checked my
as well as possible and still have the interference.  So, my next possible
solution is to put a timer on the charger and have it off during the early
evening hrs when we are most apt to be watching TV.  Has anyone tried this
is it workable?  13 degrees here this morning and we may have snow for
after all.  But hopefully not too much to make all the holiday travelers a
difficult trip.

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

RE: electric fence

2001-12-21 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Glen, you bet the horses know when the fence is not operating.  They can
sense the electrical pulse.
Even humans can sense the pulse if they "listen" closely enough.  I can hear
it when I am near the wire.

All the best,


Subject: Re: electric fence

This message is from: "Glen MacGillivray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have tried a few things like this to reduce troublesome interference with
anything from television to guitar amplifiers.  While turning the fencer off
definitely solves the interference problem while it is off, our girls (the
older in particular) are remarkably aware of the times when the fence is
off, and adjust their behaviour accordingly.  I don't know if they are
actually sensitive to the radio-frequency emissions from the fencer, or the
fence, or if they her the clicking of the fencer, or what, but if I turn the
fence off for any reason, I am certain that they know it.


> Thank you for the detailed explanation of this problem.  I have checked my
> as well as possible and still have the interference.  So, my next possible
> solution is to put a timer on the charger and have it off during the early
> evening hrs when we are most apt to be watching TV.  Has anyone tried this
> is it workable?  13 degrees here this morning and we may have snow for
> after all.  But hopefully not too much to make all the holiday travelers a
> difficult trip.

Electric Fence

2001-12-21 Thread Skjenna . Laura
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  We also have electric fence. To solve the problem of the ponies pushing
against the fence when its not on, I hide by the switch (in the garage) and
keep watch (with the fence off). As soon as one touches the fence I flip the
switch and ZAP! This keeps them off the fence when its off ;-)  They can't
rely on listening to the fence to find out if it "bites". My fence also
packs a pretty good wallop and has a well-grounded extra strand.

  I hope everyone has a wonderful happy and safe Christmas.

  From Ottawa where its barely winter - just below 32f with some snow/slush
on the ground.

Re: Wide Wintec Dressage Saddle -Ebay

2001-12-21 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Saw this while browsing on Ebay:

Wintec 500 Dressage saddle,pad & bridle amNEW
Item # 1050454143

Seller is listing for 359.00 w/ no takers yet, and a day remaining.
It is nearly new synthetic saddle w/ 18" seat, wide gullet. It comes w/ pad, 
Millers bridle, girth, leathers & irons...+ $25.00S&H
Not a bad deal considering Dover & Stateline chg. $359.00 for the saddle 
Saddles too big for me, but I am sure it would suit someone out there in 
FjordLand who wants a good, basic dressage saddle.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Saddle fit

2001-12-21 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can regularly find older Ortho-flex saddles on eBay.  right now there
are about 6 ortho-flex saddles listed.  to find them, under "Equestrian
equipment"  search for "ortho-flex", "orthoflex", "ortho flex"  to catch
all of them.

They seem to be in demand and get surprizingly high bids!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, +15, but no more snow!  The Alaska Range to the
south keeps it out, while Anchorage gets dumped on! Shortest day with 3:43
hours sunlight, sun-up at 10:57, down at 2:40! tomorrow we start gaining
daylight!  (Everything is tinted pink and lavender, with long gorgeous
sunrise and sunset colors!)

>THANKS very much Jean for that very comprehensive response. Sounds like the
>an older Ortho-Flex might be the way to go if you could find one available.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Secret Santa Clues

2001-12-21 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

New Clues from Secret Santa's! SS Elf

Clue for Andrea Salkowe:
I live to the west, but who does'nt from you, 
the winds, they howl, the snow is quite new

Your gift will arrive, I hope before jul
and I hope you will think it is cool

Clue for Steve:
  Your gift is sent, so dont get bent. With all the
snow, its sure to GO !
  It turned out fine, without a hitch.but if it
breaks, dont call to %$#(*^

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM

Fjordhesten Magazine

2001-12-21 Thread Lassesen
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For Your Information -

There is a great article by Dagrun in the Fjordhesten Magazine.  She
included photos of Amy Evers in her Helga costume, and Cindy Vallecillo with
her Fjord riding western.

The article was a full newspaper page and full of insights from Dagrun on
"everything is BIG in America".  The article is based around her trip to
Turlock and the show she attended.

The article is in Norwegian (The magazine is the newsletter/ magazine for
the Norges Fjordhestlag.)

Catherine Lassesen

Re: electric fence

2001-12-21 Thread Glen MacGillivray
This message is from: "Glen MacGillivray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have tried a few things like this to reduce troublesome interference with
anything from television to guitar amplifiers.  While turning the fencer off
definitely solves the interference problem while it is off, our girls (the
older in particular) are remarkably aware of the times when the fence is
off, and adjust their behaviour accordingly.  I don't know if they are
actually sensitive to the radio-frequency emissions from the fencer, or the
fence, or if they her the clicking of the fencer, or what, but if I turn the
fence off for any reason, I am certain that they know it.


> Thank you for the detailed explanation of this problem.  I have checked my
> as well as possible and still have the interference.  So, my next possible
> solution is to put a timer on the charger and have it off during the early
> evening hrs when we are most apt to be watching TV.  Has anyone tried this
> is it workable?  13 degrees here this morning and we may have snow for
> after all.  But hopefully not too much to make all the holiday travelers a
> difficult trip.

Re: electric fence

2001-12-21 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Frederick J. Pack" wrote:

> This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks,
> First some background.  I have been a Amateur radio operator (Ham) since I
> was a little kid.  I have been licensed for over 50 years.  Please grant
> that I know a "little" about radio, radio reception, and electronics.
> Any electronic device, unless well shielded, will emit an electronic signal.
> Try putting your digital watch next to your car antenna sometime.  Electric
> fences will also emit a pulse signal over a broad frequency spectrum.  The
> original radio transmitters were nothing but sparks jumping across a


Thank you for the detailed explanation of this problem.  I have checked my fence
as well as possible and still have the interference.  So, my next possible
solution is to put a timer on the charger and have it off during the early
evening hrs when we are most apt to be watching TV.  Has anyone tried this and
is it workable?  13 degrees here this morning and we may have snow for Christmas
after all.  But hopefully not too much to make all the holiday travelers a
difficult trip.

"Built FJORD tough"
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

Re: Saddle fit

2001-12-21 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

THANKS very much Jean for that very comprehensive response. Sounds like the
an older Ortho-Flex might be the way to go if you could find one available.

GLAD you're having a heat wave up there! Bet the Fjordies are happy about
that.  Ruthie, nw mt 20*F

> Yes, Len Brown went into debt, I guess when he tried to mass produce the
> saddles, building a new factory, etc.  The co. was sold finally, along
> all the patents, factory and equipment in Little Rock, Arkansas. The new
> company is called Orthoflex Saddleworks (no hyphen). They claim to have
> better customer service, new quality standards, etc.
> Same website URL
> Meanwhile, a former Ortho-flex employee, Richard Watson, who made some of
> the original saddles, formed his own company,  Rocking R saddlery and
> an excellent saddle, offering similar models to the Ortho-flex, bult his
> trees are better I guess, with more flare, etc.
>   (There is another Rocking R saddle co in Alabama which is not the
> The description from the American Saddle Co webiste of Rocking R:
> "The Rocking R System is a hybrid of Ortho-Flex System I and II. The
> Rocking R saddle does not feature the System II mounting method but does
> offer the track system at the back of the panel. Like System
> I, the Rocking R is also built on one layer of Delrin in the panel.
> The method of tree build, close attention to panel/tree configuration and
> choice of thicker Delrin for the panel enables the Rocking R to perform
> almost as well as the Ortho-Flex System II.
> The Rocking R panels are also capable of sinking or rising the middle,
> although not to the degree that the Ortho-Flex System II panels offer. Due
> to the user-Friendly adjustable rigging, however, the saddle can
> be positioned to compensate for this difference and can be relatively
> fitted to a wide range of back types."
> The Delrin flexible panels are used in several brands of saddles now.  For
> details and history of this system:
> The American Saddle Company is a german company! They have the
> American-flex system which is supposed to be even better than the
> Ortho-Flex systems. Now, apparently theyl offer western saddles, also
> english saddles and endurance saddle.  Check out the website (click on the
> american in the upper right corner for English language)
> Well, just something to confuse people.. but do look at these websites and
> also check out Saddle-up trailriders who is a dealer for Rocking R to get
> an idea of prices.
> Everything you always wanted to know about saddles but were afriad to ask!
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where it has warmed up to ZERO!
>  Hooray!
> >this past summer I spoke with a saddle rep who claimed that Ortho-Flex
> >now changed considerably and is not the same product as originally...
> >something about changing hands...?? has anyone else heard that too?
> >nw mt
> >
> >
> >
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska