Brenderup Trailers....

2004-04-15 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Brenderup Horse Trailers, I just received a package with all the information,
the body of the trailer is made out of  1/2" thick formica with the roof made
out of fiberglass. I loved some of the ideas that are on this trailer, but the
one thing that I do not think I convince myself of is the safety of this
trailer. I am sure that it is fine for trailering but I am not satisfied of
the safety if it is involved in any kind of a crash. I think the new ones or
some models have a couple roll bars installed in the roof for reinforcement.
I got my package of information from Fox Hunt Trailer Sales, 199813 Burlington
Rd., Union Grove, WI 53182, Phone  1-800-301-7276 code 04.  I still have not
made up my mind on a trailer.   I talked with a lady at a barn I was visiting
and she hauls with a SUV, one big advantage she said was that she could handle
the trailer totally by herself and it was great to hitch up and the ramp was
light.  She loved her Brenderup and it was a 2 horse. Good luck,

Jeanne in MI

Brenderups are great!

2004-04-15 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brederup trailers are absolutely worth the money .. they work!   I am always 
amazed at the light trailers made of kevlar
and other advanced materials pulled by cars all over Europe .. I am not sure 
what the resistance is, to the concept over
here.   It's not as if they are losing valuable horseflesh to accidents on a 
regular basis, any more than we do in N.
America, pulling heavy steel trailers.   I bought my current 1 of 6 only ever 
made Sundowners modelled on the Brenderup
2 years ago . apparently  Sundowner couldn't persuade enough N. Americans to 
buy the concept that lighter, aerodynamic
trailers are just as safe, etc.  I was so lucky to find mine and it was only a 
chance remark to the salesperson, as I
was signing on the line for a stock trailer that I wished I could afford a 
Brenderup, that he spoke up and said he had a
Brenderup "look alike" coming in the next week.  I bought it unseen.  People 
stop me and ask me where I got it and how
can they get one.  Well, sadly, they can't.  But they CAN get a Brenderuup.   I 
know several people who have them and
they are very happy with it, particularly the fact that they don't need to 
drive a gas guzzler of a truck to pull it.
Unless I go bigger, that's my next trailer.

Cheryl Beillard
NA Distributor for Tidaholm MarathonCarriages
2004 Catalogue in Stock
(613) 649-2437

Re: reply

2004-04-15 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


That was ME!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska 50 degrees and cloudy.. bring back that sun  and
dry things up!  Fjordies are a mess and it's no use grooming until things
get a bit drier!  I am hoping all the muck will come off with their
shedding hair!

>Easy, Ruthie, I was only referring to your query about whether it was a
>Sponenberg book.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska


2004-04-15 Thread Douglas Knutsen
This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Easy, Ruthie, I was only referring to your query about whether it was a
Sponenberg book.

Bye, Peg

Peg Knutsen

Re: Fjords in therapeutic programs

2004-04-15 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe this mare is having some discomfort in her ovaries with the
resumption of estrous cycles in the spring...This might cause her to act up
with a rider who may be unbalanced, "pummuling" her, ets.  Have had the vet
check her out? It may be a pain or discomfort issue.

You could also try her on "Regumate" for a while to see if that made a
difference...Ask your vet about this.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska,  a cloudy day but still "break-up" going
on..tired of all the muck!   45F degrees

 > One mare in particular was very steady for the riders who had
>little control over their movements.  During one session I saw this mare
>pummeled by the rider but she didn't appear to turn a hair, or an ear, much
>less show any upset or disobedience about what was happening on her back.
>Now that it is spring the staff at the facility is having some problems with
>her with spooking, being jumpy in general and pushy in the sense of getting
>her own way.  

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Response's to my question

2004-04-15 Thread spiekath
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Shelley LeSurf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:23 pm
Subject: Re: Response's to my question

> This message is from: "Shelley LeSurf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks for the responses to my email regarding Poko's behavior. 
> Being in the
> learning stages of horsemanship I am trying to learn all I can 
> before I
> purchase my first horse and make less mistakes. I felt pretty 
> strongly that
> Poko's behavior was in fact because she is not handled enough. Her 
> ownerslove her very much, but I know they don't realize the 
> injustice to the horse
> by not working her in the winter months. I will talk to them about 
> this and
> hopefully they will take the advise of a rookie. She is a sweetie 
> and I was
> able to calm her down right away and she nuzzled her head into my 
> arms for a
> hug.
> I have just finished reading Carol Rivoire book and really 
> appreciated all
> that I got out of it. I have now purchased several other books and am
> reading up a frenzie. I really like "Horses for Dummies" (yep that 
> feelslike me). I also count myself blessed to have this list to 
> bounce questions
> off of. Thanks again.
> Shelley in Sunny Alberta - with about 6 inches of snow yesterday.
In the interest of harmony and long term good relations with Pokos current 
owners, I would be careful about giving advice on the "injustice to the horse" 
to the owners.  There may be some very compelling reasons, unknown to anyone 
else, why they  have done things the way they have.   You could offer without 
judgement to spend some time with the horse giving the reason that you would 
like to get more experience and keep quiet about your real reasons ( concern 
for the horse).  This could be win-win all the way around.  The horse gets some 
exercise, you get some experience, and the owners are not put on the defensive. 

Fjords in therapeutic programs

2004-04-15 Thread vz/bossmare
This message is from: "vz/bossmare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Last fall I donated two Fjord mares to the local handicapped riding center.
During the fall and winter both mares adapted well and the staff was pleased
with them.  One mare in particular was very steady for the riders who had
little control over their movements.  During one session I saw this mare being
pummeled by the rider but she didn't appear to turn a hair, or an ear, much
less show any upset or disobedience about what was happening on her back.

Now that it is spring the staff at the facility is having some problems with
her with spooking, being jumpy in general and pushy in the sense of getting
her own way.  Manners on the ground are still good but this misbehavior comes
about when she is ridden by the handicapped clients so is obviously a problem
as to her usefulness in the program.  She is 14 years old.

I'm asking those of you familiar with using horses in therapy programs whether
this is a springtime thing or do therapy horses have their ups and downs in
behavior and possibly burn out from what they are doing.  I would tend to
think that since the work is less demanding than many other types of equine
exercise and the handling is consistent that these horses would tend to become
more dependable instead of less.  The other mare I donated is doing extremely
well and the facility has three other Fjords as well so they are familiar with
the temperament.

Lois in green NJ where our holsteins are chasing the geese and have their own
springtime gremlins.

Re: Response's to my question

2004-04-15 Thread Shelley LeSurf
This message is from: "Shelley LeSurf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the responses to my email regarding Poko's behavior. Being in the
learning stages of horsemanship I am trying to learn all I can before I
purchase my first horse and make less mistakes. I felt pretty strongly that
Poko's behavior was in fact because she is not handled enough. Her owners
love her very much, but I know they don't realize the injustice to the horse
by not working her in the winter months. I will talk to them about this and
hopefully they will take the advise of a rookie. She is a sweetie and I was
able to calm her down right away and she nuzzled her head into my arms for a

I have just finished reading Carol Rivoire book and really appreciated all
that I got out of it. I have now purchased several other books and am
reading up a frenzie. I really like "Horses for Dummies" (yep that feels
like me). I also count myself blessed to have this list to bounce questions
off of. Thanks again.

Shelley in Sunny Alberta - with about 6 inches of snow yesterday.

beginning driver

2004-04-15 Thread brass-ring-farm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for all the replies for the driving beginner with a beginning
horse. They contain a wealth of information and cautions. We are on Joe's
step 3, the ground driving. Since she is not perfect yet, we will stay
there and practice until she is. I changed her driver yesterday, as I am
having a Pony Club teenager help me out once a week. This young lady has
worked at a nearby Percheron farm and has driven their hitches.
Anyway, our little Fjord, if I left the ring, though I was only
observing, would throw a little hissy fit for this girl. I did not know
the horse was so dependant on me, but another thing to work through,
calmly and carefully.
Off to ground drive,

Re: Kariole for sale

2004-04-15 Thread Curtis Pierce
This message is from: "Curtis Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Just in case anyone is interested I just heard that there is a
> Kariole  in the Martin's Carriage Auction that will be held on
4/30 -
> 5/1 in PA.

We just got a flyer from Martin's Auction.  The cart is pictured on the
second page.  It is a Norwegian Carriole.  From the picture, it looks
similar to Pat Wolfe's cart.  It has 2 wheels and a single-person seat.
The flyer states that it is in "original condition," which means that it
probably needs work.

For those going to the auction, the Norwegian Carriole will be offered
on Friday.  If it doesn't sell then, it will be offered again on
Saturday.  Also at this auction is the Pony collection of the late Jean
Liseter Austin DuPont.  This includes a "4-in-hand training machine,
with weights," which is a type of reining board.

I can't make this auction because we have a booth at the Virginia Equine
Extravaganza in Richmond, VA, which is the same weekend.
Take care!
Curt Pierce
Bristow, VA
PS. The Fjords and us are really glad that it stopped raining! It rained
here for 4 straight days.

Sexual predators, etc (mostly off-topic)

2004-04-15 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Why, Jean, Sonja was looking for a sexual predator 3 years ago before I
had her spayed.  Fortunately, she didn't find one; unfortunately, this
idiot vet who spayed her only removed the uterus and not the ovaries, so
she continued to look until I came over here and had her spayed yet again
at the base vet clinic.  When the American vet did the second surgery,
she found that this idiot had left the horns to the uterus which had
developed adhesions to the intestine in addition to leaving the ovaries. 
This dr left them alone as she didn't feel it was causing any problems
and removal would involve major surgery (a bowel resection with an
end-to-end anastamosis).  Both this American vet and my German vet say
they have never heard of such a thing as leaving the horns to the uterus
when spaying a female cat. Vivian, I admire you for working so hard for
something you're really interested in like qualifying for the Pony
Worlds.  The Fjord breed is fortunate to have someone as interested in
Fjords as you obviously are and as well-qualified to compete.   My
upcoming move is coming together.  I have found a potential Nachmieter to
take over my lease if the landlord will accept a single mother with 3
kids and Geld from the Sozialamt, which is how we say she is on welfare
over here.  What's good for me is that if he accepts her, the Sozialamt
will buy almost everything I have in the way of furniture and appliances
except for the bedroom set and the washing machine, which she doesn't
need, for her to furnish this apartment.  I managed to find a one-way
flight on Iberia via Madrid with reasonable airfare too and the cat
tickets are the same price as 3 years ago. Linda in Lindenfels where it's
definitely glorious spring weather!

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Califirnia Horse Park-HELP

2004-04-15 Thread jerrell friz
This message is from: "jerrell friz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi,, all horse friends, riding or driving,

Please take just a moment to email a short message to Sam  Cannell / director 
of development  [EMAIL PROTECTED]You can look at the map of the site at Note... There is no driving on the map but it 
is old and not up to date..  I know a lot of you folks from the East might not 
get a chance to use it, but it will help the driving world if you will let them 
know we are  alive and well.

I met with Sam last week. He is from the Santa Ynez Valley area, and remembers 
the old Ca. Classic when it was held down there. They are very interested in 
driving events.  But, have not had a lot of input.  I went over the plans with 
him and showed him some ideas for  a hazard area, I was thinking of something 
like Live Oak has  which is spectator friendly.  They have the room and it can 
be planned.  And, I'm sure that we could get someone from the ADS to help with 
the design. [Like Bill Long did at Calgary, and Hardy, and others have down]   
The site is only a couple of miles West of I-5,  and on the South side of 
Redding.  It has good ground and  an event could be held  early in April.   
Right now they are planning completion late 2007.  Might be able to hold a 
trial in late 2007. 

 They have 32 mil. in the bank for start-up.  April 22 is the go or  it gets 
shot down.[City of Redding]   Redding will match the 32 mil.

This park will be able to accommodate a rodeo, a dressage  show, a dog show, 
and a cde all in one week-endRedding is  about half way between Seattle 
and Los Angeles and  a good days drive either way.

every farm needs a "team"