Re: Don't ever say it can't be done

2005-01-25 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pat Holland wrote:

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With the MWFHC 20th Anniversary I, with the approval of our Executive
Committee, started working on corporate sponsorships. Today I just received
sponsorship from Fiskars Brand, Inc. The scissors we all use!

You would not believe the packet I sent them and how I tired to explain how
we use their product - believe me - it wasn't easy. But somehow I got it!


A big WOW to you Pat.  Maybe in the future there will be a Fiskars 
commercial of someone trimming a Fjord mane.  Now wouldn't that be 

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

Re: Don't ever say it can't be done

2005-01-25 Thread Pat Holland
This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With the MWFHC 20th Anniversary I, with the approval of our Executive
Committee, started working on corporate sponsorships. Today I just received
sponsorship from Fiskars Brand, Inc. The scissors we all use!

You would not believe the packet I sent them and how I tired to explain how
we use their product - believe me - it wasn't easy. But somehow I got it!

A long time ago I tried the same thing with Ford Motor Co..and well that
didn't work, but who knows, maybe I'll try again.   Never say it can't be
done anything you strive for!

Maybe if I get Ford everyone of you who show at the Midwest Show this year
will find a key ...under your saddle - Like the Oprah Show...   : )

Pat Holland, happy in northwest Illinois.

Re: Record Book II - I can hardly wait!

2005-01-25 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sandy,
Put me on the list for Book II!  Shout long and loud when it's time to 
order them!!!

  Kay Van Natta
  Yellow Pony Farm

Re: long maybe boring toot toot

2005-01-25 Thread DBLDAYFARM
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

wow Lisa!!! congrats!  That is so neat you can show them how it is done. I am 
proud of you and your Fjordie!!  I just started riding again after a layoff 
of a couple of years (other than a little walk up the road now and then on my 
24 y.o. Arab). I understand your feelings totally! Hubby got me a new horse for 
Christmas and we hope to hit the trails this summer. Perhaps we can come see 
YOU! I would also bring a driving horse of course. 
Please keep us informed of your experiences. Sounds like you are in for a 
great time.
My new horse is not a Fjord, but someday I may get one again.  They are 
simply the best.

 DoubleDay Farm - Miniature Horses 
   "I don't  know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to 
please everybody."
 Bill Cosby.

The best thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is quit digging !!!

A Winter Drive and some Stallion Questions

2005-01-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have been having so much fun lately, I just can't stop myself from Posting!

Here it is in the end of January and its mid 50's here in the Bitterroot 
Valley, Montana

Today was another day of FIRSTS!

Saturday I got to drive my 2 1/2 year old stud WHR Elsker with his training 
partner a Belgian Mare

TODAY we hooked him for the first time with our 11 year old Fjord mare Tone'

I have to admit I was a little uneasy at first, Elsker hadn't seen Tone' for 
two months and the Hello was a little more like "Hey Baby Look how I have 
grown up!".

After a few squeals and getting after them both for just a few minutes, all 
was well, We hitched them to the hay wagon and went out to feed cows.
They were wonderful, no crabbing or teasing and they worked well together.

When we were done we put Tone away (Elsker didn't like that Part) and then 
hooked Elsker up to a cart with shafts, This was the first time driven single.  
He was great!!

He did some circles and backed and walked and trotted and acted like the cart 
was no big deal He is even starting to side pass a little!

Here are my questions!

I have never raised a stud, (we owned the old stallion Eric for the last few 
years of his life and he was a great way to break into having a stallion) I 
want to do it right. We spent a lot of time with Elsker on ground manners . He 
just started driving training in Dec. He was born end of June 2002.

I have decided not to let him whinny, or knicker or make any noise while 
haltered or harnessed.  Is this unrealistic to ask of him?

How many of you drive your stallion with a mare year round?

How many of you let the stud live with the mares (we do)

If I let him live with the mares, What the heck am I gonna do at Libby when 
he has to be by himself?? If I seperate him a month before will that help?
I want a well behaved stud, or he will be cut, 
(so far he is, but he is just realizing he is pretty HOT)
Any advice is welcome

Michele Noonan
Stevensville , MT

Maryland Expo

2005-01-25 Thread mom
The crowds were smaller than usual because of the weather, but many people
were able to meet, touch, hug and admire that wonderful ambassador of the
Kingdom of Fjord, LFF ULEND, owned and shown by Curt Pierce.  Jacob Blanks
GRYLA was also there on Friday and did his part as well.The booth set up
by Curt Pierce and Marsha Korose has a collection of wonderful pictures
showing Fjords doing . . . well just about everything!  A video of Beth
Beymer's group at the Denver Stock Show and others of Fjords in Norway ran
constantly and attracted quite an audience.  John and Martie Bolinski and
Joe Glick and Moses Blank gave tireless hours to educating people about out
wonderful little horses.  Kudos to Curt and Marsha for expending the not
insignificant effort and expense to showcase the Fjord.  I was also there
and can't even number the people who had no clue "what kind of horse" this
is, or who had only seen a picture somewhere.

One of the exhibitors on stallion row was asked by a man if his child could
pet the horse, and the answer was "No, but go down the row to the one with
the racing stripe and you can pet that one."  Ulend is awesome.  And in
harness, in hand, and under saddle at the breed demos showed the incredible
atheletic ability and excitement so surprising in such a calm, quiet, lovely

A special thanks to John Bolinski who came early Sunday and stayed late,
helping pack up and pack out and who provided hot coffee for the trip home!

We look forward to the Harrisburg Expo next month and Richmond at the end of
April.  We talked to a lot of people who were interested in looking further
and purchase.  Send your information to Curt and Marsha--the interest is out
there, and thanks to those like Curt and Marsha around the country who take
the time and effort and invest their own resources in these public venues,
there will be fewer people who can say "what's that?  Is it an Icelandic?"
and many more who will look to this rare and versatile little horse for
their own needs.

Sue Freivald in Northern Virginia.

Fjiona Training

2005-01-25 Thread Lisa Wiley
This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fjiona is now a pocket pony. She nickers when I go out to her.  Not what I
expected from a PMU.  I really wonder if she had prior handling before she
became a PMU mare.  The add said she was nervous and she isn't at all.  I
think she didn't like being tied and was bored.  I have her in quarantine at
the top of the road.  It is very busy there.  While I was out a big tanker
truck stopped right across the street and the airbrakes sounded.  She just
flinched never moved and went back to what she was doing.  I think I am going
to keep her there for a while because the road noises will help for driving
training.  I started clicker training her and she got the idea right away.  I
was clicking and treating when she came to me and when she would stand still
while I patted her all over.  I am using heavy pats to get her used to lots of
movement.  She does pick up her feet for me but doesn't hold them up yet.  It
got so she was nuzzling me for treats.  She really is in love with her
Lisa Wiley
Turnabout Portuguese Water Dogs
Connecticut State Director Ponies With Purpose


2005-01-25 Thread mom
Suffice it to say that I value our own opinion of good horseflesh over that
of any evaluator with less experience, so why pay big bucks and turn
yourself inside out to go through the chute of conformity!

Ruthie, nw mt US

I have thought quite a bit about this comment from Ruthie and I have a few
questions.  I'm relatively new to the Fjord world--acquired my first fjord
five years ago from Julie Will--a sweet gelding that rides and drives and
takes good care of me.  I'm not in a position to breed, so you may wonder
why I'm wading in on the issue of evaluations.

I was able to attend my first ever evaluation in Lexington, VA this past
year and found it to be a very educational process.  I'm sure we all trust
our own opinion about our horses, but I don't know very many of you.  When I
am looking for a particular animal, it is extremely helpful to have an
understandable standard of quality.  Knowing what is involved in the
evaluation of each horse gives me an idea of the overall
issues--conformation, versatility, atheleticism, and temperment.  When I'm
recommending a particular breeder to someone looking for a fjord, what can I
base that recommendation on?  Reputation, of course; reports from people who
have purchased horses from them; and a consistent record of good results
from the evaluation process.  If you care enough about your horses to
validate your opinion in the broader world of breeding/selling/performance,
that says a lot to me.  I do know that it's not inexpensive to have horses
evaluated.  It's a business expense.  And other breeds are coming more and
more to value the evaluation process.  What objections do you have to
contributing to the validation and reputation of the various bloodlines in a
venue that is open to all?

Sue in Northern Virginia

How I got Hooked on Fjords. . .

2005-01-25 Thread FJORDFUN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Fjord Folks from Alex(andra) Wind [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Thanks for all the outpouring of energy! Goes to prove what I decided
a long time ago: Fjord People are naturally friendly and will reach out  to
other enthusiasts of the breed at a moment's notice! I have cold called 
on many farms, to be greeted with offers of rides or drives for me and 
family members and lunch or tea afterwards to warm up. You guys 
are wonderful! 
Here's how I got started in Fjords. I checked a book out of the  library,
called "What Pony for Me?" for my children, ages 7 through  12) When 
I returned the book, quite overdue, the librarian said "Oh, but this book 
is water damaged; you have to buy it!" So I shelled out thirty-five bucks 
and went and sat in the car and paged through my purchase. I had 
been into horse culture since a child, but when I turned to the Fjord  pages
I was blown away. How could I not even know of a whole breed? I was  hooked!
I subscribed to The Fjord Herald. Seeing how expensive they are, I  despaired
of ever owning one. My then typical horse purchase price was free to a  good
home. Then I started investigating Fjord Farms. We went to Wakefield,  MA
every February for my father-in-law's birthday. From there we made many 
side trips into Vermont, New Hampshire, etc. I got more and more  impressed.
Then I was involved in a car wreck (the fault of the other driver) which  put 
me out
of work from my job as a rural carrier for the U.S. Postal Service. The 
eventual settlement  gave me some discretionary money, so in 1993, I  
Techla, Lindsay Sweeney, agent. Along with her, I got a Meadowbrook,  harness 
tack, and a breeding to Solar. March 17th, 1994, Sollyskur was born. We  made 
another trip to Vermont to breed Techla again. On that trip I purchased  
Techla did not conceive and died suddenly at age 13, on May 29, 1996 of  
"colitis X." 
That broke my heart, as she had taught me so much and been such a  companion. 
It put a crimp in my training program, as I had intended to use Techla to  
train her
two year old daughter. Sollys and I did a lot of walk/trot/canter and line  
but I never had the guts to hitch her to the precious Meadowbrook. I got  
involved in my art and started going to graduate school for fine art, as  
well as working
full-time. Then in 2003, I got my eye cancer diagnosis, and was consumed  
fighting the disease, and The Post Office, which fired me, because I lost  an 
I finally secured a disability retirement from them. The Post Office is  
exempt from The Americans With Disabilities Act! How's that for injustice? So  
that brings you up to
date to the current situation, in brief. Although the $32,000 per treatment  
is covered 
by my insurance, there are still travel expenses. The decision to let the  
horses go
was partly financial, as my income went from $50,000 to $19,000. I am  
grateful to
have experienced the Fjords. As a breed, they can't be beat! Here I am  
to the choir. Thanks again and any prayers sent my way will be put to good  
Sorry the tone seems so maudlin, but these are the facts of my life.
Much love to all and scratch the babies behind the ears for me!
Alex(andra) Wind & Paul Boody
1353 Harmony Rd.
Shawsville VA 24162

Re: Record Book II

2005-01-25 Thread gdpony

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: "starfirefarm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I also support an on-line format and would like
to see the data integrated with the pedigree site (I've even offered to help
with that effort). Perhaps we can figure out a way to provide earlier results
on-line and then follow up with a printed version every 3-4 years.

I think adding the online format for results would be very timely. 
Once the format is coded it is easy to add updates and would be much 
quicker than publishing a book. The hard copies are wonderful 
resources, but because you have to do printings they are always 
limited in numbers and hard to decide when to reprint.  An online 
version is available to everyone.

I just sent an email to Mike May yesterday offering to volunteer to 
help with the website as I am a website designer;  I would be glad 
also to work on this project if approved.

As I was writing this Margaret's email suggestion of selling 
electronic copies of the book arrived; what a good idea and another 
way to generate income.

Genie Dethloff

Fjord wanted

2005-01-25 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

I received an email this morning from my sister-in-law who lives in Stockton, 
CA.  She has begun searching for a horse for her 10 year old daughter.  This 
little girl has always been horse crazy, but since they are 'city' folks, 
living in one of those gated communities, typical yuppie subdivision with a 
in the back yard, they tried to discourage her 'disease'.  I laughed as they 
described her unexplained, ever-growing, fervor.  They even told me one time 
that the best Christmas present we could ever send her would be a box of horse 
poop!  LOL!  Maybe they were thinking that'd 'fix' her??!!

We horse folks know that there is absolutely no known cure - except for 
owning your own horse!  Medical science has not yet been able to invent a shot 
cure this ailment!

I suggested that they find a good riding instructor and start with lessons to 
see if she would remain interested.  They did and she did.  We have talked 
about this on several occasions and I told them that as long as she is 
interested in horses, any $ is well spent!  You never see the police chasing a 
kid down 
on a horse to bust them for drugs and it's pretty hard to get pregnant on a 
horse!  LOL!!

Anyway, I have sold everything here except for youngsters so told them I 
would start looking for the right Fjord.

She is taking English lessons and needs to have a 'well done, been there, 
done that' Fjord with that kind, willing disposition.  If you have one for sale 
or know of one that would be 'right', please contact me privately.

Thanx so much. 

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

New Record Book

2005-01-25 Thread MABogie
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was great reading that the new Record Book might be coming out this year.  
May I make a suggestion since the cost seems to be driving the print run.  I 
would be very happy to buy an electronic book versus hard copy.  While I 
realize that the Record Book is heavy on the graphics, it still is going to be 
generated as an electronic file in order to be printed anyway.  

Many large government publications are now available in electronic form 
because of printing costs.  Obviously this is a useful document, but wouldn't 
it be 
nice to have a choice of format?  An electronic record book would also be 
quite easy for the NFHR to sell in future years when the printed stock is gone. 
I hope this option will be offered.

Margaret Bogie
Ironwood Farm
Rixeyville, VA

Driving Froum on March 5, 6 - FREE HARNESS!

2005-01-25 Thread David McWethy

This message is from: "David  McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On March 5th & 6th in Sturbridge, MA, the first annual DRIVING FORUM -  A
trade show for carriage/driving enthusiasts will be held at the Publick Inn
in Sturbridge.

The Driving Forum is organized by Linda Roth, who has been a friend for 
several years.  I got
to know her  when I measured her horse for a harness.  This is the first of 
this kind of event she has organized,

something that
takes a lot of courage to create.  Linda comes with a
passion for driving and brings with her the skills from years in organizing 
trade shows for

other people, and now is working on her own.

There will be a variety of trade booths and a good number of excellent 
seminar speakers.

To generate a little excitement for the event, Linda had suggested we have a 
drawing for a free Camptown Harness (custom made for the winner's horse). 
The winner will have to be present, which of course you would want to be 


Re: Record Book -

2005-01-25 Thread starfirefarm

This message is from: "starfirefarm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The process for ordering is just now being worked out -- so, keep your 
checkbook handy and poised for that information. Mostly, I wanted to let 
folks know the current scheduling thoughts and the fact that the book IS 
coming, and relatively soon. A little lead time might allow some folks to 
put aside a few $$$ now and not be caught by surprise when the ordering 
starts. If it is a pre-order only printing then there will be a relatively 
short window for orders if we go to print in late Spring/early Summer.

Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

"Remember, a horse can tell you a lot of things, if you watch and expect it 
to be sensible and intelligent."
Mary O'Hara - My Friend Flicka