Re: A hunting story

2005-12-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Phillip,what a great story and a great partner in your horse.  Reminds me of 
Hirsch hunting in Europe.  Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

A hunting story

2005-12-01 Thread Norsk Wood Works
This message is from: "Norsk Wood Works" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from Phillip Odden and regards a hunting story involving the
fjord gelding Herger.

On our 80 acre farm in the woods of Northwestern Wisconsin we are able to find
a variety of jobs for our fjord horses. Most of the jobs involve driving
horses hitched to wagons, carts, or sleighs for pleasure or to accomplish
chores that revolve around the seasons. Those who know us understand that we
use the horses to haul fire wood, maple sap, and some logs for lumber. Close
to our farm there are many trails on public as well as private land to drive
or ride the fjords, which we do year around.

The biggest and most important trip of the year is the annual elk hunt. An
activity that I have done for over thirty years, but an activity that I was
ready to give up on if it weren't for the horses. This year I had two fjord
mares shod with drill tech studded shoes and powered up for the elk hunt my
friend and I had planned for well over a year. I had chosen the mares because
my friend was not an experienced horse rider and both of them, Raude and
Britta  were capable of taking care of a beginner in the often extreme and
difficult conditions faced during the hunt.

Well my original partner, a veterinarian, had to cancel the hunt just two days
before we were to leave. So I asked to join my horse mentor and good friend
John Gurtner on his annual elk hunt to Colorado which was to leave 10 days
after the original date of departure. I have hunted with John and his horses
in the past. John is the most experienced and capable horseman I know and has
been taking horses hunting in Colorado for 18 years. In my experience with
John, he is always looking for some kind of trouble to deal with. As a junior
partner, I did my best to distract him from getting into any irresolvable
trouble. John hunts with Arabs that come from endurance stock. They are also
show horses and each of the geldings have won extensively in the ring but are
very capable of hazard duty in the rough, steep, and rocky mountains at
elevations from 10,000 to 11,600. I decided to take a 6 year old gelding that
had come to my farm only six weeks prior named Herger. Herger had been trained
by the Unraus of Rock Creek, BC. I wanted a horse that was more forward and
maybe stronger to keep up with John's Arabs. Herger had mountain experience I

So I worked Herger hard for 10 days, cantering up hills, weaving through the
woods over logs and creeks and keeping up a strong pace. Herger never had any
problems with the training pace and was always willing to go were ever I asked
him to go. Didn't seem to be scared of anything. I trusted him and he trusted

When we got to Colorado suddenly he wasn't as tough as he was in Wisconsin.
The elevation makes a difference and the hills are mighty steep and relentless
both up and down. But Herger never gave in and never refused to go anywhere.
There were many water crossings in a days hunt. Several of them weren't real
pretty. Often they involved slippery rock, deep sucky mud and brush on either
side. Rather than get pushy Herger learned quickly to pick his way across one
step at a time whether he was lead horse or last horse across. When the trails
got really rough with big rocks or even worse, loose footing, Herger just
slowed the pace which was fine with me even as the rest of the gang walked out
of sight. I could trust Herger to stand anywhere at a ground tie. This came in
handy in that as the youngest rider, at a little over fifty, I ended up
getting off my horse to pick up ( my partner's ) orange hunting hat, gloves,
snoose, and even lost sleeping bags more times than I can count. Helps to not
have to tie the horse all the time.

When the elk finally appeared, as we were riding through an aspen stand, just
stepping off the horse and sliding the rifle out of the scabbard, dropping to
a knee and firing the gun made the meat getting part of the elk hunt a
success. Herger never reacted to the shots but he didn't much care for the
smell of dead elk. So I  tied him to a tree directly over the elk as we field
dressed it. You could see him wriggle his nose in disgust over the smell of
the entrails and blood. This is the part that some horses don't get over. One
might have to take the blood of the elk and rub it into the nostrils of the
horse to get them to settle down. Herger only wriggled his nose and kept it
clean, so to speak. Since it was late in the afternoon, we left the two elk on
the mountain and made the ride home in the dark, the sparks from shod hooves
accenting the cold mountain air as the full moon rose to reveal the far off
white tops. The soft moon light created unfamiliar shadows near the trail to
which the horses snorted but never shied.

The next day we went back to skin and pack the elk out. We used a single pack
horse for the larger elk. The smaller elk was boned and fit in my saddle
panniers. Herger seemed willing to haul both me and th


2005-12-01 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, Again I will try to reply to your questions.


1. Will the books be open to NFHR members.  

I am assuming you are referring to the financial books since
your second question is on finance. The financial situation of the
Foundation must be made public by law. To have a NFHR member go over the
computer programs is not likely. but donors have the right to know where the
money is being spent on. And thus end of the year financial statements will
be available to donors (remember NFHR members are different than donors) and
the public per US law. (I am not the legal advisor here, so I do not know
what our legal requirement is in this aspect.)


2. Will there be a financial statement published yearly, or is the
Foundation not obligated to do this by virtue of

being a private group?--


  We are not required to publish in the Fjord Herald. The Foundation is
obligated to report annual to the major donors and to the US government. If
we can make arrangements for the FH to be an outlet we may publish there. We
are discussing now which means for us to take.




3. Will the NFHR membership know how much money is in the foundation and
what it's currently being spent on?


  This question is answered above. Financial statements are required by


4. You say money will be available for research pertaining to the
Fjordhorse.  --  Can you tell us if there's some specific type of research
in mind?  -


  Carol, now you are putting the cart before the horse. Funds are needed
prior to giving any money to research. GRANTS will be given once funding is
available. A GRANT must be applied for. There are rules and regulations as
to grants and the application for and the receiving of. It really depends on
the schools and the researchers. It also depends on what is going on at the
time we have the funds available. Do you have an Issue you want researched?
If so tell the Foundation. We cannot issue a grant until funding is in
place. So it is a catch 22. 



5. ***  When the last Herald's article mentioned one of the goals being
Marketing, I naturally thought it meant . .  marketing Fjordhorses, meaning
advertising.  --  You say it means "marketing the Foundation".  -- Fine!
But, I think that marketing anything to do with  Fjordhorses will attract
people interested in owning a Fjordhrose, and I'm wondering how those
inquiries might be handled.

  As secretary of the Foundation, If and when I receive an inquiry for
the Fjord horse in general that person will be referred to NFHR and NHFR
will send out the informational packet to that person. Where the Foundation
can come in handy (I mention can because funding is the main key to any
project.) , is that the Foundation can provide the NFHR with GRANTS to
publish an educational printed material that can go into the packet that
NFHR gives out.  Thus is a long and round about way the Foundation is
marketing. but not really. Again, there are rules and regulations and laws
that govern Foundations. Of course if anyone asks the Foundation, a
Foundation brochure will be sent also. (Please do not ask for one yet, we
are developing it and waiting for funding to publish it.)


Not one Trustee is benefiting from the Foundation. No one is being PAID, all
staff is volunteer.  We are not out to market our horses. NONE of us have
that in mind. We want to see the Fjord world expand and do more. A
Foundation is one tool to do just that.  We are looking globally not



6. If the Fjord Foundation is an organization that is going to promote and
protect, and do good things for  the Fjordhorse, then, of course, I'm all
for it.  --  I've asked these questions because Beaver Dam Farm is in the
business of Fjordhorses.  We have a full-time staff, and those people as
well as Arthur and I make our living breeding, training, importing, buying,
and selling Fjordhorses.  --  All of us here have a need to know what's
happening in the Fjord world, and rightly or wrongly, I did not feel that
the two articles published in the Herald contained enough information for us
to form a considered opinion on the Fjord Foundation.


Carol, what can I say? I am an amateur writer. I am a professional horse
woman. I try hard when sending articles into the Fjord Herald to be accurate
and tell as much as I can in the limited words that we have to send in an
article. Very large books are written on Foundations. There is no way I can
cover the entire subject in articles. We have to assume that the reader
knows something about Foundation and in particular equine Foundations. Your
best bet is to look at the other equine Foundations in this world. APHA,
AQHA, US Equestrians, Vaulting, every college and university has a
Foundation. Look to them and get to know what a Foundation is. Then it may
help you in understanding why.


The Foundation & our Trustees have nothing to hide. We are trying to

Re: To NFHR members and Fjord owners

2005-12-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Warren,  people on boards rarely get the thanks they deserve!  The thing is 
not to take it personally and know that you have done your best.  I can not 
count the number of boards I have been on in my career but rarely did the 
membership know the effort put in by the Board members.  So chin up, you 
know you have given the best, thank you.Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520 

RE: To NFHR members and Fjord owners

2005-12-01 Thread themercers
This message is from: "themercers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Warren, thank you for all of your hard work!

Thank you to all current and past NFHR BOD's.

Volunteers are never thanked enough!

Taffy Mercer
In blizzard conditions Kennewick, WA

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:11 AM
Subject: To NFHR members and Fjord owners

This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning,

from snowy Spokane to all of you who are Fjord owners and/or members of
It has been a pleasure serving you since last March when I was appointed to 
fill the 5th untimley vacancy on the NFHR board of directors.  Things are a
confusing but I guess yesterday was my last day.  I would like to have 
continued representing the "West of the Rockies" folks but apparently that
not be the case.

There are some crucial things I was NOT able to accomplish while on the BOD
that is a disappointment to me.  Tasks I was unable to accomplish were an
of our financial records and the finalization of the operations manual.  I
have succeeded in getting back-ups of our critical data, but I a not sure
is completed. I did work hard and accomplish some things of which I am very 

Our President, Neil Sorum, rightly thanked me for getting our "Versatile 
Norwegian Fjord" video on RFD-TV last July.  All of us have the opportunity
continuing to encourage RFD-TV to air it again.  Please do. 

One simple thing I accomplished was arrangements to occasionally send a 
complimentary "Versatile Norwegian Fjord" video to large groups requesting 

Meanwhile, my wife and I will continue promoting Fjords in a variety of
We promote very heavily to 4-H and encourage all of you to find ways to do 
promote Fjords, on your own.  If any of you want to join my wife and I in
4th annual Fjord display at the Spokane All Breed Expo next May, please
us and join the fun.

Recently, on BOD, I was able to get the Photo Library project off and
Please participate by providing photos for this. NFHR already had a
of photos at headquarters but this project should gather more, index them
make them handier for headquarters to access for various promotional 

Likewise, I was on the web-site committee and I think our committee did a
good job of choosing a company to design a newer, better website.  This
happen in early 2006.

I never really was able to get to know every BOD member personally, but I
those who were very helpful and work very hard to serve NFHR membership.
know who they are.

Looking forward to seeing more of you at various Fjord events.   

Warren Riddle  

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #266

2005-12-01 Thread tiggger
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone! Its been a while since i posted but I have finally had
time to catch up with all the posts. I hope that this is ok to post but
since it is fjord related, i hope its ok. I have recently started making
and selling custom fjord italian modular charm links. I made them for
myself with pictures of my daughter, when a fjord friend asked if If i
would make some for her of her guy. it was a big hit and every loves them.
if anyone is interested they are $10 a piece or 2 for $18. this includes
shipping. all i need is a picture of your fjord, close up works best! you
can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks in advance..

To NFHR members and Fjord owners

2005-12-01 Thread wriddle
This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning,

from snowy Spokane to all of you who are Fjord owners and/or members of NFHR.  
It has been a pleasure serving you since last March when I was appointed to 
fill the 5th untimley vacancy on the NFHR board of directors.  Things are a bit 
confusing but I guess yesterday was my last day.  I would like to have 
continued representing the "West of the Rockies" folks but apparently that will 
not be the case.

There are some crucial things I was NOT able to accomplish while on the BOD and 
that is a disappointment to me.  Tasks I was unable to accomplish were an audit 
of our financial records and the finalization of the operations manual.  I may 
have succeeded in getting back-ups of our critical data, but I a not sure that 
is completed. I did work hard and accomplish some things of which I am very 

Our President, Neil Sorum, rightly thanked me for getting our "Versatile 
Norwegian Fjord" video on RFD-TV last July.  All of us have the opportunity of 
continuing to encourage RFD-TV to air it again.  Please do. 

One simple thing I accomplished was arrangements to occasionally send a 
complimentary "Versatile Norwegian Fjord" video to large groups requesting 

Meanwhile, my wife and I will continue promoting Fjords in a variety of ways.  
We promote very heavily to 4-H and encourage all of you to find ways to do 
promote Fjords, on your own.  If any of you want to join my wife and I in our 
4th annual Fjord display at the Spokane All Breed Expo next May, please contact 
us and join the fun.

Recently, on BOD, I was able to get the Photo Library project off and running.  
Please participate by providing photos for this. NFHR already had a multitude 
of photos at headquarters but this project should gather more, index them and 
make them handier for headquarters to access for various promotional 

Likewise, I was on the web-site committee and I think our committee did a very 
good job of choosing a company to design a newer, better website.  This should 
happen in early 2006.

I never really was able to get to know every BOD member personally, but I thank 
those who were very helpful and work very hard to serve NFHR membership.  They 
know who they are.

Looking forward to seeing more of you at various Fjord events.   

Warren Riddle  

Carol's Fjord calendar

2005-12-01 Thread brass-ring-farm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just received my order, very promptly, of Carol's Fjord calendar.  shows you all the photos. It is
very well done. I hope a couple of my friends and neighbors like it,
because that is what I am giving them for Christmas! It is a not to
subtle hint that what they need in their lives are Fjords, and this
calendar shows them doing it all, driving and dressage and cow stuff and
best of all, looking cute.
Columbia, CT

Re: clippers

2005-12-01 Thread Eileen

This message is from: Eileen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A big Thank You to everyone that sent me emails and responded on the 
list to the clipper questions.  You saved me $$ in not buying the Oster 
A5's, but I guess I'll just have to spring for the serious dollars and 
get the clipmaster unit or something comparable.  I'm trying to keep my 
mare's trace clip trimmed every 2-3 weeks, so I guess it will be worth 

Eileen in the Tri-Cities, WA (70 mi east of Yakima)

ordinary miracles...

2005-12-01 Thread Mighty Mouse

This message is from: "Mighty Mouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just to remind you Christmas is around the corner !!

Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles-

A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.

An unexpected phone call from an old friend.

Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.

I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in...

The fastest line at the grocery store.

A good sing along song on the radio.

Your keys right where you look.

I wish you a day of happiness and perfection-little bite-size pieces of 
perfection that give you the funny feeling that the Lord is smiling on you, 
holding you so gently because you are someone special and rare.

I wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate 
them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget ...

It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them.

Take the time!

Wishing you the very best

Re: The Foundation

2005-12-01 Thread jgayle

This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is my understanding that a trust such as this foundation is well 
controlled by law and auditors.  Jean Gayle

'The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 to 1949
Send: $20 to Three Horse's Press
7403 Blaine Rd
Aberdeen, WA 98520