Re: PNFPG member directory deadline

2006-11-03 Thread wriddle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Yes you paid at Libby but I will also double check your info. One
typo and an e-mail address is ruined. Have you heard from Dan and
Solveig since national???

Looking forward to seeing the vaulting demo.


This message is from: Peggy Enge [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Pnfpg sec
I believe I payed at Libby
I hope I'm in the directory
Green Pastures 23 Farm
Kleve and Peggy Enge
20115 Frank Waters Rd
Stanwood Wa 98292
360 652 7924

Let me know if it's any problem
Thank you for all your work
Peggy Enge

We had some family things come up and if we get it ironed out we will
come to the meeting

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Fall and winter training

2006-11-03 Thread hoofer52
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for the post...I agree 100%

--David  Connie
Your friends with Fjords

-- Original message -- 
From: Norsk Wood Works [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 This message is from: Norsk Wood Works 
 This message is from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin. 
 Late this afternoon the temperature was 28 degrees with a stiff wind when I 
 finished my carving for the day and I hitched a green pair of fjords to the 
 wagon for a training drive. The wind blew leaves around the yard and under 
 their feet as they stood to be hitched. Cats and dogs romped beside the 
 frisky in the cool wind. Out in the pasture the rest of the herd were 
 prancing, kicking up their heals and racing from one fence line to the other 
 energized by the change in weather. The heavy hoof falls of the racing herd 
 were easy to hear on the stiffening ground. As I left the yard, snow flakes 
 filled the air briefly then subsided. 
 The young pair listened to my voice and responded to the lines. We had an 
 uneventful drive with plenty transitions up and down from walk trot whoa and 
 stand. After three or four miles of pulling the bumpy hay wagon with five to 
 six hundred pounds we unhitched and retired. ...
 ...Here on our farm the fjord horses are family horses and they are show 
 We do lots of things with them. They trust us and we trust them and expect 
 them to take us out and bring us home even if the wind blows and the 
 temperatures drop. That is one of the reasons we have fjord horses. If the 
 fjords I have can't do that, I don't want them. 
 Looking forward to winter fun, Phillip Odden 
 The FjordHorse List archives can be found at: 

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fw: PNFPG now 100+ members

2006-11-03 Thread Ron Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: Ron  Sherrie Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Ron  Sherrie Dayton
To: Ron  Sherrie Dayton ; ruth bushnell
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: PNFPG now 100+ members

Howdy, Howdy,Just a short update and details on the fall meeting in
Yakima:  I just got off the phone with Debby (the host at the museum)  She
said the regular price of admission is $ 5.  but as we are going as a group
the cost will be $ 2.50 ea.  and $ 1.50 for kids and seniors.  When you get to
the museum just tell the girl at the desk that you are with the PNFPG.  They
changed their hours as well, They will be open at 10. am.  Also, There is a
nice outdoor antique impliment museum at Union Gap, just a short distance from
the Motel.  They are open from 1 pm to 4 pm.  So for those of you that would
like to see this, we can head over there for an hour or so and then on to the
meeting.   Happy Trails  Ron
  - Original Message -
  From: Ron  Sherrie Dayton
  To: ruth bushnell
  Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 11:20 AM
  Subject: Re: PNFPG now 100+ members

  I got it too, not sure what he's trying to say.

  Do you have anything that you'd like me to take to the meeting on Saturday?


- Original Message -
From: ruth bushnell
To: Sherrie Dayton
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Fw: PNFPG now 100+ members

just received this from Riddle

- Original Message -
To: Aarston, Dagrun ; Bakken, Allison ; Barnes, Tenille  Wendy ; Bogan,
Bryn ; Bushnell, Ruth ; Charvet, Heather ; Clifner, Jocelyn ; Clumpner, Marg ;
Conaway, Dean and Kathy ; Duncan, Janet ; Fulton, Gordon  Geri ; Gann, Susan
; Gonzales, Patricia ; Hannah, Marsha Jo ; Hayes-Rice, Sue ; Justad, Odd and
Greta ; King, Amanda ; Knee, Cheryl ; Bauer, Betsy ; Gioia, Steve and Cheryl ;
Grantham, Sue
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:06 PM
Subject: PNFPG now 100+ members

PNFPG passes the100 MEMBER mark !

Congratulations to Julia Northrup, our newest member, from Redmond,
Washington and also our 100th member. (Dues still coming in)  PNFPG has grown
from 43 paid members at this time 3 years ago.  Yes, and with growth sometimes
there are GROWING PAINS.

PNFPG has already grown from one major yearly event (the Libby show) to a
second major event (our Moses Lake Spring Fling).   Will members again sponsor
3 CDE clinics in 2007?  How many trail rides, fun days, breeder’s festivals?
And the big question is: will PNFPG sponsor one Fall show or two?  Will it be
at Libby, Moses Lake or both??

The decision will be made November 4 at our Fall business meeting and
whatever the answer, PNFPG is growing and moving forward.  Members need to ask
themselves:  Which show location(s) can I participate in as a committee
worker, an entrant, a spectator?  To which show location(s) will I invite
family, friends, potential new members and potential Fjord buyers?

Enthusiasm for both shows seems high.  It even looks like Dennis Johnson
(almost a founding member) will leave Fjord-semi-retirement and again join the
Libby show.

What are the issues?  Moses Lake has covered stalls and arena but Libby
has a certain ambiance and a sentimental history.  Moses Lake has room for the
show to grow.  Libby facilities have improved but also shrunk in usable field
areas.  Moses Lake charges for their arenas but Libby is free.  Libby has a
well-known asbestos problem but a few think there is an arsenic problem in
central Washington.  (For those folks I would suggest you never again touch
any green treated wood.  The green is copper-chromated-ARSENIC.)

So, can we afford Moses Lake, Libby or both.  Well, somehow PNFPG has
always afforded Libby even though it lost money in 2003 and 2005.  (2006 show
costs have not yet been published)  Pessimists project we would lose $3000 at
a Moses Lake Show.  Well, yes, maybe, if we charge only the $7 per class entry
fee we have been charging at Libby.  Members need to ask themselves if they
save gas and time at a Moses Lake show will they be quite happy to pay
$15/class entry fees.  Breed shows generally charge $20 and up.   $15 fees
would have brought in over $3000 more at Libby in 2006.   Judge costs will be
less.  Any judge flying into the Spokane Airport will cost less for car
rental, hotel and food at Moses Lake than at Libby, 1-2 days less.  So, think
it thru members.  Vote for 1 or both shows and lets keep growing.

See you in Yakima, Nov 4 for the museum tour (11 a.m.) and business
meeting (4:30)

Warren Riddle,  Teddy Bear Fjords, Spokane

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-11-03 Thread Dave and Patti Walter
This message is from: Dave and Patti Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Guess I'll get my two cents in here, since there is GREAT discussion going on
regarding the draft test held outdoors at Winona. About training before hand,
our disposition of the breed, conditions to hold a test or show, etc

First, I want to say, I think it's great we can all discuss. I hope to my
adding to it, will only help, educate and encourage.

I live in East Central Wisconsin, 10 miles from the lake. Seems like it is
always windy here. I train horses year round. I do a LOT of it outdoors.
Before I built the indoor, I even started many horses in WINTER and have been
known to work in wind/rain/snow/bad weather. That being said, I would not have
been a happy camper had I had to perform in that weather at Winona. ANDI
might add, AT HOME MY HORSES DO NOT MIND THE WIND. I can not always be sure of
that when we go places. Some horses act VERY different off the farm. I had a
white gelding named Silas, gorgeous horse, I rode him EVERYWHERE in all types
of weather. I know he would not have handled Winona well at all. AT home, I'm
sure we would have been ok, but...he gets up with other Fjords around and he
went to a LOT of shows, so please don't assume he needed more show experience,
the boy was in a trailer going somewhere probably EVERY week!  He was not the
same horse at the non Fjord shows. BUT...get him around other Fjords and the
boy turned into a handful. :-)  EVERY horse is different, Ole he would have
been 100% fine out there at Winona, but nothing fazes him. Me, on the other
hand, would not have been happy. I personally think we pay enough money to get
decent conditions to show our horse to the best of their ability and having to
perform outside in those conditions would not have sat well with me, sorry.
AND if you would not ask a dressage rider to do a test outside, why would it
be ok for a draft person I think i would have had to have stratched had I
been signed up. Although who wants to lose all their money???

The ONE thing I learned which I'm REALLY glad I did, and I'm sorry for those
that didn't know this but in the future perhaps it will help someone. are performing a test and it's not going well AT ALLL!
Stop, tell them you do not wish to finish the test, leave BEFORE finishing and
your score will not go in the record book. You are considered stratched. AT
least that is what was told to me. MIKE -OR BETH- if that is not correct
please correct.

It's all hindsight, the committee had a tough decision to be made,what to do.
I do hope in the future and I'm pretty sure it is, lessons will be learned and
things will be different.

I show in all weather, local here, at hunter/jumper shows, next year, Lord
Willing a few eventing competitions, Held OUTSIDE. BUTthese are shows, not
evaluations. The cost is way less, their is no record that is as important as
an evaluation, AND we are not being judged against the standard, by which
OTHER evaluations also held don't have to put up with conditions like at
Winona. Carol R. made an excellent point,it's not an equal playing field by
any means.

Can we blame it on poor training, sorry don't think it's that easy. Can we
blame it on bloodlines. Maybe to some degree, but not totally, can we blame it
on the handler being upset, uneasy, unnerved, again perhaps to some degree,
but I know some horses here too would not let it get in their way.  Ask Pat H.
when she rode my Ole or Hostar and she was full of nerves, they were cool as a
cucumber. Can we blame it on someone getting a poor score , so they are upset
and making more out of it then what it should be. Don't think so. IT WAS JUST
PLAIN AND SIMPLE BAD CONDITIONS!!!   Margaret made an excellent point here as
well, Our evaluators are good, some are Excellent and if they are not happy
with the conditions, I think that says volumes.

Is there much that can be done now?? Maybe the NFHR can allow those to redo
the test at a reduced rate??? Only for those getting below a 70. Maybe their
is nothing more then just learning from it, one thing NO ONE WILL EVERY FORGET
IT. Definate memory maker!

One last note, I do wish to get on the band wagon about disposition and
breeding. A couple of the mares that were GREAT at the draft test. Janet
McNally's mare FCF Gyda(born on my farm, sold to Janet after I started her)
rec'd a 91 in intro and 85 in advance tests. Also her filly Helga(3 yr old)
who I worked this summer for Janet rec'd an 89 in the intro. Helga had ovly 90
days under harness and saddle. Well saddle maybe last 30 along with the
harness work. They were unfazed by it. Janet can't get emails on the digest,
so I'll brag for her. Janet has a sheep ranch, she does draft work outside
year long. BUTHelga just went home about 1+ month before Winona.  Was it
just the training, I don't think so and I trained both of them, They have
solid minded -thinking-fjord brain bloodlines.
Valea's Lee, Grabbson, Anvil's Rorik, 

Fjords in Horse Illustrated

2006-11-03 Thread Curt
This message is from: Curt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I just got a call from a friend of ours that has a subscription to Horse 
Illustrated.  The December issue just arrived and it contains a feature on 
Fjord Horses.  It seems that the interest in Fjords has been increasing. 
Take care!
Curt Pierce
Mathias, WV

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: training/winona/etc

2006-11-03 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: Gail Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After rereading Patti Jo's post and Phil Odden's, the distinction between
the weather in Winona and everyday weather came to me.  

This weather was of storm proportions.  Think of those films about the
hard scrabble lives of folks on the South Dakota plains who are shown
hanging onto fence posts in order to get out to the garden to pick the
remnants of their garden that was about to be blown away in horizontal
winds.  It is the kind of weather that only desperate folks would have gone
out in, because they know that it would pass shortly.  

Sure, it was cold much of the weekend, but the winds during the part of the
day that the draft tests were being done were awful. 


I live in East Central Wisconsin, 10 miles from the lake. Seems like it is
always windy here. I train horses year round. I do a LOT of it outdoors.
Before I built the indoor, I even started many horses in WINTER and have
known to work in wind/rain/snow/bad weather. That being said, I would not
been a happy camper had I had to perform in that weather at Winona

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: video from Winona?

2006-11-03 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: Gail Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brian and Ursula were offering one for $25.  On DVD, I believe.

I missed the first offer, and then inquired when they said people had been
too long in getting their money in because Brian and Ursula's e-mail seemed
to indicate there was a last-chance opportunity to purchase other copies.

I never received a response back.  (I had posted to the list and privately,
both, because I think Brian and Ursula may not read all the correspondence
on the list.)

SoI had been debating whether to just send them money or not.  Someone
else e-mailed me and said he had had no response back either.

I also think there may be another video in the works as well???  An
official one?

Clarification would be appreciated.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mom
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 9:26 AM
To: fjordhorse-digest
Subject: video from Winona?

This message is from: mom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I heard a rumor that one was/would be available.  Details?  Sue F.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: video from Winona?

2006-11-03 Thread Carol Makosky

This message is from: Carol Makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes.  Who knows when it will be for sale???   I have it on my Christmas 

mom wrote:

This message is from: mom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I heard a rumor that one was/would be available.  Details?  Sue F.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: video from Winona?

2006-11-03 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 12:25 PM 11/3/2006, you wrote:

This message is from: mom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I heard a rumor that one was/would be available.  Details?  Sue F.

I don't have setails yet but there was over 40 hours of video taken 
during the event.  So you might imagine that it is a really BIG 
editing job - so it will take some time I am guessing.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: training/winona/etc

2006-11-03 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 12:00 PM 11/3/2006, you wrote:

This message is from: Dave and Patti Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ONE thing I learned which I'm REALLY glad I did, and I'm sorry for those
that didn't know this but in the future perhaps it will help someone. are performing a test and it's not going well AT ALLL!
Stop, tell them you do not wish to finish the test, leave BEFORE finishing and
your score will not go in the record book. You are considered stratched. AT
least that is what was told to me. MIKE -OR BETH- if that is not correct
please correct.

That is correct Patti.  If you excuse yourself before completing the 
test the score is not recorded  at all.

It's all hindsight, the committee had a tough decision to be made,what to do.
I do hope in the future and I'm pretty sure it is, lessons will be learned and
things will be different.

We made the only decision we could make.  There wasn't any other 
options available to us.  We would have liked to have 2 days for just 
the Evaluation but the site would not let us in any sooner than they 
did.  We had to beg them to get in when we did in fact.

I show in all weather, local here, at hunter/jumper shows, next year, Lord
Willing a few eventing competitions, Held OUTSIDE. BUTthese are shows, not
evaluations. The cost is way less, their is no record that is as important as
an evaluation, AND we are not being judged against the standard, by which
OTHER evaluations also held don't have to put up with conditions like at
Winona. Carol R. made an excellent point,it's not an equal playing field by
any means.

Well I agree the weather was awful.  But as to being a level playing 
field I think all of the draft tests were on a level field.  A lot of 
people wanted us to stop in the middle of them  move it inside for 
the rest of them.  Now THAT would have been wrong in my mind.  Once 
you start you have to finish as far as I am concerned.


I agree it was really pretty bad.

Is there much that can be done now?? Maybe the NFHR can allow those to redo
the test at a reduced rate??? Only for those getting below a 70. Maybe their
is nothing more then just learning from it, one thing NO ONE WILL EVERY FORGET
IT. Definate memory maker!

The Evaluation Committee is going to meet  make a decision on it.

Just so everyone knows though - 50% of the horses doing the test got 
Blue Ribbons.

There were 4 Blues, 2 Reds  2 Yellows.  In the Advanced tests there 
was 1 Blue  1 Yellow



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

RE: video from Winona?

2006-11-03 Thread Jean Ernest

This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The one from Brian Jensen is from  the Libby show.

Jean in sunny but cold Fairbanks, Alaska, 10 degrees, no wind.

Brian and Ursula were offering one for $25.  On DVD, I believe.

I missed the first offer, and then inquired when they said people had been
too long in getting their money in because Brian and Ursula's e-mail seemed
to indicate there was a last-chance opportunity to purchase other copies.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: ( Oregon Fjord Club raffle

2006-11-03 Thread LeVeque Ranch
This message is from: LeVeque Ranch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tried to e-mail you at this address and it came back undeliverable.  Just
checking on the ticket stubs of the tickes I bought.  Don't remember getting
them back.
Lilly LeVeque
Cascade, MT
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 12:18 AM
  Subject: Re: ( Oregon Fjord Club raffle

  This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi Brigid (and anyone else that would like tickets):

  Just let me know how many you'd like and I'll get them sent off to  you! Or,
  if it's easier you can mail a check with a note saying how many tickets
  like - 6 for $25, 14 for $50, 30 for $100 - and we'll fill them out for  you
  and mail the stubs to you.

  The Oregon Fjord Club is raffling this filly to raise funds for 1)  Our Expo
  Fund -to promote Fjords at the Northwest Horse Fair  Expo each  March, 2)
  make another donation to the Fjord Horse Foundation (last year we  donated
  $500) and 3) a local charity (last year it was to a medical fund for a  teen
  broke her neck in a car accident).

  The winner will be drawn on December 15, 2006 so there is only a  little
  a month left to get your tickets in! Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  for your lucky  tickets!

  OR Fjord Club, Treasurer

  Amy Evers
  Dun Lookin' Fjords
  260 May Creek Rd
  Days  Creek, OR 97429

  The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at: