Re: Once Upon an Equine: Today in Denver

2009-03-16 Thread Starfire Farm

This message is from: Starfire Farm 

Here is more about the Capitol event:

We'll have photos, etc. up later. Enjoy.


Barbara wrote:

This message is from: Barbara 


 Eagle Creek Or

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Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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Old Fjord stories and a young one too!

2009-03-16 Thread morrisshadowmt

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   This was just to funny to keep to myself:0)I have a stack of 
round hay bails they are about 4' high and weight about 800 lbs.  And 
of course every time Lordalen gets a chance he runs around to the back 
side and starts munching  (thinking I can't see him) .   I called him 
and he usually comes running when he hears me, so when I did not see 
him. I called  a bit louder.The next thing I see is him springing 
thur the air!  He of course came down now straddling one of those hay 
bails.   He tried but just could not quite make it over that hay stack, 
so he relaxed and let himself slide back down with a bit of 
embarrassment on his face and then he walked the long way around the 
hay stack.He stopped right in front of me with the look of what did 
you want.   Wish I had the video camera going.

Bonnie Morris and Lordy of the Fjordies

In rainy sleety snowy Western WA

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Once Upon an Equine: Today in Denver

2009-03-16 Thread Barbara
This message is from: Barbara 


  Eagle Creek Or

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Re: German stallion show / Equitana - long, but read it anyway!

2009-03-16 Thread kngould

This message is from: "kngould" 

any video available?
Kim Bekow
- Original Message - 
From: "Eike Schoen-Petersen" 

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: German stallion show / Equitana - long, but read it anyway!

This message is from: "Eike Schoen-Petersen" 

Last weekend the German Jubilee Stallion Show took place at Equitana, the 
world's largest equine fair, at Essen, Germany.  40 licenced and 
performance tested Fjord stallions were presented to the judges for the 
evaluation of type, conformation,correctness, movements and overall 
impression.  The trotting round took place in the big arena, 5000 visitors 
watching the best German Fjord stallions being trotted up.  The spectators 
sat tight for one and a half hours, fascinated by our wonderful breed. 
The association's decision to move the stallion show to this venue for our 
35 year jubilee certainly proved effective in terms of showing to the real 
public.  Equitana draws several hundreds of thousands of visitors every 
two years - a good opportunity to show off!!  Judging was done by two 
professional judges from Germany and Mr. Jan Verbeeck from Belgium, judge 
from the international list of Fjord Horse International.

In the final round the Stallion DEXTER by Dylan - Orlandos was the obvious 
champion.  Dexter was placed first at his licencening as a young stallion, 
took first in his performance test and now took the Championship!!  Great 
support for our personal breeding strategy as we leased Dexter on the spot 
when we first saw him and used him for a season.  Dexter's offspring has 
developed as expected and we are proud (and a little sad) to announce that 
two of his daughters will be leaving for North America next week.

Our own white dun Norwegian bred stallion Solbjør Borken took second place 
in his ring of stallions 12 years and older, which places him somewhere 
between 4th and 6th of all the licenced and performance tested stallions 
in the country.  He was awarded a "Bundesprämie" = "Federal Premium" by 
the National Equestrian Federation, the highest honour a breeding horse 
can receive in our country.  True to his form Borken was the definite 
"Mister Cool" of the show, followed by his promising son Björn.  Borken 
was about as calm, quiet and well behaved as a horse can be and showed at 
his best.  We are very proud and having a quiet glass of champagne while 
Borken is back in his pasture, wondering what everybody got so excited 
about.  Along with the two Dexter fillies we are sending another white 
Borken daughter to the US next week and of course we congratulate the new 
owners on choosing horses with such distinguished pedigrees!

On Sunday the German Fjord Association and Fjord Horse International 
hosted an international conference, with equine scientist Dr. von Borstel 
lecturing on "Breeding in Small Populations / Risks and their Avoidance" 
and two rounds of discussions with an international panel:  Prof. Nils 
Ivar Dolvik, head judge of the Norwegian Fjord Association, Karl Vie, 
"embassador" of the Norwegian Fjord Association, Ursula Jensen, 
representing the Canadian Fjord Horse Association, Maureen van Leeuwen, 
secretary general of the Dutch Fjord Studbook, Sabine Münch of the Swiss 
Fjord Association, Jan Verbeeck representing the Belgian Fjord Studbook, 
Birgit Mortensen, president of the Danish Fjord Association, Leif 
Grimbühler, judge for the Danish Fjord Association and myself as host and 
president of the German Fjord Association.  The two rounds of discussion 
covered the topics of "market vs. museum / what are we breeding for?" and 
"type vs. performance / how do we keep the balance?".  Both rounds gave a 
good insight into the philosophy and strategy for the breed in the 
different countries.  From the scientific lecture the need for a common 
strategy was obvious to everybody and during the discussions common views 
and opinions outweighed the differences by far. As a result of these 
discussions a common international vision and strategy for developing and 
marketing the Fjord horse breed seems to be the next logical step.

Further activities of our association at Equitana include the presentation 
of Fjord horses in the "Fjord Village" with exhibitors from all parts of 
the country and Norwegian participation by Norges Fjordhestlag, the 
Norwegian Fjordhestsenter at Nordfjordeid with their A(rtificial) 
I(nsemination) and semen collection facilities, plus the Norwegian 
Fjordhestgaard at Breim.

For the first time in many years the spectacular evening Gala Show 
includes Fjord Horses, a quadrille of 12 driven pairs!  For fun our Fjord 
driving team put together two 6 in hand plus two 4 in hand plus two pairs 
for the day program, doing the same pattern in the day program.  Try to 
imagine two 6 in hand cantering on the inner circle and the rest in the 
counter direction on the outer circle and you will know why it brought 
tears to my eyes to see what our little horses

German stallion show / Equitana - long, but read it anyway!

2009-03-16 Thread Eike Schoen-Petersen

This message is from: "Eike Schoen-Petersen" 

Last weekend the German Jubilee Stallion Show took place at Equitana, the 
world's largest equine fair, at Essen, Germany.  40 licenced and performance 
tested Fjord stallions were presented to the judges for the evaluation of 
type, conformation,correctness, movements and overall impression.  The 
trotting round took place in the big arena, 5000 visitors watching the best 
German Fjord stallions being trotted up.  The spectators sat tight for one 
and a half hours, fascinated by our wonderful breed.   The association's 
decision to move the stallion show to this venue for our 35 year jubilee 
certainly proved effective in terms of showing to the real public.  Equitana 
draws several hundreds of thousands of visitors every two years - a good 
opportunity to show off!!  Judging was done by two professional judges from 
Germany and Mr. Jan Verbeeck from Belgium, judge from the international list 
of Fjord Horse International.

In the final round the Stallion DEXTER by Dylan - Orlandos was the obvious 
champion.  Dexter was placed first at his licencening as a young stallion, 
took first in his performance test and now took the Championship!!  Great 
support for our personal breeding strategy as we leased Dexter on the spot 
when we first saw him and used him for a season.  Dexter's offspring has 
developed as expected and we are proud (and a little sad) to announce that 
two of his daughters will be leaving for North America next week.

Our own white dun Norwegian bred stallion Solbjør Borken took second place 
in his ring of stallions 12 years and older, which places him somewhere 
between 4th and 6th of all the licenced and performance tested stallions in 
the country.  He was awarded a "Bundesprämie" = "Federal Premium" by the 
National Equestrian Federation, the highest honour a breeding horse can 
receive in our country.  True to his form Borken was the definite "Mister 
Cool" of the show, followed by his promising son Björn.  Borken was about as 
calm, quiet and well behaved as a horse can be and showed at his best.  We 
are very proud and having a quiet glass of champagne while Borken is back in 
his pasture, wondering what everybody got so excited about.  Along with the 
two Dexter fillies we are sending another white Borken daughter to the US 
next week and of course we congratulate the new owners on choosing horses 
with such distinguished pedigrees!

On Sunday the German Fjord Association and Fjord Horse International hosted 
an international conference, with equine scientist Dr. von Borstel lecturing 
on "Breeding in Small Populations / Risks and their Avoidance" and two 
rounds of discussions with an international panel:  Prof. Nils Ivar Dolvik, 
head judge of the Norwegian Fjord Association, Karl Vie, "embassador" of the 
Norwegian Fjord Association, Ursula Jensen, representing the Canadian Fjord 
Horse Association, Maureen van Leeuwen, secretary general of the Dutch Fjord 
Studbook, Sabine Münch of the Swiss Fjord Association, Jan Verbeeck 
representing the Belgian Fjord Studbook, Birgit Mortensen, president of the 
Danish Fjord Association, Leif Grimbühler, judge for the Danish Fjord 
Association and myself as host and president of the German Fjord 
Association.  The two rounds of discussion covered the topics of "market vs. 
museum / what are we breeding for?" and "type vs. performance / how do we 
keep the balance?".  Both rounds gave a good insight into the philosophy and 
strategy for the breed in the different countries.  From the scientific 
lecture the need for a common strategy was obvious to everybody and during 
the discussions common views and opinions outweighed the differences by far. 
As a result of these discussions a common international vision and strategy 
for developing and marketing the Fjord horse breed seems to be the next 
logical step.

Further activities of our association at Equitana include the presentation 
of Fjord horses in the "Fjord Village" with exhibitors from all parts of the 
country and Norwegian participation by Norges Fjordhestlag, the Norwegian 
Fjordhestsenter at Nordfjordeid with their A(rtificial) I(nsemination) and 
semen collection facilities, plus the Norwegian Fjordhestgaard at Breim.

For the first time in many years the spectacular evening Gala Show includes 
Fjord Horses, a quadrille of 12 driven pairs!  For fun our Fjord driving 
team put together two 6 in hand plus two 4 in hand plus two pairs for the 
day program, doing the same pattern in the day program.  Try to imagine two 
6 in hand cantering on the inner circle and the rest in the counter 
direction on the outer circle and you will know why it brought tears to my 
eyes to see what our little horses will do for us!

Tired and still overwhelmed

Eike Schön-Petersen 

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Re: 2010 WEG sticker shock

2009-03-16 Thread REENA GIOLA

This message is from: REENA GIOLA 

I had to laugh when I read this!!!

I missed the first one when it came through. that price is  
ridiculous!  What is the 'award' when you win?  a ribbon? a trophy?

I was going to go to a convention in May (not horse related) and to  
take the classes you have to sign up as an attendeefor $175!  That  
DOES NOT include the classes which are close to $100 each.  If I  
wanted to rent a table to display, it was $325!! HOLY COW.  What are  
these organizers thinking?  in this economy?

To make this horsey related, Gustav is shedding like you would not  
believe.  Which I am happy about, the two previous years he wouldn't  
shed out all the way and I ended up clipping off that winter coat as  
it was way to hot for him here in AZ.   He is becoming 'patches the  
pony' though that is when the new coat is showing through the  
older clipped coat (yes he gets clipped even during the winter!)  So  
he has darker spots showing through...


Reena and Gustav
On Mar 16, 2009, at 2:02 PM, jerry friz wrote:

This message is from: "jerry friz" 

Looks like they hired the same folks that  wrecked AIG.

This message is from: Karen McCarthy 

Uh, Jerry that is just the deposit...they don't have even the  
'final' ticket

prices figured out.

Yes I wholeheartedly agree, that's a whole heckofalot of moolah for  
95% of the

This message is from: "jerry friz" 

$375 for dressage, one event, [WHAT] when the nation is in a  

this has to be a scam.

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RE: 2010 WEG sticker shock

2009-03-16 Thread Teressa
This message is from: "Teressa" 

I agree with KMac on the volunteering thing.  Big push by WEG to have
volunteers but when push comes to shove, qualifying to volunteer is quite
difficult - in the case of the driving events, one proviso was that one must
volunteer in 2009 for the national championships as well to be qualified to
volunteer in 2010 for the WEG.  Not to mention they want to know if I'm
"qualified" to be a volunteer.  

But, as for price, take a look at individual tickets for Olympic events.
They are very spendy.  I thought I might get tickets for the ice skating
finals for the Vancouver Olympics...gulp, over $500 for one event.  I don't
care enough to pay that much money.

But for something I care about, like equine sports...I'd say to be able to
see world championships in one venue for all those disciplines in the US is
very cool and doesn't seem all that expensive to me - how much do we pay to
audit a Schumacher clinic?  How much is a lesson with Beth Glosten?  How
much to do a Parelli weekend?  (Never mind buying the Parelli books,
equipment and so on.) And this deposit is for all the events in each
discipline.   So if in dressage, there are five total events, you are paying
about one/half of the price of the top tier tickets for those five events.
The remaining amount is said in the FAQ portion of this website will be
about one half.  It is not an unknown number.

Also, as I understand it, you are only able to take advantage of this
program through individual memberships in a certain discipline.  In the
email I received from Alltech, the link took me to the driving events as I'm
a member of ADS.  The email sent to me contained a username and password in
order for me to access this program.  I presume that I would need to be a
member of USDF to get into the dressage area, and so on.  This really is a
good deal to guarantee tickets ahead of time, IMHO.There are only
limited numbers available for each discipline and it is first come first

Plus, your tickets also include a general admission to the WEG where there
will be enormous numbers of vendors (the better to spend even MORE of your
money) and lots of exhibitors and demos.  Not a bad deal, IMHO.  Probably
not as expensive as two weeks at Disney World and way more fun.


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Re: 2010 WEG sticker shock

2009-03-16 Thread jerry friz

This message is from: "jerry friz" 

Looks like they hired the same folks that  wrecked AIG.
- Original Message - 
From: "Karen McCarthy" 

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: 2010 WEG sticker shock

This message is from: Karen McCarthy 

Uh, Jerry that is just the deposit...they don't have even the 'final' 

prices figured out.

Yes I wholeheartedly agree, that's a whole heckofalot of moolah for 95% of 

population, IMO.

But, I'll bet if you combined the 5% of those equestrians who can afford 

event worldwide, I am sure they will fill every seat.

I know its an honor to host these games, etc, etc, but what the ??

As an aside, I looked into volunteering for this, and it is no walk in the
park signing on and getting a volunteer assignment, even w/ a competitive 
organizational background in whatever discipline you are putting in for. 

my case, driving).

Me-thinks they just might re-think some aspects of this endeavor.

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

Subject: Re: 2010 World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program1017919
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:51:29 -0700

This message is from: "jerry friz" 

I think everybody received this post from the inter-net.

$375 for dressage, one event, [WHAT] when the nation is in a depression,
this has to be a scam.

Jerry Friz,
Anderson, Ca.

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RE: 2010 WEG sticker shock

2009-03-16 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy 

Uh, Jerry that is just the deposit...they don't have even the 'final' ticket
prices figured out.

Yes I wholeheartedly agree, that's a whole heckofalot of moolah for 95% of the
population, IMO.

But, I'll bet if you combined the 5% of those equestrians who can afford this
event worldwide, I am sure they will fill every seat.

I know its an honor to host these games, etc, etc, but what the ??

As an aside, I looked into volunteering for this, and it is no walk in the
park signing on and getting a volunteer assignment, even w/ a competitive and
organizational background in whatever discipline you are putting in for. (In
my case, driving).

Me-thinks they just might re-think some aspects of this endeavor.

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: 2010 World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program1017919
> Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:51:29 -0700
> This message is from: "jerry friz" 
> Mike,
> I think everybody received this post from the inter-net.
> $375 for dressage, one event, [WHAT] when the nation is in a depression,
> this has to be a scam.
> Regards,
> Jerry Friz,
> Anderson, Ca.
> Important FjordHorse List Links:
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> FH-L Archives:
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Fjord Rescue

2009-03-16 Thread fjords
This message is from: 

We took 3 fjords in rescue yesterday. One will be placed in a foster home.
($1000 cost to foster) Foster has right to own once rescue is finalized.
(This means papers will be turned over.)

2 will stay on our farm for LIFE of the horse. 


We are accepting donations of all kinds for these three horses. Halters,
leads, brushes, combs, medicine, feed, bedding and money. All will go for
these three horses only. All will stay with the horse and go with them with
foster homes. 


All have had Vet Care and dental care as of yesterday and today. They are
doing well. considering they were left to starve to death. No water and no
food other than a dirt lot to eat on for 60 days monitoring. 


The 2 year old is in great shape because she nursed off of mom and the other
mare plus had the teeth to eat roots.


The photos on Face Book do not do them justice. They are thinner than the
photos and movie show them to be. 


Any and all donations are accepted through my farm. If you want to foster
the 2 year old contact me directly. EMAIL IS BELOW.


Catherine Lassesen

1-541-825-3027 Southern Oregon

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What Old Fjords Can Do

2009-03-16 Thread Margaret Bogie
This message is from: Margaret Bogie 

Since Bonnie asked, I'll mention that my mare Serina 2075-B went to an NFHR 
Evaluation at age 27 1/2.? Not only did she get a high red in conformation (not 
bad for a great-grandmother) but she had the high score in EVERY one of her 
performance tests.? She ended up with blue ribbons in Intro Riding and Driving 
and a red in Advanced Riding.? The next year, at age 28 1/2, she went back and 
did Intro Draft.? She scored a 91 on the test.? Sadly, she died unexpectedly 
this fall, but she was in great health until the end and worked in our lesson 
program.? She finished out her career S1, G4, V.? She achieve more in the NFHR 
system in a one year period than any other Fjord I have owned.

Old Fjords can do a lot in my opinion.

Margaret Bogie
Ironwood Farm
Rixeyville, VA

***Fjords for sale:? 2004 AWESOME brown dun gelding, 2006 brown dun mare, 2008 
brown dun gelding and a 2008 white dun colt.***

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Re: 2010 World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program1017919

2009-03-16 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" 

At 12:51 PM 3/16/2009, you wrote:
>This message is from: "jerry friz" 
>I think everybody received this post from the inter-net.
>$375 for dressage, one event, [WHAT] when the nation is in a depression, this 
>has to be a scam.

No it isn't a scam.  I don't think it is for one event either.  The prices were 
for the whole series of events for one discipline. 

Still pretty expensive though.


>Jerry Friz,
>Anderson, Ca. 
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Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497 

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Re: 2010 World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program1017919

2009-03-16 Thread jerry friz

This message is from: "jerry friz" 

I think everybody received this post from the inter-net.

$375 for dressage, one event, [WHAT] when the nation is in a depression, 
this has to be a scam.

Jerry Friz,
Anderson, Ca. 

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Fwd: 2010 World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program1017919

2009-03-16 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" 

If anyone is interested in going to this you need to get tickets NOW!


>Reserve Your Tickets Now!
>2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Ticket Deposit Program For
>USDF Begins March 18!
>Be among the first in the world to reserve your tickets for the 2010 Alltech 
>FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington, KY. The Ticket Deposit Program for 
>USDF members begins March 18, 2009 at noon, EST! The offer is for "discipline 
>series tickets", which are tickets for every performance in a specific 
>discipline during the Games. This offer allows you to make a non-refundable 
>deposit, approximately 50% of what is predicted for the highest priced seats, 
>to reserve the series ticket with the balance due in the spring of 2009. There 
>is a limit of 6 series tickets per discipline per member. Single day tickets 
>are not part of this offer. There are a limited number of tickets available in 
>each discipline and the offer will end when your group's allotment sells out, 
>or at midnight EST Wednesday, March 25 2009, whichever comes first. 
>This ticket deposit offer to USDF members is only available online; no orders 
>will be taken by phone or mail.
>Deposit prices per series ticket are as follows:
>Opening Ceremonies$75
>Closing Ceremonies$40
>Please click here to purchase tickets!
>Please note no individual tickets will be sold; you are placing a deposit on 
>an entire series. 
>Don't wait there are a limited number of tickets and they will sell out fast!
>Enter your Account ID [% ACCOUNT ID %] and password [% PASSWORD %]
>Under BUY TICKETS select "Deposit Events"
>Now select the plan that represents you.
>Put a check mark next to each event you are interested in buying tickets to.
>Enter the number of tickets you are looking for in each discipline.
>After you have reviewed your selection and are happy select CHECKOUT
>Review your order summary and when ready select CONTINUE
>Select your delivery method and click CONTINUE
>The Payment Plan will be selected for you.Click CONTINUE
>Complete you're billing information and select PURCHASE TICKETS
>A confirmation number will be given to you, please make note of it.  You will 
>also receive a confirmation email.
>As some events will be limited, seats may not be found. 
>The password is good for a maximum of six (6) tickets per event. 
>As some events will be limited, seats may not be found. 
>The password is good for a maximum of six (6) tickets per event. 
>You are receiving this because you are a USDF member.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497 

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