Re: Replacing helmets

2009-10-20 Thread

This message is from: "" 

...How do you know all of this stuff?

The short answer is I'm a geek. The long answer is I'm a PhD engineer, 
and I have taught environmental science, technical science, and physics 
at the local community college. I have also worked in the fields of 
industrial chemical production, hazardous waste management, plastics 
manufacturing, and waste treatment.

...Did you call the manufacturer to get this detailed information?

No, that really isn't necessary. Information on why and how helmets work 
is independent of any manufacturer and is fairly easy for anyone to 
find. A quick Google search tonight turned up this decent article that 
covers the basics:


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RE: Fjords at the circus

2009-10-20 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy 


 If you go the pedigree area of the NFHR website, enter: feld entertainment
under owner.

Of the 4 that appear, I do not know which were the ones that died in the train
accident in Ohio. Maybe Patti Jo can help.

I looked thru all of the Ringling Bros. websites & shows, for US (2) and
Europe (1), and could only see one lonely image of a fjord on a leadline in
the pre-show petting area.

Did not see them in any of the show images or listed under any acts.They were
certainly not listed in the horse breed area.  Maybe they are still 'working'
them in as an act, also maybe the act they are under is not one of the main
acts in the circus heirarchy (yet).

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Fjords at the circus
> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 15:16:26 -0700
> This message is from: Corinne Logan 
> I keep forgetting to ask: Does anyone know of the Fjords that are part of
> Ringling Bros circus act? Anyone else seen them? >

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RE: Replacing helmets

2009-10-20 Thread laura fisher
This message is from: laura fisher 


How do you know all of this stuff? (seriously) I am impressed and you have
convinced me to replace my helmet. ( I am cheap)...(and lazy)...I took a bad
fall a couple years ago and I know it saved me. On the ground I wear it around
the horses and have survived several bad side waps to my head Did you call
the manufacturer to get this detailed information?

 I hope the people who read this are now convinced to replace what at first,
seems,( but isn't ) -to be an expensive item-

Last year I got wopped in the jaw as my horse grabbed his hoof back and I was
very lucky-no broken jaw. Unfortunately my helmet didn't help, but that one
trip to the emergency room cost one thousand dollars.

Laura :)

> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:31:51 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Replacing helmets
> This message is from: "" 
> You are comparing apples and oranges. The issue of polystyrene degrading
> in a landfill is not related to a helmet keeping its full
> impact-cushioning properties after years of normal handling and use.
> A helmet is designed to be a sacrificial safety item. It has to be
> fragile enough to crush and deform correctly under the types of impacts
> for which it was designed.
> Even during normal use and handling, a helmet will gets slightly flexed
> and bumped. Over time, the polystyrene layer can become slightly
> compressed and even get tiny surface fractures. Also polystyrene gets
> more brittle with exposure to air pollutants and UV light.
> It isn't just the polystyrene layer that is of concern -- the outer
> shell and the inner harness are also important. The outer shell spreads
> the force of an impact over more area -- very important for the
> polystyrene to function correctly to dissipate energy. The inner harness
> keeps the helmet correctly in place during an impact. With normal use
> and handling and exposure to sunlight and air, these elements will wear
> and can become less effective.
> These changes resulting from normal use and time might be small, maybe
> not even visible to the naked eye, but they can gradually reduce the
> helmet's effectiveness. You need to be reasonably certain that the
> helmet you are wearing will work the way it is supposed to work upon
> impact, hence the recommendation to replace a helmet after "X" years of
> It hasn't come up in this discussion, but I'll also add that motorcycle
> helmets or bicycle helmets are not substitutes for horse riding helmets.
> Each helmet is designed for particular types of impacts, including the
> direction of force and the total force, that are the most common for a
> particular activity. --DeeAnna
> Corinne Logan wrote:
> > helmets all have styrofoam in them ... that stuff never breaks
> > down in our landfills
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Fjord Research Questions Response

2009-10-20 Thread
This message is from: "" 

Dear Kathy and Willi

I honestly have no opinion in whether or not white markings are desirable, I
see them as purely a trait that some horses have and I am interested in
how they are inherited. I do realize, from conversations with other
individuals (in the Fjord community and other equine breed associations) that
opinions do arise regarding white markings. I just want to cover all bases,
and in case individuals are worried about the trait, I want everyone to
know that we respect everyone’s opinions, we realize this may be a sensitive
issue for some, and we will do everything to make sure that our data
collected and results are as reasonable and correct as possible.

Dear Bonnie

“Are you referring to white markings with pink skin only?”
This is an excellent question, and is one that we have been discussing for
quite some time. It might be thought that if a horse has white hair, it
also has pink skin, however, we know this is not always the case. At this
point of our study, when we refer to white markings, we are not specifying
that there must also be pink skin. The main reason we chose this route for the
beginning stages of our research is for data collection. We felt it
might be asking much more of individuals who have horses with white to
determine whether or not they have pink skin. This might sound fairly simple,
but if you have a Fjord with a smaller white marking, it becomes more
difficult and it is sometimes hard to tell. This issue will definitely be
addressed in the later stages of our study, but as of now, please submit a
survey for any horse, even if they have white without pink skin (make a
note on the survey if this is the case).

“As all Fjords have white hairs. Are there certain areas of the body that
would be excluded?”
I would have to say that no areas of the body are excluded. If the white hairs
are near 100% characteristic of the breed, for example having white in
the mane/forelock/tail, and some have lighter hairs on the lower leg, then
those hairs do not need to be reported. If your horse has white hairs that
you do not believe are a “white marking”, go ahead and fill out a survey,
describing the hairs in detail, and if you believe you know what they are
from. For example, you might have a horse that has white on his neck from a
reaction to an injection, or white on their head from old age, or on
their back from a saddle/harness not fitting right, or even from an injury. We
realize that white hairs arise from a variety of means, and if you
submit a survey saying your horse has white hairs on his shoulder, we’re not
going to automatically define a new type of marking if all other
evidence supports the marking resulting from an injection, injury, wear, age,
etc. So if the white hairs are typical of the Fjord (mane, forelock,
tail) those do not have to be submitted, but if you have a horse with white
hairs on another location, go ahead and submit it, more information is
always better than less information in our research.

“How much area or hairs counts as a white marking?”
It’s hard to define exactly a “white marking”, therefore, for our
research, if you see any white hairs/markings, go ahead and submit a survey,
write a description on the markings/hairs and what you believe they might be
the result of.

“If colored hairs and white hairs are mixed does that count?”
Once again, another excellent question. If you look at different breeds of
horses that have large white markings over their body, you might notice
that between the areas of white and color there is a small “blended” area.
I did speak to a molecular biologist professor here at Murray State a
while back about areas of depigmentation, and one explanation he offered was a
sort of progression of the markings throughout a lineage. Once again,
this was a while back and I do not remember exactly the detail s of the
inheritance or origination on the cellular scale of these areas. I would say
that if the colored hairs and the white hairs are mixed, it would count for
this part of our study. Once again, go ahead and submit a survey with a
description of the markings. If we receive surveys saying that a Fjord has a
few white hairs and the owner is unsure about where they came from, or
if they have an area where white hairs and colored hairs are mixed without a
solid white area, we will mark them on our pedigree, but we will not
compare them directly with individuals who have conclusive white stars,
blazes, socks etc. If it comes to a point that it is key for us to know
exactly what type of marking an individual has (that has a white hairs/colored
hairs combination), we will contact the owner/breeder for more

I would like to say thank you all so much for your questions, input, and help!
This is all so wonderful for the progression of our research! If you
have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us and we will be
more than happy to help! Remember 

RE: Helmets Comment #3

2009-10-20 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden 

OK, I do have one more comment:
When we were forming Zia Carriage Driving Club, we had a big debate about
requring helmets. We put in our membership form that all under age 18 would
wear helmets whenever horses were present,. We continued to discuss the
issue and finally decided that we would require helmets by any participant
in a horse related activity.  We do make an exception for pleasure shows,
but encourage the use of decorated helmets. I know this policy cost us some
members...too bad for them. The telling comment for helping us decide to be
firm about most events was one of our more senior members, who upon thinking
the issue over decided to finally buy a helmet because he wanted to set an
example for his grandchildren. They could never say, "why do I have to wear
one when you don't?" The other reason is one our primary purposes is to
educate our members and safety was of utmost concern. When we have a clinic,
we make sure the clinician is aware that he/she will wear a helmet while
providing exceptions. This has never caused a problem.

If everyone is wearing a helmet, no one feels funny wearing one.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses.  ~Herman
Melville, Redburn. His First Voyage, 1849

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2009 #200

2009-10-20 Thread CrystalZak
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In a message dated 10/20/09 12:23:19 PM, writes:

> Anyone have any better answers other than the
> > manufacturers need to keep selling helmets? BTW, I totally understand
> > replacing after an accident, just not for normal useage.

i would also thing being exposed to chemicals and other such things on the 
hair would eventually degrade the styrofoam...

just a thought

laurie, and oz, the filthy dirty yak

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Fjords needing new homes

2009-10-20 Thread Pedfjords
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In a message dated 10/19/2009 5:53:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> Kit Davis wrote:
> A friend of mine (88 year old woman) was recently killed in a horse 
> accident, and her family has asked me to help them in selling her herd 
> of Fjords. She has 8 mares, 7 weanling fillies, and a 2 yr old stallion 
> (well bred and very handsome).
> They will be priced reasonably as the family wants them sold by winter. 
> There may also be an auction of harness and horse driving equipment.
> Folks can contact me about these horses; they are also shown on my 
> website -- click on "Sales List".
> Thanks,
> Kit Davis
> 218-729-7062

 I spoke to Kit the other night about this situation and these horses. 
I just this week got myself into another rescue of 2 Fjords from WA. ( why 
the heck do Fjords from there always need new homes and find ME ? ) * cant be 
from UT. AZ. CA. somewhere CLOSE...

so, I cannot help out personally with any from this herd, BUT, if I could, 
there would be a couple of mares, a few babies and  for sure that 2 yr old 
stallion, who dispite his eye injury from a fence accident when he was a 
weaner, is very well bred. ( WH Stone X Wood's Else )  Check out his picture on 
the NFHR webpage and his dams also. I have today, 6 intact males here (  
days young ) so not stallion shopping at the moment, but from bloodlines and 
appearences, he just might be a wonderful herd sire for someone.  

Kit has taken alot of time to get down there and help the family get all of 
the paperwork together with these horses. Tail hairs have been pulled on 
the youngsters and as always, check with Mike on the status of their 
registrations, but I have known Kit Davis a long time and if she says its good 
to go, 
it is. 

Hope some folks in the WI. MN. area can help out a few of these nice 
Fjords. Winter is on the doorstep in MN. and I fear for their future at auction 
not placed soon in new homes. Im sure that any reasonable offer will be 
considered. Call Kit for questions. Lisa

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Re: Replacing helmets

2009-10-20 Thread Lola Lahr
This message is from: Lola Lahr 

Yes, you would replace a helmet taht has been in the box for 5 yrs. because
of the environmental effects on the materials of the helmet. I feel it is
better to err on the side of caution when making decisions about things like
protecting my brain,so, for the $50 or so, it's worth it.

On 10/19/09, jerry friz  wrote:
> This message is from: "jerry friz" 
> What if your helmet was kept in a box for 5 years? [never used] Would you
> pitch it out?
> Regards,
> Jerry Friz,
> Anderson, Ca.
> -
> Subject: Replacing helmets

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whisperers and egos

2009-10-20 Thread Pedfjords
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In a message dated 10/20/2009 11:23:19 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> The reason you do not see our people wearing helmets is because we try to
> teach people that rather than be brave because they are wearing a a helmet 
> to
> protect
> them, they would be better off not riding until their horse is behaving
> safely.
> People have called us brave for not wearing helmets, but we say they are a
> lot braver than we are. We would not get on their horse until we had
> addressed
> the issues that cause it to behave in unsafe ways.
> We hope this helps,
> From the Faculty, Parelli Centers

  For one, I know 2 people who are Parelli followers who, when this rather 
bad press came out, did, for themselves, also write for explanations on this 
helmet stand. Both got similar letters, then there was a period of silence 
from the " official " camp. I also heard when they changed their opinion on 
helmets and started putting out one of 2 same versions of what you recieved 
Heather.  GOOD !

For the record.I personally care less that they changed their opinion 
than the fact that they did. I also believe that if all other horse training 
marketers started wearing helmets during their demos that it would greatly 
help the often newby group looking for training help. When the rodeo bull 
riders started wearing protective headgear it opened the door for alot of " 
wanna-be-never-will-be's to think about their face, teeth, neck and brain while 
climbing on a 2000 lb jet engine without steering. 

Now, if you could get MY ego where it should be, and wear a helmet in the 
show ring when Im driving my horses.but, what would I do with all of 
those vintage hats I have collected ??? ; )  * I do 
it in my training and home life. Helmet head hair and proud.

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not at all called for

2009-10-20 Thread Pedfjords
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In a message dated 10/20/2009 11:23:19 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> This message is from: "" <
> Lisa P wrote:
> I will have to read Phills article
> again.   Lisa
> Pat Holland writes:
> Comparing what Robin is doing at University level and reading the article
> Phil scratched together is like comparing The Wall Street Journal with The
> National Enquirer.

 And quite rude as well. Lisa

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white markings and sources of research

2009-10-20 Thread
This message is from: "" 

Lisa P wrote:

I will have to read Phills article
again.   Lisa

Pat Holland writes:

Comparing what Robin is doing at University level and reading the article
Phil scratched together is like comparing The Wall Street Journal with The
National Enquirer.

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Pony Club meets the Fjords

2009-10-20 Thread KBatchelor
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This past Sunday, our small Fjord farm hosted a Pony Club group of about  
ten girls who had never seen a Fjord before.  The girls were so  enthusiastic 
and appreciative and the ponies behaved wonderfully.  At one  point, as one 
of the girls came trotting toward me on Monark, she yellled, "I  WANT 
one!!"  It was a great 
day--if the Fjord ambassador position were paid, I think I'd be getting a  
_ ( 
Happy Fjording!
Kris in NC

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